Sabbath July 28, 2012 9:30 A.M.
Song Service Strunk Opening Song
Sabbath July 28, 2012 10:40 A.M. Gary “Jesus Loves Me”
“He Lives” #251 “Cool, Cool Summer”
Hymn of Praise Welcome & Prayer Superintendent Special Feature
#190 Gary Strunk Pastor Hein Strydom
Peggy Tomat, Rebecca McCluskey “Drugs Close to Home” “Joyous & Thankful”
Lesson Study Groups
Freddie Harris Action
VBS 2012 in Pictures Tithes & Offerings Jennifer & Kirsten Lidar “Conference-Wide Church & School Building Fund” Special Music/Offertory
“It Is Written”
Organist: Judy Northrop Children’s Offering & Story
Adult Sabbath School Action Groups Overflow room—Ardyce Fowler, Clyde Williams Elders’ room—Joyce Hopp, Don Martin, Christine Neish Community Services—Dan Buckendahl, Laurel Slater, Dorothy Womack Sanctuary middle right—Mike Magie Sanctuary front center— Peggy Tomat, Bette Husted, Eleanor Dosey Fellowship Hall—Gary Strunk, Bob Cash, Tony Venckeleer Board Room— Tim Chapman, Trish Chapman
Scripture Reading Special Music Preparation for Prayer Congregational Prayer
“Gen 2:1-3”
Addison Wroolie
“Amazing Grace”
VBS Pastor Elijah Grekov Sandra & Alise Estrada
“God With Us”
Matthew Burton
Prayer Response Sermon Hymn of Response
Children’s/Youth Divisions Cradle Roll: (North Patio) Ages 0-3 Kindergarten: (North-East Patio) Ages 4-6 Primary: (East Patio) Ages 7-9 Juniors: (East Patio) Grades 5-6 Earliteens: (South-West Patio) Grades 7-8 Youth: GAP (God’s Action Plan) (Youth Chapel, South Patio) Ages 14-17 Young Adults: (Earliteens Room) Ages 18-35
“This Is How We Know”
VBS Matthew Burton
Organist: Judy Northrop Elders of the Month: John Decker/Robert Usery