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B. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA

All School All School 2022-2023

Medical Dress Code Exception

If there is a medical reason a student needs to be out of dress code, a doctor’s note may be requested to be brought to Health Services. The Director will review and inform the Deans Office. During the academic day, orthopedic inserts are to be worn with dress shoes.

Dress Code Consequences

If a student is found to be out of dress code, the faculty member will notify the Deans Office and instruct the student to remedy the situation. The student will be assigned a dress code infraction. Further dress code infractions involving that student will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

The Deans Office will keep track of dress code infractions. Upper School Students will earn the following consequences for each infraction. Middle School students follow Middle School consequences.

Infraction # Consequence 1 Deans Office Warning 2 Five Deans Office morning check-ins 3 One detention and Infraction 2 consequence 4 Work detail and Infraction 3 consequence 5 Conduct Warning 6+ Conduct Probation

B. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Members of the WMA community come from many backgrounds and bring many different gifts. As part of that diversity, the Academy enrolls qualified students with documented physical, psychological and learning disabilities and other health issues. The Academy recognizes some accommodations will be necessary to ensure access to its academic and other resources and is committed to providing that support for students legally entitled to it.

Although the Academy does not offer special programs for students with disabilities, the Academy is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in academics, housing and other programs and services to address the disability-related needs of otherwise qualified students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are interventions (excluding personal services) that are designed to enable students with disabilities to enjoy equal access to the full array of programs and supports offered at WMA without creating an undue burden on the Academy, fundamentally altering the nature of a Wilbraham & Monson Academy education or lowering its standards.

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