2 minute read
III. Middle School Afternoon Program
Middle School 2021-2022
III. Middle School Afternoon Program
A. Philosophy & Options
In conjunction with the philosophy of the Academy, our afternoon requirement places an emphasis on developing a healthy, active lifestyle and is consistent with our belief that students should interact with their peers both on and off campus. We believe that the experiences gained from physical activity benefit our students and play a significant role in allowing them to develop the skills, attitudes and habits necessary to build a strong mind, body and spirit.
Middle School students are eligible to try out for Upper School junior varsity or varsity sports that are not offered at the Middle School. Participation by a Middle School student in an Upper School sport requires both parental permission and approval of the Director of the Middle School. The student and parent/guardian will have to sign a contract agreeing to abide by the Upper School attendance policy. Students will be held accountable for missing practices or games for personal or academic reasons, unless the absence has been cleared by the coach, instructor or director in advance of the scheduled meeting.
Middle School boarding students are required to participate in an afternoon program each trimester. Boarding students may participate in an activity offered at the Middle School level or may try out for selected Upper School junior varsity or varsity sports that are not offered at the Middle School.
Middle School day students are not required to participate in an afternoon program but are invited to participate if they choose to do so. Day students may participate in an activity offered at the Middle School level or may try out for Upper School selected junior varsity or varsity sports that are not offered at the Middle School.
While day students in the Middle School are not required to participate in extracurricular activities, those who choose to participate are expected to honor their commitment by attending all sessions/practices. While academics take priority over extracurricular commitments, students must recognize that participation in these activities demands a balanced and structured approach.
Day students choosing not to participate in an afternoon sport or activity and not picked up at the close of school are required to attend MS Afternoon Study Hall (SMASH).
B. Change Policy
As the goal of the Middle School's afternoon program is to have fun and learn something new, students may change athletics/activities within the Middle School's afternoon