2007~8 Wild Country Workbook

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Meverill Road, Tideswell, Buxton Derbyshire, SK17 8PY T: 00 44 (0) 1298 871010 F: 00 44 (0) 1298 872077 info@wildcountry.co.uk www.wildcountry.co.uk

EXCALIBUR DISTRIBUTION PO Box 1007, Sandy Salt Lake City, Utah 84091, USA T: + 01 (801) 942 8471 F: + 01 (801) 942 8531

Wild Country, Red Chili & Infinity Ropes sponsored climber Katherine Schirmacher shows what it takes to succeed on ‘Balance it is’ E7 6C, Burbage South, Peak District. Photo: Alex Mesenger


usa@wildcountry.co.uk www.wildcountry.co.uk

RED CHILI HANDELSVERTRETUNG Hauptstr 55, D - 74369 Lochgaü, Germany T: + 49 (0) 71 432 49 44 F: + 49 (0) 71 432 57 79 info@redchili.de www.redchili.de


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