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CHAPTER 5 Evaluation of Indonesia’s Policy Intervention

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Chapter 5

Evaluation of Indonesia’s Policy Intervention


In this last chapter, the first step for doing the evaluation of policy intervention, author creates a list of factors and problems that cause flood disaster in Jakarta due to the river’s overflow in the rainy season and sea level rise effect. Then, evaluate which term in the current implementation of some Indonesia’s policies still could not resolve the problems and how far it has been worked from what was promised in the policies. Lastly, the author offers recommendations on how to adapt or change those current policies. Furthermore, the author also gives some plan of actions for reducing the flood hazard risk from sea and rivers effectively.

Flood-causing Factors and Problems in Jakarta

Based on the third chapter, author identified how the

characteristic of Jakarta’s geography and community get the impact of the flood from river and sea. This first step is giving a brief conclusion of whole flood-causing factors and problems in Jakarta. It will be simplified by determining that problems into different categorize according to the lessons taken from the case studies and the lack of Jakarta’s urban element (see Table 3). Moreover, this category will provide an understandable explanation for the next evaluating the lack of current Indonesia’s policies.

Table 3. List of Flood-causing Factors and Problems step which is

Flood-causing Factors and Problems

The land subsidence decreases continuously because until now the community still use the ground water rather than the surface or existing water resources utilization

The land use transforms in the upstream zone and resulting of the water debit and run-off enhancement around 65%

High ocean waves in the coastal line about 5 mm/year

Inappropriate management system of Ciliwung River in the upstream area High precipitation intensity (377 mm/day)

Improper floodgates and water pump stations location Poor disposal system for handling wastes

Society still dispose their households’ garbage in open drains such as river

Encroachment of slums and squatters (illegal) on riverbanks due to the limited space and high house demand

Low amount of public green open space (4.65%) and still far from the total of government’s target (20%)

Numerous neighbourhood societies in Jakarta have grown small range of adaptation actions Source: Author, 2020

Categorize of Problems

Land Use Arrangement Community Participation

Land Use Arrangement

Water Catchment & Drainage Treatment Water Catchment & Drainage Treatment

Water Catchment & Drainage Treatment Water Catchment & Drainage Treatment Waste Management Waste Management Community Participation Land Use Arrangement Community Participation Land Use Arrangement Green Open Space Capacity Community Participation

Current Policies Evaluation

After identifying what the factors and problems in Jakarta are, learning the case studies, and dividing that into several categorize of problems, the flood prevention and water management become a fundamental policy. Thus, the author will evaluate how far that policy can solve the flood problems in Jakarta. In the other hand, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) policy is also become the notion which needs to be followed for the adaptation and mitigation that problems in furthermore.

1. Flood Prevention and Water Management Policy

The Ciliwung River is the Jakarta’s most flood decumbent river. However, the

Jakarta’s flood also happened around the coastal line because of the sea level rise impact. Thus, floods are officially represented incompletely

by the national,


provincial, and the local. Therefore, flood disasters prevention management policy must be considered in the part of the governing cities politics (Douglass, 2014). It is requiring able, submitted governments to be compelling; and in the profoundly floodinclined city of Jakarta, urban specialists are scrutinized as often as possible. Since flood casualties together structure a tremendous voter bank for Jakarta's government officials, it shocks no one that the issue of flooding is an expanding matter for Jakarta’s policymakers. Over the previous decades, various strides towards a flood arrangement have been taken in Jakarta. The interagency of flood catastrophe teams have been made, to arrange debacle the board at the provincial level, the region level, and the sub-area level in Indonesia. A national body gives focal coordination support from specialized services including the Directorate General for Water Resources (DGWR) of the Ministry of Public Works (PU). In the interim, the National Forestry Department despite everything has the duty regarding upper watershed preservation, and six provincial Watershed Management Units have been set up in Java. The areas are liable for usage of exercises targeting saving water assets and diminishing disintegration (Hadi, 2008). Thus, the current or latest Indonesia’s policy edition that emphasize the flood issues are the law of the Republic of Indonesia (UU RI) number 7 in 2004 (water resources management and flood control) (see Table 4) and the Regional Spatial Plan 2030 (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah 2030) which created in 2012 by Bureau of Spatial Planning and Environment in Jakarta (see Table 5). However, author only select the strategies which related to the flood mitigation in Jakarta and it still need to be evaluated due to the unaccomplished strategies and contradicted with the current Jakarta’s

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