WLS Magazine

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Wife Life Style Magazine 2017 www.wifelifestyle.com reka@wifelifestyle.com Editor: Reka Szotak English version: Viktoria Sirokmany


  Editor’s note 4-5 Bucket list 8-15 Style 19-43 Gastronomy 44-67 Interview 46-47 Beauty 68-77 Travel 78- 85 Design 87- 99 Epilogue 100-101


It was autumn 2013 when I started my virtual diary, the blog Wife LifeStyle. It was lovingly prepared from the very first page to its last. In the past few years my thoughts, which I represented in my typical Reka-style, reached a large number of women. My style is sincere. When it comes to serious topics, I am often quite intense but all my words are influenced by my irreversibly artistic soul. I often reminisce about a past memory. I sometimes write about my actual feelings or describe a sudden sound or view from around me thus I can take the reader with me to the very place I am at the time of writing. As the name Wife LifeStyle suggests, my blog was made for women (but regardless of their marital status). It is a place where I can share all the thoughts that are inspiring me at the time of writing. I tried to set aside trends

Editor’s Note

and concentrate on topics We all like. However, I could not identify with the blogger lifestyle so I’ve been looking for a chance to create an interface where I can fully express myself and what I really like. Due to my earlier studies, I am not only a fan of writing but also of post editing and editing; no matter if it’s video editing or desktop publishing. I have been working within these positions for about 11 years but by now I have built up the courage to finally work on my own publication. So, dear reader, you are now a part of this dream come true as you are reading these lines.

A favourite quote of mine is from Bill Cosby, American actor. (I unfortunately got very far from the essence of this quote at a phase of my life and after this phase it was quite hard finding the way back to myself). “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” This sentence encourages me to always be myself and run this magazine the way my heart tells me to. By listening to my instincts and intuition with a hint of awareness to Cosby’s sentence, I am now releasing the first issue of the WLS Magazine. It is largely influenced by my personality so its content is free from any pretentiousness or formal exaggeration. I hope it easily gets to my audience within this diverse and colourful world. To those ladies who appreciate naturalness, creativity, modesty and most importantly, who haven’t forgotten true femininevalues. I am very thankful for six people for their ongoing encouragement. They believed in me and this magazine and helped this old dream of mine to be born. Thank you! My dear Readers, enjoy! With Love from:

Réka Szoták



If you want to succeed in life, you h ave t o l e t yo u r p e r s o n a l i t y improve and lead you. Be yourself but only You. Don’t follow others, but get a little taste of everything so that life’s jigsaw puzzle pieces can be put to the right places and you can discover w h o Yo u r e a l l y a r e. - D o r a Craiban




Bucket list I

like seasonal bucket lists and love to fulfil them, too. However, I enjoy writing them a lot,

too. I would like to please You with them so each of my quarterly magazine comes with a bucket list for the very season. I have collected lots of ideas, which serve as a guide for my life as well. Even if we can’t meet all the points on the lists, never mind. At least they will give us some stamina for the new season. I really hope that my list will be to your delight!

WLS Spring

1. Go in the garden

It’s time to put on your gloves and tidy up your garden or your terrace. Having a gardener might be pricy for some and so it could be considered a waste of money, too. A great way of using the Internet is that we can get familiar with our garden plants quite quickly while we are waiting for the gardener. How to prune the roses? How to trim the hedge and the thuya? How much fertiliser should be given to the hydrangeas so as their flowers would be fabulous purple. Our motto should be: “If garden’s neat, the house is clean.” 2. Do your shopping at the market Shopping at the market has a fantastic feel to it. It is so much fun for me that I’m not even bothered by the weekend crowd. Everyone has the same goal: to get the nicest chicken, the ripest tomato or the freshest eggs. During Spring, the market is the essence of the awakening nature in one place. 3. Picnic Having an outdoor picnic is beautiful during autumn, too. But in Spring, as tender leaves are budding above our head and the scent of the tiny white flowers of the shrubs tickles our nose... having a picnic with friends is one of the best spring time activities. It is worth discussing what food is prepared or baked by whom for the occasion. Don’t forget to take the picnic basket full of lovely goodies with you and of course the ever so important tartan blanket. It will be an unforgettable experience if you find a sky-high, blossoming cherry tree and sit underneath it. 4. BBQ I love spending time in the garden. The fragrant smoke of the charcoal signals the beginning of BBQ season. On the Internet we can find a great number of recipes as inspiration so as we can put together the most delicious menu for the barbecue. The butter roasted potatoes with parsley are well worth trying. 5. Get on your bike

There are a few adventurous women who braving the cold cycle to work or to the shops during winter. Those who are more comfortable and cold can take out their beloved bicycle on the first day of Spring when the temperature goes above 15°C. After cleaning your bike and checking the brakes, cycle off to do the shopping for the weekend lunch. Just as it is supposed to be done: in the pretty outfit, with a small basket on the bike, in a very chic style. 6. Play outdoor games Tennis, table tennis and badminton are traditional springtime activities. It’s not hot yet, we can’t get burnt in the sun and to reach that bikini body, outdoor activities are more entertaining alternatives then going to the boring gym. Spring might be the best opportunity to get some golf or tennis lessons.. 7. Do the Spring cleaning A dreaded childhood program was the big spring cleaning before Easter with my Mum. I have not been able to decide what I hated the most: washing the curtains, cleaning the large windows, cleaning the credenza or washing 129 glasses one by one. But the lovely scent afterwards was worth it! Don’t find excuses, just start cleaning. 8. Fill up on vitamin D The lovely, warm rays of the sun are finally here so it’s time to sit outside onto the balcony, the patio or in the garden. Read a great book and start getting some tan for summer. 9. Get a bouquet of tulips As a little girl my greatest delight each year at the beginning of Spring was the budding of the red tulips at my grandparents’s house. They grew right from the garden gates up to the front door along the path. I watched them grow day by day. One day when I woke up, I found the buds open. That was when I knew that the time of picking ladybirds from the grass has finally arrived. Flowers make us happy but those who don’t want to plant them in the garden can enjoy a wide range of fragrant tulips at flower shops. Put them in your vase at least once during spring. Every morning you are to smell them and smile.


10. Car wash

Once we are done tidying the garden and cleaning the house, it is time for the car. Luckily, there are companies that specialise in cleaning cars and get the car done inside and outside within an hour. If you do not have a car, you are lucky not to have to deal with this. 11. Fast Those who keep Christian traditions don’t need me to introduce fasting before Easter and the great effect a well built-up fasting diet has. I have done the five day detox liquid fast twice and I felt fantastic both times. I recommend it to everyone who is able to find 3 to 5 days for themselves. If you start it, make sure you pay full attention to yourself meanwhile. 12. Alkalise The quickest way of alkalising is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach. I put preferably purified or boiled water into a 2 decilitre glass and put two slices of lemon in. I drink it every morning for two weeks or a lifetime. We cannot do wrong if we live our life consciously. 13. Wardrobe Refresh Getting informed through the Internet about what the basic pieces and trendy colours are going to be is important. It is even better to look around shops! However, never buy trousers by saying “I will fit into them when I lose some weight”, just do not. What really matters is to feel good about yourself. Don’t try to live up to other people’s expectations and don’t be affected by brands. Your physical and mental health are the most important, not the mirror or Instagram. WLS Spring

Fotó: Nicole Porubek

Bucket list

14. Grab your phone And open the season with signing up for a manicure and pedicure. It is all very worthwhile because we (women) love chatting with other women - sometimes about nuisance - and if it comes with getting prettier, we feel like in heaven. 15.

Get outdoors

The period of outings has become. Whether it is the mountains, the forest, a lake shore or a city park, do not bother because what really matters is that you should be surrounded by greenery and lots of fresh oxygen. Make sure you have protection against ticks where there are bushes or smaller trees. As the weather gets warmer, these blood-suckers get active and may cause some fright when one happens to “come home” with us. We can protect ourselves with various products or by covering the critical body parts. 16. Get some Me-time Spending time with myself feels great in every season. However, during Spring most women require their body and soul to be “reborn”. My most pleasant Me-time is taking a hot foamy bath with some candles and relaxing Zen music. I do a body peeling from top to toe, put on some body butter afterwards and go to bed with a glass of green tea.



17. Smoothie Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day but also the most scot-free. Yet, it is always better not to have some bagels but a large glass of smoothie full of fruit and Chia seed instead.

Blueberry-Beetroot smoothie with chia seed (2 servings) 2 small beetroots cooked Juice of 2 oranges 3 handfuls of blueberries 1 dl coconut milk 1 pinch of ginger 1 tbsp of chia seeds - And a blender

Bucket list

18. Decorate your home

22. Spend a whole day without your phone

Paint the walls of your sitting room or the room that needs renovating the most. Once you have chosen the right colour, do you know what accessories go well with it? Let me show you.

Don’t just put it on silence, switch your phone off and put it down to rest at a place where you can’t even see it. Those who have tried this say “I got my life back for that day”. Obviously no other reasons are needed to tick off this point.

19. Visit the bookstore The last time I was at a bookstore is when I bought a German language book. Even if you don’t buy anything (it is the world of E-books nowadays), take an interesting book off the shelf, go to the reading corner and go through the pages of the book. However, it is worth buying a few books to have something to read during the spring break or the weekend while sitting outside in the great outdoors.

23. Steal some lilacs Pick as many branches of lilacs from the edge of the road as your hands can hold. Give them to a person you are grateful for - on Mother’s Day. 24. Make food for your loved ones Prepare your favourite meal (the one that you are the best at) and invite your family, friends or neighbours to share the food with.

20. Swing

25. Redesign

When you see an empty swing at the playground, sit in it and feel the vibration in your stomach, something you felt as a child. It is a wonderful, nostalgic and liberating feeling. And most importantly, it has a stress relieving effect.

Have you ever thought of radically changing the style of your home? I like a healthy but liveable minimalism within interior design.

21. Caress your skin with home-made body butter Your arms, knees might already peek out of your clothes but sandals are only about to come alive from the bottom of the ward robes. Nothing is worse than seeing dry and flaky heels and feet in a beautiful pair of sandals or seeing dry elbows peeping out of a lovely top.

26. Go on a journey Whether it is domestic travel or travelling abroad, I think it has a positive effect on everybody - no matter the length of stay. Leave the “four walls” and travel to a new place to have some lovely time, lovely food and to enjoy living!


27. Do sports that you enjoy If the weather is bad and you have developed an addiction towards ball games by now, play squash but try to choose a friend that has similar height and build to you to play with. Believe me, neither table tennis or squash are great to play when you are 160 cm tall and you’re playing with a spindle of 190 cms.

28. Send a postcard I don’t mean an e-card, of course not! I mean a real, paper postcard. Send it to somebody who still believes in traditional and valuable things. Wish them Happy Spring.

29. Blossom Plant flowers in your garden, herbs in a pot and geranium into your balcony pots so as you have something to admire right until autumn. I remember living at a flat at the Danube about 10 years ago and my Mum planted tiny white flowers into my balcony flower-boxes. They smelt like honey. God, I loved it!

30. Detox water Make yourself some detox water full of fruit and vegetables in a pretty bottle. After posting it onto Instagram, drink it as quick as you can while it is still fresh and desirable.

31. Sugarfree Sugar is toxic, causes addiction and illnesses in your body. That is why it is always very hard to get off it. It is always worth starting it slowly: that is to drink your lemonade, coffee or tea without sugar first. Then start consciously watching the type of food that you choose during

WLS Spring

shopping. I don’t even like buying fruit juice or yoghurt because they are full of sugar. You can easily cut off on calories by leaving sugar out of your diet. If you do so, acne and cellulite disappears after a while, too. However, consider this as no diet but a new lifestyle.

32. Be kind Choose somebody you are helpful, kind and understanding with throughout the day. Don’t tell them about your mission but simply give them what they wish for. Breakfast in bed, massage or perhaps pancakes. Everyone is happy for some attention. You will find that the person will eventually give you what you gave them. If it works, just keep doing until the end of times.

33. Have breakfast in the shade Open-air cafes are beginning to reopen in Springtime. You can enjoy a delicious breakfast at these places. I have a few favourite ones, which don’t only spoil your taste buds but also provide a wonderful visual delight. Sitting in one’s garden is the best way to start a Sunday morning.

34. Wake up with the Sun Sunrise is always more exciting for me than sun set. As the first rays of the Sun arise from behind the roofs of the houses, caressing my face, the dancing light of the rays reflect upon the morning dew. It brings new chances, new challenges and new miracles. Watch the sunrise and be thankful for a wonderful new day awaiting you.


35. Let go

Visit a yoga centre and ask for help with guided meditation so as you can let your wounds, your negative thoughts go and your chakras (regulating the energy flow in your body ) that were closed during the years can be re-activated. If you don’t feel well emotionally, which may cause some mild physical symptoms as well, do not wait any longer. Turn your attention inwards and discover yourself, the person long lost in this contaminated world.

There is only one thing that influences your life: your mind. If you’re angry with someone or you feel hatred, you have to find the reasons primarily in yourself. Until you feel well, love yourself and your life, you will not be able to love or accept other people. Negative thoughts attract negative energy and negative events. Is this the way you want to live your life? This point is not the easiest point to be ticked off from the list. However, do not hesitate to start this process. Step on the path of discovering and loving yourself.




Relaxing Sounds

Great music and video for spiritual growth

I am said to be a quiet, patient and moderate person. These innate characteristics are ones that stayed with me even after leaving the good old family home but I need a lot of practice to preserve my inner peace day by day. As an active participant of online social networking sites, I am often in need for spiritual and mental purification. For this reason, in the past few years I have collected music, sounds, videos and music applications that regenerate my soul. Fatigue of the nervous system, burnout and chronic sadness disappears if we regularly make time for quality recreation. When my body is tense before going to bed, I calm myself by putting on my headphones and listening to something soothing. Evening meditation silences my mind and prepares me for a relaxing sleep. Meditation during the day helps me to keep my spiritual balance. They are both worth a try.

1. Ten Rules of the Subconscious Mind (Hungarian) Many times a week, before bedtime I listen to “Positive reinforcement on every aspect of life” by Bela Balogh. Many things in my life have changed to the better thanks to this sound file.

2. Chakra Meditation I am spiritually minded (only to a healthy extent) so I found a few videos on YouTube which guide me through meditation for hours. Every time I listen to one, I feel that every cell in my body gets purified.

3. ZEN Music Soft wind chimes, gurgling of streams, frog sounds, piano tunes and pan flute - a few ways to relax your mind. Even if they sound eclectic, I could listen to them for hours.

4. Guided Meditation (Hungarian) Getting to a different state of mind may happen through guided meditation. It can be a very interesting experience. Believe me, it is not easy at all. With the help of this video you can clean your subconscious from all the rubbish that has been deposited during days, weeks or years.

5. Paris Cafe During the day, I usually listen to some chillout lounge mix and I imagine myself onto a sailboat, watching its bow elegantly cutting through the waves. While cooking, I always listen to the French soundtracks of my favourite phone application. It can be downloaded free from the Apple Store or you can simply use it online. I’m sure everyone will enjoy spending some time at Paris Cafe.




Personality begins where comparison ends. -Karl Lagerfeld




Must have Having seen the New York fashion week 2017, I have put together a list of trendy colours for the year. The ones that are not too harsh and reflect the mood of the spring, such as strong lime green, or orange. Alongside the usual pastel yellow, hazelnut brown and rosy pink, different shades of blue and green have got their role in this year’s fashion as well.


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WLS Spring

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Fotó: Nicole Porubek

Style Stílus

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few years ago on the occasion of a

round-trip in Italy, I went to Forte dei 
 Marmi, which is said to be the most popular holiday resort of the Tuscan Riviera. I only spend a day there but I will always remember what I saw there: women and men walking on the colourful pavement, passing shop windows of elegant brands of famous designers. All of them were strikingly well dressed, classy yet understated, bold and distinctive very Italian.

Women in high heels rode past me in a casual yet graceful way, with their Hermes, Louis Vuitton, or Prada bags in the baskets of their bicycles. As they passed, I could smell their lovely and expensive perfumes. Talking of Italy what comes to my mind are the A-line skirt, a matching crispy shirt, a scarf made of silk, sunglasses and a statement designer bag. Style is never dependent on money and style is never about pretence. Real characters don’t mind rules and they don’t blindly follow fashion. However, they always express their own personality by their appearance. Whether it is by putting on a man’s shirt the other way around or wearing a scattered bun or a striking midi skirt, they always wear their clothes with confidence. WLS Spring


Photo: Nicole Porubek 23

WLS Spring



Shirt: Massimo Dutti Skirt: asos Silk scarf: Roberto Cavalli Shoes: asos Bag: Depot 25

WLS Spring



WLS Spring


TI knew that he would leave soon and I will never see him again. I put on his shirt so as my skin could absorb his scent and took an early morning walk to the bay. It felt lovely to take a rest in the rising rays of the sun and it felt like time stopped for a few minutes. With every breath I exhaled, I let the memories of the past few days slip away. I stood there with a painful smile on my face and waved goodbye as his ship was disappearing. Waving the tulip he gave me up in the air, I cried: Ciao Marcello!


Bazaar Bags that look great in your bike basket  


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7 WLS Spring

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1. Saint Laurent

2. Stella McCartney

3. Nannacay

4. Karen Millen

5. Derek Lam

6. Alexander Wang

7. Kahuna

8. Dolce & Gabbana

9. Guanabana




To be cool isn't having the latest fashion's shoes, having the perfect hair or the best boyfriend. To be cool is being yourself & liking it.


One Shade of Rose

Sporty and Elegant Every Day Looking at my childhood photos, I must admit, that I was quite a boyish girl. I liked casual, loose-fitting clothes (I even remember putting on skateboard-wear for a while at secondary school). I always preferred spending time with boyish things rather than with girls and make up. Even today the rate of trousers to skirts is 95:5 in my wardrobe. Wearing a skirt for me is about feeling uncomfy, tense and very wellbehaved but I am much rather comfy and relaxed. Without doubt, a skirt is one of the most feminine pieces of one's wardrobe. Women are pictured in a skirt on pictograms with a reason. Since I grew up, discovered my femininity and got to know myself more, I have taken to the idea of wearing skirts but I mostly wear them for special occasions. I still want to keep my feminine look but also want to feel comfortable. How can I be feminine when


wearing trainers, a leather jacket and a casual top?

By shuffling some special and elegant fabric such as silk, cashmere, tastefully luminous materials, leather or fur. These are the finest materials of the clothing industry and for this reason, they are quite pricey. The outfit I am presenting here marks my personality well because it is casual, comfortable, feminine, sporty but elegant at the same time. In this season, it is trendy to wear colours that are next to each other on the colour chart (e.g. red, orange, and fuchsia) but because I feel better in a less vibrant colour outfit, I used only one shade of the pastel-rose.


Photo: Nicole Porubek 

WLS Spring


WLS Spring





is a constantly moving energy.

Whether it is the ocean, a speedy river that runs into a waterfall, a mirror-smooth lake or a mini fountain in the garden, the most relaxing pastime is to sit by them listening to the sounds, paying attention to the smells or immersing in the sight. I really love it. Sometimes I add some hypnotic meditative music to the experience, cleanse myself of the effects of negative events and immerse into silence.

WLS Spring



Leather Jacket: Zara Silk Bomber Jacket: asos Pants: Mango Top: hm Sunglasses: Versace Bag: Louis Vuitton Sneaker: asos

RomanticLace Photo: Katalin Lukács and Balázs Nagy

A There surely will be a great number of beautiful weddings in 2017. Those who tie the knot this year will hopefully be able to use the positive energies of the year so as they can possibly increase the number of lifelong happy marriages. Nature has started blooming and has given birth to its lovely spring flowers, which makes the air sweet. Our soul is awakening from its long winter dream and starts blossoming just as nature does. We take off our dark clothes, change the knitted pieces to laced ones and some people take their relationship to a new and higher level. Most brides imagine their wedding dress, which they will wear when walking down the aisle, right after the proposal. There are modern brides with short wedding dresses, there are brides with the traditional hoop under the gown dress and the not-so-average brides who choose a gown or accessory that is surprising or charming at the best but surely is memorable on their special day. One thing is guaranteed: all brides would like to be the centre of attraction on their wedding day. Thus, they create an environment in which

WLS Spring

they have a good time in and which suits and expresses their personality. Some ladies find choosing a dress a nightmare but for some it really is a dream come true. Whether it is a professional bridal shop or a wedding dress designer, we will surely be treated as a queen. They will help us find the most perfect wedding gown so the experience will be a pleasant one and will stay with us forever. My idea of the most perfect wedding gown is the ones that come with lace while being graceful and elegant. Nora Sarman is one of the most talented Hungarian wedding dress designers, who became well-known by her stunningly beautiful, unique and sophisticated lace dresses. I wore her dresses at a photo shoot, which was taken at a lovely meadow (near Budapest). I am not sure whether the intoxicating scents of the blossoming bushes or the atmosphere of the photo shoot made my imagination take me to the scenery of a romantic film but I loved every moment of it. Thanks to the designer’s - Nora Sarman’s - sense of beauty, that afternoon I became a Spring Fairy bringing peace and love.



WLS Spring



WLS Spring

Makeup: Éva Orosz-Molnár Hair: Botond Bagi Dress: Nora Sarman



A day merely survived is no cause for celebration. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine. - Og Mandino







Judit Szauer

I met Judit in 2014 and I have seen many of her creations on social networking sites since then. I love to see her heart and mind in a perfectly composed photo of a dish, a harmonious table set or a captivating snapshot. She is an always all-smiles, cheerful, natural, life-affirming, sure-footed woman, which is easy to see not only in her photos but in real life, too. She is a communications specialist in business development and has been a gastro journalist for six years. She has lunch at sought-after restaurants and takes desirable food photos. She is always on the go discovering the most special or most popular places for culinary adventures. I asked her 22 questions, having her very special job in mind but with a view to getting deeper into what she is - as a successful woman - like, what her personality, habits and interests are like.

WLS Spring


1. Baking or Cooking?

11. Cooking or restaurant?

Baking - In our family, I’m in charge of the cake.

Restaurant (I barely have time to cook).

2. Sweet or Savoury?

12. Fine dining or street food?

Honestly? I much prefer mum’s cooking!

I have a sweet tooth ...

13. Recipe book or magazine?

3. Carbonara or Arrabiata?

Magazine or rather, creativity.

Carbonara, I don’t like spicy flavours.

14. Phone or camera?

4. Wine or Champagne?

Champagne! I don’t mind bubbles. 5. Pineapple or Strawberry?

I’m a phone addict (unfortunately). 15. A big city or the countryside?

Both: Budapest and Lake Balaton! 16. Blossoming or falling leaves?


When it is strawberry-season, Strawberry it is.

17. High-heels or ballerina?

6. Butter or olive oil?

18. Gym or open space?

I love butter!

From spring it is open space, but I go to the gym throughout the year.

7. Pasta or Salad?

19. Jacuzzi or pool?

Salad: P Okay, sometimes pasta !!!

Pool with jacuzzi…

8. Steak or Schnitzel?



21. Colours or monochrome?

9. Pizza or hamburger?

Pizza, but only the thin, crispy, Italian kind.

Trainers. :)

20. Europe or the Far East?

Pastel :) 22. Monday or Saturday?


10. Mushroom or shellfish?





Egg Breakfasts

To me breakfast comes with eggs. I don’t always have the time to scramble or poach them, but when I get the time, I love preparing them. During the past few years, I have improved methods which make me excel in making egg breakfasts. My scrambled eggs are soft and shiny, the fried eggs are tight and the yolk is runny, the boiled eggs are soft inside and the poached eggs are creamy and desirable. The secret lies in timing and temperature. Keeping these two will make you prepare a delicious and perfect egg breakfast. WLS Tavasz


Fried Eggs

Scrambled Eggs Beat two eggs with 2 pinches of salt and some freshly ground pepper. Melt some butter in a nonstick pan then put the eggs in and fry the mixture over medium heat for two minutes whilst stirring it. If you find that the heat is too much for the mixture and it is frying too quickly, take it off the cooker but do not stop stirring it. Butter gives the scrambled eggs’ smoothness and stirring gives its lump-free consistency.

Soft Boiled Eggs Eggs are beneficial to our body. Boiled eggs are lovely when the egg white is solid but soft and the egg yolk is creamy and silky. They should not be over or undercooked. Food made of eggs are delicious but only if the eggs are fresh. You can check their freshness if you put them in a bowl of water. If they come up to the surface, they are most probably off. Boil some salty water in a saucepan and with a spoon carefully place the eggs into the boiling water. It is worth taking the eggs out of the fridge 30 minutes before making them as this will prevent the egg shell from cracking because of the sudden temperature change. If you don’t have time for this, put the eggs under running warm water so as they get warm and then put them in the boiling water. They are ready in five minutes. Use elegant egg-cups. They make it easy to cut off the egg’s top so it is easy to spoon the eggs out of the shell.

Carefully crack an egg and put it in a glass. Spread a few drops of oil into a non-stick pan (coconut oil is especially delicious with eggs). The easiest way to put the oil in the pan is to use a silicon brush or a piece of paper towel. This procedure prevents the bottom of the eggs from burning. The best fried eggs are made at a low temperature. Perfection is when the egg-white is “shaky” and the yolk is soft. Put the egg into the pan and wait for about 4-5 minutes. While waiting, it is worth preparing some fresh orange juice. The egg is done when its white is completely white and it easily slips in the pan. Add salt, pepper, some green spices to decorate its top and it is ready to eat.

Hard-boiled Eggs Hard-boiled eggs are great for breakfast but we can have them in sandwiches, salads or prepare them as a creamy sandwich topping. Boiling them for the right amount of time makes it easier to slice them. Preparation is the same as for soft eggs but the time is longer (preferably 10 minutes). TIP: put the boiled eggs into ice cold water for a minute, crack the shell with a spoon and simply slip them out of their shell.

Poached Eggs A favourite breakfast of mine is poached eggs. It is mysterious, elegant and has exciting potential in the ways of serving as well. For its recipe go to next page. . 49

WLS Spring


Luxurious breakfast Nowadays popular hotels quite often

put Egg Benedict on their breakfast menus. I have seen many stories about the origin of this food but the most believable one is the story of Lemuel Benedict. He was a stock market agent. Once he was staying at the Waldorf Hotel in New York and ordered poached eggs with butter-toast, bacon and hollandaise sauce. He meant it as a hangover cure. The following day this breakfast was put on to the menu and the hotel named it after the banker. Many versions of Egg Benedict have appeared since: e.g. on brioche or on English bun base but crispy bacon and hollandaise sauce are always faithful

companions alongside. Its name sounds very elegant and many people think that it is a posh food but making it is very simple and doesn’t require much cooking experience. Being very healthconscious, I replaced bacon with turkey ham, instead of hollandaise I used a little bit of mayonnaise (just for its taste) and I prepared the toast out of whole wheat bread. It is not the typical and classical way of preparing Egg Benedict as hollandaise sauce makes it a real “Benedict” but I think the taste experience and it’s lovely look is what really matters when it comes to this dish.

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WLS Spring


Luxurious Breakfast Poached Egg

Ingredients for one person:

One egg Three slices of turkey ham One slice of whole wheat bread One drop of mayonnaise

When the water is boiling, lower the temperature until the surface of the water is full of tiny bubbles. In a small bowl crack the eggs but make sure the yolk is not broken. (It is very important!) Take a soup ladle and put it in the

1 tablespoon of vinegar

boiling water so as the top of the ladle bowl is

1 teaspoon of salt

level with the water. Carefully put the egg into

A small piece of butter or coconut oil

the ladle spoon (already full of water) and wait

Some freshly ground pepper

patiently for three minutes until it’s ready. If

Some fresh sprouts to decorate

you get distracted and the spoon sinks a little

Three slices of pepper or other vegetable as extra

more into the water, the egg will ramble into the


pan and it will not be a lovely view. So make sure you do not move for three minutes. When time is up, take the egg out and get ready for


serving. Build a tower of the toast, ham, pepper,

Boil 1l of water with salt and vinegar in a pan.

eggs, fresh vegetables the put freshly ground

Put the bread (preferably square size) into the

pepper on its top. You have to be careful with

toaster and when it is toasted, use a glass to cut

the eggs because they are soft inside and they

out round pieces. Evenly spread some butter on

might be poked quite easily. I didn’t miss the

both sides. Melt some butter or coconut oil in a

sauce from the top because the silky yolk of the

pan and fry both sides of the bread until golden

egg was just like a creamy sauce covering the

brown. This step takes about one minute on

dish. I can say my first poached egg was

each side at a high temperature. The base is

prepared to perfection in 15 minutes and made a

ready. Put three slices of pepper in the pan and

luxurious feast on the breakfast table.

fry them for three minutes.


Garden-pea Cream Soup with Coconut Milk and Smoked Salmon

WLS Spring


When I was a little girl, I often helped my mum in the kitchen. We made pickles and jams, pitted cherries, prepared cucumbers for leavening and shelled peas. It was such a lovely sensation when my fingers cracked the shell of the peas, my thumbs opened them and I took the small round peas out of their pods. It was a great delight to eat them fresh. I still remember the pleasantly bitter taste that reminded me of the scent of freshly cut grass.

Ingredients for 2 people: 200 g fresh garden-peas 200 ml creamy coconut cream A piece of leek (about 15 cm long) 50 g butter 1 slice of smoked salmon Some vegetable soup White pepper Salt


helling peas is worth the effort for its lovely

taste even if it is not done in 15 minutes. However, if you feel like missing out on this job, get frozen peas (rather than canned ones). Peas are planted during spring and the season of eating them is mostly around June. However, the reasons for my using them in spring recipes are its taste, its freshness and its great effect on the body.

Preparation: Cut the leek up. Melt some butter in a pan, put the leek in and steam until it is tender. Add the peas and pour in the vegetable soup. Season with salt and pepper. Cook until the peas are soft then take it off the cooker and mix it with a mixer. When it is homogeneous, add coconut cream and it can go back onto the cooker. (Use thick coconut cream which usually comes in a tin). Thoroughly mix the cream in and continue to cook for five more minutes at a lower temperature. Depending on how exotic you would like the taste, you can vary the amount of coconut cream. If you are a fan of making cream soups, you might want to strain the soup through a sieve. However, in my opinion, this dramatically changes the creaminess of the soup and it’s lovely thickness. Serving: To be decorative and fashionable is very simple: cut the smoked salmon pieces into smaller pieces and starting from the middle of the plate, put the pieces around each other from the inside out until you reach the desired size in the shape of a rose. I was using raw salmon but if you want to eat your soup hot, you can fry the salmon for one minute on each side. Use a pan with a bit of oil, fry the salmon and cut it into pieces only afterwards. I put mint, dill and fresh sprouts around the salmon rose. When serving, pour the soup on this “still life” - just like the most exclusive restaurants would do. It is hot and fresh and it is lovely with some baguette or crispy toast.



Mini Flammkuchen Alsatian


Alsatian Mini Flammkuchen The French Tarte Flambée - healthy version With Avocado & goats’ cheese OR With ham & tomatoes

Ingredients for 2: Base: 120 g rice flour 30 g flour 3 tbsp olive oil 2 large pinches of salt 60 ml hot water Toppings: 1 avocado A few drops of lime 6 cherry tomatoes 4 slices of chicken ham Some pieces of goats' cheese Fresh basil leaves Salt Pepper

After our Alsatian trip, I prepared one of the French food I tried there, the Tarte Flambée. It can be found in most nations’ kitchens with small modifications based on the different habits and tastes of the particular country. It is Flammkuchen in Germany, Tarte Flambée in France, and the Hungarian Langalló is also similar, although it is much thicker. This food is like a yeast free pizza for one. The “flaming pie” used to be prepared in an oven, over flames so this is why it is usually nicknamed as flammes (it comes from the French word, flames). It was a real challenge to prepare it according to a health conscious approach. In the end I managed to and I felt far less guilty than I did when eating the French version. I chose to make it with rice flour but I also had to put a very small amount of white flour in the batter to make it thicker. If you feel like experimenting, you could leave the wheat flour out completely and use something healthier instead.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients of the base in a bowl so as you get an easy-to- roll dough. Leave it to rest for 10 minutes. Shape handfuls of balls and put them on a baking tray lined with a baking sheet. Flatten the balls out so as they are as thin as possible. Pre-bake them in a conventional oven at 220 ᵒC for 5 minutes. Then place the toppings on, sprinkle Tartes with olive oil and put the tray back in the oven for another 10 minutes. Your Tarte Flambée is done when the edges are slightly browned and the colour of the cheese gets golden. Decorate the ham version with fresh basil leaves and put a few drops of lime on the avocado version. It is quite crumbly because of the rice flour but the result is pretty exciting.



Healthy Side dishes health-conscious means that you pay

attention to your food and to what your food is made of. You are what you eat - as the saying goes. What you consume during lunch or dinner will give you the look in the mirror. The body quickly signals if it is not treated right or hardly any attention is paid to it. The most delicious dishes are said to be “naughty”. This is partly true. I find it hard to replace French fries, egg barley, or

WLS Spring

and great for my digestion, my skin, my hair and helps me keep my shape. In this article, I will show you how to prepare four delicious and special side dishes that go well with all types of meat or can be eaten by themselves as a complete meal.

13 2

Pearl barely with grilled pepper and ham Beetroot quinoa

rice by healthy alternatives. However, it is worth trying. In the past few years, I have been trying to prepare wholesome side dishes, which are healthy

Baked celery



Pearl barley, that is also known as barley is an important ingredient of stuffed cabbage because it makes it more substantial and nourishing. In most of the kitchens, this might as 
well be the only way barley is used. However, we can use it in warm meals as a replacement for rice as in veggie or meat risottos. It can also be added to cold meals, such as salads. It is a cereal that contains the most trace elements. Using it as a side dish is not only nutritious but with some creativity, we can serve it in a pretty way. 100g pearl barley (soak in water for 3 hours) A few slices of poultry ham 1 bell pepper 1 small onion Salt Pepper

Soak the barley in twice as much water for three hours. Drain it and put it on the cooker in salty water. Leave it to boil then continue cooking it at a low temperature for 20 minutes. It is ready when the barley absorbs water. Take it off the cooker, cover it with a lid and a kitchen towel. Meanwhile cut the ham into cubes and start frying it on some oil. After three minutes, put the finely chopped onions and the peppers - cut into cubes - into the pan. I like leaving the vegetables crispy so I fried them only for 6 to 8 minutes at a high temperature. When the barley is ready, which means that it is soft and absorbs the water, mix them all together and season them to taste.


Quinoa is very nutritious. What is more, it is gluten-free. I have only recently started to prepare it as a side dish, which can be prepared sweet or salty. Add some beetroot to it and it goes well with almost all types of roast meat. But on top of all, its physiological effect makes it a much better choice than mashed potatoes or noodles. One small cup of quinoa Small organic beetroot - boiled Ground cumin Salt White pepper

Wash the quinoa thoroughly and start drying it in a non-stick, frying pan. For this recipe, I used a vacuum packed, cooked beetroot but if you feel like using fresh beetroot, bake it in a convection oven at 180°C and it gets soft in two hours. While the quinoa is being toasted, cut the beetroot into cubes put some ground cumin on and put it aside. When the quinoa is beginning to toast, pour two small cups of water onto it and start cooking. When the barley soaks up almost all of the water, pull it off the heat, cover it with a lid and leave it to soften for 30 minutes. It will be fluffy - just what I love when it comes to rice, too. Finally, add the beetroot and season it. If you eat it as a salad on its own, goats cheese and mint make it even lovelier.


A great replacement of French fries is celery fries. It’s heavenly! It is also healthy because we bake the celery in the oven (deep frying is a “no-go”) and this veggie is low in calories. The result is amazingly fragrant and its taste reminds me of walnuts (yummy!). Even hours after its preparation, I can smell its lovely scent on my fingers so it makes me want to eat even more, which fortunately I can do - without feeling any guilt. It is pretty simple: Peel the celery, cut it into slices and then cut them into strips. Lay the strips next to each other in the baking tray lined with baking-paper. Sprinkle on some olive oil, add some salt and bake it at 200°C until it is golden brown. 59

Kale chips Ready in a few minutes a healthy snack

WLS Spring


Ingredients: A few curly kale leaves Olive oil Salt

The green colour of plants is caused by the photosynthetic pigment, i.e. the chlorophyll in the leaves. This green pigment is an effective immune booster, cell builder and has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the body. Getting into the body with food, it helps red blood cell production, supports the detoxification activity of the liver, strengthens the intestinal flora and improves the resistance of the body against infections. Green plants are full of oxygen. If we do not eat enough vegetables, our cells will be lacking oxygen so a favourable environment for harmful bacteria will develop. During the spring cleaning diet, vegetable chips will be a great complement to our food. We can consume them guilt free while watching TV during the evening or as a snack between meals.

Preparation: Clean the kale thoroughly. Cut the leaves into triangles and put them in a baking tray lined with a baking sheet. Put olive oil and Himalaya salt on the pieces and bake them at 180°C for five minutes in a convection oven. It is worth checking on it many times as they get burnt pretty quickly because of the leaves being thin. Preparing it this way will make it keep its freshness, crispiness and “green” flavour. If you want an alternative for the traditional potato chips, it is better to choose parsnips or sweet potato as their taste will not be much different but they will be healthy to eat. TIP: when buying kale, choose the ones that are springy and the ones with closed leaves. Raw kale or cabbage will not last longer than a week in the fridge. Cumin and garlic go well with these veggies.



Guilty Pleasure

White Chocolate Hearts In

85% of the cases I pay attention to

avoiding sugary food. I have to keep my blood sugar level under constant control. Luckily, sometimes I can let myself have a snack or some pizza. The following desert was originally prepared as a last minute Valentine’s day surprise but it was so pretty that I decided to share the recipe with you. I do not particularly have a sweet tooth but when it comes to chocolate truffles, I cannot resist the ones filled with small fruit pieces. It is heavenly when the soft chocolate melts in your mouth and the lovely flavour of the fruit slowly appears. Preparation: Break the chocolate bar into smaller pieces and put the pieces in a container. Boil water

WLS Spring

and put the container above the steam. Let the chocolate melt from the indirect heat of the steam. Meanwhile, cut the blueberries into four pieces. When the chocolate is a completely homogenous paste, add the blueberries. Stir the mixture well and fill up silicon moulds that have previously been rinsed with water. In 15 minutes the chocolate hearts are ready and you can start wrapping them up if they are intended as a gift. You can swap strawberries for blueberries or dark chocolate for white. No matter which version, it is always delicious but pretty guilty at the same time. Keep it in the fridge - but not for long.



Ingredients: 200 g white chocolate 100 g blueberries


“Free from” Oat Cookies

Cocoa-Banana Oat Cookies “


from” eating is pretty popular

nowadays. It is a diet that is free from sugar, dairy, eggs and gluten. The “free from” lifestyle is healthy and thus has a number of great effects on the body. If we add valuable ingredients to the diet - such as virgin vegetable oils, seeds or different types of plant milk - the positive physiological effects of the diet can even be multiplied. You may think that “free from” food cannot be yummy but I will prove it can. Those who follow this diet know that these foods are neither boring nor are they hard to prepare. The base of the cookie recipe here is prepared from oats and bananas. Oat is still considered to be a no-go for gluten intolerant people. However, watching where the oats were packed (it must be a glutenfree environment) will help. The package should contain information on packaging so if it was packed in a gluten free environment, the oats are safe to eat and they will not cause damage to the intestinal tract. The cookies are ready in 15 minutes

WLS Spring

and they go amazingly well with your breakfast hot drink or you can have them as a snack in between meals during the day. Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel the bananas and mash them up with a fork. Add cocoa powder, virgin coconut oil, your choice of sweetener, baking powder, spices, the Chia seed, almond extract and the oats to the bananas. I always put the oats in last and I never know exactly how much I use in the batter. I just make sure that the cookie base is thick. Put some baking paper onto a baking tray. With the help of a tablespoon make small balls from the mixture and on the tray press down on them to make them round. Sprinkle the biscuits with desiccated coconut and chopped almond pieces. Put the tray into the oven and enjoy the wonderfully sweet fragrance of the bananas, the almond and the mouth-watering scent of the cinnamon.



2 tbsp virgin coconut oil 2 tbsp  Dutch cocoa powder 2 tbsp honey (or stevia to taste) 2 ripe bananas 2 tbsp chia seeds 1 large cup of oats a few drops of almond extract half tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. ground cinnamon pinch of salt desiccated coconut chopped almonds




Many people are emotionally attached to what they own. Some fill up their car with the best engine oil there is, some buy beautiful furniture for their house but at the same time most of us eat the cheapest, and worst quality food. Unfortunately, that is because most people love their things more than their body and life. The human body is amazing and there is nothing like it in the world of manufactured goods. For the sake of reason, we should be taking much more care of it than of material things.- Paul Pitchford








My Spring Favourites For quite a while I have been a conscious consumer paying attention to ingredients when buying food or beauty products. I enjoy trying out new products or food that are organic and free from harmful substances. On the next page I introduce you to the ones that have stayed with me as a faithful companion.

Seba Med Every Day sampoo 100% soap and alkaline free, with plant-based active cleansing agents. Its pH 5.5 value stabilizes the protective acid mantle of scalp. It is soft, has natural fragrance and makes your hair amazingly shiny. Swiss-O- Par Hair Treatment with Coconut Milk Made with coconut milk proteins and natural coconut extracts. Without the oily feeling, it makes your hair shiny, light and silky soft. Bilou Tasty Donut Shower Foam It is an extra creamy shower foam, lusciously smelling of doughnuts, made with almond and olive oil. It contains no parabens, silicone, mineral oils or animal derived ingredients. It is 100% vegan. Bilou Shower Foams come in eight fragrances. They leave a lovely scent on the skin for a very long time.

WLS Spring

Alverde Color and Care tinted cream It is not foundation but rather a tinted moisturizer. It conceals uneven skin-tone without a heavily made-up look. Made with Goji extract and jojoba oil. Rival de Loop Mask with activated charcoal It cleanses the pores without drying out the skin. After using it, your face will be soft and matte. The panthenol in the mask soothes the skin and it won’t irritate dry areas. The clay absorbs excess Rituals Organic Rice Milk and Cherry Blossom Hand Cream An absolute favourite! The smell, the texture, the effect are like a miracle! It perfectly moisturizes the skin, its sweet scent lasts very long. It leaves a soft and velvety feeling and your hands completely absorb it. Living in Germany is a vantage point when wanting one but you can always ask a friend or relative there to bring you one as a gift.





Beautiful ombre lips with MAC Retro Matte Lipcolour

Ombre create an optical illusion of fuller, bigger lips because the lips are dark outside and going inwards they are getting lighter. How to do it is as follows: With the help of an applicator put on the colours. Create gradual gradients from the two colours with a lip brush. MAC lip colours are extremely durable and they won’t kiss off. 73

WLS Spring



Luxurious Body Butter

With cocoa butter, almond oil and coconut oil Ingredients: 100 ml coconut oil 1 large piece of cocoa butter 1 tbsp almond oil

You surely have used well-advertised body lotions that are said to be amazing but in fact, their effect is blown out of proportion (when using them, it feels like your body is well hydrated but after a few hours it is drier than ever) and these products do more harm than good. What is more, some are sticky and give an oily feel to your skin and some might have a strong scent . These are only a few of the disadvantages of most ready-tobuy body lotions. This is why I have made a mixture of oils that really make you feel amazing while using. It is a luxurious feeling when you rub the lovely mixture into your skin under the shower. It makes you able to forget all about body lotions. The lovely scent of these precious oils will make

your skin smell beautiful. You can use it on your body and even on your hair.

Preparation: Mix the three ingredients in a bowl and heat them at a low temperature until they are homogenous. Pour the mixture of oils into the mixing bowl of your electric whisk and harden it in the fridge for about 30 minutes. When the mixture is solid again, whip it up at a high speed - just like you would do with egg whites - until you have created a stiff foam. Now spoon the foam into a pretty, lockable jar so it makes storing your luxury foam comfy. Now your lovely body-foam is ready to pamper you! Or you can give it to someone special as a gift. Since coconut oil melts at 25áľ’C, this beautiful body-foam requires special handling. During the spring, you will have no trouble leaving it in the bathroom but in summer, you will have to keep it at a cool place to avoid structural damage.


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WLS Spring

. ..


This quick service uses a multipeptide blend that helps to gently brighten, tone and firm the outer eye area while maintaining hydration.

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WLS Tavasz





Colmar - a Fairy Tale City WLS Tavasz


Spring is probably the greatest time for  

outdoor trips or long weekend city visits. The weather makes us leave those thick, uncomfy winter coats in the wardrobe. It feels lovely having our sun-kissed cappuccino on a terrace of a cafe while looking at the blossoming streets and parks. Our body clock now makes us leave the house to admire the million beauties of life.

guidebooks so I am much more into putting an imaginary pin on to the city centre and start wondering about, randomly discovering the beauties of the place. I am never bothered if I miss a few sights. What matters to me is to have a great time, see some amazing things, have a lovely coffee and take a few special photos.

Throughout the years, I have become a great fan of France. I love everything about this country - its big cities as well as its countryside full of vineyards and meadows. I admire its elegant language. I try not just listening to its melody but using it, too. I say thank you, I ask for things and greet others. Using the particular language of a country is not just a pleasure but also kind and attentive so I usually do this when I visit places. In mid-March we spent a weekend at the French Venice, Colmar. The gem of Alsace is said to be the most beautiful city of the world. (Those who say this have never been to Budapest or am I too biased?) No matter how, this fairytale French town is the most beautiful in summer. Its streets are lined with thousands of colourful flowers and romantic chandeliers. Windows full of beautiful geraniums paint its image exceptionally romantic. The view is just like the cover of a fairy tale book. I never follow 81

The charming Alsatian-style buildings of Colmar are worth seeing at least once in a lifetime. However, being quite far away from tourist centres, the town is only seen by tourist who get there only by chance. This makes the visit pretty authentic as we are able to peek into the life of the locals, plus no masses of tourists will get in your way. The old town bears the influence of Gothic and Renaissance. Seeing the classic buildings of those eras will fly us back to the 1400s.

The fairytale old town is divided by a small canal, which reminds me of the romantic cruises of Venice. The colourfully painted, wooden houses used to be connected to the rest of the city only by a small waterway. Nowadays, we can find a few exclusive shop windows, restaurants or even a five star hotel. If you have never met a French person, you might believe the stereotype that they can be pretty stuck up. However, being there and encountering the culture, I was surprised at their multilingualism, their gracefulness and their unique style that even fills the air. All these make up a very attractive picture of the country and its people and will make you want to return to the world of wine, cheese and stripy tees. The French appreciate haute cuisine so when staying in France, it is always worth tasting a speciality. If you are walking into town in the afternoon and feel like having a hot meal, tarte flambée is a great choice. You can get it at most of the cafes. It’s definitely not to be missed!

WLS Spring



WLS Spring


Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. Gustave Flaubert






Cleanse your Environment and Mind of Unnecessary Things One of the greatest minimalist architects, who my favourite motto originates from, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe believed that “less is more”. He built one of his dazzling masterpieces in Barcelona in 1929 - The Barcelona Pavilion. It is the greatest prototype of minimalist architecture even after 88 years. The Barcelona Pavilion was designed including clean lines and generous spaces. Whenever I look at it, I feel my lungs fill up with oxygen. Even thinking of this experience makes me want to clear up the space around me, tidy up right away and it fills me up with a desire for a ruthless decluttering.

Lots of useless clutter and rubbish is all around us in our everyday life. They reduce our energy levels. When we stumble across the table, or accidentally push the small porcelain bird off the shelf, we usually start moaning about it and this makes us lose energy right away. I am not an extreme minimalist, who is not surrounded by personal belongings, but since I met Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s style during my Theory of Architecture Lessons at school, I have been trying to

WLS Spring

follow the “less is more” trend. Minimalism creates harmony by order and simple shapes. This lifestyle may seem easy but living it, you need a lot of self control. After getting rid of our unwanted things, we realise that in fact we need very few things for a spirited and happy life. All the rest of our possessions are not just unnecessary but they start possessing us. We keep buying new things but have we ever asked ourselves the question whether we need them?! Or we bought something because we saw it on TV, at the neighbour ’s or because it’s fashionable and other people have it. A minimalist person goes against consumer society or at least learns how to deal with the compelling urge to do shopping.

Minimalism and Interior Design An average person spends a significant portion of his time in his home. The wellknown Eastern interior design about the free flow of energy and its blocks has really caught me recently. There is one thing I have learnt, applied and experienced that is its benefit: the importance of tidying up and keeping our environs neat, also getting rid of small, unimportant objects as they block the flow of positive energy.




@stylizmoblog Barcelona-pavillon Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 1929


Minimalism claims that the less objects surround you and the less you let consumer society influence you, the happier and freer you will be. How does minimalist thinking work in practice?

If you are emotionally attached to your objects and belongings or you can’t keep anything tidy, minimalism is not for you. As an interior designer it is not easy to use minimalist design because a creative designer’s imagination start soaring when she takes the floor plan in her hand and minimalism is pretty restrictive. One challenge of all is the limited colour palette white, black, grey or light colours on the walls and the same ones on furniture. Minimalism avoids harsh and unnecessary decoration. When it comes to textiles, it uses colours that are really close to each other on the chart. Sometimes it uses colours that are in definite contrast with each other. Only the most necessary pieces of furniture are used. Most of the furniture is square and simple. Pictures on the wall hung alone or in a very precise composition most often they do not portrait anything in particular. Minimalist materials are glass, raw wood, concrete, geometric shapes of metal, natural textiles, fur and animal skin. Since minimalism tries to leave the surfaces and spaces empty, it is very space consuming therefore it causes quite a headache for the interior designer to achieve it within smaller homes. Minimalism uses symmetry or perfect asymmetry: furniture and some accessories (if allowed) are placed either in pairs or in a

WLS Spring

rhythmically repetitive way. The most common minimalist style is the Scandinavian one. It is a pretty liveable and friendly style. The Scandinavian interior is affected by special geographical conditions which cause a lack of sunshine. As a compensation, their interior design uses airy spaces, light walls and furniture and it grasps every opportunity to get the most light into homes. Thus using plenty of natural light is of overall importance within the minimalist interior design.

A Minimalist’s Behaviour on Social Networking Sites Well yes. This topic is very exciting, modern and quite complex so it is very difficult to establish rules here. Everyone uses their personal profiles the way they like and with a view to what they mean to use them for. However, there are unwritten rules, which are worth keeping in mind to make the online world we live in easier to handle. Nowadays, we pick up the most junk by surfing online. I do not mean “junk files”. I mean junk as negative energy by using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube. They make live broadcast as easy as riding a bike. We can even use a simple phone to be live and share our thoughts but there are reactions - even bad ones - we have to deal with. Those who use their social networking site actively surely get tired by the end of the day much more than those who live their life off-line. It is necessary to distinguish between the minimalist profile and the minimalist online behaviour.


The former can be characterised by its visual clarity: it is often monochromatic, uses few shapes colours or details but uses macro photos with an artistic vision and is very harmonic. Minimalist online behaviour can be characterised by its way of communication and organisation such as rare posts, few or no hashtags, not using emoticons or colourful emojis and the person is quite low-key when commenting /if commenting at all/. When we happen to come across a user of this type, we need to know the person is not unfriendly but it’s only a way of his/her communication on social networking sites. People of minimalist behaviour are surely precise, probably read the emails in the morning - always at the same time - and answer them right away. They never miss or postpone deadlines. They are kind and respectful and this is their attitude towards people, too. They respect other’s time and life by posting no off-topic or argumentative posts under photos, articles, videos and notes. How can You be a Minimalist on Social Networking Sites? First of all, tidy up and delete the online rubbish - answer all the emails, delete emails in your bin, unsubscribe from newsletters that are of no interest to you. Go through your photos.

Never mind the likes and delete the ones you don’t like or the ones that you posted to live up to other people’s expectations.

The online world and its inhabitants believe that they know everything about the others. Prevent unnecessary gossips or vicious rumours by showing less of your private life to people. It is called Private, isn’t it? If you put your life on display, will there be anything left that you can call private? I also took a few steps back from social networking sites a few years ago and I was shocked to see how hard my followers found it to understand me. Many people are unable to understand the fact that people change during their lives just as their behaviour and their priorities do. It is a typical reaction of followers that if you don’t post as much as you did before then something is fishy there. But I am only experiencing my everyday life and just trying to be present and aware.

Minimalism and Clothing It is hard to imagine people of minimal lifestyle to be wearing colourful, patterned or loud clothes. It is most likely that they choose their outfit every day by the general rules of fashion. However, I don’t have to go far to find a person of this type because it’s enough to take a look at my wardrobe. It is full of white or black pieces, a few beige and pastel ones. I prefer wearing these colours. Of course, I enjoy experimenting with colours but I usually regret it because I never feel good in harsh colours or out-of- the-ordinary shapes.


Minimalist Pieces

in the Wardrobe

The 13th point of my Spring Bucket List encourages us to refresh our wardrobe. Consider starting the spring season with a massive clearing out by only keeping the most necessarily pieces. I made a list of the basic pieces of a woman’s wardrobe. You can keep it for a lifetime because no fashion or temporary craze can affect it. I didn’t limit the choice of colour or cut so as you can use the pieces and styles that suit your shape and personality. WLS Spring



Home-wear Free time and sports Swimsuit Bikini Sweatpants T-shirt for training Sports bra Tops Tank top for layering Long sleeve silk blouse Long-sleeved sporty cotton shirt Turtleneck sweater made of some thin material Elegant top Layers Blazer Fine knit sweater Oversize pullover Cardigan that covers past your rear Jackets and Coats Trench coat Jacket for spring and autumn Leather coat Warm vest Sailor coat Warm winter coat

Pyjamas Nightgown Cotton T-shirt Long-sleeved top Lingerie set Bra At least 8 pieces of underwear Bottoms A pair of light coloured jeans A pair of dark jeans A pair of elegant trousers Sporty but chic trousers A pair of denim shorts A-line skirt Pencil skirt Footwear Sneakers Trainers Ballerina shoes Black high-heels Slippers Sandals High boots Wellingtons Ankle high boots Dresses Little black dress Long sleeve dress Sleeveless dress Elegant dress


DIY Table Decoration Eggs “Reloaded” WLS Spring



One of the most important holidays in spring is Easter. Its best known symbol is the egg so this spring edition is also about how to use eggs in the most possible ways within and outside the kitchen. The table decoration I am writing about here let us reuse the unwanted bits of the eggs: the shell. With a bit of imagination and creativity, we can prepare a lot of lovely things out of it. Such as the following table top decoration.

gloves and spray the gold paint onto the outside of the shells. While the eggs are getting dry, pick some dry grass off the road or from the garden, make some small nests out of it and put them into the trays of the egg holder. When the eggs are dry, place the tealights into the nests one by one. One or two quail eggs, a porcelain bird or other small easterly decorations make the result more charming. Once it is ready, it is such a peaceful, lovely view with the lights shining. However, be careful as burning candles always carry risks so never leave them unattended and always keep fire safety rules.

It is a very simple yet decorative and also costeffective home-made gift. It might be a great idea to make it with your kids during the spring break or they can do it themselves while you are preparing the Sunday roast.


Clean the eggshells - left

from the morning egg breakfast - with warm water and then wipe them dry. Cut the egg holders in half, lengthwise. (if you plan to give it as a gift, you can keep the lid so as your box could be closed. This makes packaging and transportation easier, too.) Spread a few sheets of newspaper on the table, put on your rubber

Ingredients: Egg trays A few pieces of eggshell Tealights A bunch of dry grass or hay Golden spray paint Rubber gloves Old Newspaper sheets Quail eggs or decorative mini eggs




The Life of a

Since there are flower shops anywhere you go and by the lumbering of import

and export, you can buy any type of fresh cut flowers throughout the year. When you have had enough of the long, grey days of winter, just get some lovely flowers to make you happy again. It is worth considering a few tips on how to keep the natural beauty of our bunch of flowers for longer - no matter if they are from a flower shop or from the garden. Many people love the Heralds of Spring: tulips, hyacinths, lilies and daffodils. A branch of pussy willow, or laburnum can be lovely decoration in the vase as well. The brave ones can use a branch of a budding tree, too but either of these will make a lovely decoration for spring.

WLS Spring


  What to do to be able to get more out of your cut flowers

How to keep your cut flowers fresh for longer

1. If they are not from the garden, cut back the

7. If you choose to use woody plants, strip the

stems with a sharp, clean knife before putting them in the vase.

bottom of the branches by 5 cm before putting them into the water.

2. Fill the vase up halfway, put some ice cubes

8. Woody plants prefer cool places so try to

in so as they increase the durability of the flowers.

choose a less warm place in the house to keep them and protect them from drafts.

3. Put a few drops of vinegar and sprinkle two or three pinches of salt in the water. Some people think that bleach is the best to put into the water because it kills the bacteria. Either way, make sure you stir the water well before you put the flowers in.

4. Make sure that only the stems are in the

TIP: my experience is that a bunch of flowers bought from the hypermarket or a store are shorter lasting than the ones bought from the flower shop. So if you seek to have them for longer than 3 to 4 days, buy them at the florist’s. It is also worth choosing flowers with buds as they will be blooming at your home.

water, the leaves and the flowers should be kept out of it.

5. Always remove the overblown parts and the withering herbaceous plants from the vase.

6. It is very important to change the water and cut back the stems on a daily basis.



WLS Spring


Spring is Here - Terrace Time!

Photo: depot-online.de




Finally it is time to sit outside on the terrace, in the garden or on our beloved balcony and we can even have breakfast or coffee under the blue sky.

If you buy a new chair, a romantic candle holder or a soft pillow, you can make your open air snug cosier and revived. It is very fashionable to use Ethno style when decorating our open air territory. Using rattan, bamboo, decorative lamps, vases and bowls, accessories of wicker and even strong colours are pretty characteristic of Ethno. When it comes to furniture, lacquer, steel, glass, brass, mosaic and lots of natural wood are allowed. When your snug is ready, take your favourite book or the laptop, snug into a comfy chair and do so every single day! By the help of a few accessories, any outdoor snug place can be made intimate and cosy.

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WLS Spring


I bought the first bunch of spring flowers on the 1st February and they served as inspiration to the first two pages of the magazine. Of course I had a few stumbling blocks to get through at the beginning but I never thought of giving up. My only option was success by carrying on in a joyful and consistent way. Reaching this last page, I can admit that I meant to fill up the pages with love, joy and positivity. Thinking of me writing the final words of my first magazine excited me the most. I have always believed that if we get down to doing something with great energy and enthusiasm, we also need to have the power to thoughtfully finish it up when its time comes. This is why when reaching the last page, I will always dedicate it to a personal thought, which inspires me at the time of writing. Inspiration. A powerful word. What can possibly inspire a writer? Our laburnum is blooming in the garden, providing a picturesque sight. During my early afternoon walk in the warm weather I can always smell the white blossoms of my favourite shrubs along the road. I always take time for smelling these beautiful flowers and for reaching up in the air to touch the pink blossoms of the cherry trees. These types of sensations are able to trigger a thought in my mind to give me inspiration - the result of which you can then read. In emails I am often asked about how to write, deliver feelings and whether this ability can possibly be improved. In my opinion, to achieve an intimate feel to a writing, the writer can play with words and synonyms, can use adjectives, personification, metaphors, similes and even words describing certain moods. All of these means will help one to create a pleasant atmosphere for the reader. These skills are easy to learn. However, what makes up the essence of a text is created by the soul of the writer and that is unique. Sometimes the environment and the events around are not “helpful” enough to put a writer into an inspired state of mind. However, with the right kind of music the noises of the outside world can be turned down and our creative spirit can boost. With some soft music in my ears, I always feel as if I were in a film and the music were a soundtrack transmitting feelings towards the audience. Getting inspired by music is a wonderful experience that makes my mind free so as my fantasy can soar. If you feel like writing, it is worth trying. Thank you, my dearest readers for staying with me until the last page. I hope that you have found joy in my first publication. Now we have got to the end of the spring issue of WLS Magazine. But I will surely come back in summer with new topics and lots of interesting articles. Until then, do not waste your own time but make your dreams come true! Take a good care of yourself, open up, give of yourself and always stay positive! I look forward to meeting you again. ♡ Réka

Would you like to advertise in Wife LifeStyle? Advertising and cooperation - get in touch with us at: reka@wifelifestyle.com The Summer Edition is issued: June 2017

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