April 2017 pages 1 7

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“For God & Country”



April 27, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 4

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family


The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Appleton to Host 99th Annual Convention

The Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center in Appleton is slated to host the 99th Annual Department Convention July 12-16. The Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center is a beautiful facility located in the heart of downtown Appleton and will be once again hosting a Department Convention. The hotel and surrounding area is a popular destination with ample parking and features a number of popular shopping venues and restaurants including the famous Vince Lombardi Steakhouse. There are also additional housing choices for Legion Family members to choose from. See the list on page 2. The Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 of Appleton is proud to sponsor the convention and has planned a number of special activities to entertain visitors. Department Headquarters will establish a presence at the convention site on Wednesday, July 12th. Initial meetings that day will include the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation Board of Directors. The various standing Depart-

ment Committees will begin meetings at 7AM on Thursday, July 13th. The early starting times are necessary in order for the business of the sub-committees to be completed in advance of the Department Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 4 PM. The convention will begin in earnest on Friday, July 14th with District Caucuses at 7:30 AM and Opening Ceremonies at 9:00 AM. First time attendees will have a great opportunity to socialize and learn about the business of The American Legion first-hand. Convention Committee Meetings will take place at 2:00 PM and consider a number of Resolutions related to Legion business and veterans issues at the state and national levels. The ever popular “GNUTS” meeting will take place at 4:30 PM with a “TET” party to follow. Candidates for Department offices will be hosting Hospitality Suites at the Paper Valley Hotel later in the evening. Saturday will be a busy day at convention with the election of Department officers beginning at 8:30 AM. The convention will

reconvene at 9:00 AM and many prominent speakers are expected. Department award winners will also be recognized for their accomplishments. Every one is welcome to attend the annual Past Commander’s Club party and reception Saturday evening at Post No. 38. The 99th Annual Department Convention will wind up on Sunday. The Memorial Service will begin at 8:00 AM in the convention hall. Following the installation of the newly-elected officers and the closing ceremonies, the Grand Prize winner of the Convention Sweepstakes will be drawn. The grand prize is the winner’s choice of either $20,000 in cash or a new vehicle from the Boucher Automotive Group. All in all it is anticipated to be a busy and exciting weekend in Appleton. More details and a comprehensive schedule will appear in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire. Register for the event by using the Registration Form in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire or log on to www.wilegion.org. Registration on-line is fast and easy.

The Rev’s Run Ready to Roll... Statewide Benefit Set for June 9th - 11th

Excitement is building for Commander Dan Seehafer’s 3-day motorcycle fundraising effort scheduled June 9-11. The ride will leave from Ashland Post No. 90 at 8AM on Friday, June 9th and finish on Sunday, June 11th at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center in Milwaukee.

En route the Riders will participate in the Appleton Flag Day Parade on Saturday, June 10th. During their travels, Riders will also visit the following American Legion posts; Eagle River Post No. 114, Green Bay Post No. 11, Appleton Post No. 38, Fond du Lac Post No. 75, Horicon Post No. 157, Port Washington Post No. 82. Funds raised by the event will fund scholarships for children of military personnel who died while on active duty since 9/11 and veterans with a disability rating of

50% or higher as a result of service during the Global War on Terror. Commander Seehafer is encouraging posts, units and squadrons to raise funds locally and present the proceeds at stops along the way. Individuals interested in supporting with their donations or taking part in “The Rev’s Run” can register on-line at http://www.alrawis.org/ revsrun/index.html. All registered will receive a patch, pin and commemorative booklet, whether or not they participate on the “Run”.

The American Legion Department of Wisconsin

99th Annual Department Convention JULY 12-16, 2017

Radisson Paper Valley Hotel 333 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54911

Registration Form This is your registration form only, NOT your delegate form. Delegate forms are mailed to the post 30 days prior to Convention (June 14, 2017) per the Constitution and Bylaws. It is advised however, to register and book your rooms prior to this date. Remember all Legionnaires are encouraged to attend the Department Convention, not just Delegates and Alternates. You can also register online at www.wilegion.org. First Name__________________ Last Name ______________________________ Street Address ______________________________________________________ City ___________________________State_____________Zip ________________ Email ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone (__________ ) ___________________________________________ Cell Phone (__________ ) _____________________________________________ Member ID # __________________ District _______________________________ AL Post # ________

Auxiliary Unit # ______


SAL Squadron # __________


Registration Fee




Reg. Fee after July 10, 2017




__________ Total Enclosed Make check payable to The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin or enter credit card information below. Cash


Credit Card

Card Type__________________Card # __________________________________ Expiration Date ______________ Security Code _____________ Return to: The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin Attn: Chris Schmidt • P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 For Hotel accommodations at the Radisson Paper Valley call 800-333-3333 and ask for the WI American Legion Conference block. All reservations are on a first come first serve basis, the cost is $93.00, plus applicable tax, for a double occupancy. A list of alternate hotels can also be found at www.wilegion.org. The cutoff date for rooms is June 13, 2017 provided there are rooms still available.

See listing of additional Housing choices on Page 2

2017 Membership Goal: 56,739 • April 20th Total: 53,155 • 93.68% District


95.03% 1st PLACE



93.61% 2nd PLACE



92.46% 3rd PLACE











90.24% 6th PLACE











89.48% 9th PLACE










10th PLACE 11th PLACE 12th PLACE

PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: info@wilegion.org David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor

2016-2017 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Harold Rihn, DEC Liaison Renee Kasuboski Rory Burns Jerry Lauby Geoff Sheilds Rick McCanna, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2016-17 Department Officers Commander Daniel J. Seehafer Vice Commanders Tom Strey Frank Kostka Ensley Brown Laurel Clewell Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Arthur Biesak Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Jim Young 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – John Miller 11th – Jim Lynn 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.


American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901

Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laurel DuBois, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule

All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to info@wilegion.org

APRIL 27, 2017


DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Spring is one of my favorite times of the year! After the winter months, which we must admit were pretty mild Dan Seehafer this year, it’s still Department Commander nice to see things finally begin to “green up”. From my daffodils, hostas, and tulips to the buds on my various bushes and trees, even the birds thanking me for putting up my grandpa’s handmade birdhouses, it’s refreshing and exciting to see things come alive once again. Within our Wisconsin Legion Family, April and May are also my favorite times of the year. With Spring Conferences and meet-

ings, it’s a great way to reconnect with Legionnaires and other family members after Midwinter. It’s important to recognize accomplishments and award fellow Legionnaires for their selfless contributions and personal achievements for God and Country. We also gather together so that we can properly communicate upcoming events, deadlines and the like, which helps to ensure the year ends strong! Additionally, we prepare and plan for a new Legion year too, don’t we? Last year, at this time, I was asking for your vote while a candidate to be your next Department Commander. Now, you’ll see other candidates running for Department positions as well as within each District, County, and

of course, the Post. However, with this in mind, have you ever thought of The American Legion as a “new beginning”? Then again, what about your Post home? I cannot help but get personal here. A few years ago I was hurting and was at probably the lowest point in my life. Yes, even me! In fact, I was going to walk away after my term as District Commander. Granted, I always had a supportive, network of family and friends-from church to Post home. However, it was during one of my visits at a County meeting that the fire was rekindled, and a renewed energy and purpose was give to me. And it was in simple, yet personal words like this: “Commander, we just want you to know how appre-

ciative we are for you. You are an excellent District Commander and we are lucky to have you.” Now, I don’t know how I kept it together after those words, but somehow I did. From that night on, I knew I would NEVER walk away from this organization and, especially from my fellow Legionnaires who were nothing but “family and friends” to me. So, as April comes to a close, remember the importance of gathering together. Whether it’s for celebrations, award banquets or even meetings, your presence and words of thanks and appreciation just might be the needed seeds of “new beginnings” for a fellow Legionnaire--who could perhaps be just like me.

DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER Camp Lejeune New Presumptive Illness List Hello Legion Family. I have spoken before about presumptive illnesses. presumpJames Fialkowski The Service Officer tion fills the third piece of the three piece puzzle for service connection. As a reminder the three pieces are: 1st piece - A current chronic disabling condition. 2nd piece - Something in military service to link to the condition. (I.E. Started treatment while in service for an injury that occurred during service or another condition that is already service connected) 3rd piece - A medical opinion that your current disability is re-

lated to the in-service item (connecting Pieces 1 and 2). When an illness is added to the presumptive list by the Veterans Administration (VA), the third piece is automatic, barring overwhelming evidence to contradict the etiology. An example: An Agent Orange exposed veteran claims Diabetes Mellitus Type II (DMII), which is on the presumptive list, but there is medical evidence that the DMII happened due to surgical removal of a damaged pancreas due to a car accident. In January 2017 the Veterans Administration added eight presumptive disabilities associated with exposure to contaminants, (trichloroethylene (TCE), perchlo-

roethylene (PCE), benzene and vinyl chloride), that were in the water-supply systems on-base at United States Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, during the period from August 1, 1953 through December 31, 1987. To qualify as exposed you must be a veteran, including National Guard and reservists, who had no less than 30 days of service (consecutive or nonconsecutive), as established by military orders or other official service records at Camp Lejeune or Marine Corps Air Station New River, North Carolina during the period from August 1, 1953 through December 31, 1987. The diseases associated by pre-

sumption with exposure to contaminants in the water supply at Camp Lejeune and New River are: Kidney cancer, Liver cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Adult leukemia, Multiple myeloma, Parkinson’s disease, Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes and Bladder cancer. The diseases listed shall be granted service connection if they become manifest to a degree of 10 percent or more at any time after service. If you have any questions please call your local County Veteran Service Officer or the Department Service Office located at the VA Regional headquarters in Milwaukee. Our phone number is (414) 902-5722

WDVA SECRETARY Dear Fellow Legionnaires, I can’t say enough about The American Legion’s positive cont r ibutions Dan Zimmerman across WisconWDVA Secretary sin. Just between our Wisconsin Veterans Homes and the Milwaukee Claims Office, I see the constant collaboration and collective effort on behalf of Wisconsin Veterans. We all know that our Homes have stellar staff. But the staff can’t do it alone. Delivering topnotch care requires a team effort and The American Legion and Auxiliary are invaluable members of that team. We have over 800 volunteers at

our Homes. From April 2016 to March 2017, the Legion and Auxiliary made up 131 of those 800 with over 13,000 hours worked. That’s an average of 100 hours per volunteer. These hours include one-on-one visits with members, delivering groceries, going on outings, and helping with member activities. The American Legion and Auxiliary also donated more than $17,000 total to all three Homes locations in 2016. This dedicated effort shows in our care ratings where our three Homes locations far exceed state and national averages for quality of care – 4.5 at our Homes (4.75 at King) versus 3.5 for state and 3.2 for national. The numbers show what we know to be true – our vet-

erans have the best care delivered by dedicated people. I also recently visited the Legion Claims Office where I saw American Legion representatives actively engaged with Veterans and their families. I was actually reluctant to enter The American Legion office for fear of disrupting the assistance that staff was providing. I tried not to get run over in the hustle and bustle. The WDVA Claims Office staff complimented VSO claims staff regarding their energy, dedication, and willingness to collaborate to ensure Veterans and their families are cared for in the most comprehensive and efficient manner possible. The amount of claims processed for Wisconsin Veterans and high

success rate would not be possible without our VSOs working together with WDVA. Last year alone, Veterans’ claims brought $413 million in economic benefit to Wisconsin in addition to much-needed and well-earned assistance to Veterans and their families. Last, I’d like to announce the hiring of Jason Church as VSO Field Representative, a liaison position I have created to continue maximizing great VSO support and to develop new inroads with community service organizations that suppozqrt Veterans. I’m proud to lead a collaborative agency that has so many great partners and more being developed. Thanks to all for your dedicated service.

2017 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION HOUSING Best Western 3033 W College Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 920-731-4141

Quality Inn 3623 W College Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 920-731-5271

Holiday Inn 150 S Nicolet Rd. Appleton, WI 54914 920-735-9955

Super 8 3624 W College Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 920-731-0880

Motel 6 210 N. Westhill Blvd. Appleton, WI 54914 920-733-5551 Candlewood Suites 4525 W. College Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 920-739-8000

La Quinta 3800 W College Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 920-734-7777 Red Roof Inn 3920 W. College Ave. Appleton, WI 54914 920-734-6070

Contact the hotel directly for rates and availability. Post No. 38 will be running shuttles from the post so you do not need to drive downtown and pay for parking. The shuttle service is as follows: Friday and Saturday Leaving the Post at 6:20 – 6:40 – 7:00 AM

APRIL 27, 2017


Department Eagle Scout of the Year Announced Fifteen year-old Payton Lolwing has been named The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin’s 2017 Eagle Scout of the Year. Lolwing, a sophomore at Lancaster High School, is an active member of his school’s Leo Club, Art Club, Math and Spanish Clubs. He also participates in the school choir, plays on the golf team and takes part in the Theater and Forensics programs. He is also a very active member of his church and is a volunteer in the community. Lolwing’s Eagle Scout project consisted of designing and

Payton Lolwing

constructing a new welcome sign for the City of Lancaster. Throughout the process he worked with Engineers, city officials, business owners and other volunteers to see this project to completion. As the Department of Wisconsin Eagle Scout of the Year, Lolwing will receive a $1,000 scholarship and be invited to the 99th Annual Department Convention scheduled for July 12th through July 16th in Appleton. He is also eligible to compete for the National American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Award.

2017 National American Legion College October 29th – November 3rd

The National American Legion College is a combination of lectures, small group workshops and practical exercises. Students will receive training in leadership, sales and marketing, communication and fundraising. Focus is on self-taught small group sessions under the supervision of graduate facilitators, national staff members and national officers. Major emphasis is placed on core programs, management techniques and the development of leadership skills necessary to increase visibility of programs, growth in

membership and public awareness of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion.

Selection Requirements The national organization is looking for Legionnaires with military service during the Lebanon/Grenada or subsequent eligibility periods. However, they will attempt to fill any unfilled school seats with students from earlier eligibility periods. The deadline for submitting ap-

plications is Monday, July 10, 2017. Contact Department Adjutant David A. Kurtz at (608) 745-1090 or adjutant@wilegion. org for an application and further information. The National American Legion College Selection Committee will review the applications and select the 50 bestqualified attendees. Once the students are selected, the Internal Affairs staff will contact them directly several weeks before the class begins regarding housing, transportation and all the materials they will need.

Camp American Legion Lodge Renovations Continue The Main Lodge at Camp, named in honor of our first Department Service Officer James Burns, is currently undergoing extensive renovations to the building’s exterior. Pictured here is the Main Lodge prior to the installation of new siding.


Janesville Post Supports Scout Camp

Post No. 205 Past Commander Susan Knudson and 1st District Commander Bill Babb recently presented a check to Dylan Dawkins and Scoutmaster Bob Hornby of Boy Scout Troop No. 516 to enable two scouts to attend Scout Camp. Last year, only one sponsorship was presented, and this year a second scout will attend, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous veteran.

Wisconsin American Legion College Spring Training 2017 The Wisconsin American Legion College will be holding the Basic Course on June 10th and the Intermediate Course on June 11th in Oconto at Crivello’s American Restaurant. Basic Course on Saturday and the Intermediate Course on Sunday. Take 1 or both courses! Register online at www.wilegion.org. All training will be held at Crivello’s American Restaurant located at 818 Main Street in Oconto For more information about the college go to http://www.wilegion.org/page/content/about/wisconsin-american-legion-college

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1110 N. Old World Third St., Milwaukee 53203

Correction - The March 23rd edition of the Badger Legionnaire indicated that Oratorical contestant Evan Pechacek of the 10th District was sponsored by Post No. 121 in Hudson. Post No. 121 is located in River Falls.

Serving Wisconsin’s Asbestos Victims for over 25 years. Advertising Material



APRIL 27, 2017

Most Significant Civil War Acquisition Yet for Wisconsin Veterans Museum Circuitous Journey for 1860 Flag Reads Like Detective Novel, Back of Flag Produces Remarkable Surprise

MADISON, Wis. (April 25, 2017) – It was the evening of July 4, 1860. During an annual ball, the Ladies of La Crosse bestowed a splendid silk presentation flag to the La Crosse Light Guard, a private militia in the young city of La Crosse, Wis. Less than a year later, the Light Guard (soon to be known as Company B of the 2nd Wisconsin Regiment of Infantry Volunteers, and led by Captain Wilson Colwell, the sixth mayor of La Crosse) would leave for Madison, Wis., answering President Lincoln’s call for volunteers to preserve the Union, and the flag would go with them, flying at Camp Randall on May 2, 1861. Fittingly, the flag will go on permanent display at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Madison during a private reception on May 2, some 156 years later and after a most circuitous journey back. It is one of the most significant Civil

War acquisitions for the museum to date. The flag will be available for public viewing beginning May 3. The front of the flag features script of the date along with an eagle and the words E Pluribus Unum, “out of many, one,” the motto of the U.S. But it’s the back of the flag that produced a remarkable surprise – a painted version of the 1851 State of Wisconsin seal, making it the earliest surviving depiction of the state seal on a military flag. Journey Back to Madison In June 1861, the La Crosse Light Guard was mustered into Federal service, departing Camp Randall for Washington D.C., where the flag was kept along with other regimental baggage during the war. Three years later, Company B returned home with its ranks decimated from the war, having seen some of the bloodiest conflicts,

Camo Quilt Project Receives Donation

including Bull Run, Antietam and Gettysburg. Just 27 of their original 130 members returned; all the rest were dead, wounded or missing, with Captain Colwell among the casualties. It’s at this juncture that the flag’s provenance gets murky. Some sources say a former member of Company B, William H. Harris, found the flag in Washington D.C. while serving as a congressman from Minnesota and returned the flag to La Crosse. It disappears from historical record again until the late 1920s when it was discovered in the house of Milo Pitkin, another former member of Company B. Nanny Colwell, daughter of Captain Colwell, had it conserved, framed and mounted in the rotunda of the county courthouse, the gesture made complete with a public ceremony to symbolically return the flag to the Ladies of La Crosse. It remained there until the courthouse was torn down in 1965. Next the flag was held by the La Crosse Historical Society, and

at some point was transferred to American Legion Post No. 52. In 1994 it was transferred yet again, this time to the Company B reenactors group, who raised $5,000 to conserve and stabilize the flag, now nearly in tatters, before placing it with the county’s historical society for custodianship and display. Beginning in May, the flag will join the Wisconsin Veterans Museum’s collection of 200 Civil War flags. “Civil War battle flags represent the heart and soul of our collections, and the addition of this extremely rare early example is perhaps one of the most important acquisitions in the last 25 years,” said Michael Telzrow, museum director. “Its addition to the State’s collection, through the generosity of American Legion Post No. 52, enhances our ability to tell the complete story of Wisconsin’s famed Iron Brigade.” Members of the American Legion Post No. 52 La Crosse, which donated the flag, and the La Crosse

Historical Society, which previously displayed the flag, will be honored guests at the reception on May 2. The flag will be available for public viewing beginning on May 3. About the Wisconsin Veterans Museum The Wisconsin Veterans Museum dates to 1901 when it was established as the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall in the Wisconsin Capitol. It is an educational activity of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs and a Smithsonian Institution Affiliate which gives it access to the Smithsonian’s unparalleled collections and scholarship. For more on the Museum’s exhibits, collections and events, log on to www.WisVetsMuseum.com. The museum is open 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, and entrance is free. It is located at 30 W. Mifflin St., directly across from the State Capitol.

2017 Junior Shooting Sports Match Results

The Walter Gilles Post No. 484 of Glenbeulah recently donated $250 to the Camo Quilt Project in Plymouth. Post No. 484 Adjutant Steve Rortvedt is shown presenting the check to Camo Quilt founder & creator Linda Wieck and Camo Quilter Janet Kraus. Over 25,000 camouflage quilts have been made for service members and 900 patriotic quilts of various designs have also been created for veterans who are homebound or in assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

WANTED! Military Vehicles, Aircraft & Memorabilia Vendors

The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin’s 2017 Junior Shooting Sports Postal Match has concluded with 76 participants from nine different clubs participating. Congratulations go out to the following for their top scores and marksmanship: Taking first place overall and receiving the $1,000 scholarship and trophy is Sarah Anderson from the Langlade County 4H Club of Antigo. Sarah registered a total score of 258.9. The 2nd place trophy and

$750 scholarship is awarded to Fin Weber of the Walworth County 4H Club in Elkhorn. Weber’s total score was 255.2. The 3rd place trophy and $250 scholarship goes to Sage Rushing of the Walworth County 4H in Elkhorn. Rushing’s score was 249.4. Alayna Culver of the Viola Sportsman’s Club in Viola is this year’s Junior Division winner with a total score of 219.2. Taking the Beginner Division was Jacob Meister of the Langlade County

4H in Antigo with a total score of 232.0. Walworth County 4H - Team No. 1 is the 2017 Junior Shooting Sports Team winner. The combined score of their top four shooters totaled 906.9. Langlade County 4H - Team No. 1 finished in 2nd place with a team score of 903.6. Viola Sportsman’s Club - Team No. 1 came in 3rd with 900.0 points and the Washington County 4H - Team No. 1 took 4th place with 757.4 points.

Quilts of Valor Presented to WWII Veterans

Saturday and Sunday, May 20 & 21st, 2017 Watertown Municipal Airport 1741 River Drive Watertown, WI 53094 www.watertownmilitaryshow.com

All Proceeds benefit Watertown Veterans groups and community organizations

Legion Post No. 189 in Watertown, along with Quilters on the Rock, honored the WW II Veterans with Quilts of Valor at the Legion Birthday Banquet held on March 11th to celebrate the 98th anniversary of The American Legion. Post No. 189 has 25 WW ll members and 14 were able to attend. Pictured are the veterans that received the quilts along with the ladies that quilted them.

APRIL 27, 2017



Support Your Wisconsin American Legion Museum

The Wisconsin American Legion Museum and Learning Center is located at Department Headquarters in Portage. The purpose of the Museum is to educate, inform, and preserve memorabilia about The American Legion and our programs. The museum is a 501 C (3) nonprofit corporation and donations are tax deductible. The Museum and Library was initially conceived by past Department and National Historian Robert Filter of Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23. The museum was originally located in the basement of Department headquarters when it was located at 812 E. State Street in Milwau-

kee. It was dedicated there on May 21, 1974. The Museum houses many artifacts dealing with the early days of the Department, the history of The American Legion and the Armed Forces. The collection includes a complete set of national and state convention badges, along with many other interesting articles. The Museum is always interested in adding to the collection of artifacts and making improvements. Please consider making a donation to the Wisconsin American Legion Museum and Learning Center and promote it at your Post, Auxiliary and SAL meetings.

Vet Talk at Marshfield Post No. 54

A year ago Marshfield Post No. 54 felt the need to provide a place for local veterans, regardless of affiliation or date of service, to join together. Through these gatherings, veterans have been able to develop friendship and help each other deal with difficulties held over from their time in service. The post began hosting monthly gatherings in June of 2016 and on April 7th they conducted their 11th “Vet Talk”

session. On that day 12 veterans representing WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War gathered around the table to enjoy free donuts, coffee, cookies and conversation. J J’s Bakery of Marshfield provides the baked goods while Post No. 54 provides coffee, milk, juice and space for these veterans to enjoy. The group meets on the first Friday of the month from 9 to 10:30 AM at Post No. 54 in Marshfield.

Pictured here is the April 2017 gathering. Lawrence Pankratz, a WWII veteran who is 97 years old is a regular participant and is pictured on the far left in this photo wearing the dark gray beret.

The Wisconsin American Legion Museum & Learning Center holds an extensive collection of memorabilia relating to the history of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. There are displays on Camp American Legion, Badger Boys State, the Department Service Office, the Sons of The American Legion and more. There is also an extensive archive of American Legion publications and artifacts.

Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Winners

After a comprehensive review of the twenty-six (26) completed Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship applications, Susan Knudson, chairperson of the Americanism Education and Scholarship Committee, is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Schneider-Emanuel Scholarships: Morgan Anibas, Durand High School; Marc Kluge, Mondovi High School; and Hannah Krueger, Winneconne High School. Anibas, Kluge and Krueger will each receive a $1,000 scholarship award to be used for their post high school educational plans. Honorably Mentioned applicants are: Ashley Streeter, Lodi High School; Katharine Hopfensperger, Ripon High School and Meghan Kehoe, Whitewater High School. In order to be considered for the Schneider-Emanuel Scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria: The applicant must be a veteran and an active American

Legion Member or be the son or daughter whose father, mother, or legal guardian is an active member of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary or The Sons of The American Legion. Applicants can also qualify as the grandson or granddaughter whose grandfather, grandmother, or legal guardian is an active member of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion. Applicants could also be a member in good standing of the Sons of The American Legion or the Legion Auxiliary/Junior Auxiliary. In addition, the applicant must have participated in one or more of the following Legion Family sponsored activities: 1. Prior attendance to Badger Boys State 2. Prior attendance to Badger Girls State 3. Participation in the County Youth Government Day Program

4. Participation in any level of The American Legion Oratorical Contest 5. Participation in The American Legion Americanism & Government Test Program 6. Active member of an American Legion sponsored Band or Drum & Bugle Corps 7. Member of an active American Legion Baseball Team 8. Member of an American Legion sponsored Scout Troop

9. Member of Sons of The American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary 10. Member of The American Legion Applicants must also submit their ACT scores, their high school transcript and have maintained a grade point average of a B or above throughout their high school career.

McFarland Post No. 534 Holds Vietnam War Commemoration

On Saturday, March 11th Wisconsin is a CommemoraPost No. 534 in McFarland tive Partner and Post No. 534 recognized 17 Vietnamis authorized to conduct era veterans as part official ceremonies of the Commemoto thank and honration of the 50th or Vietnam-era Anniversary of veterans under the Vietnam the auspices of War. the CommemoThis program rative Partner was authorized Program. by Congress and I n f o r m a established under tion on becomthe Department of Deing a Partner in the fense in 2012. The Ameriprogram is available at can Legion, Department of www.vietnamwar50th.com.

Front (L to R) - Marino (Mike) Verdico; James Carpenter; Allan Thompson; Charles Wedekind; Dale Marsden; Webb Winn; Russell Williams; Isabel (Izzy) Laing. Back (L to R) Mike Mietz; James Kallas: Erhard Opsahl; Kenneth Kleinheinz; Richard Hoffman; Mike Henrickson; John Johnson; Larry Chatman; Richard Braun; USAF Captain Rachel Petri-Rose


September APRIL 27, 25, 2017 2014


The Last


6 Stevens Point Alfred Laszinski II Joseph Meshak K Donald Gaedtke II 8 Waukesha Jack Prince K 10 Wausau Gordon Scharnhorst K 11 Green Bay Ronald Joly K John Maedke Patrick Collins V Richard Jilot II 14 Iola David Uselding V 26 Baraboo John Carroll K 27 South Milwaukee Joseph Janka II 32 Menomonie Harold Halfin II 38 Appleton Lon Bartsch V Earl Breitenfeld II Archie Mauk II Mylan Sinclair II Milton Ruppel II John Law II 41 Kaukauna Kenneth Robel K 42 Platteville Cliff Van Natta K Patrick Carroll K Bernie Jones V 45 Elkhorn Dennis Kapitan V Robert Wilber K 49 Bayfield Kenneth Cadotte K 54 Marshfield Lawrence Toelle II Jack Burk II Donald Hoefs K 59 Stoughton Larry Fountain V 60 Kimberly Thomas Cotnoir K Mark VanVreede K 67 Lake Mills Raymond Radke II 72 Sturgeon Bay Charles Schommer K 73 Neillsville V Marvin Mohr Russel Vandeberg II Rene Harder K 75 Fond du Lac Richard Pipping K Ralph Holterman V Paul Deanovich V Francis Fisher K 77 Chippewa Falls Ronald Pinter V H J Ramsdell K Luke Sonsalla K 80 New Richmond Larry Bengston V Edward Lukes K Dwight Anderson K 89 Minocqua William Anderson K

03/02/17 02/27/17 04/10/16 03/29/17 04/11/17 03/08/17 03/24/17 03/03/17 03/02/17 01/04/17 02/26/17 03/25/17 03/17/17 03/14/17 03/14/17 04/05/17 04/01/17 04/13/17 04/01/17 03/15/17 03/21/17 03/27/17 09/06/14 01/17/17 02/23/17 02/13/17 03/17/17 03/10/17 02/23/17 04/08/17 03/07/17 03/04/17 03/11/17 09/09/16 03/07/17 03/10/17 12/14/16 03/21/17 03/21/17 03/10/17 03/22/17 03/06/17 07/27/16 03/20/17 03/05/17 03/08/17 04/07/17 03/21/17

91 Oconomowoc Robert Goergen V Donald Lemke V 95 Delavan Eugene Shreves K 100 Sparta Walter Gehrke K 103 Galesville John Salsman II 106 Seymour Thomas Hallada V 108 Clear Lake Ronald Wittstock V 109 Lancaster James Vondrum V 110 New Lisbon James Eddy V 111 Somerset Allan Powers K 117 Shawano Robert Rotter K 125 Chilton Gerald Ludwig II 128 Stockbridge Robert Schwobe K 130 Sharon Charles Vesper II 134 Boscobel Dennis Keller V Kennard Sletten K 136 Niagara Ivan Lusardi K Norman Decremer V 138 Viroqua Nathan Noggle II John McDonald K 142 Blanchardville Howard Torkelson II Andrew Hendrickson K 149 Sheboygan Falls Frederick Schielke II 155 Westby Joel Volden K Hubert Parr K 164 Jefferson James Werner K 167 Sauk City Thomas Michaels V John Shelby V 170 Mineral Point Donald Hawkins II 171 Union Grove Carl Nisen II 172 North Freedom Donald Huinker V 173 Whitewater Norwin Watson V 179 Chetek Dennis Wood V 180 Milwaukee Albert Geldon K Harvey Nylund II 181 Durand Robert Hovland V Archie Richardson K 183 Genoa City William Dahlke 191 Whitehall Goodwin Anderson II 192 Franklin Anton Peroutka II 201 Tomah James Rice K Douglas Wachendorf V 204 Ellsworth Arnold Jansa V 205 Janesville Gordon Hanson K Robert Spoden V 216 Lodi Roswell Mair II 224 Alma Robert Sing K Larry Fink V

02/20/17 01/10/17 03/28/17 04/27/17 02/22/17 03/16/17 03/01/17 04/04/17 05/19/16 05/17/16 03/07/17 03/24/17 03/25/17 03/10/17 02/17/17 08/26/16 01/27/17 03/02/17 01/31/17 01/06/17 03/04/17 03/16/17 04/06/17 03/15/17 03/20/17

238 Greenwood K Wilbert Adams 250 Adams Harland Palmer V Raymond Gieringer II 253 Spring Green Francis Feiner II William Schoenmann II 262 Luxemburg Benedict Estel K 263 New London Melvin Wege II 280 Coleman Wallace Kempke K 284 Holmen Lloyd Evenson II Larry Gramling V Rector Wall II Wayne Bratberg II Lawrence Kaatz V Duane Johnson II Mel Prinz V 286 Oostburg Harold TenHaken II 288 Cedarburg Victor Putzbach K 295 Bloomer Oliver Hebert K 301 Woodville George Helgeson II 304 Palmyra Richard Havlik K Herman Mueckl II 305 Johnson Creek Melvin Nass K Michael Seager V TO LEGIONNAIRES Lee Sellnow LEGION V AND FAMILY MEMBERS

03/24/17 05/06/15 03/05/17 03/14/17 03/21/17 04/04/17 03/29/17 03/28/17 08/20/16 07/21/16 03/03/17 10/15/16 07/15/16 03/28/17 04/07/17 03/11/17 04/10/17 03/16/17 04/04/17 11/19/16 03/26/17 03/25/17 04/04/17 04/09/17


03/29/17 12/13/16 01/01/17 03/13/17 03/27/17 03/29/17 04/04/17 02/19/17 11/7//16 03/11/17 03/17/17 11/01/16

03/13/17 03/22/17 03/21/17 03/26/17 02/22/17 02/18/17 12/27/16 03/10/17 03/16/17 03/25/17 03/31/17 10/04/16 03/17/17 12/20/16 03/15/17 03/22/17 04/06/17 03/15/17 03/08/17 04/07/17

412 Belgium Robert Bares K 416 Greendale Norbert Sawicki K Jim Papez V Edmund Harycki K 449 Brookfield Thomas Hartnett II Charles Swain II John Myers K Stephen McClinton V 454 Mt Calvary Gerald Zipperer V 469 Marathon Luke Lang II 478 St Cloud Jerome Schaefer II 498 Milwaukee Henry Swison V 525 Phlox Oscar Koeppel II 526 Hazel Green Richard Weber V 527 Sister Bay Harold Sunstrom II 534 McFarland Richard Bausch V J Lawrence Day K Gerald Killerlain K Gene McCartney V Charles Rodefeld K Edward Rustick II Gary Salverson V Victor Shorette K Gerald Slinde K Jack Sorenson II 2930 Portage Dale Holz V

03/31/17 02/17/17 03/14/17 04/08/17 03/24/17 02/16/17 04/09/17 02/24/17 04/09/17 03/21/17 03/28/17 11/10/16 02/14/17 04/08/17 01/29/16 11/18/16 07/13/16 12/21/16 09/15/16 12/31/16 10/17/16 06/27/16 02/05/17 11/12/16 12/02/16 08/23/16

FREE Coverage Putting Wisconsin Legion Family Members First! The Facts On LegionCare:

03/18/17 03/17/17 04/09/17

309 Kendall Charles Rieck V 312 Peshtigo Martin Keller II 333 Sun Prairie Roger Hau K Franklin Carpenter K 336 Onalaska Charles Robertson K William Sheets K 339 Almond Raymond Ische V 343 Hancock Clarence Stratton V 348 DeForest Bennie Olson II 355 Grafton Kenneth Schanen K 363 Denmark Ronald Kudick K 366 Princeton Orville Kittel II 378 Brandon/Fairwater Winton Lenz II 390 Gresham Daniel Haufe K John Bauman V 391 Fremont Eugene Anderson V Vernon Oehlke K 392 Cecil Douglas Hansen V 394 Loretta Kenneth Neumann K 410 Fredonia Paul Paulbicke K

The Legionnaire Insurance Trust Is Celebrating 50 Years Of Service! AND We are now offering a ONE AND DONE solution to our No-Cost-To-You LegionCare Protection

08/07/16 03/23/17

• This coverage is at NO-COST-TO-YOU • LegionCare is now available to ALL Legion Family members: Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion. • This coverage has been arranged on your behalf by Your American Legion Department. • Regardless of Your Age, health or occupation your acceptance is GUARANTEED** And did you know that starting 1/1/2015, anyone enrolled in LegionCare will be covered for as long as they maintain their membership in the Legion Family – TAL, ALA, & SAL. This new “one and done” approach will save you from needing to re-enroll every 5 years. The LegionCare program will continue to cover you for $1,000 of AD&D coverage. If the accidental loss occurs when on official Legion Family Business, we will cover you for $5,000 of AD&D coverage.* This has been arranged on your behalf by Your Department of The American Legion. As soon as your enrollment is received, LegionCare will take effect. Your acceptance is guaranteed**, so enroll today.


Endorsed by Your Department of The American Legion

02/04/17 03/27/17

For immediate coverage, enroll online at www.TheLIT.com/No-Cost-LegionCare Complete details of the coverage are contained in accident only Master Policy MZ0933569H0000A/0001A underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company Cedar Rapids, IA. This plan is not available in all states.

02/04/17 03/08/17 03/07/17

*For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of The Legion Family, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the $5,000 Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from an official function at which they represent his/her Post, Squadron, Unit, District, Department, Detachment or National Organization in an official capacity. **This is a supplemental health insurance plan that requires you to have major medical coverage, Medicare, or other health coverage that meets “minimum essential coverage” as defined by the Affordable Care Act. 39903 ©2016 AGIA AT#1441735

APRIL 27, 2017


Post No. 155 • Westby Harold S. Olson


Post No. 428 • Amberg Commander James Fronsoe Finance Officer Denis De Jardin



Post No. 204 - Ellsworth David Voelker








Mount Horeb Post No. 113 recognized member Ralph Buechner for 70 Years of Continuous Membership on March 22nd. PDC Denise Rohan presented a certificate from National Commander Charles Schmidt and Post No. 113 Commander Jerry Hook also presented a certificate from the post.

The Wallace-Hinker-Brux Post No. 238 of Greenwood celebrated their 97th Birthday on March 19, 2017. As has been their tradition each year, membership pins were awarded in increments of 5 years. Pictured is here is Post No. 238 Commander Dave Boe, (on right) presenting a certificate for 70 years to Elmer Noah. Also recognized was Robert Vesel for 65 years.

FREE Coverage For Wisconsin Legion Family Members! LegionCare provides all Legion Family members with: • $5,000 in Accidental Death Coverage for covered accidents that occur if you are traveling on official Legion Family business.* • $1,000 for all other covered accidents. • 24/7 protection that covers Legion Family members at home, at work and while they are travelling away from home - available for the entire Legion Family in Wisconsin. See A on Pag d IMPORTANT: All Legion Family members must confirm their $5,000 in protection in order to be covered. e 6! Call 1 (800) 235-6943 for details. Legion Family members may also activate their coverage by going online

All Legion Family members over 18 years of age now have the opportunity to assure their enrollment in LegionCare, the newly enhanced Accidental Death benefit available at No-Cost. LegionCare is a oneof-a-kind benefit offered exclusively to Legionnaires, Auxiliary and SAL members.

at www.theLIT.com or contact Department Headquarters at (608) 745-1090 for assistance.

Boy Scout Troop Receives Donation

On Monday March 13th, Post No. 108 Legionnaires & Sons of The American Legion members Ray Cress & Curly Danielson journeyed to Turtle Lake to present a check to Boy Scout Troop No. 59. A check for $200 was presented to them to support their project of painting pallets to look like American Flags. Troop No. 59 gave the pallets to area veterans as a thank you for their service. Post No. 108 and Squadron No. 108 donated equally to the project.

TEAM WISCONSIN As the August election gets closer I have been working with the National staff to make plans for the creation of the items that set the stage for the 2017/2018 American Legion year. One of those items is the selection of the National Membership Shirt color. Ever since the 2012 Department of Wisconsin Convention, when the delegates at the Convention endorsed me for this high office, people have been asking what color my shirt will be. Some thought it would be pink because I will be the first women to hold this honored position. Others thought maybe black with pink trim (for the male Legionnaires who would be afraid to wear pink). I worked for the UW System for 29 years so some thought perhaps Badger Red and White. Then there was talk about green and gold to honor The American Legion’s relationship with the Green Bay Packers. The order form will be out soon (if it isn’t already) and you will all see what color the 2017/2018 memberships shirts will be. When you see the shirts, please do not question my loyalty to Wisconsin’s sports teams. I want to share the thought process in my color selection. Several years ago active Service members who were involved in joint and combined operations separated themselves from some of their branch biases to work together for the common good. They started using the color purple to symbolize the intermingling of all the whites, blues, greens, tans, reds, gold and silver found in Service uniforms and insignia. Purple is joint and combined: the motto on the Joint Forces is “That All May Labor As One” All branches of the Military “PURPLED UP”.

Well, in conjunction with all of our plans for membership growth – I believe it is time for The American Legion Family to PURPLE UP. That is the reason, next year’s Membership Team Shirt will be Purple, To show that we want to work together and join all of our forces; The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, The Sons of The American Legion and The American Legion Riders. And, it’s not just within The American Legion Family but with all branches of our Military, as well as our Military Kids whose color is also Purple. Together we are making great things happen across this nation. We are and should be One Big Happy Family who are united together for a common cause. Purple will be the color of the shirt the nation will be wearing for the coming year. I hope you will join the nation and help The American Legion Family “Purple Up” for the coming year. The shirts can be ordered from National Emblem Sales at www. emblem.legion.org. Your red “Team Wisconsin” shirt is not obsolete. Please continue to wear it and help bring brand awareness to our Legion Family. For those of you going to national convention in Reno, the red shirt will be worn by the Wisconsin delegation during the National Convention parade. Links to purchase either shirt are available on the campaign website: www.deniserohan.org. Please refer to the campaign site to see upcoming fundraising events, follow my travels, and see pictures of the fantastic journey so far. PDC Denise Rohan, Leading Candidate for National Commander

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