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Volume 65
Issue Eleven
Student Voices Expressing Political Viewpoints
By Meital Boim
Grownups are not the only ones with political opinions. Students, too, are expressing their views and sharing their insight on President Obama’s May 2 announcement of Osama bin Laden’s death. Although thoughts vary, one thing everyone can agree on is the importance of the event. “This is a very sensitive issue for most Americans,” junior Kaylar Fullington said. “Osama bin Laden’s death will definitely have a significant impact on Obama’s foreign policy and re-election campaign.” April 4, Obama made his intentions clear to run for a second term, filing his candidacy paperwork and speaking with the electorate. Fullington believes that although bin Laden’s death may improve Obama’s chances of reelection, it may not have a large effect on the campaign. “Bin Laden’s death will probably increase [Obama’s] ratings, but most people would not have agreed, for example, with the ‘respectful’ sea burial that the Obama administration gave him,” Fullington said. “People really hate bin Laden for September 11 and would prefer for him not to be treated with respect. I think that will decrease [Obama’s] approval ratings, if absolutely nothing else, and hurt his chances of re-election.” Senior Andrew Leo agrees that the issue is controversial and ambiguous. He predicts the major topics of the reelection campaign based on what has happened not just in the last few weeks but also in past years. “[He’ll be campaigning] probably mostly on economic issues – the fact that the Republicans were the ones who were [in power] when the economy hit the ground, and now they can be blamed for it,” Leo said. “I think he’ll be talking more about that metaphor that he uses where [the Republicans] drove the car into the ditch and are now asking for the keys back. I don’t think his policies will change, [but] it will sway some of the undecided voters. I think it might make up for [the economy] in some people’s minds, and that’ll definitely sway several voters.” Another interpretation of public opinion following bin Laden’s death regards the group who executed the mission that killed bin Laden. “The general public will perceive that Obama is responsible CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
May 13, 2011
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Tradition of Saving Lives Student Congress Prepares for 32nd Blood Drive By Sarah Rosselet
The annual blood drive will be held on May 20, and while the perks of giving blood are obvious (cute t-shirts, free food & drinks, a brief escape from class) the amount of planning and work put into the drive are not. As the host of the largest high school blood drive in the nation, there certainly is a record to uphold. Last year 1,052 units of blood were collected, more than the blood collected by Plano East and Plano West combined. Sponsored by Carter Bloodcare, the drive is completely self-sustaining: Student Congress makes the refreshments and advertises the drive, students run the stations, and Carter does all of the sanitation and set-up. Student Congress Senior Chairman Kelsey Wolf and Junior Chairman Ali Tejani are in charge of running the blood drive, and Wolf has increasing responsibilities as the drive nears. “There’s a lot of things to do to prepare, there’s a binder that is probably about three inches thick full of things that you need to do,” Wolf said. “You have to make sure that the gym is reserved, you have to contact Carter Bloodcare to make sure that they know that they know the date that it’s happening, and get all of the information for the tables. They come the day before and set up everything, all we have to do is get the people to come and help run it.” The drive is advertised weeks in advance to attract community members as well as students, and the amount of community involvement is reflected in the sheer amount of blood donated. Last year’s numbers were high, but this year Student Congress wants them to be even higher. “We’re hoping to donate over 1000 units of blood, so that’s about 1000 people,” Wolf said. “It’s Ms. Roe’s (Student Congress sponsor) last blood drive so she wants it to be the best. The record being held is 1200 something, but that was when 16-year-olds were able to donate. So it’s kind of hard for us to beat it, but we want to.” For many students wanting to give blood, the blood drive can be confusing and stressful. The multitude of stations may seem overwhelming at first, but Wolf explains the stations to prospective donors.
Construction Update By Daniel Hinson
The construction occurring on campus will be finishing soon with the opening of three new additions to the buildings. Faculty and students have spent the last nine months watching workers construct new classrooms and storage facilities. All construction should be finished before the school year starts next year. During the summer months work will still be going on. Sidewalks, drainage, and painting the buildings are part of the final stage of construction. About 95% of the sidewalks on the campus are going to be torn out this summer and redone. There are several areas where the ground has swelled up or dropped out from underneath the sidewalk causing water to
drain incorrectly. There are many areas where the concrete has cracked and crumbled apart. “Next year when students return to school they will see a whole new sidewalk,” associate principal Glenn Davis said. “There is not going to be a whole lot of changes in the way things are laid out but there will be new sidewalks.” Workers will also be looking at the backside of Building A. At the beginning of this school year, there was a problem with the amount of rainfall. Some of the classrooms on the bottom floor leaked inside. When it rained, water would run towards the building and some of it leaked inside the classroom. To fix this problem, the ground will be dug out; the cracks
in the side of the building will be seal, and then ground around the building will be fixed so that water runs away from the building instead of towards it. The portables will leave campus right at the end of school. Davis hopes the portables will be gone the first week after classes are done. “They can’t take them out right now because we still have classes in there,” Davis said. “The week after AP exams, we are going to move some of the government classrooms out into the new government area. Art will start moving in as well. Graphic arts won’t move until the end of school because all the equipment needs to go up to the classroom. Once we get everyone out, they will start dismantling the
portables and taking them out.” Most of the construction has to do with the growth of the programs on campus. The four by four plan called for more science classrooms. The band and choir departments have also been growing for years and receive much needed space. “[The new additions] will improve the school by adding much needed space,” Davis said. “With the addition of the four by four plan we needed more lab space. When we added more science classes, it took four classes of government away from us. It also took graphic arts away along with art. So there was a need to add additional classrooms for those subjects.”