Wild Goose Chase

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WILD G OOSE C HASE Exploring the spirituality of everyday life

Annie Heppenstall

Some sample pages


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Copyright © 2006 Annie Heppenstall First published 2006 by Wild Goose Publications, 4th Floor, Savoy House, 140 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G2 3DH, UK. Wild Goose Publications is the publishing division of the Iona Community. Scottish Charity No. SCO03794. Limited Company Reg. No. SCO96243.

www.ionabooks.com ISBN 1-901557-94-4 13-digit ISBN: 978-1-901557-94-7 The publishers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Drummond Trust, 3 Pitt Terrace, Stirling FK8 2EY, in producing this book. Cover design © Wild Goose Publications Cover photograph © T. Vandersar /SuperStock Internal illustrations © Annie Heppenstall Annie Heppenstall has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means including photocopying or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Overseas distribution: Australia: Willow Connection Pty Ltd, Unit 4A, 3-9 Kenneth Road, Manly Vale, NSW 2093 New Zealand: Pleroma, Higginson Street, Otane 4170, Central Hawkes Bay Canada: Novalis/Bayard Publishing & Distribution, 10 Lower Spadina Ave., Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z2 Printed by Bell & Bain, Thornliebank, Glasgow, Scotland

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God in the ordinary, in marginalised people and work situations around us. Raven as a symbol of Holy Spirit.



God in the home; Jesus in people’s homes; symbolism and opportunity for reflection within the home.



God in meeting our needs, and our service of God through meeting the needs of others. The cockerel as a reflection on Peter’s denial, his lowest point and moment of deepest need.



Communication with God – the eagle carries the prayers of the faithful. Intercessory and Celtic-style prayers relating to situations in everyday life.



Being with God through cycles and passing of time; days and months. Reflection on dying and rising.



Reflections on our physical bodies, and seeking opportunity to focus on the presence of God in the present moment.



The spiritual journey of our lives; seeking and finding a love relationship with God through contemplation.



Exploring communion; coming together for the ‘lakeshore experience’, lakes being a point of contact between heaven and earth; a concluding act of worship – the Leaderless Eucharist.




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Prayers for making heat and light Switching on a heater or the radiator boiler, kindling a bonfire or a hearth fire, even turning on the oven or grill … switching on the lights, lighting a candle, using a torch … Biblical reflection: James 2:14–17 The writer asks us what is the value in uttering a blessing on someone we know to be cold and hungry without actually doing anything to help them. Faith without works is dead. Remember Peter, huddled for warmth by a brazier in the High Priest’s courtyard, recognised in the firelight, challenged, frightened. Remember him again, wading eagerly through the sea to the charcoal fire which the risen Jesus had lit, around which the disciples gathered to share breakfast. In Matthew 5:14–16 Jesus tells his disciples that they are the light of the world, in contrast with John 8:12, where he declares himself to be the Light of the World. In Matthew, it is the followers of Jesus who are to shine out for all to see, like a city on a hill. Remember how confused the disciples were by the transfiguration, the vision of Jesus shining with light. What did it mean? Remember the young men in shining white robes who met the women at the empty tomb: ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead?’ Remember the lamp which Jesus spoke about, a flaming oil lamp under a basket … how silly! Better to set a lamp on a stand, where it can shine safely and usefully.

For Love’s sake, O God, let me never take light and heat for granted. Each time I switch on, remind me of the decision I am making to use energy. Guide me to sources of energy which do not harm the environment and do not present a risk to life. Bless those companies which develop genuinely safe and eco-friendly alternatives to fossil fuels. Let me be aware of those who, because of poverty or lack of communication, have no heat through the cold months; may they be noticed and their needs met. May I be awake to the needs of those around me. May the sight of a real log fire remind me always of the fellowship which fire calls us to enjoy: the warmth and light, shape-changing flames, ancient focus for meal-sharing and story-telling through the night. In the spirit of the hearth-fire, may my warmth and welcome extend to all. Amen For Love’s sake, O God, light up my way, that I might see all with clarity and insight. In confidence may I walk your way, and be as a light and source of comfort to others. Above all let me see myself with the light of truth, in all humility, knowing that you see through the superficial and into my heart, mind and soul. I give thanks for those of all faiths who shine as your lights in the world, inspiring and guiding us towards harmony. Save me from the temptation to burn with my own light of self-glory, and give me wisdom, that I may use my energy wisely in furthering your works of love. Teach me to recognise those who profess enlightenment yet misguide, and those who quietly live a life of insight, from whom I might learn. Amen


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chapter four: the eagle

Great Light without corruption, Deep Warmth without harm, enlighten my heart and enliven my mind, make my spirit blaze with love for you and for all that is yours. Amen

Prayers for locking and unlocking a door The door to a house or anything else accessed by a key: car ignition, a safe, a padlock, a filing cabinet … Biblical reflection: Luke 11:52 Jesus berates the leaders of the day, knowledgeable in

cultic law as prescribed by the Old Testament, keen to enforce that law, very wealthy and powerful – and missing the point. He accuses them of taking away the ‘key of knowledge’, neither entering themselves (into knowledge), nor letting others in. Remember the woman who wept at Jesus’s feet: was she forgiven so much because of her great love, or was her love great because she was forgiven so much? The true key – the relationship between love, forgiveness, peace and healing – lives on, through history and today, in all Christ-like acts by people of all faiths and none. Remember the love of Jesus as you meet people who need forgiveness, peace and healing, including yourself. God of Love, let me find your key which unlocks scripture and human hearts alike. Your key is love. Remind me that without love all is empty and meaningless. Give me confidence to clear away all that pollutes the purity of your love, as Jesus drove the moneydealers from your house of prayer. Those who misguide others in the name of religion, who use scripture as a weapon to pursue violence, may they find the key and change. The ones who are at the mercy of such blind guides, controlled by fear, may they too find the key, and win freedom. With your key let us open the door that reveals love to us, a love that works for the good of others, that promotes equality and justice, the sharing of wealth, the feeding of the hungry, the empowering of the downtrodden, the welcoming of the unloved and the unlovely. Amen O God open me O God come in to me O God be welcome within Amen


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Prayers for mending & recycling Biblical reflection: Mark 2:21 NRSV No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old

cloak; otherwise, the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. Remember Jesus and his wineskins when you visit the bottle bank, and Jesus patching up his clothes when you mend and reuse items which others might throw away. But remember also the Pharisee and the tax collector that Jesus told about: the Pharisee praying, ‘Thank you God that I am righteous, not like this sinner here,’ while the tax collector prays, ‘God have mercy on me, a sinner.’ Let it not become, ‘Thank you O God that I am so environmentally and ideologically correct, not like these resource wasters …’ May Jesus and the spirit of the penitent tax collector be with you as you recycle your drops in the ocean. In the name of Love, O God, teach me the way that was common sense to the people of Jesus’s day, to conserve resources, understand the properties of materials and mend things instead of throwing them away. There is a time and a place for new things – new skins for new wine, for example! But otherwise, guide me to the same conservation of resources. Whenever I approach the dustbin let my thoughts be for the earth which receives our refuse; forgive me that with each item I consign to the landfill site, I add to the pollution of our world. Forgive us all, for we live in an age of non-biodegradable excess packaging, a monument to our preference for convenience over care. I pray for the manufacturers of these products and the many others which are made not to last indefinitely but to break and be replaced. May they find a more ethical way, yet still maintain their workforces; may employment be found increasingly in recycling industries and clean energy production. Let love of the earth change our priorities, and love for the ones who will come after us influence our behaviour. Jesus’s message was that we must change. Amen God of the air, forgive, God of the seas, forgive God of the earth, forgive our abuse of that which you love. Christ of the air, renew Christ of the seas, renew Christ of the earth, renew our care for that which you love.


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chapter four: the eagle

Great Spirit of the air, empower Great Spirit of the seas, empower Great Sprit of the earth, empower us to tread lightly over that which you love. Amen

Prayers for painting and decorating Home and garden improvements, creative activities such as painting and DIY, activities concerning the sensory experience provided by your dwelling or other sacred space: lighting effects, scents, choice of colours and furnishings, design of layout ‌ Biblical reflection: 2 Maccabees 2:29 (Apocrypha) For as the master builder of a new

house must be concerned with the whole construction, while the one who undertakes its painting and decoration has to consider only what is suitable for its adornment, such is my judgement in the case with us. Remember Jesus’s trade as a carpenter, and how Paul exhorted his flock to work with their hands and earn their own living, each with a craft. Remember the joy with which the Hebrews set about the construction of the tabernacle, choosing from among them people filled with the spirit of creativity, to give of their best for the glory of God. God of Love, I give thanks for the spirit of creativity, which absorbs our minds and fills our hearts with joy, peace and healing. Teach me to apply my concentration, skill and love to all I make and do, that all may be done for your glory and the enrichment of


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others, not for my sense of pride. Keep me focused on the task in hand, knowing that you, the master builder, bring all together into a whole work of goodness. Guide me in the work I undertake, that all may be for the good of others, a sharing of talents and a gifting of energy. May we each find our own paths of creativity, ways to explore our inner being and express our deeper feelings; may we each know something of the divine quality of creation, and use our ability as a means of communication. Amen Spirit of God, breathe in me, awaken in me the blessed spirit of creativity alive since the beginning of time, each new creation your revelation of love Amen

Prayers for financial transactions Any exchange of money for goods or services Biblical reflection: Revelation 3:17 For you say, ‘I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing.’ You do not realise that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked. Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich … Remember how the first Christians shared everything so that nobody had too little or too much, trusting one another for the meeting of their needs; and how the churches grew as those with houses large enough opened them for fellowship, to become centres of light. Remember how Jesus had no money and sent his disciples fishing to pay the tax, and how he relied on a group of women and a network of friends who supported him from their own means as he travelled. Remember how the leaders tried to catch him out, and his answer: give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Remember Levi, and his decision to walk away from his job in finance, to follow Jesus; and Zaccheus, who dined with him and decided to recompense the people from whom he had taken.

In the name of Love, O God, teach me to get my priorities right. Remind me of the choices available to me. Remind me that the system of mammon demands wage-slaves who will give their souls to earn the money they need to buy the consumables they are told they want. It is a system that asks people to forget the cost to the environment and the needs of others, and to think only of themselves. Give me wisdom to balance the need to earn a living – employed in a way that contributes towards the greater good while providing opportunity for the enrichment of my soul – with the need to gain spiritual wealth.


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chapter four: the eagle

I pray for those whose choice is negligible, the ones who are caught in the poverty trap, living with constant anxiety and degradation, and the inability to care adequately for themselves and their dependants. I pray for the welfare structures in our society which support and care, and for those who set taxes, that they may be guided to use peoples’ contributions wisely and with compassion. I pray for the banks, for the investment structures which flood money into violent, exploitative situations in the name of profit; may eyes be opened to ethical alternatives. I pray for those who renounce wealth and status, devoting their time to your work. And I pray for the wealthy, that they may not find their riches in this life a stumbling block to your kingdom. Amen My security in you, my trust in your grace, my life in your hands, O living God. My work for you, my resources from you, my wealth in you, O blessed Christ. My needs met by you, my giving blessed by you, my thanks to you, O Holy Spirit Amen


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chapter six: the swallow & the sparrow

Contemplations on the body The following provide focus for contemplation, with particular emphasis on centring thoughts on the here and now, the present moment. To do so is to remove the power of fear about the future and anxiety concerning the past; one may never happen and the other is gone. It is too easy to lose our peace of mind in worries and fantasies. Instead we can use our moments of hair-brushing and kneeling to weed the garden, bathing and foot-washing as snapshots in time, precious windows to peace.

Head And Moses quickly bowed his head towards the earth, and worshipped. He said, ‘If now I have found favour in your sight, O Lord, I pray, let the Lord go with us.’ Exodus 34:8–9 NRSV


Moses bowed down at the summit of Mount Sinai, having experienced the presence of God. God declared his name, Yahweh, meaning I AM: ‘I AM, I AM, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin …’ To this God, Moses bows his head, declaring his own role in the relationship. The steadfast love of which God speaks is Hesed, described earlier in the contemplation on friendship; it was a deeply binding, loyal and selfsacrificial expression of love. This declaration has endured the ages, and is as relevant to the Christian faith as it is to Judaism. This is our God. Scripture links

Note that in the culture of biblical times the head was not seen as the source of the intellect – what we would call ‘mind’ – but of life: it is the vessel which the Ruah, the holy breath of life, enters and from which it leaves. Matthew 8:20 The son of Man has nowhere to rest his head. Matthew 10:30 Even the hairs of your head are numbered: how valuable you are! Matthew 26:7 A woman anoints Jesus’s head. Messiah or Christ means the anointed one. Anointing with oil was a sign of dedication to the service of God. John 19:2 The soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus’s head. Colossians 1:18 Christ is the head of the body church.


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Connections ●

When are women and men expected to cover their heads (or not) for different reasons in different cultures? Exploring the traditions behind these customs draws us deeper into understanding our own and other cultures. In the Bible, as in our culture, people talked about leaders as heads. We take this to mean the person who controls from the top of a hierarchical structure. If we use the biblical understanding, however, that the head is the source of life, then we might see our heads in a slightly different light. Alternatively, it might allow us to redefine who the head actually is. Who is the life and soul of the place? Who is indispensable, so that if you took them away something of the structure would die? Consider leaders known to you personally and in terms of politics and so on. What does that person seem to understand by the concept of leadership? In what sense are they a ‘head’? If you ever take leadership responsibilities, how do you communicate headship? Having a place to rest your head means more than having a pillow. It is about belonging and security. Jesus embraced homelessness. In what ways do we embrace the homeless, in his name?

Reflective activities ●

Calm your breathing, close your eyes and imagine your head as a vessel into which Ruah flows, the holy breath of life, uniting all life. It is the Holy Spirit which Jesus breathed upon his followers. She flows in with your in-breath, in and around your body, energising you, and out into the world as you breathe out. In the present moment in which you find yourself, you are enveloped and filled by God, and so are the people with whom you find yourself; all the people, all life. Let this change the way you see. As you go through the day, at any time and in any place you can draw yourself back to awareness of God’s presence by focusing on the breath. Use the words of Paul in Acts 17:28: ‘In him we live and move and have our being.’ God is closer than the air we breathe.


Jesus our Head, life and soul of our fellowship, without you our service is empty, our words dull, our hope dead. To you we owe all respect, O King …


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chapter six: the swallow & the sparrow

O homeless, dishevelled, foot-sore traveller king, smelling of sweat, hair lank and clothes thick with dust, feet blistered and thick-skinned from tramping the miles, stomach empty, throat dry, eyes dazzled by the sun, back aching from sleeping rough on unyielding ground, you don’t look like a great leader, striding the hills and valleys to be with us and spread the urgent news of God’s love. Yet you are the life and soul of our worship, our reason why, our inspiration and our truth. Traveller king, when we go into our fine buildings to worship you with silver cups and silk garments, exquisite choirs and sumptuously crafted stone and wood, somehow I think I know where you are. You are just outside lying on a bench in the sun resting your thorn-torn head for a while, until we will come out and spare you some change for a coffee. Amen


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