General Guidelines These will be applied in conjunction with the relevant mark schemes
Work book
Primary Research
Secondary Research
Lesson Action Plans
Minutes of Meetings
Shooting Script
Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass
Most sections completed All sections completed with explanations developing the points you have made This is not possible for this task The essay has been completed within 150 words of the recommended minimum The essay has structure and references the topics involved to prove points Proves point with clear and developed reference to the topics usually over minimum words Questionnaires completed At least 5 open and closed questions with graphs and research analysis Around 10 questions completed with graphs and detailed research analysis At least one item of secondary research gathered and annotated At least three items gathered and annotated 5 or more items gathered and annotated with comments informing the production Most completed Fully completed Fully completed with detailed tasks explained Most completed Fully completed Fully completed with detailed tasks explained Completed Fully completed and substantial using the correct conventions As Merit but with developed scene descriptions and character reactions where apt Completed Fully completed and substantial using the correct conventions As merit but with a range of shots and movements throughout At least 1 page of storyboards completed
Merit Distinction Location Survey
Shooting Schedule
Budget Planner
Edit Decision List
Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction Pass Merit Distinction
At least 2 pagescompleted with the relevant information 3 or more pageswith the relevant information including a range of shots and movements At least one completed At least 3 completed 3 or more completed with detailed explanations within each section At least one date completed A range of times and dates included All sections fully completed with a range of times and dates included Submitted Submitted with a range of costs for general equipment Fully correct with specific equipment and locations included Submitted A range of shots considered with the timings included A range of shots considered with the timings included taking account for different takes A production submitted Production fits the generic conventions of the intended production As merit but completed to a professional level and produced with professionalism The evaluation has been completed within 150 words of the recommended minimum The evaluation has structure and referenced the tasks and product involved Make clear and developed reference to the production usually over minimum words