“For God & Country”
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
August 21, 2014 Vol. 91, No. 7
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Air Force Veteran Bob Shappell Elected 2014-2015 Department Commander Commander Ken Rynes opened tion Committees comprised of the 96th annual Department con- delegates representing each of the vention on July 18th at the Radis- 12 Districts in the Department met son Paper Valley Hotel in Apple- to consider and debate important ton. Kimberly Larson, 2010 Miss resolutions. A table appears in this Wisconsin, performed our Nation- edition of the Badger Legionnaire al Anthem and Appleton Mayor describing the resolutions conTim Hannah brought greetings to sidered and the actions taken by the delegates. MG Donald Dunbar the convention. Chief among the of the Wisconsin National Guard resolutions were proposals to betprovided the keynote address. ter define Legion representatives On Friday afternoon, Conven- to be seated on the Department
2015 Membership Goal 44.65% District 12 1st PLACE
43.97% District 3 2nd PLACE
42.35% District 9 4th PLACE
40.98% District 6 5th PLACE
38.05% District 10 7th PLACE
37.26% District 11 8th PLACE
36.25% District 7 10th PLACE
36.20% District 5 11th PLACE
43.53% District 1 3rd PLACE
39.36% District 2 6th PLACE
36.91% District 8 9th PLACE
35.15% District 4 12th PLACE
August 14th Total: 24,515
Americanism and Hospital Committee and a proposal to endorse Federal legislation that will provide interment rights for Hmong veterans who fought on behalf of US forces during the Vietnam conflict, provided that they have become US citizens. Saturday, July 19th was the second day of sessions. The day began with an address by American Legion National Commander Dan Dellinger of Virginia. Commander Dellinger was followed by Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary John A. Scocos, a member of the Se-
verson – Cairns Post No. 501 in Madison. Later in the morning Legionnaires in attendance heard from Governor Scott Walker. The morning session concluded with the election announcements. Robert L. Shappell of the Peter Wollner Post No. 288 in Cedarburg was elected by the delegates to the high office of Department Commander. Commander Shappell’s wife Pauline is also an Air Force veteran and member of Post No. 288. The closing session on Sunday featured the installation of the new state officers and was fol-
lowed by an Executive Committee meeting. Many other speakers as well as state and national level awards were featured during the course of the three day convention. Of special note: “Rhino’s Run”, the motorcycle fundraiser conducted in the days immediately preceding the convention, exceeded the goal of $50,000 for the Legacy Scholarship Fund. The efforts of volunteers from Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 of Appleton, who worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event, also merit recognition.
Tribute to Past National Commander Keith Kreul
On Saturday, July 19th, mem- which accompanied Keith while Department Commander Ken bers of the Whitish-Funk Post he was National Commander. Rynes presented the Post No. No. 184 of Fennimore had the Fennimore post members also 184 contingent with two beautiprivilege to perform a tribute to displayed the hand-sewn banner ful plaques, one from the Departpost member Keith Kreul at the and posters that were used in the ment and another from National 96th Annual Department Con- campaign to get Keith elected to Headquarters. Both plaques recvention in recognition of the thir- office over thirty years ago. (Continued on Page 3) tieth anniversary of his term as National Commander in 1983-84. The post Honor Guard consisted of Pete Finnegan, Bob Griffith, Herb Brun, Dean Ashmore, and Don Marish. Commander Keith was unable to attend in person due to his health but was there in spirit and well represented by his fellow Post No. 184 Legionnaires. Post No. 184 members were assisted by the Scarlet Guard of Appleton’s Post No. 38 in presenting the stand of colors, both an American Flag and the bright red and gold National Commander Flag, Fennimore Post members pay homage to PNC Keith Kreul during convention.
Pictured here is the 2014-15 Department Executive Committee and other Department Officers who met following the 96th Annual Convention in Appleton to formulate plans for the upcoming year.
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2014-2015 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Jeremy Nordie, Vice Chairman Ensley Brown, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson Phil Ingwell Harold Rihn Tony Tyczynski Cecil Groves, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2014-15 Department Officers Commander Robert Shappell Vice Commanders Dale Oatman Rich Ruland John Thurk Dave Brisk Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jerome Krofta 9th – Bob Lemke 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Teresa Isensee, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
August 21, 2014
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER I am honored and humbled to have been elected your Department Commander for the next year. After retiring from Bob Shappell Department Commander the Air Force, I joined the Legion for two reasons. First, my Dad was a 63-year Legion member. Second, I wanted to become more involved in my community, something that was difficult to do during my many military assignments. I recognize the unique opportunity given me to contribute to my community, my state, and all veterans during the next year. I will do my best to live up to the faith and confidence all of you have shown in me. As we move forward into a year where our military is being reduced in size, the world situation is tense, and the economy is still fragile, we must become even better at providing support and assis-
tance for Wisconsin veterans and their families. The Legion is more important and vital than ever before in its history. We must ensure we have the passion and energy to keep our programs healthy and growing. We need the SPIRIT of Wisconsin. Let me explain. Strength in numbers. Our success as a veterans service organization depends largely on our strength in numbers. Membership gives us the ability to sustain active local posts, and to be a strong, effective political voice at both state and national levels. Wisconsin has about 250,000 eligible veterans who are not Legion members. We need many more of them to join our ranks. Pride. We need to show how proud we are of our posts and The American Legion. Talk about your post and what it does for the community; talk about what the Legion does not only for veterans, but for children and young people through our Americanism and Children
and Youth programs. Be open and enthusiastic with your pride, and others will want to join us. I ntegrity. We represent the Legion and must abide by its values and ideals. We must always be honest and honorable, both within our organization and in our dealings with our local communities. Respect. Respect everyone’s service; respect everyone’s opinion. Do not let personal conflicts get in the way of doing the right thing for your post and for the Legion. I nitiative. The Legion was built on the individual initiative of our founding members. The Legion survives and thrives because of initiative. Foster initiative in others, and let them show you how well they can perform in their own way. Teamwork. We must work together at all levels to complete our mission of supporting veterans and their families. Working together allows us to get things done more easily, and allows us to accomplish
more than we could by doing it alone. Our military works in teams, and they are the best example of how to accomplish the mission. General Robert E. Lee once said, “Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more. You should never wish to do less.” Legionnaires did their duty serving their country; they continue to serve with a sense of duty as Legionnaires. Legionnaires have always done more than was required of them. Our founders knew from firsthand experience that veterans would not always get a fair shake. From our founders’ vision springs a long-standing commitment to America’s veterans; a covenant consistent with the first rule of battle: “We shall not fail those with whom we serve.” Let’s create a true Spirit of Wisconsin within our posts and throughout the state to make sure that we will never fail those who serve their nation - past, present, and future.
DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER I love being your Department Service Officer. In my position I get the pleasure of working closely with the James Fialkowski veteran commuService Officer nity. Once in a while you run into a truly exceptional individual. This article is about one such hero who recently answered the last bugle call. I am referring to a World War II Marine whom I will call Mr. Z for the purposes of this article. Mr. Z became a Prisoner of War early in the war while serving on Wake Island. He spent four years in captivity and of those, three and a half years were spent working a salt mine in China under Japanese supervision. I don’t have to tell you how extreme his
hardship was as a prisoner of the Imperial Japanese Empire. Getting by on a small bowl of rice with a beetle to eat each day, he dropped to 65 pounds and had multiple illnesses which included malaria. When he was finally liberated near the end of the war, he received a letter from President Roosevelt thanking him for his service and extreme sacrifices. Mr. Z being his patriotic self, decided to stay in the USMC reserves. When Korea started he was called onto active duty and sent to fight in Korea even though he was exempt from overseas duty. When his command finally realized their error and called Mr. Z into the command post to tell him he wasn’t supposed to be there, he simply stated with an expletive that he already knew this to be true but he wanted to stay
and fight (Note: The true conversation was much more colorful, as you could imagine). Following his wonderful string of luck, this gungho perspective soon landed him at the Chosin Reservoir surrounded by the Chinese. Through conversations with Mr. Z, I found out his unit considered him to be a wiley older Marine. They soon asked him and others like him to scout ahead for the passages with the least resistance back to friendly lines, which of course he did without hesitation. “Somebody had to do it” he said to me. After Korea, Mr. Z received his second presidential letter, this time from President Truman. I was happy to see both Presidents acknowledge such a great man. Mr. Z lived the remainder of his life in Milwaukee. He had no need for frills or comfort items, saying,
“I get the basics because that’s all we need”. He enjoyed helping his neighbors. He recently adopted some stray kittens that showed up at his building’s back stoop. Providing them food and water - acts of kindness to the end. Mr. Z truly was a class act, a good man and a Hero. I will miss him. And now for this articles “Little Known Benefit” – Noncompetitive government hire now can extend to the spouse of a service connected 100% disabled veteran. For more information go to Http:// index.aspx Once again, I want to thank all of you for your loyal support of the Department Service Office and your commitment in “Still Serving America”.
WDVA SECRETARY WDVA Recognizes Partnerships Nearly three years ago, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans AfJohn A. Scocos fairs charted a WDVA Secretary new course for the agency, finding improved ways to help veterans while keeping an eye towards the future of veterans in this state. We set new priorities to reflect modern day realities and meet the needs of all generations of veterans. Today, we remain steadfast in our focus on those priorities and have many valuable partners to help meet our objectives, including The American Legion, among many others, whom we were pleased to
recognize at the Wisconsin State Fair Sunday, August 10, with certificates of recognition for all their hard work in partnering with us to assist Wisconsin veterans. While the WDVA is responsible for assisting veterans on many different issues, one of our top priorities is helping veterans find meaningful employment. Over the past three years we have been privileged to partner with those organizations that can make a true connection between veterans and employers and help us meet the varying needs of many veterans. The WDVA has partnered with various agencies and organizations to host 67 veteran career fairs statewide over the past four years, serv-
ing nearly 14,000 veterans. Last year alone, over 4,000 veterans and spouses attended these career fairs. Of those who completed a follow up survey about their career fair experience, 55 percent had received a job offer or follow-up interview. One of our marquee events this year was VetCon: A Veterans Employment and Services Conference. This event was held in May and offered veterans a one-stop shop for employment assistance, benefits and claims assistance, and other resource and service information. We had many great partners and sponsors for that event, including The American Legion. This year we also grew our regional business symposiums for
employers who are recruiting and hiring new employees. We’ve worked hard to make sure employers know why veterans make such strong employees. We’ve hosted employer workshops around the state in partnership with state businesses to help non-veteran hiring officials understand veterans and give them ways to connect with veterans when they have job openings. Over the past 3 years we’ve had over 200 new businesses participating and agreeing to increase their effort in hiring veterans. We couldn’t have done it without our partners. Thank you to The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin for all your efforts over the past year.
August 21, 2014
Camp American Legion Assists with Suicide Prevention
All of us have heard about the staggering rate of suicides among veterans and military service members. We have heard it way too many times now and it comes at us from the media almost daily. We hear from this expert and that psychiatrist or from this research study or from that report and it comes at us from all sides. It seems like no one can get a handle on it or even slow it down, let alone stop it. The alarming rate of suicide among veterans and within the military is simply unacceptable. In some circles the word “epidemic” is even being used to describe the problem. Too many of our comrades are making that tragic decision to end their life. It is heart wrenching. The suicide rate among veterans is twice that of civilians with 22 veterans/service members taking their own life every day. That is right – each and every day. That is one every 65 minutes, which adds up to 8,000 every year. In fact, 30% of all veterans have considered suicide. Truly sad statistics that go on and on.
Rather than simply talking about it, during the week of May 19-25 Camp American Legion partnered with the Wisconsin National Guard to conduct an “Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training” (ASIST) Program here at camp. This is a great program and a perfect fit for Camp’s “Help to Heal” mission. This program belongs here. It is part of who we are and our reason for being. The ASIST program is an interactive workshop that prepares individuals to provide suicide first aid intervention. Small group discussions and skills practice are based on adult learning principles. ASIST teaches the Suicide Intervention Model. In the end participants will be better able to: • Identify people who have thoughts of suicide • Understand how beliefs and attitudes can effect suicide intervention • Seek a shared understanding of the reasons for thoughts of suicide and the reason for living • Review current risk level and develop a plan to increase safety from suicidal behavior for an agreed amount of time
• Follow up on safety commitments, accessing further help as needed Even if you don’t quite understand all these learning outcomes that really doesn’t matter. What matters is that the Wisconsin Legion Family and Camp American Legion are taking steps to “Help to Heal” our military brothers and sisters who have thoughts of suicide. To stop them from making that fatal final decision. We value their lives and care. Beyond this Wisconsin National Guard program, Camp American Legion has developed collaborative working relationships with the Suicide Prevention Coordinators at all VA Hospitals in Wisconsin. We work hard to be connected to every organization that assists veterans and professionals who work with veterans and service members with suicidal ideation. Wisconsin American Legion Family; Camp American Legion is your Camp and in its own small way will do whatever it can to stop this tragic loss of life and turn the tide. Let us continue our work. Kevin Moshea, Camp Director
Suicide intervention skills workshop participants from the Wisconsin National Guard gathered at Camp for training earlier this summer.
Saturday, September 13th 12:00 noon Pig Roast and Corn Boil $10 DONATION PER MEAL, PLEASE
All funds raised should be brought to Camp on September 13th for a special presentation event. Rooms at Camp may be reserved for September 11th, 12th and 13th. A donation of $30.00 per bed per night is requested. Continental breakfast is included with stay. Reservations requested for overnight stay can be made with Camp Director Kevin Moshea at (715) 277-2510
(continued from page 1) ognized the thirtieth anniversary of Keith’s year at the top and all he has done for the Legion since then. Also presented was a lifetime identification card that allows Keith to attend any and all events sponsored by The American Legion. Plans are in place to re-create the tribute to Keith on September 11th in Fennimore at Post No. 184’s regularly scheduled meeting complete with flags, banner, posters, and awards. Keith and his family will be the guests of honor. Refreshments and program will begin at 6PM and last until 7:30PM, when the regular Legion business meeting will begin. Whitish-Funk American Legion Post No 184 is located at 860 Lincoln Avenue in Fennimore, WI 53089. All are invited to attend.
2014 Department Convention Sweepstakes Winners GRAND PRIZE $20,000 Donald Beghin – Mt. Horeb
Commander Bob Shappell of the Peter Wollner Post No. 288 in Cedarburg presents Sweepstakes winner Donald Beghin of Post No. 113 in Mt. Horeb with his check. Don served as an Army Infantryman during WWII after he was rejected by the Air Corps due to flat feet. No kidding.
11TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Ken Kozey - Waterford
2ND PRIZE • $2,000 CASH Ken Kosidowski – West Bend
12TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Ron Anderson – Balsam Lake
3RD PRIZE • $1,000 CASH Ronald Hepner - Brookfield
13TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Robert Howard - Blair
4TH PRIZE • $500 CASH Ray Rabuch - Baraboo
14TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Sharon Lamer - Tomahawk
5TH PRIZE • $500 CASH Willis Fernholz - Onalaska
15TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Karen Larsen – Daggett, MI
6TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Lloyd Wagener - Horicon
16TH PRIZE • $100 CASH David Burrow - Evansville
7TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Ken Alt - Madison
17TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Gordon Port - Waupun
8TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Vicki Franke – Park Falls
18TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Ron Ludtke – Little Chute
9TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Neil Wittrock – Wisconsin Rapids
19TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Harold Pesik - Hillsboro
10TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Tom Dobberstein – West Bend
20TH PRIZE • $100 CASH Gregg Phillips - Merrimac
Sons of The American Legion 2014-2015 Detachment Commander
Hello Legion Famprogram to continue ily, my name is Gary as well. For 2014Lubich and I am 15 we are setting proud to serve you our sights on once as your new Detachagain achieving ment Commander the Triple Nickof the Sons of The el award, which American Legion. I means we need to and my fellow Sons retain 85% or more look forward to of our members, working with you in charter five new the many ways you Detachment Commander Squadrons, and Gary Lubich continue to serve. reach 105% of our My Commander’s Project is to membership goal. We have done provide Camp American Legion this before so I know we can do it with needed exercise equipment. again. Congratulations also to DeThanks to the leadership of imme- partment Commander Bob Shapdiate Past Detachment Command- pell, Department President Teresa er Dan Daily we’ve just finished Isensee, and ALRA President Bob a very successful year on many Lloyd. I look forward to working fronts, most notably with the Josh with you. If anyone has any quesDog program. tions about the Sons of The AmerThe value to our troops that this ican Legion, please don’t hesitate program has demonstrated is be- to contact us at or yond measure, and we expect this (608) 745-1090.
Vietnam Veteran’s Dedication
On Sunday, August 3, 2014, the 1st District Chapter of the Wisconsin American Legion Riders Association were honored to participate in the dedication of a tree for each of the 35 Kenosha residents who sacrificed their lives during the Vietnam war. The Riders were led by District 1 Rider President Frank “Phantom” Konieska and are shown laying a rose at one of the 35 trees dedicated during the ceremony.
2014 Samsung Scholarship Recipient
Lukas Matthews compete against aphas been selected as proximately 98 other the 2014 Samsung students for one of American Legion nine $20,000 scholScholarship Nationarships. The remainal Finalist by the ing students will reDirector of Badger ceive a $1,100 scholBoys State. Each arship. Lukas resides year, delegates that in Stoughton and his attend Badger Boys college goals are to State are eligible to study Social Policy, apply for the SamBiotechnology and Lucas Matthews sung Scholarship Spanish. The entire if they are a direct descendant staff and Board of Directors of of a military war veteran. AcaBadger Boys State wishes Ludemic success, community inkas the best in his endeavors volvement and other criteria are and good luck as he competes used in the selection process. As for this prestigious National a National Finalist, Lukas will Scholarship.
August 21, 2014
SAL Honoring Veterans Who Have Passed
An important part of our work supporting veterans includes supporting those veterans who have passed. SAL Squadron No. 65 in Rome continues to work in this area in a number of ways. Squadron No. 65 Commander Kris Riemenschneider took up the project to replace the sign at the New Rome Cemetery. He worked with the Rome Town Board, Cemetery Committee, and others on the project. He was able to get Rome Town Board approval for a newly designed sign that his son-in-law made free of charge. In addition, Squadron members checked grave markers and flag holders, and placed flags in local cemeteries for Memorial Day. They are also installing flag poles at 16 area cemeteries with the Veterans and Friends Cemetery Flag Project. Pictured here are Post No. 65 Commander Jim Kitchen, Squadron Commander Kris Riemenschneider, and SAL member Tim Baxter as they installed the new sign.
Post No. 271 Holds Fundraiser to Support Camp
The American Legion Family of Clyde Sheppard Post No. 271 in Poynette recently held a fundraiser for Camp American Legion along with the Lakeside Bar and Grill and other local merchants. The event was held on Armed Forces Day and provided many activities. $1,000 was raised to support Camp. Pictured left to right are Unit No. 271 Auxiliary President Terri Fiore, Post Commander Jeff Kostichka and SAL Squadron No. 271 Commander Troy Rortvedt.
Lake Mills Post No. 67 Supports Boy Scouts
Clarence Bean-Warren George Post No. 67 has been a long time sponsor of Boy Scout Troop No. 148 in Lake Mills. For 80 consecutive years the post has assisted in molding the character of young men in the community. Troop No. 148 was first sponsored by Post No. 67 in November of 1934. The Troop appropriately celebrated 75 years of consecutive sponsorship by the Legion in 2009 and they now celebrate 80 years of consecutive sponsorship. The Troop recently held a special Court of Honor in recognition of Post No. 67 member Dr. Roland Liebenow. Dr. Liebenow served Troop No. 148 as the chartered representative for 36 consecutive years, from 1978 to 2014, until stepping down earlier this year.
Pictured with the Boy Scouts in the front row of the photo are members of Post No. 67. From left to right are; Post Commander Dave Behling, new Chartered Representative Tracy Messerschmidt,
Dr. Roland Liebenow, Sergeant at Arms John Wineke, Tim Finn and Department Commander Bob Shappell who appeared as a special guest for the Court of Honor.
1.2014 2.2014 3.2014 4.2014 5.2014 6.2014
Americanism Committee Hospital Committee Dues and Funds Veterans Grave Markers POW/MIA Stamp Amend Immigration Act of 1990
resolution No. subject - Title
Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved
7.2014 8.2014 9.2014 10.2014 11.2014 12.2014
Conscientious Objectors Tax Approved English Language for Naturalization Approved Thank Host Post Approved Thank Host Hotel Approved Thank Host City Approved Interment Rights for Hmong veterans Approved
August 21, 2014
Wisconsin American Legion Baseball Wraps Up the 2014 Campaign
The 89th season of American Legion Baseball in Wisconsin came to an end with the annual All Star Weekend at Miller Park in Milwaukee. This season saw 207 teams participate in the five classes. In the 43rd Annual All Star Game played August 10th, the North team scored in the top of the 9th inning to defeat the South for the first time since 2009 by a score of 4-3. Caleb Willems from Luxemburg was named the game’s Most Valuable Player and Lowell Chevalier of the Menominee Legion team received the Chairman’s Award. Bill Michaels of the statewide Bill Michaels Radio Network served as the field announcer during the pregame ceremony prior to the Milwaukee Brewers contest against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Department Commander Bob Shappell of Cedarburg split the dish with the ceremonial first pitch before the Brewers game. The All Star weekend also included the annual banquet on Saturday, August 9th at the Radisson Milwaukee – West hotel which was attended by nearly 300 players, parents and Legionnaires. Five champions were crowned this past season. Plover won the Class AAA championship and the Menasha Twins prevailed in Class AA. Waupun repeated as Class A titlists. The Appleton DoubleDays won the 17-U title while Beloit claimed the 16-U championship.
Department Commander Bob Shappell shows his form and delivers a strike with his first pitch.
Commander Bob rubs elbows with Bernie Brewer.
2014 Wisconsin American Legion All Stars - North
“The Big Unit” Bill Michaels of the Bill Michaels Radio Network acted as on-field announcer for the pre-game ceremonies.
2014 Wisconsin American Legion All Stars - South
2014 All-star Game MVP Caleb Willems of the Kewaunee Legion Team with Commander Shappell and All-star Chairman Ken Larsen.
Baseball Commissioner Roger Mathison, Commander Shappell and Bill Michaels.
2014 All-star Game Chairman’s Award recipient Lowell Chevalier of Menominee with Commander Shappell and Chairman Larsen.
The Last
1 Germantown Robert Looksmith II 3 Antigo James Suick II Herbt Malchow II 7 Rhinelander Vito Virgilio II 11 Green Bay Donald Kiernan Robert Pigeon II Lloyd Busch K 12 Spooner Nyle Hovey II Eugene Bedford II Robert Becker II 13 Richland Center Bert Marshall II 14 Iola Everett Aasen K 20 Waterford Dennis Crombie K 21 Kenosha Tom Cergua K 26 Baraboo Keith Anderson II Leon Laubscher II 29 Kewaunee Robert Lischka K 33 Neenah Ronald Peterson V Robert Grunska II Bruce Curry II 35 Evansville George Nordeng II 38 Appleton Clair Sommer K Henry West II LawrenceJandrey K Donald Leidheiser V Richard Faltynski V 39 Marinette Leo Michalski II 44 Wabeno Richard Quinn II Richard Huisman V 45 Elkhorn Bruce Houghton II 46 Merrill Roger Hackbarth K 48 Beloit Ken Rehard K 53 Eau Claire Elroy Strand II Edward Eckhoff II 54 Marshfield Hubert Reigel II Donald Haralson K 58 Hurley James Kaffine K 60 Kimberly John VanDrunen II John Heier V 63 Clintonville Stanley Johnson II Gordon Noren II 69 Mayville Merlin Strook K 70 Oshkosh Jack Carrick II 72 Sturgeon Bay George LeClair K John Law K 74 Oconto Gerald Stewart V
4/5/14 6/10/14 4/25/14 5/22/14 6/28/14 6/7/14 5/14/14 5/29/14 12/2/13 3/13/14 6/17/14 8/2/14 7/7/14 6/13/14 7/4/14 8/1/14 6/30/14 6/21/14 6/14/14 7/8/11 7/25/14 7/14/14 7/22/14 7/30/14 7/22/14 8/9/14 6/18/14 6/13/14 7/24/14 6/28/14 4/29/14 7/19/14 1/22/14 8/1/14 7/2/14 7/4/14 7/23/14 6/3/14 1/28/14 6/27/14 7/23/14 7/7/14 7/14/14 6/10/14 5/26/14 5/10/14
Roger Trepanier V 77 Chippewa Falls William Feirn V 80 New Richmond John Kleschewski V 83 Sheboygan Alfred Metscher K 84 Monroe VictoriaWuthrich II William Smith II Robert Rieder II 93 Tomahawk Robert Olsen K Anthony Adamczyk II Leonard Kranker II 95 Delavan Rodney Griffin V 105 Shullsburg Jerry Oneill V 106 Seymour William Halverson V Orvell Debruin II Clifford Doxtator K 120 West Allis Lloyd Solberg II 125 Chilton Kenneth Weber K 126 Brillion Donald Deffke II 131 Colfax Orville Larson II Juul Noer II 136 Niagara Warren Anderson II 141 New Glarus Mark Hagensick V 146 Beaver Dam William Mallon II George Steil II 152 Menasha Gerald Birling K 153 Pittsville David Levoy V Keith Leach V 161 King Arlen Drews II Wayne Knutson PG 163 Wautoma Vernet Slife II 167 Sauk City Lyman Waffenschmidt II 171 Union Grove James Jolicoeur V Robert Ludwig K 175 Loyal Robert Dow K 179 Chetek Norman Davis K John Hayes K Leonard Cizek K 180 Milwaukee Norbert Doligalski II 182 Park Falls Harry Frokjer II Don Jordan II Jerome Johnson K Arnold Stueber II 185 Grantsburg Kenneth Haug II 186 Independence John Konter V Raymond Smieja II 188 East Troy Frank Kasun II 200 Black River Falls Clifford Riordan Louis Perry II 202 Chaseburg Claude Sebion II 203 Milwaukee Robert Clarey II Henry Klingelhoets II 205 Janesville Edward Hallmark II 209 Orfordville Myron Paulson II William Klusmeyer V Raymond Marden K
8/3/14 5/4/14 7/1/14 7/11/14 6/21/14 6/19/14 8/9/14 6/16/14 12/23/13 11/2/13 6/29/14 6/27/14 5/13/14 7/27/14 8/2/14 3/20/14 7/1/14 7/12/14 6/5/14 7/29/14 5/28/14 4/2/14 7/21/14 7/22/14 6/2/14 5/9/14 6/21/14 8/4/14 6/29/14 8/3/14 7/14/14 7/16/14 7/16/17 7/6/14 6/16/14 5/12/14 7/4/14 9/20/13 6/25/14 6/21/14 7/17/14 7/21/14 11/29/12 3/15/14
7/5/14 7/25/14 7/3/14 7/12/14 6/30/14 7/24/13 5/10/14 2/20/14 7/30/14
210 Waupun James DeYoung II Charles DeBoer II Gerhart Wille K 218 Hayward James Chevrier K Melvin Harbort 233 Waterloo Virgil Sharp II Gordon Cronin II Arnold Schuett K 246 Genoa Richard Robertson K 253 Spring Green Hubert Duren K Edwin Kraemer II 258 Little Chute Ervin VanAsten II 267 New Auburn Charles Curavo II 268 Bruce Audie Christianson II 272 Butternut Henry WeinbergerII Ronald Christian V 274 Rib Lake Elvis Wolf II 283 Suring LeRoy Kebschull II 288 Cedarburg Lester Boehm V Arthur Kleman II 294 Hartland Allan Bohachek V Damon Leblond V Donald LeRoy II 295 Bloomer Ralph Meinen V Lynn Demers V 299 Hales Corners Lewis Lewis II 301 Woodville Steven DeLong V Duane Hillstead V 304 Palmyra Donald Martens K Walter Leverenz K 308 Gays Mills Darrell Gordinier II 310 Racine Kenneth Thiesen II 316 Sheldon Teddy Styczinski II Walter Sieverin K 317 Wautoma Milo Gunderson II 318 Lake Tomahawk Gilbert Passow II 324 Osseo Carl Bong II M D Vanlandingham V 330 Wilson Troy Rathai G/L 332 Black Creek William Tesch G/L 333 Sun Prairie Leon Jesberger K 339 Almond Carlyle Scanlan K 341 Birnamwood William Krauss II George Grill II William Dickman K Leslie Larson II 343 Hancock David Halom V 352 Cassville Clarence Fure K 359 Gilman Leonard Gay II 360 Waunakee Edgar Anderson V Barry Young V 371 Saxon Robert Kehlenbeck II 375 Mukwonago Willis Matthiesen II
7/5/14 6/25/14 5/24/14 6/3/14 7/4/14 4/10/14 1/15/14 4/1/14 7/31/14 8/2/14 7/23/14 7/18/14 7/7/14 7/29/14 7/1/14 7/14/14 6/22/14 7/4/14 6/8/14 8/4/14 5/28/14 4/15/14 5/29/14 6/10/14 12/22/13 7/27/14
August 21, 2014
390 Gresham Tom Rudesill V Alvin Christ II 393 Edgar Donald Hoesly K 395 Kingston Clifton Kohn K 399 Okauchee Michael Gazdik II Patrick Smith II 401 Cambria Herbert Brende K 413 Crivitz Edward Desjardin II 414 Bowler Otto Kolpack K 415 Milwaukee Jack Schultz V 427 Milwaukee Frederick Klabunde K Charles Gronitz K James Bentley II Donald Reineck K Lionel Singer II 428 Amberg Jerome Wontor V Gerald LorberblattK 431 Three Lakes John Wynhoff K Edward Stanzil II Wallace Olson II 436 Wrightstown Donald Minten K B J Kempen II 440 Clinton Richard Farrell V John Chekouras II 442 Wisconsin Rapids Ronald Wisniewski V 449 Brookfield Ralph Fico II
1/15/14 7/21/14 6/26/14 5/29/14 7/26/14 6/11/14 7/6/14 8/5/14 7/27/14 6/13/14 2/1/14 3/17/14 6/11/14 1/10/14 1/14/14 7/3/14 4/9/14 6/12/14 7/7/14 7/12/14 8/5/14 6/25/14 7/5/14 2/15/14 6/27/14
Jerome Salentine K George Adlam II Donald Donovan K Kenneth Schuerer II William McCarthy II Theodore Johnson II Thomas McKeown II John Jakubowski II 453 Belmont Robert Speth II 455 Milwaukee J W Knight II 457 Mequon-Thiensville Richard Britten K 460 Belleville Donald Pauli K 464 Land O Lakes Charles Labelle II 480 Presque Isle Donald Bates V Daryl Huber II 481 Madison Thomas Jafferis II 485 Rudolph Leon Peters II Robert Schmidt K 499 Gordon Edward Polgar K 500 West Allis Edward Inkmann II 501 Madison Steven Paulson V Avery Denkert K Harold Berge II 508 Wilton Verne Arndt K 541 Northfield Michael Dwyer P Richard Wallinger V 553 Madison George Bielefeld II
7/8/14 4/1/14 4/20/14 11/24/13 5/12/14 6/16/14 8/1/14 8/2/14 7/19/14 7/2/14 8/3/13 6/14/14 7/19/14 7/27/14 7/12/14 7/13/14 8/6/14 8/12/14 1/14/14 7/12/14 6/30/14 2/6/13 7/20/14 6/28/14 6/16/14 6/8/14 1/26/14
7/14/14 7/21/14 7/20/14 7/20/14 5/16/14 7/26/14 7/19/14 7/3/14 7/8/14 7/16/14 6/25/14 7/18/14 7/2/14 7/20/14 7/25/14 7/27/14 11/2/13 6/14/13 12/3/12 9/14/13 7/6/14 7/17/14 5/23/14 7/11/14 7/19/14 7/4/14 7/4/14
SAVE THE DATE!!!! January 16-18, 2015 MIDWINTER CONFERENCE Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino & Convention Center Wisconsin Dells Additional information in next issue of the Badger Legionnaire!
August 21, 2014
THE SKY’S THE LIMIT FOR 2014-2015 MEMBERSHIP Commander Bob Shappell wants you to “Get One” and win $1,000 or $500
Department Commander Bob Shappell knows that there is strength in numbers and is focused on growth for 2015. Every post’s first goal should be last year’s total membership PLUS 1. Each post that achieves growth and becomes eligible for the National Post Excellence Award in 2015 will be recognized in the Badger Legionnaire. Individual Membership Awards To grow at the local level, each post needs to rely on their members being active recruiters. For the individual Legionnaire, membership recruiting can lead to a big reward! Legion members can simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2012) and their name will be entered in a drawing. Those that qualify have a chance to win a First prize of $1,000 or a Second prize of $500 at the 2015 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new member they recruit. Department will also award them the traditional “I Got 1” pin. Recruiters can show their pride by earning the new “I Got 1” pins. The new pins are larger and more visible than ever before. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! For Legionnaires who soar to great heights, they can earn new individual membership recruiting awards. Each award is named for the top Air Force pilot ace from the four major conflicts of the 20th Century. Match the number of newly recruited Legionnaires with the Aces total and earn the following;
5 NEW MEMBERS – Captain Steve Ritchie Membership Award Top pilot ace in Vietnam5 victories earns a pin featuring the legendary F-4 Phantom 16 NEW MEMBERS Captain Joe McConnell Membership Award Top ace in Korea 16 victories earns a cap featuring the classic F-86 Sabre 26 NEW MEMBERS Captain Eddie Rickenbacker Membership Award Top ace in WWI 26 victories earns a Polo shirt featuring the “Hat in the Ring” Spad biplane 40 NEW MEMBERS Major Dick Bong Membership Award Top ace in WWII 40 victories earns a custom fleece jacket featuring the twin tailed P-38 Lightning
Captain Steve Ritchie Membership Ace
Captain Joe McConnell Membership Ace
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker Membership Ace
Major Richard Bong Membership Ace
These special recognition awards are offered in addition to the Badger Big 10 pin, which can be earned by signing up ten (10) new members to be a part of this exclusive group of Legionnaires. Badger Big 10 recruiters receive a pin and a patch to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. Attention Post Commanders! Reach 100% of your 2015 membership goal by Veterans Day on
November 11th and qualify for a drawing. A customized jacket with the winner’s name and post along with a baseball cap featuring branch of service will be awarded. NEW for County Commanders! All County Commanders who achieve 100% of their 2015 goal or grow their membership over the 2014 total by December 31st will receive a custom County Commander Uniform Shirt embroidered with your name! We can reach new heights in Membership for 2015. Contact Chris Schmidt at or call headquarters at (608) 745-1090 with any questions.
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