4 minute read
and Vision Clarity

Without a vision, and a clear one, it is impossible to utilize all the competencies that you have.
Let me illustrate.

BY: Ernest Nyingi
billionaire who is interested in making your vision come true, by the end of your envisioning process, would he release his/her wealth to have you fulfill that vision?
Would he be impressed or disappointed with Clarity of your vision? (Picture yourself in a Shark/ Lions pitching opportunity)
There are many definitions of vision. I like simplified things, its good for everyone.
If you sit across a Myles Monroe resonates with my
‘ True vision is
a concept(idea) of a future more

preferable than the past and present.’
thinking about vision when he says that, ‘ True vision is a concept (idea) of a future more preferable than the past and present.’
sonal vision?
Do you have a per
What is a future that is preferable than your now?
Write it down, without a worry of the many words you will use.
Do you have a business or corporate vision?

What is your organizational/ business future that is preferable than your current one?
Write it down, without a worry of the many words you will use.
This process is a vital one. Most professionals work in a organization that has a vision, and yet they don’t have their own. Most business people haven’t aligned their vision, hence don’t see how far they can go. When problems come, and they do, they give up on that idea. You need to develop a clear vision, personally, professionally and corporately.
(Don’t borrow another person’s vision, a vision needs context, and it is about you.)
My vision is empowering leaders and organizations to be purposeful and productive for posterity.
I believe and support the course of individuals discovering and deploying their vision and legacy.
Prime Principle One:
Concerning vision, l always go
back to this truth l hold dear. “The more clear the aim, the more clear the claim.” You cannot claim what is not clear. You cannot achieve what you don’t clarify.
Let me personalize this conversation to you with a few processing questions.
Is your vision clear enough that it energizes you and others towards it’s fulfilment?
What are you willing to do or not do for the sake of the vision you have?
You need to have clarity of your vision in order to disqualify everything else that doesn’t support that end.
Prime Principle Two:
Vision determine your DOs and DONTs
Does your Vision Clarity determine your DOs and DONTs?
Solomon, a wise historical king
said, “Without vision people throw off self discipline.”
- Proverbs 29:18
What are areas you lack self discipline because you are not clear on where you are going?
If you will clarify your vision, it helps to stay within the confines of fulfilment. It is obvious you will face
Also, if you do have and take detours, vision clarity acts a compass to bring you back on course. Prime Principle Three:
Do you find yourself ‘Vision competent’?
If you will clarify your
vision, it helps to stay
within the confines of ful
can assist you do ‘get

filment. It is obvious you
distractions, but you are better off defining those parameters. This is what a clear vision does for you, assisting and assuring you where the direction is and to avoid detours. Vision clarity demands getting loads of wisdom so you can actualize your dreams and not repeat unnecessary mistakes others have made. will face distractions, but you are better off defining those parameters.
It is one thing to know what you want to do and another to do it, and another thing to do it very well. Fortunately, there are resources (people, programs, books etc) around your life that there’.
This means the willingness to learn becise the vision you have is clear. You know what to study and what not to study or invest in or to
relate with.
What will you do today, and everyday to grow in competence, especially where your vision and values are concerned?
Prime Principle Four:
Dont just have your eyes to look, also make sure you also see. You need a heart vision.
What do you see? What is your heart vision?
Ensure you get clarity also in your heart. The vision should align with who you are. I will later talk about a personal development concept called PAGE. You should own your vision because it is part of you.
Just reminder that:
The greatest gift ever given to mankind is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision. Sight is a function of the eyes; vision is a
“Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare.” Dr Myles Monroe

function of the heart. “Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare.” Dr Myles Monroe
This is the other reason why l coach individuals and consult with organizations to clarify and become ‘Vision competent”.
Four simple start-up principles in clarifying your vision.
When will you start?