2 minute read

P. Reporting Procedure for Complaints

All School 2022-2023

higher education and, in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education shall promulgate regulations governing the content and frequency of such reports and shall forthwith report to the attorney general any such institution that fails to make such report.

P. Reporting and Investigation of Complaints of Bullying, Discrimination, Hate Conduct, Hazing or Harm to Others

The physical and emotional safety of our students is our highest priority. A student who feels they may have been the subject of bullying, harassment, hate conduct, hazing or any other conduct that may be physically threatening or harmful, whether from another student or an adult, should report the alleged incident immediately to their advisor, the Dean of Students, Health Services, School Counselor or any other trusted adult in the community. Other students, parents, employees and anyone else who is aware of any bullying, harassing, hazing or hate-based conduct targeting a student should also notify any of the above named persons.

Reports must include details of the alleged incident, names of the persons involved and witnesses, and any supporting documentation or materials. WMA is required to report allegations that could be considered a criminal law violation or covered by mandatory reporting obligations.

Each member of the community is required to fully cooperate in any investigation of alleged behavior. Further, WMA employees are obligated to intervene and stop any inappropriate behavior they witness and to immediately report to the appropriate party instances of discrimination, including harassment, that are reported to them or of which they otherwise learn.

The investigation will be conducted by the Harassment Review Board and will proceed as expeditiously as possible. Interviews will be conducted with the involved parties, making every effort to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of all parties. When the investigation is complete, WMA will, to the extent appropriate, inform the parties of the outcome. The totality of the circumstances - such as nature, context, intensity, persistence and repetition of the behavior, as well as the nature of the relationship between the parties involved - will be considered in determining an appropriate response.

If it is determined that inappropriate conduct has occurred, disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, may be imposed. If there is reason to believe the conduct represents repeated violations or intentional or malicious infractions of this policy, dismissal is likely. Students and others who make reports on behalf of a student, are protected from retaliation for making good faith complaints or participating in the investigation of a complaint. Any person with a concern that they are being retaliated against should bring it to the attention of the above-named persons.

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