UW Madison Arts Institute Brochure 2016-2017

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2016–17 Academic Year


As a division of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the Arts Institute is a gateway to the arts at the university. As arts practitioners, theorists, historians and educators within the cultural and creative world, we advance the arts as an invaluable resource that underpins the vital nature of the university and its wider community. We do this by promoting all forms of artistic expression, experience and interpretation via a diversity of intertwined paths through which we engage and understand our world.

Pictured: Spring 2015 Laura Anderson Barbata Residency STRUT! event. Photo by Aliza Rand.

University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR As an artist who seeks to understand and practice the arts through education and philosophy, I feel duty-bound to lead an Arts Institute that continues to provide a space where as a community, we come together as a tapestry of diverse, free and equal individuals who give meaning to the world through making, being and doing. In recognizing the prevalent value of the arts across the entire horizon by which a modern university works and sustains itself, the Arts Institute continues to position all the arts at the heart of the sciences, humanities, business and any other aspect of higher education. As the 17th century philosopher Giambattista Vico reminds us, it is by making that we come to know the world, and it is this assumption of knowing by making that we understand the realities to which we respond as a university. On such premises the Arts Institute continues to provide the UW–Madison community a gateway into a comprehensive engagement with the entire human endeavor. I therefore welcome you to the exciting possibilities by which we celebrate the Arts on Campus and therefore enhance and celebrate the deeper meaning of what makes us a community through making and knowing.

John Baldacchino, Director

Pictured: “Peace” by John Baldacchino.



University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

AWARDS IN THE CREATIVE ARTS artsinstitute.wisc.edu/awards.htm Kate Hewson, Assistant Director of Academic Programs | kate.hewson@wisc.edu | 608-263-9290

The Arts Institute provides a critical and safe place where arts research flourishes though all the forms that it takes. Proud of its academic role in supporting and sustaining the arts, the Arts Institute offers substantial research support to faculty, staff and students through annual awards and scholarships. A call for the Awards in the Creative Arts (Arts Awards) applications is released early each fall semester with a deadline in November. Each spring, the Arts Institute recognizes achievements and professional service along with supporting future creative endeavors and research. In May 2016, the Arts Institute awarded faculty, staff and students a total of $79,000 in research support.

Annual awards presented by the Arts Institute are provided by generous donors through funds held at the University of Wisconsin Foundation.

For information about establishing an Arts Award, please contact Christina Martin-Wright, Associate Director for External Relations, at christina.martinwright@wisc.edu.

Pictured, Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Artwork by 2016 Arts Awards recipients: Koala Yip; Nancy Mladenoff; Nora Herzog; Ann Archbold; John Hitchcock. 2015 Awards in the Creative Arts

Arts Awards 2016 photo gallery

University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure


INTERDISCIPLINARY ARTS RESIDENCY PROGRAM go.wisc.edu/artsresidency Emily Lewis, Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program Coordinator | emily.lewis@wisc.edu | 608-890-2196

The Arts Institute’s Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program (IARP) brings innovative world-class artists to campus for a semester-long residency, which is sponsored by at least two departments. While in residence, artists teach a 3-credit course, present public events and participate in community outreach. The program gives students exposure to working artists, provides course credit and strengthens programmatic ties amongst campus and community organizations. The UW–Madison Arts Institute has hosted world-class artists in residence since 1995 and formally launched the Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program (IARP) in 1999.

Meeta Mastani | Fall 2016 go.wisc.edu/meeta

Meeta Mastani is an internationally known print/dye artist, design specialist and community development advocate. She will teach the course “Tactile Textiles – From 2D to 3D” during the fall semester. The course will provide an artist’s perspective on the histories of ancient craft traditions in South Asia. It will instruct and guide students in expressing themselves in the area of social and cultural symbols on textiles and paper using sustainable natural materials. As part of community outreach, there will be presentations throughout the semester and a final event showcasing work by students and campus partners. Meeta Mastani’s residency is sponsored by the UW– Madison Arts Institute and is hosted by the Department of Art History with Professor Henry Drewal as lead faculty. Co-sponsors include the Art Department, Design Studies Department, the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection and the Center for South Asia.

Pictured: Meeta Mastani. Photo by Imran Philmi. Meeta Mastani on her fall 2016 course, “Tactile Textiles - From 2D to 3D” Celebrating 20 Years of the Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program

Arts Institute Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program, UW–Madison Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program 2016 photo gallery


University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

Peter Krsko | Spring 2017 go.wisc.edu/krsko

Peter Krsko creates collaborative and community public art, such as sculptures and murals, inspired by biological concepts. He also develops STEAM-based lesson plans for schools, summer camps, after-school programs and correctional facilities. During his residency, he will teach the course “Zoethica: Bioinspired Art and Science” during the spring semester. The course is designed to engage students in interdisciplinary, hands-on study of the natural world utilizing modern instrumentation. He will guide students to observe natural materials, organisms and systems at micro, meso and macroscopic levels.

Pictured: Peter Krsko. Photo courtesy of artist. Coming Soon: “Zoethica: Bioinspired Art and Science” with Peter Krsko

This effort will culminate in the final gallery exhibit of the students’ individual and collaborative artwork and a launch of the Zoethica website, which will include STEAMfocused curriculum. Peter Krsko’s residency is presented by the UW–Madison Arts Institute and is hosted by the Department of Biological Systems Engineering with Professor Sundaram Gunasekaran as lead faculty. Co-sponsors include the Art Department, Design Studies Department and Department of Physics.

University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

CREATIVE ARTS & DESIGN LEARNING COMMUNITY: THE STUDIO thestudiouw.arts.wisc.edu | : @thestudiouw Marina Kelly, Creative Arts & Design Learning Community Coordinator | marina.kelly@housing.wisc.edu | 608-265-4212

The Studio is a residential learning community for 60+ incoming first-year students who express an interest in the arts. Under the guidance of Marina Kelly, Program Coordinator, The Studio’s residents have access to art and performance spaces along with a wide array of arts-related programming. The Studio fosters community building and provides students, many who are not art-majors, a way to explore their creativity.

To learn more about how you can support this diverse, creative and vibrant campus living community, contact Zack Robbins at zack.robbins@wisc.edu.

Pictured: students, performances and artwork from The Studio. Photos by Aliza Rand. The Studio: Creative Arts & Design Community

The Studio 2015 photo gallery

The Studio at Line Breaks 2016

The Studio 2016 photo gallery



University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

NEW ARTS VENTURE CHALLENGE go.wisc.edu/navc Kate Lochner | krlochner@wisc.edu | 608-890-3316

Created in 2009 in collaboration with the Wisconsin School of Business and Arts Enterprise, the New Arts Venture Challenge is a campus-wide student competition, open to all majors, designed to encourage new thinking and innovative ideas. Entrants develop and submit a proposal for an arts event, exhibition, series, commercial venture or other artistic project. Finalists are chosen in advance and present their projects during a ceremony where they are judged by a panel of arts and business leaders. Judges then rank and distribute seed money, provided by the Arts Institute, to the winners.

2016 winners: 1st Prize Finalist


“Mira... Indigenous Lives Through Indigenous Eyes” Ligia (Licho) López (primary) along with Gioconda Coello and Associate Professor Faisal Abdu’Allah

2nd Prize Finalists

($500 for each team)

Artworking’s “Boom, Snap, Clap!”– Holiday Pop-Up Shop Jeremy Nuttall (primary) and Lance Owens Environmental Art Series Alexandra Lakind (primary), Emili Earhart and Rob Lundberg Sound Out Loud Ensemble Satoko Hayami (primary), Kyle Johnson and Garrett Mendelow

Pictured, Top to Bottom: 2016 New Arts Venture Challenge winners and presentations. Photos by Aliza Rand. New Arts Venture Challenge 2016 photo gallery

University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

WISCONSIN FILM FESTIVAL March 30–April 6, 2017

wifilmfest.org | : @wifilmfest Ben Reiser, Wisconsin Film Festival Coordinator | ben.reiser@wisc.edu | 608-262-6578

Established in 1999, the Wisconsin Film Festival is the largest university-produced film festival in the United States with an average of 150 film screenings and between 25,000-30,000 attendees. Known as one of the region’s iconic events of the year, the Wisconsin Film Festival brings more than the cool factor to Madison. The Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau has determined the 2016 economic impact of the eight-day festival to be $1.6 million! Associated events include free post-film lectures/Q&As with renowned filmmakers, producers, actors, historians, artists and writers, as well as special screenings throughout the state.

The Wisconsin Film Festival is known for its diverse film offerings from American independent, international cinema, documentaries, experimental, avant-garde, restored classics, the Wisconsin’s Own Competition (selections featuring Wisconsin filmmakers, themes, or settings) and Children’s Cinema: Big Screens, Little Folks, which was launched in 2014. The Wisconsin Film Festival is presented in partnership with the Department of Communication Arts.

To learn how you can strengthen and sustain this iconic Festival with a donation or sponsorship, contact Zack Robbins at zack.robbins@wisc.edu.

Pictured, Top to Bottom, Left to Right, 2016 Wisconsin Film Festival: Vilas Hall, UW–Madison campus; First Look event; Opening Night event; Barrymore Theatre; welcome video featuring Chancellor Rebecca Blank and Bucky Badger; Festival Volunteers; Big Screens, Little Folks; Tom Schiller, Jim Healy and JJ Murphy at the Filmmakers Brunch. Photos by Aliza Rand. Golden Badger Awards at the 2016 Wisconsin Film Festival Wisconsin Film Festival 2016 Trailer

Wisconsin Film Festival 2016 photo gallery



University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure


madisonearlymusic.org | : @madisonearly Mallory Murphy, Assistant Director of Outreach Programs | memf@arts.wisc.edu | 608-890-1118

The internationally known Madison Early Music Festival (MEMF) was created in 1999 to provide an opportunity for musicians, scholars, teachers, students and music enthusiasts to study Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music in its social, cultural and political contexts; as well as present concerts by acclaimed artists who specialize in historically informed performance of early music. MEMF features a multi-concert series open to the public and free pre-concert lectures by renowned musicologists, historians, artists and linguists. For learners of all ages interested in advancing their instrumental or vocal skills, there are over 15 different workshops to choose from led by renowned performers and teachers in voice, strings, brass, musicology and more. Over 2,000 people attend

MEMF whether as a workshop participant, guest artist or as a concert attendee. The 2017 theme will be “Quixotic Musical Treasures from the Golden Age of Spain.” The Madison Early Music Festival is a program of the UW–Madison Arts Institute, offered in partnership with the Mead Witter School of Music.

Funding from individuals and businesses brings world-class musicians to Madison each year. To learn more about how you can support these efforts, contact Zack Robbins at zack.robbins@wisc.edu.

Pictured, Top to Bottom, Left to Right, 2016 Madison Early Music Festival: workshop; ensemble class; early opera workshop; All-Festival Concert; Elizabethan dance event participants; Elizabethan dance event musicians. Photos by Aliza Rand. Highlights of the 2016 Madison Early Music Festival (July 9-16) The Baltimore Consort Concert | Madison Early Music Festival 2016

All-Festival Concert | Madison Early Music Festival 2016 Madison Early Music Festival 2016 photo gallery

University of Wisconsin–Madison Arts Institute 2016-2017 Brochure

2016-2017 CAMPUS ARTS CARD go.wisc.edu/campusartscard

The Campus Arts Card is available for purchase by UW– Madison students and faculty/staff during the fall semester. The use of the card encourages all members of the UW– Madison community to experience a variety of arts events at a substantial discount throughout the year.

Learn more about how you can give the gift of Arts on Campus by contacting Mallory Murphy at mallory.murphy@wisc.edu.


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arts.wisc.edu | : @uwmadisonarts | Christina Martin-Wright, Associate Director for External Relations | christina.martinwright@wisc.edu | 608-890-4561

The Arts Institute is a resource for all things Arts and Humanities at UW–Madison. Through management of arts.wisc.edu, social networking sites, robust media relationships and more, the Arts Institute provides both campus and the community with a gateway to the arts and humanities at the UW–Madison. The website arts.wisc.edu includes an all-inclusive arts and humanities event calendar and links to academic departments, galleries, performance spaces and more!

Pictured, Top to Bottom: Campus Arts Cards; arts.wisc.edu website; Arts on Campus monthly full-page ad in the Isthmus. UW–Madison – Campus Arts Card 2015-2016 UW–Madison Arts Institute Year in Review


Director’s Office 1050 University Avenue | Madison, WI 53706

John Baldacchino | Director baldacchino@wisc.edu | 608-890-3314 Sarah Chapeau | Executive Assistant to the Director sarah.chapeau@wisc.edu | 608-890-2718 Christina Martin-Wright | Associate Director for External Relations christina.martinwright@wisc.edu | 608-890-4561 Zack Robbins | Corporate Relations Director zack.robbins@wisc.edu | 608-628-7344 Staci Francis | Associate Director of Administration sfrancis@wisc.edu | 608-890-3794 Kate Hewson | Assistant Director for Academic Programs kate.hewson@wisc.edu | 608-263-9290

artsinstitute.wisc.edu | arts.wisc.edu |

: @uwmadisonarts |

Pictured on Cover, Top to Bottom, Left to Right: collaborative mural making by students at The Studio; audience at Juan de Marcos GonzĂĄlez Final Celebration event, photo by Heather Owens; 2016 New Arts Venture Challenge presenters; Juan de Marcos with Afro-Cuban All Stars; students at The Studio orientation. Photos: Aliza Rand, unless noted otherwise.

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