JANUARY 7, 2016
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It’s a New Year, so how about a New You??? Not that I’m suggesting everyone change, but how LAURA CALTEUX about improving ourselves Department President and our attitudes? How we greet and speak with our old members and more importantly, our new members, has been shown to be the number one reason that our membership is in decline. Keeping our seasoned members involved in what is happening in
our units will keep the existing unit strong and viable. Finding ways for all members to work the Auxiliary programs that your unit is passionate about will keep the sparks flying and attract new members to help with our mission. I know for some of our members this would take them out of their comfort zone, but just imagine what your life could be like if you took a chance on someone new to the unit! You could have a future Unit Member of the Year, you could have some great new ideas for working the programs, and you just might get a wonderful new friend. So, when you have a
new member come to your next unit meeting, make sure that you go up to her and introduce yourself, take her around and introduce her to the other members, and make sure she knows that she is a Very Important Member. The Homeless Women Veterans Program was in need and boy did you step up to the plate! Thank you to all of the units and members for your generosity in funding the grant fund. We are again able to fulfill grants to help our female veterans that are homeless or at risk of being homeless. I don’t know how you did it, but a big heartfelt thank you from me and our female
MEMBERSHIP Bonnie Jakubczyk, Chairman Ph: (414) 764-6752 Email: bon6862@yahoo.com American Legion Auxiliary dues are NOT increasing for the 2016 membership year. The $5.00 increase beginning January 1, 2016 applies to The American Legion, NOT the AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY. Great job on getting those sparks in. The report in mid-December had Wisconsin in 2nd place for total paid membership. Congratulations to these eight units who sparked their way to the 100% club: Peshtigo Unit 312, Sheldon Unit 316, Hollandale Unit 510, Algoma Unit 236, Lone Rock Unit 383, Hartford Unit 19, Cassville Unit 352, and Rome Unit 65. Each unit will receive a check from National Headquarters for $100 for being 100% and above
by December 31, 2015! Keep those sparks flying! Mid-year rosters have gone out to the renewal person on record. Rosters were current as of 12/4/2015; anything received after 12/4/15 is not reflected on them. NATIONAL will be mailing renewal notices to all unpaid seniors by January 16, 2016. Like last year, the January renewal notices will have Department Headquarters as the remit to. 1) Units should continue to contact unpaid members and collect dues. 2) Members can, however, choose to pay their dues to their unit or online. 3) Units should continue to process all dues received per the standard processing procedures. 4) As was done last year, all units will receive notifications and
credits for any dues processed at headquarters. Per ALA Unit Handbook “A member failing to pay annual dues by January 31st shall be classed as delinquent and suspended from all membership privileges which include voting on Unit business, holding office, participation in Unit activities, receipt of member benefits and all other privileges of membership.” That being said, a member may pay her dues at any time to reinstate active membership. Keeping the promise: January – I promise to celebrate new and renewed members. Be the Spark for our Veterans! Your Membership Team: Bonnie Jakubczyk, Amy Luft, Penny Joren, Meghan Helms, Andrea Stoltz
veterans. Our financial support is only one facet of this program. You can volunteer at homeless veterans stand down events, where veterans receive free goods and services, haircuts, medical exams and meals. Raise funds along with your Post to help fund the Family Support Network for veterans at risk of losing their housing. Volunteer at a homeless veterans’ emergency shelter, find out what they need and work to provide it, such as hygiene products, clothing, or household items. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Department Chairman Judy Walters. Her contact
Chili Dump / Blanket Making for Zablocki VA at Post 288 • Cedarburg, WI (open to all Auxiliary members and the public) Jan 14-17 TAL Midwinter Conference HoChunk Casino • Baraboo, WI Jan 16 Joint Legion Family Testimonial HoChunk Casino • Baraboo, WI Feb 13 Junior Winter Conference • Point Bowl 2525 Dixon Street • Stevens Point, WI Feb 21-24 Washington DC Conference Washington DC Mar 19 7th District Spring Conference Sparta, WI Apr 2-3 & 9-10 WALA State Bowling Tournament Wally’s Seymour Bowl • Seymour, WI Apr 16 6th District Spring Conference Waupun, WI Apr 22-24 10th District Spring Conference Chetek, WI Apr 23 1st District Spring Conference Walworth County
3rd District Spring Conference Waunakee, WI Apr 23 9th District Spring Conference Jack LaMar Community Pavilion, Elcho, WI Apr 30 2nd District Spring Conference Cedar Ridge Grand Hall • 113 Cedar Ridge Drive • West Bend, WI May 7 4th District Spring Conference To be Determined June 19-24 ALA Badger Girls State UW-Oshkosh Jul 14-17 2016 Department Convention Madison Marriott West • Middleton, WI Aug 26-Sep 1 National Convention Cincinnati, OH Sept 10 ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member • Camp American Legion Lake Tomahawk, WI Sept 17 ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member • Doxbee’s Banquet & Buffet • Seymour, WI
3 RD DISTRICT 2 68.04% DISTRICT 6 68.04%
DISTRICT 9 69.99%
6 TH
4TH DISTRICT 10 66.52% DISTRICT 8 66.58%
Apr 23
–– Information is subject to change ––
DISTRICT 5 66.43%
8 TH
••• 2016 DATES TO REMEMBER • • • Jan 9
information is in the Red Book and on the department website. Please keep doing the great things that you are doing for our veterans, their families and our communities. I would love to attend any of the programs or projects that you are having at your units. All you have to do is fill out the request form found on the department website and then give me a call to confirm that I have received it. I know that things are happening all over the state, so keep up the great work that you are doing. I can’t wait to see you! Energize Our Programs – Be the Spark for Our Veterans
7T H
9 TH DISTRICT 4 64.98% DISTRICT 7 64.50%
DISTRICT 12 65.09%
1 0 TH
12TH DISTRICT 3 63.75%
DISTRICT 11 64.14%
DISTRICT 1 63.07%
65.98% DECEMBER 2015
Diane Weggen Department Chaplain/Music Chairman Ph:715-644-2668 Email: dsweggen@centurytel.net While I was picking out some of our favorite recipes and looking for something new to try either for Christmas and New Years or for Super Bowl Sunday, I found a set of recipes I had not looked at in years. I’d like to share it with The American Legion Family. Seven Old Bible Recipes If you have the blues, read the 27th Psalm. If your pocketbook is empty, read the 37th Psalm. If people seem unkind, read the 15th chapter of St. John. If you are discouraged about your work, read the 126th Psalm. If you are all out of sorts, read the 12th chapter of Hebrews. If you are losing confidence in mankind, read the 13th chapter of I Corinthians. If you can’t have your way in everything, read the 3rd chapter of St. James. --Recipe Treasures, St. Mary’s Parish Cookbook, Altoona, WI Volume II Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 When we are supportive of others, they generally are supportive of us. Our attitude towards others is the attitude we receive from others, so choose a good attitude and you will be happy, as well as the people around you. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the kindness and love you constantly shower on us. Thank you for keeping all serving in the military safe as they work for world peace. Help us bring about a peaceful nation by showing kindness and genuinely caring for all whom we know and with whom we work and volunteer as we move forward in the New Year. For this we pray. Amen With the New Year comes more wishes for peace. I’ve deleted some of the repeated lyrics of Canadian rock group Nickelback’s song released in 2006, but I think the message is exactly right. “If Everyone Cared” If everyone cared and nobody cried If everyone loved and nobody lied If everyone shared and swallowed their pride Then we’d see the day when nobody died And I’m singing Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I’m alive Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I’m alive And in the air the fireflies Our only light in paradise We’ll show the world they were wrong And teach them all to sing along Singing Amen, I, I’m alive (I’m alive) Singing Amen, I, I’m alive We’d see the day, we’d see the day When nobody died We’d see the day, we’d see the day When nobody died We’d see the day when nobody died It’s amazing the inspiration you can gain by taking a little time to enjoy everyday things. Sometimes life reminds us of this.
JANUARY 7, 2016
GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org Website: www.amlegionauxwi.org The American Legion Auxiliary headquarters staff wishes everyone a very happy and healthy 2016. May this be the year your resolutions all come true! In mid-January, the national organization will mail renewal notices to anyone whose 2016 dues were not processed at department headquarters by December 4th. If you receive a notice but think your dues are paid, please verify with your Unit Membership Chairman that she forwarded the payment to headquarters. Members who have not paid their 2016 dues should submit them as soon as possible either through their unit, department headquarters, or online at www. ALAforVeterans.org. Online dues are processed by the national organization and require a member log-in ID so any questions or concerns regarding online access should be directed to National at (317) 569-4500 or alahq@ALAforVeterans.org. Memberships that are not received and processed by de-
partment or paid online by January 31st are delinquent. Every month, except July and December, program information is sent to Unit Presidents from department headquarters to be shared with their members at unit meetings. Please take time to review this information. Members who are unable to attend a meeting can stay informed by reading the information on the department website under the Unit Mailings tab. If you see something of particular interest, please share it with others that you think may benefit from the article. Contest & Awards packets were mailed in November and information is posted on the department website. Units are encouraged to review the packet with their members and apply for the awards they are eligible for. Questions? Please contact the appropriate program chairman as listed in the packet. The Auxiliary offers more than $25,000 in scholarships at the state and national levels. Scholarship applications are posted on the department website and must be submitted by March 15, 2016 to be eligible. Units should review the applications they receive to ensure they are complete before certifying
and forwarding them to the Department Education Chairman for consideration. Please review the directions on each scholarship for specific details. Hopefully this will reduce the number of applications that are disqualified for failing to follow the rules. Questions? Please contact Chairman Kelli Mades. Year-End Report packets were mailed in December. Unit Year-End Impact Reports are due to District Presidents by April 15th. Unit Narrative Reports should be sent to department by April 15th. Department staff will forward the narrative reports to the appropriate program chairmen and to President Laura Calteux. President Laura will review the reports to select units for recognition at Department Convention. Don’t miss this opportunity to be “loud and proud” about all the activities you are involved in! Check out the ALA Badger Girls State website (www.badgergirlsstate.org) for the latest information on the 2016 Girls State session. If you have not submitted your Poppy Order for 2016, please do so ASAP. If you placed an order last year but haven’t sent your 20% poppy profit report to department, your order will be delayed until this is reported.
AUXILIARY EMERGENCY FUND LaVon Schurman Department Chairman H: 608-996-2575 Email: rumrunner@tds.net As this is being written, we are in the midst of the season of giving. By the time it is being read, the holidays will be behind us, with decorations and wrappings stored for another year as children play with yet another new electronic toy or game. All of this is planned and prepared for weeks and months preceding the holidays. When our members experience a disaster such as a fire, flood, earthquake, devastating illness or loss of a family member, there is no time for advance preparation. The Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) was established to
help American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) members in their time of need. Units and individuals are asked to donate so the fund can continue. The AEF has been chosen by ALA National President Sharon Conatser as her special project this year. As of this writing, Wisconsin contributions total $3,143.91. Congratulations to Wisconsin Rapids Unit 9 for raising $327.91; Saukville Unit 470 for contributing $300; Waupun Unit 210 for $250; and Amberg Unit 248 and Brookfield Unit 449, for $200 each. A heartfelt THANK YOU to the other 34 units for contributing the balance. This chairman would like to see that figure grow (maybe even double!) so is proposing a contest between units and between
districts. The winning unit and district will receive a citation at Department Convention plus a $10.00 donation made by this chairman in the winner’s name to AEF. District totals thus far are: District 1- $475, District 2- $480, District 3- $225, District 4- $0, District 5- $0, District 6- $445, District 7- $100, District 8- $518.91, District 9- $275, District 10- $475, District 11- $100, and District 12$50. In addition, a pin will be awarded to individual members making a donation of $50. Please share your fundraising ideas with me so they can be included in my annual report. This is truly our “Members Helping Members” program. Let’s be the “Spark of Hope” for our veterans’ families in their time of need.
AMERICANISM Char Kiesling, Department Chairman H: 920-725-0121 Email: charbabyrn@yahoo.com Following the “Great War,” freedom prevailed and in 1919 the American Legion Auxiliary was founded. Our Preamble includes the purpose to “perpetuate 100 percent Americanism.” Today, Americanism continues to be a vital program of our organization. The activities of the Americanism program are as important now as when our Auxiliary was founded. In order to work the Americanism program, the first step is to understand and appreciate the price paid for our fundamental freedoms. We need to educate ourselves and motivate our Auxiliary members in the four key ways we accomplish this program: 1. Promote a spirit of patriotism and appreciation for veterans. 2. Be knowledgeable on flag education and etiquette. 3. Promote and support the activities of the American Legion’s Americanism Program. 4. Educate and encourage the public to par-
ticipate in America’s free election process. Americanism starts with YOU. We need to spread the word about who we are, what we do, and why we matter. By being more visible to the public at parades, distributing poppies, being more visible in our communities by wearing our brand, and taking part in more community organizations, we are working the program. By sending off our troops and then welcoming them home, and sending packages to the troops…we are working the program. By recognizing our schools for leading our youth in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the Star Spangled Banner with hands over heart…we are working the program. Sending information to businesses that fly our flag, where they can properly dispose of their tattered flag, recognizing those who faithfully fly our flag of freedom with an award, “I Spy an American Flag”…then we are working the program. Assisting in getting Veterans in the Classroom, where students can learn first-hand about life in the military, the price of freedom, and hardships to all affected by war…you are
working the program. Supporting the Legion in their many Americanism programs, educating flag etiquette to young and old, taking part in a Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day activity, and holding a flag folding ceremony…that’s Americanism. Above all, get out and VOTE on Election Day to provide an example to your family, friends, and our youth. Many classrooms hold their own elections after learning about the candidates and we can help with that activity. Our American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Essay Contest is alive and well in our schools. Information should be in the schools for all levels – including homeschooled; students with special needs are grouped into one category at this time. More information on the essay contest can be found in the Unit Mailing. Flying the flag at home, thanking Veterans, and wearing a poppy or flag pin are some simple ways YOU can practice Americanism every day. Next time you recite the Pledge of Allegiance and you see someone not covering their heart or taking off their cap…what will YOU do?
MISSION: In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.
JANUARY 7, 2016
Elmwood Legion Post 207 and Auxiliary Unit 207 held their joint annual Lighting of the Lights at the Veterans Park in Elmwood. They decorated the park in November, which was a blessing in disguise because many of their lights had to be replaced. To their amazement, a Vietnam Veteran donated all the new replacement lights. Unit President Sandra Werner contacted unit members to see if they would make homemade Christmas cookies, furnish candy canes and hot chocolate for attendees at the event. Cookie bakers included Lilia Welch, Sharleen Bammert, Virginia Place, Ashley Morales, Susan Knutson, Rebecca Howe and Sandra Werner. At the request of Legionnaire Maynard Ziehme, Conagra Foods of Menomonie generously donated all the hot chocolate. Thanks Conagra for supporting our veterans! Lighting of the Lights happened on a windy cold 20-degree night. Despite the frigid temperatures, people started
to arrive when Post Commander Thomas Werner started the Christmas background music. Legion and Auxiliary members arrived first, including Rebecca Howe and her 12 year old son Austin, bundled up like an Eskimo. The Rock Elm Sky Rockets 4-H Club members, Auxiliary Junior members, Elmwood’s new Police Officer Mike Schaffer, and other citizens of Elmwood overflowed the shelter. On cue, the Commander flipped the switch and lights brightened the park. 4-H members gathered around Austin in his wheel chair and heard his story. “Austin was born blind so he cannot see you. Austin cannot walk and talk but sometimes
he will say a few words. Austin can hear, even when you speak very softly, and he loves it when you talk to him. That’s why he claps his hands and smiles from ear to ear. He is showing you how happy he is.” The kids accepted Austin, as evidenced by their eyes filled with joy and concern. When it came time to leave and they said goodbye to Austin, he started to clap his hands and gave big smiles. Rebecca Howe said Austin enjoyed the party and she knew he was trying to tell her how much fun and love he felt from all the 4-H and Junior Auxiliary members who made Austin feel a part of the event.
Junior Auxiliary (left to right): A.J. Nehring, Laura Puckett, Faith Erb, Rebecca Erb, and Junior Leader Jennifer Nehring.
NATIONAL SECURITY Barbara McDaniel H: 715-374-2666 Email: skcbemcdan@msn.com National Security maintains and promotes a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military service members and their families. What Can You Do? The American Legion Auxiliary can support our military by a strong support of the USO’s. Currently there are three active USOs in Wisconsin with a fourth to open in January 2016 at La Crosse Airport. The Challenge for all Districts is formatted from the Gifts-in-Kind list on the USO website: www.usowisconsin.org. Items listed on the left side of the page are the recommended items desired for use at the centers. Units can collect items listed and ship or convey them to the USO Headquarters in Milwaukee. A suggested time frame is to collect for two weeks and ship during the third week. Please list what is in each shipment of items and who and where the goodies are coming from. Unit troop support/goodies and care packages to deployed
troops. There have been several questions about sending greeting cards and goodies to deployed troops. Due to the sensitivity of the security issue, everything needs to be shipped to an individual’s name and address. One method is asking a local deployed member if they would accept the responsibility for being the Point-of-Contact for their unit in the field. A second method is a website: “Adopt- A- Soldier- Platoon, Inc.” based in Fair Haven, NJ. You can google this name to get more information. This is who the North West Support Group from Spooner has been in contact with and have adopted a unit in Afghanistan. A third method is to check with the local Red Cross Office to see if they are sponsoring activities and ask if they can use your help. Families living overseas: Units need to continue clipping manufacturer’s coupons for use in the commissaries overseas. E-coupons will be accepted in the future, but we are awaiting further instructions from national headquarters.
Austin Howe, age 12
More than 65 people were served – the biggest crowd yet.
How do you work the American Legion Auxiliary mission? Send your story to Department Secretary Bonnie Dorniak at deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org for possible inclusion in a future issue of the Wisconsin.
Unit 449, Brookfield, remembered our soldiers serving overseas during the holidays by shipping cookies baked by ladies from local churches. PPP President Lilli Schwantes is pictured here attaching shipping labels to the boxes. The Unit also filled and shipped 125 “Stockings for Soldiers” with hard candy, games, personal care items, and batteries donated at cost by Batteries Plus. Six stockings were filled with treats for K-9 dogs and appropriately marked for them. Donations came from a variety of sources; stockings were donated by unit members and Dollar Store. Shipping costs were covered by Max A. Sass & Sons Funeral Home. We thank our community partners for helping with this valuable project! Pictured (left to right) are Gayle Schneider, Lylette Smith, Project Coordinator Diane Larsen, and Janet Hartwig. Supporting our deployed soldiers is a favorite mission for many Auxiliary units around the country so we thank every one of you who participated in similar activities!
The ALA Foundation was established to ensure the American Legion Auxiliary can continue to serve future generations of U.S. veterans, military and their families. Past National President Peggy Thomas (2012-2013) called department headquarters to personally acknowledge Wisconsin’s donation to the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation. This donation was possible only through the generous contributions received from our members and units, so THANK YOU to everyone who supported this effort.
••• DATES TO REMEMBER ••• Sept 24, 2016
Oct 1, 2016 Oct 8, 2016 Oct 15, 2016
ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member Rose-Harms Legion Post 355 Grafton, WI ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member Stevens Point, WI ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member Hayward, WI ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member Bayard Dehart Legion Post 13 Richland Center, WI –– Information is subject to change ––
JANUARY 7, 2016
2016 Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary State Bowling Association (WALASBA) Tournament
Jenni Syftestad Chairman/Tournament Mgr. H: 608-845-7857 Email: syftes@chorus.net Mark your calendars for April 2 & 3 and 9 & 10, 2016 and join us in Seymour for a fun-filled weekend for the Auxiliary’s Annual 9-Pin Bowling Tournament. Seymour Unit 106 is hosting this year’s tournament at Wally’s Lanes in Seymour. The registration forms and tournament details will be mailed to each team captain that participated in last year’s tournament, were included in the January Unit mailing, and are posted on the department website (www.amlegionauxwi.org).
EVENTS Team (now 4-woman) Double- Singles All Events
Please register a team today! Entry forms are to be mailed to Chairman/Tournament Manager Jenni Syftestad, 205 Thompson Street, Verona, WI 53593 by March 1, 2016. Questions? Contact Jenni at 608-845-7857 or syftes@chorus.net. Please put “ALA Bowling Tournament” in the subject line of your email. Encourage your unit to form a bowling team – you can mix with other units too – just make sure all entry forms are mailed to me at the same time. To be eligible for this tournament, a bowler’s 2016 membership dues must be paid and recorded at Department Headquarters. All members are verified with de-
56962 53903 47757 39694 61869 28302 55892 26877 36722 47455 55758 48978 48088 25530 47122 59063 54576 52814 58027 43619 41238 50568 64997 43249 36266 43918 35692 48755 34851 27787
Positively Recruited One Great Resourceful Auxiliary Member Sign up one new 2016 Senior Auxiliary or two new 2016 Junior Auxiliary members and receive a 2016 PROGRAM button
New Member Award Entry Form
Unit # ________________ District # _____________________
APRIL 2-3, 2016 OR APRIL 9-10, 2016
Recruiter’s Address: __________________________________
Hosted by Unit 106 - Seymour
Entry Closing Date: Entries must be postmarked no later then March 1, 2016. Entry Forms may be photocopied but not altered in any other way.
Name of new member(s) - one new Senior or two new Juniors Auxiliary members
Contact Information: Jenni Syftestad • Chairman/Tournament Manager 205 Thompson Street • Verona, WI 53593-1043 • Ph: 608-845-7857 Email: syftes@chorus.net
NOVEMBER 2015 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 500.00 500.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00
2016 Got One Spark
Recruiter: ___________________________________________
CALENDAR FUNDRAISER WINNERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Squad Times Saturday 11 am or 2 pm Sunday 9 am or 12 pm
Entry Forms can be found on the Department website www. amlegionauxwi.org
partment and if there is a member whose dues are not currently paid, your TEAM will not be assigned a squad time until those dues are at department. Also, if you are interested in bowling and don’t have a team, but would like to be a substitute or join a team and/or doubles partner, let me know and I’ll put the word out. Have you thought about hosting a WALASBA Bowling Tournament? This tournament is a great fundraiser for your unit. If you are interested, contact me and we can discuss. The 2017 tournament will be in Monroe. The WALASBA Committee hopes to see you in Seymour in April.
Dorothy Klipstein Elroy Salley Owen Fremont Janice Vock Oconomowoc Cecilia Sromek Thorp Virginia Starr Milwaukee ALA Unit #199 Reedsville Marjorie Christianson Oshkosh Janet Cardinal Withee Jay Killian River Falls Betty Conlon Pewaukee Russell J Olson Oshkosh Mary Ann Myers Barneveld Wilma Kidney Hubertus Rosie Hanke Wittenberg Ludina Schmitz Mt. Calvary Connie Nygaard Madison Lilly Wisotzke Mequon Verna Fladhammer Alamogordo NM Delores Ducklow Middleton Lisa Hurley Random Lake Chelsea Larson Webster ALA Unit 467 Wonewoc Michelle Walton Gresham Allen & Pam Carter West Bend Mrs. B. Grosskopf West Salem Clara Peterson Fennimore Lorraine White Viola Kevin Henrichs Oconto Falls Bernice Dombeck Prairie du Chien Linda Doering Little Chute
DECEMBER 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 500.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
37301 40378 35802 43952 27777 36503 26872 53974 39633 31097 49783 70240 40515 34960 68359 49602 53681 55050 63446 50037 29708 27001 46736 57878 61132 43237 38305 31784 57617 35680 68085
Richard Dyszelski Saint Francis Randy Kazel Kewaskum Deborah Logerquist Sturgeon Bay Marlys J Herbert Belgium Rita Berken Little Chute Mabel Volden Westby Henry Wiedeman Tomahawk Fohl-Martin Unit #483 Allenton Jeanne Williams Roberts Maureen Connor Hudson Robert Kollmann Kenosha Iva M Bahr Eleva Susan Blasky Kewaskum Rebecca Gleason LaCrosse Bill Blom Shiocton Eric Thornburgh Twin Lakes Mary Hallman Waupaca Victoria Vorlander Lodi Maggie Gomez Denver CO Ellen Aurit Dodgeville Janice M Dregne Viroqua Brandon Buchanan Merrill Lynn Mehringer Johnson Creek Diane M Frye Madison Colleen Kreil Watertown Arlene Krall Sun Prairie Rita Laatsch Phillips Peggy Schilling Frederic Erin Bussian Columbus Barbara Hammond Viroqua Vernetta Fish LaCrosse
City / State / Zip: _____________________________________
Senior Auxiliary _____________________________________ Junior Auxiliary _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Transferring and rejoining members DO NOT count. Submit only one “Got One Spark” form per recruiter per year to the Portage office… but don’t stop there! Don’t forget to fill out and enter the National Recruit 1 to receive a “One in a Million” button. Submit this completed for to: American Legion Auxiliary PO Box 140, Portage, WI 53901 Fax: 608-745-1947 Email: alawi@amlegionauxwi.org This form may be duplicated and is available @ www.amlegionauxwi.org
A NEW DEAL A new day is dawning in Wisconsin. We have restructured and renamed our one Fall Informational Forum to include six new ones at multiple locations throughout Wisconsin to allow easier access for members to participate in a great learning, listening and sharing event with others. “American Legion Auxiliary in the Know – useful information for every member!” Hosts are as follows: • Camp American Legion - September 10, 2016 • Seymour - September 17, 2016 • Grafton - September 24, 2016 • Stevens Point - October 1, 2016 • Hayward - October 8, 2016 • Richland Center - October 15, 2016 Please mark your calendar and plan to join us. More Information to follow!