2020-2021 Original Paintings & Sculpture Catalog

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shown framed:

Sunrise at the Water–Leopard by Lee Kromschroeder, available on page 13

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~ 2020-2021 ~

The Original Artwork in this collection includes customizable framing options. The pricing reflects a fully assembled, ready to hang piece of art. Let our experienced team assist you in selecting the perfect frame for your new art!*

Original Art Collection 2020 marks the 50th year Wild Wings brings its quintessential original art catalog into homes of the world's most discerning collectors of wildlife and nature-themed art. The original art catalog started small--literally! Yet, while being modest in size and printed mostly in black and white, the quality of art in that first catalog was truly exceptional and proudly remains so all these years later. The Wild Wings Original Art Collection is the perfect way to enjoy the beauty and wonders of the natural world while admiring the incredible talents of hghly acclaimed painters, carvers and sculptors who create wonderful works of art using only their remarkably skilled hands and abundant artistic inspiration.

*Shipping costs are not included in the prices shown. All original art is subject to prior sale and prices are subject to change without notice.

John Aldrich John Aldrich is a Minnesota native who has been intrigued with drawing since the fi rst grade. Growing up, his family had numerous pets and that is where John started drawing domestic animals. He has earned a Commercial Art Certificate from MTI and a B.S. degree in Art Education from Winona State University.

Art collectors everywhere appreciate the convenience and satisfaction of choosing original art from home. You can carefully consider each piece at your own pace in the actual setting in which it will be displayed. And your selection will be safely shipped directly to your door. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it for a full refund within 30 days for only the cost of return freight. So please, enjoy the collection at your leisure, select your favorite piece and experience the special satisfaction of owning your very own original work of art!

In John’s paintings you will notice how he creates an interesting play of light and shadow. According to John, “It is most important to capture the affection that is felt for animals - whether domestic or wild - and the way they enrich our lives with visual beauty, humor and companionship.”

Fun Fact: The Swainson’s Hawk initially suffered from a case of mistaken identity, when a specimen collected in Canada in 1827 and illustrated by William Swainson was confused with the common buzzard of Europe. A nephew of Emperor Napoleon eventually corrected the error in 1832, while working in Philadelphia. French biologist Charles Lucien Bonapoarte identified the hawk as new species and named it after the original illustrator. – 2019. Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Cornell University. AllAboutBirds.com

Thank you and happy collecting! Sincerely,

Randy Eggenberger, President

~ Index of Artists ~ Aldrich, John ..................2-3 Anderson, Neal ................. 3 Beatty, Jocelyn ..................4 Beckstein, Larry................4 Bourdet, Susan .................. 5 Boyer, Fred .........................6 Brandt, Rollie ............... 6-7 Cummings, Chris ...............7 Garris, Caly ................... 8-9 Grende, Janene ..................9 Hacking, Grant ............... 10 Johnson, Gary ..............10-11 Jordan, Susan Knowles ...12 Kinkade, Zac.................12-13 Kromschroeder, Lee ........13 Maass, David A. ................ 14 Mathios, Peter.............14-15 Meineke, Wayne ................15 2


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Millette, Rosemary......... 16 Moss, Gary ........................ 16 Nottleman, Sam & Lily .......................... 16 Padgett, Anthony ............17 Rataczak, Jim .................... 18 Ren, Jon..........................18-19 Serrano, Cherie............... 19 Sieve, Michael .................20 Stevens, Gene ................... 21 Stroncek, Lee ...................20 Susinno, Mark.................. 21 Thomas Kinkade Studios ......................... 22-25 Wosika, Tom ......................26 Yost, Valeria ................26-27 Zierke, Bill. ...................... 28


Wingman – Swainson's Hawk


oi l pa i n t i ng b y Jo h n A l d r i c h “Your best bet to find this hawk is west of the Mississippi River in the open country of the Great Plains. Typically perched on fence posts or utility poles, I was able to see this one in mid-flight. The contrast against the blue sky really set off the details in the subtle coloration and this composition was so perfect.”

no. A020709032 | 24" x 36" | $2,500

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Neal Anderson Neal Anderson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska in the heart of the central plains. With golden fields of wheat stretching for miles and bountiful wildlife, Anderson was drawn to the beauty of the outdoors and the unique personality of his native state. Anderson began his professional career in art illustrating for NEBRASKAland magazine after attending art school in Omaha. His hard work and dedication were rewarded with the prestigious honor of winning the 1989-90 Federal Duck Stamp competition. Anderson has won numerous conservation stamp competitions including two Nebraska First of States, as well as designing sponsor prints for Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and North Dakota Ducks Unlimited. Anderson’s commitment to supporting conservation efforts continues today. For over 15 years he has been an avid supporter of conservation organizations such as Pheasants Forever, Safari Club International, Quail Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited, for which he is a sponsor member. His donations of original art and limited edition prints have greatly aided these groups in efforts to preserve and protect wildlife habitat.



Anything for Love – Elk

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Jo h n A l d r i c h “I was in awe of the determination and brut strength of these rutting elk. Pushing each other this way and that, kicking up dust, and scarring each other. I was exhausted just watching them. It seemed the ultimate example of doing anything for love.”

no. A020004066 | 24" x 30" | $4,000


Who's Afraid – Wolf

g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y Ne a l A n d e r s o n "I've always loved the intense haunting stare of a wolf. At this particular moment one cannot tell whether he is curious or has a more serious intention about what he sees."

no. A028850071 | 16" x 8" | $2,300 D.

You've Been Spotted – Leopard

g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y Ne a l A n d e r s o n "Having previously completed a Tiger in this same format, I was eager to paint another large cat as a companion piece with the same intense stare and contemporary application."


no. A028899573 | 19" x 8" | $2,400


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Jocelyn Beatty Colorful wildlife, rolling farmland and vivid flowers are common to Pennsylvania and the art of lifetime resident, Jocelyn Beatty. She focuses on her love of nature with luminous color, sharp details and strong compositions. Using a rich saturated palette, together with a strong primary light source, she produces beautiful high contrast paintings in watercolor and acrylic. Having painted since childhood, the artist studied art at Edinboro State University, and then worked as an architectural draftsman. This valuable experience is evident in the portraits of old homes and farms she is often commissioned to paint. Partly a self-taught artist, she also credits many friends and professionals for their influences and direction in her work over the years. In recent years, Beatty has shared her passion for painting through classes, workshops and demonstrations. Jocelyn is presently teaching at the Hoyt Art Institute, in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Jocelyn’s distinguished pieces have been exhibited in juried shows, invitational exhibits, and solo shows winning her numerous awards. Her paintings can be found in private and corporate collections nationwide. An active supporter of local and national fund raisers for wildlife conservation and charitable organizations, today Jocelyn can be found painting in her spacious country studio and gallery in Pennsylvania.



Screech Owl in the Pines

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y Jo c e l y n B e a t t y "From the lofty pine boughs, the Eastern Screech Owl surveys the world. In the watercolor, the red morph owl provides a lovely contrast with the soft blues, greens and violet washes of the loose watery background."

no. A067572530 | 10" x 22" | $1,795 C.

Gone Fishing

oi l pa i n t i ng b y L a r r y B e c k s t e i n "There is this mountain stream not far from where I live that I fish sometimes. I've seen bears around this area from time to time and wondered if they fished the stream like I did."

no. A065432075 | 17¾" x 17¾" | $1,950


Snowy Owl

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo c e l y n B e a t t y "The Snowy Owl is perched on a rocky outcropping surrounded by winter grasses on the frozen beach. This large white owl is a majestic contrast in its stark cold blue habitat."

no. A067585030 | 16" x 24" | $2,245



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Larry Beckstein Growing up in wildlife-rich northwestern Pennsylvania, where his on-going love of the outdoors underlies and motivates his work, Larry Beckstein’s interest in capturing wildlife images on sketch pads and canvas had its beginning during his preteen years. He later refined his talent at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. A frequent exhibitor at wildlife shows, Larry is also a contributor to conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited, Waterfowl USA, National Wild Turkey Federation, The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited and other similar organizations. Larry has released over 50 limited edition prints from his original paintings and sketches. Valued by outdoorsmen and collectors, these prints are part of both public and private collections in North America.

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Susan Bourdet Wildlife artist Susan Bourdet’s beautiful watercolor creations convey strong sentiments and a true understanding of nature. As a young girl, Susan spent countless weekends hiking and camping in the wilds of Montana and was so inspired she turned to drawing to express herself. In college, Bourdet continued to blend her love of nature and art. She received a Bachelor’s degree studying both art and biology. Bourdet’s education, as well as her chosen medium, suit her style perfectly–an intriguing combination of impressionism and realism. Today, Bourdet has mastered the temperamental attributes of watercolor to provide her audiences with a unique perspective on nature. Using soft colors and loose brushwork in her backgrounds, she sets the mood of her painting. Then she meticulously details her animal and botanical subjects creating a classic composition with depth and movement. Bourdet is one of today’s foremost nature artists. As a result her original works are sought by private collectors across the country. She has over 25 images available as limited edition prints, and countless images illustrate calendars, greeting cards and apparel. E.

Afternoon Sunshine – American Goldfinches


wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t "Like sunshine on the wing, goldfinches brighten an afternoon garden."

no. A085001329 | 13½" x 16¾" | $1,795 F.

On Point – Western Bluebird

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t "In this painting, I enjoyed contrasting the softness of feathers with the roughness of old wood, and the delicacy of sunlit petals with deep, dark shadows."

no. A085578538 | 13½" x 15¾" | $1,795



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wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t

Misty Meadow – Mountain Bluebird

"The enthusiastic song of the tiny, drab marsh wren, like the deep passionate purple of the iris, seems to celebrate the promise of spring."

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t "I used soft washes to create a foggy effect in this meadow scene, edging the mountain bluebird with silvery light to give the illusion of sunshine through the mist."

no. A085493838 | 15" x 13¼" | $1,795

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Spring Song – Marsh Wren

no. A085704947 | 27" x 9½" | $3,400 F


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Fred Boyer Fred Boyer has traveled the world but he has remained close to his Montana roots where he grew up, went to high school and college. He majored in art education at Montana State University in Bozeman. After graduating from college, he went to Sitka, Alaska where he taught art in the public schools, and worked as a hunting guide in the summers. Fred loved Alaska, but Montana kept calling him back home. He returned to Montana and taught art in the public schools for 14 years. "Teaching art is a learning experience for the teacher as well as the student" he says, recollecting his years in the education profession. Although Boyer studied sculpture in college, he didn't get really serious with sculpture until he had been teaching for 5-6 years. "The fi rst pieces I did were pretty rough" he recalls. Finding time for his talent wasn't easy. He was teaching full time and working as a smoke jumper for the Forest Service in the summer months. By putting in long evenings and weekends, he succeeded in improving his art, and began to fi nd a market in area galleries. He was still teaching at the time his works were fi rst admitted to the prestigious C.M.Russell Western Art Auction in Great Falls Montana. In 1983, Boyer left his teaching position and became a full-time artist. He has been the featured artist at many art shows, and his works have frequently won recognition as Best of Show or People's Choice in art shows. His works can be seen at many galleries and shows around the world.




C. C

bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r

Break's Magic

bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r

"This Big Horned sheep is Native to my Montana residence, and we are fortunate to observe them through all four season from my home."

"After 27 years, my son Joe drew a sheep tag in the Montana Missouri Breaks - one of the most coveted sheep tags in the world. This sculpture commemorates this momentous event for both of us. Hopefully it excites everyone that has ever experienced this type of lifetime dream."

no. A117641570 | edition of 50 7" x 3" x 3" | $1,500

no. A117065570 | edition of 50 22" x 12" x 9" | $6,460 A

D. B.

Like a Rolling Stone


bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r "This sculpture represents one of the four Species of Wild sheep of North America. After observing them in my travels to northern British Columbia, I wanted to capture the beautiful agility and color variation of this thin horned sheep."

no. A117253570 | edition of 50 | 10" x 11" x 5½" | $2,100

Out of the Blue – Indigo Bunting

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t "I’ve always loved Indigo Blue Buntings. It was fun to paint something so vibrant blue! Interestingly enough the bird’s actual feathers lack blue pigment. Their jewel-like color comes instead from microscopic structures in the feathers that refract and reflect blue light! I had to use blue pigment paint to create the painting of course."

no. A083577543 | 14" x 11" | $1,700 6


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Rollie Brandt As a child, Rollie Brandt knew what she wanted in life–to pursue a career in art. How fitting her exceptional talents are now realized nationally in endearing portrayals of children exploring their world and interacting with nature. Known as “the artist” throughout her school days, young Rollie revealed an uncharacteristically mature dedication to developing her artistic skills. For many teenagers standard course work is enough, but Brandt sought advanced training in art through college correspondence courses. She furthered her formal training and accelerated her artistic growth with the entrepreneurial launching of a sign-painting business in her sophomore year.

Striking Distance – Pileated Woodpecker E.

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t “I’ve always been fascinated by Pileated Woodpeckers, one of the largest in America. They feed on carpenter ants, leaving large rectangular holes in dead trees that actually provide shelter for other species. It was fun to paint this beautiful bird!”

Currently Brandt is enjoying the benefits of her diligence. Meticulous detail and a vibrant pallet are her trademarks. Those signature traits work together allowing her active scenes to capture the innocence and energy of her subjects.

Chris Cummings

no. A083713531 | 10½" x 12½" | $1,500

Growing up on a small acreage bordering the Santa Cruz Mountains in Northern California, artist Chris Cummings has been surrounded with horses, wildlife and adventure for most of her life. Since her first horse at the age of seven, Chris can’t recall a time when there wasn't a horse around.


She started college as an art major and graduated with a degree in wildlife biology. She worked briefly as a wildlife biologist for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Nevada and then began a nomadic life for several years with her husband who also worked for the BLM in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. They finally settled down on a farm in Oregon where they ran a dairy for ten years, grew cherries, wheat and hay, raised three girls and began a successful art career. The 100-acre farm now consists of hazelnuts, pasture, forest, two Tennessee walker horses, one cat and a flock of wild turkeys.


Besides painting Chris enjoys horseback riding, camping, skiing, photography, and spending time with friends and family.



oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s "I love the colors of the scene, the rich crimson and gold of the gathering clouds and the deep reds and gold of the horses as they race across the range framed by the darkening sky."

no. A190780581 | 18" x 30" | $4,500


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Caly Garris Caly Garris puts the “color” in watercolor pushing her preferred medium to the limit in creating expressive paintings of horses, wildlife and domestic animals. Her use of flowing saturated color, balanced by structural integrity and adding a dash of spirit, takes the viewer into a new awareness of animal imagery. A signature member of the Women Artists of the West and a member Oregon Watercolor Society, Caly earned a fine arts degree from California State University, Northridge. Her award winning art has been featured in numerous galleries in Oregon, Montana, New Mexico and California and shown in several shows including the prestigious C. M. Russell Art Show in Great Falls, Montana and the Cattlemen's Western Art show in Paso Robles, California. Her work is also found in private and corporate collections internationally. Caly lives on a cattle ranch in Oregon's Willamette Valley where her love for animals has inspired her art.


Best Bros

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a l y G a r r i s "These two are always together, almost joining at 'the hip', with the shy guy alway following big brother."

no. A283185081 | 23" x 18½" | $1,300 B.

Boss Ma

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a l y G a r r i s "Our herd always had lead cow....leading the way at feeding time, changing pastures, or following us around checking fences."


no. A283200080 | 10¾" x 14½" | $1,000 B


Thunder Rolled

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a l y G a r r i s "These two thumping, rolling and crashing around appeared to be having a “ friendly” but very loud Spring frolic."

no. A283801575 | 15" x 21" | $1,300 D.

Morning Chat

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a l y G a r r i s "Most mornings these three heifers would stand and watch the road....makes you wonder if they were snooping on the neighbors or thinking it’s greener across the road."


no. A283681080 | 12" x 16" | $1,000 8


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Whole Lot of Bull

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng by Caly Garris "Ready for action! Watching for their turn to show off and buck ‘em off in under 8 seconds."

no. A283925080 | 17" x 21" | $1,100




The One That Didn't Get Away

Janene Grende

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ja n e n e G re n d e "Spring is flourishing in this small pond. A bull moose sporting his growing velvet antlers is picking through the waterlily buds as a mother wood duck floats by with her family."

no. A351432075 | 36" x 36" | $3,900 G.


m i x e d m e di a b y Ja n e n e G re n d e "A female grizzly shows the power and determination in her shallow water catch of this cutthroat trout."

no. A351056768 | 30" x 30" | $3,500


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An Idaho native, Janene Grende is recognized for her artistic talent and enthusiastic support of conservation efforts. Grende’s realistic style and versatility have allowed her to conquer the varied challenges of wildlife, birds, landscapes and equestrian scenes. Her work has gained attention from the nationally acclaimed, Bradford Exchange, as well as Leanin’ Tree Greeting Cards. Grende is especially pleased to work closely with conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited and The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Ducks Unlimited have twice chosen Grende as Artist of the Year for Idaho.


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Grant Hacking South African native, Grant Hacking readily admits his primary goal in art is to play with emotions. "I am constantly seeking to stir a mood. A painting is especially exciting if you can actually draw your audience into the scene." With both parents being artists, living close to a national park in Africa, it's easy to assume Hacking chose wildlife art as a career from the beginning. In fact, he had no intention of pursuing art professionally. It was art, rather, that chose him. Upon completing his education, Hacking enrolled in Africa's military service. The army discovered his talent and sent him on "portrait detail" allowing him to hone his skills while painting high-ranking officials and revered military structures. Declining a permanent post with the military's museum to begin a technologies career, he was again surprised. "I applied for a computer position. And after the company discovered I could paint, they offered me more money to fi ll their walls with images." Finally Hacking realized this was his destiny. "I absolutely love painting, and I am so grateful I am allowed to do it."



Gary Johnson

The Trumpets of Yellowstone – Trumpeter Swan

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G ra n t Ha c k i n g "On a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park with fellow artist Greg Wilson, we saw all sorts of large game. It was late Fall and we were spoiled with sights of buffalo fighting, elk bugling, mule deer and more. It was just wonderful but one highlight for me was watching these two Trumpeter Swans. The wind was blowing and when the cob (male swan) spread his wings to impress, his feathers would flutter, making him so much more impressive."

no. A362760013 | 24" x 30" | $8,500


Lilac-breasted Roller

m i x e d m e di a b y G a r y Jo h n s o n " I was mesmerized by the Lilac-breasted Roller when on safari in East Africa. I was so impressed by the colors of these birds that when I returned to my studio in the USA, the Lilac-breasted Roller was the painting I did (not a lion, elephant, zebra, etc.) from a month long safari. This is my unique process of a mixed media painting on handmade silk paper. I float the painting inside the frame to show off the torn edges of the paper."

no. A421045079 | 7" x 10" | $1,000




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The primary subjects of Hacking's work are presented with photo-realistic detail. He combines this realism with loose strokes offering an impressionistic flavor. "I like my paintings to be somewhat interactive. The lack of complete defi nition allows the viewer's imagination to work." Dedicated to oils, the deliberate qualities in Hacking's work highlight the intensity of his passion. Grant Hacking's work can be found in exhibits and collections throughout the United States and Europe. Southeastern Wildlife Art Expo has honored him numerous times and in 2015 was their Featured Artist. Grant Hacking has lived in the United States since 1990. He and his wife enjoy living in New England and spending time with their daughter.

Gary Johnson is a nationally known wildlife and landscape artist who paints the beauty and inspiration of the natural world. His artwork has been juried into the prestigious Arts For The Parks Top 100 competition (1996, 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2005), winning the Grand Prize Gold Medal MiniatureTop 100 in 2005. He has also been juried into the Art Renewal Center Salon (2018) as a Featured Artist, “Birds In Art” at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum (2016), AArt and the Animal@ at the Bennington Center for the Arts (2001, 2004, 2008-2016), and the Pastel Society of America exhibition (1996). Gary has exhibited at a number of the top wildlife and western art shows in the nation, including NatureWorks, the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition, the Easton Waterfowl Festival, the C.M. Russell Art Show and Auction, and the Safari Club International show. Gary’s artwork has been exhibited at the Museum of Western Art, the Gilcrease Museum and the San Diego Natural History Museum. Gary was selected as the Artist in Residence for the Rocky Mountain National Park in 2005 and Mesa Verde National Park in 2012. Gary=s artwork has been featured in Western Art Collector magazine (Nov 2008), Wildlife Art magazine (Nov/Dec 2006), and spotlighted in Southwest Art, Sporting Classics, Art of the West, Arizona Highways and Safari Times magazines. His artwork has been featured in the Charlie M. Russell Museum Auction, the Manitou Galleries auctions, and the Sotheby=s of London auction house. He is represented by these fi ne art galleries: Art For Wildlife Galleries in California and Going To The Sun Gallery in Montana. Gary’s artwork is published and licensed by Wild Wings, Inc.

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Not Ready for Round Up

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n "The longhorn cattle, on this working ranch owned by a true cowgirl, were not ready to be rounded up and were, to no avail, showing their defiance. I was really attracted to the low morning back light."

no. A421572082 | 20" x 30" | $2,500 D.

The Silence of Dawn

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n "In this painting, I want to give the viewer the experience of being in nature at the moment of dawn. I hope the feeling of, not only, how light comes into the world, but how sound wakes up as well as the daylight world comes alive at dawn."

no. A421800089 | 24" x 36" | $3,500 C




oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n "This painting is inspired by the landscape of the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park in the early fall. I was drawn to the stand of cottonwood trees with turning colors illuminated in the landscape."

no. A421210889 | 12" x 14" | $1,000



Spider Rock



Turning Colors

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n

"While touring Canyon DeChelly with Navajo artist and guide, Justin Tso, on a cold rainy day, the sun did not come out the until late afternoon on the rim of the canyon looking down at the monumental Spider Rock formation. I knew this was a painting I had to do."

"I love to paint the turning colors of aspens. In this painting, I really like the complementary contrast of the yellows and oranges against the purple/gray sky."

no. A421835089 | 9" x 12" | $1,000

no. A421804089 | 30" x 20" | $2,500 E


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Susan Knowles-Jordan Since her childhood, Susan KnowlesJordan has grown up in the shadow of Maine's beautiful Acadia National Park. Her family has always had a deep appreciation of nature and the wonderful outdoors of Maine from its rocky coast to the interior forests and mountains. Jordan has the distinction of being the first woman to be selected to create the image for New Hampshire's Migratory Waterfowl Stamp. Her credentials include winning the 1994 Maine Duck Stamp competition.

Spirit of Yosemite – Bald Eagle B.

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Zac Kinkade "Ansel Adams, Thomas Hill, Albert Bierstadt and my uncle, Thomas Kinkade, are just a few of the artists whose visionary imaginations were captured by the sublime beauty of Yosemite Valley. I, myself, have a long history with this magical place, visiting it on several occasions with my father while on one summer ramble or another. It always struck me as true when Dad would comment that the tunnel view at Artist Point was akin to seeing the “ face of God” as the perspective opens the valley to the wayward traveler. It is this very backdrop that I am using to finish my first series of paintings on America’s Wildlands. The Spirit of Yosemite composition captures the iconic images of El Capitan, Half-Dome and Bridalveil Fall while paying homage to the majestic bald eagles that call the Valley home. In the clouds, see a menagerie of tributes to the other places visited on this particular artistic sojourn. While I hope the depiction of the Valley provides ample evidence of true glory in creation, I also wish that the indomitable nature of the spirit be felt as our majestic national symbol soars. Truly, it is impossible to do work that is comparable in standard to any of the mentioned masters of visual art but I sincerely enjoyed the challenge and want to share with you the outcome. And, as always, let me thank you for sharing my adventure in art."


no. A438740032 | 24" x 48" | $6,900 © Art Brand Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.




ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n K n o wl e s -Jo rd a n "The rolling hills, plank fences and steepled barns of Kentucky bluegrass country are iconic for their beauty and equine romance."

no. A418718530 | 22" x 28" | $1,895 C.

Spirit of Yellowstone – Bison

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Z a c K i n k a d e “This piece was part of a wildlife series I am creating that depicts wildlife near the iconic landmarks found within our National Parks. As a child my father took me and my brothers on road trips to many of the great national parks this country has to offer, so I have many treasured memories seeing these animals and landmarks in person. This piece in particular prominently features a herd of bison roaming by Old Faithful as it erupts, creating a rainbow with its steam.”

no. A438721569 | 24" x 36" | $11,900 © Art Brand Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.



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Zac Kinkade Zachary Thomas Kinkade, Thomas Kinkade’s nephew, was born in 1992 and has been passionate about art his entire life. At the age of 11, Zachary began entering and winning national and regional art competitions and shows and has since gained international recognition for his work as well. As a teenager, Zac attended the Fort Worth Academy of Fine Art in preparation of formal university training the arts. During this time, Zac began apprenticing at the Thomas Kinkade Company to explore his own aesthetic vision. Zac continued this relationship while attending Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where he eventually graduated with honors from that academy’s prestigious school of art and architecture. Following in his uncle’s footsteps and in service of his own life as an artist, Zac attended the internationally known Art Center School of Design in Pasadena California. Zac has taken a position as a publishing artist for Art Brand Studios and is rapidly starting his own legacy with pencil and brush.


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Kentuck y Bluegrass – Horses

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Zac Kinkade "The rolling hills, plank fences and steepled barns of Kentucky bluegrass country are iconic for their beauty and equine romance. The horse farm and the family who lives there are depicted here in “Deep in the Heart II: Kentucky Bluegrass” to give the viewer a taste of that bucolic existence. Thoroughbreds romp in the field and a mare and its foal enjoy the attentions of a father and daughter while the ranch dog playfully approaches. In the background, we see the beginnings of the preparations made for “derby day” as a horse stretches it legs into a full-fledged gallop. The clouds, themselves, fill with the thunderous sound of a ghost herd looking down over pastures once their home. Deep in the Heart II: Kentucky Blue Grass is my homage to a way of life, the majesty of the horse and the beauty of the region that fosters both. I hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoyed taking you there. And, as always, I want to thank you for sharing my adventures in art."

no. A438485081 | 24" x 36" | $6,000 © Art Brand Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved. D

Lee Kromschroeder Stirring moods. Engaging action. Flirtatious light. The art of Lee Kromschroeder captures the imagination and pulls viewers into the animated world of his canvas. Lee Kromschroeder has been creating worlds on canvas since he was four. His early paintings reflected the interests of other children growing up in Southern California, the ocean before him, the mountains nearby and of course, rocket ships. Through painting, Kromschroeder has always felt a sense of freedom. In high school and on into college, Kromschroeder struggled to master traditional academics. But in art, he found the ease of creating gave him the self-confidence and approval he needed to conquer scholastic challenges. Today, Kromschroeder’s art benefits from his diligence in that he approaches every painting like a researcher. Through exhaustive research of his subject’s anatomy, behavior and habitat and continually challenging his skills, Kromschroeder’s work reveals a brilliant understanding of the natural world and aesthetics. Because of this dedication, Kromschroeder has emerged as one of today’s most recognized and celebrated new artists.


Midsummer's Dream

oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e Kro m s c h ro e d e r



Sunrise at the Water – Leopard

"After a night's hunt, a young cougar makes her way thorugh the mountain terrain past the rhoddendron and lupines to a welcoming cool watering hole."

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y L e e Kro m s c h ro e d e r

no. A475490073 | 24" x 30" | $15,000

no. A475732073 | 18" x 24" | $8,000

"As the first rays of dawn's light warm the Serengeti, a lone leopard, after a nights hunt, takes a last drink before finding the perfect tree for a well earned nap!"


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David A. Maass Three Bulls Right Over the Point – Canvasbacks at Delta Marsh A.

oi l pa i n t i ng by David A. Maass "It was a beautiful morning on the Delta Marsh and we were a little late getting to this point of rushes where we wanted to set up. All of a sudden, several canvasbacks were heading in our direction and, of course, we weren’t ready yet. Then the three bulls flew right over the point (many duck hunters refer to male canvasbacks as bull necks or just plain bulls)."

no. A540738107 | 16" x 24" | $17,000

David Maass’ career as a wildlife artist spans six decades and the accolades he has received from his peers and the appreciating public are a result of diligent study and dedication to his work. His inspiring images of waterfowl and upland game birds are considered some of the finest art available in the wildlife and nature genre. As a pioneer in nature art, Maass has paved the way for many new artists and helped make art more accessible for the appreciating public. Maass’ artworks reveal an amazing understanding of light and thorough research of subject matter. Each Maass painting provides a visual experience that captures the spirit of the outdoors and fills you with awe and wonder. A seasoned hunter once said of David Maass’ work, “That’s exactly how it is and if it isn’t, it should be.” As an avid conservationist, David Maass is committed to fostering efforts which benefit wildlife and native habitat. In addition to winning 38 duck and conservation stamp competitions, including two of the coveted Federal duck stamp contests, Maass has raised millions of dollars for conservation organizations by donating original art and limited edition prints on a national and international level.



Alpine Serenity

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Pe t e r M a t h i o s "Alta and Snowbird ski resorts are both known internationally for their terrain and fantastically light and dry powder in the winter. However, in the summer and early fall months, when things quiet down, this area is a beautiful, serene place to visit and escape. This mountain stream, called Little Cottonwood Creek runs through the base areas of both resorts and down through Little Cottonwood Canyon." B


Peter Mathios Behind each of Peter’s paintings is inspiration that comes from past experiences. Moments like these usually stem from childhood memories, particularly those of hunting waterfowl with his father and brother in the Suisun Marsh of northern California. During this time, he became interested in the different species of waterfowl and drew them religiously. Upon graduating from the University of California at Davis with a degree in art, Peter moved to Bend, Oregon to hunt, fish, ski, and above all, paint. His time at the easel has not gone unnoticed. Oregon Ducks Unlimited named Peter their Artist of the Year four times. Previously selected for the 2005 Ducks Unlimited national art package, Peter has most recently been selected as the DU 2009 International Artist of the Year. Peter’s originals, prints and licensing opportunities are now available through Wild Wings, one of today’s leading publishers, distributors and retailers of wildlife, sporting, and nostalgic/Americana art prints and art-related products. His work has appeared in Wildlife Art and US Art magazines, as well as the cover of California Waterfowl. Peter now resides in the rich, diverse Willamette Valley with his wife and two children. He teaches art at Central Linn High School, and continues to paint the lush nature around them.



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no. A565000489 | 9" x 12" | $1,100 C.


ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Pe t e r M a t h i o s "Chasing chukars through the rugged country of Southeastern Oregon's high desert mountains is a challenging and rewarding experience. Most of the time you are hiking uphill following dogs on scent as they search for the skittish, running birds. Seeing signs and hearing them calling only heightens the excitement of the chase. Then, at the top of the climb the birds explode into flight heading for the lowlands, twisting and turning behind rock formations. Flushed! And, while all this is happening, the fresh mountain air and endless views enrich the soul."

no. A565018689 | 9" x 12" | $1,100

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Mountain Tapestry

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Pe t e r M a t h i o s "It is not often that I paint in oil, although I do enjoy the medium. This painting is the largest oil painting that I have ever done. The wide variety of plants and how they all seemed to blend into one tapestry that naturally called for the approach oil painting requires. This is another painting inspired from my time in Park City. This habitat is typical of the Wasatch high country and this spot in particular is near the top of Empire Pass close to Deer Valley. The bluish grasses are what caught my eye as they intertwined softly through the other mountain plants and rocks. And, of course, Aspens are everywhere up there!"


no. A565218089 | 9" x 12" | $1,100 E.

Summer Rapids

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Pe t e r M a t h i o s "This painting captures the natural flow of water in a high mountain stream and is about the peace that comes from places like this. The intent is for the viewer's eye to travel around and over the rocks just as the water does and to even get lost in the various pathways as this painting brings forth an incredible sense of peace." F

no. A565282089 | 12" x 16" | $1,900 F.

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Wa y n e Me i n e k e


Wayne Meineke Wayne's first painting was at four years old. A God given talent became a lifelong career. His interests have always been in the real world and beauty has always been the inspiration for his paintings. Along the way, he has contributed the diagrams that are used for the Boone and Crocket Records, biology textbook illustration for the University of Colorado, Marlboro men larger than life hanging off the face of billboards, and even art on hot air balloons. A working education on the way to making Fine Art; Wayne prefers taking his portable easel out in the field to make his paintings, as the studio has never had an appeal to him. Wayne has been proud of his talent and enjoys the ability to use the gift that he was given. G

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Foggy Morning Off the Gunflint

"I love the fogs that lay across the lakes in our fall weather as temperatures drop cooler at night than the water. I have painted several paintings of this atmosphere with the sun rising persisting until it wins the day. On this particular morning I was looking at my painting and then, there was a Moose standing there looking back at me...a moment earlier, there had been nothing but silence."

no. A585297568 | 24" x 20" | $6,500 G.

Looking for Trouble

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Wa y n e Me i n e k e "I love hearing these monarchs challenging each other looking for trouble, when I can be painting in the West... I try to stay out of their way"

no. A585403066 | 24" x 36" | $8,500


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Rosemary Millette Celebrated wildlife artist, Rosemary Millette, is recognized for her unique ability to realistically portray her subjects while expressing their spirit throughout her paintings. This South Dakota artist has been developing her natural talents and sharpening her skills since she was a young girl. Through her formal education and work as a commercial artist, Millette has learned to approach her work with vivacity and employ rigorous self-discipline. Whether painting elk, pheasants or chickadees, her mastery of skills is apparent. By carefully studying her subject matter, Millette realistically portrays each animal’s physical structure and tone. Yet, her paintings offer the viewer more than a photo-realistic representation. The use of light and color, the composition, and the perspective of each complementing background reveal and reinforce the quintessential qualities of the animal. Rosemary Millette is especially proud of her association with groups striving to preserve and protect wildlife and the natural environment. Her work has been selected forover a dozen state conservation stamps and she works closely with Pheasants Forever, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Minnesota Deer Hunter’s Association.

Gary Moss Gary Moss is a wildlife artist that has spent his entire life fishing, hunting, observing. His father was an avid duck hunter and instilled in him the love of the outdoors. When Gary fi rst asked to go duck hunting his father required that he learn to identify all of the species in Sports Afield's guide to "The Ducks and Geese of North America." Then, and only then, could he go hunting. He was nine when he got them all right and that autumn he and his father took their fi rst hunting trip together. To this day, Gary amazes his friends and hunting partners with his keen eyesight and ability to B instantly identify birds and predict their behavior. He has fond memories of those early hunting trips at his father's side. Unfortunately, his father passed away when Gary was ten, but that did not end his duck hunting. Even though he grew up in a suburb of Minneapolis he was close enough to lakes and streams to get there by walking or taking a bus until he was old enough to drive.



Anticipation – Yellow Lab

oi l pa i n t i ng b y R o s e m a r y Mi l l e t t e "This painting is of our first yellow lab and there is no denying this breed loves to hunt. Shown here with a young hunter our older dog knows the drill of watch, wait and anticipate what is to come."

no. A593027056 | 22" x 32" | $3,400 B.

Winter in the Pines

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Mo s s "'Catching a few rays in the pines'. I see this occasionally near me as there are many Christmas tree farms."

no. A612822017 | 18" x 24" | $3,750

Gary has many accolades to his name including stamp competition wins and conservation organization prints of the year.

Sam & Lily Nottleman Born along the banks of the Mississippi River in Southeastern Minnesota, Sam's appreciation and love of the outdoors began literally at birth. Fascinated by the annual migrations of waterfowl and songbirds along the Mississippi Flyway corridor, Sam excels at expressing his appreciation of nature through his skills as an artist and master woodcarver. Graduating from Winona State University in 1972 with a BA in Art, Sam had already begun a 33year career as a professional musician. At fi rst the music and the road served as a distraction, keeping Sam from his drawing and carving. However it was not long before his passion for the birds again made its presence known and Sam began carving as a way to unwind after an exhausting performance on stage. It was during this period of time Sam's carving skills really developed. From his personal observations, and an extensive collection of mounted birds as a reference, his carvings became ever more detailed and unique. Now known throughout the country for his anatomically correct positions and lifelike details, he works closely with his wife, Lily, as she adds color and paint to each of Sam's carvings. Retiring from the music industry in 1996, carving is now both his passion and profession. With his studio on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River he carves fulltime.



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Bufflehead Drake & Hen C.

wo od c a rv i ng s b y S a m & Li l y No t t l e m a n "The smallest of all the diving ducks on the Mississippi River, the bufflehead nest in trees like a wood duck and are related to goldeneye, but smaller. I was inspired to carve this pair after a hunt in the early 70's near the LaMoille Islands."

drake | no. A621097016 | 10½" x 5½" x 5½" | $2,800 hen | no. A621097116 | 10½" x 5" x 4½" | $2,800 pair of buffleheads | $4,995

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Anthony J. Padgett Anthony J. Padgett, a self-taught artist, has augmented his natural talent with extensive field studies of wildlife and their native habitats. Since 1992, Padgett has produced hundreds of original acrylic wildlife paintings and many limited edition prints. Attention to detail, vibrant colors and strong sunlight rays are hallmarks of his style. Conservation fund-raising is a passionate interest for Padgett. His proudest artistic accomplishment to date was being named Ducks Unlimited 2008 International Artist of the Year. Other non-profit and conservation organizations such as Whitetails Unlimited, National Wildlife Federation, the Indiana Conservation Officers Organization, Boy Scouts of America, the National Wildlife Refuge Officers Association, National Hunter Education, Southern Illinois University and the Conservation Foundation have juried or commissioned his paintings for their fund-raising efforts.


Serene Retreat




Return Among the Cattails - Wood Ducks

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y J . Pa d g e t t

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y J . Pa d g e t t

"This image was inspired by a lake in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois that I have visted with my fmaily every year since I was a toddler. I always look forward to the camping trip because the entire family would make a point to spend time together cooking, hiking and playing. The name of the painting was chosen for the easy, relaxed feeling that everyone would experience."

"I have always chosen to take the "scenic route" no matter what the final destination was. This particular fall morning looking out over the field, memories of duck hunting with my Dad and brothers coming flooding back. I don't find as much time to hunt these days but will always enjoy the scenery."

no. A624655005 | 20" x 30" | $4,500

no. A624707589 | 20" x 30" | $4,500


Great Expectation – Black Lab

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y J . Pa d g e t t "I was duck hunting with a good friend of mine from Tennesssee and his black lab Drake. Drake was keeping a watachful eye while we were enjoying our morning coffee. Although Drake is no longer with us, I will always remember him waiting contently and then bursting with excitement."



Creekside Perch – Cardinal

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y J . Pa d g e t t "I have explored and taken research photos many times of covered bridges in Indiana. This particular winter morning a cardinal seemed to be keeping a careful eye on me. It made me think of the old saying that a cardinal is actually the spirit of a lost loved one coming to visit."

no. A624131526 | 14" x 20" | $3,000

no. A624286256 | 20" x 30" | $4,500



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Jon Ren

Jon Ren's passion for drawing and painting began as a young boy. He was greatly influenced by his father, western artist Chuck Ren, and driven by his own natural ability. After graduating from the Art Institute of Colorado in 1990, Jon began his career as an artist creating team posters for the NFL. Jon's works include a variety of subject matter which have been featured on collector plate series and limited edition prints. His father's influence is evident in Jon's Native American pieces. Jon's love of wildlife steered him toward becoming a full-time wildlife artist.

A. Spring Royals – Horned Grebes

His accomplishments include the 2010 and 2011 Oregon Upland Game Bird Stamp, the 2007, 2010 and 2013 Timber Wolf Alliance Wolf Awareness Week Poster. His original pieces are shown in art shows and galleries across the nation. His work is available in print and for license through Wild Wings. Jon is available for commissions. He currently resides in West Virginia with his family.

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k "Though their status is Threatened in Minnesota, I occasionally get to see Horned Grebes where I live, and I'm quite fond of them. Artistically, I am taken by their blocky, sculptural shapes, their rich red and gold plumage, and the way their little royal "crowns" are mimicked by the spring marsh vegetation."

no. A682562099 | 18" x 24" | $2,800


Jim Rataczak

A small strip of woods behind his boyhood home in Minnesota provided the surroundings in which Jim Rataczak (pronounced “RAT-a-check”) began his life as a naturalist and artist. As birds became an increasingly common subject in his artwork, Jim learned of the work of several Minnesota wildlife painters, especially that of Ron Van Gilder, Gary Moss, and David A. Maass, and marveled at the incredible animal diorama backgrounds Francis L. Jaques had painted at the Bell Museum of Natural History in Minneapolis. With a degree in biology in 1987 followed by a masters degree, Jim assumed he was on his way to a career in biology. However, a summer Fellowship at the Delta Waterfowl Research Station in Manitoba, Canada, exposed Jim to Delta’s rich artistic heritage and he realized that he wanted to get back into painting. Jim zealously pursued his art, taking classes at the Art Institute of Chicago, and learning bird anatomy at the Field Museum of Natural History. This direct approach to study and painting was further cemented as Jim began studying the work of Louis Agassiz Fuertes, Bruno Liljefors, and Lars Jonsson. In 1993, Jim and his wife Joan moved back to Minnesota, where Jim continued his studies, and exhibited his work. Today his work can be found in galleries and private collections across North America.




ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo n R e n "My wife recounting her favorite memories from the inside passage cruise she took, on her way to her mom's hometown of Ketchikan, Alaska, inspired this painting. I wanted to capture the sureality she described."

no. A702018592 | 18" x 24" | $2,000 18


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Spirit in the Sk y

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo n R e n "This piece depicts the connection, as well as the shared powerful and regal qualities, between this Native American chief and Golden Eagle."

no. A702020181 | 13" x 11" | $1,000 D.

Buffalo Stance

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo n R e n "Bison, symbolic animals of the Great Plains are formidable beasts and the heaviest land animals in North America. They stand some 5 to 6.5 feet tall at the shoulder, and can weigh over a ton. Yet they are quick on their feet...running at speeds up to 40 miles an hour."




Northern Lights

oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o "To see this natural phenomenon in the back bay near our cabin was truly inspiring."

no. A850505389 | 18" x 24" | $2,000

Cherie Serrano

Born in Ontario, Canada, Cherie Serrano was surrounded by natural beauty. Inspired by Rainy Lake, Cherie started painting what she is best known for, her lake scenes. She is currently living in Minnesota with her husband and their sons. Cherie’s artwork continues to reflect her surroundings with her more recent paintings of Lake Superior.

no. A702001269 | 10" x 8" | $1,000 D WILD WINGS

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Michael Sieve

Michael Sieve grew up in small-town Minnesota in a farming family. Although he gained much experience hunting and studying wildlife that would eventually become the subjects of his wildlife artwork, he taught himself to draw and had no formal art education until college.

In college, he intended to study advertising, but when he realized that wasn't his passion, he decided to study art and earned a degree in studio art from Southwest Minnesota State College. After working non-art jobs and moonlighting as a painter for many years, he fi nally became a professional artist and continues to paint professionally today. The multicontinental wildlife subjects of Michael Sieve's artwork range from whitetails in woods to stone sheep on mountain peaks to elephants on the African plain. Intense realism and a masterful skill for capturing unique lighting add to Sieve's reputation as one of the world's premier contemporary wildlife artists.


Sandhill Crane Study

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve "If you’re a birdwatcher the Platte River in central Nebraska in early spring is the place to be. Tens of thousands of sandhill cranes have been gathering there before they go north since the distant past. I’ve gone to see them several times over the years and it’s always been very impressive. If you haven’t seen them you’re missing out on a world class birdwatching experience. You should go!"

no. A780692434 | 20" x 8" | $14,000 B.

oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k "This scene depicts an area in Yellowstone Park at the base of Specimen Ridge that I love and have bushwhacked around many times, and in all seasons. It is particularly beautiful in the Autumn, when the Aspens turn to gold. A group of Mule deer and some sky drama complete the scene."

no. A838036065 | 22" x 28" | $3,200




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Autumn Mule Deer, Lamar Valley

Lee Stroncek

Lee Stroncek arrived at his painting career as many others have: the spark of adolescent creativity is kindled and nurtured by parental support, hard work and determination. A native of Minnesota, Stroncek studied wildlife and fisheries biology at the University of Montana and the University of Alaska, and then completed two years of art instruction at Colorado State University. Stroncek’s lifelong obsession with natural history and outdoor experience has led him to portray outdoor-related subjects most frequently. Lee Stroncek’s watercolors and acrylics are noted for their subtle and sensitive use of light, color and atmosphere. A full-time artist since 1980, Stroncek’s works are included in private collections throughout the U.S., including the L.L. Bean Co. of Freeport, Maine, and abroad. His works have appeared in such outdoor and fi ne arts publications as Sports Afield, Field & Stream, Fly Fisherman, Trout, Southwest Art, Wildlife Art, Sporting Classics, Yankee, and In-Fisherman magazines. His works were chosen for the 1985 and 1988 California Wild Trout Stamp print design, and he has shown in several “Birds in Art” exhibitions at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.

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Gene Stevens

Gene Stevens was born and raised in Peterson, a small town in the southeastern part of Minnesota. He grew up roaming the bluffs and learning to fish on the various streams that run through this area. He had always had an interest in art and wildlife. At an early age he remembered having his Dad draw animals for him and then trying to drawn them on his own.


Signs of Spring – Baltimore Oriole

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s

Gene graduated from St. Olaf College in 1973 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in art education and for 34 years taught art in Lewiston, MN before his retirement in 2007. He had also done freelance artwork throughout the years and twice was a fi nalist in the Minnesota pheasant stamp competition. Stevens donated work to various conservation groups, local civic organizations in addition to several demonstration shows at the National Eagle Center in nearby Wabasha, MN.

"A sure sign of spring is when the robust orange Baltimore orioles arrive! There is no mistaking the flash of color they add to the woodland landscape. They are often hard to see singing high in the tree tops, so enjoy this painting of an oriole pausing among the blossoms of a apple tree."

no. A825692036 | 10¼" x 11½" | $1,050

Gene’s originals appear in private collections throughout the country and his images have been licensed by companies across the United States for different product lines. Gene passed away in early 2020 and leaves a beautiful legacy of nature art behind for all to remember him. C

Mark Susinno

First to the Fly – Brook Trout


With his classic artistic training and passion for fishing, Mark Susinno catches the angler’s world from every perspective. Susinno discovered early his propensity toward art. He began painting at age three and by high school his art was receiving considerable attention. His talents in art were rewarded with a full scholarship to the prestigious Pratt Institute of New York where he graduated with highest honors and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting in 1979.

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y M a rk S u s i n n o "The brief bounty of summer in Labrador's relatively sterile rivers and lakes breeds large and opportunistic brook trout that will readily eat a smaller member of their own species - or a streamer fly tied to imitate one."


A two-month long cross-country road trip led Mark to leave New York City for Maryland in 1982, where he continued to dabble in artistic pursuits while working at various nonart-related jobs. In 1985, Mark won the 1986 Maryland Trout Stamp contest and decided to concentrate on art professionally. Since then, he has specialized in painting underwater depictions of freshwater and saltwater gamefish and in scenes of fly fishermen pursuing their obsession. Along the way, Mark has added twenty more fishing stamps to his list of credits, including the 1991 First-of-State Pennsylvania Trout/Salmon Stamp and the 2005 First-ofState Texas Freshwater Stamp. Mark's limited edition prints have been published by Wild Wings since 1987.

no. A835246751 16" x 20" | $4,500


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' Thomas Kinkade Studios Original Studies are exquisite works of art created by Thomas Kinkade Studios artists. These original paintings are the inspiration for the published Limited-Edition Art releases. Original Studies were lovingly created with hundreds of hours of research and brushwork applied to each one. Each Thomas Kinkade Studios Original Study has its own story to tell – some created solely with acrylic or oil paints, while others were painted using mixed-media art techniques. A Thomas Kinkade Studios Original Study comes with a Certificate of Authenticity that includes an archival catalog number and authorized signature which certifies its status as a Thomas Kinkade Studios original work of art. A tamper-evident hologram and signature plaque are affi xed to each original, and these marks of authenticity are exclusive to these unique works of art.


Returning Home

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by T homas Kinkade Studios On coastlines around the world you will find lighthouses that cast a strong reliable beacon to guide sailors to the safety of their home port. Thomas Kinkade Studios proudly presents "Returning Home", a painting that reflects the end of a journey, be it a short or long passage of time, and the feeling of joy that comes with reuniting with family and friends. On any voyage, true happiness is only fully achieved when one finally returns home. In "Returning Home", the viewer can imagine a loved one sitting on the bench overlooking the ocean or the sounds of home, like children playing on the majestic tree swing in the yard. The ebb of the surf washing ashore and the welcoming beacon of the lighthouse evoke a sense of peace, assuring the traveler that they are in the safe harbors of home. Wherever you are in life, "Returning Home" is meant to be a source of hope and reminder that home is always near, with friends and family there to love and welcome you.

no. A435675089 | 20" x 30" | $10,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved. A


A Winter Retreat

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by T homas Kinkade Studios Does winter have a color? Possibly, but winter sometimes requires us to use our imagination to see the color. In "A Winter Retreat" you find lavender, pinks, blues, whites, greys, yellows, greens, and shades of brown on glorious display. The subtle tones of the sky, the green of the mallard’s head, the blues of the water, and the whisper of greys in the rabbits’ footprints provide our imaginations with a kaleidoscope of color. The inviting cabin in "A Winter Retreat" displays a unique beauty in the shape of the rustic brown hued logs, the subtle curves and the angular lines. The colors in this painting evoke a sense of warmth and home, giving the viewer feelings of peace and comfort – a place to get away, even if it’s just in your mind for a short time. May this artwork inspire you to find your winter retreat this season!

no. A435905589 | 18" x 27" | $8,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved. B



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Deer Creek Chapel

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by T homas Kinkade Studios “The world seems reborn in beauty, all the bareness of the winter wood hidden by white.” - Thomas Kinkade Thomas Kinkade would often ponder what one may find around the corner of any path in his paintings. In commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the release of Thom’s best-selling painting, "Deer Creek Cottage", Thomas Kinkade Studios has created "Deer Creek Chapel", an interpretation of what may lie around the corner from Thom’s well-loved winter cottage. Nestled beneath the mountains, highlighted by the rising sun, "Deer Creek Chapel "is visited by a family of deer reminiscent of "Deer Creek Cottage". The morning sunlight glistens off the freshly fallen snow. A delicate fawn peers at the lights glowing from the chapel windows. "Deer Creek Chapel" captures the beauty of Nature and celebrates the wonder of God’s creations.



Autumn at Apple Hill

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s Ki n k a d e S t u d i o s Step foot into a crisp autumn evening at Apple Hill. The light fall breeze, coupled with the bountiful harvest of pumpkins and colorful mums lining the pathway inspire feelings of serenity and comfort, only found on a tranquil Autumn evening. As the sun sets, brilliant colors of gold, scarlet, lavender, and blue paint the sky and reflect upon the transforming landscape and foliage. Autumn memories of picking apples from the trees and walking through the pumpkin patch looking for just the right pumpkin are captured in "Autumn at Apple Hill".

no. A435101589 | 29½" x 20½" | $8,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved. C

In the distance you can see the quaint village where you'll find the bounty of Autumn: candied apples, homemade applesauce, apple butter, apple fritters and turnovers, and fresh pumpkin and apple pie.

no. A435015089 | 19" x 28" | $8,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved.


Hummingbird Cottage

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s Ki n k a d e S t u d i o s "Hummingbirds are small angels of fleeting joy.” - Anonymous If you stroll down Hummingbird Lane on a quiet day, you may encounter the charm of hummingbirds enjoying the sweet nectar of garden flowers. The softness of the pink trumpet vines and the rainbow of colors are a kaleidoscope that draws not just the sweet hummingbirds, but a variety of other delightful characters, to the gardens. Thomas Kinkade Studios presents "Hummingbird Cottage", a painting that beckons you to pause, take a refreshing breath, and enjoy the exuberance of nature.

no. A435275089 | 24" x 36" | $12,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved. E WILD WINGS

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Amsterdam Café

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s K i n k a d e S t u d i o s The setting sun’s warm glow reflects upon the water in one of Amsterdam’s famous canals. The distant windmills appear to move in the gentle breeze and evoke memories of “simpler times”. Thomas Kinkade loved plein air or open air painting, and Amsterdam was a dream destination of his. Thom and his family were able to spend time in the historic city and paint in plein air in the surrounding countryside. Their shared memories recall the charm of Amsterdam and the simple act of riding a bicycle along the canal, where they would stop for hot chocolate, coffee, or a cool beverage, and of course, a pastry at the local café. Thomas Kinkade Studios created "Amsterdam Café", a painting that celebrates the historic beauty of Amsterdam and captures Thom’s vision of this iconic city. "Amsterdam Café" invites you to enjoy the celebrated canal and imagine the delicious treats this city is famous for.

no. A435010089 | 21½" x 31½" | $10,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved.



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Munich Café

or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s Ki n k a d e S t u d i o s If there was a city that could whisk you away to the charm of olden times then Munich would be that city. The sun has risen and a new day has dawned. Walking these historic streets and sidewalks one can feel time almost stand still. Sitting down for morning coffee and pastry at the café, or strolling along the streets window shopping, the beauty and charm of this old city are captured in all its vibrancy. Come and stroll the charming Bavarian streets and take a seat at Munich Café. Enjoy a beverage and pastry of your choosing and savor the timelessness of this grand old city.

no. A435517589 | 21" x 31½" | $10,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved.




or igi na l s t u dy – ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s Ki n k a d e S t u d i o s Known for its dramatic views of the blue Aegean Sea and its classic whitewashed Greek island architecture, Santorini is one of the stunning Greek Cycladic islands. Visitors to this enchanting getaway never forget the charms of this island, with its unique character, history and natural wonders. In creating the Original Study, "Greece", Thomas Kinkade Studios sought to capture the magic of Santorini, painting one of its iconic cliffside villages and the deep blue waters of the Aegean Sea. This artwork is meant to take the viewer to Santorini in such a way where one can almost feel the ocean breeze, imagine the festive sounds of the island, and taste the rich local cuisine.

no. A435242589 | 18" x 27" | $8,000 © The Thomas Kinkade Estate. All Rights Reserved.


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Tom Wosika Heavily influenced by modern wildlife art master, Les Kouba, Tom Wosika communicates his intense sentiment toward nature in his work. “My whole life has been influenced by the stories Les Kouba tells with the strokes of his brush. For me, a sportsman, Les’ work just puts me in the moment.” Wosika tries to emulate that same emotion with his work.


Water Lilies

oi l pa i n t i ng b y To m Wo s i k a "Water Lilies, like their cousins the Water Lotus’, have been a common inspiration for artists all the way back to at least Ancient Egypt. Their ability to burst splendidly in even the murkiest of waters touches a chord in most anyone who has ever enjoyed them floating beautifully on a summer pond."

Thorough research including photography, observation and studying other artistic styles, have helped provide Wosika with ample reference material for his work and in developing his style. In the conservation art arena, Wosika has proved a serious contender. His honors to date include twice winning the Massachusetts Primitive Arms & Archery (deer hunting) and the Minnesota trout stamp competitions.

no. A954766590 | 18" x 24" | $2,100


Valeria Yost Valeria Yost was born and raised in a rural area of the central valley of California. As a young person, she began her adventures as a wildlife and landscape artist. She sold her watercolor and oil paintings while in high school. Self-taught, she has carefully chosen various workshops to improve her artistic skills. Valeria believes her best training has come from studying nature by spending hours in the woods and getting to know her subjects intimately. Horseback riding, hiking, and backpacking into remote areas, Valeria takes photographs and does field studies that provide information for her strongly contrasted and brightly colored paintings. Working predominately in acrylic, she takes a great deal of care to depict her subjects and their habitats accurately. Her artwork has been on display throughout North America for over 25 years. Valeria’s originals, prints and licensing opportunities are now available through Wild Wings, one of today’s leading publishers, distributors and retailers of wildlife, sporting, and nostalgic/ Americana art prints and art-related products. She has completed numerous artwork projects for the Idaho Fish and Game, Backcountry Horsemen of California, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Ducks Unlimited. B. B

Race the Wind

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t "A thunder storm in the distance gives these horses an excuse to run. Painted to celebrate their owners exploits and to enhance their capabilities the horses show off their beauty and grace. Wether ridding watching or painting them horses are my favorite animal."

no. A973087581 | 18" x 31" | $6,000 26


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ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t "A too close of an encounter in the woods I was hiking in with a bull moose left me shaken. As I was standing there wondering if he was going to charge he turned and ran the other way. The colors I have used to portray him hopefully express the bold vibrant energy he exuded. Moose are grand beautiful , powerful woods masters. The colors are just another way of capturing that energy."

no. A973477768 | 32" x 42" | $8,000 D.


ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t "I have been in the middle of a buffalo herd a number of times now. I have felt their rough tongues as they licked the sweat of off my arms. I have been able to touch their coarse hair and touch the rough hard texture of their horns. I have been able to study their eyes closely. They seem to study you with old wisdom. You are so very aware of the power and mystery that surrounds you. The colors represent the feelings of the experience. Against a lightning charged sky. (There are approximately 100 buffalo in my friends herd. We ride 4 wheelers out and they come and surround us only leaving when their curiosity is satisfied. It is an AMAZING EXPERIENCE)"


no. A973071569 | 42" x 32" | $8,000


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Baker Reflection

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y B i l l Zi e rk e “My son, Mike was on a trip into the Washington back country and was on his way to Artist Point and captured this wonderful reflection of Mt. Baker on Picture Lake. The photo collection inspired me to paint this one.”

no. A990008589 | 16" x 20" | $1,000

The Original Artwork in this collection includes customizable framing options. The pricing reflects a fully assembled, ready to hang piece of art. Let our experienced team assist you in selecting the perfect frame for your new art!* *Shipping costs are not included in the prices shown

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Discover over original works of art including paintings, drawings and sculptures representing over . Get to know our artists by viewing their biographies, photos and inspirations behind their artwork. Original artwork is frequently added, so visit us often!



Eagle River Thaw

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y B i l l Zi e rk e “It is from a pull-out in central Colorado of the Eagle river near Minturn, CO. It was a quiet morning with the sun starting to peek over the mountains. The stillness caught the shadows and reflections enough to make you stop and look for a while.”

no. A990110089 | 18" x 24" | $1,200

75 artists

For Art Inquiries, Requests & Orders: Please contact Kerrie Wells at 651-345-6076 Email: kerrie.wells@wildwings.com Or call customer service: 800-445-4833 Monday-Friday 8am-7pm CST Professional Services We Offer Personal art consultations Customized framing options with this collection and online Commissioned art available from over 75 artists Customized art curation


Bill Zierke The La Crosse and Onalaska areas in Wisconsin have always been home for Bill Zierke, where bowling and art have been his passion for the past 75 years and he now paints almost on a daily basis. Bill studied commercial art through Art Instruction Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1949-51, and later on, did all the graphics for his screen printing business. Painting with acrylic, old barns, farms, landscapes, still life, wildlife and flowers are some of his favorite subjects. He is inspired by his own gardens, photographs taken, and by the places he has visited throughout the years.

18715 Madrone Parkway Morgan Hill, CA 95037 2101 S Hwy 61 • PO Box 451 Lake City, MN 55041-0451

Bill has been represented by several galleries and has been a part of many shows since 1995, and at 80 years old, he began to enter his artwork in the WRS/WRAA (Wisconsin Regional Art Program) and has won three state awards. He still enjoys displaying his works at local outdoor shows.



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