Kids TV Show Assignment Brief

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Assignment Brief BTEC National in Media (Creative Media Production) 1 Unit Title: Pre­Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries 37 Unit Title: Presentation Techniques for Broadcasting Kids TV Show Date:

Course Title/Level: Unit No: Unit No: Assignment Title: IV of assignment brief by Student Name:


Assignment Tutor:

Date Issued:

Deadline Date:

For each assignment you must: 1. 2. 3.

Check you have completed as much of the assignment as you are able, taking note of the grading checklist with reference to the evidence required. Complete any additional requested documentation. Ensure your name is on your work.

Grading Checklist All pass criteria must be met to be awarded a Passgrade All pass and all merit criteria must be met to be awarded a Merit grade All pass, all merit and all distinction criteria must be met to be awarded a Distinction grade

Assessment Decision Criteria Covered



P1.1 P1.2 P1.3

Criteria Covered P37.1 P37.2 P37.3 P37.4

Criteria Covered



M1.1 M1.2 M1.3



Criteria Covered M37.1 M37.2 M37.3 M37.4

Criteria Covered





D1.1 D1.2 D1.3



Criteria Covered D37.1 D37.2 D37.3 D37.4

Assignment Scenario You would like to get into the world of TV presenting; in order to achieve your dream as a TV presenter you need to create a short sequence to use as a showreel to present at an interview for a TV kids show presenting job. Your presentation style will be under scrutiny by your potential employers, so ensure that it is applicable to the styles and conventions associated with children’s television (ages 6­12). You will also need to construct (or purchase) elements of your own set and props in order to appeal to a range of children’s tastes. The content of your presenting segment should take the form of an ‘anchor’ spot in­between two kids TV shows in order to maintain the momentum / pace. Documentation needed for this assignment includes: * Project Development Diary (for the duration of the project) *Completed TV Host Workbook * TV Presentation Comparison Essay (750 words) * Research Log *Project Proposal *Pre Production Materials *Finished Kids TV Show ‘Anchor’ sequence (5­10 mins) * Written Evaluation or Production Commentary Voice­over (This list is just a very basic overview of what needs to be submitted. See Kids TV Show Project Task Submission List on Moodle for a more detailed breakdown of what is required during submission. This list will also include which elements should be completed individually and / or as part of a group.)

Unit Content Covered:

1.1(PMD), 1.2(PMD), 1.3(PMD) 37.1(PMD), 37.2 (PMD), 37.3(PMD), 37.4 (PMD)

Scenario: You would like to get into the world of TV presenting; in order to achieve your dream as a TV presenter you need to create a short sequence to use as a showreel to present at an interview for a TV kids show presenting job. Your presentation style will be under scrutiny by your potential employers, so ensure that it is applicable to the styles and conventions associated with children’s television (ages 6­12). You will also need to construct (or purchase) elements of your own set and props in order to appeal to a range of children’s tastes. The content of your presenting segment should take the form of an ‘anchor’ spot in­ between two kids TV shows in order to maintain the momentum / pace. Task No.

Task Description

Unit Number

Criteria Covered

Date Achieved


P1.3 M1.3 D1.3

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

Task Scenario: As a media producer you will need to record your progress your productivity at the end of each of your sessions, in the form of a Project Development Diary. This will showcase your thoughts and progress throughout this assignment.


Evidence: Your Project Development Diary should reflect what you have accomplished in each of your work sessions, as well as your own thoughts and comments regarding your progress. Entries do not have to be long but must be reflective. You will need to conduct a Development Project Diary for most of your projects. The diary should reflect proposed schedules, logistics and evidence of individual (and group related) project progress. See Development Project Diary help sheet for further details. Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Project Development Diary must show evidence of the application of pre­production planning. To achieve a Merit grade your Project Development Diary must show evidence of the competent application of pre­production planning. To achieve a Distinction grade your Project Development Diary must show evidence of the near professional application of pre­production planning.

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Task Scenario: You are to complete the designated TV Host workbook to improve your understanding of the techniques associated with presentation, roles and broadcast journalism. Evidence: Your Workbook should consist of a series of questions and activities that you are required to fully complete to show understanding of presentation, roles and techniques. Assessment:

P37.1 M37.1

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

To achieve a Pass grade Workbooks show evidence of appropriate use of subject terminology. To achieve a Merit grade Workbooks show evidence of appropriate use of subject terminology using detailed illustrative examples.

Task Scenario: Your next task is to write a 750 word Presentation Comparison Essay about a comparison / contrast of two current television presenters that utilize two differing styles of presentation. Your case study should demonstrate an understanding of the different styles of presentation techniques used with television hosting.


Evidence: Your 750 word Presentation Comparison Essay should reflect an understanding of the different styles of presentation techniques used with television hosting.


P37.1 M37.1 D37.1

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle


P37.2 M37.2 D37.2

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your essay should show evidence of appropriate use of subject terminology. To achieve a Merit grade your essay should show evidence of appropriate use of subject terminology using detailed illustrative examples. To achieve a Distinction grade your essay should show evidence of appropriate use of subject terminology using elucidated examples.

Task Scenario: Your next task is to develop a Research Log. In order gain a more clear concept of the actual form and content of your short Kids TV show hosting ‘anchor’ segment, you must undertake research into styles, audience and intended effect on the audience of the presentational style.


Evidence: Your Research Log should consist of both Primary and Secondary research. Primary research should be analysed using both qualitative and quantative methods. You could use a variety of different sources from newspapers to websites, but you must focus on an identification of style and intended presentation effects on your audience. Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade Research Logs should show evidence of extracting relevant information from written sources. To achieve a Merit grade Research Logs should show evidence of extracting precise information from written sources. To achieve a Distinction grade Research Logs should show evidence of extracting comprehensive information from written sources.


37 Task Scenario: Complete your Project Proposal which should outline the technical qualities, visual style, purpose and target audience of

P37.2 M37.2 D37.2

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

your Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ spot. You should integrate suitability for audience details, intended effect on the audience (e.g.:­ to educate, inform or entertain). Evidence: Your Project Proposal should include a target audience profile, the technical style, visual style, appropriateness of the editing / presentational style, costumes, props, set design to the genre, and overall purpose of your finished Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ spot. You should integrate suitability for audience details, intended effect on the audience (e.g.:­ to educate, inform or entertain). Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Project Proposal must show evidence that your concept is working within appropriate conventions. To achieve a Merit grade your Project Proposal must show evidence that your concept is working within appropriate conventions, showing some imagination. To achieve a Distinction grade your Project Proposal must show evidence that your concept is working within appropriate conventions, working towards professional expectations.

Task Scenario: Complete your Pre­Production Materials necessary for the completion of a specific media production.


Evidence: Your Pre­Production Materials should include a variety of necessary documentation including: Treatment, script, shooting script, shooting schedule, storyboards, location survey, budget plan, etc. See Pre­production material templates for further details. You will also need to detail minutes of meetings if you are working a team.

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Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Pre­Production Materials should be produced within appropriate conventions, with some assistance. To achieve a Merit grade your Pre­Production Materials should be produced showing some imagination, with only occasional assistance. To achieve a Distinction grade your Pre­Production Materials should be produced showing creativity and flair, working to professional expectations. 7

37 Task Scenario: Film and edit your Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ sequence (5­10 mins) using the Sony Vegas editing software on the computers. Evidence: Your Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ sequence (5­10 mins) should reflect the relevant codes and conventions of a children TV show. It should also contain relevant SFX and soundtrack / sound effects, as well as proper application of relevant presentation skills.

P1.1 M1.1 D1.1 P1.2 M1.2 D1.2 P1.3 M1.3 D1.3 P37.3 M37.3 D37.3

P37.3 M37.3 D37.3 P37.4 M37.4 D37.4

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ sequence (5­10 mins) should be produced within appropriate conventions. To achieve a Merit grade your Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ sequence (5­10 mins) should be produced showing some imagination. To achieve a Distinction grade Kids TV Show ‘anchor’ sequence (5­10 mins) should be produced showing creativity and flair.

Task Scenario: When you have completed your production, now is the time to be reflective of the technical and aesthetic decisions you have made in the production of your Kids TV Show ‘anchor spot’. You can decide to either write a 500 word written evaluation or a reflective technical commentary recorded as an audio voice over companion piece to your film.


Evidence: Your written evaluation or your reflective audio commentary should reflect the technical competency that you (and your group) feel you have applied to your project. It should also reflect your films visual style and content ideas whilst working within the presentational formats. See Evaluation / Commentary Help sheet for further details. Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Evaluation / Commentary should be produced within appropriate conventions. To achieve a Merit grade your Evaluation / Commentary should be produced showing some imagination. To achieve a Distinction grade your Evaluation / Commentary should be produced showing creativity and flair.


P37.4 M37.4 D37.4

See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle

Grading Sheet BTEC First National in Media (Creative Media Production) Unit: 1 Title: Pre­Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries




Outline requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production.

Generate outline preproduction documentation for a specific media production with some assistance.

Apply pre­production planning to a specific media production working with some assistance.


Explain in some detail and competently present requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production.


Generate competent, carefully presented and detailed pre­production documentation for a specific media production with only occasional assistance.


Apply pre­production planning to a specific media production competently with only occasional assistance.

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:


To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:



To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:


Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near­professional standards fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production.


Generate thorough and comprehensively detailed pre­production documentation for a specific media production, working independently to professional .expectations.


Apply pre­production planning to a specific media production to a quality that reflects near­professional standards, working independently to professional expectations.

The above criteria are covered in this assignment Grading Sheet BTEC First National in Media (Creative Media Production) Unit: 37 Title: Presentation Techniques for Broadcasting






Demonstrate sound understanding of presentation roles and techniques with reference to detailed illustrative examples.


Research proposals for presentations competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance.

Produce a presentation in a specified role for a specified purpose working within appropriate conventions.

Comment on own presentation work.

Demonstrate understanding of presentation roles and techniques.

Research proposals for presentations working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance.

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:


To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:



To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:


Demonstrate thorough understanding of presentation roles and techniques with elucidated examples.


Research proposals for presentations showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations.


Produce a competent presentation in a specified role for a specified purpose showing some imagination.


Produce a presentation in a specified role for a specified purpose to near­ professional standards showing creativity and flair.


Explain own presentation work with reference to detailed illustrative examples.


Critically evaluate own presentation work in the context of professional practice with elucidated examples.

The above criteria are covered in this assignment

Authentication Statement This form must be signed by both the candidate and the centre­assessor, and attached to the candidate’s coursework submission. Any candidate unable to provide a signed authentication statement may receive zero credit for the unit. Notice to Candidates The work you submit for assessment must be your own. You may be disqualified from this assignment if you copy from someone else, copy from downloaded or published materials, allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way. Any information used must be correctly referenced to its original source. Declaration of Authentication I have read and understood the Notice to Candidates above. I have produced the attached work without assistance, other than that which my teacher has explained is acceptable within the specification.

Date Student’s signature

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