Academy World Fal 2011

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9/11 Remembrance



FALL 2011

423 Main Street, Wilbraham, MA 01095

The Global SchoolÂŽ

Student Travel

AMAZON - June 2008, 2009, 2011 Students travel to John Carter’s ranch in the Amazon to study sustainability and the relations between various groups in the area. Associate Head of School Brian Easler has organized the trips and Dean of Studies Erik Kindblom and biology teacher Paul Ekness have participated. Inspired by their visits with the Kamayura and the Xavante Indians, seniors Austin Little and Teresa Kennedy are starting a fundraising effort to provide medical supplies to those tribes. Check out the video footage that documents their travels at, choose the CEGS tab at the top and click on Travel.

FSC Info



Reflections by Rodney LaBrecque, Head of School

2011 FALL

Paying Attention


et’s face it. Who does not live somewhat in the future during some part of each day? Certainly, any Head of School spends an inordinate amount of time devoted to “future think”. During the current academic year, 2011-2012, part of me is already focused on 2012-2013. For example, in September the Director of Finance and I began working on the budget for that school year. With the admission officers, I began strategizing on the recruitment of the ’12-’13 pool of new students. In October, I worked with the Board of Trustees to plan major projects, securing such details as architectural renderings and approximate costs of projects so fund raising goals can be established during the next year. With the Director of Advancement, I

began mapping out visits to those graduates, parents, and friends of the school who might be ideal candidates for the Board of Trustees to serve a year from now. So while we are at the opening of this academic year, the next one occupies a good share of my attention. I am not alone in this focus on the future. All the members of the Class of 2012 can think of little else than the college to which they wish to be accepted so they can matriculate there. Coaches are reaching out to recruits who will populate their teams in ’12-’13 and beyond.

Human optimism needs the future. The future is the place where hope thrives. While hope alone may not be a good strategy, hope certainly undergirds any strategy. When I think about the students who attend not only our school, but any high school these days, I sometimes think of them as the Harry Potter generation. The major literary event of their time has been the publication of the seven JK Rowling masterpieces. Within those fantasy novels, one character above all philosophizes extensively. Albus Dumbledore makes pronouncement after pronouncement designed to lead the tween and teen reader to greater insight in how to behave and how to think. He argues strongly that concentrating on the future too much is not healthy. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” It is easy to allow oneself to live too much in the future and in so doing forget to enjoy what is actually happening. One reason why I enjoy attending Academy sporting events, musical and theatrical productions, and everyday classes is that in these activities, the time which matters is the present. The action there takes place now and not in preparation for next year. Students and faculty perform in the moment. Rewards, or lack thereof, are immediate. Students learn or they don’t. Teachers succeed or they do not. Of course, there is always more that can be or must be done tomorrow. Yet, what happens today stands on its own accomplishment. It cannot be changed. It cannot be wished away. It cannot be altered. It is available for present enjoyment, if only one is aware. So before I get carried away with my hopes and dreams for the future of WMA, I plan to take some time this fall to enjoy what we are now. I hope you will do the same.

Wilbraham & Monson Academy

The World Ahead

Building The Global School®


Longtime Academy Friends Pres and Helen Blake Continue To Make a Difference at WMA


wo young Springfield, MA residents, S. Prestley “Pres” Blake and his brother Curtis, founded Friendly Ice Cream in 1935 during the Great Depression. Through hard work and perseverance, they grew their business in into a successful chain of restaurants with a corporate headquarters based in Wilbraham. Giving back to their community and the communities where their employees lived is part of their success story.

Above left,Pres and Helen Blake with Chelby Wakefield ’09, a Blake Scholar, at her commencement. Pres recently shared his entrepreneurial tale in an autobiography, A Friendly Life, a book that will be required reading for students in our Center for Entrepreneurial & Global Studies program.

WMA has been fortunate to be the recipient of Pres and his wife Helen’s philanthropy. The Blakes have generously supported the Academy through millions of dollars in gifts which have provided support for a variety of projects including Wallace Blake Dormitory, the Blake Middle School building and the S. Prestley and Helen Blake Scholarship. Pres loves a challenge and has often stepped forward to offer funds that match gifts from other donors. As members of the WMA Heritage Society, the Blakes have made provisions for the Academy in their estate plan. This year, the Pres and Helen have supported the WMA Turf Field Project with a gift of $75,000. We thank the Blakes for their longtime commitment to the Academy. WMA is grateful for their friendship and all that they have done to provide an outstanding education for talented young people. Above left, Pres in front of the first Friendly location. Left, 67 students will keep the Blake building humming at the WMA Middle School.

Reunion page 18

Hubbard Travel page 23

Sustainability page 8

In this issue Feature: Sustainability at WMA 9 The Global Effort 10 Forest Stewardship 12 Sustainable Dining 13 Amazon Connection Departments Reflections 2 News from the Hill 5 Titans Victorious 22 Admission 23 Faculty Travel 25 Passages 26 Class Notes, Where are they now?, Necrology Photo Essays 14 Prize Day & Commencement 18 Reunion

China page 4

Amazon page 13

The Academy World Magazine · Spring 2011 · WMA 1

student travel

16 An interview with Galway Kinnell ’44W 24 Remembering 9/11

News from the Hill Admission numbers

This September, WMA enrolled the largest group of new students in recent years as 159 joined the community. With the 235 returning students, we opened the school year 394 students strong. We welcomed 32 new domestic boarding students, 36 new day students, and 44 new international students to the upper school for an enrollment of 327, with 180 boarding students and 147 day students. Our international population is currently 125. We have a graduating class of 102 students including postgraduates and our freshman class is a vigorous 73, larger than we have had in the last five years. Forty-seven students joined our middle school bringing the total population in grades 6-8 to 67 students. Mr. D’Avanzo will be busy putting all the names with those new faces! We look forward to an energetic year with a diverse and enthusiastic student body.

Stude nt accom p lishm e nts

AP Scholars 38 students earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition by the College Board of their exceptional achievement on AP Exams. Only a small percentage of the nearly two million students who took AP Exams worldwide performed at a sufficiently high level to earn an AP Scholar Award. Jeremy Gilfor ’11, a freshman at Stanford University this fall, qualified for the National AP Scholar Award in addition to being an AP Scholar with Distinction by earning an average score of 4 or higher on a five-point scale on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. Of the eight exams he took in 2010 and 2011, Jeremy scored 5 on six of them – English Language, English Literature, European History, Microeconomics, World History, and Environmental Science. He scored 4 on the U.S. History and Spanish Language exams. In addition to Jeremy, ten students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on a five-point scale on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are members of the Class of 2011 except where noted: Derrick Barnagian, Wooyoung Choi, Jessica Duncan, Evan Filkins, Junyu Huang ’12, Agustin Lew ’12, Timothy Manghan, Adam Schrecengost, Naruhiko Sugiura, Ziwei Wang. Eleven students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. The students are members of the Class of 2011 except where noted: Casey Berg, YiJia Chen ’12, Taek Whun Chung ’12, Xueci Ding, Christopher Glabicky, Yifan Jiang ’12, Peiyuan Li ’12, Austin Little ’12, Jeannette Viens, Chi Zhang, Shuyi Zhang. Sixteen students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing

WMA 2 ·

3 or more AP Exams with grades of 3 or higher. These students are members of the Class of 2011 except where noted: Chia-yu Chou ’12, Jason Duke, Priyanka George, Christian Grenier, Nicholas Jalbert ’12, Heeyoung Jang, YeonJoo Lee, Young-Jun Lee ’12, Jingheng Liang ’12, Bethany Lyon, Brandon McKenna ’12, Timothy O’Reilly, Patrick Schmidt ’12, Brendan Simons, Qiuhui Wang ’12, Yi Zhang ’13.

Bay State student ambassadors Matthew Robbins ’12 , right, and Jackson FrenchRobitaille ’14 were accepted to the Bay State Student Ambassador program this summer, two of only five high school students fom all of western Massachusetts. Matt says, “The program was a really great opportunity for high school students interested in going into the medical field to get some hands-on experience. One thing that I really enjoyed was the close relationships that I developed with the patients, especially in the short amount of time I was with them. I was assigned to the Chestnut Surgery Center one day a week for eight weeks. I got the chance to discharge patients after minor surgeries. This was great because I heard a unique story for each person I met. Everyone was always very thankful for the work I was putting in. The whole experience was great, and reinforced the fact that I am willing to devote the rest of my life to being in the medical field.” Jackson especially liked, “… feeling like I was really part of a hospital environment, being able to see behind the scenes and having a chance to talk with all different types of professionals there. The evening classes in radiology, pharmacy, laboratory procedures, and surgery were probably the best though. I actually cauterized and sewed stitches into a piece of steak and surgically removed the seeds of a kiwi. The Director of the program even made additional special arrangements for me to shadow an Emergency Room doctor at another hospital. Having these opportunities just solidified my ideas of wanting to become a doctor, and in fact, made me even more determined to find a way to pursue that.” Children’s International Summer Village (CISV) This summer Jack Viens ’13 participated as a junior counselor (JC) at CISV in Youngstown, Ohio. Of his experience, Jack says, “Forty-seven 11-year-old children from 14 different countries spent a month together learning each others’ cultures and traditions. Some of the countries were Brazil, China, Norway, and India. My job as JC consisted of being a bridge between leader and child, helping the staff, helping the leaders with small problems, being a role model, and finally being a friend for the kids. It was a great experience.”

Fall 2011 · The Academy World

Math Prize for Girls Congratulations to Qianqian June Zheng ’12, who was the only WMA student to be accepted to the third annual Math Prize for Girls competition. June was accepted on the basis of her score on the AMC 12 competition test last February, where she earned the highest score of the 40 WMA students participating. June went to MIT September 17 and spent the day competing.

Faculty on the


AP U.S. History teacher Gary Cook and Mathematics Department Chair Mark Fischer spent some time early this summer reading AP exams. Mark was in Kansas City, Missouri, reading Calculus exams and Gary was in Louisville, Kentucky, reading U.S. History exams. For the past three years, Chemistry teacher Dr. Kathleen Gorski and her students have been conducting measurements of the earth’s albedo, the proportion of solar energy that bounces back out to space when it hits the Earth’s surface. The albedo is measured by comparing photographs of small blank white pieces of paper taken at a given time to the surrounding ground surface. Dr. Gorski presented the results of the project at the National Science Teachers Association meeting in Hartford, Connecticut, at the end of October.

The Peace Corps celebrated its 50th birthday in Washington DC from September 21 to 24, with symposia, country gatherings, a black-tie gala, and a culminating memorial service and procession of flags from Arlington National Cemetery to the Lincoln Memorial. At the memorial service, the first two volunteers from the Kennedy family, Maeve Kennedy McKean, who taught English in Mozambique and Joe Kennedy III (Dominican Republic 2004-2006) spoke of their experiences and the value of public service. Retired Director of the International Student Program and Communications Director Tony and Rita Carey (Turkey 1966-1968) were two of the more than 5,000 Returned Volunteers and Staff to participate. Other returned volunteers on the WMA faculty include Mark Fischer (Swaziland 1989-1991), Brian Lautenschleger (Lesotho 19982000), and Walter Swanson (Cape Verde 1996-1998). Tim Lindberg ’06 is currently serving in Suriname. Were you a Peace Corps Volunteer? Let the Alumni Office know where you served, when, and what type of program you were in.

Ge ne ral Ne ws

On September 19, Associate Head of School Brian Easler and Director of the International Student Program Gayle Hsiao headed for New York City to serve as volunteers at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, the only venue where business, government, and civil-sector leaders work together to plan and launch specific projects – Commitments to Action – to address global economic, environmental, and social challenges. The meeting, which takes place each year over four days, incorporates large plenary sessions, focused working sessions, and special events to enable members to learn from global topic experts, interact with fellow members, and formulate plans to turn ideas into action.

There were many memorials to 9/11 on the tenth anniversary this year. Locally, both the town of Wilbraham and the Academy acknowledged the anniversary. The town held a memorial service at St. Cecelia’s at which Young-Jun Lee ’12 sang, and Dean of Residential Life Tiffany Norman organized a candle-light vigil on campus. For the last 11 years in New York City, Kent Karosen ’84 has been organizing a tribute in Central Park for his coworkers at Cantor Fitzgerald. It has become an event attended by thousands commemorating the loss of the nearly 700 Cantor Fitzgerald employees who lost their lives that day. Kent survived because he went to vote that morning and arrived at work just as the first plane hit. Brian Murphy ’76 was one of Kent’s coworkers. This year the program featured The New York Pops, Carol King, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Broadway stars Brian Stokes Mitchell and LaChanze. Read Kent’s account of the tragedy and its aftermath on page 32.

Director of Major Gifts Christina Cronin is pleased to announce that The Western Massachusetts Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals has endorsed the nomination of Wilbraham & Monson Academy for the 2011 Award for Excellence in Fundraising. The nomination is based on the World Ahead campaign during which the Academy raised more than $15 million in ten years, including such projects at Corbin Fields restoration, faculty housing, the Campus Center renovation, creation of the Heritage Courtyard, classroom technology, and other improvements to the campus of the Academy.

We have received word that a Virginia highway marker honoring Dr. John Jefferson Smallwood, a graduate of Wesleyan Academy, has become a reality. The wording on the marker chronicles the educational accomplishment of this remarkable man. Dr. Smallwood’s grandniece, author Elaine Vinson, reports that the highway marker honoring her uncle will be dedicated sometime in spring 2012. Former Trustee Jim Brown ’55M plans on attending.

The Academy World ·

Fall 2011· WMA 3

Student Travel

CHINA - June 12-26 Itinerary: Beijing, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Tongli, Shanghai, Ningbo

“Beijing is a city beyond comparison, and almost beyond description. I had never seen a city so majestic, so rich with history, or so imposing, In China, the crowd is as much a living entity as the human beings of which it is composed. The crowd has its own flow, its own sense of cohesion, and to force one’s way through it is to experience the country at a level like Nicholas Jalbert ’12 no other.” “The most fun thing we did was walk along the Great Wall of China. It was the part of the trip that I had been looking forward to most, and it far exceeded my expectations. It was absolutely stunning. With the view of the wall climbing the beautiful mountains, it felt as if I was stuck inside a postcard. I am incredibly thankful that I have had this opportunity.” Caroline Manghan ’13

Coaches Awards

WMA 4 · Fall 2011 · The Academy World

Titans Victorious Most valuable

Student Athletes Spring Athletic Awards

Most Valuable Players Above, from left: Marissa Small-Towns – track & field, Matthew Antonacci – golf, Carly Cronin – lacrosse, Kanta Sugai – rugby, Brooke Mele – softball, Nicholas Manning – lacrosse, Naruhiko Sugiura – tennis, Michael Mendes – baseball, Michelle Ding – tennis. Missing from photo: Jared Osumah – track & field and Andrej Pajovic – volleyball. Coaches Award Winners Below, from left, Nicholas Sarno – golf, Chloe Snyder – tennis, Jacqueline Smith and Derrick Barnagian – lacrosse, Brianna Goncalves and Branden Piquette – track & field, Naruhiko Sugiura – tennis, Edward Davis – baseball, Kelsey Gomes – softball, Scott Watson – rugby. Missing from photo: Elijah Barrows – volleyball.

League Honors n Derrick Barnagian: Western New England Secondary School Lacrosse Association Division II All Star Honorable Mention n Julia Bell: Western New England Prep School Women’s Lacrosse Association All Star n Carly Cronin: Western New England Prep School Women’s Lacrosse Association All Star n Nicholas Manning: Western New England Secondary School Lacrosse Association Division II All Star n Brooke Mele: Western New England Prep School Softball Association All Star n Michael Mendes: Western New England Prep Baseball League All Star n Kanta Sugai: Massachusetts Youth Rugby Organization All Star n Scott Watson: Massachusetts Youth Rugby Organization All Star n Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Team: Bob Bodkin Award for Team Sportsmanship n Varsity Rugby Team: Massachusetts Youth Rugby Organization High School Division II Champions

The Academy World · Fall 2011 · WMA 5

Titans Victorious Two members of the WMA Varsity Golf team continued to hit the fairways during the summer months. Playing in the 13-14 Age Division, Michael O’Donnell ’16 was the winner of the New England PGA Junior Sectional Tour with an 87. He placed third with an 86 in the Dennis Highlands Junior Club Championship and fourth in the Dennis Pines Club Amateur Championship with an 87. Phillip Cook ’16 took first place in New England PGA tournaments in the 12-13 Age Division at The Golf Club of Yarmouthport with a 74 and at Potowomut Golf Club with an 89. In the 13-14 Age Division, he was second in a 9-hole tournament at Quashenet Valley Golf Club with a 43.

Molly Moran and Molley Shea tournament in the country. We knew we had a chance of winning it because we were unstoppable during the regular EYBL season when we had our whole team healthy.” ESPN lists Jaylen’s composure and “lights out three-point shooting” as major strengths. The team won their second consecutive AAU U16 national championship, and Braylen has 13 D1 college coaches interested. Jaylen also participated in a Nikesponsored skills clinic at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in August.

Phillip Cook

Kevin Lambert ‘13 earned two gold medals for swimming at the Bay State Games, held at Harvard University in Cambridge July 8-10.

Michael O’Donnell As reported by New England Prep Stars, in July Jaylen Brantley ’13, playing for the AAU, “led the BABC to the 2011 Nike EYBL championship at the Peach Jam in North Augusta, South Carolina. Brantley scored a game high 24 points in the 84-67 win over YOMCA (Memphis, Tennessee). The sharp shooter displayed a deadly threepoint stroke and skills that had many scouts taking notice.” Jaylen responded in an interview with the website, “The Peach Jam is the most competitive

Jaylen Brantley

Molly Moran ’13 and Molley Shea ’13 were both starters in the Bay State Games soccer championship game after their West team played Northeast to a scoreless tie to earn their spot. Throughout preliminaries, West was undefeated and unscored-upon, so going into the final game against Central, the girls were very excited. Molley Shea reported after the game, “We had scored early in the first half and were dominating the whole game until they scored with 5 minutes left in the second half. Unfortunately we had to go into overtime, where we scored an amazing goal with seconds left in the game. It was a well-fought game by all, but we came out of it on the winning side. Molly and I shared this experience that brought us closer as friends and got us ready for our fall season with WMA. Molly was a key in the midfield. I am a defender and I also was very successful with my play. All and all, it was a great experience, and I hope we both get the chance to do it again next year.”

WMA 6 · Spring 2011 · The Academy World

Patrick Mazeika ’12, son of math teacher Joe Mazeika ’73, has had a very successful career at Salisbury School, earning honors every trimester and excelling in both football and baseball. Patrick, who spent three years in the WMA Middle School, transferred there as a freshman. Last fall, Patrick, who earned All-Erikson League and All-New England honors, kicked the winning field goal in the Class A New England Championship game, earning the Crimson Knights the Tom Flaherty Championship Trophy to cap an undefeated season. The Salisbury baseball team was 16-1 and 14-0 in league play last spring. Patrick batted .544 with three homers and 35 RBI, on his way to earning All-Western New England honors. He spent this summer in East Cobb, outside of Atlanta, Georgia, with the East Cobb Braves playing premier youth baseball. The Braves won two titles this summer: the 2011 Perfect Game 17U WWBA World Series Championship and the 2011 Perfect Game 18U World Series Championship. The New England Baseball Journal has ranked Patrick one of the top-10 New England Players to Watch. The following praise for Patrick appeared on the Salisbury School website as part of the 2011 Varsity Football season preview: “Salisbury has had some very ‘special’ special teams in recent years, and Patrick Mazeika ’12 is one of the main reasons for that. Mazeika has a tremendous leg, and will handle all of the punting and kicking for the Knights. Mazeika will be a great weapon to have to pin back opposing teams deep in their own territory.”


Congratulations to Varsity Football and Lacrosse Coach Jeff Vartabedian who, in May, was named the Division 2 “Coach of the Year” by the Western New England Secondary School Lacrosse Association (WNESSLA), an award sponsored by US Lacrosse. With support from WMA, Sean Sean McGrath and Gary Cook McGrath ’07, who joined the WMA faculty and coaching staff in September, was a candidate at the National Soccer Coaches Association

of America’s National Diploma Course held in August in Marlborough Massachusetts. One of the instructors for the course was Varsity Soccer Head Coach Gary Cook, and one of the directors was Dr. Doug Williamson, who spoke at WMA last year at opening faculty meetings.

Collegiate Athletes

University of Rhode Island sophomore Trevor Moran ’09 made his first career start for the Men’s Soccer Team, playing 90 minutes in a 1-0 loss to Vermont. In URI’s season opener, they fell 2-1 to University of New Hampshire with former Titan Josh Bronner ’08 starring at centre midfield for the Wildcats. Georgetown University freshman Michaela Rollings ’10 excelled on the court and in the classroom. She went 3-4 in singles play for the season and was 4-1 in doubles. She appeared in one conference match against Providence winning 6-1, 6-0 at No. 6. The Hoyas posted a 13-10 overall record and a mark of 7-2 in conference play. They placed sixth at the BIG EAST Tournament despite going into the championship as the eighth seed. Derrick Barnagian ’11 and Kyle Sweeting ’11 played for the West in the Shrine Chowder Bowl Class in June in a 35-0 loss to the Central Massachusetts team. Brie Bates ’11 is playing for the Golden Bears of Western New England University this fall where she is majoring in forensic biology. Brittany Barry, in white Brittany Barry ’11, named both Northeast-10 Conference Player and Rookie of the Week during the season, added Saint Rose’s sixth goal against Le Moyne College and her conference-leading ninth of the year with 21 minutes left in the game. Saint Rose is unbeaten in its last 43 conference games (42-0-1) and currently ranked ninth in the nation. Nick Sarno ’11 is playing on the St. Michael’s College golf team. He’s the only freshman on the team.

The Academy World · Spring 2011 · WMA 7

Nick Sarno front left


at WMA

Local Farms

lessandra Mele ele ’09 Alessandra


he Global School recognizes its obligation to the betterment of the planet we are living on. With the threat to the environment at an all time high, sustainability efforts have become a high priority for the WMA community. Is a self-sustaining school a possibilty? In looking at the efforts of students, faculty, and alumni, WMA seems to be headed in the right direction. The Global Ecolearn Project® grant has enabled environmental science to go beyond classroom, with recent projects including the Forest Stewardship Club. Lak Dining Hall makes strides in sustainability under the leadership of Executive Chef Scott Bicknell, whose ultimate goal is to teach students that when it comes to food, we are capable of sustaining ourselves. Alumni are taking sustainable living beyond the WMA campus, developing new, earth-friendly technologies and spreading environmental awareness. Dedication to the environment is a strong value at WMA, and the efforts to live sustainably are expanding. As global citizens, students are reaching beyond the borders of campus and taking the sustainability effort abroad. With global efforts like these, change is possible.

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WMA 8 · Spring 2011 · The Academy World


On Campus

The Global Effort Beyond WMA: Students reflect on sustainability abroad

Costa Rica

During my trip to Costa Rica, we stayed on a 100-percent self-sustainable ranch called Rancho Mastatal. We couldn’t get away from sustainability! From planting trees and growing our own food to harnessing the methane gas from the decomposition toilets, the whole 10 days was full of sustainability. Even the shower water was solar heated! Nicole Robitaille ’12

New Orleans

In New Orleans, we stayed at ‘Our School at Blair Grocery’ for about a week and helped to run the farm by turning up compost piles, shifting soil, and planting. The entire property is geared towards going green by helping to rebuild the economy in the Lower Ninth Ward of NOLA after Katrina. However, I was surprised to see a lack of recycling throughout New Orleans. I had thought that the United States had some kind of countrywide recycling program, but I guess not. There is no curbside pickup of recycables like we have here in New England. Steven Ragnauth ’12

The Academy World


In the past few years, our country has made a tremendous effort in caring for our planet: we reduce, reuse, recycle, and best of all, we are efficient about it. Unfortunately, Russia still has a way to go in this department. It wasn’t that Moscow and St. Petersburg were particularly unclean per se (only as much as any other city), but there was definitely a distinct lack of green bins and RECYCLE labels that I have now grown accustomed to here in the States. Stephanie Reeves ’12 · Spring 2011 · WMA 9

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Paul Ekness and his eager

Paul Ekness began the Forest Stewardship Club as part of The Global EcoLearn Project®, in hopes of raising awareness within the student body of preserving the natural forests surrounding WMA, making them better, and counteracting destruction. This past year, he and a group of students spent ten Sundays identifying and controlling invasive species surrounding Crystal Pond. “Crystal Pond adds many natural resource values to the WMA campus that include aesthetic and habitat for increased biodiversity,” explains Mr. Ekness. The beauty of Crystal Pond can easily be overlooked. Set behind the WMA Middle School, it is a hidden gem on the walk over to the Greenhalgh Gymnasium. Controlling invasive species not only makes the natural beauty of the pond more apparent, but also enables native species to flourish, promoting biodiversity on campus.

Throughout the year, 17 students became actively involved in the Forest Stewardship Club. Here, Patrick Schmidt ’12, Chris Glabicky ’11, and YuanQing Liu ’12 use shears to clear away invasive species such as purple loose strife, multiflora rose, glossy buckthorn, and asiatic bittersweet vine.

WMA 10 · Fall 2009 · The Academy World


students give

Crystal Pond a sustainable face lift.

Once the invasive species were cleared, WMA Middle School students saw the perfect opportunity to put their gardening skills to good use. After completing a unit on soil studies, the sixth graders researched native plants that would flourish in the environment around Crystal Pond. They found native berry bushes, particularly blueberries, would be an ideal fit. Native blueberries growing around the pond would provide food for a vareity of local birds, and perhaps a few middle schoolers as well. Blueberry bushes were both salvaged from the land to be cleared for the turf sports fields on Faculty Street, and purchsed from local vendors. The sixth grade students proceeded to plant the bushes in the cleared area. In addition to the blueberry bushes, Mr. Ekness has hopes of introducing a wider variety of native species to the environment, such as pepperbush and the common winterberry, in order to attract different wildlife species.

Chi Zhang ’11 holds a purple loose strife that she has uprooted, an example of an invasive species that was overwhelming the pond.

The Academy World · Fall 2009 · WMA 11

Sco t

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Sustainable Dining T

here is no question that the students and faculty of the Academy love what Scott Bicknell is serving in Lak Dining Hall with a wide selection of fresh, tasty food. What we may not realize is the sustainability effort going on behind each meal. While turning off lights and recycling are obvious ways to go green, sustainable cooking and eating also help to save the earth. These efforts are happening every day in the kitchen of Lak Dining Hall under Mr. Bicknell’s leadership. Several steps have already been taken to make sure the kitchen is running in an eco-friendly manner. All paper products are made of recycled content, and all cleaning products are labeled environmentally safe. All fryer waste is diverted, and is used to power vehicles. The kitchen recently invested in a “food hopper,” a super garbage disposal unit that will dispose of waste in the most efficient way possible. Most importantly, much of the produce coming out of the kitchen is purchased locally. Buying locally is an essential component in running a sustainable kitchen. “We buy from local farmers as often as possible,” says Bicknell. “Produce is purchased from several farms in the area, all within a 150-mile radius of the school.” Buying locally allows us to know where food is coming from, and how it was grown. This not only provides peace of mind, but results in better food. The number of miles between farm and table are cut down significantly, resulting in a smaller impact on the environment. When food is grown locally, the need to ship across the country or across oceans is eliminated, tasks that require the burning of a great amount of fossil fuels. Perhaps the largest benefit of buying locally, however, is fresher food. The fewer the miles in between the farm and the table, the crisper the lettuce, the redder the tomato, the tastier the meal. In purchasing from local farms, we are supporting the environment, as well as good taste.

here at WMA, furthering the sustainability effort by providing fresh produce for the dining hall. The field next to Supervisor of Athletic Facilities David Weeks’ home on Bulkley Road is the site he plans to cultivate. Utilizing the new greenhouse is also a possibility. Getting students involved in this experience is Scott’s greatest hope: “It’s important that the kids see that it’s possible for us to sustain ourselves. First I’d get students involved on a volunteer basis, and then I’d like to see this program eventually worked into the curriculum.” In such a program, students would plant, care for, and harvest a variety of crops, learn to prepare the foods they grow, and serve the food they’ve grown to the community. Through this experience, they would learn the responsibility that comes with farming, the importance of sustainability, and the rewards of cooking with fresh food. “I love to cook, and I love to teach. I teach all my staff here in the dining hall, and it would be great to take a step back and teach the kids.” Promoting healthy eating, as well as sustainable living, are the driving forces behind Bicknell’s endeavors. The steps he has already taken to minimize our impact on the Earth while providing fresh, nutritious food are admirable, and he hopes that through farming and cooking, the students of WMA could take part in this effort and find themselves just as excited about it as he is.

Perhaps the only thing better than buying locally is growing your own. Scott has high hopes that a garden could be started

Scott pets a calf at the Simsbury Community Farm.

The food grown at the Billing’s Forge teaching garden in the Frog Hollow Community of Hartford, Connecticut, provides the local community with fresh food and a weekly farmers market takes place just outside the garden.

WMA 12 12 · SFpringl 2011· T · he The Academy orld WMA all 2009 Academy WW orld

Food For Thought: Scott Attends a Symposium at Ethel Walker


n June, Scott attended a twoday symposium held by the Ethel Walker School intended to educate and inspire those working towards sustainability within the food service industry. The symposium, “Food For Thought”, offered a unique view of the progress being made in sustainable farming, cooking, and eating, as well as food education. The symposium brought Scott to Billings Forge Community Works, an organization promoting healthy living, civic engagement, and work ethic in the impoverished Frog Hollow community of Hartford. The organization achieves these goals by offering job opportunities in their award-winning restaurant, Firebox, education within their teaching garden and community kitchen, access to fresh food from their weekly farmers market, and a sense of vibrant community with cultural events. The organization also partners with the Community Farm of Simsbury, which provides farm-grown food and educational programs for the community. The marriage of education and healthy eating through local agriculture that Scott saw further encouraged his hopes for similar programs at WMA.

Amazon Connection V

isiting faculty member John Cain Carter, who has hosted the past three WMA educational trips to the Amazon, was awarded 2nd place Award for Social Entrepreneurship by the Skoll Foundation in 2011. Given that the Nobel Foundation doesn’t award a prize for conservation or social entrepreneurship, the Skoll Award represents the highest honor in the field. John’s 2nd place award comes with a $400,000 grant for Alianca da Terra, a leading market-based conservation NGO that John founded in Brazil which has support from private landowners and government, as well as political, environmental, and scientific partners. The Skoll Foundation was established in 1999 by philanthropist and social entrepreneur Jeff Skoll, who was the first employee and first president of eBay. Skoll Foundation grants are awarded to social entrepreneurs whose work has the potential for large-scale behavior, policy, or infrastructure change in the areas of tolerance and human rights, health, environmental sustainability, peace and security, institutional responsibility, and economic and social equity.

Skoll Award recipients typically exhibit many of the following characteristics: n Led by a visionary, effective social entrepreneur serving as a spokesperson for their issue n Strong leadership team and board n Clear mission and implementation model n Unwavering focus on mission n Well-established strong partnerships n Commitment to systems, including for measurement and learning n Diversified and mission-aligned funding sources n Target audience at center of solution n Deep understanding of issue John Carter has helped the Xavante become cattle ranchers, teaching them the essentials of raising cattle and expanding their herd. He has also trained the Indians of the area to be firefighters in order to protect their land. Both of these efforts are considered groundbreaking by local and international groups.

A calf at the Simsbury Community Farm who will eventually provide milk.

The 2011 · · WMA WMA13 13 he Academy cademy World orld · · SFpring all 2009


Prize Day & Commencement

“If you are ever able to give help to someone in a way that might transform his or her life, as Charles Greenhalgh did for me, understand that you may never know how it all turned out, and you may never be thanked, but you must do it, if you possibly can.” Galway Kinnell ’44, Commencement Speaker

Sommer Mahoney receives the Harriet Jones Nelson Trust and the Frank Chapin Cushman Memorial Award. Class of 2011 Speaker Nicholas Sarno is the Stephen D. Luckraft Memorial Award winner. For a complete list of the awards presented at Prize Day and Commencement, see prizes. For a complete list of colleges the members of the Class of 2011 are attending, see For the addresses given at Prize Day and Commencement, see commencementaddresses.

WMA 14 · Spring 2011 · The Academy World

Prize Day 2011 Cum Laude Society Class of 2011 Casey Berg Wooyoung (Ryan) Choi Jessica Duncan Priyanka George Jeremy Gilfor Sommer Mahoney Sea Yoon Park Jeannette Viens Meng-Chien (Kevin) Wang Chi (Genevive) Zhang

Special Prizes Davison Prize – Steven Ragnauth ’12 John L. Nepomuceno Prize – Max Rankin ’12 Class of 1977 Humanitarian Award – Arnelle Williams’13 Phil Shaw Awards – Chloe Snyder ’11 and Derrick Barnagian ’11 Trustees Cup – Girls’ Varsity Volleyball Team 2010 Alumni Award – Min-Ah Kim ’12 Trustee Award – Young-Jun Lee ’12

Above: Derrick Barnagian, Phil Shaw Award recipient with Phil Shaw Jr.; Jeannette Viens, who received the Cora Pease Chandler Award; and Young-Jun Lee, Trustee Award winner.

Congratulations prize recipients


lthough this is the conclusion of four wonderful years at the Academy, it is the beginning of a new phase of our lives. My graduation wish is that some day, in our own way, each of us can bring that same peace and love [we have known at WMA] to the entire world!”

The Academy World · Spring 2011 · WMA 15

Nicholas Sarno, Class Speaker

Tim Harrington ’73 WMA English Department Chair This past spring, I was delighted when I heard the news that Pulitzer Prize winning poet Galway Kinnell ’44W would be our Class of 2011 Commencement speaker. I‘ve been a long-time fan of Galway’s poetry and had taught a number of his poems in junior English, including “The Bear” and “Blackberry Eating.” It was Galway’s remarkable dedication to Roger Lincoln in his Selected Poems that strikes me to this day for it was Roger who had first influenced Galway to pursue a literary life, and it was Roger who had influenced me to pursue teaching English in the very same place (Old Academy – but a couple floors up). Galway Kinnell is a giant in the world of American poetry. In addition to the Pulitzer, his work has garnered a National Book Award, The Frost Medal, which is awarded by the Poetry Society of America, and the Wallace Stevens Award, from the Academy of American Poets, among many other awards and fellowships. He was poet in residence at a number of distinguished colleges and universities during the course of his career, and he was a professor at New York University for 25 years. He has published 14 books of poetry as well as books of translations of the poets Francois Villon and Rainer Maria Rilke. I was not disappointed. Galway gave the Wilbraham & Monson community a heartfelt discourse on what it meant to him to come to Wilbraham Academy in the 1940s from the mill town of Harrington continued on page 30

TH – I enjoyed your commencement address, but one question that occurred to me later was: what was your son’s reaction to the poem you read at Commencement? As I recall, you gave him a choice of three boxes at the end of the poem: 1) Tear the poem up; 2) Don’t publish but give him a copy; or 3) publish it on the chance that someone will read it and will find some clarity. GK – A few years ago, he came up for a visit and I left the poem out for him to see. He checked the last box. TH – You talked a little bit about your childhood in Pawtucket and coming to Wilbraham Academy through the intervention of Mr. Greenhalgh. I have a few questions about your experiences at the Academy. What was it like going to Wilbraham Academy during the war? You graduated in 1944. Was there an awareness of the war? GK – Oh yes. There was a great awareness of the war. Many students stayed over the summer so they would get in as much of Wilbraham as possible before they went into the service. We had a course taught by someone who didn’t ordinarily teach that subject because it was hard to get teachers. Also the rifle range was very busy. But most of the time we tried to put the war out of mind. TH – In your commencement address, you mention the impact Roger Lincoln’s teaching had on you. What was it that was so powerful for you as a young man? GK – I don’t think I had met a person anywhere who was Roger’s equal as a teacher. He was devoted to literature. He knew that reading was the most important thing we could be doing, not only for English class, but for all other disciplines and for life. Some days he would pull out a long short story and read it to us. And we really loved to listen. When he read, everyone, even those least interested in literature, were paying careful attention to what he was reading. TH – Were there any books from that classroom that you remember being struck by? I’m putting you on the spot. GK – If you had asked me about a half century ago, I might have still remembered. TH – I was in Roger’s English class a few decades later. We read Moby Dick. And Roger loved that book. And he would read in class as you said. I particularly I remember him reading the key scene in Moby Dick where Ahab challenges God. He also loved Mark Twain, especially the humorous stories. We didn’t read Huck Finn but we read a bunch of short stories. GK – I do remember reading a splendid and gripping short story called “The Most Dangerous Game.” TH – What position did you play on the football team? GK – I was right end. And I was the right fielder on the baseball team and I batted fifth. TH – So you hit with power?

WMA 16 · Spring 2011 · The Academy World

Richard W. Brown Photos

Galway Kinnell

GK – I could hit the ball farther than anyone else when the ball was served up to me, but in the actual games I didn’t stand out as a hitter. TH – You spent many decades in New York writing and teaching at NYU. And yet you grew up in New England and live in Vermont. I’m putting you on the spot: Red Sox or Yankees? GK – I grew up in Red Sox country, all my friends in childhood and later in pickup baseball games in Pawtucket loved the Red Sox. I did too. When I was in 10th grade, the father of a friend took us to Fenway to see a game. Amazingly, Ted Williams hit a home run! In those days, we listened to many of the games on my little homemade radio down in the cellar. TH – In football, you said you played right end. Was that a blocking position at that time or did you catch the ball as well? GK – Blocking position. All season, I had only one ball thrown to me and it went over my head. TH – You mentioned in your commencement address writing for the school paper The Atlas? Do you remember that experience? GK – It wasn’t something close to my heart. I wrote about the misadventures of my protagonist, called Jonathan Squeers, once a week. I had a friend who was a great comedian who loved puns and got me using puns in my column, which spoiled my writing but made the column easy to write. TH – Did you have a byline? GK – Since it was a regular column, I did. I was called Casey Kinnell. TH – Probably the biggest issue today for students is dress code. Back then, Wilbraham was a coat and tie school like probably every prep school in the 1940s. Was that an adjustment coming from public school? GK – It didn’t trouble me that I had to wear jacket and tie – much better than any of the embarrassing homemade outfits in which my mother had sent me to school in Pawtucket. TH – Did the Academy feel strict to you in those days with parietals and lights out at a certain time? GK – My parents had been plenty strict, so Wilbraham’s lightsout was ok with me. I should add that – as I had a single room to myself – I did arrange a reading spot that was not visible through any window where I could read late into the night. And I also did some crazy things with a schoolmate. TH – (laughing) Can you give an example? GK – It was with my closest friend, Wally Clough. Wally was very easygoing, smart and funny, and cool. We had lots of exploits, but one of them came apart. Once we were doing something else and we missed dinner by 45 minutes. I remembered a book called the Bastable Children, an English book about children in school approximately our age who always got into some comical adventure. I thought we were just doing what English children did in their loftier schools. Wally said: “What are we going to do?” And I said: “Well, let’s give them a letter from the headmaster, except we will write the letter.” So we wrote a letter asking the kitchen staff to give these two boys their dinner and signed our schoolboy’s version of the headmaster’s name. It was a completely idiotic plan – a swift glance at the letter would have revealed that we were just two miscreant students up to a bit of innocent mischief. Then we went down to the dining hall, which

was empty of eaters, and handed the letter over to the kitchen staff, thinking they would slip us an apple or something. We really didn’t expect them to take it seriously. But they were very disturbed that we had signed the headmaster’s name in a blatant attempt to get a dinner we didn’t deserve. The next day I was told to appear before the student council and put through a kind of trial. Nevertheless, I gave a very good apology and I asked them to forgive this childish act without punishment. I was on the student council myself, a connection that made things a bit easier. There was a student at school who wanted to be a politician – we all called him “The Senator”. He was so impressed by my argument, especially when I mentioned the Bastable children who were, of course, unknown to all but me – that he came to my room later that evening to tell me what a great defense I had made. He said he wanted to get in touch with me once we got out into the world because he thought we would do great things together (laughter). TH – What else about your experience at Wilbraham left a mark over the years? GK – One of the most useful parts of the Wilbraham Academy education was that every graduating senior had to recite a poem. It was supposed to help you get over the willies later in life when you had to speak to groups. Every student had to recite in front of the whole school. I remember one student read a poem about the war and the persecution of Jews and I very much appreciated that. I, on the other hand, too new to poetry to think that I could read a serious poem well, read a comical poem, “The Shooting of Dan McGrew” by Robert Service. TH – Anything else about your Academy days? GK – There was one more thing about Wilbraham that was very important to me. It involved a girl. Didsy was her name. She was a student at MacDuffie. The girls would come over every week or so for a dancing lesson. Did you have anything like that? TH – They were called “mixers” in my day. The girls would come over in a school bus on a Friday night and everyone would stand around and talk and drink punch or soda. As I remember, it was pretty awkward. GK – Didsy would come to this dancing lesson every week, Fridays I think. Most of the students were trying to improve their dancing skill. Didsy, of course, knew very well how to dance already, and I did not, so we simply put our arms around each other and stood swaying from side to side during much of the evening. I was really in love with her, and she was with me, I think. After Wilbraham, I visited her a number of times in Princeton, where she lived. But then she went off to college somewhere and I didn’t see her for a long time. Then she married. We kept in touch sporadically for many years … she was a friend for a big part of my life. TH – Ah, to be young and in love. GK –Yes. And it was all, as they say, very innocent, but I adored her. TH – Did you start writing poetry while at the Academy? GK – I started reading poetry at the Academy. I wasn’t writing it. I wasn’t even sure if people still wrote poetry. I had never seen or heard of a living poet. Kinnell continued on page 30

The Academy World · Spring 2011 · WMA 17


Reunion 2011

Fred Watts Bench


uring the 2011 Reunion All-Alumni Gathering, the WMA Community united to honor the dedication of individuals who

have given much to enliven and strengthen the school over the years. Mr. Fred Watts was the first to be honored for the many roles he fulfilled at the Academy, including “advisor, coach, teacher and friend.” Kent Karosen ’84 (pictured above right with Rodney LaBrecque and Fred Watts) provided a generous gift to create and install a granite bench in honor of Mr. Watts on the path to the library. Directly after the All-Alumni Gathering, nearly 100 attendees joined Head of School Rodney LaBrecque in thanking Mark and Rosalind Shenkman during a preview of the new Mark Shenkman Admission House. In honor of his 50th Reunion, Mark Shenkman ’61M generously funded the purchase of the privately held, federal-style house on Main Street across from Alumni Memorial Chapel. In the coming year the house will be transformed into the new admission house creating a “welcoming and home-like” first impression for prospective students and their families.

Shenkman House

WMA 18 · Spring 2011 · The Academy World

More than 140 alumni returned to campus on June 10-11 to both deepen and reignite friendships. Some traveled across town and other others from across the globe. Highlights included Friday’s reception and dinner, Saturday’s All-Alumni Gathering and Alumni Challenge Cup games. Also introduced into this year’s program was a new pinning ceremony where 50th Reunion attendees proudly donned commemorative lapel pins emblazoned with their school crest. Any alumnus who has passed his 50th is welcome to join us at Reunion 2012 on May 10-11 to receive his pin in the ceremony


The Academy World · Spring 2011 · WMA 19

Golden Circle



ach year during Reunion Weekend, Head of School Rodney LaBrecque hosts a Golden Circle Breakfast for our top donors and Heritage Society Members. At the breakfast this past June, Mr. LaBrecque spoke about the Academy’s steps to improve college placement and their impact on the strength of WMA. Attendees also heard from recent graduate Jeremy Gilfor ’11, a top athlete, talented actor, and excellent student, who shared the experiences at WMA which led to his acceptance at Stanford University. The breakfast was attended by 35 and Eric Anderson, former Trustees Don Collins ’60M, Peter alumni, parents, and friends including Trustees Emeriti Fred Rothery Lincoln ’55W, Peter Plumb ’61W, and Trustee Suzy Awad.



ach year the Academy honors

alumni who have contributed in numerous ways, not just to the school, but to the communities of which they are part. In 2011 we were pleased to honor Alan Hale ’46W, (left) for Service to the Community; Robert Edmunds ’01 (below left) for Service to the Academy; Keith Turley ’81 (below center) for Service to the Community, and Don Joffray ’46W (below right) for Service to the Academy.

WMA 20 · Spring 2011 · The Academy World



ne of the joys of Reunion at WMA is that alumni from any

class are welcomed to join us and while many do, we make an extra effort to capture our reunion year attendees! From 2011 Reunion Classes:

30th: Carl Miner, Anne Ogozalek Cagenello, Dana Aftab, Alan Hale, Beth Sharpe Byrne, Sheryl Freidman.

Reunion 2011

10th: Jennifer Reid Junkin, Marcello Muller, Richard Mason, Rob Edmunds, David Pula, Gennady Belyshev, Lauren Pinkston.

50th Wilbraham: Back, William Hawthorne, Ralph Leonard, Willard Pinney, Leonard Borsari, Harrison Hawley. Front, Peter Plumb, Peter Murray, William Cowdrey.

50th Monson: Back, John Sayles, Neil Baumert, Larry Alexander, George Cornwell. Middle, John Brockway, Warren Hutchinson, John Crowell, Jeffrey Teitel. Front, Carol Grassetti, Ray Anton, Mark Shenkman, Bill Archer, Dave Benziger.

The Greynotes

The Academy World 路 Spring 2011 路 WMA 21

admissioN news WMA Admission Team: Standing, Barbara Conlon, Carlee D’Amato, Husayn Carnegie, Kate Gaw. Sitting, Mike Thompson, Chris Sparks ’95, Loretta Fograshy.

Take a look for yourself at and click on Apply To WMA.

A Fresh New Look


ur new viewbook has arrived with a fresh new design, engaging photos, and a clear message to “Discover Wilbraham & Monson Academy”. Admission staff members are carrying it far and wide as they travel to numerous school fairs this fall encouraging students to visit and explore all the benefits of a WMA education!

Admission/Reenrollment goes online! The coming months will bring a welcome change to our process here in the Admission Office with an upgrade to our software allowing online applications to feed directly into our database. Our administrative assistants will simply need to proof and accept the information rather than the current process of entering the information by hand. Families will see an improvement as well. Applicants will create an account through which they can check the status of their application, download necessary forms, and receive their

admission decision. Upon enrollment these accounts will be rolled into our Student/Parent community offering current parents the ability to check financial accounts, review Campus Store purchases and reenroll online. Contracts, permission forms, and tuition payments can all be completed online if desired. Easy access to this portal will be integrated into our website. The process to implement this upgrade has begun and is slated to be in place in time for our current students to reenroll in January. Check out our opening-of-school stats in News from the Hill on page 3. For more information on our programs, curriculum, and the application process, please visit our website,

WMA 22 · FSall pring 2011· TheAcademy AcademyWW orld 2011 · The orld

Hubbard Grant

EasternEurope from top to bottom

Mark Fischer, Mathematics Department Chair


hanks to the generosity of Lev and Cattee Hubbard, I was able to complete a trip begun in 1988, when, just out of college, I toured most of Western Europe but was unable to venture beyond the Iron Curtain. This summer, I flew to Helsinki and then took a ferry to Tallinn, Estonia, officially part of the Soviet Union from 1940 until the early ’90s. The country has only been part of the European Union common currency block for about a year, a goal most countries in that part of the world aspire to as a way to economic improvement. After fits and starts in the ’90s, E-stonia (as the locals sometimes slipped into conversation) has fairly successfully figured out capitalism. Their admission to the European Union, sooner than some other Eastern European countries, gives credence to this and was perhaps most evident to the tourist eye in that everyone seemed to be an entrepreneur. Next on the agenda was to check out the southern end of Eastern Europe. I flew to Bosnia and Croatia, two countries that were until the early ’90s part of the former Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was a country which, though officially communist and aligned with the Soviet Union, managed a good deal of independence from Moscow. Josip Broz Tito, the former Yugoslavian leader, singlehandedly held a newly created country together from just after WWII until his death in 1980. After his death and the dismantling of the Soviet Union some ten years later, the Catholics of Croatia, the Muslims of Bosnia, and the Orthodox Christians of Serbia got into skirmishes resulting in a devastating war lasting from 1991 to 1995, and the negative effects still create a rather bleak modern Bosnia.

I took a bus to Mostar, Bosnia, a town that was more than 80% destroyed in the recent war. It is has a unique population, made up of a sampling of the many cultures of the former Yugoslavia. A woman who staffed the tourist office stated she believed what war perpetrators liked least about Mostar was its cultural integration. It was a town where Muslims and Catholics were friends and even inter-married. Whatever the reason, the pictures told the story of the war: the 26-meter high Ottomandesigned bridge built in 1566 was bombed (twice) and by 1993 the old center city was rubble. Croatia, on the other hand, has had much more economic success since the war ended, resulting in living costs comparable to the rest of Europe. This success has been built on tourism of which the beautiful Dalmatian Coast is the base. With reason, after the war Dalmatia quickly regained a good portion of the tourists it had lost. My travels ended with a last night in the walled city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. For hundreds of years Dubrovnik was an independent city-state with such claims to fame as home of the first pharmacy. While significant damage was done in the early 1990s as Serbs and Croats fought, careful effort has been made to erase most signs of the destruction. On the Monday night I was there, the place was packed with tourists, city wall to turret. Fascinating how a town built in the 1300s had survived and adjusted through wars, regimes, and various economic systems to once again become a relevant player in our world, this time as a tourist destination.

The Academy World · Fall 2011 · WMA 23

Kent & Brian

We keep Kent Karosen ’84


them forever with us

n the evening of September 10, 2001, I received a phone call at home from a good friend of mine who was chief of staff for a Democratic candidate in the following day’s primary. She asked if I would please make a point to go vote early before work to help the exit poll numbers on the noon news cycle. The next morning the lines were frustratingly long and slow at my local polling station, so I was late getting downtown for work. As I pulled up to the building in a cab, I saw the plane hit what has become known as the North Tower just below my offices at Cantor Fitzgerald, where I had worked since 1991 and was at the time Chief of Staff to the President of the firm. The horror I personally witnessed there at the World Trade Center that morning is too upsetting to detail, but suffice it to say that they are images that are seared into my mind forever. I had been through the 1993 bombing of our parking garage and had herded our people down the 105 flights of stairs in thick smoke on that day. Seeing how and where the Towers were burning, I had no illusions about survivors from our floors on 9/11. All 658 of our people who were in the office that morning died. That was two-thirds of the firm and more than 25% of those killed in the Twin Towers. As the events of the day unfolded, I learned that my friend and boss, Howard Lutnick, was alive because he had taken his eldest son to his first day of kindergarten that morning. His brother Gary, who was one of my best friends and coworkers, was killed. We also lost Brian Murphy, a fellow Wilbraham & Monson alumnus who worked with us at Cantor Fitzgerald. Brian was a good man and a good friend. Howard and I and the handful of surviving partners began formulating plans of action for the coming days and weeks. It became my job to organize and set up our families’ crisis center in a local hotel ballroom. The days that immediately followed were more than difficult and painful, but having survived and not lost a parent or child, a sibling or a spouse, it was my imperative to focus on the needs of our families. Shock, disbelief, and a “just keep taking care of what needs to be taken care of” mentality pushed me through each day. It also fell to my shoulders to put together a memorial service for those we lost at Cantor. It was such a close group of friends, family, and colleagues, it seemed only natural that we would gather together for a special memorial. The first was October 1, 2001, and we have continued that tradition every year since on September 11th. There were an estimated 4000

friends and family members at that first memorial in Central Park. Words of condolence were offered by prominent political figures, words of prayer were given from clergy, a choir sang, bagpipes played, and family members eulogized their lost loved ones. As time has passed, the service itself has evolved, much in the same way that life has taken those of us impacted by 9/11 onward. This year commemorating the 10th anniversary was a very different kind of service and was by far the most involved “production” I have ever put together. It was the product of many hard-working and selfless individuals who gave so much of their time, talent, and kindness to create what I believe was the best event we have ever done. Rather than a memorial, we called it “A Remembrance, Tribute and Celebration of Life.” Back in the beautiful and tranquil setting of Central Park, we had inspiring words from Secretary of State Clinton, the Archbishop of New York, other clergy, and family members. There was simply phenomenal music from the New York Pops orchestra and amazing, uplifting songs from Broadway stars Brian Stokes Mitchell & LaChanze, who is one of our widows, and the incomparable Carole King. However, the star of the show will always be remembered as the 12-year-old girl who brought the house down with her performance of the national anthem with the New York Pops. She is the daughter of one of my coworkers who was 2 when she lost her dad. It was not only a breathtaking vocal performance, but also a powerful symbol of how our lives have gone on and even flourished in the years since 9/11. Words shared this year sum it up: “Despite the passage of time, we will never forget those friends and loved ones who are no longer with us. It is because of our love for those we lost that we must do all we can to live our own lives to their fullest: to love deeper, to laugh louder, and to do whatever we commit to with passion and drive. It is with that spirit that we keep them forever with us in our hearts and that is why we are here today.” There are fewer than 100 of us still working at Cantor Fitzgerald in the New York office who were there before September 11, 2001. The company has come back and is bigger and more successful than ever. The families of those we lost are still now and forever will be part of “the Cantor family.” We will continue to gather together every year to share hugs and tears, stories and smiles with each other, although the time for elaborate productions may have passed. I am still a partner at the firm and am now in charge of special projects in the Office of the Chairman. Those of us that have been there through these last ten years definitely share a special bond. The tragedy of 9/11 and the loss of so many of my friends and colleagues has most certainly shaped my life and who I am today, but it has forever made me keenly aware of the preciousness of life and the true value of those you love.

WMA 24 · Fall 2011 · The Academy World

Passages Phil Sweeney


Monson Academy English Teacher & Department Chair 1943-1948 Janet Sweeney remembers her father at Reunion 2011. Below from left, Frank’s brother-in-law Charles Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. John Moran, Cathy Bailey, Phil Sweeney and Frank Pizzitola on a trip to New York.

Janet Sweeney remembers her father


have been thinking long and hard on what to say about my father. What does one say about their father who has been such a major part of their life? Where do you begin to describe someone who has meant so much, not only to me but to so many, many others? How do I describe this man who was always larger than life itself? My father graduated from American International College in Springfield in 1941. He lived in Springfield and commuted by thumb or took the bus to Cambridge as he attended Harvard University for his master’s. His first teaching job after completing his education was at Monson Academy where he taught English and was chairman of the English Department. Not only was this his first teaching job, he was also a newlywed. He and my mother lived in an old house right on campus in Monson with the students. Both of them loved their five years at Monson Academy. There were so many memorable stories about those students who were so very close in age to him and the good times they shared. He not only became their teacher, he became their friend, confidant, and basketball coach.

Monson, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish literature at Brown University in 1949, then went on to Harvard to emulate his professor, Philip Sweeney. Mr. Pizzitola tried to enroll in the secondary education classes that Harvard offered so he, too, could be a teacher, but there was no room. He enrolled in Harvard Business School instead. The reason I am telling you about Mr. Pizzitola is that he went on to have an extremely exciting and successful career on Wall Street. My father and Mr. Pizzitola remained friends and stayed in touch over the years. Quite a few years ago, Mr. Pizzitola started a generous scholarship at Wilbraham & Monson Academy in my father’s name. Quite amazing the profound affect my father and his teaching had on Mr. Pizzitola considering he was in his class for only four months!

One of those stories was about a student he had at Monson Academy named Frank Pizzitola. Frank was a young man from Springfield who sought to get the best education that Monson Academy could offer. My father always spoke of how bright Frank was and what a good basketball player he was; he also had very sharp elbows. It turns out that the world got in the way of Frank’s education, namely World War II. When the war ended, Frank continued his education. After graduating from

The Academy World · Fall 2011 · WMA 25

Class Notes 31 Wilbraham

Franklin “Mex” Hall demonstrates his sharp eye and steady aim.

33 Wilbraham Franklin “Mex” Hall ’ 31W

Dr. S. J. Beale writes, “ Paula and I will enjoy 72 years of wedded bliss at Christmas and remain in relatively good health - few pills but pretty rusty locomotion. There are 46 Beale descendents mostly south of the Mason-Dixon Line. It appears that I am the only survivor of the Wilbraham Class of 1933 as well as the Sandwich, Massachusetts, High School Class of 1932. I have many happy memories of the old Wilbraham Academy.”

36 Wilbraham Bill Danforth ’56W

Wallace Ripley writes, “I have moved into Gold Country Retirement Community. At 93, I am the youngster, and I am in good health.”

48 Wilbraham

Robert Merrill writes, “In spite of my failing health I managed to make it to my 80th birthday on October 13, 2010, which was a major milestone in my life.

49 Wilbraham

Halsey Munson ’61W Get the word out! Send your news for the spring Academy World magazine to the Alumni Office, 423 Main Street, Wilbraham, MA 01095 or to alumni@ by March 1, 2012. Join the Alumni online community and post news anytime.

Andy Andersen wrote to us about his dad, “I thought I would write to your school about an alumnus, Andrew E. (Emanuel) Andersen Jr., Class of 1948 or 1949, that you may not know. During the Vietnam War he led a daring rescue mission to rescue three downed pilots. The mission was a success, however, Col. Andersen, USMC was wounded and had to be evacuated from the forward operating position. There is a book written about the rescue mission called The Rescue of BAT 21, and a movie on the mission called BAT 21 starring Danny Glover and Gene Hackman. The mission is highlighted on the Military Channel – Navy Seal Missions. He is now buried in Arlington National Cemetery.”


Mr. Barry M. Beckwith writes, “My wife Phyllis and I have been

60 Wilbraham

Explorers Club, a group of explorers and adventurers whose principal The following letter from Carl interest in life is the expansion of Schuster last June resulted in an exchange of emails in which he and human knowledge. Most of this I discussed how we might highlight involves fieldwork in odd places. the four Wilbraham and Monson At Wilbraham, I fell into the hands alumni who are members of The of Fred Watts, who ignited my Explorers Club. The following is an lifelong interest in history, which introduction to a series of profiles my father told me was a waste of of Carl, Terry Vose ’60W, Jeff Teitel time. He had forgotten George ’61M, and Andrew Petkun ’64W. Santayana’s: “…those who cannot Hello Ms. Carey - I am a 1960 alumnus of Wilbraham Academy, as well as a writer. My undergraduate degree is from Columbia University, School of General Studies, 1967. My wife, Angela, also a Columbia alumna, is editor of The Explorers Journal, the quarterly of The Explorers Club. In addition, she compiles the Old World Archaeological Annual Updates for the Encyclopedia Britannica. We are, if you will, connoisseurs of Print generally, and Magazines specifically. The Academy World should be the exemplar for alumni publications. Angela is also an alumna of The Hockaday School in Dallas. Their offering is better than Columbia’s but not yet to your standard. You’ve done an amazing job of avoiding the cloying turn of phrase, and letting your writers speak for themselves. It is not what some might describe as “home-grown”, because it is more sophisticated than that. I got the feeling, having met Head of School LaBrecque, that he wrote his own “Reflections”. The Magazine even “feels” good, the sine qua non for a good read. I will look forward to your next issue. You might want to have the Art Department up the contrast of the footers. After all, you want the repetitive value of brand identification to be emblazoned in the reader’s mind. Thank you. Carl G. Schuster ‘60W

remember history are doomed to repeat it.” The Economist rephrased this as “… those who misinterpret the past are doomed to bungle the present.” I met my boyhood hero, Thor Heyerdahl, at The Explorers Club in 1985, and we became long-term friends. By that time, my former roommate from Wilbraham, Terry Vose, had been diving with the late Peter Throckmorton in the Mediterranean on several pioneering underwater archaeological projects, and all of us were members of The Explorers Club. I acquired a magnificent motorcycle, a Ducati 900cc Dharma SS and toured Europe, including the Amalfi Drive in Italy, where I never got out of second gear. I developed a reputation at The Explorers Club as someone who was comfortable with exotic machines and was invited to join an expedition to Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic, as the resident snow machine mechanic. Another trip to the Belcher Islands in Hudson Bay followed.

There, the official history of North America unraveled. Henry Hudson did not discover Hudson Bay; it was on maps a century or more before he got there. The Belcher Islands were not named for Captain Sir Edward Belcher. They were on French maps as “Isles du Roteur,” an archaic form of the French verb “to belch” 50 years before Sir Edward was born. I’ve spent the intervening years studying these issues. The Life after the Academy results will be published next fall By Carl Schuster ’60W in a book entitled Henry Hudson and the Bastard Map. And I’ve had There is a concentration of alumni more fun researching this than most of Wilbraham and Monson Academies who are members of The mortals are allocated in a lifetime. Thanks Fred.

WMA 26 · Fall 2011 · The Academy World

Class Notes to get to Vermont to see Ian Eddy.

married for 54 wonderful years. We have a son Barry Jr., who is married with 3 children. It is great getting together with them when they are in the area.

specializes in articles from the 17th, 18th and the early 19th centuries. Visit him online or look for him at antique shows in the Midwest! http://www.

Bill Danforth continues to walk to cure cancer.

Dr. Curt Priest has retired from being a physician and moved to Costa Rica. Curt and his wife run a bed and breakfast called “The Bird’s Nest” near Arenal, home of the Arenal Volcano, and are loving their new life, reports Curt’s brother Chuck Feinstein writes, Ken. “Many life and career changes recently: On April 28, 2011, I was married to Christiane Katzenmaier wilbraham and gained Larson Julen as a Richard Carreño is living in stepson. I have also accepted the Philadelphia. He is a writer, position of Executive Director bookseller & collector, and of Beth Shalom Synagogue in university lecturer in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. He is also an Edmonton Alberta in Canada, where I plan to start in the fall. editor of The Philadelphia Junto.

56 Wilbraham 57 Wilbraham

Harry Day retired June 30, 2009, after 27 years with the Washoe (Reno), Nevada, Registrar of Voters Office. He says, “Years ago, my classmate Bill Faulkner got me started contributing to the Annual Fund. I have followed with interest the outstanding progress the school has made over the years. Your magazine is superior in every respect. You have my very best wishes for continued success in the years to come.”

61 Wilbraham

Halsey Munson has parlayed his passion for antiques into a successful business which


Andy Turrett was shooting the short film “The Haircut” in Northampton recently. Andy is freelance production sound recordist whose clients have included HBO, ESPN, ABC, BBC, CNN, WGBH, The Discovery Channel, Florentine Films, among others. His website is www.



66 wilbraham

Kevin Monahan writes, “I have Edward Ferriter was sorry not make been teaching and coaching for 33 years. I am still doing it, only now it to Reunion. He was in Texas to in Florida. My son is 13 years old support a son who was deploying and hopefully will be a postgrad at to Afghanistan. He saw Tom Seaha WMA in a few years. If anybody is here in Virginia recently and hopes

Andy Turrett ’72

“Not Another Not Another Movie” 91

Declan Joyce lives in Malibu, California, has acted in 17 movies to date, and has a film production company ‘Irish Slam Inc’ that has produced two independent films. Declan acted in a film that came out on September 1, through Warner Brothers Digital, called “Not Another Not Another Movie”. It is available on cable, video-on-demand, and Netflix. The DVD came out on October 18, 2011. The movie stars Chevy Chase, Burt Reynolds, Vinnie Jones, & Michael Madsen. The site is Declan can be followed on Twitter and is on Facebook. His contact email is Declan is on Facebook @ Declan.Joyce & on Twitter @

Declan Joyce was invited by Bono to the last US concert of U2 in Pittsburgh on July 26, 2011.

Declan and Burt between scenes.

The Academy World · Fall 2011 · WMA 27

Class Notes ever in Naples, Florida, please give me a call.”


Saori Tate ’95 and Thomas Silecchia

Todd Stuart writes, “I moved to California right after graduating from Gettysburg in 1990. I am a teacher at a small private school in Costa Mesa, California. I have taught here for 19 years in grades K to 4th grade. I am presently a 2nd/3rd grade teacher and the assistant principal. I am married for the second time, and have two lovely children – almost 2 years and 2 months. I just retired from coaching club soccer, which I had done since ‘95, to spend time with the family. The Academy website looks great! I see that Mssrs. Cook, Kelly, Lagomarsino, and Mazeika are still at the Academy. They all look great! Last summer when back east, I met up with classmate Keith Fuller. Mark Warburton passed through the area with the junior class from the Laurel School on a pre-school

class trip. He arranged for former WMA English Department Chair and author Todd Felton to give the girls some background on the Transcendentalists, and he met Director of Communications Rita Carey for dinner.


Paul Magyar is in the real estate business in New York City. One recent referral looked familiar to him; come to find out it was Vasilios “V” Klitsas ’97. They were both surprised.


Mark Oppenheimer, WMA Middle School 1986-1988, writes that his book about his high-school debating career, Wisenheimer, is now out in paperback. Mark earned a Ph.D. in religious studies from Yale University. He has been an NPR commentator, a newspaper editor, and a visiting professor at Stanford and Wesleyan Universities and at Hartford Seminary. He writes a biweekly religion column “Beliefs” for The New York Times and is available for speaking engagements through the American Program Bureau.


Kyle Nicholson’s most recent short film, “The Other Soldier”, has been accepted into four festivals – the Other Venice Film Festival, Somewhat North Of Boston Film Festival, NYLA International Film Festival and Marbella International Film Festival (MIFF),” Kyle told Reminder Publications reporter Chris Maza, “We are still waiting on more festivals right now but the film is taking flight.” His complete interview can be found at localnews/wilbrahamhampden/ wilbrahamnativesta/.


Saori Tate married Thomas Silecchia in June.

Teresa & Frank Bruno ’98 with their wedding party on the steps of Rich Hall.


Marcy Zahornacky Minnick welcomed into the family a second daughter, Tenley Hudson Minnick.

WMA 28 · Fall 2011 · The Academy World

Congrats to Marcy, husband Manny, and sister Teagan! Jacob Dyer-Spiegel finished his Ph.D. in literature and translation studies at UMass-Amherst last May, and he’s still in Brazil as a Fulbright Scholar.


Teresa Holuk and Frank Bruno married on September 3, 2011, at Teresa’s childhood church in Three Rivers. Before heading to the reception at the Hampden Country Club, where they went to WMA prom together, they had to stop and take pictures at WMA. Teresa says, “WMA holds a very dear place in our hearts. Frankie & I started dating in 1998 when he was a senior and I was a junior. We absolutely had to stop and take pictures on our wedding day at the place where our relationship began.” The wedding party included the following alumni: Lauren Skowyra Cresta ’97, Kimberly Unrine Treibick ’99, William Metzger ’97, Teresa Holuk Bruno ’99, Frank Bruno ’98, Natalie Holuk Metzger ’96, Keith Holuk ’02, and Colleen Holuk ’97. Teresa & Frank live in Miami Beach, where they own and operate Global Tours & Transportation (gttlimo. com), a black car/limousine service. In addition, Teresa works in sales for Manheim, the world’s leading provider of used vehicle services.


Matt Hill writes, “A lot has happened since I left WMA 11 years ago. I have been working the last five years with Ally Financial, Inc. (fka General Motors Acceptance Corp.) and have recently moved to Detroit to our Executive Office with a promotion into international operations. I miss New England a lot, but my wife and I are enjoying it here so far. She runs our own company: br/ from here in the U.S. virtually through Skype, video surveillance, and with the assistance from some of her family back in Brazil. It has been doing very well, and she travels back to Brazil about once a

Class Notes quarter. I have begun traveling a lot more in my new role as well, we have offices in 15 countries, and I am responsible for our controls environment in each. I finished my MBA in December at Robert Morris University.”


Shawn Jiles graduated from RPI in 2009 and is working at Travelers Insurance.


Will Daly writes, “I just wanted to update you on my life post WMA. My sister recently had a baby boy name Cristian (the lack of an “h” was intentional). He’s my first nephew, so my family was incredibly excited. I also accepted a Maitre D’/Manager position at our new restaurant last week, The Hurricane Club on 26th and Park Avenue here in NYC. It’s an exciting time in my life, to not only be an uncle, but also to receive a promotion within my company.” Victoria D’Amato graduated from Fitchburg State University in the spring with a B.S. in exercise and sports science. This year she’s coaching lacrosse at the prestigious Rendcomb College in Cirencester, located in Gloucestershire, UK. Tori captained the women’s lacrosse program for 2 years for FSU, where she received the Coaches Award in both 2009 and 2010. She was also an assistant coach in the WMA lacrosse program last spring.

Bloomberg LP, Analytics Americas, writes, “While work might be overwhelming at times, I am enjoying it to the fullest. I went through the equity training back in April, so I am currently focusing exclusively on our equity clients. I’m looking forward to a visit home to Moldova in August.”


Adelino Palatino worked with faculty members Michael Dziura and Wally Swanson last spring to complete classroom observation hours towards his degree. Lino was at WMA twice a week assisting in classes. As an AmeriCorps Volunteer coordinating warehouse donation sites, Tyler Lawrence recently recruited WMA students in Service Corps to help sort donations after reading about their activities on the WMA Facebook page.


Patrick Agahigian stopped by before leaving for a semester abroad in Madrid, Spain. He’ll finish up a semester early at NYU thanks to summer study and AP scores. Kaitlin Camilleri, a psychology major at Union College, was named to the spring 2011 dean’s list.

Joe Salamone graduated magna cum laude from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute last May. He Tim Lindberg is currently a Peace received his B.S. with a double Corps Volunteer in a little country major in computer science and called Suriname, in South America. computer systems engineering. Joe He writes, “I have been here for was a varsity swimmer at RPI, and about three months, and would like he belonged to Sigma Chi fraternity to know if Wilbraham & Monson and numerous computer and Academy would be interested in engineering honor societies. the World Wide Schools program and in corresponding with me, in order to teach students Alessandra Mele, a junior about Suriname and the Peace at Hobart and William Smith Corps experience? Suriname is Colleges, last spring received an incredibly culturally diverse the John Milton Potter Prize country, as well as one of the “Established to honor John M. most bio-diverse regions in South Potter, President of the Colleges America. from 1942-1947. Awarded to the


Eugene Miculet, who is at

member of the sophomore class who, during her first two years in

college, has achieved the most distinguished academic record in the division of the Humanities, the award is based on her accomplishment in courses and her future promise as a scholar and writer.” Lissa was also inducted into the Laurel Society, the junior class honor society for William Smith women, which was founded in 1998 to honor the College’s 90th anniversary. Women who are selected for membership have demonstrated a commitment to the community through their involvement on campus, which may include leadership ability, participation in clubs, organizations, or athletics, academic achievement, social awareness, and community service. For the second summer, Lissa served as a summer intern in the Communications Office. Chelby Wakefield is entering her junior year at Smith College majoring in biochemistry with a minor in chemistry. She served an internship in viral research at Smith in this past summer and traveled to Costa Rica with the Smith soccer team in August. Chelby plays soccer and lacrosse at Smith.

Patrick Agahigian ’08 and Gary Cook

Alessandra Mele ’09


At the Georgetown University women’s tennis awards dinner last spring, Michaela Rollings earned the squad’s Coaches Award for her efforts throughout the year. Coach Gordie Ernst said that, despite her status as a rookie on the varsity squad, Michaela was “the consummate team player with a great attitude and dedication. Her attitude was infectious whether she was in the lineup or not.” Read more about her accomplishments in Titans Victorious. Mickey McCarthy stopped by the WMA rugby practice last spring to check in with the team he served on during his senior year and encourage them to work towards another division title, which they accomplished.

The Academy World · Fall 2011 · WMA 29

Joe Salamone ’08

Class Notes Where are they now? Former Receptionist Mary Ellen Jamroz is still a Read Aloud Volunteer and SMART/ELA tutor in Springfield. She says, “I love working with the students. I always had a special place in my heart for the students when at the Academy.” Laura Nepomuceno Leverault and Bonnie Messier

Lisa Palmero and John McGrath were married in the Philippines on June 26, 2011. Lisa was the Dean of Residential Life from 2003 – 2010. Reunion at preschool: Former Food Services employee Bonnie Messier’s granddaughter Ivy and Laura Nepomuceno Leverault’s ’87 son, Joseph, go to preschool together. Congratulations to Tim Richards on his appointment as Pomfret

Harrington Pawtucket, Rhode Island. He credited Trustee Charles Greenhalgh (of the Greenhalgh Gymnasium) for the “miracle” of intervening in his education and bringing him to Wilbraham. Galway paid tribute to the teachers he had at Wilbraham, particularly Roger Lincoln, and the impact they had on him. In the great tradition of commencement speeches, he also offered several pieces of very good advice to the Class of 2011; among the nuggets were: • Don’t waste time (except when exquisitely pleasurable to do so) • Have great ambitions, but don’t ever think that success justifies everything • Be aware of the suffering of others – as well as your own – and learn all you can from it • If you are ever able to give help to someone in a way that might transform his or her life, as Charles Greenhalgh did for me, understand that you may never know how it all turned out; you may never be thanked, but you must do it if you possibly can. Galway ended the speech with his poem “It All Comes Back” about his son’s misfortune with a birthday cake. (You can find Galway’s speech at But, except for a brief chat as we loitered in the lobby of Rich Hall, there was no time to talk during that busy weekend. So Galway and his lovely wife Bobbie graciously invited me up to their farmhouse in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont to continue the conversation in the form of an interview for The Academy World. On a quintessential Vermont midsummer day in Galway’s “office” – a cozy workspace in the back of a work shed with walls of books on three sides and windows facing the Connecticut River valley and the beginnings of the White Mountains – we talked about his days at Wilbraham Academy, baseball, girls and, at the very end, poetry.

WMA 30 ·

School’s twelfth Head of School, a position he began on July 1. Tim taught in the Languages Department and coached football and hockey from 1986 to 1988 here at the Academy. Also at Pomfret are Robin Farrington Cook, WMA faculty member, coach, and webmanager from 1981 to 2011, who joined the Communications Office, Don Mott, who was at the Academy from 1977 to 1985, and Jim Rees who was here from 1977 to 1984.

Merwin R. Casden ‘46 Edward C. Finnegan ‘47 William F. Ingraham III ‘47 Fred H. Kingsbury Jr. ‘49 Edward R. Hammond Jr. ’52 Ronald Lerner ‘52 James A. McPherson ‘52 Stephen H. Sack Sr. ‘52 Paul G. Zarynoff ‘53 George H. Lantz Jr. ‘57 William S. Riley ‘59 Ferdinand L. Starbuck ‘63 Peter W. Farin D.V.M. ‘72


Most of the obituaries we receive come through our clipping service. If you know of a friend or classmate who has passed away, please notify the Alumni Office. As space allows, we publish remembrances at the families’ request.

Verner S. Dempsey ‘36 Edwin C. Page ‘36 Capt. Lefteris Lavrakas ‘39 James M. Eteson ‘42 Donald J. Owler ‘44

Kinnell TH – So you started writing poetry at Princeton? GK – At Princeton I met my classmate W.S. Merwin (now Poet Laureate of the United States) and two great American poets who were teaching poetry there: John Berryman and R.P. Blackmur. And there was a teacher in the English department there about 10 years older than I called Charles Bell. I took to him, and he became my closest friend, until his death not long ago. TH – If you were a high school English teacher today, what poetry would you have the students read? GK – It would depend on what I was reading myself at the time. If I was thinking that way, I might go to the poetry of the twentieth century that was neither rhymed nor metered, and find poetry that was not hokey or extremely cerebral. I would show them a few of the greatest masters such as Keats, Blake, Whitman, Dickinson, and probably many more of all stripes. I would see if I could get the students to dwell on the poems for a while, and I would send them forth to make their own discoveries. And I would go from there, wherever that might be. TH – So Robert Frost? Or an accessible contemporary poet like Billy Collins? GK – I met Robert Frost and I liked him, and he is certainly one of our greatest poets. But one has to be careful that reading him too early doesn’t set one’s horizons too narrowly. It might be easy for a young person to think that Frost was principally a poet of New England farm life of a hundred or so years ago. Billy Collins is a wonderful poet for this purpose, and students connect with him in part because of his peculiar deadpan humor. But of course, there is a whole world of poetry beckoning behind him that I would try to get to as well.

Fall 2011 · The Academy World

The Academy World Magazine · Fall 2011 Published for the Alumni, parents, and friends of Wilbraham & Monson Academy Editor Rita D. Carey

Please direct your comments and letters to: Rita Carey, Editor Wilbraham & Monson Academy 423 Main Street Wilbraham, MA 01095

Advisory Board Brian Easler Rodney LaBrecque Richard Rodgers Meaghan Rothschild Chris Sparks ’95

Phone: 413.596.9114 Fax: 413.596.4108 E-mail:

Contributing Writers Christina Cronin Alessandra Mele ’09 Photography Paul Bloomfield Rita Carey Robin Farrington Cook Peter Howard Thom Kendall Alessandra Mele ’09 John Risley Matthew Risley ’96 David Ryan Dave Silver Jan Reynolds Ziter Various contributing photographers Design Jan Reynolds Design

Visit our Web site at:

Wilbraham & Monson Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or age. Wilbraham & Monson Academy is assigned to the National Register of Historic Places. The area named the Academy Historic District consists of thirty buildings, twenty-four of which belong to the school.

Board of Trustees

Parents’ Association Officers

Scott B. Jacobs ’75 Chair

Lisa Jalbert President

Mark R. Shenkman ’61M Vice Chair

Kristin Kirwan Vice President

Michael J. Flynn Secretary

Melissa Reeves Treasurer

Donald J. Stuart ’73 Treasurer

Robin Farrington Cook Secretary

Suzy Awad Bruce E. Buxton David J. Callahan Krista Hanson Hyun Chong Kim ’77 James E. LaCrosse ’50W Steven P. Marcus Susan C. McKenna Kent W. Pecoy Steven D. Spence ’76

Andrea Robbins Associate Director of Alumni Relations Parents Association Liaison

Trustees Emeriti Eric W. Anderson Richard S. Fuld ’64W Alan N. Hall William E. James ’64W Nitya Pibulsonggram ’58W Frederic A. Rothery

Join the WMA

online community!

Have you changed your email address? Email alumni@WMA. us with your current contact information and receive the monthly Alumni eNews. Visit our Web site

Head of School Emeritus Richard C. Malley

Printing Bassette Printing

Be A Part Of The Heritage Courtyard D

uring the years that the Heritage Courtyard has been situated on The Hill, Alumni have taken the opportunity to mark their legacy at the Academy through the purchase of a granite bench, granite paver, garden plaque, or courtyard brick. This is a wonderful opportunity to commemorate your time at the Academy or to honor someone important in your life here. For further information about Reunion, please visit and click on the Alumni tab at the top of the page.

Heritage Courtyard Donations $15,000 Granite Bench 5,000 Granite Paver 5,000 Garden Plaque 1,000 Courtyard Brick

The Academy World · Fall 2011 · WMA 31

May 11 & 12 Rise Above the Competition

Reunion 2012

Support the Wilbraham & Monson Academy 2011-2012 Annual Fund

For more information about Reunion, please visit and click on the Alumni tab at the top of the page.

WMA 32 路 Fall 2011 路 The Academy World

Enosch Wolf ’11

Young-Jun Jonathan Lee ’12

Math Teacher Mark Fischer

Annual Report of Giving 2010-2011


n these economically trying times, I am happy to report that WMA continues to have growth across the board. More contributions from our voluntary donors and more constituents that are choosing to support Wilbraham Monson Academy. I look forward to building on our success for another terrific year in 2011-2012. Thank you to all of the wonderful alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends who volunteered their time over the year. Our success is largely due to the hard work and dedication of all of our volunteers at Wilbraham & Monson Academy. Congratulations to the newly elected 2011 Class Agents Claire Bi, Ryan Choi, Brooke Mele,

Jacqueline Smith, and Jeannette Viens. I look forward to working with you in the coming years. Highlights from the 2010-2011 year include: n 110 new donors n 2.1 Million raised in total voluntary support n 101 donors from reunion classes raised $50,000 for the Annual Fund n Current parents raised over $200,000 for the Annual Fund Things to note while looking through the Annual Report: New Donors – During years such as this past one, it is increasingly evident how important it is to acquire and retain new donors. People who choose to make a gift to Wilbraham & Monson Academy are helping solidify a strong foundation upon

which we will build our future success! Thank you very much. 10-Year + Donors – Dedicated donors such as those found on this list are really the lifeline of the WMA Annual Fund! Each year we add more names to this growing list. Young Alumni – Each year I am pleased to add more names to the growing list of young alumni donors who support their school. Note those young alumni who began making gifts in the spring of their senior year and have continued ever since.

Sarah Wakelin Director of Annual Giving

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011 page 1

Unre stricte d Annual Fund Giving Clubs Century Club

$25,000 + Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Antonacci++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci ++ Mrs. Marianne Antonacci++ Hampden Engineering Corp./Mr. Michael J. Flynn++ Strategic Comp Holdings/Mr. Scott B. Jacobs ’75++ Mr. Brian F. Randall ’60W+ Mr. Donald J. Stuart ’73++ Mr. & Mrs. Carrie Wong

Wesleyan Society

EnviroLogix, Inc./Mr. Bruce S. Ferguson ’67W++ Mr. Chang-Jung Lin & Ms. Yu-Ting Hung Mr. Horace S. Nichols ’44W++ Mr. Edward J. Sack ’47W++ Mr. Jaehyeong Seo & Ms. Jong Sook Park Mr. Jonathan L. Sperling ’57W++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Stolpinski++ Mr. Richard C. Upton ’60M Mr. Stacey H. Widdicombe III ’70W++

Headmasters Circle

$1,000 - $2,999 Dr. & Mrs. David D. Agahigian++ Mr. Richard Altman++ Leadership Circle Mrs. Sylvia F. Altman ++ $15,000 - $19,999 Anne Ogozalek Cagenello ’81 & Alan Hale ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Satoshi Aoki Mr. James E. LaCrosse ’50W++ Mr. Francis M. Austin Jr. ’46W++ Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ’55W++ Mr. Yong Eum Ban & Mr. Richard F. Morgan ’59W++ Ms. Young Sook Im Mr. Gregory J. Bazarian ’90++ 1804 Founders’ Club Dr. Alfons Biggel & lumni arents $10,000 - $14,999 Dr. Gisela Schütt-Biggel Mr. & Mrs. William M. Awad III++ Mr. Raymond R. Blydenburgh '80 Mrs. Linda B. Griffin++ $120,000 Mr. Sung Hwan Choi & $116,884 $116,119 4 Mrs. Judith B. Hale++ Ms. Eun Kyung Lee Mr. Yu-Lai Jin & Mrs. Min Yang $113,562 $100,000 Ambassador Hyun Chong Kim ’77+ Mr. & Mrs. Philmore H. Colburn II++ Drs. Christopher & $92,876 Mr. Mark R. Shenkman ’61M Elizabeth Comey ++ $80,000 Mr. Weiping Zhao & Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Conlon+ $67,577 Ms. Ko Laikuen Mr. William L. Danforth ’56W++ $60,000 Mr. Albert W. Dodge Sr. ’32W Atlas & Bell Circle Mr. James S. Downey ’73++ $5,000 - $9,999 $40,000 Mr. Robert B. Enemark ’42W++ Mr. Gabriel M. Awad ’17 Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. ’57W++ Mr. & Mrs. S. Prestley Blake Mr. Mark Flanagan Mr. Dagang Chen & $20,000 Mr. Gunter M. Glass ’63W++ Ms. Chun Q. Wei Mr. Arthur W. Gregory III ’59W Dr. Won Ho Chung & $0 Mrs. Robert W. Griffin++ Ms. Sue Kyung Lee 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Mrs. Ligia P. Guerin Mr. Michael Clarke ’58W++ Mr. Alan Hale ’46W++ Mr. Richard G. Dooley++ Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Hanson++ Mr. Floyd F. Foster Jr. ’42W++ ummary of iving Dr. Leigh Harrington ’59W Mr. Donald M. Joffray ’46W++ Mr. Peter F. Harrington ’72 Mrs. Judith A. Knapp++ Source Dollars Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr. Mr. Sang Ho Kwak & ’60M++ Unrestricted Annual Fund Ms. Min Hee Kim Mrs. Virginia L. Hoyt++ Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Marcus Alumni $ 353,937 Mr. William E. James ’64W++ New York Life Foundation++ Alumni $332,586 Jefferies & Company Mr. Jae Hong Park & Current Parents $200,242 Dr. & Mrs. Kobchai Jitsakula Ms. Mi Jung Kim++ Alumni Parents $116,119 Mr. & Mrs. Rexford L. Joffray++ Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kelley Jr. Grandparents & Alumni Grandparents $5,235 Mr. Brent G. Todd ’81++ Dr. Jamieson D. Kennedy ’51W Mrs. Leonia S. Todd++ Spouses of Alumni $13,116 Mr. David I. Kent ’69W Mr. William A. Tychsen ’59W++ Faculty & Staff $5,805 Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Wendlandt++ Mr. Kenneth J. Kessaris ’50W++ Corporations, Foundations, & Matching Gifts $25,263 Mr. Sung Koo Kim & Friends $19,182 Old Academy Club Ms. Hye Young Choi+ $3,000 - $4,999 Korean Parents’ Association Total $717,548 Mr. Stanley N. Bayless ’68W++ Dr. Jordan L. Kramer ’73++ Mr. John F. Chapple III ’60W Mr. Rodney J. LaBrecque++ Capital Programs & Endowment LS Global Inc./Mr. Seung Jae Dr. Chang Han Lee & $1,082,762 Unrestricted & Endowed Funds Chyun ’75++ Dr. Young Gil Rha Mr. Paul B. Cronin ’53W++ Mr. Guilin Liu $129,615 Major Gifts Mr. Hongwu Du & Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Liu $195,544 In-kind Gifts Ms. Tao Zhang+ Mr. S. Peter Manchester ’58W Ensign Bickford Foundation Dr. Charles A. McCallum Jr. ’43W Grand Total $2,125,469 $20,000 - $24,999






2 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Mr. Timothy J. McEvoy ’68W Mr. Marcelo Muller ’01 Mr. Robert K. Nichols ’63W++ Dr. Sung Wook Oh & Ms. Sung Yeon Chun Mr. Richard B. Phillips ’63W++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Picknelly Jr. Peter S. Plumb Esq. ’61W++ Mr. Robert S. Putnam ’48W++ Mr. Ralph A. Quackenbush ’51W++ Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Race++ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Reeves++ Mr. Richard F. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Ross++ Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Rothery++ Mrs. Molly H. Russo ’84++ Mr. Jorge A. Saad & Mrs. Hilda Mendoza Mr. Lee H. Schilling ’59W+ Mr. Byung Ro Seo & Ms. Eun Ju Seong Mr. James J. Shea Jr. ’44W++ Mr. Allen Shen & Ms. Shu Hua Lin+ Mr. & Mrs. Garrett P. Smith++ Mr. Dennis C. Sowers ’59W++ Mr. & Mrs. Toshio Sugiura Quadel Consulting Corporation/ Mr. Edward Symes III ’64W++ Mr. Hongbin Wang & Ms. Chunyan Huang Mr. & Mrs. Rex G. Watson++ Mr. Benjamin F. Wilson ’69W Mrs. Lenita C. McCallum Witherspoon++ Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Wright++ Prosperous Enterprises (Taiwan) Ltd./Mr. Ming Sum Yeung++ Mr. Shunbao Ying & Ms. Mingmei Zhou Dr. Sang Jin Yoon & Ms. Hyosun Lim

Hill Society

$500 - $999 Mr. Dana T. Aftab ’81++ Mr. Lawrence E. Alexander III ’61M Mr. Ronald W. Alley Sr. ’57W Mr. Eric W. Anderson++ Mr. & Mrs. Frances A. Arnieri Lt. Col. Richard W. Bailey USMC Ret. ’55M++ Bank of America++ Mr. Graeme A. Bazarian ’87++ Mr. Gary R. Beauchamp ’78++ Mr. David P. Benziger ’61M++ Mr. Xianping Bi & + notes constistent donors who have given for the past 3 or more years. ++ notes donors who have given for the past 6 or more years. Italics denotes donors we have lost this year. We have tried our best to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within these pages. If you come across an error or omission, please accept our apologies and let us know of the error so that we may take the appropriate actions to correct it. To make a correction, call the Development Office at 413.596.6811.

Ms. Zengxia Jiang Mr. Frederick L. Blackwell ’72++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Bourgeois++ Mr. Stanley Brzoska Mr. Bruce E. Buxton++ Mrs. Priscilla Carter Mr. David B. Chamberlain ’71W++ Mr. Donald J. Collins ’60M++ Mr. John L. Crowell ’61M+ D.A. Sullivan & Sons, Inc.++ Mr. Charles H. Daly ’41M Mr. Van Gothner & Ms. Elizabeth A. Davison Dick Polastry Painting++ Mr. Robert G. Faulkner Sr. ’53W++ Mr. Dwight W. Gammons ’52W++ Mr. Joseph J. Garstka ’69M++ Dr. & Mrs. Stuart M. Ginsberg Dr. Laura Gramse ’84+ Mr. Charles G. Greenhalgh Jr. ’42W++ Mr. George T. Greenhalgh ’45W++ Mr. Kennard G. Gregory ’62W++ Mrs. Kelly Griffin DePaulo ’83 Mr. Welles R. Guilmartin CPA ’65M++ Mr. Edward K. Han-Burgess ’99 Mr. Timothy P. Harrington ’73++ Dr. Harrison B. Hawley ’61W Mr. Richard P. Hayes ’55M+ Mr. J. Lawrie Hibbard ’52W++ Mr. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M++ Mr. William D. Howerton ’49W++ Mr. Dyke K. Hoy ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Leverett M. Hubbard Dr. Hampton Irwin ’48W++ Mrs. Marilyn R. Jacobs++ Mr. Matthew C. Jarvinen ’96 Mr. Howard T. Jensen Jr. ’59W++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Jessup Mr. Robert A. Johnson ’54W++

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Johnston Sr.++ Mr. M. Loran Kary ’67W++ Dr. Mark A. Keroack ’72++ Mahsa Khanbabai Esq. ’89++ Mr. Galway M. ++ ’44W Mr. Olli Timi P. Kokkonen ’55W++ Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Kulig Mr. Daniel B. Kunhardt Jr. ’72++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Lambert Stuart A. Laven Esq. ’61W++ Mr. Heung S. Lee ’58W++ Mr. & Mrs. Rabindra Madho Dr. Ronald L. Majka ’68M++ Mr. N. Frank Maldonado ’55W Mr. John C. Marsh ’58W++ Mr. K. Keith McAllister ’65W Mr. Patrick J. McCanta++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Melville Mr. Joseph W. Merritt Jr. ’57W Dr. & Mrs. Erik V. Meunier Dr. John W. Miller ’49W++ Dr. & Mrs. David M. Mordasky Mrs. Patricia A. Morgan++ Mr. Norman E. Moyer ’41W Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. O'Donnell ’80++ Mr. Douglas W. Osmond ’75++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Osmond++ Ms. Courtney T. Paterna ’96++ Mr. Jeffrey M. Polep ’72 Mr. G. Eric Pucher ’47W Mr. Wallace M. Ripley Jr. ’36W Mr. Donald F. Roy ’59M++ His Excellency Pongsiri Sarasin ’47W Mr. John M. Sawyer Jr. ’59W+ Mr. Philip H. Shaw Jr. ’57W

Colin Cook ’04, Kevin Pereira ’08, Jared Falconer ’07 Mr. Patrick T. Agahigian ’09+ Mr. Michael G. Albano & Ms. Nancy B. Alisberg Mr. Thomas W. Alexander ’62W++ Mr. Stephen M. Allen ’57W++ American International Group, Inc. Dr. Loriston K. Amsden ’56W Andrew Associates Mr. William L. Archer Sr. ’61M++ Dr. Gary W. Ardison ’57W++ Mr. Robert J. Ardison III ’55W++ Mr. David W. Armstrong Jr. ’40W++ Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. Atkins Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Axtmann Mr. Edward J. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Balicki Mr. Michael D. Balise ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bamford Mr. Robert D. Bardwell III ’70W++ Mr. Ronald W. Barend ’66M++ Mr. James A. Barkhuff ’67W++ Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Barnagian++ Mrs. Lorraine O. Barnes Mrs. Sarah C. Barnes-

Mr. Edward W. Shore Jr. ’48W++ Mr. Donald J. Southwick ’64M++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Suglia Ms. Hillary M. Sullivan ’72 Mr. Richard P. Taylor ’62W++ Mr. & Mrs. Chernporn Tengamnuay Mr. C. Stetson Thomas ’50W++ Mr. Donald T. Tull ’55W++ Verisk Analytic++ Mr. Mack Walker ’46W Mr. & Mrs. Yoshio Watanabe++ Dr. David F. Wender ’69W++ Mrs. Kaoru White ’81 Dr. Brett R. Zalkan ’83++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zielinski Mr. Jon A. Zulkiewicz

ubicon Societ

Rubicon Society

Up to $499 Mr. Charles A. Adams ’41M Mr. Roger E. Adams Jr. ’58M Ms. Aimee P. Adamski ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Adamski Aetna Foundation, Inc.

Vallandingham Ms. Donna L. Barone++ Mr. Henry D. Bartlett ’56W+ Mr. W. Scott Bartlett III ’63W Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Bater Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Bazarian Dr. S. James Beale ’33W++ Mr. William S. Beamish Jr. ’41W+ Ms. Loren R. Beatty-Sweeting Mr. John G. Becker Jr.++ Mr. Barry M. Beckwith ’51M Mr. & Mrs. Darryl M. Beech Ms. Norma R. Berube++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Best++ Ms. Page Best-Hardy Mr. Lewis W. Birmingham ’60W Mr. Douglas H. Blampied ’56W++ Lt. Col. Robert W. Bliss USAF Ret. ’39W++ Mr. Frederick M. Bodington Jr. ’55M++ Ms. Sally S. Bolognesi Mr. Nathaniel Bond ’52W+ Mr. Jeffrey F. Bonk ’78++ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Booth+

A Year of Accomplishments n Success with our major capital On behalf of the students, faculty, ventures: the new turf field complex,

and leadership of Wilbraham & Monson Academy, I extend a heart-felt thank you to the nearly 800 generous donors recognized in our 2010-2011 Annual Report. Because of your thoughtful philanthropy, WMA has increased the pace of growth and renewal. This is a year to be proud of everything we have accomplished! I thank you, donors and friends committed to the performance and vision of the Global School®, for making this one of the most successful fund-raising years in the entire history of the Academy.

Highlights: n $2,125,489 in total voluntary support – an increase of nearly 40% over last year! n Attendance of more than 400 alumni, parents, family, and friends at over 30 events held on campus and around the world.

the Shenkman Admission House, and classroom technology. n Exceeding our Annual Fund goal with support from a greater number of alumni. I also want to thank the scores of individuals who contributed time, energy, and in-kind support that led to dozens of tangible benefits for the WMA community – from new athletic equipment to Jazz music recordings for the library. Our students, families, and alumni continue to thrive as the Academy thrives. I hope each and every donor has a chance to visit campus and experience the vibrancy of today’s WMA: test out the new “smart” college-level graphing calculators every student is learning to use in the Math Department, watch a game on the

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011



spectacular new turf field, experience a concert from one of our musical ensembles, or see the way scholarship support helps young people fulfill the promise of their lives. Every donor to WMA has a piece of those achievements. Thank you!

Richard Rodgers Director of Development

At left, Delight Rothery, Trustee Emeritus Fred Rothery and Shirley LaBrecque. Right, Fred Watts at the AllAlumni Gathering on Saturday of Reunion Weekend.

Ms. Susan A. Cole+ Mr. Edwin T. Conway ’77++ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Costanzo Mr. Richard F. Cram Jr. ’66W++ Mr. Frederik O. Crawford ’60 W++ Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE++ Mr. Robert C. Crowell ’56M++ Mr. William H. Daly ’06 Mrs. Jill F. Dangleis++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. D'Avanzo++ Mr. James H. Davies ’52W+ Mr. Donald W. Davis ’56W+ Rev. Richard A. Davis ’44W Mr. & Mrs. Bert Davison++ Ms. Anna Davitt ’01 Mr. Charles P. Day ’48W+ Mr. Harry A. Day ’57W++ Mr. Ronald E. Dean ’50W++ Ms. Claudia Debelova ’04 Ms. Wendy L. Decker Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. DeLand++ Mrs. Shirley Devore Mr. Alex Dezieck Mr. James Diack Dimauro Carpet & Tile Ms. Carriann DiRico ’03 Mr. Albert W. Dodge Jr. ’58W++ Mr. Roger A. Doerpholz & Ms. Carol A. Royal Mr. & Mrs. Donn M. Dominique Mr. Alfred J. Donais Jr. ’54M++ Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Donatelli Ms. Melissa A. Donohue Mr. William F. Donovan ’43M Mr. Henry M. Downey ’70W++ Mr. & Mrs. Verner Drohan Mr. Robert M. Duchacek ’60W Mr. John C. Duncan III ’56W++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Duncan++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Dziura Mr. Brian P. Easler++ Mr. Robert L. Eddy Jr. ’62W++ Mr. Richard U. Edgehill ’70W+ Mr. Charles S. Edson ’48W Mr. Paul Ekness & Ms. Heather MacMonegle++ Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Ely Mr. Charles D. Epstein Mr. Mountfort A. Euston ’62W + notes constistent donors who have given ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.++ Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fabrizi for the past 3 or more years. ++ notes donors who have given for the Lt. Col. William P. Farnham USAF past 6 or more years. Ret. ’47W++ Mr. John F. Boozang++ Dr. Leonard R. Borsari ’61W Mr. William C. Brackett Dr. Robert J. Brandt ’50W++ Mr. & Mrs. William E. Braunlich Mr. Lawrence W. Bray ’61M++ Mr. Richard B. Brigham ’52W++ Mr. John A. Brockway ’61M++ Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Bronner++ Drs. Rupert R. & Marian A. Brook Dr. David L. Brown ’64M++ Dr. Townsend Brown Jr. ’69W++ Mr. Kenneth C. Bruno ’67W Mr. Harold C. Burdon Jr. ’51W++ Mr. John C. Burns ’66M++ Ms. Carol A. Cady ’75 Cmdr. John S. Calhoun USCG ’61W Mrs. Barbara J. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Callahan III Mrs. Clare Callender Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carey++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Carlin++ Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Caropreso+ Mr. Robert W. Carpenter ’50M++ Ms. M. Eileen Cebula++ Ms. Kyu Jung Chang Mr. Ming F. Chang ’89++ Mr. Timothy R. Chapin ’55W++ Mr. Symin J. Charpentier ’07++ Botta Group Limited/ Mrs. Linda Loi Mr. Alton W. Cheney ’38W Mr. & Mrs. James D. Cherry++ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Chesky++ Mr. Phillip Chesky ’02 & Mrs. Maureen Kelly Chesky ’02++ Ms. Rosalyn C. Chesky ’08++ Ms. Gail Chesworth-Taylor++ Dr. Kyou Chull Chung & Ms. Hyosuk Lee Mr. Andrea Cinti ’11 Mr. Salverio Cinti & Ms. Emanuela Serenelli Mrs. Marilyn S. Clark ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Clewes Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cochran Ms. Sara T. Colburn ’10

Italics denotes donors we have lost this year.


Dr. Timothy W. Farrell++ Ms. Robin A. Farrington Cook & Mr. David W. Cook++ Dr. Bonnie Faulkner Ryan ’82 Mr. David Mark N. Faulkner ’85 Mr. Scott A. Faulkner CPA ’88++ Mr. Phillip L. Faulstich & Mrs. Carol LaLiberte Mr. Charles S. Feinstein USN Ret. ’73+ Mr. Harry Fekeris Ms. Jessica S. Feldheim+ Mr. Donald N. Femia ’54W++ Mr. Edward C. Ferriter USN Ret. ’66W Mr. R. Hartley Field Jr. ’60W Mr. & Mrs. David E. Filkins Mrs. Deborah R. Finley++ Mr. Mark A. Fischer++ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fitchet++ Five Star Gardens Ms. Caitlin S. Flynn ’06++ Mrs. Loretta Fograshy Mrs. Barbara M. Foster++ Mr. Donald L. Foulds ’53W++ Dr. James H. Freeman ’49W++ Mr. Stanley L. Fri++ Ms. Sheryl J. Friedman ’81 Mr. Peter O. Frisch++ Mr. Frank Fritts++ Mr. & Mrs. Frederic W. Fuller III++ Mr. Frank W. Fulreader Jr. ’62W Mr. Joseph A. Furgal ’57M++ Dr. C. Farrell Gallaway ’44M++ Mr. Evan H. Gallivan ’96++ Mr. Frederick C. Gao++ Mr. Richard R. Garstka ’73 Mr. & Mrs. L. Michael Gatzkiewicz Mr. Thomas M. Gavin ’66W Mr. Kevin C. Genther ’46W++ Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Germain+ Mr. Adam J. Ginsberg ’10 Mr. Jonathan W. Giokas ’95 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Giokas+ Mrs. Tina L. Girhiny++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glabicky+ Mr. Richard P. Goldman++ Mr. & Mrs. Amaro Goncalves Dr. Arlene M. Goodman ’96+ Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Goodman Mr. Robert J. Googins ’53W Dr. Barbara J. Gordon & Mr. David J. Gordon++

Dr. Kathleen M. Gorski+ Mr. John E. Gow ’50W Dr. Harold Gramse ’47W Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Grant++ Mr. Harold O. Graves ’42W++ Mr. Steven M. Gray ’70W++ Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Greene++ Mr. Samuel B. Greene ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Laurent R. Grenier++ Mr. David H. Griffith ’59W++ Mr. John J. Guerin ’96 & Mrs. Kristina S. Guerin ’98++ Mr. Kenneth A. Gustafson ’49W++ Mr. Patrick J. Haag ’00 Mr. Alan N. Hall++ Mr. Robert D. Handel ’71W Mr. William A. Hawthorne ’61W++ Mr. E. Morris Hayn Jr. ’49W++ Mr. Robert L. Hayward ’46M++ Mr. & Mrs. Dale Henry++ Ms. Jeanne F. Henry ’04+ Mr. Harvey J. Hersh ’49M Mr. James H. Herzog Jr. ’70W++ Mr. Richard G. Heus ’68W Mrs. Ashley Heye Watson ’01++ Mr. Thory Heye ’66W++ Mr. John R. Hine ’71W Mr. William C. Hine II ’67W++ Mr. Richard G. Hirsch ’71W++ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hodson Mr. Richard Holohan Mr. Peter F. Hooben ’82++ Mr. Lloyd N. Hoover ’43W++ Mr. David E. Hoxeng ’68W++ Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hsiao++ Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hulten++ Mr. William O. Humes ’59M++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hurwitz Ms. Margaret Lenihan Hutcheson++ Mr. Warren B. Hutchinson ’61M++ Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Insler++ Mr. Jonathan T. Insler ’99++ Mr. Michael A. Insler ’01++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Izyk++ Mr. Eric W. Jacobs ’74++ Mr. Robert C. Jacobson ’57W Ms. Stacy E. Jagodowski ’98++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Jalbert+ Mrs. Mary Ellen Jamroz++ Mr. & Mrs. Hak Jin Jang Mr. Christopher F. Jasinski ’00 Mr. Peter N. Jerusik ’96

4 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Mr. Arthur S. Johnson III ’40W Mr. Frank D. Johnson ’42W++ Mr. Gregory R. Johnson ’66M Mr. Douglas H. Jones ’70W+ Mr. Douglas T. Jones ’67W Ms. Brigid M. Jurgens ’08++ Mr. & Mrs. James S. Jurgens++ Mr. Peter J. Jurgens ’06++ Mr. & Mrs. Bryan S. Kantor+ Mr. Theodore W. Kappler Jr. ’61W++ Dr. & Mrs. James H. Keeling Ms. Suzanne B. Keenan Mr. Lafayette Keeney+ Ms. Elizabeth A. Keithcart Mrs. Phyllis Kelley Mr. Donald E. Kelly++ Mr. Joshua S. Kelly ’85+ Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Kindblom++ Mr. Richard J. King ’75 Dr. Paul I. Kingsbury ’53W++ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kirwan+_ Mr. & Mrs. John T. Knudsen Mr. Matthew A. Koziol ’93 Mrs. Mildred M. Krebs Mrs. Elaine M. Kregeloh+ Mr. David J. Kreps ’06 Mr. Yong D. Kwon ’88++ Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. LaCroix++ Mr. & Mrs. Roland P. Laferriere Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lagomarsino++ Ms. Phyllis H. Lagomarsino++ Mrs. Bertha P. Lak++ Mr. Richard H. Lamb ’69W++ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Landers III+ Mr. William R. Lane Jr. ’83++ Capt. Lefteris Lavrakas ’39W Mr. James S. Law ’68W++ Mr. Tyler H. Lawrence ’07 Mr. Philip C. Lawton ’54W++ Mr. William M. Lax ’45W++ Mr. & Mrs. Dong Jung Lee Mr. Brian J. LeMay ’05+ Mr. Ralph F. Leonard ’61W Mr. Richard LeStage ’61W++ Ms. Deborah M. Levheim+ Mr. Yiguo Li & Ms. Lichun Wang Mr. Roger H. Lincoln ’72++ Mr. Timothy N. Lincoln ’68W++ Drs. Michael & Nancy Lindberg++ Mr. M. John Lippman ’53W++ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Little Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little

Representatives of the Graynotes assembled for a performance and entertained the Reunion luncheon crowd on Saturday. They were Peter Plumb ’61, Jeff Read ’57, George Lanz ’57, Bill Pinney ’61, Russ Cook ’57, and Peter Murray ’61.

Ms. Cynthia A. Lobo-Diogun++ Mr. John C. Lombard+ Mr. Charles P. Lukasik ’74 Ms. Bethany A. Lyon ’11 Mr. Mark S. Lyon & Mrs. Anne S. Redman-Lyon++ Ms. Sarah E. Lyon ’09 Mr. Ian S. Macdonald ’94++ Dr. Robert K. MacLauchlin ’50W++ Dr. Thomas G. Magill ’55W++ Mr. Alfred W. Mahan Jr. ’61M Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mahoney Mr. Richard A. Malin ’51M++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Manning Mr. Michael C. Mannix Mr. Robert T. Marchant ’51W++ Mr. Steven S. Marcus ’10 Rev. Ronald D. Marcy ’54W++ Ms. Gina M. Markowski+ Mr. Bradford Marple ’47W Mr. Timothy D. Marsano ’78++ Mr. Josef E. Martin ’82++ Mr. Todd R. Masnicki ’89++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Matteo Mr. James G. Matzen ’60W++ Mr. John W. Maynard ’41W Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Mazeika III++ Mr. Thomas H. McCallum Jr. ’56W Mrs. Cheryl A. McCarthy Mr. Richard T. McCarthy ’51W++ Mr. Kelley J. McCormick ’84 Ms. Erin L. McDonald ’77 Mrs. Helen O. McDonald Mr. David P. McDowell ’73++ Mr. & Mrs. Guy W. McFarlane Dr. David J. McKenna ’46W++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. McKenna Mrs. Eleanor McNamara Mr. John H. Meissner ’66W Mr. Thomas Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Chris E. Mensing Mr. Robert C. Merrill Jr. ’48W Mr. Matthew J. Merritt Jr. Ms. Danica L. Messerli++ Mr. William J. Metzger ’97 & Ms. Natalie W. Metzger ’96 Mr. Irwin G. Michelman ’75++ Mr. Karl F. Miller ’60W++ Mr. Steven K. Miller ’65W+ Mr. Carl F. Mitchell ’53W++ Mr. M. Scott Mitchell ’57W++ Mr. & Mrs. James F. Monahan++ Mr. Kevin J. Monahan ’73

Ms. Maria-Rallou T. Moore+ Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Moran Ms. Victoria C. Mordasky ’10 Ms. Jamie L. Moss Mr. Mark E. Mozden ’80 Mr. Charles F. Murphy Jr. ’56W Ms. Janet L. Murphy Mr. William F. Murphy ’63M Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius D. Murray Mr. George H. Murray ’42W+ Peter L. Murray Esq. ’61W++ Mr. & Mrs. Larry Musselman Ms. Nancy W. Naftulin++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Nallen Mr. Sanford E. Nemshin ’58M Mr. Andrew M. Nepomuceno ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Nicholson ’79++ Mr. David L. Nickerson ’49W++ Mr. Milner E. Noble ’60W Mr. Karl G. Nonemaker ’64M+ Mr. Harold E. North ’49M Novartis Foundation Mr. Kenneth C. Nowak ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene K. Nyagahene Mr. Daniel M. O'Brien ’79+ Dr. Leslie A. Oleksowicz ’74 Mr. William T. Olmstead ’41W+ Mr. David Olsen ’52W+ Mr. John R. O'Reilly & Ms. Ann Rick Dr. David N. Ostrom++ Mrs. Debra J. Pageau ’76++ Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pajak++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Pajak Mr. W. Lee Palmer Jr. ’71M Dr. Michael A. Pangan ’86 Mrs. Jerilyn J. Paolino ’83++ Mr. William H. Passy Mr. Bradley L. Paster ’89 Mr. Andrew M. Paul ’69W++ Mr. Steven L. Paul ’66W++ Mr. Daniel F. Pawling Sr.++ Mr. John R. Payne Jr. ’62W Mr. Andrew J. Pehoviak ’10 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pehoviak++ Mr. & Mrs. David H. Pentkowski+ Mr. Matthew D. Pentkowski ’07+ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perkins Mr. George H. Perry Jr. ’50W Mrs. Marxan E. Pescetta Ms. Elizabeth J. Petcu ’04 Mr. Mallory L. Pettengill ’53W++ His Excellency Nitya

Pibulsonggram ’58W++ Ms. Linda Pietras++ Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pinkston Mr. Willard F. Pinney Jr. ’61W++ Ms. Anna E. Pirovano Pitney Bowes+ Ms. Tiffany A. Popoli ’97 Mr. Gary A. Popovich ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Popovich Mr. Bud Porter ’44W++ Mr. Robert S. Porter ’59W++ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Power++ Mr. Nicholas A. Powlovich ’69M++ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Premo++ Mr. & Mrs. Myles P. Prior++ Mr. Gary L. Provost Ms. Xin Qin Mr. Richard M. Raia ’49W Mr. Maurice Raizin ’59M++ Mr. Philip S. Rand ’58W+ Mr. John C. Rankin Mrs. Elizabeth E. Reeves++ Mr. Peter A. Reeves ’04 Ms. Katherine A. Reilly++ Dr. Paul Reynolds ’69W++ Mr. John T. Risley++ Mr. Matthew T. Risley ’96 Mrs. Andrea M. Robbins Mrs. Doris H. Roberson Mr. A. Seth Roberts ’70W Mr. Kenneth M. Roberts ’70W Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Robitaille++ Mr. J. Andrew Roque Jr. ’72 Mr. William Rosenbeck Mr. James E. Ross ’53W++ Mr. Mark J. Rubbins ’79 Lt. Col. Stephen M. Rusiecki ’80++ Ms. Dorothy Angell Rutherford Mr. Stanley H. Rutstein ++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Salomone++ Mr. Theodore G. Sarant ’73 Mr. Jonathan M. Sargent ’71W++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Schantz Dr. Kevin E. Schmidt & Dr. Mary E. King Mr. Kenneth E. Schneider ’71W Mr. Eric T. Schoonover ’54W Mrs. Ann Z. Schupack+ Mr. Edward S. Schwerdtle II ’52W++ Mr. L. Thomas Scranton ’65W Mr. S. Christopher Scranton ’70W Mr. Richard A. Serafino Jr. ’77++ Ms. Bonnie M. Serino ’87++

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Mr. Eric P. Shadbegian ’76 Mr. Jon R. Shakour ’52W Mr. Christopher P. Shanahan Cmdr. John G. Shaw ’64W++ Mr. James J. Shea Jr. ’46W++ Mr. Jonathan M. Shee++ Mr. & Mrs. David K. Sherman++ Mrs. Linda J. Shippie Mr. Edwin Shivell ’50M++ Ms. Cynthia L. Shults++ Mrs. Dorothy E. Simard++ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simons+ Mr. Richard A. Simpson ’01 Mrs. Ruth B. Skillings Mr. David W. Smith ’60W Mr. Judson Q. Smith ’04 The Honorable Kent B. Smith ’44W++ Mr. Richard R. Smith++ Ms. Stephanie M. Smith ’05 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Soja++ Mr. Michael Sokolov ’56M Mr. Marshall Z. Solomon ’48W++ Mrs. Carol J. Sorensen++ Mrs. Rita A. Southworth++ Mr. Kenneth S. Sperber ’64M+ Ms. Cynthia R. St. George ’78++ Mr. Thomas S. Starodoj II ’51W++ Mr. Matthew S. Stewart+ Mr. & Mrs. Masayuki Sugai++ Mr. John W. Sullivan Jr. ’72++ Mr. Tien-Shan Sun & Ms. Hai-Mei Sun Chiang Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson ’63W++ Mr. Walter G. Swanson Mr. James W. Symmonds ’64M++ Mr. & Mrs. Gilles J. Tanguay++ Ms. Hannah K. Tanguay ’10 Target Tarnow Nursery, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Taylor Jr.++ Mr. Joseph J. Tebo ’54W++ Dr. John A. TenBrook Jr. ’88 Mr. Edward H. Thaxter ’65W++ Ms. Kara Thayer ’95+ Mr. & Mrs. Mike Thompson Mr. Thomas R. Toman Mr. Robert W. Tull ’50W++ Winston M. Turner Ph.D. ’62W++ Mr. David M. Tyson ’51W++ United Technologies++ Mr. David C. Van Singel+ Mr. Jeffrey R. Vartabedian++ page


Mr. Andrew G. Veitch ’65W++ Mr. Mario Volpe ’56W++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Voltz Jr.++ Mr. Richard P. von Hoorn ’52W Mr. Thomas C. Vose ’66W Ms. S. Elisabeth Wagoner ’01++ Ms. Chelby J. Wakefield ’09 Mrs. Sarah E. Wakelin++ Mr. Benjamin H. Walcott ’50W++ Mr. Raymond H. Walke ’52W++ Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation++ Mr. Jie Wang & Ms. Min Fan Dr. Shih-Hsing Wang & Ms. Wen-Shiu Chiu Dr. William H. Warren ’42W++ Mrs. Julia Washburn++ Mr. R. Wallace Watson ’70W Mr. Frederick D. Watts++ Ms. Xavierra Webb-Spann ’04 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Weeks Mr. Steven I. Weiss ’67M++ Mr. William S. Welles ’64W Ms. Erika M. Whipple++ Mr. Harry T. Whitin III ’63W++ Mr. Herbert W. Wilkinson III ’61M++ Mr. William W. Willard ’59W++ Dr. Edward B. Williams ’29M+ Mr. & Mrs. Kenrick Williams Mr. Andrew R. Willis ’00++ Mr. Scott H. Willson ’55W++ Mr. Bruce A. Wilson ’60W++ Ms. Carolyn J. Wilson Mr. Herbert R. Wilson ’62W+ Dr. James S. Wilson ’61M+ Ms. Paula A. Wisnewski ’88++ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Woo Mr. M. Scott Wood ’68W++ Mrs. Susan Wood & Mr. Kevin Wood Mr. Paul G. Woodhouse ’55W++ Mr. Sheldon M. Woolf ’50W++ Mrs. Ursula S. Wright Mr. Yashar D. Yaslowitz ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yesley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Young Mr. Jin Zhang & Ms. Yujing Shu Mr. Mingsheng Zhang & Ms. Guomei He Dr. Fred M. Ziter Jr. ’54W++ Mrs. Jan R. Ziter++ Ms. Marianne G. Zurn++

Above, Hye Young ’07 & Jong-Il ’11 Chyun. At right, Gianni Gaspar-Martins ’00 & his cousin Liane Preciosa ’11. Samantha ’15, Matthew ’11, & Stephanie ’09 Pajak.

Giving By Groups

Mr. Richard F. Morgan ’59W++ Mr. George H. Murray ’42W+ Mr. Horace S. Nichols ’44W++ Mr. Richard B. Phillips ’63W++ Trustees Peter S. Plumb Esq. ’61W++ Mrs. Susan Y. Awad+ Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73++ Mr. Bruce E. Buxton++ Mr. Edward J. Sack ’47W++ Mr. David J. Callahan Mr. James J. Shea Jr. ’44W++ Mr. Michael J. Flynn++ Mr. Stoughton L. Smead Mrs. Krista Hanson++ The Honorable Kent B. Smith Mr. Scott B. Jacobs ’75++ ’44W++ Mahsa Khanbabai Esq. ’89++ Ambassador Hyun Chong Kim ’77+ Mr. Jonathan L. Sperling ’57W++ Mr. Whitney C. Stiles ’50W Mr. James E. LaCrosse ’50W++ Mr. Edward Symes III ’64W++ Mr. Steven P. Marcus Mr. Richard P. Taylor ’62W++ Mrs. Susan C. McKenna Mr. John A. TenBrook Mr. Mark R. Shenkman ’61M Mr. William A. Tychsen ’59W++ Mr. Donald J. Stuart ’73++ Mr. James H. Wait Sr. ’52M Trustees Emeriti Mr. Gary E. Wendlandt++ Mr. Eric W. Anderson++ Mr. William W. Willard ’59W++ Mr. Edward J. Carey ’50M Mr. Benjamin F. Wilson ’69W Mr. William A. Griffin ’68W++ Mrs. Lenita C. McCallum Mr. Alan N. Hall++ Witherspoon++ Mr. William E. James ’64W++ Monson Alumni His Excellency Nitya 1929 Pibulsonggram ’58W++ Dr. Edward B. Williams + Mr. Frederic Rothery++ 1941 Former Trustees Mr. Charles A. Adams Mr. Francis M. Austin Jr. ’46W++ Mr. Charles H. Daly Mr. James L. Brown IV ’55M++ 1943 Mr. Donald J. Collins ’60M++ Mr. William F. Donovan Mr. Richard G. Dooley++ 1944 Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. Dr. C. Farrell Gallaway++ ’57W++ 1946 Mr. Bruce S. Ferguson ’67W++ Mr. Robert L. Hayward++ Mr. Richard P. Goldman++ 1949 Mr. Harold O. Graves ’42W Mr. Harvey J. Hersh Mr. David H. Griffith ’59W++ Mr. Harold E. North Mr. Abraham Kaplan 1950 Mr. Kent L. Karosen ’84 Mr. Robert W. Carpenter++ Stuart A. Laven Esq. ’61W++ Mr. Edwin Shivell++ Mr. Richard LeStage ’61W++ 1951 Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ’55W++ Mr. Barry M. Beckwith Mr. Todd R. Masnicki ’89++ Mr. Richard A. Malin++ Mr. Timothy J. McEvoy ’68W 1954 Mr. Alfred J. Donais Jr.++ + notes constistent donors who have given for the past 3 or more years. 1955 ++ notes donors who have given for the Lt. Col. Richard W. Bailey USMC past 6 or more years. Ret.++ Italics denotes donors we have lost this year.

Mr. Frederick M. Bodington Jr.++ Mr. Richard P. Hayes+ Mr. Parker E. Hodgman++ 1956 Mr. Robert C. Crowell++ Mr. Michael Sokolov 1957 Mr. Joseph A. Furgal++ 1958 Mr. Roger E. Adams Jr. Mr. Sanford E. Nemshin 1959 Mr. William O. Humes++ Mr. Maurice Raizin++ Mr. Donald F. Roy++ 1960 Mr. Donald J. Collins++ Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr.++ Mr. Richard C. Upton 1961 Mr. Lawrence E. Alexander III Mr. William L. Archer Sr.++ Mr. David P. Benziger++ Mr. Lawrence W. Bray++ Mr. John A. Brockway++ Mr. John L. Crowell+ Mr. Warren B. Hutchinson++ Mr. Alfred W. Mahan Jr. Mr. Mark R. Shenkman Mr. Herbert W. Wilkinson III++ Dr. James S. Wilson+ 1963 Mr. William F. Murphy 1964 Dr. David L. Brown++ Mr. Karl G. Nonemaker+ Mr. Donald J. Southwick++ Mr. Kenneth S. Sperber+ Mr. James W. Symmonds++ 1965 Mr. Welles R. Guilmartin CPA++ 1966 Mr. Ronald W. Barend++ Mr. John C. Burns++ Mr. Gregory R. Johnson 1967 Mr. Steven I. Weiss++ 1968 Dr. Ronald L. Majka++ 1969

Mr. Joseph J. Garstka++ Mr. Nicholas A. Powlovich++ 1971 Mr. W. Lee Palmer Jr.

Wilbraham Alumni

1932 Mr. Albert W. Dodge Sr.++ 1933 Dr. S. James Beale++ 1936 Mr. Wallace M. Ripley Jr. 1938 Mr. Alton W. Cheney 1939 Lt. Col. Robert W. Bliss USAF Ret.++ Capt. Lefteris Lavrakas 1940 Mr. David W. Armstrong Jr.++ Mr. Arthur S. Johnson III 1941 Mr. William S. Beamish Jr.+ Mr. John W. Maynard Mr. Norman E. Moyer Mr. William T. Olmstead+ 1942 Mr. Robert B. Enemark++ Mr. Floyd F. Foster Jr.++ Mr. Harold O. Graves Mr. Charles G. Greenhalgh Jr.++ Mr. Frank D. Johnson++ Mr. George H. Murray+ Dr. William H. Warren++ 1943 Mr. Lloyd N. Hoover++ Dr. Charles A. McCallum Jr. 1944 Rev. Richard A. Davis Mr. Galway M. Kinnell++ Mr. Horace S. Nichols++ Mr. Bud Porter++ Mr. James J. Shea Jr.++ Mr. Leo W. Simard The Honorable Kent B. Smith++ 1945 Mr. George T. Greenhalgh++ Mr. William M. Lax++ 1946 Mr. Francis M. Austin Jr.++

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011 page 6

Mr. Kevin C. Genther++ Mr. Alan Hale++ Mr. Donald M. Joffray++ Dr. David J. McKenna++ Mr. James J. Shea Jr. Mr. Mack Walker 1947 Lt. Col. William P. Farnham USAF Ret.++ Dr. Harold Gramse Mr. Bradford Marple Mr. G. Eric Pucher Mr. Edward J. Sack++ His Excellency Pongsiri Sarasin 1948 Mr. Charles P. Day+ Mr. Charles S. Edson Dr. Hampton Irwin++ Mr. Robert C. Merrill Jr. Mr. Robert S. Putnam++ Mr. Edward W. Shore Jr.++ Mr. Marshall Z. Solomon++ 1949 Dr. James H. Freeman++ Mr. Kenneth A. Gustafson++ Mr. E. Morris Hayn Jr.++ Mr. William D. Howerton++ Dr. John W. Miller++ Mr. David L. Nickerson++ Mr. Richard M. Raia 1950 Dr. Robert J. Brandt++ Mr. Ronald E. Dean++ Mr. John E. Gow Mr. Kenneth J. Kessaris++ Mr. James E. LaCrosse++ Dr. Robert K. MacLauchlin++ Mr. George H. Perry Jr. Mr. C. Stetson Thomas++ Mr. Robert W. Tull++ Mr. Benjamin H. Walcott++ Mr. Sheldon M. Woolf++ 1951 Mr. Harold C. Burdon Jr.++ Dr. Jamieson D. Kennedy Mr. Robert T. Marchant++ Mr. Richard T. McCarthy++ Mr. Ralph A. Quackenbush++ Mr. Thomas S. Starodoj II Mr. David M. Tyson++

Left, Nicole ’09 & Christian ’11 Grenier. Center, Hannah ’10 & Sarah ’11 Tanguay. Above, Seung Chan Sam ’11 & Yoon Jackie ’08 Yang.

1952 Mr. Nathaniel Bond+ Mr. Richard B. Brigham++ Mr. James H. Davies+ Mr. Dwight W. Gammons++ Mr. J. Lawrie Hibbard++ Mr. David Olsen+ Mr. Edward S. Schwerdtle II++ Mr. Jon R. Shakour Mr. Richard P. von Hoorn Mr. Raymond H. Walke++ 1953 Mr. Paul B. Cronin++ Mr. Robert G. Faulkner Sr.++ Mr. Donald L. Foulds++ Mr. Robert J. Googins Dr. Paul I. Kingsbury++ Mr. M. John Lippman++ Mr. Carl F. Mitchell++ Mr. Mallory L. Pettengill++ Mr. James E. Ross++ 1954 Mr. Donald N. Femia++ Mr. Robert A. Johnson++ Mr. Philip C. Lawton++ Rev. Ronald D. Marcy++ Mr. Eric T. Schoonover Mr. Joseph J. Tebo++ Dr. Fred M. Ziter Jr.++ 1955 Mr. Robert J. Ardison III++ Mr. Timothy R. Chapin++ Mrs. Judith B. Hale in honor of Mr. Robert T. Hale++ Mr. Olli Timi P. Kokkonen++ Mr. Peter C. Lincoln++ Dr. Thomas G. Magill++ Mr. N. Frank Maldonado Mr. Donald T. Tull++ Mr. Scott H. Willson++ Mr. Paul G. Woodhouse++ 1956 Dr. Loriston K. Amsden Mr. Henry D. Bartlett+ Mr. Douglas H. Blampied++ Mr. William L. Danforth++ Mr. Donald W. Davis+ Mr. John C. Duncan III++ Mr. Thomas H. McCallum Jr.

Mr. Charles F. Murphy Jr. Mr. Mario Volpe++ 1957 Mr. Stephen M. Allen++ Mr. Ronald W. Alley Sr. Dr. Gary W. Ardison++ Mr. Harry A. Day++ Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr.++ Mr. Robert C. Jacobson Mr. Joseph W. Merritt Jr. Mr. M. Scott Mitchell++ Mr. Philip H. Shaw Jr. Mr. Jonathan L. Sperling++ 1958 Mr. Michael Clarke++ Mr. Albert W. Dodge Jr. Mr. Heung S. Lee++ Mr. S. Peter Manchester Mr. John C. Marsh++ His Excellency Nitya Pibulsonggram++ Mr. Philip S. Rand+ 1959 Mr. Arthur W. Gregory III++ Mr. David H. Griffith++ Dr. Leigh Harrington Mr. Howard T. Jensen Jr.++ Mr. Richard F. Morgan++ Mr. Robert S. Porter++ Mr. John M. Sawyer Jr.+ Mr. Lee H. Schilling+ Mr. Dennis C. Sowers++ Mr. William A. Tychsen++ Mr. William W. Willard++ 1960 Mr. Lewis W. Birmingham Mr. John F. Chapple III Mr. Frederik O. Crawford++ Mr. Robert M. Duchacek Mr. R. Hartley Field Jr. Mr. James G. Matzen++ Mr. Karl F. Miller++ Mr. Milner E. Noble Mr. Brian F. Randall+ Mr. David W. Smith Mr. Bruce A. Wilson++ 1961 Dr. Leonard R. Borsari Cmdr. John S. Calhoun USCG page

Dr. Harrison B. Hawley Mr. William A. Hawthorne++ Mr. Theodore W. Kappler Jr.++ Stuart A. Laven Esq.++ Mr. Ralph F. Leonard Mr. Richard LeStage++ Peter L. Murray Esq.++ Mr. Willard F. Pinney Jr.++ Peter S. Plumb Esq.++ 1962 Mr. Thomas W. Alexander++ Mr. Robert L. Eddy Jr.++ Mr. Mountfort A. Euston Mr. Frank W. Fulreader Jr. Mr. Kennard G. Gregory++ Mr. John R. Payne Jr. Mr. Richard P. Taylor++ Winston M. Turner Ph.D.++ Mr. Herbert R. Wilson+ 1963 Mr. W. Scott Bartlett III Mr. Gunter M. Glass++ Mr. Robert K. Nichols++ Mr. Richard B. Phillips++ Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson++ Mr. Harry T. Whitin III++ 1964 Mr. William E. James++ Cmdr. John G. Shaw++ Mr. Edward Symes III++ Mr. William S. Welles 1965 Mr. K. Keith McAllister Mr. Steven K. Miller+ Mr. L. Thomas Scranton Mr. Edward H. Thaxter++ Mr. Andrew G. Veitch++ 1966 Mr. Richard F. Cram Jr.++ Mr. Edward C. Ferriter USN Ret. Mr. Thomas M. Gavin Mr. Thory Heye++ Mr. John H. Meissner Mr. Steven L. Paul Mr. Thomas C. Vose 1967 Mr. James A. Barkhuff++ Mr. Kenneth C. Bruno Mr. Bruce S. Ferguson++

Mr. William C. Hine II++ Mr. Douglas T. Jones Mr. M. Loran Kary++ 1968 Mr. Stanley N. Bayless++ Mr. William A. Griffin++ Mr. Richard G. Heus Mr. David E. Hoxeng++ Mr. James S. Law++ Mr. Timothy N. Lincoln++ Mr. Timothy J. McEvoy Mr. M. Scott Wood++ 1969 Dr. Townsend Brown Jr.++ Mr. David I. Kent Mr. Richard H. Lamb++ Mr. Andrew M. Paul Dr. Paul Reynolds++ Dr. David F. Wender++ Mr. Benjamin F. Wilson 1970 Mr. Robert D. Bardwell III++ Mr. Henry M. Downey++ Mr. Richard U. Edgehill+ Mr. Steven M. Gray+ Mr. James H. Herzog Jr.++ Mr. Douglas H. Jones+ Mr. A. Seth Roberts Mr. Kenneth M. Roberts Mr. S. Christopher Scranton Mr. R. Wallace Watson Mr. Stacey H. Widdicombe III++ 1971 Mr. David B. Chamberlain++ Mr. Robert D. Handel Mr. John R. Hine Mr. Richard G. Hirsch++ Mr. Jonathan M. Sargent++ Mr. Kenneth E. Schneider

WMA Alumni

1972 Mr. Frederick L. Blackwell++ Mr. Peter F. Harrington Dr. Mark A. Keroack++ Mr. Daniel B. Kunhardt Jr.++ Mr. Roger H. Lincoln++ Mr. Jeffrey M. Polep

7 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Mr. J. Andrew Roque Jr. Ms. Hillary M. Sullivan Mr. John W. Sullivan Jr.++ 1973 Mr. James S. Downey++ Mr. Charles S. Feinstein USN Ret.+ Mr. Richard R. Garstka Mr. Timothy P. Harrington++ Dr. Jordan L. Kramer++ Mr. Joseph W. Mazeika III++ Mr. David P. McDowell++ Mr. Kevin J. Monahan++ Ms. Carol F. Relihan++ Mr. Theodore G. Sarant Mr. Donald J. Stuart 1974 Mr. Eric W. Jacobs++ Mr. Charles P. Lukasik Dr. Leslie A. Oleksowicz 1975 Ms. Carol A. Cady Mr. Charles M. Callahan III Mr. Seung Jae Chyun++ Mr. Scott B. Jacobs++ Mr. Richard J. King Mr. Irwin G. Michelman++ Mr. Douglas W. Osmond++ 1976 Mr. Dyke K. Hoy Mrs. Debra J. Pageau++ Mr. Eric P. Shadbegian 1977 Mr. Edwin T. Conway++ Ambassador Hyun Chong Kim+ Mr. Patrick F. Landers III+ Ms. Erin L. McDonald Mr. Peter A. Picknelly Jr. Mr. Richard A. Serafino Jr.++ 1978 Mr. Gary R. Beauchamp++ Mr. Jeffrey F. Bonk++ Mr. Timothy D. Marsano Ms. Cynthia R. St. George++ 1979 Mr. Donald J. Nicholson++ Mr. Daniel M. O'Brien+ Mrs. Gretchen Perkins Mr. Mark J. Rubbins 1980 Mr. Raymond R. Blydenburgh

Thank You Young Alumni!

Dr. Brett R. Zalkan++ 1984 Mrs. Marilyn S. Clark These graduates from the Dr. Laura Gramse+ Mr. Kelley J. McCormick Classes of 2000-2011 have Mrs. Molly H. Russo++ contributed to the Annual 1985 Fund from 2 to 5 years Mr. David Mark N. Faulkner consecutively. The names Mr. Joshua S. Kelly++ in bold represent those Mr. Christopher P. Shanahan graduates that participated 1986 in the senior giving program Dr. Michael A. Pangan while at WMA and have 1987 continued giving every year Mr. Graeme A. Bazarian++ since. As a community, we Ms. Bonnie M. Serino++ recognize the importance of 1988 their role to the future fiscal Mr. Scott A. Faulkner CPA++ Mr. Yong D. Kwon++ health of the Academy, and we extend them a warm and Dr. John A. TenBrook Jr. Ms. Paula A. Wisnewski++ sincere THANK YOU! 1989 Mr. Ming F. Chang++ Ms. Aimee P. Adamski ’10 Mahsa Khanbabai Esq.++ Mr. Patrick T. Agahigian ’09 Mr. Todd R. Masnicki++ Mr. Symin J. Charpentier ’07 Mr. Bradley L. Paster Mr. Phillip B. Chesky ’02 & Mrs. Maureen A. Kelly Chesky 1990 Mr. Gregory J. Bazarian++ ’02 1993 Ms. Rosalyn C. Chesky ’08 Mr. Matthew A. Koziol Ms. Sara T. Colburn ’10 1994 Mr. William H. Daly ’06 Mr. Ian S. Macdonald++ Ms. Caitlin S. Flynn ’06 1995 Ms. Jeanne F. Henry ’04 Mr. Jonathan W. Giokas Mr. Michael A. Insler ’01++ Ms. Kara Thayer+ Ms. Brigid M. Jurgens ’08 Mr. Yashar D. Yaslowitz Mr. Peter J. Jurgens ’06++ 1996 Mr. Brian J. LeMay ’05 Mr. Evan H. Gallivan Ms. Bethany A. Lyon ’11 Dr. Arlene M. Goodman+ Ms. Victoria C. Mordasky ’10 Mr. Matthew D. Pentkowski ’07 Mr. John J. Guerin++ Mr. Matthew C. Jarvinen Ms. Elizabeth J. Petcu ’04 Mr. Peter N. Jerusik Mr. Peter A. Reeves ’04 Ms. Natalie W. Metzger Mr. Judson Q. Smith ’04 Ms. Courtney T. Paterna++ Ms. Stephanie M. Smith ’05 Ms. S. Elisabeth Wagoner ’01++ Mr. Matthew T. Risley 1997 Mr. Andrew R. Willis ’00++ Mr. William J. Metzger Ms. Tiffany A. Popoli 1998 Mr. Mark E. Mozden Ms. Stacy E. Jagodowski++ Mr. Richard J. O'Donnell++ Mrs. Kristina S. Guerin++ Lt. Col. Stephen M. Rusiecki++ 1999 1981 Mr. Edward K. Han-Burgess Mr. Dana T. Aftab++ Mr. Jonathan T. Insler++ Ms. Sheryl J. Friedman 2000 Mr. Brent G. Todd++ Mr. Patrick J. Haag Mrs. Kaoru White Mr. Christopher F. Jasinski 1982 Mr. Andrew R. Willis++ Dr. Bonnie Faulkner Ryan 2001 Mr. Peter F. Hooben++ Ms. Anna Davitt Mr. Josef E. Martin++ Mrs. Ashley Heye Watson++ 1983 Mr. Michael A. Insler++ Mr. Michael D. Balise Mr. Marcelo Muller Mrs. Kelly Griffin DePaulo Mr. Andrew M. Nepomuceno Mr. William R. Lane Jr.++ Mr. Richard A. Simpson Mrs. Jerilyn J. Paolino++ Ms. S. Elisabeth Wagoner++ 2002 Mr. Phillip B. Chesky++ + notes constistent donors who have Mrs. Maureen A. Kelly Chesky++ given for the past 3 or more years. Mr. Kenneth C. Nowak ++ notes donors who have given for the 2003 past 6 or more years. Italics denotes donors we have lost this year. Ms. Carriann DiRico

2004 Ms. Claudia Debelova Ms. Jeanne F. Henry+ Ms. Elizabeth J. Petcu Mr. Peter A. Reeves Mr. Judson Q. Smith Ms. Xavierra Webb-Spann 2005 Mr. Brian J. LeMay+ Ms. Stephanie M. Smith 2006 Mr. William H. Daly Ms. Caitlin S. Flynn++ Mr. Samuel B. Greene Mr. Peter J. Jurgens++ Mr. David J. Kreps 2007 Mr. Symin J. Charpentier++ Mr. Tyler H. Lawrence Mr. Matthew D. Pentkowski+ 2008 Ms. Rosalyn C. Chesky+ Ms. Brigid M. Jurgens++ Mr. Gary A. Popovich 2009 Mr. Patrick T. Agahigian+ Ms. Sarah E. Lyon Ms. Chelby J. Wakefield 2010 Ms. Aimee P. Adamski Ms. Sara T. Colburn Mr. Adam J. Ginsberg Mr. Steven S. Marcus Ms. Victoria C. Mordasky Mr. Andrew J. Pehoviak Ms. Hannah K. Tanguay

Current Students 2011 Mr. Andrea Cinti Ms. Bethany A. Lyon 2017 Mr. Gabriel M. Awad

Current Parents

2011 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Barnagian++ Ms. Donna L. Barone++ Ms. Loren R. Beatty-Sweeting Mr. Xianping Bi & Ms. Zengxia Jiang Mr. Leiming Chen & Mrs. Linda Loi Mr. & Mrs. Seung J. Chyun ’75 Mr. Salverio Cinti & Ms. Emanuela Serenelli Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Conlon+ Mr. Hongwu Du & Ms. Tao Zhang+ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Duncan++ Mr. & Mrs. David E. Filkins Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glabicky+ Mr. & Mrs. Laurent R. Grenier++ Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hodson Mr. & Mrs. Hak Jin Jang Mr. & Mrs. Bryan S. Kantor+ Mr. Sang Ho Kwak & Ms. Min Hee Kim Mr. & Mrs. Dong Jung Lee Mr. Yiguo Li & Ms. Lichun Wang

Mr. Chang-Jung Lin and Ms. Yu-Ting Hung Ms. Cynthia A. Lobo-Diogun++ Mr. Mark S. Lyon & Mrs. Anne S. Redman-Lyon++ Mr. & Mrs. Rabindra Madho Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Guy W. McFarlane Mr. Thomas Mendes Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Eugene K. Nyagahene Mr. John R. O'Reilly & Ms. Ann Rick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Pajak++ Mr. Jae Hong Park & Ms. Mi Jung Kim++ Ms. Anna E. Pirovano Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perkins Ms. Xin Qin Mr. Byung Ro Seo & Ms. Eun Ju Seong Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simons+ Mr. & Mrs. Masayuki Sugai++ Mr. & Mrs. Toshio Sugiura Mr. Tien-Shan Sun & Ms. Hai-Mei Sun Chiang Mr. & Mrs. Gilles J. Tanguay++ Mr. Jie Wang & Ms. Min Fan Dr. Shih-Hsing Wang & Ms. Wen-Shiu Chiu Mr. & Mrs. Rex G. Watson+ Mr. Jin Zhang & Ms. Yujing Shu Mr. Mingsheng Zhang & Ms. Guomei He 2012 Mr. & Mrs. Satoshi Aoki Mr. & Mrs. William M. Awad III+ Dr. Alfons Biggel & Dr. Gisela Schütt-Biggel Mr. Sung Hwan Choi & Ms. Eun Kyung Lee Dr. Won Ho Chung & Ms. Sue Kyung Lee Drs. Christopher & Elizabeth Comey++ Mr. & Mrs. Amaro Goncalves Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Jalbert+ Mr. Yu-Lai Jin & Mrs. Min Yang Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kelley Jr. Mr. Sung Koo Kim & Ms. Hye Young Choi Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Landers III ’77+ Dr. Chang Han Lee & Dr. Young Gil Rha Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little Mr. Guilin Liu Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Marcus Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. McKenna Dr. David N. Ostrom++ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perkins Mr. & Mrs. David A. Reeves++ Mr. Jorge A. Saad & Ms. Hilda Mendoza Dr. Kevin E. Schmidt & Dr. Mary E. King Mr. & Mrs. Chernporn Tengamnuay Mr. & Mrs. Carrie Wong Mr. Weiping Zhao & Ms. Ko Laikuen

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011 page 8

2013 Mr. Michael G. Albano & Ms. Nancy B. Alisberg Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Antonacci++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci++ Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. Atkins Mr. Yong Eum Ban & Ms. Young Sook Im Ms. Donna L. Barone++ Mr. & Mrs. Darryl M. Beech Ms. Page Best-Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Bourgeois++ Mr. Dagang Chen & Ms. Chun Q. Wei Ms. Robin A. Farrington Cook & Mr. David W. Cook++ Mr. Van Gothner & Ms. Elizabeth A. Davison Mr. Roger A. Doerpholz & Ms. Carol A. Royal Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Harrington ’73++ Dr. & Mrs. Kobchai Jitsakula Mr. & Mrs. Rexford L. Joffray++ Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little Dr. & Mrs. David M. Mordasky Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. O'Donnell ’80++ Dr. Sung Wook Oh & Ms. Sung Yeon Chun Mr. Jaehyeong Seo & Ms. Jong Sook Park Mr. Hongbin Wang & Ms. Chunyan Huang Mr. & Mrs. Kenrick Williams Mr. Shunbao Ying & Mrs. Mingmei Zhou 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Callahan III ’75 Drs. Christopher & Elizabeth Comey++ Mr. Charles D. Epstein Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fabrizi Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pehoviak++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Picknelly Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Popovich Mr. & Mrs. David A. Reeves++ Dr. Kevin E. Schmidt & Dr. Mary E. King Mr. Allen Shen & Ms. Shu Hua Lin+ Dr. Sang Jin Yoon & Ms. Hyosun Lim Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zielinski Mr. Jon A. Zulkiewicz 2015 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Clewes Mr. & Mrs. Donn M. Dominique Mr. Phillip L. Faulstich & Mrs. Carol LaLiberte Mr. & Mrs. Amaro Goncalves Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Harrington ’73++ Mr. & Mrs. Rexford L. Joffray++ Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kirwan+ Dr. & Mrs. Erik V. Meunier Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Nallen Mr. & Mrs. John G. Taylor

Congratulations to the Class of 2011!

2016 Ms. Melissa A. Donohue Ms. Robin A. Farrington Cook & Mr. David W. Cook++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. O'Donnell ’80++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Suglia 2017 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Awad III+ Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Kindblom++ Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Kulig

Alumni Parents

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Adamski Dr. & Mrs. David D. Agahigian++ Mr. Richard Altman++ Mr. Eric W. Anderson++ Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Antonacci++ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci++ Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Axtmann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Balicki Mrs. Lorraine O. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Bater Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Bazarian Ms. Norma R. Berube++ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Best++ Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Bourgeois++ Mr. William C. Brackett Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Bronner++ Mr. Stanley Brzoska Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Carlin++ Ms. M. Eileen Cebula++ Mr. & Mrs. James D. Cherry++ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Chesky++ Mr. & Mrs. Seung J. Chyun ’75++ Mr. & Mrs. Philmore H. Colburn II++ Ms. Susan A. Cole+ Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Collins ’60M++ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Costanzo Mr. Richard F. Cram Jr. ’66W++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. D'Avanzo++ Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. DeLand++ Mr. James Diack Mr. Albert W. Dodge Sr. ’32W++ Mr. Richard G. Dooley++ Mr. Henry M. Downey ’70W++

Mr. Paul Ekness & Ms. Heather MacMonegle++ Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Ely Mr. Robert G. Faulkner Sr. ’53W++ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fitchet++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Flynn++ Mr. & Mrs. Frederic W. Fuller III++ Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Germain+ Dr. & Mrs. Stuart M. Ginsberg Mr. & Mrs. William J. Giokas+ Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Goodman Dr. Barbara J. Gordon & Mr. David J. Gordon++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Grant Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Greene++ Mr. George T. Greenhalgh ’45W++ Mr. & Mrs. Laurent R. Grenier++ Mrs. Robert W. Griffin++ Mrs. Ligia P. Guerin Mr. Alan Hale ’46W++ Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Hanson++ Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr. ’60M++ Mr. & Mrs. Dale Henry++ Mr. Richard Holohan Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hsiao++ Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hulten++ Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hurwitz Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Insler++ Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Izyk++ Mrs. Marilyn R. Jacobs++ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Jessup Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Johnston Sr.++ Mr. & Mrs. James S. Jurgens++ Dr. & Mrs. James H. Keeling Mr. Lafayette Keeney+ Mr. Donald E. Kelly++ Ambassador Hyun Chong Kim ’77+ Mrs. Judith A. Knapp++ Mr. & Mrs. John T. Knudsen Mrs. Elaine M. Kregeloh+ Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. LaCroix++ Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lagomarsino++ Drs. Michael & Nancy Lindberg++ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Liu Mr. Mark S. Lyon & Mrs. Anne S. Redman-Lyon++ page

Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Marcus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Matteo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Mazeika III++ Mrs. Cheryl A. McCarthy Mrs. Helen O. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Guy W. McFarlane Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Melville Mr. & Mrs. Chris E. Mensing Mr. Matthew J. Merritt Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Erik V. Meunier Mr. & Mrs. James F. Monahan++ Ms. Maria-Rallou T. Moore+ Dr. & Mrs. David M. Mordasky Ms. Jamie L. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius D. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Nallen Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Nicholson ’79++ Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Osmond++ Dr. David N. Ostrom++ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Pajak Mr. Jae Hong Park & Ms. Mi Jung Kim++ Mr. Daniel F. Pawling Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pehoviak++ Mr. & Mrs. David H. Pentkowski+ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Picknelly Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pinkston Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Popovich Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Power++ Mr. & Mrs. David A. Premo++ Mr. & Mrs. Myles P. Prior++ Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Race++ Mrs. Elizabeth E. Reeves++ Mr. John T. Risley++ Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Ross++ Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Rothery++ Lt. Col. Stephen M. Rusiecki ’80++ Mr. Stanley H. Rutstein++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Salomone++ Mr. & Mrs. James M. Schantz Mr. James J. Shea Jr. ’44W++ Mr. Allen Shen & Ms. Shu Hua Lin+ Mr. & Mrs. David K. Sherman++ Mrs. Linda J. Shippie Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Simons+ Mr. & Mrs. Garrett P. Smith++ Mr. & Mrs. John F. Soja++ Mrs. Carol J. Sorensen++ Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Stolpinski++

Mr. & Mrs. Masayuki Sugai++ Mr. & Mrs. Gilles J. Tanguay++ Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Taylor Jr.++ Mrs. Leonia S. Todd++ Mr. Thomas R. Toman Mr. David C. Van Singel+ Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Voltz Jr.++ Mr. & Mrs. Yoshio Watanabe++ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Weeks Ms. Carolyn J. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Woo Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Wright++ Mr. & Mrs. Ming Sum Yeung++ Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Young Ms. Marianne G. Zurn++

Alumni Spouses

Mrs. Barbara J. Callahan Mrs. Clare Callender Mrs. Barbara M. Foster++ Mrs. Linda B. Griffin++ Mrs. Judith B. Hale++ Mrs. Virginia L. Hoyt++ Mrs. Patricia A. Morgan++ Mrs. Doris H. Roberson Mrs. Dorothy E. Simard++ Mrs. Ruth B. Skillings Mrs. Ursula S. Wright


Mr. Christopher E. Ayers Ms. Donna L. Barone++ Mr. Paul E. Bloomfield Mr. John F. Boozang++ Mrs. Robyn C. Boyer Mrs. Sylvia F. Altman++ Mrs. Rita D. Carey++ Mrs. Marianne Antonacci++ Mrs. Lori Chesky++ Mr. & Mrs. Frances A. Arnieri Mrs. Maureen A. Kelly Chesky ’02++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bamford Ms. Susan A. Cole+ Mr. & Mrs. S. Prestley Blake Mr. & Mrs. William E. Braunlich Dr. Joseph Costanzo Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE++ Dr. Rupert R. Brook & Mrs. Jill F. Dangleis++ Dr. Marian A. Brook Mr. Charles D. D'Avanzo++ Dr. Kyou Chull Chung & Ms. Wendy L. Decker Mrs. Hyosuk Lee Mr. Alex Dezieck Mrs. Shirley Devore Ms. Melissa A. Donohue Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Donatelli Mr. Brian P. Easler++ Mr. Richard G. Dooley++ Mr. Paul Ekness++ Mr. & Mrs. Verner Drohan Ms. Robin A. Farrington Cook++ Mr. Harry Fekeris Mr. & Mrs. L. Michael Gatzkiewicz Ms. Jessica S. Feldheim+ Mrs. Deborah R. Finley++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Joffray Mr. Mark A. Fischer++ ’46W++ Mr. Frederick C. Gao++ Ms. Suzanne B. Keenan Mrs. Virginia C. Giokas+ Mrs. Phyllis Kelley Dr. Kathleen M. Gorski+ Mrs. Mildred M. Krebs Mr. & Mrs. Roland P. Laferriere Mr. Steven M. Gray ’70W+ Mr. Timothy P. Harrington ’73++ Ms. Phyllis H. Lagomarsino++ Mr. Jeff Headman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Little Mr. Allen Hsiao++ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Matteo Mrs. Gayle W. Hsiao++ Mrs. Helen O. McDonald Ms. Margaret Lenihan Hutcheson++ Mrs. Eleanor McNamara Mr. Donald E. Kelly++ Mr. & Mrs. Larry Musselman Mrs. Anne W. Kindblom++ Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pajak Mr. Erik M. Kindblom++ Mr. John C. Rankin Ms. Sherri L. Krassin Ms. Katherine A. Reilly++ Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Robitaille++ Mr. Rodney J. LaBrecque++ Mr. James A. Lagomarsino++ Ms. Dorothy Angell Rutherford Ms. Deborah M. Levheim+ Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yesley

Grandparents, Alumni Grandparents, Alumni Great Grandparents

9 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Kneeling: Gary Popovich ’08, Casey Marini ’10, Frank Baltazar ’13, Christian Grenier ’11, Jeremy Gilfor ’11, Brendan Simons ’11, Jake Alves ’08, Drew Pehoviak ’10, Josh Bronner ’08, Brian Sorensen ’10, Connor Devivo ’10, Brett Barry ’08, Kevin Pereira ’08. Standing: Don Nicholson ’79, Phil Antonacci ’13, Chris Antonacci ’06, Jared Falconer ’07, Colin Cook ’04, Nick Clement ’05, Greg Balicki ’07, Ben Premo ’05, Adam Perron ’02, Coach Gary Cook, Dan Scyocurka ’04, Sean McGrath ’07, Trevor Moran ’10, Andy D’Avanzo ’07, Adam Parisien ’93.

Basketball Challenge Players Kneeling: Boys’ Varsity Basketball Assistant Coach Mike Mannix, Colin Cook ’04, Corey Blackwood ’07, Guy Pistone ’07, Adam Parisien ’93, Andre Roberson ’06, Walter Mfuko ’09. Standing: Joe O'Connell ’14, Dinko Marshavelski ’10, Enosch Wolf ’11, Naofall Ming Folahan ’10, Adam Perron ’02, Boys’ Varsity Basketball Coach Chris Sparks ’95. Mr. John C. Lombard+ Mr. Michael C. Mannix Ms. Gina M. Markowski+ Mr. Joseph W. Mazeika III ’73++ Mr. Patrick J. McCanta++ Ms. Danica L. Messerli++ Mr. Daniel M. Moran Mr. Donald J. Nicholson ’79++ Mrs. Rosemarie B. Power++ Mrs. Andrea M. Robbins Mr. Richard F. Rodgers Mr. William Rosenbeck Mrs. Ann Z. Schupack+ Mr. Matthew S. Stewart+ Mr. Walter G. Swanson+ Mr. Jeffrey R. Vartabedian++ Mrs. Sarah E. Wakelin++ Ms. Erika M. Whipple++


Ms. Gail Chesworth-Taylor++ Mrs. Barbara Conlon+ Mrs. Carol DeLand++ Mrs. Loretta Fograshy Mrs. Tina L. Girhiny++ Mrs. Jeanine Little Ms. Janet L. Murphy Mr. William H. Passy Ms. Linda Pietras++ Ms. Cynthia L. Shults++ Mrs. Rita A. Southworth++ Mr. David C. Weeks Mrs. Susan Wood

Former Faculty & Staff Mr. Edward J. Baker Mr. John G. Becker Jr.++ Mr. Anthony Carey++ Mrs. Priscilla Carter Ms. M. Eileen Cebula++ Ms. Kyu Jung Chang Mr. William F. Donovan ’43M

Dr. Timothy W. Farrell++ Mr. Stanley L. Fri++ Mr. Peter O. Frisch++ Mr. Frank Fritts++ Mr. Richard P. Goldman++ Mrs. Linda B. Griffin++ Mr. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M++ Mrs. Mary Ellen Jamroz++ Mrs. Bertha P. Lak++ Ms. Nancy W. Naftulin++ Mrs. Jerilyn J. Paolino ’83++ Mr. Bud Porter ’44W++ Mr. Gary L. Provost Mr. Jonathan M. Shee++ Mrs. Kathleen Sherman++ Mr. Richard R. Smith++ Mrs. Sheila Soja++ Ms. Cynthia R. St. George ’78++ Mr. Mike Thompson Mrs. Julia Washburn++ Mr. Frederick D. Watts++ Mrs. Marjorie Weeks Mr. Herbert W. Wilkinson III ’61M++


Mr. & Mrs. S. Prestley Blake Ms. Sally S. Bolognesi Mr. Bruce E. Buxton++ Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Caropreso+ Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Bert Davison++ Mr. Mark Flanagan Mr. Alan N. Hall++ Mr. & Mrs. Leverett M. Hubbard Ms. Elizabeth A. Keithcart Mr. Stoughton L. Smead Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Wendlandt++ Mrs. Lenita C. McCallum Witherspoon++ Mrs. Jan R. Ziter++


Andrew Associates + notes constistent donors who have Comcast Corporation given for the past 3 or more years. ++ notes donors who have given for the Dimauro Carpet & Tile Five Star Gardens past 6 or more years. Italics denotes donors we have lost this year. Haas Electric, Inc.

Dick Polastry Painting Pumpkin Valley Farm D.A. Sullivan & Sons, Inc. Target Tarnow Nursery, Inc. West Central Family & Counseling, Ltd. Wilbraham & Monson Academy


Jack & Sylvia Altman Foundation Antonacci Family Foundation The Columbus Foundation Community Foundation of New Jersey Community Foundation of Western MA Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Sack Foundation Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Truist Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation Wyncote Foundation

Matching Gift Companies Aetna Foundation, Inc. American International Group, Inc. Bank of America++ Ensign Bickford Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.++ Jefferies & Company New York Life Foundation++ Novartis Foundation Pitney Bowes+ United Technologies++ Verisk Analytic++ Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation++

In-Kind Gifts Mr. Lewis W. Birmingham ’60W Mrs. Pamela A. Boyea Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Boyer Mr. Albert W. Dodge Sr. ’32W Mr. Robert B. Enemark ’42W

Mr. Robert W. Carpenter ’50M Ms. M. Eileen Cebula Mr. Ming F. Chang ’89 Mr. Michael Clarke ’58W Mr. Paul B. Cronin ’53W Mr. William L. Danforth ’56W Mr. Charles D. D’Avanzo Mr. & Mrs. Bert Davison Mr. Ronald E. Dean ’50W Mr. Alfred J. Donais Jr. ’54M Mr. Richard G. Dooley Mr. Brian P. Easler Mr. Robert L. Eddy Jr. ’62W Mr. Paul Ekness & Ms. Heather MacMonegle Mr. Robert B. Enemark ’42W Dr. Timothy W. Farrell Mr. Robert G. Faulkner Sr. ’53W Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. ’57W Mr. Bruce S. Ferguson ’67W Mrs. Deborah R. Finley Mr. Michael J. Flynn Dr. James H. Freeman ’49W Mr. Stanley L. Fri Mr. Joseph A. Furgal ’57M 10-Year + Donors Dr. & Mrs. David D. Agahigian Mr. Dwight W. Gammons ’52W Mr. Thomas W. Alexander ’62W Mr. Kevin C. Genther ’46W Mr. Richard P. Goldman Mr. Stephen M. Allen ’57W Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Antonacci Dr. Barbara J. Gordon & Mr. David J. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci Mr. Harold O. Graves ’42W Mr. David W. Armstrong Jr. ’40W Mr. Charles G. Greenhalgh Jr. ’42W Lt. Col. Richard W. Bailey USMC Mr. George T. Greenhalgh ’45W Mr. Arthur W. Gregory III ’59W Ret. ’55M Mrs. Linda B. Griffin Mr. Gregory J. Bazarian ’90 Mrs. Robert W. Griffin Mr. John G. Becker Jr. Mr. David H. Griffith ’59W Mr. & Mrs. William J. Best Mr. Kenneth A. Gustafson ’49W Mr. Frederick L. Blackwell ’72 Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr. Lt. Col. Robert W. Bliss USAF ’60M Ret. ’39W Mr. E. Morris Hayn Jr. ’49W Mr. Frederick M. Bodington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Henry ’55M Mr. James H. Herzog Jr. ’70W Mr. John F. Boozang Mrs. Ashley Heye Watson ’01 Mr. Lawrence W. Bray ’61M Mr. Thory Heye ’66W Dr. David L. Brown ’64M Mr. William C. Hine II ’67W Mr. Harold C. Burdon Jr. ’51W Mr. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carey Ms. Jessica S. Feldheim Mr. Steven M. Gray ’70W Hampden Engineering Corp. Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr. ’60M Mr. Anders H. Hjarne & Mrs. Michele D. DeVore Mr. David B. Lyman ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Murry Mr. Scott E. Nadolski ’88 Paul Robbins Associates Pignatare Farm Mr. Leland E. Pinney ’59W Mr. & Mrs. David A. Reeves Mr. Jorge A. Saad & Mrs. Hilda Mendoza Mr. John N. Sampson ’00 Mrs. Patricia Smyke Ms. Miriam Stipanovich Under Armour® Mr. Walter E. Young ’41W Dr. Brett R. Zalkan ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zielinski

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011 page 10

Above, Max Rankin ’12, John Rankin, Korynna Rankin and Susan Yurgielewicz at Prize Day. At right, Class of 2011 officers and advisors at the Senior Banquet Kate Gaw, Jacqueline Smith, Jeongseung Joomes Kwak, Chloe Snyder, Rose Power. The Class of 2011 dedicated The Hill to Mrs. Power for her devotion to them through their four years in the upper school. Mr. Lloyd N. Hoover ’43W Mr. William D. Howerton ’49W Mr. David E. Hoxeng ’68W Mrs. Virginia L. Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hulten Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Insler Dr. Hampton Irwin ’48W Mr. Eric W. Jacobs ’74 Mr. Scott B. Jacobs ’75 Mr. Frank D. Johnson ’42W Mr. Theodore W. Kappler Jr. ’61W Mr. Kenneth J. Kessaris ’50W Mahsa Khanbabai Esq. ’89 Dr. Paul I. Kingsbury ’53W Mrs. Judith A. Knapp Mr. Olli Timi P. Kokkonen ’55W Dr. Jordan L. Kramer ’73 Mr. Daniel B. Kunhardt Jr. ’72 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lagomarsino Mr. James S. Law ’68W Mr. Heung S. Lee ’58W Mr. Richard LeStage ’61W Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ’55W Drs. Michael & Nancy Lindberg Dr. Robert K. MacLauchlin ’50W Dr. Thomas G. Magill ’55W Dr. Ronald L. Majka ’68M Mr. Timothy D. Marsano ’78 Mr. John C. Marsh ’58W Mr. Josef E. Martin ’82 Mr. Todd R. Masnicki ’89 Mr. Richard T. McCarthy ’51W Mr. Carl F. Mitchell ’53W Mr. M. Scott Mitchell ’57W Mr. & Mrs. James F. Monahan Mr. Richard F. Morgan ’59W Peter L. Murray Esq. ’61W Mr. Robert K. Nichols ’63W Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. O’Donnell ’80 Mrs. Debra J. Pageau ’76 Mrs. Jerilyn J. Paolino ’83 Mr. Andrew M. Paul ’69W Mr. Steven L. Paul ’66W Mr. Daniel F. Pawling Sr.

Mr. Richard B. Phillips ’63W Mr. Willard F. Pinney Jr. ’61W Peter S. Plumb Esq. ’61W Mr. Robert S. Porter ’59W Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Power Mr. & Mrs. David A. Premo Mr. Robert S. Putnam ’48W Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Race Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73 Dr. Paul Reynolds ’69W Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Rothery Mr. Stanley H. Rutstein Mr. Edward J. Sack ’47W Mr. Edward S. Schwerdtle II ’52W Mr. Richard A. Serafino Jr. ’77 Mr. James J. Shea Jr. ’46W Mr. & Mrs. David K. Sherman Mr. Edwin Shivell ’50M Mr. Edward W. Shore Jr. ’48W Mr. & Mrs. Garrett P. Smith The Honorable Kent B. Smith ’44W Mr. & Mrs. John F. Soja Mr. Marshall Z. Solomon ’48W Mr. Dennis C. Sowers ’59W Mr. Jonathan L. Sperling ’57W Mr. Thomas S. Starodoj II ’51W Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Stolpinski Mr. Donald J. Stuart ’73 Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson ’63W Mr. Edward Symes III ’64W Mr. James W. Symmonds ’64M Mr. Edward H. Thaxter ’65W Mr. William A. Tychsen ’59W Mr. David M. Tyson ’51W Mr. Andrew G. Veitch ’65W Mrs. Sarah E. Wakelin Dr. William H. Warren ’42W Mr. Frederick D. Watts Dr. David F. Wender ’69W Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Wendlandt Ms. Erika M. Whipple Mr. Harry T. Whitin III ’63W Mr. Stacey H. Widdicombe III ’70W Mr. Herbert W. Wilkinson III ’61M

Mr. & Mrs. Donn M. Dominique Mr. & Mrs. Verner Drohan Mr. Charles S. Edson ’48W Mr. Charles D. Epstein Mr. Harry Fekeris New Gifts Mr. Mark Flanagan First-Time Donors to Mrs. Loretta Fograshy the Annual Fund Mr. Adam J. Ginsberg ’10 Mr. Jonathan W. Giokas ’95 Mr. Michael G. Albano & Mr. Samuel B. Greene ’06 Ms. Nancy B. Alisberg Mr. Harvey J. Hersh ’49M Dr. Loriston K. Amsden ’56W Mr. John R. Hine ’71W Mr. & Mrs. Satoshi Aoki Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hodson Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. Atkins Mr. Dyke K. Hoy ’76 Mr. Gabriel M. Awad ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hurwitz Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Axtmann Mr. Yu-Lai Jin & Mrs. Min Yang Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bamford Dr. & Mrs. Kobchai Jitsakula Mr. Yong Eum Ban & Mr. Gregory R. Johnson ’66M Ms. Young Sook Im Ms. Suzanne B. Keenan Mr. W. Scott Bartlett III ’63W Ms. Elizabeth A. Keithcart Mr. & Mrs. Darryl M. Beech Mrs. Phyllis Kelley Mr. Xianping Bi & Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kelley Jr. Ms. Zengxia Jiang Mrs. Mildred M. Krebs Dr. Alfons Biggel & Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Kulig Dr. Gisela Schütt-Biggel Mr. Tyler H. Lawrence ’07 Dr. Leonard R. Borsari ’61W Dr. Chang Han Lee & Drs. Rupert R. & Dr. Young Gil Rha Marian A. Brook Mr. & Mrs. Dong Jung Lee Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Callahan Mr. Ralph F. Leonard ’61W III ’75 Mr. Yiguo Li & Ms. Kyu Jung Chang Ms. Lichun Wang Mr. Dagang Chen & Mr. Chang-Jung Lin & Ms. Chun Q. Wei Ms. Yu-Ting Hung Mr. Andrea Cinti ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Little Mr. Salverio Cinti & Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little Mrs. Emanuela Serenelli Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Liu Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Clewes Ms. Bethany A. Lyon ’11 Mr. Van Gothner & Mr. & Mrs. Rabindra Madho Ms. Elizabeth A. Davison Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Manning Ms. Anna Davitt ’01 Mr. Steven S. Marcus ’10 Ms. Claudia Debelova ’04 Mr. Thomas H. McCallum Jr. Ms. Wendy L. Decker ’56W Mrs. Shirley Devore Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. McKenna Mr. Alex Dezieck Mr. Thomas Mendes Mr. James Diack Dr. & Mrs. Erik V. Meunier Ms. Carriann DiRico ’03 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Moran Mr. Roger A. Doerpholz & Mr. Charles F. Murphy Jr. ’56W Ms. Carol A. Royal Ms. Paula A. Wisnewski ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Wright Dr. Fred M. Ziter Jr. ’54W

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011



Mr. & Mrs. Larry Musselman Mr. Andrew M. Nepomuceno ’01 Mr. Milner E. Noble ’60W Mr. & Mrs. Eugene K. Nyagahene Dr. Leslie A. Oleksowicz ’74 Mr. Andrew J. Pehoviak ’10 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Pinkston Ms. Anna E. Pirovano Ms. Tiffany A. Popoli ’97 Mr. Gary A. Popovich ’08 Mr. Gary L. Provost Ms. Xin Qin Mrs. Andrea M. Robbins Mr. Richard F. Rodgers Mr. William Rosenbeck Mr. Jorge A. Saad & Mrs. Hilda Mendoza Mr. Eric T. Schoonover ’54W Mr. S. Christopher Scranton ’70W Mr. Jaehyeong Seo & Mrs. Jong Sook Park Mr. Christopher P. Shanahan Mr. Richard A. Simpson ’01 Mr. David W. Smith ’60W Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Suglia Ms. Hannah K. Tanguay ’10 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Taylor Ms. Chelby J. Wakefield ’09 Mr. Hongbin Wang & Mrs. Chunyan Huang Mr. Jie Wang & Mrs. Min Fan Mrs. Kaoru White ’81 Ms. Carolyn J. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Carrie Wong Mr. Yashar D. Yaslowitz ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yesley Dr. Sang Jin Yoon & Mrs. Hyosun Lim Mr. Jin Zhang & Ms. Yujing Shu Mr. Mingsheng Zhang & Ms. Guomei He Mr. Weiping Zhao & Mrs. Ko Laikuen Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zielinski

Clash of the Titans! Celebrity chefs Associate Head of School Brian Easler, Head of School Rodney LaBrecque, Director of Dining Services Scott Bicknell, and Director of Facilities Joe Salvadore competed to raise money for the Parents Association classroom technology effort, and for bragging rights until the 2012 competition. Joe Salvador was delcared the winner and a great time was had by all who attended.

Cap ital Giving & Endowe d Funds 2010 – 2011 Campus Center Fund

Antonacci Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci Mrs. Marianne Antonacci Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bernardo Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Calabrese Mr. Sung Hwan Choi & Ms. Eun Kyung Lee FieldEddy Insurance Network Hampden Engineering Corp. Mr. Samuel R. Hanmer ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kirwan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Marini Mr. Ronald P. Masnicki ’57M Mr. Todd R. Masnicki ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Rothery

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Marini Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. McKenna Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pehoviak

Jane McNamara Kelly Memorial Fund

Mr. Thomas M. McNamara

Dr. & Mrs. David M. Mordasky Mr. & Mrs. David L. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Smith Mr. Stacey H. Widdicombe III ’70W Wilbraham & Monson Academy WMA Parents’ Association Mr. & Mrs. Carrie Wong Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zielinski

Shenkman Admission House Fund Turf Field Fund Mr. Mark R. Shenkman ’61M

Mr. & Mrs. S. Prestley Blake Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Borrello Technology Fund Community Foundation of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci Western MA Mr. & Mrs. John A. Arnieri Mr. Donald M. Joffray ’46W Mr. & Mrs. William M. Awad III Mr. James E. LaCrosse ’50W Mr. Yong Eum Ban & Schwab Charitable Fund Ms. Young Sook Im Strategic Comp Holdings Mr. Allen S. Bicknell Faulkner New Housing Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Track & Field Fund Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. Bourgeois Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Callahan ’57W Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Calabrese III ’75 Ms. Jinjin Chai Mr. & Mrs. David J. Callahan Mr. Jon E. Callahan ’81 Funds Functioning as Mr. Critz Chan & Ms. Peak See Chew Ms. Julie A. Callahan ’78 Endowment Mr. Van Gothner & Mr. Richard G. Dooley Ms. Elizabeth A. Davison Palmer Paving Corporation The Sack Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Duke Mr. Edward J. Sack ’47W Mr. Charles D. Epstein WMA Library Give-a-Book Ms. Robin A. Farrington Cook Program The Edward Gramse & Mr. David W. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Antonacci Bequest Fund Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Antonacci Edward J. Gramse Trust ’57W Mr. & Mrs. William M. Awad III Mr. Michael J. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Darryl M. Beech Major Gifts Fund Ms. Page Best-Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Antonacci Dr. & Mrs. Stuart M. Ginsberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glabicky Mr. John F. Boozang Palmer Paving Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Amaro Goncalves Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carey Mr. Dave J. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Laurent R. Grenier Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE Hampden Engineering Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Hanson Mr. Brian P. Easler Dr. Peter Kumpitch ‘60W Mr. Yu-Lai Jin & Ms. Min Yang Mr. & Mrs. David E. Filkins Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glabicky Mr. Evan H. Gallivan ’96 + notes constistent donors who have Mr. Kenneth J. Kessaris ’50W Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glabicky given for the past 3 or more years. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kirwan Mr. & Mrs. Amaro Goncalves ++ notes donors who have given for the Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Lambert Dr. Kathleen M. Gorski past 6 or more years. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Jalbert Italics denotes donors we have lost this year. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Little

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Landers III ’77 Ms. Deborah M. Levheim Ms. Cynthia A. Lobo-Diogun Mr. Mark S. Lyon & Mrs. Anne S. Redman-Lyon Dr. Kevin E. Schmidt & Dr. Mary E. King Mr. & Mrs. Gilles J. Tanguay Mr. & Mrs. John G. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Kenrick Williams

Named Endowments

Fred & Evelyn Ziter Faculty Dr. Fred M. Ziter Jr. ’54W

Prize Funds Paul Beech Godard Prize Fund Ms. Barbara Godard

The John Nepomuceno Prize Fund Mrs. Laura A. Levreault ’87

Francis Michael Casey Fund Scholarship Funds for the Fine & Performing Henry W. & Ruth Benton Arts Scholarship Fund Mr. Gary R. Beauchamp ’78 Mr. Yashar D. Yaslowitz ’95 Mr. Arthur H. Zalkan

Mr. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M Mr. & Mrs. John P. Smith

Faulkner Library Fund

The John Francis & Bridgie

Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. ’57W Barrett Scholarship Mrs. Kathleen Relihan Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

William & Gertrude Harper William Griffin Scholarship Capital Counsel LLC – Browne Fund Mr. & Mrs. Dwight W. Ellis Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. ’57W Mr. Bruce S. Ferguson ’67W Heritage Courtyard Fund EnviroLogix, Inc. Mr. Kent L. Karosen ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fialky Leverett M. Hubbard Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Richard P. Goldman for Faculty Enrichment Mrs. Linda B. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carey Mrs. Robert W. Griffin Mr. David H. Griffith ’59W Keith & June Martin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Hanson Faculty Chair Fund Mr. John D. Herney Mrs. June Caldwell Martin Mr. H. Mark Johnson Mr. Charles Judd Unexpended Gifts Fund The United Methodist Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William F. Judd Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Kaplan of New England Stuart A. Laven Esq. ’61W Ms. Deborah L. Lee Joseph P. Zahornacky Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ’55W Memorial Fund for Music Ms. Sandra M. McAndrew Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Flaherty Mr. Richard F. Morgan ’59W Dr. Mildred S. Cannon

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011 page 12

Parents’ Association Thank you to the Parents’ Association for the many fun events held throughout the year: book club each month, the Harvest Gathering in October, & the Chili Cook-off in January, concluding with the Clash of the Titans fundraiser. Clash of the Titans raised $15,000 in support of classroom technology. We all look forward to another great year of events!

Mr. Richard B. Phillips ’63W Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73W Mr. & Mrs. Gordan W. Sewall Ms. Louise S. Walsh

James D. Hale Scholarship Fund Mr. Alan Hale ’46W

George D. Morrow Scholarship Fund

Dr. David L. Brown ’64M Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr. ’60M Mr. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M

Sarrouf Family Scholarship Fund

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Powers Ms. Dorthea T. Powers Ms. & Mr. Jeanne M. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rome Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Sowa Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Verducci Mr. & Mrs. William Yetz Mr. Alfred G. Zanetti

Unrestricted Scholarship Fund The David B. & Edward C. Goodstein Foundation Ms. Francesca Eastman

Honorary Gifts

Dr. Andrew J. Dadagian ’51W Mr. Camille F. Sarrouf ’51W

Bolded names represent honorees

Margret Steiger Scholarship Fund

Ms. Aimee P. Adamski ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Adamski

Mr. Mark R. Shenkman ’61M Mr. Mark Flanagan

Mrs. Linda B. Griffin Mrs. Robert W. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Hanson Mr. John D. Herney Mr. H. Mark Johnson Mr. Charles Judd Stuart A. Laven Esq. ’61W Ms. Deborah L. Lee Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ’55W Ms. Sandra M. McAndrew Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Gordan W. Sewall Ms. Cynthia L. Shults Mr. Richard P. Taylor ’62W Ms. Louise S. Walsh

Dr. Martitia P. Tuttle ’73 Mr. Alan N. Hall

Mr. Robert T. Hale ’55W Mrs. Judith B. Hale

Mr. Frederick D. Watts Mr. Eric T. Schoonover ’54W

Mr. Richard W. Handel Jr. ’67W Mr. Robert D. Handel ‘71

Ms. Heather K. Little ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Little Mr. John A. Little ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Little Mr. Matthew T. Risley ’96 Mr. John T. Risley Mrs. Anne P. Rutherford Ms. Dorothy Angell Rutherford

Memorial Gifts

Community Foundation of Western MA Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Steiger Jr.

Ms. Julia C. Beech ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Darryl M. Beech

Bolded names represent honorees

The Phil Sweeney Scholarship Fund

Mr. Phillip J. Cardone Mr. W. Lee Palmer Jr. ’71M

Mr. Herbert S. Callahan ’45W Mrs. Barbara J. Callahan

Mr. Oliver D. Chen ’13 Mr. Dagang Chen & Ms. Chun Q. Wei

Mr. Paul A. Callender Jr. ’44W Mrs. Clare Callender

Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Audet Sr. Mr. Steve Beshara Dr. & Mrs. A. D. Bramble M.D. Ms. Helen Burstein Mr. Alfred A. D’Amato Mr. & Mrs. John J. Disa Mr. & Mrs. William F. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Jerome S. Gold Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haley Ms. Mary Ellen Hogan Mr. Peter Kant Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kasiski Ms. Nicole M. McDermott Ms. Lois E. Meyers Ms. Eleanor A. Nield Palmer Paving Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Nicolaos G. Peroulakis

Mr. Francis M. Casey Ms. Margaret M. Harrington ’15 Mr. Jeffrey F. Bonk ’78 Ms. Dorothy Angell Rutherford Mr. Daniel M. O’Brien ’79 Ms. Nora P. Harrington ’13 Ms. Dorothy Angell Rutherford

Mr. William H. Eaton ’20W Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson ’63W

Mr. Timothy P. Harrington ’73 Mr. William A. Griffin ’68W Ms. Dorothy Angell Rutherford Capital Counsel LLC Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE Mr. Donald E. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Dwight W. Ellis Mr. Jonathan M. Shee Mr. & Mrs. Dwight W. Ellis Mr. Bruce S. Ferguson ’67W Mr. David H. Little ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fialky Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Little Mr. Richard P. Goldman page

Mr. Matthew M. Heenan ’89 Mrs. Linda J. Shippie Mr. Carl D. Howard Mr. Ronald E. Dean ’50W Lt. Timothy D. Jessup ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Jessup Mrs. Jane McNamara Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Carey Mr. William H. Daly ’06 Ms. Claudia Debelova ’04 Dr. Bonnie Faulkner Ryan ’82 Mr. Edward K. Han-Burgess ’99 Mr. Peter A. Reeves ’04 Mr. Jonathan M. Shee Ms. Kara Thayer ’95 Mr. Michael J. Thompson Mr. Dongwhan Kim ’72 Mr. Jeffrey M. Polep ‘72 Mrs. Betty H. Lincoln Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE

13 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Dr. Paul I. Kingsbury ’53W Mr. Frank C. Morgan ’56W Mrs. Patricia A. Morgan Red L. Morganstern Mrs. Carol J. Sorensen Mr. John J. Mullen Jr. ’65M Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Glabicky Mrs. Jane E. Ostrom Dr. David N. Ostrom Mr. Allen B. Phipps ’49W Mr. William A. Hawthorne ’61W Mr. Mark D. Shadbegian ’73 Mr. Charles S. Feinstein USN Ret. ’73 Mr. Philip H. Shaw Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson ’63 Mr. John A. Sweeney ’47M Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Caropreso Mr. Philip A. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Audet Sr. Mr. Steve Beshara Dr. & Mrs. A. D. Bramble Ms. Helen Burstein Mr. & Mrs. David J. Callahan Palmer Paving Corporation Mr. Jon E. Callahan ’81 Ms. Julie A. Callahan ’78 Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE Mr. Alfred A. D’Amato Mr. & Mrs. John J. Disa Mr. William F. Donovan ’43M Mr. & Mrs. Jerome S. Gold Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haley Ms. Mary Ellen Hogan Mr. Peter Kant Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kasiski Ms. Nicole M. McDermott Ms. Lois E. Meyers Ms. Eleanor A. Nield

Mr. & Mrs. Nicolaos G. Peroulakis Mr. & Mrs. David W. Powers Ms. Dorthea T. Powers Mr. Larry McLaughlin & Ms. Jeanne M. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rome Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Sowa Springfield Tennis Club, Inc. Mr. Cornelius E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Verducci Mr. & Mrs. William Yetz Mr. Alfred G. Zanetti

Mr. Guy G. Antonacci ’05 Mr. William L. Archer Sr. ’61M Mr. & Mrs. William M. Awad III Mrs. Katherine A. Balog ’92 Mr. Stanley N. Bayless ’68W Mr. Graeme A. Bazarian ’87 Mr. Gary R. Beauchamp ’78 Mr. Lawrence E. Benson II ’67W Ms. Abby S. Berry ’90 Mr. Jeffrey B. Berselli ’68M Ms. Yu Bi ’11 Mr. Joshua D. Binney ’07 Mr. Paul H. Bixby ’58M Mr. Justin D. Blair ’89 Mr. Frederick M. Bodington Jr. Reverend Arthur F. Tuttle Jr. ’55M Mr. Alan N. Hall Mrs. JoAnn Bolaske Fitzpatrick ’71M Mr. William N. Wright Jr. Mr. Richard I. Bombard ’52M ’47W Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Bourgeois Mrs. Ursula S. Wright Ms. Jessica L. Bramucci ’05 Mr. H. Robert Bready ’57M Mr. Richard B. Brigham ’52W Volunteers Ms. Diane E. Brown ’77 Mr. James L. Brown IV ’55M Our fundraising success is Mr. Frank A. Bruno ’98 largely due to the volunteer efforts of reunion agents, class Mr. Bruce E. Buxton Mr. & Mrs. David J. Callahan agents, students, parents, & friends of the Academy. Thank Ms. Emma J. Camilleri ’10 you for all your tireless efforts Mr. Edward J. Carey ’50M throughout the year. Whether Mr. Ian C. Carlin ’08 it was writing letters or making Ms. Katherine T. Carrigan ’98 Mr. David R. Chamberland ’57M phone calls, you had a major Mrs. Jean Chang ’94 hand in the success of the Mr. James M. Cherry ’91 2010-2011 year. Mr. Phillip Chesky ’02 & Mrs. Maureen Kelly Chesky ’02 Mr. Joel E. Ackerman ’89 Mrs. Sonja H. Chester Nelson ’93 Mr. Patrick T. Agahigian ’09 Mr. Woo Young Choi ’11 Mr. Colin S. Akerly ’09 Ms. Meghan C. Cole ’10 Dr. Loriston K. Amsden ’56W Mr. D. Jamie Collins ’84 Mr. Christopher C. Antonacci Mr. Donald J. Collins ’60M ’06 Mr. Dennis J. Conway ’08 Mr. Edwin T. Conway ’77 + notes constistent donors who have Mr. Alexander P. Corbett ’07 given for the past 3 or more years. ++ notes donors who have given for the Mr. John A. Crawford ’64W past 6 or more years. Mr. Frederic W. Crombie ’60W Italics denotes donors we have lost this year. Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE page

Ms. Stacy D. DaCruz ’06 Mr. Charles H. Daly ’41M Mr. Andrew J. D’Avanzo ’07 Mr. John W. Davis ’75 Rev. Richard A. Davis ’44W Mr. Charles P. Day ’48W Mr. Russell L. Dinkins ’09 Mr. William F. Donovan ’43M Mr. Henry M. Downey ’70W Mr. James S. Downey ’73 Ms. Julia Z. Duffy ’03 Mr. Sakrapan Eamegdool ’72 Mr. Robert S. Edmunds ’01 Mr. William J. Ellithorpe Jr. ’57M & Mrs. Beverly R. Ellithorpe ’46M Mr. Matthew W. Ewing ’00 Ms. Robin A. Farrington Cook Dr. Bonnie Faulkner Ryan ’82 Mr. Robert G. Faulkner Jr. ’80 Mr. Robert G. Faulkner Sr. ’53W Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. ’57W Ms. Nicole M. Fenner ’05 Jeffrey I. Fialky Esq. ’87 Mr. Michael J. Flynn Mr. R. K. Fradet ’70M Ms. Jeannette M. Frigo ’85 Mr. Joseph A. Furgal ’57M Dr. C. Farrell Gallaway ’44M Mr. Evan H. Gallivan ’96 Ms. Whitney E. Gallivan ’00 Mr. Mitchell Garabedian ’55W Ms. Makeeda A. Gibbs ’08 Ms. Lindsay A. Goneau ’03 Mr. Steven M. Gray ’70W Mr. Kennard G. Gregory ’62W Mrs. Pat Grenier Mrs. Kelly Griffin DePaulo ’83 Mr. David H. Griffith ’59W Mr. John J. Guerin ’96 & Mrs. Kristina S. Guerin ’98 Mr. Kenneth A. Gustafson ’49W Ms. Eun Kyung Ha ’05 Mr. Patrick J. Haag ’00 Mr. Alan Hale ’46W Mr. Robert T. Hale ’55W Mrs. Krista Hanson Mr. Richard J. Harrington Sr. ’60M

Mr. Timothy P. Harrington ’73 Mr. Mathew J. Harrison ’05 Mr. Andrew T. Harvey ’08 Mr. Jon V. Haywood ’60M Mr. Jacob R. Heyman ’08 Mr. J. Lawrie Hibbard ’52W Mr. Richard G. Hirsch ’71W Mr. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M Mr. Robert C. Hohman ’55W Alden V. Holmes M.D. ’39W Mr. Alan R. Hubbard ’95 Mr. William O. Humes ’59M Mr. Morrison C. Huston Jr. ’64W Ms. Andrea C. Jacobs ’00 Mr. Scott B. Jacobs ’75 Ms. Stacy E. Jagodowski ’98 Mrs. Lisa C. Jalbert Mr. William E. James ’64W Mr. James S. Jurgens Mr. Peter J. Jurgens ’06 Mr. Andrew J. Kasznay Jr. ’57M Lt. Col. Michael R. Kenney ’60M Mr. David I. Kent ’69W Mr. Kenneth J. Kessaris ’50W Mahsa Khanbabai Esq. ’89 Ambassador Hyun Chong Kim ’77 Mr. H. Wesley King CFP ’46W Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kirwan Mr. Matthew A. Koziol ’93 Mr. Daniel B. Kunhardt Jr. ’72 Mr. Yong D. Kwon ’88 Mr. Rodney J. LaBrecque Mr. James E. LaCrosse ’50W Mr. Thomas R. LaCrosse ’49W Mr. Shun Wai Lau ’08 Ms. Nancy F. Law ’80 Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ’55W Mr. Andres S. Lopez ’80 Mr. P. J. Louis ’92 Mr. John M. Lovejoy ’54W Mr. Ian S. Macdonald ’94 Dr. Thomas G. Magill ’55W Mr. Paul G. Magyar ’87 Mr. Kevin B. Manghan Mr. Steven S. Marcus ’10 Mr. William R. Martell ’57M Mr. Alex S. Mascaro ’07

14 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Dr. Charles A. McCallum Jr. ’43W Mrs Susan C. McKenna Mr. Craig E. Meadows ’64W Ms. Brooke K. Mele ’11 Mr. William J. Metzger ’97 & Ms. Natalie W. Metzger ’96 Ms. Melissa L. Meyer ’94 Dr. John W. Miller ’49W Mrs. Marcy A. Minnick ’97 Rev. Darius A. Mojallali ’70W Dr. & Mrs. David M. Mordasky Mr. Richard F. Morgan ’59W Mr. Jonathan W. Mortensen ’06 Ms. Laura J. Mulcahy Mayhew ’86 Peter L. Murray Esq. ’61W Mr. Horace S. Nichols ’44W Ms. Nicole M. Nicholson ’03 Mr. Harold E. North ’49M Mr. Brian P. O’Connor ’89 Mr. Richard J. O’Donnell ’80 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Pacosa-McEvoy ’76 Mrs. Jerilyn J. Paolino ’83 Mr. Michel Papadaki ’59W Mr. Jae Hong Park & Ms. Mi Jung Kim Ms. Courtney T. Paterna ’96 Mr. Joshua A. Pearson ’99 Dr. Roger L. Pearson ’56W Mr. Kent W. Pecoy Ms. Karen J. Pekala ’69M Ms. Kayla A. Peloquin ’09 Mr. Frank S. Perez-abreu ’60M Mrs. Gretchen M. Perkins Mr. Andrew J. Petkun ’64W Ms. Christine L. Pilch ’83 Peter S. Plumb Esq. ’61W Mr. Gerry Buz Polinsky ’79 Ms. Jennifer Pope ’97 Mr. Benjamin J. Poppel ’97 Mr. Bud Porter ’44W Dr. Thomas F. Race Mr. Robert M. Radding ’57M Mrs. Melissa Y. Reeves Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73 Ms. Sarah A. Richard ’07

From left, Jessica Smith ’14 helps out as a Prize Day usher. Seniors Jessica Duncan, Priyanka George, Brooke Mele, Evan Filkins, Bethany Lyon, and Eric Diogun with Isa Best ’13. Adam Schrecengost and friend. Keoni Colson, Davian Madho, Derrick Barnagian, Kyle Sweeting, and Matt Pajak.

Mrs. Andrea M. Robbins Ms. Stephanie T. Robbins ’10 Mrs. Heidi L. Robertson ’85 Mrs. Suzanne E. Robitaille Mr. Richard F. Rodgers Mr. Donald F. Roy ’59M Mr. James A. Russell ’55M Mrs. Molly H. Russo ’84 Mr. Lawrence K. Saex ’69M Ms. Virginia B. Salem ’82 Mr. Joshua E. Sampiero ’00 Mrs. Hilary J. Sams ’92

Heritage Society Membership in the Heritage Society is comprised of individuals who have included Wilbraham & Monson Academy in their estate plans, have established an endowed fund, or have made a planned gift to the Academy. These individuals add to our endowment by making bequests of outright gifts or a percentage of their estate, gifts of real estate, life insurance, securities, and charitable trusts that ensure the future of our school. Their generosity and planning create significant Academy resources. Mr. John M. Adan Jr. ’62W Mr. Dana T. Aftab ’81 Mr. Robert A. Augusto Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Barend ’66M Mr. Lewis W. Birmingham ’60W

Mr. Theodore G. Sarant ’73 Mr. Peter E. Schneider ’58M Ms. Amy A. Schwendenmann ’88 Ms. Bonnie M. Serino ’87 Ms. Beth A. Sharpe Byrne ’81 Mr. Mark R. Shenkman ’61M Mr. Edward W. Shore Jr. ’48W Ms. Jacqueline M. Smith ’11 Mr. Judson Q. Smith’04 Mr. Donald J. Southwick ’64M Mr. Christopher G. Sparks ’95 Mr. Jonathan L. Sperling ’57W

Ms. Cynthia R. St. George ’78 Mr. James W. Stollenwerck ’66W Mr. Donald P. Strauss ’70W Mr. Donald J. Stuart ’73 Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson ’63W Mr. Edward Symes III ’64W Mr. Michael H. Symmonds ’68M Ms. Hannah K. Tanguay ’10 Mr. Richard P. Taylor ’62W Ms. Kara Thayer ’95 Mr. William A. Tychsen ’59W Dr. F. Knowlton Utley III ’55M

Ms. Jeannette I. Viens ’11 Ms. Emily A. Vincunas ’08 Mr. Americo S. Vota ’00 Ms. S. Elisabeth Wagoner ’01 Mr. James H. Wait Sr. ’52M Mr. John F. Waitt Jr. ’54W Mrs. Sarah E. Wakelin Mrs. Julia Washburn Ms. Carolyn P. Weeks ’05 Mr. Benjamin F. Wilson ’69W Mr. Craig M. Wilson ’60W Mrs. Lenita C. McCallum

Mr. & Mrs. S. Prestley Blake Dr. & Mrs. David L. Brown ’64M Mr. & Mrs. James L. Brown IV ’55M Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Caropreso Mrs. Priscilla Carter Mr. John F. Chapple III ’60W Mr. Kenneth R. Churilla ’61M Mrs. Marilyn S. Clark ’84 Mrs. Anna S. Clough Mr. Fredrick M. Crean ’67W Ms. Christina J. Cronin CFRE Dr. Neida Q. Dimeo Mr. Robert S. Edmunds ’01 Mr. Peter G. Ellis ’37W Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Enemark ’42W Mr. William R. Faulkner Jr. ’57W Mr. & Mrs. Gunter M. Glass ’63W Ms. Ashley B. Griffin Mrs. Linda B. Griffin Mr. Kenneth A. Gustafson ’49W Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hale ’46W Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Harrington Sr. ’60M Mr. Douglas J. Harwood ’70W Mr. & Mrs. Parker E. Hodgman ’55M Mrs. Virginia L. Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. Leverett M. Hubbard Mr. William E. James ’64W

Mr. Kent L. Karosen ’84 Dr. & Mrs. Jamieson D. Kennedy ’51W Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Kessaris ’50W Mr. H. Wesley King CFP ’46W Dr. Jordan L. Kramer ’73 Mr. Daniel B. Kunhardt Jr. ’72 Mr. James E. LaCrosse ’50W Mrs. Mary G. Lawton Mr. Philip C. Lawton ’54W Mr. Peter C. Lincoln ‘55W Mr. Charles P. Lukasik ’74 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Lyons Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. MacLauchlin ’50W Mr. S. Peter Manchester ’58W Mr. Robert T. Marchant ’51W Mrs. Taffy L. Marron Mrs. June C. Martin Mr. Charles P. Mason Jr. ’62W Dr. Charles A. McCallum Jr. ’43W Mr. John H. Meissner ’66W Mrs. Marcy A. Minnick ’97 Mr. M. Scott Mitchell ’57W Dr. & Mrs. Oscar R. Nepomuceno Mr. Sherman V. Olson ’49M Mrs. Diane Peters Mr. Frank J. Pizzitola ’43M Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Plumb ’61W

Mrs. Jewell G. Prentice Mr. G. Eric Pucher ’47W Ms. Carol F. Relihan ’73 & Mr. John Arthur Mr. Camille F. Sarrouf ’51W Mr. James J. Shea Jr. ’44W Mr. Mark R. Shenkman ’61M Mr. Edwin Shivell ’50M Mr. Francis W. Smith ’44W Ms. Cynthia R. St. George CFRE ’78 Ms. Janet Sweeney Ms. Mary Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sweeney Mr. Edward Symes III ’64W Mr. Richard P. Taylor ’62W Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Thompson Mr. Donald T. Tull ’55W Mr. Robert W. Tull ’50W Mr. Frederick D. Watts Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Wendlandt Mrs. Lenita C. McCallum Witherspoon Mr. Washburne D. Wright ’60W Ms. Chelsey A. Zahornacky Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Zahornacky Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Zahornacky IV Mr. Arthur H. Zalkan Dr. & Mrs. Brett R. Zalkan ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Ira L. Zalkan ’89 Mrs. Barbara Zarynoff

WMA Annual Report 2010-2011 page 15

Witherspoon Mr. Timothy J. Woodward ’91 Mr. Sheldon M. Woolf ’50W Mr. John A. Wright Ms. Xi Wu ’09 Mr. Trevor M. Young ’09 Mr. James M. Younger II ’97 & Mrs. Tia L. Younger ’97 Ms. Marcelle C. Zanetti ’71M Dr. Fred M. Ziter Jr. ’54W

Dr. Fred M. Ziter Jr. ’54W Mr. Michael P. Ziter ’61W Dr. William D. Ziter ’56W The Estates of Mr. Garey M. Browne Jr. ’54M Mr. Charles W. Carter Dr. Walter S. Clough ’45W Mr. Douglas Coon ’39W Mr. Leonard Cummings ’40W Mr. William C. Favorite ’68W Dr. Ralph A. Goddard ’46W Dr. Edward J. Gramse ’39W Mr. William A. Griffin ’68W Mr. Allan L. Haling ’42W Mr. John G. Hoyt ’48M Capt. Robert T. Leary USCG Ret ’37W Mr. Ronald Lerner ’52W Mr. Richard B. Lord ’38W Mrs. Barbara Manchester Mr. Harvey A. Marron ’60M Mr. Keith Martin ’47W Mr. Caleb H. O’Connor ’30W Mr. George I. Parker Jr. ’31W Mrs. R. Elizabeth Parker Ms. Kimberly S. Peters ’78 Mr. Chester H. Prentice ’40W Mr. George L. Stephenson II ’51W Mr. Lewis A. Storrs ’21W Mr. John S. Williams ’39W Mr. Paul G. Zarynoff ’53W Mr. Sergay G. Zarynoff ’57W

Preserve our Heritage… Invest in our Future.

Wilbraham & Monson Academy


Carol Relihan & Horace Nichols, Former Board Chair

Carol Relihan ’73: Honoring Those Who Supported Her Education


hen Former Trustee Carol Relihan ’73 came to the Academy, she received the William H. Wilson Estate Trust Scholarship. “The scholarship not only enabled me to attend the Academy, it paved the way for me to attend Williams College and was the foundation of my Carol Relihan '73 successful career. When I was financially able, I wanted to thank the Academy for making my education possible, and provide the same opportunities I was afforded to a bright young person who otherwise might not be able to afford an Academy Education.”. In 1997, Carol created the John Francis and Bridgie Barrett Scholarship in honor of her grandparents who left Ireland during The Troubles and met in Springfield, Massachusetts. Her grandmother had only been to the third grade and her grandfather had been through the eighth grade, which was a good education in rural Ireland at the time. They were thrilled to make it to the United States and always stressed education as a priority for their children and grand children. “It seemed appropriate to me, since they encouraged me so much, to set up something that be in their memory. Like so many immigrants through U.S. history, they sought educations & better lives for their descendants.” Creating a scholarship fund at WMA is a great way to help today’s students, to create a legacy that will provide scholarship support for many years to come, and to honor a teacher or family member who has played a key role in your life. For more information on how you can leave a legacy at Wilbraham & Monson Academy, contact Director of Major Gifts Christina Cronin at or 413.596.9189. page

16 WMA Annual Report 2010-2011

Please note that WMA does not provide tax or legal advice. Gift calculations may be provided for illustrative purposes only, and the actual values may vary based on the timing and nature of your gift. Advice from legal and tax counsel should be sought when considering a charitable gift plan of any kind.

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9/11 Remembrance



FALL 2011

423 Main Street, Wilbraham, MA 01095

The Global SchoolÂŽ

Student Travel

AMAZON - June 2008, 2009, 2011 Students travel to John Carter’s ranch in the Amazon to study sustainability and the relations between various groups in the area. Associate Head of School Brian Easler has organized the trips and Dean of Studies Erik Kindblom and biology teacher Paul Ekness have participated. Inspired by their visits with the Kamayura and the Xavante Indians, seniors Austin Little and Teresa Kennedy are starting a fundraising effort to provide medical supplies to those tribes. Check out the video footage that documents their travels at, choose the CEGS tab at the top and click on Travel.

FSC Info



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