Audience and Products
Assignment Brief Course Title/Level:
BTEC First in Media
Unit No: Credit Value Assignment Title:
4 5
Audience and Products
Audience and Products
IV of assignment brief by Student Name:
Unit Title:
Assignment Tutor: GVT/RNM/PEC
Date Issued:
Deadline Date:
For each assignment you must: 1. 2. 3.
Check you have completed as much of the assignment as you are able, taking note of the grading checklist with reference to the evidence required. Complete any additional requested documentation. Ensure your name is on your work before you upload to moodle
Grading Checklist All pass criteria must be met to be awarded a Passgrade All pass and all merit criteria must be met to be awarded a Merit grade All pass, all merit and all distinction criteria must be met to be awarded a Distinction grade
Assessment Decision Criteria Covered P1.4 P2.4 P3.4
Criteria Covered M1.4 M2.4 M3.4
Criteria Covered D1.4 D2.4 D3.4
Assignment Scenario You work for a dynamic media company and you have asked by Sony to research and develop a new computer/phone product to rival the Apple iphone/ipad. You should produce a report that identifies the target audience for the current iphone/ipad and collate data that will enable you to create a rival product for Sony to release to market
The One folder submission should contain Documentation needed for this assignment includes: *Produce a written piece outlining the ‘Aims and Intentions’ of your project. Use the Template on moodle as a guide. Create a PowerPoint proposal for media research methods to identify the audience for the iphone/ipad. Include questionnaire raw data results and research summary *Create a report for Sony on the rival Apple product iphone/ipad on the features and benefits of the phone and its USP (unique selling point) * Use Publisher to create an article for a fanzine or website that promotes you rival Sony phone/Sonypad and highlights your products cool new unique features * Complete a written evaluation of your project.
Unit Content Covered:
1.4(PMD), 2.4(PMD), 3.4(PMD),
Scenario: You are a new, small but ambitious MARKETING company. You are to produce and advertise a rival IPAD product for SONY .You need to think about how media products are created to meet its target audience. Your advert/Article should be print based highlighting the latest features of the new SONY product.
Task No.
Task Description
Unit Number
Criteria Covered
Date Achieved
P4.1 M4.1 D4.1
See Interim Sheet
Task Scenario: As a media practitioner you will need to have a clear understanding of what you have been asked to do and explain this using media terminology and the equipment you will need to complete the task. Audience research: eg focus groups, questionnaires, ratings (BARB), audience measurement panels, face to face interviews Evidence: Your PowerPoint proposal should discuss the methods and techniques you will use to research target audiences 1
To achieve a Pass grade PowerPoint proposal outline ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products To achieve a Merit grade Your PowerPoint proposal describe ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples. To achieve a Distinction grade Your PowerPoint proposal explain ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples. Task Scenario: As You work for a media company you will need to create a Report for SONY on the rival Apple product iphone/ipad on the features and benefits of the phone and its USP (unique selling point) Elements of construction: selection; composition; combination Modes of address: eg through content, through language, through genre, through narrative, through visual imagery, through graphic style According to genre: eg lifestyle magazine, specialist magazine, Evidence: Your Report must include the USP of the iphone/ipad. The templates on moodle will guide you. To achieve a Pass grade Your Report must outline ways in which a media product is constructed or a specific
P4.2 M4.2 D4.2
To achieve a Merit grade Your Report describe ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples
To achieve a Distinction grade Your Report explain ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples
Task Scenario: As You work for a media company you will need to create an Article for a fanzine or website that promotes you rival Sony phone/sonypad and highlights your products cool new unique features Understand how audiences can respond to media products Reasons for preference: eg age, gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation Language codes: eg verbal, visual, aural Generic codes: eg language, content, narrative, characters, style, camera work, soundtrack, music, mise enscène, iconography, graphics 3
Evidence: Completion of Article Assessment:
To achieve a Pass grade your Article outline ways in which a media product might be understood by an audience. To achieve a Merit grade your Article describe ways in which a media product might be understood by an audience with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples. To achieve a Distinction grade your Article must explain ways in which a media product might be understood by audiences with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples..
See Interim Sheet
P4.3 M4.3 D4.3
Grading Sheet BTEC First in Media (Audiences and Products) Unit: 4
outline ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products
outline ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience
outline ways in which a media product might be understood by an audience.
describe ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples describe ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples describe ways in which a media product might be understood by an audience with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples.
To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:
To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:
To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
Title : Audiences and Products
explain ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples
explain ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples
explain ways in which a media product might be understood by audiences with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples.
Student Name Qualification Title: BTEC First in Media Assignment Title: The Creative Media Sector Unit No: 4
Assessor Interim Feedback Assessment Criteria
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2
P3 M3 D3
Achieved Y/N
Comments / Advice
Research Proposal
The feedback sheet should be used to give guidance on achieving outcomes. To be signed upon completion of assignment Assessor Signature
I.V. Signature
Date Achieved
Authentication Statement This form must be signed by both the candidate and the centreassessor, and attached to the candidate’s coursework submission. Any candidate unable to provide a signed authentication statement may receive zero credit for the unit. Notice to Candidates The work you submit for assessment must be your own. You may be disqualified from this assignment if you copy from someone else, copy from downloaded or published materials, allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way. Declaration of Authentication I have read and understood the Notice to Candidates above. I have produced the attached work without assistance, other than that which my teacher has explained is acceptable within the specification.
Date Student’s signature