The Wildcat Sanctuary Uproar January

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UPROAR! The Wildcat Sanctuary

January 2015

Jeremy, tiger

UPROAR! The Wildcat Sanctuary

Noah, cougar

From the Found e

January 2015 | Issue 5

Tammy Thies Founder & Executive Director


Julie Hanan Contributor

One rescue at a time….

Carissa L. Winter Graphic Designer


Photography by TWS staff and Pamela Lammersen of PCML Photography

ver since I started the Sanctuary over 15 years ago, I knew that I always wanted our organization to have heart. It was important to be true to the original mission, because that meant being true to you and the cats. The Wildcat Sanctuary needed to be a place where each animal was looked at as an individual, not a collection or grouped by species. With 18 bobcats, I can tell you that no two are the same. The same goes for hybrids, servals and even the tigers. Each cat has their own past that has molded who he or she is today. Each has their own personality with likes and dislikes. Some are quiet and easy going, while others like to create their own drama… which cats often like to do. We were not meant to be a one size fits all approach. It’s okay for a food aggressive bobcat to be a little heavy in order to take the edge off and decrease negative reactions to other animals. On the other hand, a cat who suffers from a bad declaw and arthritis may be thinner to ensure he is pain free and has mobility. It’s a place where the old can look a little rugged and frail, but still enjoy life in the tall grass or heated building and the young can cause a mess by tipping over water bowls and destroying toys. It was also important that the Sanctuary give back choices and freedoms to the animals we rescue. So much has been stripped from them but, here at the Sanctuary, they can choose to stroll through a free-roaming enclosure, or feel safe in a smaller indoor room. They can choose to play with others or quietly nap alone. They are given several options for shade and play because just having one is not enough. We are an organization that won’t turn our backs on a cat in need. We will network, transport and help provide a second chance at life even if our Sanctuary is full, because every life matters. We know you feel the same way and are so humbled by your support. I am so thankful that today we have such caring volunteers, board, staff and supporters who believe every animal is as special as we do. There is no end to what we can do for the animals, and we will continue doing amazing things - one rescue at a time.

Mission: Provide natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspire change to end the captive wildlife crisis. Vision: Help create a world where wild animal sanctuaries are no longer needed. The Wildcat Sanctuary is accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and the American Sanctuary Association. TWS is also a member of the American Association of Zookeepers and licensed by the USDA.

The Wildcat Sanctuary PO Box 314 • Sandstone, MN 55072 320-245-6871

For the cats, Max, Eurasian Lynx

Follow us on: Tammy Thies Founder & Executive Director Copyright © The Wildcat Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved.


January 2015


January 2015


In the Heart of a Rescue

Tonka, tiger

A life on display


received a call from a caretaker of a small event center in California. She explained that servals, caracals, a lynx and tigers were on display at a mansion. The mansion was used for weddings, events, retreats, tours and even yoga classes. The cats were all 4-paw declawed, in very small enclosures and one of the tiger enclosures was not compliant with the state regulations and the tiger needed a new home. His name was Tonka. She called several sanctuaries and all of us said the same thing – we can’t help the owner dump an animal at our expense while he continues exploiting others. We received this call in the midst of acting as placement coordinator for 11 big cats and bears that needed homes from Alabama. The Alabama cats needed immediate placement and many needed medical attention, so they had to take precedent. After several months, conference calls and coordination, thankfully all 11 animals found safety at reputable sanctuaries. I then received another call on Tonka and now the state agency gave 60 days to find him a new home. We knew absorbing one tiger would be doable, but was it ethical if all the other cats remained with the exhibitor? So, instead of taking the easy route and agreeing to just take one cat in, we did what was right. We offered Tonka a home ONLY if the exhibitor would release all seven cats to TWS. It would be a huge undertaking, but we had to do it. It was the right thing to do. First, we heard all the cats were coming which meant we’d have to make accommodations for seven new cats. The next week, we were informed that the owner would release all but his prized possession white tiger. Now, we had another decision to make. We were willing to scramble, build and do what was necessary to save them all and end a cycle, but now that wasn’t happening. Do we help who we can and


January 2015

take on the hardship while this exhibitor still keeps a white tiger to exploit? We worked with International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other sanctuaries and a second sanctuary came forward agreeing to take some of the cats as well. We both agreed helping all but one was better than helping none. Then again, a few days before transport, the owner declined to place two more cats at the other sanctuary. We had to revisit our decision again. By now, we felt we knew the animals personally. The former caretakers had sent their files, photos and spent several hours on the phone sharing stories and pleading for our help. We knew Tonka had no alternative if we didn’t say yes. It wasn’t a national case with exposure, he wasn’t starving or being abused, yet he still needed a home and his fate was unknown. So we agreed to take in Tonka and two caracals named Nigel and Ivan and the other sanctuary accommodated the lynx. We agreed to return in the spring to take in the two servals and hoped the owner could be convinced to relinquish his one remaining white tiger. After months, the cats were finally scheduled to arrive and call TWS home. We were busy preparing areas, building new ones to give them the best life possible, as well as protect them from the Minnesota winters in their heated indoor rooms. We were looking forward to a happy ending after all this time. The cats arrived at 5 am in the morning. It had been a long trip for the cats, as well as the other sanctuary who transported them all. When we unloaded Tonka from the van, I asked the driver how big was Tonka’s old enclosure? They responded, “About as big as this van.” To see Tonka step out of the crate and into his free-roaming habitat confirmed we had done the right thing. Tonka arrived severely atrophied in his back end from


January 2015


Nigel, caracal not having a large enough space to exercise. He was put on a mobility program to help strengthen his back end and it was wonderful to see him climb up on his hammock the first time. He is a playful boy and definitely the largest tiger at the Sanctuary. Sadly, Ivan the caracal was weak, uncoordinated and could not walk when he arrived. His records noted a neurological episode in 2012. Even with around the clock supportive care, Ivan was too weak to continue on. He gave up his fight within 36 hours of arriving at TWS. Ivan is a part of TWS forever, even though he was only here a few days. His brother Nigel was by his side until the end. Our hearts broke. We cried tears for a cat we felt had been a part of our family forever. Rescues weren’t supposed to end this way. Nigel also continues to have neurological symptoms. So far we have been able to control the episodes with supportive care. Times like these, remind us how special each cat is, that we never forget where they came from or what they have been through and how important our mission truly is.

Two cubs will grow up at The Wildcat Sanctuary Tonka, tiger


January 2015

Shortly after Tonka, Nigel and Ivan arrived, we received a call from an exhibiting facility that needed to place two adolescent white tiger cubs. They explained that the tigers had been bred at their facility, but with staff changeover, they had decided to no longer breed tigers. This was a big deal to have a facility no longer breed tigers that would end up as surplus. Of course, we agreed to help as long as they would sign a contract stating they would not breed their remaining adult tigers and, if they had to be placed, they would be placed at an accredited sanctuary or zoo. I was inspired by the facility and staff who were now putting the animals first and really trying to make the right decisions. They could have made a hefty profit by selling white tigers and cubs to the highest bidder, but they didn’t. They even set up veterinarian appointments to sterilize the tigers prior to placement.

Then it all came crashing down. The zoo staff was informed that they didn’t legally own three of the five adult tigers. It turned out, the parents were actually on a breeding loan from a zoo and the facility did not have the legal right to spay/neuter or place the tigers. This was devastating to all involved, but an all too common practice in zoos around the country. The originating zoo that owned the trio decided they wanted to rehome the adult white tigers to another zoo that would breed them. And worse yet, they said they did not want the third adult tiger who was orange and decided to split up the trio that had always lived together. If we could find an immediate home for the trio together, we asked if the facility could convince the originating zoo to rehome them to a sanctuary? In other words, give the zoo an ultimatum – pick up the tigers now or they can legally be placed at a Sanctuary? At least this would still give us a chance to place these white tigers and stop the cycle of breeding. As I write this, we are still in the middle of these negotiations. But, what was to become of the cubs that could indeed be removed from the breeding pool - if we acted now and agreed to take them in? We decided to make the commitment to them and they were neutered before they even arrived. At least we know no other white tigers will be bred by these two, only to be exploited. And, we will continue to fight as hard as we possibly can to save their parents, too. There are so many ethical decisions, legal hurdles, and emotional ups and downs that go into each rescue. But once each cat comes through our Sanctuary gates, we know we made the right choice. We can’t help but think of the saying, “Saving the life of one animal may not change the world, but the world will surely change for that one animal.” We see it every day, as I look at Tonka playing in his first big pile of snow. The decisions are hard. But, seeing the difference it makes for a cat like Tonka who had no other chance, or for the tiger cubs who climbed their first tree today, we know we’re making the right choices for them. And it’s always about them.


Simon, tiger

Jeremy, tiger

January 2015


Nunda, Cleo and Mufasa, servals and Sampson, caracal


January 2015


January 2015


Fundraisers are a Roaring Success! Over $160,000 Raised


ecause of YOU, this year’s Jungle Boogie and Give to the Max Day raised much needed funds to provide the best care for our cats!

Jungle Boogie 2014 – A Black Tail Event was a classic black and white evening that celebrated all of the lives we’ve saved together. There were lots of giggles as guests captured memories from this special evening at the fun-filled photo booth led and donated by Kaiser Clix. The talented emcee/auctioneer team of Heather Harden and Karen Sorbo kept dinner lively as guests viewed the debut of our new brand video, created by HDMG. Chicago’s Northdown Taproom and Julie Hanan received special recognition as our Lion Pride Award recipients. The Sanctuary welcomed new sponsors this year, including 3M and Surly Brewing Co. And a huge thank you to the Mahley Family Foundation for the matching Fund-A-Need grant. Our beautiful 2015 Calendar, made possible by PCML Photography, was a huge hit. It’s a big effort to pull off an event like this and we thank the donors, supporters, event committee, staff and volunteers who made it happen! Give to the Max Day 2014 - you helped us rank 4th on the medium nonprofit leaderboard! During this 24 hour day of giving, over 1100 donors came together for the cats, including over 450 new donors. A special thank you to our donors Peggy Fisher and Lisa Coldor Stinson for providing matching grants that inspired others to give generously!


January 2015

Working Together


he Wildcat Sanctuary is happy to announce a new partnership with 3M products. The company recently launched a new series of duct tape called Tiger, Serval Spots, and White Tiger. This series features an actual photographic image of each of our cats’ fur patterns - our serval Sebastian along with tigresses Ekaterina and Sierra. Our No More Wild Pets campaign message is prominently displayed on each roll of tape, too.

Each roll features the story of our cat, as well as The Wildcat Sanctuary’s mission. By reaching a new market, 3M is helping in our efforts to increase public awareness about the captive wildlife crisis and decrease the number of wild animals being kept as pets. Look for the duct tape in retail stores such as Office Max and Staples. We love hearing from our supporters who have found it stocked in stores all over the country!

Each Person Makes a Difference


e have so many wonderful volunteers that give countless hours and expertise to help our mission and help end the big cat crisis. One of those special people is volunteer Sally Thornton. Sally has been a donor and sponsor of TWS for many years, but more recently became an onsite volunteer over the past year. Sally has helped in so many ways from office support, consulting on fundraising, to building outdoor habitats. Her most memorable job was shoveling a path in the deep snow so that our several hundred pound lions could get out to their perch! Sally’s contribution to TWS is priceless, she has volunteered 1002 hours this past year. And her work to help animals doesn’t stop there. She also works full-time at the Animal Humane Society, very involved with the transport and rescue of Chihuahuas from California to Minnesota and volunteers helping provide dogs and cats on the Leech Lake Reservation with much-needed veterinary care. UPROAR!

January 2015


Treating the Entire Animal


t can be easy to think that, with just a little TLC, you can turn around the life of a rescued resident. In the best case scenarios, that can happen. But, more often than not, the cats that come to the Sanctuary have extreme medical conditions, unknown history and, understandably, behavioral issues or fear of humans. Our job is to make sure we treat the entire animal, both physically and emotionally. We provide the tools to help them heal. Each case is extremely different and many are very difficult. Some struggle with neurological and auto-immune disorders, while others are medically healthy but battle with stress and fear issues brought on by past neglect and abuse. Every single one deserves the chance to thrive and overcome the issues they arrive with or develop as they age. And it’s important to us that we provide as many tools as possible to help them heal. We know how important it is to you, too!


January 2015

Quality care begins with our whole team sharing their input and observations. We each hold a piece of the puzzle that’s important in developing the best plan and path for each specific cat. The cat’s intake file may provide information about their past. As the founder, I may have a unique perspective about behavioral and health history information for our long term residents. New members of the team bring expertise and experience from past sanctuaries and their work environments that can shed new light and new ideas for consideration. Caretakers observe and make notations about the animals daily. Our volunteers see and share changes in animals each time they visit. All these puzzle pieces come together so we can provide exceptional care for the cats. Our veterinarians and specialists can provide the best medical treatment choices when they know as much as they possibly can about the cats Each of us knows that T.E.A.M. stands for The Entire Animal Matters. Our vets, including Dr. Lori Ballinger, conduct exams every three years and provide preventative care continuously. They perform and oversee emergency surgeries that helped cats like Asha the lioness and Aslan the lion survive life-threatening health issues. Scarlet the clouded leopard wouldn’t have survived pyometra if not for the fast action of our surgical team. At his advanced age, Nigel the caracal has needed supportive and diagnostic care for neurological symptoms that have required quick intervention, too. The majority of our residents are senior and geriatric, so our veterinary team is ever vigilant in monitoring them closely. Quality care means we seek the input of those outside our sanctuary, too.

This year, our Sanctuary Manager collaborated with International Fund for Animal Welfare and wild cat sanctuaries across the country to develop the “Best Practices in Nutritional and Feeding Protocols.” The end goal of the working group has been to create a document containing the recommendations for the highest standards related to exotic feline nutrition and feeding considerations. We know it will be a valuable resource for many in the field. We also use an extended team and partnerships to expand the veterinary care we can provide. The Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation brings vets and dentists from around the world to provide specialized dentistry treatments, such as root canals, for our cats. This year, they treated caracal Sampson, bobcats Buddy and Libby, lynx Leisha, serval Jaharah and tiger Ekaterina for their much-needed dental issues.

Twenty-seven of our residents are over 15 years old. Prior to arriving at The Wildcat Sanctuary, a large majority of our cats were 4-paw declawed and several have complications. We’ve seen regrowth that causes abscesses and lameness due to early onset arthritis. Our treatment plan includes providing pain relief through medication, as well as laser therapy. We use two kinds of laser treatments, including low level laser therapy performed by Dr. Gordon. We also collaborate with Dr. Conrad, founder of the acclaimed Paw Project, to document the problems caused by declawing and we continue to educate others about why declawing big cats should be outlawed.


For cats that have extremely active minds or are highly stressed and fearful due to traumatic histories, we’ve developed behavioral training programs in conjunction with Active Environment. We brought their expert onsite for a full week to learn about our Sanctuary, our cats, and those that seem to need special attention. When we strive to provide optimal care for our captive population, we also want to reduce or eliminate any abnormal behavior we might observe. Again, it’s the entire animal that’s important – mind and body. We’ve successfully applied suggested behavioral modification techniques and positive reinforcement with several of our cats. For example, tigress Sabrina’s sessions include acclimating her to new people and to more people so that she’s no longer fearful of humans. So far, by implementing the behavioral management tools, the transformation we’ve seen in her has been amazing! Quality care is something that takes a large team, both here at the Sanctuary and outside the Sanctuary. YOU are a big part of that team, too. You help us bring all the puzzle pieces together to provide the highest level of care possible for these cats we all love – and we thank you!

January 2015


Claud, Benson, bobcats

O’Malley, African serval


January 2015

Castle, cougar

Layla, tiger


January 2015


Aslan had given us the sign. It was time to let him go with dignity.

Aslan, lion


January 2015


Aslan the Lion Forever King of his Wild Life

t was an unseasonably warm winter day. The snow was thawing and patches of grass appeared all throughout sanctuary. The sun was shining. Aslan was spending the morning doing what he loved most – napping in between his girls Asha and Shanti Deva. They were curled up in a patch of exposed grass soaking in the sun’s rays. Asha was snug on his left side and Shanti was a few feet away on his right. This is what he always lived for. This is what we spent the past six months ensuring he received. The vet and I approached the enclosure during our morning rounds. Aslan was a special part of everyone’s routine so we could monitor his health closely. Six months ago he was diagnosed with serious and chronic hepatitis of the liver. We made the decision to provide treatment as long as he could remain with his pride and be pain free. Today, I was looking at Aslan who now had a very blonde and thinning mane – a side effect from some of his medications. This was quite the contrast from the full and dark mane he had in his younger years. His body was now that of an aged cat. But he was enjoying this day to the fullest. He was still the king of our sanctuary. Some even referred to him as the “tree of life” – a symbol of magnificent beauty and existence. We had seen a steady decline and knew his time was limited. But we did not think it would end today. The pride was together and seemed more connected than ever. As I observed the lions blissfully in the sun with their eyes closed, I asked that Aslan give us a sign when it was time to let go. But for now, he would get to spend a peaceful day with the pride. Shortly after I left the sanctuary that afternoon, Aslan had a serious seizure. As the caretakers rushed to the enclosure, Shanti Deva and Asha were trying to coax him up and were nudging and pushing him. When the seizure subsided, all three of them were coaxed into their indoor building. Aslan had given us the sign. It was time to let him go with dignity. The seizures would only get worse and his body would only deteriorate. He deserved to leave the sanctuary as king, the same way he arrived. Our compassionate vet and staff made his last moments as peaceful as possible. Aslan remained in his area overnight so Asha and Shanti Deva could mourn his loss. When I was informed of his passing, I had taken a photo on my cell phone. I was several hours away, but it seemed fitting to take a photo of such a spectacular tree, maybe the “tree of life” in honor of Aslan. He is now able to be free and king of his wild life. The pride is still together in spirit and one day will be reunited. Until then, we will take wonderful care of his girls, Asha and Shanti Deva. Thank you to all of you who helped us provide Aslan six additional months of a happy life with the pride he loved so much. He spent his last day beautifully and doing what meant most to him. We have your support to thank for that. Aslan will be deeply missed but always be a part of The Wildcat Sanctuary.


January 2015


Ivan, caracal

In Memory

Gifts through 12/31/2014

We knew you for a few short days and you will be part of TWS forever. Sumatra, bengal

In memory of Sheena 1993-2014 We love you! Ted and Barb Saurman

In memory of Mittens Laura Blauch

In memory of Jack & Missy, two loyal companions Cornelia Hutt

In memory of Ivan, your sweet caracal who passed away Karle Busse

In memory of our sweet Menou kitty Linda Lowry

In memory of Ivan the caracal Teresa Calvert

In memory of Carolyn Hunt, our mom whose gypsy soul and wild heart live on through her kids and granddaughters Chris, Shannon, and Beth

In memory of Juneau Jacquelyn Campbell

In memory of Mom Millie Heidi Nelson In memory of Eric’s 21st Birthday. You are never forgotten – We love you Big Cat Harry, Lisa, Ashley & Grant In memory of Marmalade Sahr Kim Sahr In memory of Lacey Jane Kande Larson In memory of Pepper and Gabby Fred & Nancy Buono In loving memory of Thai-Rone Telling, much loved 20 year old Siamese pet of Marilyn & Jerry “Aunt” Wanda Finn In memory of Herb Cederberg Rosalind Annen In memory of Lillian Perrotta Marissa Mazeika

You were mother to all of your bengal friends and to your caretakers.

In memory of Princess Beloved cat of Michael Finken In memory of Hercules Marlene Font

You had a special beauty that will always shine bright. Felicity, bobcat

In memory of Christopher’s 35th Birthday Linda Duncan In memory of Sarafina Joan Eichelberg In memory of all the lost kitties Alison Flores In memory of Miss Holly… gone too soon Teresa Harris In memory of my small cat who thought he was a big cat Jennifer Harmatz In memory of Beau and Sebby Morganne Kaster In memory of Mars Longden, beloved husband of Sanna Longden & best friend to all who knew him Revel Miller In memory of Kit-Kat Glinda King In memory of all the voices forever heard in our hearts Nicole Lane

In memory of Sassy Don Ludewig

In memory of Angel Debra Krook

In memory of Albert, my 20 year old Tabby Jet Auer

In memory of Allison, helping the “kitties” for you while you care for all the critters in heaven Paul and Karen Lynn

In memory of Albert Beloved tabby of Jet Auer In memory of Misty and friends Kathryn Bell In memory of my Big Kitty Kirsten Bergs

January 2015

In memory of Cairo, Miss you every second of everyday AJ Dickson

In memory of Abby and Ned Corydon Hohenstein

In memory of Millie Schuman Jay Walker


In memory of my mom, who always had room in her heart and home for furry babies Billie Coppola

In memory of Ember Melrose Velia Melrose In memory and honor of Joyce Milby Cass 1942-1970 Matthew March In loving memory of Harlequin Mitchell Alexandra Mitchell


In loving memory of all the precious cats I’ve shared my life with Kim Meline In memory of Naisiusiu, RIP little girl Jeffery Meyers In memory of Tumbleweed, RIP my little panther at heart Bobbi Minjares In memory of Rocky Sherry Norbeck In memory of Sasha Tisha Paige In memory of Gwynnie Vicki Reese In memory of Nancy Shore Susan Quist In memory of Eric R. Procaccini Ruth Procaccini

In memory of Robert W. Meisch Ann Meisch In memory of Menou, the sweetest kitty Lynda Lowry In memory of Jon Nicholson S Perry and L Staples In memory of Anne Wilder John Topolski In memory of Jackson David Bayes Rob Topolski In memory of our “wanderlust” friend, Chuck. Love, Ebenezer and Blossom In memory of Valene Perault Kris Sittig-Bernard In memory of Annie Sabourin Pamela Fisher

In memory of Sassy Linda Schlutz

In memory of my son Ken. He loved The Wildcat Sanctuary Donna Czupta Grabowski

In memory of Ty, Onyx, and Ebony Shirley Sinclaire

In memory of Aslan Sharon Wood

In memory of Yoma Rajah Nomad Alan Smith

In memory of Carolyn Hunt Dady Elizabeth Schlitter

In memory of little Aster Ellen Stewart In memory of Jazz Bonnie Studler In memory of Mary Rowan Quinn, Beloved sister Jan Swan In memory of Ken and Lorna Wiener Geri Wilson In memory of my “tiger” Mr. T Sharon Wood In memory of Mabel Kohl Emily Belanus In memory of Karen Anne Carpenter a star on earth a star in heaven J.A. de Vos In loving memory of Nala and all the wonderful cats in our family Deirdre Maher In memory of Moonshadow the cougar at Wildlife West Nature Park in Edgewood NM Nicole Wylie

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. January 2015


In Honor

In Honor cont.

Gifts through 12/31/2014

For all the beautiful wild cats - may you live out your lives in peace comfort safety and harmony with each other!! Molly Nemec

In honor of Ryan Steink Ella Lentos

In honor of Shotgun Wendy Contreras

In honor of my little cat Betsy Nancy Krupa

In honor of Scarlet’s caregivers Pat Seger

In honor of Roz Annen’s birthday Ford and Barbara Sharpe

In honor of Lynn Krapf Steve Sanders

In honor of my love for animals Billie Coppola

In honor of all the kitties in Hybrid Haven Brian Link

In honor of all you do Mary Simon

In honor of Nancy Tyler Mrs. Melodee Costanzo

In honor of all the wild and free animals Jean Cruger

In honor of Rocky and Zeph Carolyn Sigman

In honor of Sophie and Charter Jon Lintvet

In honor of Tony the Tiger, “Free Tony the Tiger!” Darlene DeSantis

In honor of Edmund, Beloved house black panther Lisa Mathews

Happy Birthday Karen Pauls Michelle Friessen In honor of Rosalind Annen’s birthday Wayne and Paula Nelson In honor of Carissa Winter and her work for all creatures great and small Cornelia Hutt In honor of Rosalind Annen’s birthday Susan Howard and Rosalind Annen In honor of Michelle Friessen Karen Pauls In honor of Sally Thornton – Happy Birthday Sis! Molly Craig To celebrate my little Queenie’s life Raddi Warfield In honor of Linda and Todd Haug’s birthdays!! Joanne Haug In honor of my vet tech job and my personal animal rescues Dawn Perault In honor of George, with the heart of a lion in the body of a house cat Laurie Knowles In honor of Isaiah Varona Stephen Supperer In honor of Elizabeth Eide’s birthday Kande Larson In honor of Ruby Lawrence John Streeter In honor of Bengal tigers Sandy Hutchins In honor of Aslan’s recovery Wanda Finn In honor of Paula Nelson’s birthday Rosalind Annen In honor of Tes Schaff Jeff Brein In honor of Booties Danita Roberts In honor of Mary Harden Johnson Linda S Ripley


January 2015

In honor of Paula Nelson’s Birthday Ford and Barbara Sharpe

In honor of Suki Keith MacPherson

In honor of the beautiful cats that deserve good lives Linda Ehrle

In honor of Nina, Murza, Charlie, Bimber, and Barnaby Margaret McNeal

In honor of my mother Frances Mackiewicz, the best cat lover I know who instilled this love for all felines to my daughter Pamela Steve Mackiewicz

In honor of Dr. Julie Sorenson Andrya Feinberg

In honor of my overlords to yours Andrea Miller

In honor of Zippy the awesome cat Jonathan Ford

In honor of Suri, the white tiger that lived at the Audubon Zoo for many years Richard Abbrecht

In honor of Lulu and Morelli Leah Fuller

In honor of Kodak, the best kitty in the universe Susan Nancarrow

In honor of Andrew Schindlbeck Heidi Schindlbeck

In honor of all the great and beautiful cats you work so hard to support Kristine Anthony In honor of Cinbad, who will always be a wildcat at heart Helen Babin In honor of Baby Fio and Pixie Genevieve Bachinski

In honor of Chester, Juillet, Stolie, Ruska, and all the “tiny panthers” Sheryl Gamble In honor of all the precious animals who are in desperate need of forever homes Linda Greenfield In honor of all the beautiful cats at The Wildcat Sanctuary Sumy Guzman

In honor of giving all those big kitties a second chance Emma Nelson In honor of Tully Gail Plewacki In honor of Warren Eugene Wright Pamela Poe In honor of Beastie Anna Ransome

In honor of Julie Hanan’s passion for The Wildcat Sanctuary Billy and Peggy Belt

In honor of Orville Smith

In honor of Renard, our Maine Coon Karen Riddell

In honor of all my fur babies Samantha Bennie

In honor of Sabrina the tiger Rosann Hebert

In honor of Ezra Kristen Ringham

In honor of Missy, Sam, Merlin, Morgana, Tartar, and Pinto Ronald Holmes

In honor of Chloe Fabiola Rivas

In honor of my Beloved British Shorthair Cat Richard Braham In honor of Bonnie, animal lover and rescuer Mary Brennan In honor of Dante Pinkley Lynn Brun In honor of Tigerroooo Patrick Clarey In honor of Kim Bender Company match from Stuart Company In honor of Shazam Bob and Kim Coffey In honor of Kitty and Oliver Paul Conboy

In honor of Alexander and Patricia Cowie Janet Huddie

In honor of my love for animals Andrea Romero

In honor of Baby Jenga “He has won my heart” Juliann Johnson

In honor of Tonka, Nigel, and the rest of the pack. RIP Ivan Brian and Lindsy Rudolph

In honor of Kiko Johnson Christina Johnson

In honor of my cat Cindy Violeta Russis

In honor of Hunter Bonnie Kautz

In honor of Tax Jackie Rust

In honor of Abbey Immer Marietta Keenan

In honor of Regi, Paws, and Patches Sue Schillinger

In honor of Reese Susan Kern

In honor of Brianna and Zeus Timothy Schmidt

In honor of Sierra Kimberly Koefod

In honor of Amber Ashley Schweiss


In honor of Lokai and Smoky Peggy Smith In honor of Kathryn Forst John Stout In honor of Kij, Jupiter, and Stella Tess Tyne In honor of all the cats who have owned me Hollida Wakefield In honor of Bette Maureen Weldon In honor of Lorenzo Linda Wetherby In honor of Abbey LuAnn Whale In honor of Greg Wozniak Marissa Wozniak In tribute to all the majestic wild cats made helpless victims/prisoners for profit Karie Beaman In honor of Richie, Max, Bart, Billie, Peaches & Beau Bridget Boellner In honor of all the caretakers for the continued efforts towards Nikita and her healthy life. Thank you for the wonderful joy this brought me Justin Brown

In honor of Pamela Sands Coleman In honor of Aslan from Catskill Game Farm Brenda and Bill Spearman In honor of Harrison Burns Leigh Ann Naas In honor of Tyler Tenorio, he loved tigers! Joan Harbison In honor of Jacob Boucher and S-G Thomas Tom and Terry Degerstrom In honor of Cody Pearson Joanna Husoy In honor of Jenna and Shawn Peters Rachael Barber In honor of Melissa Castillo Anna Golder In honor of Frankie John Debee In honor of Emma Williams Sara Sia In honor of Lynnette Hancock Pamela Moyer In honor of Mireille Jasmine Bayes Rob Topolski In honor of Karen Aven Elizabeth Aven In honor of Bronwen Kathryn Fox In honor of Debbie Bieber Darrick Jackson In honor of Ayesha Kelman Adam Brady

In recognition of the good work that you do for these beautiful critters as well as in raising awareness among humans. Much love to you all Camie Crawford

In honor of Barb & Logan’s wedding Chrissy, Steve, Monica & Jacob

In honor of Alexis Sasha and Marmalade Rosary and Christopher Empett

In honor of The Pudwill Family Brian Wescott

In honor Bailey Marie Kristie Flanigan

In honor of Dick and Joan Apel Brian Wescott

This is a tribute for my cat Loki Melody Geyer

In honor of Patricia Jensen Cheryl Laven

In honor of Samson Bobo Gungor Cheryl & Wilbur Gungor

In memory of Valene Perault The Wildcat Sanctuary

In honor of Kitty Katz & Snowski Gungor Cheryl Gungor

In honor of Olivia Carver-Ritter Melita Ritter

In honor of Taylor Rocco Brian Wescott

In honor of Rosemary

January 2015


In Honor cont. In honor of LaVonne Ludke Donald A. Johnson In honor of Snowflake Steven Remarski

Gifts through 12/31/2014

Your Donations at Work in 2014!

Shalico, Canada lynx

Because of you, an incredible amount of work was completed in 2014 to better the lives of our residents. • 3 tigers, 2 caracals and 2 F1 Bengals were welcomed as new residents • Over 30 big cats found sanctuary across the country through our No Wild Cat Turned Away program • The Small Cat Track building renovation was completed, including 6 interior heated rooms with hammocks, perches and toys • 4 of 6 outdoor free-roaming habitats in Small Cat Track were renovated, including excavation and providing more vertical space • A new Bengal bungalow and heated building were constructed for new residents • 2 Bengal bungalows were upgraded to provide more outdoor spaces for residents • A 6,000 sq foot, free-roaming bobcat habitat in Feline Meadows was constructed • 2 warming houses were constructed and installed for outdoor quarantine and Tasha I to keep them warm this winter • Over a dozen habitats received enhancements, including trees, shrubs, lean-tos and perches to provide more dynamic space for the cats • A new computer system was installed to keep pace with business infrastructure • A new high-definition security system was installed around the property with 18 cameras • A generator was installed in the rescue trailer to operate the heat and air conditioning unit • A back-up generator was installed on property to ensure back-up power in case of an outage • Maintenance was performed on office buildings and grounds equipment Give yourself a big round of applause for all you helped us accomplish!

In honor of Anna Cannon Karen Raines In honor of Gwenn Chriss Maeve Kelly and Frankie Hyde In honor of Barbara Sharpe Paula Nelson In honor of Rosalind Annen Paula Nelson In honor of Roz Annen and Paula Nelson Barbara Sharpe In honor of Barb and Logan – May your life together be full of love, laughter and excitement! Xo Chrissy, Steve, Monica & Jacob xox In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Diana Collier In honor of Mushu Tsopanakis Randall Smith In honor of Barbara Sharpe’s birthday and for Christmas Rosalind Annen In honor of Paula Nelson for Christmas Rosalind Annen

Gifts of $25 or more can be made in honor or memory of a loved one or pet and will appear in UPROAR!


January 2015


January 2015



PO Box 314 • Sandstone MN • 55072

WAYS YOU CAN HELP Details of all our programs can be found at SPONSOR-A-WILD-ONE Sponsor a cat of your choice for yourself or a loved one. As a sponsor parent, you will receive their personal story, photos and more.

LEAVE A LEGACY A planned gift is a way to leave a legacy of support for The Wildcat Sanctuary that endures even after your lifetime. There are numerous different types of gifts, each with unique features and tax benefits..

MIRACLE MATCH Save the date from March 1- April 30th where your gifts for the cats will doubled.

email: phone: 320-245-6871

Noah, cougar

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