April 2015 wi

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APRIL 2, 2015

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss TERESA ISENSEE Department President

We are not all the same. We think, act, dress, and look different and that is OK. Strategic Plan Goal Number 2 is to “Create an Internal Culture of Goodwill.” What does that mean? We need to accept each other with

the understanding that there may be differences because you are you and I am I. So many times this year I have heard that members can’t get along – not only within the Auxiliary but within the American Legion Family. In order for our organization to continue, we must work together to create an environment that welcomes and includes all members. The American Legion Family depends on our ability to engage, communicate and develop positive relationships with diverse people. Accept others for who

they are. Find opportunities to make a difference in the lives of everyone you meet. If we continue our decline in membership – in 20 or so years there may no longer be an American Legion Auxiliary. Who then will support our veterans? Who then will help our military families? Who then will make sure that patriotism does not die in our communities? Who will be there for our future veterans? If not us, then who?!? On Saturday, March 7th, 94 of our American Legion Auxiliary members gathered and put aside

MEMBERSHIP Joan Chwala, Dept. Chairman Email: Ctr68552@centurytel.net H: 715-668-5661

Membership is for “Motorcycle Mamas” Too! Are you getting spring fever? Does it make you want to be outside doing something in the fresh air? Can you envision yourself pedaling around town on a bike? Following along with President Teresa’s music theme, the song, “Bicycle Built for Two” comes to mind. That song was written as “Daisy Bell” by Harry Dacre in 1892. Perhaps you’d rather envision something more daring, like “Little Honda” performed by the Hondells in 1964. Or better yet, think of the song that was about love and adventure like “Leader of the Pack” performed by the Shangri-Las in 1964. Contrary to the gossip about those who might be drawn to becoming a “Motorcycle Mama” (performed by Sailcat in 1972), there is a safe and interesting way

for Auxiliary members to sport that leather vest, climb on a bike, and support the programs of the American Legion. Eligibility to become an American Legion Rider (ALR) is simple......be a member in good standing in the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or the Sons of the American Legion. You must be a registered owner of a motorcycle of at least 500 cc and hold a current motorcycle endorsement. Qualifi cation can be gained as the spouse of the “Rider” – if the spouse is a member of the American Legion Family. All new applicants should be sponsored by a fellow ALR member or the Executive Board. Allowing your Auxiliary membership to expire will cause you to be dropped from the ALR. For more information, contact Bob Lloyd at (608) 873-5926 or Donna Wilhelms at (920) 948-7953. ALR meetings are held quarterly and moved around the state. The next meeting is May 2 at the Montello Post at 1:00 pm. All are welcome to attend.

ALR Offi cer Donna Wilhelms commented, “I very much enjoy the comradeship and the ability to support the mission of the American Legion with such fi ne individuals. We really do get to participate in some very “cool” things. I have had opportunities being an ALR member that I never would have had otherwise.” The challenge to recruit new Auxiliary members who are currently biking enthusiasts continues to help us to grow our organization. Perhaps this has helped Donna to earn her “Recruit 10” and “One in a Million” awards. ALR members escort returning military, serve as honor guard for veteran funerals, and raise thousands of dollars for Legion programs each year. Please consider including this information when informing potential members of the wonderful work accomplished by the American Legion Family. .Joan Chwala, Chairman Bonnie Jakubczyk, UD&R Mary Petrie, UD&R Morgan Johnsen, Junior Member

60TH ANNUAL KING DAY PILGRIMAGE The 60th Annual American Legion King Day Pilgrimage will be held on Sunday, June 21st at the Wisconsin Veterans Home in King, Wisconsin. American Legion, Legion Riders, Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion members from across the state, as well as their guests, are encouraged to visit King and participate in a picnic with members of the Veterans Home. The general public is also invited and encouraged to attend. 10:00 am – 1:00 pm: Musical entertainment by the KNX Band in the park

10:30 am: Charcoal broiled chicken dinner served by ALA Unit 161 until sold out 1:00 pm: Parade around the grounds consisting of Legion Riders, District and Department Offi cers, 40 et 8 Voiture Locomotives, the Marathon High School Drum & Bugle Corps, Color Guards, Honor Guards and Drill Teams 2:00 pm: Formal program featuring Department Commander Bob Shappell and NEC Steve Krueger. National Commander Michael D. Helm from Nebraska will also be in attendance.

Cake, ice cream and coffee will be served to members in all the buildings in celebration of this special event. Refreshments and food will be available at the concession stand in the park. Chicken dinners may be purchased: $8 for adults, $4 for children under 12. Anyone interested in sponsoring chicken dinners for the King members may send donations payable to ALA Unit 161 to Nancy Neuroth, N2710 Lind Avenue, Waupaca, WI 54981. In the event of rain, the program will be held in the Marden MultiPurpose Room.

their differences for the good of our organization and were inspired by National Legislative Chairman Trish Ward and National Chaplain Karen Boehler. One of the workshops talked about kindness, gratitude and generosity at unit meetings in order to develop a productive and enjoyable experience for all members. I hope that members in attendance developed an understanding of why it is so important to listen and respect the ideas and thoughts of everyone. The key to treating people with respect is to treat them as you

would like to be treated. When dealing with diffi cult people, seek to understand the root of their problem and/or disrespect towards you. Then you will be able to rise above the situation and treat them well. In the spirit of goodwill and for God and country, I pledge to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy. God bless you and God bless America!

Raise your Voice in Song for Our Veterans DIS 90.TRICT 70% 2

DISTR 92.24ICT 6 %

10 ICT % R T DIS90.22



3 ST


DIST 86.8RICT 7 3%

DISTRICT 3 87.76%

DISTRICT%1 89.69

5 TH H



DISTR 85.78ICT 9 %

DIS 84.TRICT 04% 8


DISTRICT%1 86.10






2 DISTRICT%1 9 80.3



DISTRICT 4 79.56%

11 TH

5 ICT R T % S DI 6.78 7



83.89% • MARCH 2015


CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Joanie Dickerson Dept. Chaplain/Music Chairman Ph: 608-996-2152 Email: jomarie@tds.net

Happy Passover and Happy Easter! As I write this, we are enjoying the fi rst warm days of the year. I pray that we will continue to be blessed with sunny days so we can get out and shake out the cobwebs of cabin fever. With the arrival of Spring, may we feel rejuvenated in our efforts to serve our veterans and our communities. I was fortunate to attend the leadership conference at headquarters. The national trainers, Trish Ward and Karen Boehler, were very knowledgeable and provided information about our organization’s strategic plan. One of the focuses is to increase civility among our members and between the “branches” of our Legion family tree. We can look at this as a small step toward greater peace in our world. Every night we hear of unrest in our communities. For all who experience strife, may they fi nd peace and solace in their faith.


GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org Wisconsin was privileged to host training conducted by the national organization in Portage on Saturday, March 7th. Ninetyfour people from eleven districts attended; 76 individuals completed a survey after the session. Based on the survey results, 72 people (94.7%) thought the training met their expectations and was worth attending. Comments included, “interesting information and well planned presentations,” “very good subject matters,” “interesting, interactive, new points to take home, fun.” In response to what they may do differently as a result of attending this training, the common theme of responses was “listen more to what the other person says” and “stop, look around, and listen more closely to others.” Many people indicated they would like to see more training opportunities like this. Thanks to everyone who participated and made this a success!

Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father Brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother In perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me Let this be the moment now. With every step I take Let this be my solemn vow. To take each moment and live each moment In peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. I am accepting prayers for inclusion in President Teresa Isensee’s prayer book. Please send them in early! My address is found online and in the Red Book. Thank you and God bless!

Auxiliary members are encouraged to attend their district spring conference. This is a great time to learn more about Auxiliary programs, hear what other units in your district have done to support our veterans, thank the district offi cers and chairmen for their hard work during the past year, and provide input as the district makes plans for the year ahead. Please see the conference schedule on page 3 for more information. There is still space available for the 2015 ALA Badger Girls State (ALABGS) session scheduled for June 21-26. Units interested in sponsoring a delegate should contact Carrie Thrasher at department headquarters or their local high school to see if they have eligible junior students who wish to participate. If your local high school does not participate in the Girls State program, units are encouraged to sponsor delegate(s) from another area. Department has a waiting list of young women who would like to attend ALABGS. It is discouraging when we have to turn people away due to lack of funds. 2016 Unit Membership Renewal Notice/

Dues information is being mailed to Unit Presidents at this time. If you do not receive your information within the next week, please contact Andrea Stoltz at department headquarters immediately. Every unit is required to return the information form to department by Friday, May 1, 2015. The minimum amount collected for dues is $20 for senior members and $3 for junior members, but units may charge more to offset costs of unit operations. The national organization is in the process of generating the 2016 membership cards and unit rosters. Only name/address changes and new member applications that were processed at department headquarters by April 1st will be refl ected on the 2016 cards and rosters. The 2016 membership cards will be mailed to units after department convention. Units should contact Andrea Stoltz at department headquarters if they do not receive the 2016 information by August 1st. If the cards are lost after receipt, units will have to pay to have them replaced.


Danie Wilson, Department Chairman Ph: (920) 452-6907 Email: daniewilson@charter.net PRAYER As members of the American Legion Dear God, we pray to you for people all over Auxiliary, we are committed to honorthe world, for other nations, for other races, for people who think differently and live ing the men and women who have served differently. Help us to respect, understand, or are serving to preserve our Constituand love each other. Let there be no hate tional freedoms, by protecting, caring for, among nations. Forgive all injustice. Let educating and supporting their children and wars end. Let your message be proclaimed youth through Auxiliary programs. We everywhere. Give us peace. In your name believe the sacrifi ces of military children and the ‘suddenly military’ children of the we pray, Amen. deployed Reservist and National Guard members also deserve to be recognized MUSIC This song was fi rst introduced to a group of as heroes. Our ‘Kids of the Deployed are teenagers selected from their high schools to Heroes 2’ (KDH2) program offers a way attend a week-long retreat in California in to visibly show our appreciation with rec1955. The young people were purposefully ognition buttons and stickers. Wearing the from different religious, racial, cultural and ‘Proud Parent of a Military Child’ button is economic backgrounds, brought together to promoting our organization. experiment with creating understanding and The Children of Warriors National Presifriendship through education, discussion dent’s Scholarship provides funds to asgroups, and living and working together in a camp situation. It continues to be performed and recorded by popular artists. Let There Be Peace on Earth by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson

APRIL 2, 2015

Laurel DuBois, Department Chairman Ph: 715-825-3916 Email: sdubois188@aol.com Hello everyone! I hope that you are all well and happy that Spring is right around the corner. It is time to see green grass and the blooming of all our fl owers. The fl owers bring joy and happiness to us and let us know that the season has changed.

sist children of warriors in attaining their higher education goals. Annually, fi fteen outstanding students are selected at the national level and awarded these scholarships. Education is also the emphasis of the ‘Star Spangled Kids’ program. While partnering with our veterans, U.S. History and the importance of the U.S. Constitution come alive as real persons tell their personal stories of service and what patriotism and Americanism means to them. In our communities, we educate adults about the needs of our children and youth and the challenges facing them. Operation Military Kids helps connect youth with local resources to enhance their well being and provide a sense of community support. There are so many ways we brighten the lives of children through our volunteer service. Reading to elementary level students, hosting fun events, providing school supplies for children in need and the list goes

on. When you donate books, magazines and pamphlets, be sure to ‘brand’ them with the Auxiliary insignia and your unit information. The American Legion Auxiliary makes a difference in many ways, in many lives by sponsoring grants for Birth Defect Research for Children; The Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation and the Organ Transplant Association just to mention a few. On average, $2M in annual donations to programs benefi tting Children & Youth are attributed to the American Legion Auxiliary. It is important to let everyone know ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do’ for our children and youth, both military and civilian. We really do make a difference! Please mail your narrative reports and pictures of Children and Youth activities to department headquarters by April 15, 2015. Details for reporting are posted on the department website.

POPPY PROGRAM We, the members of the American Legion Auxiliary, are privileged to have a fl ower that blooms every day of the year and that fl ower is our Poppy. Our Poppy allows us to support our veterans, their families and their communities. Through the Poppy Program, we offer poppy contests and provide poppy awards. This program provides information and knowledge to our

TEAM DUSCHECK UPDATE The American Legion Family showed their support for Diane Duscheck, Wisconsin’s endorsed candidate for National President, at the Washington DC Conference held in February. President Teresa Isensee (left) and Commander Bob Shappell (right) are pictured with Diane Duscheck at a reception co-hosted by National C&Y Chairman Diane Duscheck and National VA&R Chairman Mary Davis. Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan, Joyce Endres, Steve Krueger, Ken Rynes, Bob Batty, Russ Hanseter, Ted DeMicchi and John Wolfe also attended the reception. Donations payable to “ALA National Candidate Fundraiser” may be sent to Diana Sirovina, Treasurer of Team Duscheck, 9428 W. Eden Place, Milwaukee, WI 53228.

Auxiliary members and our communities. It is hard to believe that one little fl ower known as the Poppy has supported veterans since 1919 and will continue to support our veterans. Each year, over 350,000 memorial poppies are distributed in Wisconsin as a tribute to deceased veterans of all wars. God Bless You. God Bless America

APRIL 2, 2015




Joyce E. Endres NEC/Dept Legislative Chairman Ph: 608-221-1763 Email: ljendres@charter.net Planes, Trains and Automobiles! President Teresa and I were detoured on our trip to the Washington DC Conference due to wintery weather. We stayed positive and laughed throughout the experience to turn it into a delightful adventure. We attended the Washington DC Conference in February to participate in the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, attend ALA learning sessions and meet with Wisconsin’s Congressional Representatives. The “Walk to the Hill” provided an exciting opportunity and venue to talk one-on-one with national representatives and senators regarding veteranrelated legislative priorities. To prepare us, The American Legion (TAL) National Commander led a session that discussed legislative priorities so each member of the Legion Family could express a strong common voice to every congressperson across the nation. As ALA-Wisconsin’s NEC and Legislative Chairman, I had the opportunity to meet with Representative Mark Pocan’s aide and Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson along with President Teresa and representatives from TAL and SAL. We discussed the Legion’s legislative priorities and shared key talking points related to national defense, sequestration, and Tri-care. We discussed the Tomah VA Medical Center situation, including mental health care alternatives that limit use of drugs. Commander Bob Shappell raised awareness about a majority of veterans who are not critically disabled either physically or mentally, but also need health care, education, jobs and services. Adjutant David Kurtz discussed Camp American Legion and the need for special appropriations, rather than veteran care funds, to restore/reuse historic buildings at Zablocki VA Medical Center. NEC Joyce Endres talked about the wide range and diverse needs of fi ve generations of veterans. The American Legion Family and the Legislature must adapt and prioritize services and programs to meet their needs, plus diligently pass on the legacy of service so all veterans are served over time. President Teresa discussed the values of alternative therapy methods, including music therapy. We also discussed TAL Wisconsin’s resolution in support of H.R. 353, the Veterans Access to Hearing Health Act of 2015. We paid honor to our fallen WWII veterans at the World

War II Memorial. National President Janet Jefford laid a wreath in their honor. The Wisconsin contingent placed red carnations on the Wisconsin pillar. (photo below). The States of Washington and Wisconsin hosted a reception in honor of National President candidates Mary Davis and our very own Diane Duscheck. The reception gave attendees an opportunity to meet the candidates and ask questions about their

qualifi cations and goals. We made Wisconsin proud! Apply for Legislative Awards and submit your Legislative Year-End Report by April 15th to Department Headquarters so our voice is heard and to share issues, ideas and solutions as we fulfi ll the Auxiliary’s mission through the Legislative process. Meet challenges with a positive attitude, so they too can be a delightful adventure.

February Calendar Winners are posted on the Department Website




Registration Time/Fee

Luncheon Make check Cost Payable to:

Send check to:

Contact Person



Orfordville AL Post 209 3919 S. State Rd 213 Orfordville, WI 53576

8:00-9:00 am Fee: $15.00

Included in Fee



8:00 am Fee: $2.00



1st Reformed Church 527 Giddings Ave. Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 Community Commerce Ctr 16381 Highway 131 Gays Mills WI 54631



Greendale AL Post 416 6351 W. Grange Ave. Greendale, WI 53129



New Holstein Unit 124 1922 Wisconsin Ave. New Holstein, WI 53061

8:00 am Fee & Lunch: $12.00

Included in Fee



Holmen AL Post 284 419 1st Avenue E Holmen, WI 54636

8:00-9:00 am Fee: $12.00



New London AL Post 263 840 E. North Water St. New London, WI 54961





ALA Orfordville Unit 209

Shannon Little 3820 Chesapeake Ave. Janesville, WI 53546

Kitty Larkin: 262-649-3399 kittysltr@wi.rr.com



ALA Sheboygan County

Betty Grothe 955 Anton Rd., Plymouth, WI 53073

Betty Grothe 920-892-6377


8:00-9:00 am Fee: $3.00


ALA Unit 308

Julia Flitsch 16608 State Hwy 131 Gays Mills, WI 54631

Karen Johnson 608-632-0597 klrmjohnson@gmail.com


9:30 am Fee: $2.00


ALA 4th District

Sue Hembrook 24215 60th Street Salem, WI 53168

Sue Hembrook: 262-843-4791 genesuehem@wi.rr.com


ALA Calumet County

Arlene DeTroye 830 Seventh St Kiel, WI 53042

Arlene DeTroye: 920-894-2014


Included in Fee

ALA Unit 284

Mary Clements 108 Irene Place Holmen, WI 54636

Mary Clements: 608-526-3383


8:00-9:00 am Fee: $3.00


ALA Unit 263

Donna Bellettiere N5019 Old 54 Rd. Shiocton, WI 54170

Donna Bellettiere: 920-986-3712


Brussels Community Center 1366 Junction Rd Brussels, WI 54204

8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $1.00


ALA Unit 372

Joanne Neinas 8674 County Rd H Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235

Mary Krutz 920-465-9917 wkrutz@new.rr.com



Cumberland Senior Center 1255 Webb St. Cumberland, WI 54829

8:00-9:00 am Fee: $3.00


ALA Unit 98

Mary Townsend 1887 21st Avenue Rice Lake, WI 54868

Mary Townsend 715-234-5155




Eagle River Inn Conf. Ctr. 5260 State Hwy 70 W Eagle River, WI 54521

8:00 am Fee: $3.00


AL Post 114

Jim Lynn PO Box 704 Eagle River, WI 54521

Jim Lynn 715-477-0775




Cable Community Center 13660 County Hwy M Cable, WI 54821

9:00-10:00 am Fee: $2.00


AL Post 487

Crystal Radloff 44520 E Cable Lake Rd Cable, WI 54821

Crystal Radloff 715-798-3634


No Conference


Current as of 3/30/15



The Junior Spring Conference will be held on July 11, 2015 in Madison. All American Legion Auxiliary junior members are encouraged to attend. Details will be provided closer to the conference.

May 16, 2015 President Teresa Insensee’s Testimonial The Eagles Club 2588 Hallie Road • Chippewa Falls, WI See Department website for more information!



APRIL 2, 2015

ALABGS Delegate(s)/Alternate(s): We strongly encourage you, your parents and a school official to attend a county orientation Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint Badger Girls & Badger Boys Orientation. current as of 3/24/2015


Ashland, Iron, Price & Taylor

*Bayfield, Burnett,Douglas, Douglas *Bayfield, Burnett, Polk,Sawyer Sawyer&&Washburn Washburn* Polk, *Brown,Door-Kewaunee *Calumet & Manitowoc




Local Contact(s)


10:00 am

Phillips Public Library 286 Cherry St., Phillips

Vivian Simpson: 715-339-6062

BGS: Theresa Schindler:715-229-2202


1:00 pm

American Legion Post 185 108 N Oak St., Grantsburg

Gayle Janson: 715-463-5723

BGS: Gayle Janson: 715-463-5723 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282


7:00 pm

American Legion Post 11 1708 N. Irwin St., Green Bay

Berne Baer: 920-494-4404

BGS: Berne Baer: 920-494-4404 BBS: John Cumicek: 920-676-9597

7:00 pm

Brillion HS W1101 Cty Rd HR, Brillion

BBS: John Giese: 920-756-2024

BGS: Rose Heinz: 920-850-1941 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469

Pauline Olinske: 715-313-3164

BGS: Teresa Isensee: 715-229-2202 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-583-4303





2:00 pm

American Legion Post 159 Chippewa St corner of Main St, Cadott



3:00 pm

Greenwood HS Library 306 W Central Ave., Greenwood

Cherilyn Hare: 715-429-0814

BGS: Theresa Schindler:715-229-2202 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282



9:00 am

Portage HS 301 E. Collins, Rm 143, Portage

BBS: Norm Bednarek: 608-617-9839

BGS: Carol Sidwell: 608-296-4090 BBS: Norm Bednarek: 608-617-9839

Crawford & Richland


5:00 pm

American Legion Post 13 900 Flag Park Dr., Richland Center

Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468

BGS: Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468


7:00 pm

WPS Nordby Bldg. 1707 W. Broadway, Madison

Mary Curran: 608-873-9463

BGS: Jennifer Grinder: 608-495-2733 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282



BGS: 6:00 pm BBS: 7:30 pm

American Legion Post 69 134 S. Main St., Mayville

Diane Billings: 920-488-3668

BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994

*Dunn/Eau Claire


3:00 pm

American Legion Post 53 634 Water St., Eau Claire

Mary Gadwill: 715-834-1498

BGS: Teresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-583-4303

*Fond du Lac


7:00 pm

American Legion Post 43 133 E Fond du Lac St., FDL

Donna Wilhelms: 920-948-7953

BGS: Char Kiesling: 920-428-5655 BBS: Paul Williams: 414-943-5433

*Grant & Iowa


1:00 pm

Fennimore Community Bldg. 860 Lincoln Avenue

Merry Cooley: 608-822-3983

BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994



7:00 pm

American Legion Post 84 th 1627 12 Ave., Monroe

Rose Wenger: 608-325-6364

BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

*Green Lake & Marquette


7:00 pm

American Legion Post 282 11 Charles St., Markesan

Patricia Westpfahl: 920-294-3537

BGS: Jen Leahy: 920-979-3213 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994



1:00 pm

American Legion Post 67 129 S. Main St., Lake Mills

Beatrice Rothschadl: 920-648-8424

BGS: Jan Jordan: 608-362-4290 BBS: Zach Day: 608-446-5399

*Juneau & Adams


6:00 pm

American Legion Post 110 110 Welch Prairie Rd., New Lisbon

Rose Clark: 608-847-4450

BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994

*Kenosha & Racine


6:30 pm

American Legion Post 171 1027 New St., Union Grove

Marcie Perez: 262-308-8705

BGS: Kitty Larkin: 262-649-3399 BBS: Bob Kaczmarek: 262-552-7777

*La Crosse, Monroe & Vernon


7:00 pm

American Legion Post 51 148 S. Leonard St., West Salem

Rebecca Gleason: 608-835-2025

BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-583-4303



7:00 pm

American Legion Post 214 1400 Keep St., Darlington

Cindy Corley: 608-776-4229

BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Jim Hying: 608-739-3367

County *Marathon & Lincoln

Date 5/17/2015

Time 6:30 pm

*Marinette & Florence


7:00 pm



6:30 pm


*Oconto *Oneida, Vilas, Forest & Langlade


2:00 pm


10:00 am





7:00 pm BGS 6:00 pm BBS 7:00 pm

*Portage & Wood


7:00 pm



11:00 am



3:00 pm

*Saint Croix & Pierce


6:30 pm



7:00 pm

*Shawano & Menomonee


7:00 pm

*Sheboygan *Trempealeau, BuffaloPepin & Jackson


6:30 pm


7:00 pm

Walworth & Kenosha


1:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm

American Legion Post 10 Location 1001 Golf Club Rd., Wausau American Legion Post 280 107 Zelia St., Coleman American Legion Post 416 6351 W. Grange Ave., Greendale

Oconto Falls HS Library 210 N Farm Rd., Oconto Falls Three Lakes HS 6930 W School St., Three Lakes Hortonville High School 155 Warner St., Hortonville American Legion Post 457 6050 W. Mequon Rd., Mequon Mid-State Tech – Comm Rm. 1001 Centerpoint Dr., Stevens Point Hedberg Library 316 S. Main St., Janesville Rusk County Library – Lower Level 418 Corbett Ave. W, Ladysmith American Legion Post 240 410 Maple St., Baldwin Sauk Prairie HS Rm 14 th 105 9 St., Prairie du Sac Wittenberg Community Center 208 W Vinal St., Wittenberg Elkhart Lake HS 201 N. Lincoln, Elkhart Lake Trempealeau Cty Courthouse 36245 Main St., #4, Whitehall American Legion Post 24 735 Henry St., Lake Geneva Allenton Legion Post 483 419 Railroad St (Cty Hwy W) American Legion Post 382 Main Street, Menomonee Falls American Legion Post 263 840 E North Water St., New London Wautoma HS 566 Cambridge (Hwy 21/22) The Waters 1393 Washington Ave., Oshkosh

Marcie Suprise: 920-757-5407 BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Joe Schneider: 262-692-9862

BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 Presenter(s) BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 1 BGS: Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 BBS: Butch VanRossum: 920-360-1974 Bonnie Jakubczyk: 414-764-6752 & Laura Calteux: 414-379-2943 BGS: Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 BBS: Butch Van Rossum: 920-360-1974 BGS: Kay Arndt: 608-622-9383 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 BGS: Rose Heinz: 920-850-1941 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469 BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Zach Day: 608-446-5399

Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935

BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

Local Contact(s) Eunice Baumann: 715-851-8570 BBS: Claire Bolander: 715-854-2676 Sue Hembrook: 262-945-9791 Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 Kay Arndt: 608-622-9383

Zondra Morris: 608-751-3924 Anne McCain: 715-214-6661 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 Mary Beversdorf: 715-253-2908 BGS: Leslie Sanzo: 313-407-3310 BGS: Kati Hanson: 262-955-4869 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 Joyce Bouhl: 262-248-4533 Mary Montag: 262-355-6467 Marcella Schmitz: 262-628-1478 Marla Knuettel: 920-359-1629 Cathy Kaminski: 715-249-5263 Char Kiesling: 920-428-5655

BGS: Jan Jordan:608-362-4290 BGS: Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 BGS: Laurel DuBois: 715-825-3916 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 BGS: Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 BGS: Jeannine Conradt: 920-986-3800 BBS: Paul Williams:414-943-5433 BGS: Char Kiesling: 920-725-0121 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994 BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 BGS: Joyce Bouhl: 262-248-4533 BGS: Jan Jordan:608-362-4290 BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Zach Day: 608-446-5399 BGS: Kitty Larkin: 262-649-3399 BBS: Bob Kaczmarek: 414-810-9685 BGS: Rose Heinz: 920-580-1941 BBS: Paul Williams: 414-943-5433 BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BBS: Paul Williams:414-943-5433 BGS: Char Kiesling: 920-428-5655 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469

The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation Past National President Pearl Behrend is the Liaison to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation (CWF) for the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin. The Legion Family takes action because helping children matters. It matters so much to American Legion Auxiliary members that we have contributed more than $9 million since CWF’s inception in 1954. We know our dollars count. The Child Welfare Foundation provides grants to child-serving organizations that support everything from childhood disease education and prevention to resources and research for military families. That is why we give year after year. The American Legion handles the majority of the administrative costs for the foundation, so every dollar collected is entered into the trust fund to be used for grants. We want every child to know that someone cares. Contributions to The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation should be made payable to “ALA-Wisconsin” and sent with a General Fund Suggested Donation Sheet (marking #4804-National Child Welfare Foundation) to: ALA-WI, P.O. Box 140, Portage, WI 53901.

ALABGS Delegate(s)/ Alternate(s): We strongly encourage you, your parents and a school official to attend a county orientation. Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint Badger Girls & Badger Boys Orientation SCHEDULE CURRENT AS OF 3/24/15

••••••••• IMPORTANT dATes TO ReMeMbeR • • • • • • • • • April 9, 2015

Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - Union Grove April 11-12, 2015 WALA Bowling Tournament Sabre Lanes, Menasha April 15, 2015 Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - Iron Mountain April 18-19, 2015 WALA Bowling Tournament Sabre Lanes, Menasha April 22, 2015 Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - King May 6, 2015 Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - Tomah May 16, 2015 President Teresa Isensee’s Testimonial Dinner

May 16, 2015 May 19, 2015 May 20, 2015 June 6, 2015 June 21-26

Oconomowoc Walk/Run/Roll Proceeds benefit Fisher House WI Jill Gust 262-719-7280 or Jan Schmittinger at 414-379-1995 Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon Dayton Residential Care Facility Hospital Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - Zablocki Commander Bob Shappell’s Testimonial Dinner ALA Badger Girls State UW-Oshkosh

–– Information is subject to change ––

June 26-27

Dept. Leadership Conference Dept. Headquarters Portage, WI July 11, 2015 Junior Spring Conference Madison, WI July 16-19, 2015 Department Convention 2 Radisson Paper Valley Appleton, WI Aug 28 - Sep 3 National Convention Baltimore, MD Sep 18 - 19 Fall Informational Forum The Plaza Hotel & Suites Eau Claire, WI

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