Assignment Brief Course Title/Level: BTEC National in Media (Creative Media Production) Unit No: 2 Unit Title: Communication Skills for Media Production Assignment Title: The Interview IV of assignment Date: SSM brief by Student Name:
Assignment Tutor:
Date Issued:
Deadline Date:
For each assignment you must: 1.
2. 3.
Check you have completed as much of the assignment as you are able, taking note of the grading checklist with reference to the evidence required. Complete any additional requested documentation. Ensure your name is on your work.
Grading Checklist All pass criteria must be met to be awarded a Pass grade All pass and all merit criteria must be met to be awarded a Merit grade All pass, all merit and all distinction criteria must be met to be awarded a Distinction grade
Assessment Decision Criteria Covered P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 P2.5
Part Full Criteria Covered
Part Full Criteria Covered
M2.1 M2.2 M2.3 M2.4 M2.5
D2.1 D2.2 D2.3 D2.4 D2.5
Part Full
Assignment Scenario You are trainee journalist working for a small media production company. Your brief is to supply a series of short interviews and sound bites from new students of the college to be implemented within a small promotional film. The interviews must reflect positive aspects of first impressions of new students within the college itself. All questions must be fully thought out and pre-production must be completed to a high standard. Research and development into the college profile and similar promotional sound bites is a must. Documentation needed for this assignment includes: * Project Development Diary (for the duration of the project) * Research Log * Research Evaluation * Project Proposal * PowerPoint Pitch * Pre Production Materials (No Assessment – Practice for next Project) * Finished Interview Film (No Assessment – Practice for next Project)
(This list is just a very basic overview of what needs to be submitted. See Interview Project Task Submission List on Moodle for a more detailed breakdown of what is required during submission. This list will also include which elements should be completed individually and / or as part of a group.)
Unit Content Covered:
2.1(PMD), 2.2(PMD), 2.3(PMD), 2.4 (PMD), 2.5(PMD)
Scenario: You are trainee journalist working for a small media production company. Your brief is to supply a series of short interviews and sound bites from new students of the college to be implemented within a small promotional film. The interviews must reflect positive aspects of first impressions of new students within the college itself. All questions must be fully thought out and pre-production must be completed to a high standard. Research and development into the college profile and similar promotional sound bites is a must. Task No.
Task Description
Unit Number
Criteria Covered
Date Achieved
P2.2 M2.2 D2.2 P2.3 M2.3 D2.3
See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle
Task Scenario: As a media producer you will need to record your progress your productivity at the end of each of your sessions, in the form of a Project Development Diary. This will showcase your thoughts and progress throughout this assignment.
Evidence: Your Project Development Diary should reflect what you have accomplished in each of your work sessions, as well as your own thoughts and comments regarding your progress. Entries do not have to be long but must be reflective. You will need to conduct a Development Project Diary for most of your projects. See Development Project Diary help sheet for further details. Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Project Development Diary must convey relevant information reflecting occasional beneficial effects. To achieve a Merit grade your Project Development Diary must convey structured and detailed information reflecting frequent beneficial effects. To achieve a Distinction grade your Project Development Diary must convey substantial and precise information reflecting consistently beneficial effects.
2 2
Task Scenario: Your next task is to develop a Research Log. In order to complete you production work to a professional standard, you will need to have developed your knowledge of Wilberforce College as well as an appreciation of the codes and technical conventions of a structured interview. Evidence: Your Research Log should consist of both Primary and Secondary research. Primary research should be analysed using both qualitative and quantative methods. See Research log help sheet for further details. Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade Research Logs should show evidence of extracting relevant information from written sources. To achieve a Merit grade Research Logs should show evidence of extracting precise information from written sources. To
P2.1 M2.1 D2.1
See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle
achieve a Distinction grade Research Logs should show evidence of extracting comprehensive information from written sources. Task Scenario: Your next task is to write a written Research Evaluation summarizing the information and research you have gathered within your research log, to prepare for the interview. This should detail how useful and relevant the research was in your preparation and development for the interview itself.
Evidence: Your Research Evaluation should examine both the findings and usefulness of your primary and secondary research as developed through your Research Log. See Research Evaluation help sheet for further details.
P2.2 M2.2 D2.2 P2.3 M2.3 D2.3
See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle
P2.4 M2.4 D2.4 P2.5 M2.5 D2.5
See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle
Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Research Evaluation must convey relevant information reflecting occasional beneficial effects. To achieve a Merit grade your Research Evaluation must convey structured and detailed information reflecting frequent beneficial effects. To achieve a Distinction grade your Research Evaluation must convey substantial and precise information reflecting consistently beneficial effects. Task Scenario: Complete your Project Proposal which should outline the technical qualities, purpose and target audience of your finished production. Evidence: Your Project Proposal should include a target audience profile, the technical style, location survey, and overall purpose of your finished interview. See Project Proposal help sheet for further details. 4
Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your Project Proposal must deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal using communicative ideas. To achieve a Merit grade your Project Proposal must deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal with some imagination using communicative ideas effectively. To achieve a Distinction grade your Project Proposal must deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal to near professional standards using communicative ideas with an impact.
2 Task Scenario: Complete your PowerPoint Pitch in order to feedback aesthetic qualities of the product in relation to the clients brief (see scenario for clients brief). Evidence: Your PowerPoint Pitch should contain pictures, text and finished video. Each PowerPoint will be presented to the rest
P2.4 M2.4 D2.4 P2.5 M2.5 D2.5
See Digital Interim Feedback on Moodle
of the class. See PowerPoint Pitch help sheet for further details. Assessment: To achieve a Pass grade your PowerPoint Pitch must deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal using communicative ideas. To achieve a Merit grade your PowerPoint Pitch must deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal with some imagination using communicative ideas effectively. To achieve a Distinction grade your PowerPoint Pitch must deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal to near professional standards using communicative ideas with an impact.
Grading Sheet BTEC First National in Media (Creative Media Production) Unit: 2 Title: Communication Skills for Creative Media Production
Use appropriate techniques to extract relevant information from written sources.
Use appropriate techniques to extract information from written sources with some precision.
Present a media production report which conveys relevant information.
Present a structured and detailed media production report which conveys information and explains conclusions with clarity.
Review reports to make changes with occasional beneficial effects.
Review reports to make changes with frequent beneficial effects.
Deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal.
Deploy and manage technology to pitch a media production proposal effectively and with some imagination.
Employ forms of address in a media production pitch to communicate ideas effectively.
Employ appropriate forms of address in a media production pitch to communicate ideas.
To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:
To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:
To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
Use appropriate techniques to extract comprehensive information from written sources.
Present a well-structured and substantial media production report which conveys information with precise exemplification and justifies conclusions with supporting arguments.
Review reports to make changes with consistently beneficial effects.
Deploy and manage technology to pitch a media production proposal with creativity and flair and to nearprofessional standards.
Employ forms of address in a media production pitch with flair to communicate ideas with impact.
The above criteria are covered in this assignment
Authentication Statement This form must be signed by both the candidate and the centre-assessor, and attached to the candidate’s coursework submission. Any candidate unable to provide a signed authentication statement may receive zero credit for the unit. Notice to Candidates The work you submit for assessment must be your own. You may be disqualified from this assignment if you copy from someone else, copy from downloaded or published materials, allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way. Any information used must be correctly referenced to its original source. Declaration of Authentication I have read and understood the Notice to Candidates above. I have produced the attached work without assistance, other than that which my teacher has explained is acceptable within the specification.
Date Student’s signature