~ 2018-2019 ~ O R I G I N A L PA I N T I N G S &
Every work of art begins with an
Artist’s Inspiration Dear Collector, In art as in life inspiration comes from many sources. Artists are often inspired by personal life experiences—a parent or grandparent who introduced them to the joys of hunting at an early age; a youthful wilderness experience that made a lasting impression; or simply a memorable moment with a litter of lovable puppies. Whatever their individual inspirations, artists enrich and beautify our lives with their unique and creative interpretations of the natural world.
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o s e m a r y Mi l l e t t e “It was my intent to have shades of foggy greens and grays create a tranquil mood in this painting of whitetail deer.”
no. A593756965 | 20" x 26" | $2,800
The inspiration for collecting original art can also come from many sources. While we can’t all be blessed with the talent to create beautiful masterpieces—we can all appreciate and admire them. And, if we’re very fortunate, we can acquire beautiful original art for our own collections. Wild Wings was founded 50 years ago to provide nature enthusiasts with just that opportunity— and we continue to pursue our original mission today. We hope you enjoy our 2018 Original Art catalog. If you fi nd a particular piece that inspires you, please contact Kerrie Wells as noted below. Should you be interested in acquiring a commissioned piece created just for you, Kerrie will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements. We look forward to serving you!
Randy Eggenberger President
Please contact Kerrie Wells, your personal art representative, at 651-345-6076 or email kerrie.wells@wildwings.com
Thank You!
Tranquil Waters – Whitetail Deer
Jubilee – Whitetail Deer
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y D a n n y E d wa rd s “The power and energy of two bounding whitetail bucks capture the attention as effortlessly as their graceful sprint.”
no. A588399365 | open edition 19"H x 18"W x 11"D | $1,800
~ Index of Artists ~ Bourdet, Susan...................... 5 Boyer, Fred ....................3, 5, 12 Brandt, Rollie ...................... 8 Cummings, Chris ................. 11 Cota, Blend...................... 15-16 Docken, Russ ......................... 7 Danielson, Marsie ............... 4 Edwards, Danny .............2, 4, 6 Giordano, Bob .......................9 Gramling, Ron .....................14 Jordan, Susan Knowles ....... 7 Johnson, Gary ................. 12-13 Kasper, Jim ............................. 4 Kobetsky, Patty ....................14
Maass, David A. ................... 10 Messier, Greg. ....................... 4 Millette, Rosemary ............. 2 Ren, Jon................................... 3 Rataczak, Jim ....................... 10 Serrano, Cherie....................9 Sieve, Michael ...................... 7 Stevens, Gene ........................9 Storm, Scot ............................ 3 Stroncek, Lee .......................13 Tili, Redina ...........................15 Van Gilder, Ron .................. 10 Wosika, Thomas M ..............14 Yost, Valeria ..........................6
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Wild Wings began its journey in 1968 and continues to serve as America’s premier source of original nature art. All purchases are subject to your fi nal approval and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
' ' featured artists
Rosemary Millette, Danny Edwards, Scot Storm, Jon Ren & Fred Boyer C
Scrapeline Monarch – Whitetail Deer
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S c o t S t o r m “Many a mornings have been spent sitting in the stand, waiting, anticipating for the sight of that dominate buck. Most times it remains just a vision in the mind, but sometimes....” C.
no. A829387365 | 20½" x 30½" | $10,200
Prize Possession – Chocolate Lab
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Scot Storm
“In both of these paintings, I was motivated to share an attribute of the sporting dog breeds – they are so willing to please!”
no. A829386956 | 14½" x 11½" | $2,500 D.
Prize Possession – Yellow Lab
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Scot Storm
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r
no. A829387156 | 14½" x 11½" | $2,500 E.
“Although he is the dominant ram, he is about to be challenged by a large ram vying for the honor to be ‘King of the Mountain’ and win the favor of the ewes of the herd.”
Grandeur – Mule Deer
Ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo n R e n “The view of a mule deer in the morning in the Grand Tetons was enough to stimulate my creativity! This is my idea of pure grandeur.”
no. A702010965 | 18" x 24" | $3,000
King Of The Mountain
no. A117245070 | 50 s/n edition 34" H x 21"W x 19"D | $11,250 E WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
Winter Watch – Moose
oi l pa i n t i ng by Marsie Danielson “A dark brown, heavily antlered moose is a stark contrast to the fresh, wintry white landscape that surrounds him. His long legs will help him maneuver the deep snow.”
no. A186775968 | 24" x 48" | $5,700
Deer Dreaming – Whitetail Deer
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Ji m K a s p e r “The early morning frost and haze enhance a dreamscape for the imagination to add the deer!”
The Monster of Moose Bay – Moose
no. A423109565 | 24" x 36" | $4,900
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r “The magnificence of the moose is all in the eye of the beholder. Kind of like modern art.”
no. A582457568 | 15" x 28" | $2,875 B
Gentle Giant – Moose
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y D a n n y E d wa rd s “This sculpture depicts the immense size a bull moose’s body can grow to and antlers can attain each year. Dropping their tines after mating season to conserve energy for the winter, the bull moose consumes thousands of calories in terrestrial vegetation each day to maintain strength.”
no. A588305568 | open edition 10½"H x 7¾"W x 5"D | $1,200 4
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
' featured artists
Greg Messier, Danny Edwards, Jim Kasper, Marsie Danielson, Susan Bourdet & Fred Boyer
It’s the Berries
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “A festive wreath of berries is enhanced by a living ornament a northern cardinal.”
no. A085316226 21" x 16" | $1,995
Glories for A New Day – Anna’s
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t
“As the morning glories open to greet the new day, hummingbirds arrive to sip the sweet nectar.”
A Gardener’s Wish – Hummingbird
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “My garden is a quiet place that restores my peace of mind and provides a safe haven for birds and small wildlife.”
no. A085255041 16¾" x 13¾" | $1,500 G
Sitting Pretty – House Wren
“An ornate bracket that once supported a Victorian porch is now entwined with clematis. A house wren considers the tangled vines as a nest site.”
Chickadees & Snowberries
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t
no. A085703547 | 14½" x 18½" | $1,200
“A blackberry thicket, ornamented with plump snowberries, comes to life when visited by a pair of chickadees.”
no. A085094137 15" x 19" | $1,995
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t
no. A085242229 | 12¾" x 16½" | $1,400 F.
Aw Nuts & Everything is Chipper
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r “Even though they are one of the forests smaller creatures, they leave a big impression. When I see them, they always leave a smile on my face.”
no. A117035574 | open edition 4"H x 3"W x 2"D | Set of 2 $650 WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
Just A Helping Hand
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t “Some years the snow just gets too deep and a friendly hand can make all the difference. The setting for this painting is only a mile and a half away.”
Line Shack – Elk
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t
no. A973349066 | 15" x 30" | $5,750
“I wanted to create a painting filled with peace and tranquility where all visitors are welcome.”
Walks Alone – Grizzly
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t
no. A973457666 | 18" x 36" | $6,750
“I created this scene of a grizzly as a smaller painting a few years back. I thought it was a perfect composition to revisit again in a larger format and I love it!”
no. A973839375 | 24" x 24 " | $5,000
Trouble Brewin'
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t “Elk are so majestic anytime of the year. I have watched them in all seasons and never tire of the many moods as the time passes each year.”
no. A973735066 | 18" x 24" | $5,000 C.
Following the Canyon Trail – Whitetail Deer
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t “This is a scene from our canyon in late October. It is a perfect setting where a whitetail buck would pause to watch, listen, and smell the air before he moving on again looking for does.”
no. A973228265 | 30" x 20" | $5,500 6
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
' featured artists
Valeria Yost, Danny Edwards, Michael Sieve, Russ Docken & Susan K. Jordan F.
Buffalo Portrait
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ru s s D o c k e n “I have painted many portraits of people of all forms but this one is for the wildlife fans.”
no. A225081269 | 12"H x 9"W | $975 I
The Watch Tower – Giraffe & Zebras I.
Elephants & Red Hartebeest
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve
“I have never considered red Hartebeest to be one of the great looking animals of the African bush, but this scene changed my mind. This herd of hartebeest in the rich green fields of the rainy season and in the warm light of the late afternoon was very impressive. When a herd of elephants on the move came into view, I was won over.”
“Giraffe are one of the iconic African animals. Unique in appearance and found only in Africa, highly visible and easily approached, these sentinels of the bush are always on duty watching for danger.”
no. A780855179 | 25" x 41" | $6,900
no. A780089079 | 13" x 28" | $4,900
One Step at a Time
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y D a n n y E d wa rd s
“When you are this big and powerful, you meet everyone and everything on your own terms, taking it as it comes… one step at a time.”
no. A588657475 | open edition 6½"H x 10"W x 4"D | $1,200 J.
Relative Peace – Lion
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n K . Jo rd a n “We heard the lions roaring last night, it was an incredibly awesome experience!”
no. A418525573 | 18" x 24" | $2,400
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
' ' featured artists
Knee Deep – Flamingos A.
Rollie Brandt, Bob Giordano, Gene Stevens, & Cherie Serrano
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t “I’ve always been fascinated by Flamingos...their beautiful color, long legs and necks...Just a fun bird! They’re a novelty for an artist from Minnesota!”
no. A083310064 14½" x 24" | $3,000
C. B.
Cat Eyes
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t “Although I’m mostly a ‘dog person’, I’ve enjoyed friendly domestic cats all my life and never pass up an opportunity to pet one! This is Tyrone, who belongs to family friends. He keeps me company while I plant seedlings at their greenhouse. It was fun to paint his expressive face larger than life.”
no. A083086497 | 17½" x 18½" | $3,500 8
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
Grampa’s Afternoon
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t
“This is Marvin, a life long farmer in southern Minnesota, the father of eight who loved fishing off his daughter’s dock in his later years. Sadly cancer took his life at age 79. Any of us who fish know what a peaceful time this is...I enjoyed painting this time of reflection for Marvin and all the fisherman.”
“Cats love to spend time lounging around outdoors. This orange tabby keeps me company while gardening. I love how he lights up in the sunshine!”
no. A083259053 | 11" x 14" | $2,400
no. A083690997 | 20" x 16" | $3,500
Lake Superior Sentinal – Bald Eagle
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s
Misty Morning – Bald Eagle
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o “Early Spring morning, an eagle perched above the river waits for a meal.”
“Split Rock Lighthouse, man’s creation. The bald eagle, nature’s majesty, both keeping watch over the timeless beauty of Lake Superior. Let’s hope both will be able to share and preserve this precious gift.”
no. A825380132 | 14" x 17" | $1,650
no. A850497532 | 24" x 36" | $3,500 F.
First Light
oi l pa i n t i ng b y B o b G i o rd a n o “As day breaks over the horizon, a lone fisherman takes advantage of the ‘magic hour’ – that time in between false dawn and sunrise when fish become active before heading to deeper water for the day.”
no. A293300053 | 12" x 16" | $1,500 G.
Time to Head South – Loons
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s F
“As the leaves turn colors and the days get shoter, many species of birds here in the Northern regions start sensing the need to head southward and warmer weather. From the looks of the trees in this scene, these loons better start leaving for warmer waters quite soon.” G
no. A825744410 | 12" x 13½" | $1,050 WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
Heading Off Shore – Canvasbacks
oi l pa i n t i ng b y R o n Va n G l i d e r A.
Autmn Birch – Woodcock
“Like generations before them, these canvasbacks are feeling the winds of winter and rafting for their journey south.”
no. A913286307 | 26½" x 45¼" | $20,000
oi l pa i n t i ng b y D a v i d A . M a a s s “The American Woodcock, sometimes called ‘timberdoodle’, is a small migratory game bird that is very popular with a select group of upland bird hunters. Woodcock inhabit low land hardwood forests, mainly in the eastern part of the country, especially where one of their favorite foods, the earthworm, can be found. The sexes are quite similar and the single bird I have shown here could be either. While this Woodcock is quite out in the open, it is so well camouflaged by the colors in its feathers, it would very likely not be seen. This low area with a stand of old birches is ideal woodcock habitat.”
no. A540000421 | 24" x 36" | $24,000
Leveling Off – Pintails
oi l pa i n t i ng b y D a v i d A . M a a s s “While pintails inhabit most of North America, they are mainly found in the western part of the continent. On the water, pintails float higher than other ducks and the drakes are very elegant with long, slender white necks and their pointed tails swept upwards. The ‘sprig,’ as they are often called, depicted in this painting are dropping in fast, with wings set, at a much steeper angle than other ducks would do it – at the last minute (leveling off) for a graceful landing.”
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k “No matter how hard the winter, the first open water and, very soon thereafter, the first hooded mergansers on the creek are sure signs that spring is indeed on its way.”
no. A540451002 | 24" x 32" | $22,000 B
Signs of Spring – Hooded Mergansers
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
no. A682716025 | 20¼" x 24" | $3,500
H. E
' featured artists
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s “The horses gallop along a windswept ridge high above a Montana valley while summer rain falls in the distance.”
Karen’s Pond – Horses
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s “A noise in the woods has caught the horses’ attention as they pause in drinking from the shallow end of the pond in their pasture.”
no. A190444581 | 18" x 26" | $3,900
David A. Maass, Ron Van Glider, Jim Rataczak & Chris Cummings
no. A190858281 | 20" x 32" | $4,300
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s “While staying in Crete, I was drawn to the morning light falling on the gentle horses as they eagerly awaited their breakfast. The painting is named for their stable, Velani.”
no. A190857081 | 20" x 18" | $2,800 G.
Stepping Out
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s “As soon as the pasture gate opens, a spirited horse eagerly steps out to explore the open space.” F
no. A190721781 | 25 s/n edition 11½"H x 17½"W x 8½"D | $5,900 WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
m i x e d m e di a on m u l be r ry pa pe r b y G a r y Jo h n s o n
“The icon of the West painted on handmade mulberry paper and floated in the frame to show off the torn edges of the paper.”
Masai Jumping Dance
m i x e d m e di a on m u l be r ry pa pe r b y G a r y Jo h n s o n
no. A421499880 | 10" x 20" | $2,000
“Inspired by my visit to a Masai village in Kenya, two paintings in one frame showing the incredible vertical jumping of the Masai warrior in contrast to the floating jumping of the Masai women.”
no. A421535084 | 24" x 12" | $2,500 C.
Break Time
m i x e d m e di a on m u l be r ry pa pe r b y G a r y Jo h n s o n “A content grizzly bear is painted on my usual mulberry paper and floated in the frame to show off the torn edges of the paper.”
no. A421105075 | 9" x 10" | $1,400
Trouble Bruins II
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r “The black bear cubs are always entertining. These guys are about to stir up some trouble for themselves and their mother.” B
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
no. A117750075 | 35 s/n edition | 21" x 12" x 11" | $5,350
featured artists
' '
Gary Johnson, Lee Stroncek & Fred Boyer E
Clash of the Titans
The Silence of Dawn
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n
“American icons, a pair of bald eagles clash high in the sky in a dispute over territory.”
“The quiet solitude of dawn in Yellowstone National Park.”
no. A421210032 | 36" x 52" | $7,500
no. A421800089 | 24" x 36" | $4,000
November – Red Fox
oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “This scene on Fleshman Creek is evoking that bittersweet period between autumn’s end and winter’s onset.”
no. A838555072 | 18" x 24" | $3,000
Heron’s Haunt
oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “This late spring scene depicts an alluring spot on a creek near my home.”
no. A838280244 | 14" x 18" | $1,900 F
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
' featured artists
T homas M. Wosika, Ron Gramling, Patty Kobetsky, Redina T ili & Blend Cota
In Time – Firefighter
oi l pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s M . Wo s i k a “Every firefighter wonders what will happen for him when that one moment calls for all of his fortitude, training and experience. Will he put it all together and rise to the occasion, ‘In Time’?”
no. A954091596 | 24" x 18 " | $4,500
Happy Flowers – Poppies I C.
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Pa t t y Ko b e t s k y “Who can deny an artist an opportunity to paint the bold, red poppies? I consider them stunning and they make me feel happy!”
no. A477690090 40" x 30" | $1,500 A.
Hayward Memories
Happy Flowers – Poppies II
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o n G ra m l i n g “Fond memories of time spent with family and friends in Hayward, Wisconsin sparked the idea for this painting.”
no. A345248089 | 48" x 24" | $ 6,950
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Pa t t y Ko b e t s k y no. A477690190 40" x 30" | $1,500
m i x e d m e di a pa i n t i ng b y R e d i n a Ti l i “Such beautiful nature, clean deep waters, sunset horizons and rocky shores. Colorful fall leaves travelling through small streams of water. A far corner of land where you barely see footsteps and everything is untouched. Falling in love with nature all over again.”
no. A872300089 | 48" x 60" | $16,000 G.
Stream of Dreams m i x e d m e di a pa i n t i ng b y R e d i n a Ti l i
“There are times when you find yourself sitting on a rock by the water and just looking at the stream move and the light touch the tips of the waves. It is so mesmerizing and comforting that you can easily close your eyes a bit and feel your mind slowly move far away from reality.”
no. A872657589 | 48" x 60" | $16,000 H.
King of the Jungle
oi l pa i n t i ng b y B l e n d C o t a “This magnificent creature is sitting peacefully, his crown gently waving in the soft summer breeze as the tall savannah grass engulfs him. And yet, deep inside these quiet moments, I can feel the majestic roar ready to shake the land… such a powerful symbol of strength, pride and glory.”
no. A172425073 | 48" x 60" | $23,000 H WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artist
' ' Blend Cota
ll the original paintings in this catalog and on our website arrive framed and ready to hang. The custom-designed frame is included in the price. (Shipping is additional.)
Cutting Deep
oi l pa i n t i ng by Blend Cota “The old western tradition of a cutting horse competition is an incredible combination of training and skill. There is no stronger bond between a cowboy and his horse, and to be successful they must act as one, they must anticipate the cow’s next move, every sharp turn, and every hard stop. As you watch these tense, synchronized movements, you realize how amazing this relationship is…and this was my moment of inspiration for this painting."
no. A172195082 | 48" x 60" | $24,000
Discover over original works of art including paintings, drawings and sculptures representing over .
90 artists Enjoy an incredible variety of
genres, subjects, styles and mediums. B.
Flamenco Dance
View artist biographies, photos and inspirations behind their artwork.
oi l pa i n t i ng by Blend Cota “You can almost hear the sound of music and feel the air moving around her.”
no. A172310096 | 60" x 48" | $24,000
Artwork is frequently added, so visit us often!
' '
PO Box 451 Lake City, MN 55041-0451 800-445-4833 wildwings.com
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