Urban Design portfolio Wietse Oostra

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planning urban design spatial strategy

portfolio portfo

Portfolio ir. Wietse Oostra

Contents In this short portfolio three diverse projects showcase my methods of work in the field of urban planning. The first project was executed at the technical university of EIndhoven. The second project at the university of applied sciences (HBO) and the last project is an example of work experience at the Dhondt Stedenbouw en Architectuur.

Visit https://www.behance.net/wietseoostra for a extensive overview of projects. This website has been optimized for viewing on all devices.

1 Curriculum Vitae

MsC in Urban Design and Planning

Stationspark Eindhoven 2

Master graduation project TU/e Eindhoven

3 Reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg

Bachelor graduation project NHTV Breda

4 The shrinking population of West-Brabant

work project Dhondt Stedenbouw & Architectuur



+ Professional skills

ir. W.A. Oostra 15-12-1987

MSc. Urban Design & Planning

I am an urban designer who is able to provide guidance in urban issues by integrating different ideas and approaches into a clear spatial vision. As a pragmatic designer I use an analytical approach and aim for simplicity and clarity.

I was educated at the NHTV (Bachelor) and the Technical University of Eindhoven (Master) and am familiar with the entire width of the profession. On the one hand I have acquired a deep understanding of the spatial disciplines in lectures, courses and projects. On the other hand I have developed skills in projects (atelier/studio) that have prepared me to work in the urban design practice. I have proven to be able to work on urban issues using state of the art methods in both multidisciplinary teams and independently. I have applied my know-how successfully during bachelor level internships in Rotterdam, Den Haag and Johannesburg. Before I continued my studies at the master level I have worked at Dhondt Stedenbouw en Architectuur in Breda. At this firm I was deployed as urban designer and responsible for a research into the effects of population shrinkage in WestBrabant commissioned by several housing cooperation’s and municipalities. Later I graduated at the TU/e as MSc urban design and planning. My graduation project entailed a redesign of surrounding areas of the central station of Eindhoven and was valued with a 9/10 grade and nomination for the Archiprix. Besides understanding of the Dutch urban planning practice I have gained international experience during my internship in South-Africa and study trips to the United States and Japan.

design communication decision-making presentation

+ personal skills well-balanced creative innovative reliable independent


+ Hobbies reading movies running travel gaming

+ Applications Adobe CS Ms Office Autocad Sketchup

+ languages Dutch English German

+ Education sept. 2012 - mar. 2015

sept. 2011 - aug. 2012

sept. 2006 - aug. 2010

+ experience Master Urban Design and Planning (WO) Technical University Eindhoven faculty Built Environment. Graduation project stationspark Eindhoven (9/10) Premaster Urban Design and Planning Technical University Eindhoven transition project (8/10) publicated in viaVIA Groot Ziekengasthuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch

feb. 2013 - jun. 2013

aug. 2008 - current feb. 2011 - jun. 2011

Ruimtelijke ordening en planning (HBO) NHTV Breda. Differentiation urban design. Graduation project Reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg

sept. 2005 - jun. 2006

Management,Economy & Law (HBO) Fontys Eindhoven.

sept. 2000 - jun. 2005

Profiel Economy & Society (Havo) 2College Oisterwijk.

+ internships

Technical University Eindhoven Eindhoven. Tutoring students HBO transition program project. GGz Breburg Tilburg/Etten-Leur. logistics and kitchen assistant. Dhondt Stedebouw Breda. Urban designer. i.e. a design driven research in to the effects of population decline on the stock of housing cooperatives. This research was conducted for various housing cooperatives in municipalities in Central- and West-Brabant.


feb. 2010 - jul. 2010

ASM Urban Designers & Architects Johannesburg, Zuid-Afrika.

mar. 2009 - Jul. 2009

Atelier PRO architecten Den Haag.

aug. 2008 - nov. 2008

KuiperCompagnons Rotterdam.

Adres: Margarethalaan 33 5231XL, ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Linkedin: nl.linkedin.com/in/ wietseoostra

Telefoon: 0645952487

Behance: https://www.behance.net/ wietseoostra

Email: wietseo@gmail.com


Master graduation project TU/e year 2015

stationpark Ein

Stationspark Eindhoven


Stationspark Eindhoven The stationspark is a design solution for efficient handling of traffic flows while maintaining and reinforcing the social function of the station area. This approach leads to a strategically located urban node where people live, work, socialize, relax and shop. The economical dynamics that arise at the meeting of mobility networks are better utilized. In order to realize the above the stationspark design suggests to connect the spatial structure of the station environment to the nearby green wedges and parkways. Doing this will create a lively park that is well connected throughout the entire city by an already existing network of green spaces. This intervention turns Eindhoven into the complete green city. This green environment would be attractive to inhabitants of the inner-city and people who work there. Besides that, it would be an pleasant experience for visitors to enter Eindhoven through this urban park.

+1 +1

Nature An inviting urban landscape of tree lined promenades, green fields and streams is at the base of the design.

infrastructure Train, bus and car traffic is looped around or on different levels. Pedestrian and bicyclist can move freely.

Human scale A public space that is well dimensioned for social activities. There are new squares (north and south) and greenspaces.

Left: The station area connects existing green spaces creating an inviting urban landscape. Right: The design is build-up as a system of natural, infrastructural, and social spaces that can all function simultaneously.

100 250


700 m.


Stationspark Eindhoven The upscaling of rail and car infrastructure in the second half of the 20th century resulted in a highly accesible station area. The by product of accesibility was a unpleasant concrete and asphalt environment. The stationpark design proposes an attractive and active urban node. This is done by placing the new housing, offices and commercial developments in a inviting urban landscape.

Legenda radialen kernen urbanisatie water spoorwegen station hoogspoor snelweg hoofd infrastructuur


The lobate city, 1921

The flower model city, 1971.

City with green wedges, 2015

Eindhoven was the result of the annexation of six villages located on high sand ridges between the streams the Dommel and the Gender.

The new neighborhoods grew around radial streets like leaves and were separated by green spaces.

In the current city a highly specialized network of clustered research and knowledge-based businesses are located in an inviting landscape.

Parallel road Education

Busstation Neckerspoelplein

Daylight acces in the Dommel tunnel Offices, hotel & housing Gendermondingpark


Improvement of the connection with the innercity


Stationspark Eindhoven

The widend passengers tunnel (currently in construction) will form the most important connection between north and south Eindhoven. At each end there are public squares that form the entrance to the city.

An attractive urban realm is created at the south side of the station by reintroduction of the Gender( former stream). Looking out over the water there is place to sit underneath the rows of trees that line the square. In the colonnade and façades there are shops and cafÊs. Below the square there is a large parking facility for bicycles. This square provides the access to the inner city of Eindhoven.


Bachelor graduation project NHTV year 2011

aiming the stre

Reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg


Reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg During apartheid the central bussines district (C.B.D) was classified as a whites-only area. After the demise of apartheid in 1994 the white population fled the area and many corporate offices left the C.B.D. to more secure locations in the Northern Suburbs. The C.B.D. fell into decay as many disadvantaged black people moved in, living under poor conditions. By the late 90’s a crime wave swept through the C.B.D. and it turned into a ghost town. The project ‘reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg’ is an approach to revive the post-apartheid C.B.D. through urban design. Accessible, uncongested, safe and clean streets are key to redevelopment of the C.B.D. In this project a hierarchical framework of street typologies is proposed to improve conditions for streets traders, taxis, public transport, pedestrians and other modes of traffic. Improvements of the inner city streets benefits the most people and helps to create the conditions in which the C.B.D. can develop further.

Informal trading Informal traders are crammed along the sidewalks.

walking Conditions for walking are poor. The streets are dirty, in bad condition and connections are missing.

Taxi This important mode of transit blocks the streets and causes congestion.

Jeppe street Many conflicts between verhicular and pedestrian traffic that occur along Jeppestreet are present throughout the C.B.D.


Reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg

Informal street trading


Unconnected pedestrianized areas

KEYWORDS: South-African culture, provides many incomes, structered along mobility axxis, choatic presentation, street refuse, blockade of sidewalks, supply by foot

KEYWORDS: Use by locals, Small busses, C.B.D. is the biggest international hub, boarding and exiting on the street, taxi ranks are clustered along the station area.

KEYWORDS: Pedestrian priorty, privatized public space, connected super blocks (65m. grid), malls, poorly connected, separated by traffic.

INTERVENTION: Organise streettrading in linearmarkets specialised in freshproduce, food, clothing and non-food.

INTERVENTION: Jeppe & Bree street become designated taxi streets.

INTERVENTION: Connect the isolated pedestrian areas by redesigned street profiles of linear markets, taxistreets and BRT streets.

Existing situation without any designated priorities

In the small grid (65m.x65m.) of Johannesburg more space goes to streets compared to a city with larger blocksize. Most of this space is allocated for cars.

Proposed hierarchical network


Reclaiming the streets of Johannesburg Public transport street Eloff street

TAXIstreets Bree & Jeppe street

Lineair markets and a connected pedestrianzed realm

Legend t

taxi street public transit street taxi + public transit pedestrianized street pedestrianized street (existing) public space width of foodpath extended max. 4m. driving direction N


250 m.

Streets are allocated for a specific use such as car, pedestrian or bus. The design of the streets meets the needs of the specific use.


project Dhondt Stedenbouw & Architectuur year 2011

Population shri

The shrinking population of West-Brabant


The shrinking population of West-Brabant GENERAL RESEARCH DESIGN 1. problem statement Dhondt: How can housing corporations deal with the consequences of demographic changes, considering the spatial layout of the neighbourhoods and their existing housing stock? 2. input by housing cooperation: The housing cooperation selects a neighbourhood in which they are active and population shrinkage can be expected to set in.

‘Dhondt urban design and architecture’ initiated an investigation into the effects of population growth and decline on the housing stock of several housing cooperation’s. These properties are located in rural communities that suffer an accelerated population decline because young people move away towards cities. The research focused on the consequences for the physical spatial layout of the neighbourhoods and the existing housing stock. This research led to proposals on how to deal with these demographic changes.


4. Analysis

- Historical development - Survey: function, spatial characteristics, traffic circulation, housing typologies, greenstructure, etc.

- S.W.O.T. - Sustainability - Problem definition: lack of spatial quality, missing infrastructure, bearing greenstructures, parking, etc.



In 2025 a decline of population growth is expected to set off in the rural parts of the Netherlands. After 2040 the population of the Netherlands as a whole will start to decrease.

- Current ownership cooperation - Present housing stock - Technical state of properties - Demographic - Household composition

- Development ownership cooperation - Development of housing demand - Housing stock needed of restructuring - Opportunities for acquisition

5. Design

- Preserve major urban design framework - Introduce new links in urban design - Restructure housing - Meeting the changing housing demand - Life cycle resistant new housing - Focus on sustainability - Ownership of cooperation as tool for change - Guidance for acquisition - Practical and realistic approach

3. Research

These examples of research were done for the housing cooperation Brabantse Waard. Dhondt was commisioned to evaluate the consequences of population shrinkage for the neighbourhood Torenveld in Zevenbergen.





These examples of analysis were made in commission by the housing cooperation Woonvisie. Dhondt evaluated the consequences of population shrinkage for the neighbourhood Ridderkerk-West.

5. Design Pagnevaart Oudenbosch

This example of urban design was made for the neighbourhood Pagnevaart in Oudenbosch. The client was Bernardus wonen.

existing situation Pagnevaart, oudenbosch

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