Issue 5 8 December 2011

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The Wildcat Tales volume lxvi

December 8, 2011

Issue Five

Plano Senior High School

Plano, TX, USA

Boys basketball shoots off

The Descendants Review

A tribute to Dr. Otto

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The decision to wait Students’ views on abstinence By Haley Bunnell

She was dressed all in white, he in a black tux. They both stared into each other’s eyes and swore to each other that they would live happily ever after. She had waited for that perfect guy. The one she could give everything to, and she gave him the most precious gift she could – her virginity. Not only did she wait, but he as well. It was on their wedding night that they were able to share their most precious gifts. Brett and Mary Scarborough have been committed and in love for 23 years. “I do believe that it is a gift,” Mary said. “A gift that God gives for a husband and a wife. When they wait for that person that God has picked out for you, then it is a special gift. It is something that is shared. God made it, and it is wonderful.” Brett believes that there is a time and place to have sex and that teenage years are just not the


“There are a lot of good reasons for abstinence that

everyone gets taught at school such as avoidance of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies that either lead to

child birth or abortion,” Brett said. “I think everyone believes there is a place and time for a

child in your life and 10th or 11th grade is just not the best time.” According to Brett, there are many temptations during the

By Paul Burnham teenage years, but there are ways to resist the temptations. “I don’t think it’s unlike a lot of other challenges we face,” Brett said. “For example alcoholics have to avoid situations that put them in a spot of temptation. If you stay out after curfew you put yourself in a situation where you’re more likely to get in trouble or find yourself with the wrong people at the wrong time. So part of that is just trying to understand what those boundaries are, or what the situations are that can lead to temptation.” Both Brett and Mary grew up in Christian households that believed strongly in abstinence. Just as their parents waited, they did as well, and have raised their two children to do the same. Their daughter senior Sarah Scarborough goes to church every Sunday continued on page


District sues state due to budget cuts By Alyssa Matesic

After much research, conferencing and discussions, the decision came unanimously amongst the school board members at the Nov. 15 meeting. PISD will join Highland Park and Lewisville in a lawsuit against the state. Similar coalitions across Texas, including Houston ISD, Dallas ISD and Austin ISD, have formed, all with the same charge at hand: the state is failing to adequately fund its public education systems. The districts claim that Texas is violating constitutional education requirements and that recent budget cuts have sunk school finances too far for them to operate smoothly. The district is not a stranger to state lawsuits, and neither is Texas. The state has been found guilty of deficient funding before (in the case of West OrangeCove v. Neeley). According to principal Sarah Watkins, other

approaches to amending the problem, such as traditional lobbying, will not suffice. “I think [suing] may be about the only option we have at this point,” Watkins said. “Lawsuits are ways that have been used before; [the district has] gone this route before. It’s reasonable to take this as the next step.” PISD Board of Trustees vice president Nancy Humphrey claims that increased funds are vital for not only a successful education system, but also a successful society. “Unfortunately, the legislature has set the precedent in the past that it will only be motivated to make changes to school finance if it is sued to do so,” Humphrey said. “I feel that adequate funding for education is essential in preparing our young population for the future and, relatedly, is critical for the success of our state and nation overall.”

Annually, the suit will cost PISD around $60,000, and is expected to last at least three years. This cost, however, is not significant enough to damage the districts’ finances further, as it is a small fraction of the $476 million annual budget. In a past lawsuit, the district was reimbursed much of the legal fees after its victory. “Currently, we believe that we have a good legal position and, therefore, feel the upside potential associated with prevailing in this lawsuit will be well worth the investment in legal fees,” Humphrey said. If the district wins this suit, programs and staff that were previously cut may be renewed. Watkins believes more funding would lead mostly to securing current and hiring more staff members at Plano. Despite the suit’s outcome, however, she believes the district will remain successful.

Top 10 News stories of 2011

“We’ve had to struggle with finances before, but we have a really good sense of what kids need to be ready for the next step, and I think we’re going to stay focused on that,” Watkins said. “As long as we do stay focused on that, I think we’ll continue to provide an excellent education for our students.” Watkins explained that school district news, while maybe not immediately applicable to everyday life, is important for students to think about when pondering what the future holds for their children. Schooling options may be different for the next generation. “I don’t know of any institution that does more for ensuring a democracy and a capitalist economy than schooling does for those students who take advantage of it,” Watkins said. “I hope it stays around.”


Terrorist leader Osama bin Laden was captured and killed by American Navy SEALs after a 10-year manhunt.

Fourteen years after his mother’s death, Prince William wed Kate Middelton.


After nearly 3 months of deliberating, a jury ruled Casey Anthony not guilty in the death of her daughter Caylee.

After 30 years and 135 missions, NASA launched it’s final manned space shuttle.



Only months after his resignation, Apple cofounder Steve Jobs passes away from pancreatic cancer.

The self proclaimed “99%” started a global movement, protesting major banks’ financial policies.



While attending a campaign rally, Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head by an astranged gunman who killed six others.

An “Arab Spring,” sparked by social media, caused revolutions in several prodominately Arab countries, overturning governments and calling for democracy.




The worst earthquake and tsunami in Japan’s history destroyed millions of homes and took the lives of thousands.

After being run out of office, Libya dictator Moammar Ghadaffi is captured and killed in his home town of Sirte.


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Issue 5 8 December 2011 by Plano Senior High School - Issuu