Module Submission Form

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RATIONALE The briefs selected in the main allowed me to explore the relationship of Branding, Promotion and Design across both print and digital media, which has informed my concept development and design practice. I wanted to understand the relationship of Culture and Brand ‘Worlds’ and how Corporations are using these to create experiences to interact with people. This lead to a new found interest in Retail Spaces, which I was able to take forward with Brief 1. I also wanted to continue to develop strong Indesign, type and layout skills as going forward these are essential skills in the Industry.


Staff Use

All work must be clearly presented and labelled with the brief title, your name and any other appropriate information. Please include a printed version of each brief and separate the work appropriately. Your end of module evaluation should be posted to your Final Major Project blog. by the stated Deadline

Brief 1

Brands, Authenticity and Culture

Submitted ✓

Brief 2

D&AD Unilever Exploit a Brands Power

Brief 3

Interior Design Year Book (Additional)

Brief 4

Branding and promotion for a Furniture Making Student

Brief 5

Theatre Dance School - Prospectus, Web Design etc

Design Context Title Brief 7

Brief 6 -Design context – Brands and I

Geek Table (Additional)

Brief 8 Brief 9

Alumni Identity Competition LCA Prospectus Pitch (Additional)

✓ ✓

Statement of intent Project File Evaluation

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Title and Brief Summary – include a short rationale for each brief identifying why you chose it, what was the focus of the brief and how long you spent on it. Design Context (Brief 6)

Brands and I The catalyst for my interest in Brands, Authenticity and Young People was my dissertation about Vans and its relationship with culture. I wanted to explore this further in my practice and also research current thinking about authenticity and also how current technology was driving brand design and experiences. The case bound book format also developed my Indesign skills further. I have spent at least four weeks both researching and developing the content and design.


Brands, Authenticity and Culture (Significant) This was a research heavy brief and the concept was very much informed by the research as was intended right at the beginning. This lead to me proposing a retail/cultural experience which informs young people about the strong links between certain subcultures and brands. I have spent at least four weeks researching and concept developing and then four days designing the proposed outcomes.


D&AD Unilever Exploit a Brands Power (Significant) This brief appealed to me as I was able to better understand a large global brand and its current brand strategy. Although the brief was an ‘open brief’ it required me to work within strict brand guidelines which appealed to me as this is a challenge often faced by designers. The focus of the brief was taking the Campaign to create an ‘experience’ which the target audience would interact with. I spent three weeks on this brief.


Interior Design Year Book (Additional) This was an opportunity to collaborate with Sarah Pritchard, Baljeet Kaur Samra and Beth Yates and also work on a live brief for print. The focus of the brief for me was about content at the early stages as Sarah volunteered to take the design and layout forward. As there were only 19 students there was not enough content to split the workload at this stage. I spent about one week on this brief, which included attending meetings.


Branding and promotion for a Furniture Making Student (Significant) This was an opportunity to work with a LCA student on a different course. The focus of the brief was developing a personal identity and promotional material for Tom with a view to him obtaining employment on graduation. The brief was collaborative in the sense that I designed and Tom used his skills to craft (he made the business cards and folder from my designs) I have spent approximately four weeks on this brief. Theatre Dance School - Prospectus, Web Design etc (Significant) This was a live brief with a local dance school. The challenge in the brief was taking a design to commercial print on a limited budget. It was essential to establish relationships with local printers. I extended the brief to include exploring web design, again on a budget, using a web template platform. I have spent approximately four weeks on this brief



Brief 8

Brief 9

Geek Table (Additional) Working collaboratively with Bethany Yates, Claudia Griffin, Sarah Pritchard, Sophie Wilson, Kirsty Alderson, Kirsty Hardingham and Baljeet Kaur Samra. Initially the geek table set briefs to work towards. The idea being we showed of our Geek strength. Mine was Concept Geek. This was an opportunity to have some fun however the timing of it (Around interviews/ISTD and D&AD submission meant I did not engage with it as much as I would have liked. I went on to set the Cargo account up. I have spent a total of one week on this brief. Alumni Identity Competition (Significant) This brief was an opportunity to win some money and also could lead to further live work on leaving University. The identity concept development also fitted with my Design Practice. I have chosen to add it as a significant brief as it is a realistic representation of the amount of time you would be given in the real world to research, concept and design development. I am pleased with the concept and identity despite the College choosing not to use it. I spent about five days on this brief LCA Prospectus Pitch (additional) This was a collaborative brief with Jamie Flear ad Claudia Griffin although due to the tight deadline following me identifying the concept I designed most of the pitch, which was unsuccessful. I think however we made marketing think twice about how they pitch for a brief in future as there was a considerable amount of confusion about what they actually wanted. I spent about five days on this brief.

Additional Comments I slightly lost sight of FMP over the Easter period when I became more focussed on studio visits and applying for jobs. This has proved a challenge ever since for example preparing for a job interview last Monday and managing printing the design context and dance school prospectus on the same day.



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