Commuter Survey 2007
Eddie Sheehy Wicklow County Manager
Introduction •County Wicklow – one of the most rapid growing counties in Ireland •Need for industrial and commercial investment to match population growth. •County Wicklow is well positioned for economic investment, and has a highly skilled workforce.
2006 CSO County Wicklow Overview Population Growth 2002 114,676 2006 126,194 +10% 2016 est.150,000 Labour Force 2002 52,016 2006 62,369
2006 CSO County Wicklow Overview Commuter Journey Distance: •9,914 people travel between 25-49 kms •4,799 people travel over 50kms Commuter Journey Time: •9,619 people travel more than 1 hour.
Background For the purpose of this research. A commuter is defined as ‘Someone living in County Wicklow and working outside of the County’.
•Little research done to date •No analysis of composition of County Wicklow’s commuter population. •Commuters represent a tremendous opportunity on which to build a strong local economy, as they contain a rich variety of employment skills.
Background •The challenge is to provide high quality jobs in Wicklow, to reduce commuting and improve the quality of life for residents.
Objective of Study •Quantify the potential of commuter population represented by the respondents •Analyse commuter profile. •Ascertain preference for working locally, and if so for less income or in different sector?
Methodology •Survey was carried out during 5 month period, June – October 2007. •Aimed at commuters using public and private transport on a county wide basis. •Survey sheets were handed out during morning peak travel time at: •Dart and Train stations. (Bray, Greystones Kilcoole, Wicklow, Rathdrum, Arklow)
•Bus stops (Kilmacanogue, Bray, Greystones, Newcastle, Kilcoole, Ashford, Wicklow, Arklow, Blessington, Baltinglass)
Methodology •To capture commuters using private transport a dedicated website containing the questionnaire was developed: •Six Road Signs put up along N11 and N81 to highlight the website. •An extensive media campaign to advertise the survey took place in local papers and on local radio.
Results •1,100 responses by post and online. •1056 valid – analysis based on these. Breakdown •55.6 Male •44.4% Female Age profile:
Age Category
Up to 25 years 26 – 40 years 41 – 50 years 51 – 60 years
9.1% 62.4% 17.9% 9.5%
Results Educational Background: •19% of respondents have Leaving Certificate qualification only. •78% of respondents have 3rd Level Qualification. Census 2006: •31.5% of County Wicklow’s population have a 3rd Level Qualification which is comparable with national average.
Residence of respondents: Bray
Arklow Blessington Kilcoole Delgany Baltinglass Ashford Newtownmountkennedy Rathdrum Other / Not Stated
9.1% 6.9% 5.8% 4.2% 2.3% 1.9% 2.9% 2.4% 9.6%
Results Note: 46.7% of respondents are from the north of the County. About 10% of respondents are from the west of the County. 43 % from other parts of the County.
Results Work Status: •91.3% Full-Time •7.1% Part-Time •1.6% Other/Not Stated •89.8% of respondents commute to work every weekday.
Results •36.21 kms is the average distance travelled to work. •45.9% travelled between 11 – 30 kms. (Many respondents working in Dublin live close to the County border). •26.9% travelled between 31 – 50 kms.
Results Length of Journey time to work: •Average journey time: 64 minutes. •30-60 mins. - 45.9% of respondents •60-90 mins. - 36.0% of respondents
Length of journey time home: •Average journey time: 68 minutes •30-60 mins. - 42.9% •60-90 mins. - 37.6%
Results Time left home to go to work: Before 06.00 06.01 - 06.30 06.31 - 07.00 07.01 - 07.30 07.31 - 08.00 08.01 - 08.30
3.1% 5.3% 16.5% 31.0% 24.6% 11.6%
08.31 - 09.00 5.4% 55.6% leave home between 7.00 – 8.00 80.5% leave home before 8am.
Results 50
Means of Travel
Motor Car
Car Passenger
Car + Public Transport On Foot + Public Transport Train/Bus/Dart
15 10
Results Location of Employment: 2.7%
7.7% 23.3%
3.9% 20.9% 8.7%
City Centre Dublin North Dublin East Dublin West Dublin South Dun Laoghaire Co.Meath Co.Kildare Other Dublin
Results Employment Sector: Sector Financial Services IT/Software Public Service Professional Services Engineering Retail Construction Health Care Hospitality Other
Percentage 20.5% 18.0% 14.3% 12.8% 6.7% 5.2% 3.2% 3.9% 2.7% 12.7%
Results Average Annual Salary •15.6 % of respondents earn < €30,000 •35.1 % of respondents earn between €30,000 and €50,000. •18.2% of respondents earn between €60,000 and €70,000 •11.8% of respondents earn between €70,000 and €100,000 •4.2 % of respondents earn + €100,000
Results Preference of work location •81.9% of respondents would prefer to work in County Wicklow •10.4% of respondents would prefer not to work in County Wicklow •7.6% Either didn’t know or didn’t answer Clear indication that commuters would prefer to work closer to home
Results Accept a decrease in salary to work in County Wicklow? •59.2% Yes •39.3% No This shows that most respondents would prefer to work closer to home, even for less money
Results When asked how much of a drop in salary would be acceptable? •35.4% would accept less than 5% •47.2% would accept between 5 and 10 % •13.1% would accept between 11 and 20% •2.9% would accept a drop in salary of over 20% to work closer to home Most respondents were willing to make a trade off in terms of income for improved quality of life as a result of less commuting
Results Willingness to change sector to work closer to home: •67.9% of respondents would change sector to work closer to home. •31.3% would not. This is significant, given the difficulties some respondents might experience in changing employment sector
Conclusion Main Points: ď&#x192;&#x2DC;A business looking to relocate to County Wicklow can recruit from a highly skilled, well educated and experienced workforce living locally.
Conclusion Main Points: ď&#x192;&#x2DC;Large percentage of commuters wish to work locally, even if for less income or in a different sector.
Conclusion Main Points: ď&#x192;&#x2DC;Need for WCC to encourage economic development and to create business/industry friendly environment.
Conclusion Main Points: ď&#x192;&#x2DC;56% of respondents work in office based service industry, which is transferable. Thus signifying the need for a planning policy that facilitates the development of high quality business parks.
Conclusion Main Points: ď&#x192;&#x2DC;New residential development in the County requires increased economic investment to sustain our growing population.
Conclusion High commuting trend is not sustainable because: Economic cost of commuting. Environmental cost of commuting and congestion. Need for improved public transport. Adverse social implications in terms of family life, community integration and general quality of life.
Aspects worth noting • 78%
of respondents have a 3rd level education. •848 out of 1056 respondents are in 26 – 50 age group. This highlights age profile of workers. •78% of respondents from East coast of County. Indicates higher concentration of commuters.
Aspects worth noting •Survey does not include Gorey commuters going to Dublin. •46% of respondents have journey distance between 11 – 30 km. Most likely from North of County and using public transport.
Commuter Survey Sample Commuter Survey Sheet handed out with prepaid envelope.
Thank You