AUGUST 20, 2015
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Thank you to the Department of Wisconsin for giving me the opportunity to work with you for our veterans. LAURA CALTEUX I am very proud Department to be a member President of this organization and look forward to meeting and working with all of you during the year ahead. As I look toward the coming year, I see our American Legion Family working together, communicating with and helping each other to accomplish our goals for our veterans, their families and our military. Communication will be the key this year in accomplishing the goals we have set for ourselves. My goals for the year are simple: 1) energize our programs, and 2) open up the lines of communica-
tion between the Legion and Auxiliary on all levels of the organization. We all need to understand that what one does, impacts the other and we need each other to survive. From department, to district, to county, to unit, to member – I expect each and every one of us to do just that, communicate. Communicate clearly with our Legion and SAL family so we can work for our veterans and active military. Please find the program that speaks to your heart and put your energy into making it great! Pick a program that your American Legion Family can work on together. Have fun with it and remember that we are working toward the same goals and by working together we will achieve those goals. You have many resources to tap when you are picking a program to work. Your first choice should be our Department Chairmen. Their
Department President Laura Calteux, escorted by her husband Mike (right) and her good friend and mentor Past Department Vice Commander Bob Roark (left), during installation at the 2015 Department Convention in Appleton.
contact information will be in the Red Book and on the department website. You can also use the Auxiliary’s department website ( or national website ( for information and “how to” sheets for our programs. You can also go to The American Legion’s department website (www. or national website ( for information. I have selected two special projects this year: the M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund and Fisher House-Milwaukee. The M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund was set up for Auxiliary members to help with college expenses when they are attending an accredited school. A loan of $800 per year may be received for up to five years and it is interest free! I have also chosen Fisher House-Milwaukee on the Zablocki VA grounds. This project is currently under construction and will need our support now and in the future. Donations to my special projects may be made by sending a check with a Poppy Fund Suggested Donation Sheet, marking President’s Special Project, to department headquarters. The donation sheet is available on the department website. Have you paid your dues for 2016? You do not have to wait to get your dues notice from National. Contact your unit membership chairman and get it taken care of now. Then you won’t have to worry about it again for a whole year! Be proud and Be the Spark for our Veterans!
MEMBERSHIP Bonnie Jakubczyk, Chairman H: 414-531-7890 Email: President Laura Calteux’s theme is “Energize Our Programs, Be the Spark for our Veterans.” By working the programs, others will see what we do and who we are, and will then want to belong to the largest women’s patriotic service organization, the American Legion Auxiliary. Within a week I saw fireworks and a blue moon which gave me this idea for membership: the best way to support our Wisconsin National Candidates is by renewing and increasing membership. National has set our goals so that we will stay on track and reach our centennial goal of a million members by 2019. I believe by working
together we can achieve our goals and make Wisconsin proud. Goals are being worked on as I write this article. They may seem high to some, but I believe that if we all work together we can achieve our goals. We must focus on renewals, because keeping our members continues to be an issue. For female veterans who join as NEW members for the 2016 membership year, national and department will be waiving the dues for their first year of membership. The membership team for this year is Bonnie Jakubczyk, Chairman; Amy Luft and Penny Joren, Team Members; Andrea Stoltz, Department Staff; and Meghan Helms, Junior Member. If you are having a membership event, please let us know as we would love to
attend. Try to make them Legion Family events since we are all in this together and need to work together. Contact your membership team if you need any help. There is an early bird membership incentive. Ten units will randomly be picked to receive $50 if they are 100% by September 14th. There are postcards available from Department for you to fill out and send to members before the renewal notices go out in mid-September. Let’s get the sparks flying with memberships. Membership Team: Bonnie Jakubczyk Amy Luft Penny Joren Meghan Helms Andrea Stoltz
(Left Photo) Past Department President Diana Sirovina, installs President Laura Calteux. (Right Photo) President Laura Calteux challenges Commander Dale Oatman to a song and dance based on the highest percentage of membership by March 15, 2016.
President’s Awards of Excellence
Teresa Isensee presented five Department President’s Awards of Excellence at department convention to recognize accomplishments in each of the five goals of Wisconsin’s Strategic Plan. Pictured (left to right) are: Judy Kuta, 2nd District President, for “developing leadership at all levels”; Donna Wilhelms of Fond du Lac Unit 75 for “creating an internal culture of goodwill”; Teresa Isensee; Sandra Werner of Elmwood
Unit 207 for working to “attain a million members”; Ruth Ann Dobbs of Saukville Unit 470 who accepted the award on behalf of Mary Ellen Race for working “with The American Legion, to build brand loyalty”; and Becky Mueller of Seymour Unit 105 for “strengthening departments and units.” For more information about the Strategic Plan, or if you would like to get involved, please contact Chairman Joyce Endres at ljendres@
ALABGS Receives Proclamation
American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State Chairman Diane Kranig presented the Proclamation from Governor Scott Walker to ALABGS Governor Olivia Checkalski.
Diane Weggen Ph:715-644-2668 Email:
Thanks for giving me the honor of serving as your 2015-2016 Department Chaplain. I will work to inspire you while holding The American Legion Family and all veterans in my prayers. Also, thanks to Joanie Dickerson for fulfilling the duties of chaplain to begin the 2015-2016 Department of Wisconsin year at the conclusion of Department Convention while I was home caring for my husband. Thankfully, he is doing better. “Withhold not your tender mercies from me, O Lord; let your loving kindness and your truth continually preserve me.” Psalms 40:11 Nurturing a culture of goodwill continues to be an objective of the American Legion Auxiliary leadership program. One of the best ways to promote goodwill and to enjoy a sense of peace and happiness is by being true and kind toward others. O God, help us to always show mercy and kindness toward others while being honest and true as we members of The American Legion Family work to “Energize Our Programs and Be the Spark for Our Veterans.” I am reminded of country singer Glen Campbell’s 1970’s inspirational hit song “Try a Little Kindness.” “Try A Little Kindness” If you see your brother standing by the road With a heavy load from the seeds he sowed And if you see your sister falling by the way Just stop and say you’re goin’ the wrong way You’ve got to try a little kindness, yes, show a little kindness Yes shine your light for everyone to see And if you’ll try a little kindness and you’ll overlook the blindness Of the narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets. Don’t walk around the down and out Lend a helping hand instead of doubt And the kindness that you show every day Will help someone along their way You’ve got to try a little kindness... You’ve got to try a little kindness... With National Convention coming soon, may all delegates have a successful learning experience and bring back renewed enthusiasm for assisting all veterans, their families, and their communities.
THANK YOU! With sincere thanks to all members of the American Legion Family for remembering me on my 91st birthday. Cards and notes were much appreciated. It’s nice to know that everyone is continuing to work for God and Country. I sincerely wish I could get out there and help with all the wonderful programs the Auxiliary supports. Thank you ~ Helen Gibson
AUGUST 20, 2015
GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: Congratulations to Teresa Isensee on a great year as Department President. Teresa finished up her year during the 95th Annual ALA Convention at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. I wish to acknowledge the Auxiliary staff, Angie Chappell and the Legion Headquarters staff, the Legion Family of Appleton #38, and the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel for making this event successful. The Auxiliary was pleased to have guest speakers which included WDVA Secretary John Scocos, Nicole Lillis of WDVA who addressed the issue of homeless veterans, representatives from the USO of Wisconsin, and 2015 ALA Badger Girls State Governor Olivia R. Checkalski. Unit Member of the Year Mary Judy of Fremont Unit 391 shared the importance of supporting our troops overseas and Honored Past Department President Pat Smith reflected on her year as president in 2000-2001 while Andrea Page brought many laughs as she shared her per-
spective of Pat’s year during the PPP Luncheon. Wisconsin was also proud to endorse PDP Diane Duscheck for National Vice President in 2016-2017. National Convention attendees were honored to hear Diane’s vision of things to come as she shared the stage with future national leaders PDC Denise Rohan and Mike Lawler of the SAL. Although many units and individuals are worthy of recognition, Teresa Isensee presented five Department President’s Awards for Excellence for those who demonstrated their support and accomplishments for the goals of the Centennial Strategic Plan. The winners are pictured on page A1. The convention closed with the installation of new district and department officers. President Laura Calteux’s theme for the year is “Energize Our Programs – Be the Spark for our Veterans!” So get “charged” up and show the community who we are, “watt” we do and why we make a difference! President Laura Calteux and Commander Dale Oatman challenged each other to see who can achieve the highest percentage of membership by the Legion Birthday (March 15, 2016). The winner will be treated to a
song and dance by their counterpart at next year’s convention, so let’s work hard so we can hear Commander Oatman’s sultry voice and enjoy his dance moves in Madison! Please contact me if you have suggestions on theme appropriate songs/dances the Commander could perform – such as the electric slide or “You Light Up My Life” by Debbie Boone. Then all we have to do is win the challenge! 2016 membership cards have been mailed to Unit Membership Chairmen. Any Unit that has not received a packet should contact Andrea Stoltz at department headquarters immediately. The national organization will issue renewal notices in mid-September. The 2015 Fall Informational Forum is September 18-19 at The Plaza Hotel in Eau Claire. Registration and hotel reservations are due by September 1st. Details were in the monthly unit mailing for June meetings and are posted on the department website. Please register today! I thank Teresa Isensee, her officers and chairmen for the privilege of working with them this past year and look forward to an equally successful year ahead.
AUXILIARY EMERGENCY FUND LaVon Schurman, Dept. Chairman H: 608-996-2575 Email: The Auxiliary Emergency Fund came into being in 1969, as a bequest from the estate of Helen Colby Small, a member from Burlington, Wisconsin. It was created to provide temporary financial assistance to eligible members during times of financial crises or weather-related emergencies and natural disasters. The fund continues today solely through generous donations from Auxiliary members. Auxiliary members whose dues are current and who have maintained membership for three consecutive years (the current year and the immediate past two years) are eligible to apply at the time of a financial crisis. The application process begins in the member’s local Unit. Temporary assistance may be considered when: 1) A natural disaster or weather emergency leaves a member
without shelter or food, 2) A financial crisis occurs leaving a member without funds for shelter, food or utilities and no other source of aid is readily available, or 3) In extreme circumstances, educational training is needed for a member lacking the necessary skills for employment. Eligible members seeking emergency assistance apply through a process that begins within their Unit, sent to Department, then on to the ALA National Headquarters. Emergency assistance grants may be awarded by the grant committee on a case by case basis, up to a maximum amount of $2,400. AEF funds awarded may only be used for emergency shelter, food, or utilities. AEF funds may not be used for medical expenses or accumulated debts. To ensure the integrity of the program, the national AEF Grant Committee directs payments to the provider, such as a mortgage or utility company. Educational grant payments are
directed to the educational institution. Individual members are urged to support fundraisers sponsored by your Unit or Department. A personal donation of $50 or more will receive a lapel pin. Units should have printed applications and AEF brochures available. Be knowledgeable of the process in order to help members during their time of need. Include AEF information in your unit’s “new member” packets. The AEF brochure is available through department and also online at www.ALAforVeterans. org. Frequently asked questions and additional information are also available at that website on the AEF page. There is no way of knowing when a disaster will strike or a financial emergency occur, so please make members aware of this great program. Promote donations, both individually and from the Unit. Write down your activities when they happen, to lighten the task at report time.
JUNIOR ACTIVITIES Lorrie Barber, Department Chairman H: 715-343-1947 Email: The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin junior members took Madison by storm on Saturday, July 11th. The Junior Spring Conference was a lot of fun. The Juniors met at Madison Area Technical College for a short meeting and election of 2015-2016 officers. Congratulations to the following new Department of Wisconsin Honorary Junior Officers: PRESIDENT Katarina Petranovich Unit 118, Thorp VICE-PRESIDENT Caitlin Rosemeyer Unit 118, Thorp
SECRETARY Leah Stiff Unit 6, Stevens Point HISTORIAN Abigail Petranovich Unit 118, Thorp CHAPLAIN Anna Rathe Unit 6, Stevens Point SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Kendall Luzinski Unit 118, Thorp ASSISTANT SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Alexandra Raczek Unit 6 Stevens Point Anna Rathe, Department of Wisconsin Miss Poppy, was introduced along with the
other reigning Poppy Princesses in the state. The Juniors participated in a “words hurt” activity in our efforts to eliminate bullying and then conducted an “Amazing Race” around the Capital Square. The adults and junior members learned much as they raced around Madison exploring the Capital and the Veteran’s Museum. Fall Forum promises to be another fun day for Wisconsin Juniors as they attend the “Wizards in Training” Workshop on Saturday, September 19th in Eau Claire. We will continue to learn about the Auxiliary’s great programs and ways to honor our veterans through fun activities. Get your registrations in early. Registration forms were included in your last unit mailing or can be found on the department website. Make sure to include T-Shirt sizes on the registration form.
MISSION: In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.
AUGUST 20, 2015
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY 2015 STATE CONVENTION CITATIONS President’s Award for Excellence – Teresa Isensee, Department President Goal 1 – Attain a Million Members – awarded to Sandy Werner of Elmwood Unit 207, District 10. Goal 2 – Create an Internal Culture of Goodwill – awarded to Donna Wilhelms of Fond du Lac Unit 75, District 6. Goal 3 – Develop Leadership Skills at all Levels – awarded to 2nd District President Judy Kuta. Goal 4 – Strengthen Departments and Units – awarded to Becky Mueller of Seymour Unit 106, District 9. Goal 5 – With the American Legion, Build Brand Loyalty – awarded to Mary Ellen Race of Saukville Unit 470, District 2. AEF – Pat Ziarnik, Department. Chairman 1 – Citations of Recognition for Highest donation awarded to Oak Creek Unit 434, District 4. 1 – Citation of Recognition for Personal Donation of $50.00 or more – awarded to Nellie DeBaker of Luxemburg Unit 262, District 9. 7 – Citations of Participation for Donations of $150.00 or more – awarded to New Richmond Unit 80, District 10; Somerset Unit 111, District 10; River Falls Unit 121, District 10; Cedarburg Unit 288, District 2; Waunakee Unit 360, District 3; Brookfield Unit 449, District 1; Saukville Unit 470, District 2. Americanism – Shirley Krier, Department Chairman 5 - Americanism Essay Winners: Class I awarded to Madeline Fipps, sponsored by Pembine Unit 461, District 9; Class II awarded to Zach O’Brien, sponsored by Twin Lakes Unit 544, District 1; Class III awarded to Kimberly Claggett, sponsored by Green Lake Unit 306, District 6; Class IV awarded to Rachael Leyshra; Class V awarded to Julie Benzschawel, sponsored by Thorp Unit 118, District 7. Bowling – Jenni Syftestad, Department Chairman 1 – ‘Team Event’ Plaque – awarded to Shiocton Unit 512, District 9 2 – 300 Game Award – awarded to Marion Kolsch of Brookfield Unit 449, District 1; Samantha Wingers of Milwaukee Unit 1; District 5. Chaplain – Joanie Dickerson, Department Chaplain 1 – Best Prayer Book – awarded to Joann Peloch of Wauzeka Unit 458, District 3 4 – Certificates of Participation – awarded to Waunakee Unit 360, District 3; Wauzeka Unit 458, District 3; Beaver Dam Unit 1 4 6 , District 2; Grafton Unit 355, District 2. History – Bonnie Jakubczyk, Department Historian 1 – Outstanding District Narrative – awarded to 2nd District 1 – Outstanding Unit Narrative – awarded to Mary Petrie of Watertown Unit 189, District 2 4 – Certificate of Participation – awarded to Kathryn Fraser of Thorp Unit 118, District 7; Joanne Baier of Elmwood Unit 207, District 10; Lillian Schwantes of Brookfield Unit 449, District 1; Marjorie Krueger of Chilton Unit 125, District 6. Leadership – Diane Weggen, Department Chairman 1 – Most Outstanding Overall Unit Leadership Program – awarded to Ann Lotter of Oconto Falls Unit 302, District 9. 1 – Outstanding Overall District Leadership Program – awarded to Mary Krutz (9th District President). 2 – Building Leadership Skills of Members Award – awarded to Marla Knuettel of New London Unit 263, District 8 & Rebecca Mueller of Seymour Unit 106, District 9. 1 – Having the highest number of District
members successfully completing the Auxiliary Basics course – awarded to Barbara McDaniel (12th District President). 1 – Having the highest number of County members successfully completing the Auxiliary Basics course – awarded to Mary Rogge of Washington County President, District 2. 1 – Having the highest number of Unit members successfully completing the Auxiliary Basics course – awarded to Ann Lotter of Oconto Falls Unit 302, District 9. 1 – Working to Promote a Culture of Goodwill – awarded to Elizabeth Kuhn of Neillsville Unit 73, District 7 2 – Increasing Number of Juniors Passing the Leadership Course - awarded to Anna Rosemeyer & Kathleen Schmitz of Thorp Unit 118, District 7. Ann Lotter of Oconto Falls Unit 302, District 9. 1 – Building Juniors’ Leadership skills – awarded to Anna Rosemeyer & Kathleen Schmitz of Thorp Unit 118, District 7. Legislative – Joyce Endres, Department Chairman 2 – Department District Honorable Mention – awarded to Districts 2 & 3 2 – Department Unit Honorable Mention – awarded to Cambria Unit 401, District 2 & Waupun Unit 210, District 6. 40 – Certificate of Participation – Saukville Unit 470; Beaver Dam Unit 146; Sheboygan Falls Unit 149; Horicon Unit 157; Fort Atkinson Unit 166; Watertown Unit 189; Reeseville Unit 190; Greenbush Unit 261; Johnson Creek Unit 305; Kewaskum Unit 384; Allenton Unit 483; Monroe Unit 84; Muscoda Unit 85; Mt. Hope Unit 229; Cross Plains Unit 245; Monticello Unit 256; Sun Prairie Unit 333; Waunakee Unit 360; Franklin Unit 192; Mt. Calvary Unit 454; Neenah Unit 33; Chilton Unit 125’ Brillion Unit 126; Neillsville Unit 73; Mauston Unit 81; Chaseburg Unit 202; Humbird Unit 320; Clintonville Unit 63; Mosinee Unit 107; Wautoma Unit 317; Hancock/Coloma Unit 343; Oconto Falls Unit 302; Wausaukee Unit 150; Crivitz Unit 413; Pembine Unit 461; Boyd Unit 326; Fall Creek Unit 376; Lake Tomahawk Unit 318; Luck Unit 255; Gordon Unit 499. Membership – Joan Chwala, Department Chairman 5 – The Final Countdown – awarded to Saukville Unit 470, District 2, Black River Falls Unit 129, District 7; Pembine Unit 461, District 9; Franklin 192, District 4; Elmwood Unit 209, District 10. 1 – District with the highest percentage – awarded to 6th District President Beth Puddy. 3 – Recruit 10 – awarded to Kathy Kalyvas of Elm Grove Unit 449, District 1; Donna Willhelms of Fond du Lac Unit 75, District 6 & Sandra Werner of Elmwood Unit 207, District 10. 1 – Silver Brigade – awarded to Sandra Werner of Elmwood Unit 207 5 – We have only just begun – awarded to Hammond Unit 432, District 10; Kewaskum Unit 384, District 2; Franklin Unit 192; District 4; Odanah Unit 25, District 11 & Black Creek Unit 332, District 9. 14 – District Winners – awarded to Mukwonago Unit 375, District 1; Saukville Unit 470, District 2; Stoughton Unit 59, District 3; Franklin Unit 192, District 4; Milwaukee Unit 1, District 5; Neenah Unit 33, District 6; Black River Falls Unit 129, District 7; Clintonville Unit 63, District 8; Pembine Unit 461, District 9; Elmwood Unit 207, District 10; Butternut Unit 272, District 11; Hawkins Unit 174, Minong Unit 465, Indian Creek Unit 396, District 12. 3 – (Counties) Over the Top – Pierce County,
District 10; Winnebago County, District 6 & Lincoln County, District 11. 4 – Maestro Awards – Cassville Unit 352; Franklin Unit 192; Fall Creek Unit 376 & Elmwood Unit 207 29 – Conductor Awards – Racine Unit 546; Milton Unit 367; Lodi Unit 216; Cambria Unit 401; Fredonia Unit 410; Plymouth Unit 243; Kewaskum Unit 384; Lancaster Unit 109; DeForest Unit 348; Dane Unit 503; Mt. Hope Unit 229; Cudahy Unit 16; Princeton Unit 366; Omro Unit 234; Mt. Calvary Unit 454; Neenah Unit 33; Owen Unit 123; Mosinee Unit 107; Luxemburg Unit 262; Loomis Unit 476; Black Creek Unit 332; Denmark Unit 363; Hammond Unit 432; Prairie Farm Unit 259; Arcadia Unit 17; Brackett Unit 550; Odanah Unit 25; Hawkins Unit 174 & Minong Unit 465. 30 – Chorus Awards – Burlington Unit 79; Sharon Unit 130; Clinton Unit 440; Waterloo Unit 233; Saukville Unit 470; Ft. Atkinson Unit 166; Cross Plains Unit 245; Stoughton Unit 59; Oak Creek Unit 434; Milwaukee Unit 1; New Holstein Unit 124; Reedsburg Unit 350; Ontario Unit 467; Thorp Unit 118; Black River Falls Unit 129; Unity Unit 358; New London Unit 263; Pembine Unit 461, Lena Unit 342; Hudson Unit 50; Bloomer Unit 295; Glenwood City Unit 168; Independence Unit 186; Butternut Unit 272; Boulder Junction Unit 451; Lublin Unit 547; Webster Unit 96; Bayfield Unit 49; Indian Creek Unit 396 & Loretta Unit 394. 48 – Glee Club – Waterford Unit 20; Pewaukee Unit 71; Mukwonago Unit 375; Twin
Lakes Unit 544; Waukesha Unit 8; Hartland Unit 94; Brookfield Unit 449; Sullivan Unit 349; Hartford Unit 19; Beaver Dam Unit 146; Fox Lake Unit 521; Grafton Unit 355; Pardeeville Unit 215; Deerfield Unit 260; Lone Rock Unit 383; Black Earth Unit 313; Waunakee Unit 360; Barneveld Unit 433; Greendale Unit 416; Milwaukee Unit 406; Fond du Lac Unit 75; Chilton Unit 125; Green Lake Unit 306; St. Nazianz Unit 477; Briggsville Unit 329; Chaseburg Unit 202; Neillsville Unit 73; Rome Unit 65; Coon Valley Unit 116; Pittsville Unit 153; Clintonville Unit 63; Rosholt Unit 509; Marathon Unit 469; Amberg Unit 428; Appleton Unit 38; Hortonville Unit 55; Elk Mound Unit 37; Eleva Unit 459; River Falls Unit 121; Augusta Unit 291; Rice Lake Unit 87; Spirit Unit 452; Lac Du Flambeau Unit 374; Kennan Unit 362; Tomahawk Unit 93; St. Croix Falls Unit 143; Birchwood Unit 379 & Webb Lake Unit 403. Poppy – Laurel DuBois, Department Chairman 2 – Poppy Program Citations for Best Unit Award – awarded to New London Unit 263, Dist. 8 & Cedarburg Unit 288, Dist. 2 VA& R: Service to Veterans – Kelli Mades, Department Chairman 1 – Most Volunteer Hours by a Unit Senior Member – awarded to Margaret Yonke of Franklin Unit 387, District 2. 1 – Most Volunteer Hours by a Unit Junior Member – awarded to Madelyn Goc of New London Unit 263, District 8
Fisher House Receives Generous Donation Jane Schmittinger (left) and Jill Gust (right) of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 91 in Oconomowoc presented a check for $3,601.60 to Kim Michalowski (center) of Fisher House Wisconsin. The donation is from the proceeds of the May 16 Oconomowoc “Walk, Run & Roll” event, plus $1000 in matching funds provided by Modern Woodmen of America.
Wisconsin’s women veterans who are homeless or at-risk of being homeless need your help now! June and July 2015 were record-breaking months for applications received through the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund. During those two months, twenty (20!) applications were received, compared to seven applications during the same time last year. Twelve of the applications were approved, totaling more than $12,000 in payments; four applications were rejected; and four
applications are in process or are on hold pending additional information. The current Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund balance is less than $5,000.00. Without additional donations soon, we may not be able to fully support our female veterans seeking assistance. Please contribute to this premier Wisconsin Auxiliary program by marking #4456 on the Poppy Fund Suggested Donation Sheet and sending a check today. The donation sheet can be downloaded from the department website.
AUGUST 20, 2015
2015-2016 AUXILIARY DEPARTMENT VIPs OFFICERS: Term Dist Unit Name President 2015-2016 4 416 Laura Calteux Senior Vice President 2015-2016 12 278 Laurel DuBois First Vice President 2015-2016 4 434 Bonnie Jakubczyk Second Vice President 2015-2016 6 33 Char Kiesling Historian 2015-2016 3 482 Joanie Dickerson Chaplain 2015-2016 7 118 Diane Weggen Executive Secretary/Treasurer 2015-2016 6 329 Bonnie Dorniak Nat’l Executive Committeewoman 2015-2016 10 326 Teresa Isensee Alternate Nat’l. Executive Committeewoman 2015-2016 3 360 Joyce Endres Parliamentarian 2015-2016 8 6 Barbara Kranig Sergeant-at-Arms 2015-2016 3 352 Mariah Pursley Asst Sergeant-at-Arms 2015-2016 3 352 Bethany Fredericks DISTRICT LEADERS: 1st District President 2014-2016 1 449 Kitty Larkin 2nd District President 2015-2017 2 157 Dawn Rudey 3rd District President 2014-2016 3 13 Sheila Melby 4th District President 2015-2017 4 192 Sue Middlestead 5th District President 2014-2016 5 406 Wilma Kidney 6th District President 2015-2017 6 70 Nancy Helms 7th District President 2014-2016 7 242 Marianne Lesko 8th District President 2015-2017 8 239 Shelley Wilkinson 9th District President 2014-2016 9 11 Mary Krutz 10th District President 2015-2017 10 87 Karen Hansen 11th District President 2014-2016 11 90 Linda Kostka 12th District President 2015-2017 12 64 Betty Stone CHAIRMEN & COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Americanism 2015-2016 6 33 Char Kiesling Auxiliary Emergency Fund2015-2016 3 482 LaVon Schurman ALABGS Committee Chairman 2014-2017 8 6 Diane Kranig Vice Chairman 2015-2018 3 352 Danyelle Thompson Department President Automatic 4 416 Laura Calteux Senior Vice President Automatic 12 278 Laurel DuBois Executive Director 2013-2016 3 42 Dee Woolf Asst. Executive Director 2015-2018 3 482 Joanie Dickerson Exec. Secretary/Treasurer Automatic 6 329 Bonnie Dorniak Americanism Chairman Automatic 6 33 Char Kiesling Committee 2014-2017 9 512 Jeannine Conradt Committee 2015-2018 3 352 Jennifer Grinder Committee 2014-2017 8 339 SuAnn Pagel-Rast Committee 2013-2016 11 547 Theresa Schindler Committee 2013-2016 7 273 Carol Sidwell Bowling Committee Chairman/ Tournament Director 2014-2017 3 385 Jenni Syftestad Dept President Automatic 4 416 Laura Calteux Senior Vice President Automatic 12 278 Laurel DuBois Exec. Secretary/Treasurer Automatic 6 329 Bonnie Dorniak
CHAIRMEN: Term Dist Unit Name Committee 2015-2018 9 512 Lisa Blom Committee 2013-2016 3 385 Shannon Churchill Committee 2015-2018 9 512 Linda Coppock Committee 2013-2016 3 85 Germaine Hying Committee 2014-2017 11 90 Barbara Johnson Committee 2014-2017 11 90 Linda Kostka Committee 2013-2016 3 482 LaVon Schurman Committee 2015-2018 Vacant Children & Youth 2015-2016 3 13 Ann Rynes Liaison to Child Welfare Foundation 2015-2016 1 310 Pearl Behrend Community Service 2015-2016 2 243 Karen Degner Constitution & Bylaws 2015-2016 3 360 Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Education 2015-2016 7 52 Kelli Mades Finance Committee Chairman 2013-2016 6 282 Diane Duscheck Office Policy Chairman Automatic 3 360 Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan NEC Automatic 10 326 Teresa Isensee Committee 2015-2016 3 360 Joyce Endres Committee 2014-2017 7 284 Pat Smith Fundraising 2015-2016 4 415 Donna Jensen Junior Activities 2015-2016 8 6 Lorrie Barber Assistant Jr. Activities 2015-2016 1 449 Chris Ertl Leadership Committee Chairman 2015-2016 6 75 Beth Puddy Committee 2015-2016 3 482 Joanie Dickerson Committee 2015-2016 4 192 Sue Hembrook Legislative (current NEC) Automatic 10 326 Teresa Isensee Liaisons to TAL Communications Comittee Editor – Wisconsin Publication 2015-2016 6 329 Bonnie Dorniak Auxiliary Rep. 2015-2016 9 302 Loretta Shellman M. Louise Wilson Education Fund 2015-2016 10 326 Joan Chwala Membership 2015-2016 4 434 Bonnie Jakubczyk UD & R 2015-2016 2 355 Amy Luft UD & R 2015-2016 8 161 Penny Joren UD & R 2015-2016 12 District Presidents Junior Representative 2015-2016 6 70 Meghan Helms Music (current Chaplain) Automatic 7 118 Diane Weggen National Security 2015-2016 12 499 Barbara McDaniel Office Policy Committee Chairman 2015-2018 3 360 Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Committee 2013-2016 1 79 Reta Bohnsack Committee 2014-2017 4 192 Diana Sirovina PPP/Cavalcade of Memories Automatic 3 493 Florence Wasley Poppy Program 2015-2016 2 355 Judy Kuta Public Relations Committee Chairman 2015-2016 2 83 Danie Wilson Committee 2015-2016 3 352 Danyelle Thompson
2015 Fall Informational Forum SEPTEMBER 18TH & 19TH
The Plaza Hotel & Suites • 1202 W. Clairemont Ave. ~ Eau Claire,WI The 2015 Fall Informational Forum will be held at The Plaza Hotel & Suites in Eau Claire. Department program chairmen will spark your interest during the general workshop session and get your unit off to a great start for 20152016. Everyone is encouraged to attend, so Auxiliary members bring your Juniors, Legionnaires, and SAL members! Hotel Rooms: Reservations are to be made directly with The Plaza Hotel & Suites. Accommodations are $92 per night. Please call 1-800-482-7829 and indicate you are making reservations for the American Legion Auxiliary Fall Forum, Block #8222, to receive the group rate. Deadline: September 1, 2015. Junior Members Fall Workshop: Junior members will hold a Fall Workshop during the 2015 Fall Informational Forum. Hands-on activities will be conducted during the workshop. Registration Fee: $5.00. Deadline: 9/1/15 Membership Kickoff Luncheon: A Membership Kickoff Luncheon will be held on Saturday, September 19th at 11:30 am. Deadline: September 1, 2015.
Friday, September 18th 4:00 – 5:30 pm Registration 4:00 – 5:30 pm Fundraiser 5:30 – 6:30 pm Department Executive Board Meeting (All Auxiliary Members are encouraged to attend) 6:30 – 8:30 pm General Session 8:30 – 9:00 pm Fundraiser 9:00 – 10:00 pm Social Hour Saturday, September 19th 7:15 – 8:15 am Registration 7:30 – 11:00 am Fundraiser 8:00 – 11:30 am General Workshop Session 11:30 am-1:00 pm Membership Kick off Luncheon 1:15 – 3:30 pm General Workshop Session Make plans now to attend this informative and educational weekend! Visit the departments website for more details
CHAIRMEN: Term Dist Unit Name Committee 2015-2016 8 10 Christine Johnsen Standing Rules 2015-2016 4 192 Diana Sirovina Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee Chairman 2014-2019 3 360 Joyce Endres National Advisor 2014-2019 3 360 Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Exec/Secretary/Treasurer 2014-2019 6 329 Bonnie Dorniak President Automatic 4 416 Laura Calteux Senior Vice President Automatic 12 278 Laurel DuBois Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation VA&R Chairman 2015-2016 2 189 Mary Petrie Director of Hospital Volunteers 2015-2016 7 51 Andrea Page Christmas Gift Shop 2015-2016 4 416 Florence Groth Gift Shop Assistant 2015-2016 4 416 Kathy Zagar Service to Veterans 2015-2016 12 278 Laurel DuBois Homeless Women Veterans2015-2016 10 53 Judy Walters Hospital Representatives & Deputies Chippewa Falls – Wisconsin Veterans Home Representative 2015-2016 10 53 Nancy Randen Deputy 2015-2016 10 326 Joan Chwala Iron Mountain, MI – Oscar G. Johnson USVAMC Associate Representative 2015-2016 9 150 Cora Gavigan Associate Deputy 2015-2016 9 476 Joyce Sporrer Kenosha - Dayton House Representative 2015-2016 4 192 Sue Hembrook Assistant 2015-2016 1 544 Evelyn Clancy King – Wisconsin Veterans Home Representative 2015-2016 8 161 Nancy Neuroth Assistant Representative 2015-2016 8 161 Alice Bentley Deputy 2015-2016 8 161 Linda Hagen Deputy 2015-2016 8 161 Dawn Lind Madison - Middleton Memorial VAMC Representative 2015-2016 3 84 Rose Wenger Deputy 2015-2016 3 151 Darlene Jensen Milwaukee – Zablocki Memorial VAMC Representative 2015-2016 4 434 Bonnie Jakubczyk Deputy 2015-2016 1 449 Sharon Miller Deputy 2015-2016 4 537 Shirley Scott Deputy 2015-2016 4 416 Kathy Zagar Minneapolis, MN – Minneapolis VA Health Care System Associate Representative 2015-2016 10 121 Betty Swenson Associate Deputy 2015-2016 10 121 Jeanne Williams Tomah – VA Medical Representative 2015-2016 7 201 Patricia Flanders Deputy 2015-2016 7 52 Mary Callaway Deputy 2015-2016 7 201 Zetta Fredrickson Deputy 2015-2016 7 201 Laura Hubert Union Grove – Wisconsin Veterans Home Representative 2015-2016 1 171 Marcie Stuckart Deputy 2015-2016 Vacant