Badger &“Wisconsin”
August 10, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 7
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Laurel Clewell of Appleton Elected Department Commander Retired Army Command Sergeant Major Takes Reins at 99th Annual Department Convention
The annual Department convention kicked off on Friday, July 14th with remarks by Dr. Daniel Zomchek of the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee and concluded with the installation of Appleton Legionnaire Laurel M. Clewell on Sunday, July 16th as the Department Commander for 2017-18. Newly installed Commander Clewell is a Paid-up for Life member of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton and served in the U. S. Army. She is a graduate of the Wisconsin American Legion College and previously served as the 9th District Commander and as a Department Vice Commander. Elected to serve as Vice Commanders under Clewell were Jim Lee of Cedarburg, Todd Braun of
Omro, Mark Sandow of Milwaukee and Chris Sower of Siren. ELECTION RESULTS Commander Laurel M. Clewell Vice Commanders Jim Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sandow Assistant Chaplain Matthew Harn Sergeants-at-Arms Jeromy Nordie Mark Toll
The Convention kicked off at 9:00AM on Friday, July 14th with the Nation Anthem and remarks by Dr. Daniel Zomchek of Zablocki VAMC, Wiscon-
sin Adjutant General Donald P. Dunbar and WDVA Secretary Daniel Zimmerman. Representatives of the City of Appleton and the Appleton Police Department brought greetings to the delegates. This was followed by a presentation made to Department Service Officer James Fialkowski in recognition of his 10 years of service to the Department. On Friday afternoon, Convention Committees comprised of delegates representing each of the 12 Districts in the Department met to consider and debate important resolutions. A table appears in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire describing the resolutions considered and the actions taken by the convention. Saturday, July 15th, the sec-
ond day of sessions, began with recognition of recently retired Camp American Legion Director Kevin Moshea, remarks by new Camp Director Don Grundy and a presentation by architect Jim French, designer of the new monument at the Gary Wetzel Way nature trail. Legionnaires were also introduced to Dan and Lesa Raimer who are making a significant donation to assist in the construction of a new cabin at camp for Gold Star families. A custom video greeting to the Legionnaires from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was shown. Governor Walker was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict but wanted to convey personal greetings and express his appreciation for the service and programs that
Legionnaires provide to veterans, their families and communities across the Badger State. The closing session on Sunday featured the installation of the 201718 Department officers. Many other speakers as well as state and national level awards were featured during the course of the three day convention. Delegates and guests in attendance commented on the excellent service provided by staff from the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and the quality of the venue and events. Most noteworthy were the efforts of volunteers from the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton who worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event. More Convention News Inside!
Wetzel Way Monument Dedicated at Camp
A dramatic monument at the head of the Gary G. Wetzel Way nature trail at Camp American Legion was dedicated on Friday, July 7th. Mike Burt, Commander of Post No. 139 in Coloma of the 8th District coordinated the construction of both the trail and the monument. The monument was designed by architect Jim French of CSD Structural Engineers of Milwaukee. Mr. French had previously designed the Veterans Memorial at the site of the old National Guard Armory in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. The monument design is intended to represent the veteranʼs combat experience and return to civilian life. The rocks and boulders at one end represent “cover and concealment” on the battlefield, and on the site at Camp, they separate the trail from
the outside world. The wall then turns 90 degrees to the left which is meant to signify the abrupt change that veterans experience when they leave the military and enter back into civilian life. Progressing further along the wall, the materials change and the wall takes shape and form as the veteran builds their life outside of the service. It takes another slight turn which represents further adjustments made as life goes on. The last section of the wall is located at the head of the nature trail and features plaques recognizing Medal of Honor recipient Gary Wetzel as well as the groups and organizations responsible for the construction of the trail and monument. Federal Post No. 203 of the 4th District in Milwaukee funded the monument.
Members of the Milwaukee Federal Post No. 203 American Legion Family attended the dedication of the Gary G. Wetzel monument at Camp American Legion on Friday, July 7th. Pictured from right to left are Bob Witte, Sue Gaulke, Delores Witte, Karen Jorgenson, Jim Gaulke, Gail Leikam and Don Leikam. All are members of Post No. 203, Auxiliary Unit No. 203 or Squadron No. 203 of the Sons of The American Legion.
Shown here is Jim Gaulke of Sons of American Legion Squadron No. 203 at Camp with Medal of Honor recipient Gary G. Wetzel of the Oelschlaeger-Dallman Post No. 434 in Oak Creek.
2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • August 3rd Total: 12,619 • 23.59% 3
Badger &“Wisconsin”
August 10, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 7
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Laurel Clewell of Appleton Elected Department Commander Retired Army Command Sergeant Major Takes Reins at 99th Annual Department Convention
The annual Department convention kicked off on Friday, July 14th with remarks by Dr. Daniel Zomchek of the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee and concluded with the installation of Appleton Legionnaire Laurel M. Clewell on Sunday, July 16th as the Department Commander for 2017-18. Newly installed Commander Clewell is a Paid-up for Life member of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton and served in the U. S. Army. She is a graduate of the Wisconsin American Legion College and previously served as the 9th District Commander and as a Department Vice Commander. Elected to serve as Vice Commanders under Clewell were Jim Lee of Cedarburg, Todd Braun of
Omro, Mark Sandow of Milwaukee and Chris Sower of Siren. ELECTION RESULTS Commander Laurel M. Clewell Vice Commanders Jim Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sandow Assistant Chaplain Matthew Harn Sergeants-at-Arms Jeromy Nordie Mark Toll
The Convention kicked off at 9:00AM on Friday, July 14th with the Nation Anthem and remarks by Dr. Daniel Zomchek of Zablocki VAMC, Wiscon-
sin Adjutant General Donald P. Dunbar and WDVA Secretary Daniel Zimmerman. Representatives of the City of Appleton and the Appleton Police Department brought greetings to the delegates. This was followed by a presentation made to Department Service Officer James Fialkowski in recognition of his 10 years of service to the Department. On Friday afternoon, Convention Committees comprised of delegates representing each of the 12 Districts in the Department met to consider and debate important resolutions. A table appears in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire describing the resolutions considered and the actions taken by the convention. Saturday, July 15th, the sec-
ond day of sessions, began with recognition of recently retired Camp American Legion Director Kevin Moshea, remarks by new Camp Director Don Grundy and a presentation by architect Jim French, designer of the new monument at the Gary Wetzel Way nature trail. Legionnaires were also introduced to Dan and Lesa Raimer who are making a significant donation to assist in the construction of a new cabin at camp for Gold Star families. A custom video greeting to the Legionnaires from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was shown. Governor Walker was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict but wanted to convey personal greetings and express his appreciation for the service and programs that
Legionnaires provide to veterans, their families and communities across the Badger State. The closing session on Sunday featured the installation of the 201718 Department officers. Many other speakers as well as state and national level awards were featured during the course of the three day convention. Delegates and guests in attendance commented on the excellent service provided by staff from the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and the quality of the venue and events. Most noteworthy were the efforts of volunteers from the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton who worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event. More Convention News Inside!
Wetzel Way Monument Dedicated at Camp
A dramatic monument at the head of the Gary G. Wetzel Way nature trail at Camp American Legion was dedicated on Friday, July 7th. Mike Burt, Commander of Post No. 139 in Coloma of the 8th District coordinated the construction of both the trail and the monument. The monument was designed by architect Jim French of CSD Structural Engineers of Milwaukee. Mr. French had previously designed the Veterans Memorial at the site of the old National Guard Armory in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. The monument design is intended to represent the veteranʼs combat experience and return to civilian life. The rocks and boulders at one end represent “cover and concealment” on the battlefield, and on the site at Camp, they separate the trail from
the outside world. The wall then turns 90 degrees to the left which is meant to signify the abrupt change that veterans experience when they leave the military and enter back into civilian life. Progressing further along the wall, the materials change and the wall takes shape and form as the veteran builds their life outside of the service. It takes another slight turn which represents further adjustments made as life goes on. The last section of the wall is located at the head of the nature trail and features plaques recognizing Medal of Honor recipient Gary Wetzel as well as the groups and organizations responsible for the construction of the trail and monument. Federal Post No. 203 of the 4th District in Milwaukee funded the monument.
Members of the Milwaukee Federal Post No. 203 American Legion Family attended the dedication of the Gary G. Wetzel monument at Camp American Legion on Friday, July 7th. Pictured from right to left are Bob Witte, Sue Gaulke, Delores Witte, Karen Jorgenson, Jim Gaulke, Gail Leikam and Don Leikam. All are members of Post No. 203, Auxiliary Unit No. 203 or Squadron No. 203 of the Sons of The American Legion.
Shown here is Jim Gaulke of Sons of American Legion Squadron No. 203 at Camp with Medal of Honor recipient Gary G. Wetzel of the Oelschlaeger-Dallman Post No. 434 in Oak Creek.
2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • August 3rd Total: 12,619 • 23.59% 3
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2017-2018 Communications Committee Renee Kasuboski, Chairman Rebecca Amundson, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Geoff Sheilds Gordy Clewell, Historian Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laurel DuBois, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
AUGUST 10, 2017
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Thank You Fellow Legionnaires! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Laurel Clewell Department Commander D e p a r t m e n t Commander. It is an honor and a privilege to represent this great state and our veteranʼs organization. I look forward to this exciting year and I will work hard for you, The American Legion family and for all veterans. We have hit the ground running and our first challenge was the very first day. We addressed the terrible “Loss of Federal Funding for the State Homeless Veterans Program”. The American Legion endorsed the project in Milwaukee at the Historic Soldierʼs Home District for homeless veterans and then the next day we
received the news about WDVA losing funds at King and Union Grove. This is extremely unacceptable because our veterans deserve a roof over their heads, better job opportunities, suicide prevention and top flight health care. “Our Veterans Deserve Better” is our stand and The American Legion will continue to fight for the rights of all veterans and for the benefits we have earned. I have just returned from our National headquarters and the annual Membership Workshop in Indianapolis. All districts were represented and we were supplied with many tools to assist us in membership. We are ready to share that information because our motto for the year is We Need to Know to Grow! Department and District leadership is ready with great ideas and enthusiasm to spread throughout the state.
Membership is the cornerstone of The American Legion and the key to our success. Each of us is a very important part of that success. The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and our communities. Our four pillars were created nearly 100 years ago to establish services for our veterans and their families. All of us can help to carry the legacy forward. We have Camp American Legion, the Oratorical competition and other scholarships opportunities, along with Legion Baseball, Veteran Service Officers and so many other programs and events. Our organization is making a real difference across the state. One of my primary objectives for this year for the Department
and all of the posts is to create a “Best Practices” book so we can learn from each other. Our posts have so many successful programs, events and other practices that we need to share our successes with each other to strengthen The American Legion as a whole. Please start preparing your submission and share what you and your post do best! Thank you again for allowing me to continue the fight of the past commanders. We have an entirely new generation of veterans and we have to do a better job of reaching them and their families. We all believe that one Veteran in need is one too many. We need to do more for our veterans and we will continue to battle on their behalf. When the younger veterans see us in action, they will join our ranks.
DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER You May Have Benefits Due to You I would like to address a couple of complicated benefits that are rarely adJames Fialkowski vertised. I have Service Officer spoken before about the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). I want to point out that “Onsite participants” at atmospheric nuclear weapons tests are not the only individuals who qualify. Uranium workers (Uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters) and individuals who lived downwind of the Nevada Test Site, known as “Downwinders", with certain cancers also may qualify. According to the Department Of Justice RECA website for Uranium Workers states the Act covers certain uranium industry employment in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington,
and Wyoming. The dates of coverage are from January 1, 1942, through December 31, 1971. A claimant must establish both uranium industry employment that meets the statutory requirements and a subsequent diagnosis of a specified compensable disease. For “Downwinders” the Act covers physical presence in certain counties located downwind from the Nevada Test Site. In the state of Utah, the counties include Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, San Juan, Sevier, Washington, and Wayne; in the state of Nevada, the counties include Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Nye, White Pine and that portion of Clark County that consists of townships 13 through 16 at ranges 63 through 71. In the State of Arizona, the counties include Apache, Coconino, Gila, Navajo, Yavapai, and that part of Arizona that is north of the Grand Canyon. A claimant must establish
physical presence in the “Downwinder” area for two years during the period beginning on January 21, 1951 and ending on October 31, 1958, or for the entire period beginning on June 30, 1962 and ending on July 31, 1962 along with a subsequent diagnosis of a specified compensable disease. Once again if the qualifying individual is deceased the children, parents, grandchildren or grandparents may apply for the benefit on their behalf. The second little advertised benefit are the benefits available to relatives of “In-country” Vietnam War veterans. Due to the Nehmer Court case, previously denied compensation claims for disabilities later added to the applicable Regulation may be due the veteran, their relatives or their estate. The claim must have been active on or after the Nehmer case conclusion on September 25, 1985 to qualify. An example;
Vietnam veteran submitted a claim for coronary artery disease (CAD) in 1990 and is denied. The veteran dies in 2000 and the spouse submitted a claim for Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and was also denied. The spouse dies in 2008 prior to the August 31, 2010 regulation change adding CAD to the applicable Regulation. In this situation the next of legal kin or their estate may file a claim for accrued benefits. The benefits due would include the veteranʼs CAD compensation from the 1990 submission date to their date of death in 2000 and the spouseʼs DIC payments from the 2000 submission date to their death. For questions or assistance please contact your local County Veteran Service Officer or contact The American Legion Service Office at (414) 902-5722.
WDVA SECRETARY My first six months as the Secretary of Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Dan Zimmerman has been one of WDVA Secretary travel and making new connections in order to collaboratively deliver services to those that we serve in Wisconsin, veterans. From all of the VSO conferences this spring, to individual meetings with the leadership of many of the VSOs, CVSOs, and Federal VA directors around the region it has been an exciting time here in Wisconsin to be part of this joint venture with you around this great state. Our VSO Field Representative
Jason Church and CVSO Field Representative Steven Janke have been traveling the state speaking with VSOs and CVSOs about ways we can improve our services to veterans. These partnerships have brought forth many great ideas and I look forward to working with you to implement some of these are we move forward. If you havenʼt met either of these two veterans, Iʼm sure you will in the very near future. Iʼd like to share some good news that will affect everyone in Wisconsin. Our state has been selected as the location for Foxconnʼs first U.S. production operation. Foxconn plans to invest $10 billion in Wisconsin over the next six years. The company will
construct a manufacturing campus to produce liquid crystal display (LCD) panels that will employ 13,000 people in Wisconsin – thousands of whom will be engineers and skilled workers. The investment will create 10,000 construction jobs over the next 4 years, as well as 6,000 indirect jobs related to the construction alone. Further, it will support 22,000 indirect and induced jobs across the state from suppliers and others. What does this major economic announcement mean to veterans? Foxconn leadership has been very interested in hiring veterans because of the skills that they acquire during their military experience - accountability, depend-
ability, and self-discipline. Foxconn understands that these virtues make our veterans excellent employees. We also think other companies doing business with Foxconn will follow suit when it comes to hiring veterans. We are very optimistic about the impact Foxconn will have in the veteran community. As we move forward as collaborative partners remember that there will be obstacles to overcome, challenges to be met, but together we can continue to be a national leader in providing services and benefits to veterans. Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to serving the veterans of Wisconsin with all of you.
AUGUST 10, 2017
State Commander: ‘Terminating Wisconsin Homeless Veterans Housing Program Unacceptable’ State Legislature Needs To Immediately Address Funding Issue Before Kicking Veterans Out Of Homeless Program
(Portage, Wis.) – The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is calling for immediate action from state legislative leaders to save Wisconsin’s homeless veterans housing program. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) announced last Friday that the pending loss of federal funding would eliminate the state’s homeless veterans housing programs at the King and Union Grove medical facilities. The fate of a similar program at Chippewa Falls remains uncertain. Forty-seven homeless veterans will be immediately affected and eventually moved from the two facilities to locations to be determined. None of the state veteran’s facilities will be accepting new homeless veterans. “The state’s budget books are
open and our veterans, especially our homeless veterans, need immediate attention,” said Department Commander Laurel Clewell of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton. “The loss of funding and the lack of a remedial plan from the state is unacceptable.” The WDVA letter, dated July 14, stated that in the absence of federal funding for the Veteran Housing and Recovery Programs at King and Union Grove “the possibility (of) WDVA solely funding King and Union Grove VHRPs beyond December 2017 is not feasible.” The prospect of the homeless veteran’s problem possibly getting worse was also addressed in the WDVA letter when it referenced the only remaining homeless facility at Chippewa Falls. “Federal authorities have condi-
tionally funded our Chippewa Falls program and it will remain open assuming final funding approval.” Department Commander Clewell said she is concerned about what she calls an “openended, half-baked” solution for these soon-to-be displaced veterans – a solution that calls on “Veteran service organizations and non-profit partners” to assume care and housing for these veterans, according to the WDVA letter. “Making homeless veterans homeless again is not a solution,” said Clewell. “These are men and women who have served this country and its taxpayers honorably, risked their lives and now we can’t put a roof over their heads in state facilities dedicated to veterans care? Veterans deserve better.”
UPDATE: HOMELESS VETERANS HOUSING PROGRAM On Friday, August 4th, the US Department of Veterans Affairs indicated that Wisconsin would get a reprieve and funding for another year would be provided for the Homeless Veterans Housing programs at King and Union Grove. The extension of another year would allow for
overhauling the programs in order to qualify for more permanent funding. Commander Laurel M. Clewell of Appleton commented, “While we are relieved by the news out of Washington and have been heartened by the bi-partisan response on the issue, the need for a permanent fix is apparent
based on the information that has emerged over the last two weeks. We are concerned that WDVA has less than a year before the next grant cycle to make necessary improvements to ensure the long-term continuity of these programs.”
2017 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS 1st Prize (Grand Prize) $20,000 or New Vehicle from The Boucher Auto Group Ted & Cheryl Eisner of Rib Lake, Wisconsin
2nd Prize – $10,000 Vehicle Allowance from The Boucher Auto Group Albert Deiler of Schofield, Wisconsin CONVENTION UP GRO
The remains of PFC Lloyd J. Lobdell have been identified. Lloyd Lobdell was born on November 23, 1918 in Elkhorn and raised on a farm outside of Janesville. He joined the Wisconsin National Guard in 1940 and became a Prisoner of War in the Philippines when the Filipino and American forces were surrendered to the Japanese on April 9, 1942. He did not take part in the Bataan Death March but was left behind at a hospital on Bataan. He was later sent to the Cabanatuan POW Camp in June 1942. According to medical records kept by the hospital staff in the camp. Lloyd was admitted to "Zero Ward", the name given to the camp hospital since so many of the POWs died, on October 6, 1942 and died November 19th at the age of 22. His parents were informed of his death in August 1943. PFC Lobdell was buried in grave
No. 717 at the camp. After the war, Lloyd's remains were exhumed with the remains of twelve other POW’s and transferred to the American Military Cemetery at Manila and buried in a grave marked "Unknown". His name appears on the Tablets of the Missing at the cemetery. In July 2014, JPAC announced that it was going to exhume the remains in graves at the cemetery marked “Unknown”. In September 2014, the remains of the unknown POW’s buried at the American Military Cemetery at Manila were disinterred and were sent to Hawaii for DNA testing. The army had previously obtained DNA from PFC Lobdell's family and was able to positively identify his remains. At this time his family is trying to determine whether to have him buried at the US Military Cemetery in Hawaii or have him returned to Elkhorn to be buried near his mother.
Forgotten Veteran Laid to Rest
On a warm afternoon in April, the sound of Taps echoed amongst the pines surrounding the small rural cemetery. After almost 6 years, a forgotten veteran had finally been laid to rest. Unfortunately, at the time of his death the veteran was estranged from his family. After he passed away, his daughter made a payment for his funeral, ordered a VA grave marker and purchased a plot in a local cemetery next to a plot reserved for her and her husband. However, for some unknown reason, the veteran’s cremains never left the shelf of the local funeral home. The world was unaware of his fate until Steve Conto of the Department Task Force on Unclaimed Veterans Cremains contacted Jackson County Veterans Service Officer Randy Bjerke. The task force
has conducted a search of funeral homes within Wisconsin to identify unclaimed veterans’ remains. After determining that there was a cemetery plot paid for and that the funeral home would gladly release his cremains, it was arranged with the cemetery sexton to inter the Veteran. On Tuesday, April 25th, Leonard Christy (1925 - 2011) was laid to rest in plot 126 of Sullivan Cemetery in the township of Brockway outside of rural Black River Falls. Under an overcast sky in a spattering rain, Randy Bjerke, a member of Post No. 200 in Black River Falls and the Jackson County Veterans Service Officer, said a few words, saluted and then played Taps over the grave. Only Mr. Bjerke and the cemetery sexton were in attendance.
4th Prize – $2,500 or a Hunting Rifle Kenneth Donahue of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Remains of WWII MIA from Janesville Identified
Bay City Post No. 357 Honors Civil War Veterans With Grave Markers
3rd Prize – $5,000 or a Hawaiian Vacation Gene Phillips of La Crosse, Wisconsin
5th Prize - $1,000 or a Big Screen TV William Gronholm of Union Grove, Wisconsin
Newly elected Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 draws the Sweepstakes grand prize winner.
1a.2017 Department Sergeant-at-Arms, Terms of Office - Approved 2.2017 Medical Cannabis Resolution - Approved 3.2017 Medal of Merit, Ricky Lee - Rejected 4.2017 Endorsement of Roger P. Mathison for National Vice Commander – Approved 5a.2017 Endorsement of Daniel J. Seehafer for National Commander - Approved 6.2017 Discipline of Members – Approved
7.2017 8.2017 9.2017
10.2017 11.2017
Sale or Mortgaging of Post Property – Rejected Constitution and Bylaws updates – Approved Recognize Host Post No. 38 of Appleton - Approved Recognize Host City of Appleton Approved Recognize Host Hotel - Radisson Paper Valley - Approved
Members of Post No. 357 in Bay City installed white marble grave markers for Civil War veterans at the Bay City Cemetery just prior to Memorial Day. Members John Barns, Bob Stroupe and Ray Pechacek also installed bronze foot markers for Legionnaires who died in 2016. Also participating but not pictured were members Gary Rogness and Mike Farrell.
TEAM WISCONSIN As we get ready to travel to Reno for the 99th Annual National American Legion Convention I want to thank the entire Wisconsin American Legion family for your support as well as your prayers as I recovered from my fall and while our son healed from his medical issues. To be a candidate for the office of National Commander is tremendously exciting and I know what a great challenge it is. I am fortunate to have your support as well as a plan. Four years ago when I served as the chair of the National Membership and Post Activities committee we developed a strategic plan for sustained growth. The plan is based on what we consider "Enduring Principles". The foundation of The American Legion will always be: • For God and Country. • We will provide service to all veterans and ask all eligible veterans to be members • We will have a presence in all communities where there are veterans • Our Posts will serve as pillars of their community • We will strive for essential
leadership and mentorship • We will cultivate an outreach program for all those still serving • And, we will foster a family and welcoming relationship at all levels. I believe it all comes down to putting “Family First.” .A veteran is a veteran no matter what race, religion or gender. And regardless of which branch of service they served in, we all became brothers and sisters during basic training. Some of those bonds were strengthened on the battlefield but all of us took care of each other. We had each other's backs. Now that most of us have left the service, still have each other’s backs. The American Legion is a family that a person joins by choice. Our Sergeant at Arm’s oath includes the responsibility to “guard against the loss of The American Legion’s greatest possession – our deep and abiding spirit of comradeship. They are responsible that no one remains a stranger”. We have a responsibility to help our members fit in and feel like part of the family. I think many of us have seen
that as our American Legion family learns mare about our 4 Pillars and works together, more and more members step up to volunteer. And, when we have established that strong family foundation at the local post, more eligible veterans and their families want to become part of The American Legion family. About 40 years ago a post denied me membership because I am a woman and I know there are other women around the country who were denied membership for the same reason. I also know there are veterans who felt unwelcome because of their race or their war era. Coming out of National Convention in Reno, the nation will be reminded that The American Legion is and always has been an all-inclusive war era veteran’s service organization. Together, we can all stand proud knowing that we are keeping this country strong and continuing to lay the foundation for our future leaders. We do it because someone did it for us and even though we have taken off the uniform, our dedication to this country remains strong. – PDC Denise H. Rohan
AUGUST 10, 2017
Post No. 350 in Reedsburg Goes Fishing
Members of Reedsburg Post No. 350 joined RIndependence Sport Fishing and Charter Service in Algoma over the 4th of July for some time on the water. Legionnaires experienced a beautiful day filled with fun, friendships and fish! RIndependence co-owner and charter Captain Randy Freng is a combat veteran and a member of Post No. 350.
Milwaukee Fire Fighters Post No. 426 Supports Fisher House at Zablocki VAMC
Saturday, September 16th, 2017
12:00 Noon
Beef Roast and Corn Boil $10 DONATION PER MEAL, PLEASE
Camp address: 8529 CTH D Lake Tomahawk All funds raised should be brought to Camp on September 16th for a special presentation event. Rooms at Camp may be reserved for September 14, 15, 16th. A donation of $30.00 per bed per night is requested. Continental breakfast is included with stay. To request reservations for overnight stay call Camp Director Don Grundy at (715) 277-2510.
Crystal Springs Golf Course Hosted by: The KrauseKraft-Mueller Post No. 106 of Seymour
ENTRY FORM Post/Unit/SAL/Riders Chapter No. _______ (circle your group) Team Captain: ______________________________________ Team Captain Phone: ________________________________
Reservations: Register early to assure your preferred tee time. Scheduling based on the actual number of entries will determine morning & noon tee times.
Oconto Post No. 74 Retires Flags
Team Email Address: _________________________________ Print Name & Card Number 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________
$70 PER PERSON Includes: 18 Holes, Cart, Turnaround Burger or Brat, Chips, Soda and Banquet Tickets. (Extra dinner ticket $15)
Earlier this spring, the Milwaukee Fire Fighters Post No. 426 donated $1, 662.00 to the Fisher House located on the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center grounds in Milwaukee. This donation was generated through the distribution of poppies by the Post No. 426 American Legion family. Post Commander David Bonar is shown here presenting the check to Curtis Peck, Executive Director of the Fisher House in Milwaukee.
Extra Dinners: ________________ @ $15 each = __________ Preferred start time: (circle one) AM
Please make checks payable to: Post No.106 Golf Send payment and form to: Legion Post 106 Golf Outing PO Box 229, Seymour WI 54165 Questions: Contact Russ Hanseter at
On July 13, 2017, Oconto Post No. 74 retired aged and tattered US flags which had been collected from the community in flag boxes located at Thomson’s Country Market and Oconto City Hall. The boxes were put there in honor of David Cross, past Post No. 74 Commander. The flags were inspected by ceremony officers. Post Chaplain Jim Aerts offered a prayer prior to the ceremony. Legionnaires as well as members the Oconto Fire and Police department were in attendance to show respect during the ceremony.
AUGUST 10, 2017
Architect Jim French, who designed the new monument at the Gary G. Wetzel Way nature trail at Camp American Legion was honored during the session on Saturday, July 15th.
Gold Brigade recruiters Steve Kohnke of Post No. 434 in Oak Creek and PDVC Frank Kostka of Post No. 90 in Ashland were honored for their efforts during the 2016-17 membership year. They are shown here with Past Department Commander Dan Seehafer.
PDC Ted DeMicchi of Somers was recognized on Saturday, July 15th on the 25th Anniversary of his year as Department Commander. PDC DeMicchi was introduced by PDVC Ron Hessil of Racine.
Former Camp American Legion Director Kevin Moshea of the Tanner-Paull Post No. 120 in West Allis addressed the convention on Saturday, July 15th. He is shown here receiving a plaque from Past Department Commander Daniel J. Seehafer.
Department Service OfďŹ cer James Fialkowski of the Greendale Post No. 416 addressed the convention on Friday, July 14th. Mr. Fialkowski recently celebrated his 10 year anniversary of service to the Department.
The Olson-Grinde Post No. 348 in De Forest won the Wisconsin American Legion Press Association Class 1 competition for posts with membership of 100 or less. Accepting the award from PDC Dan Seehafer was Legionnaire Jeff Unger of Post No. 348.
2017-18 Department Executive Committee and other Department OfďŹ cers who met following the 99th Annual Convention at the Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center in Appleton.
The Last
8 Waukesha Todd Brown V 9 Wisconsin Rapids Jere Kirst K 10 Wausau Donald Richardson II Martin Wischmeyer II Herman Juedes II Robert Plisch II 11 Green Bay James Lemieux II 12 Spooner Lowell Swanson II Orville Jones V 13 Richland Center Donald Goplin II Michael O’Leary V Tommy Harvey II 14 Iola Gordon Harvey V 19 Hartford Floyd Gable V Harland Fredrick K Glenn Clasen V 21 Kenosha Charles Hilberg V Ron Kole V 26 Baraboo William Kaczmarek V 27 South Milwaukee Matthew Morris K Charles Lajcak V Ralph Jeziorski II 28 Valders Lloyd Recore V 33 Neenah Gene Moran K 36 West Bend Dale Carlson II 38 Appleton Ronald Parker K Bernard Harrington II Stanton Pedersen II 40 Bangor Robert Laxton II Dave Broers V 42 Platteville Earl Appenzeller PG Herbert Klein II Ron Rewey K Gary Bell V 48 Beloit Paul Froeba K W F Petzrick II 53 Eau Claire James Ludwigson K Donald Keding II Dennis O’Donahoe V Dwight Westermann V Joseph Vig K 54 Marshfield Heinz Beyer K 55 Hortonville Patrick Griesbach K 59 Stoughton Norman Toso V 60 Kimberly David Leclair V Leighton Larson II 63 Clintonville Ronald Kautz V
06/02/17 07/02/17 10/20/16 06/07/17 05/27/17 07/16/17 06/22/17 07/05/17 02/20/17 05/31/17 06/23/17 04/09/17 06/22/17 01/21/17 06/10/17 07/17/17 06/18/17 05/29/17 06/12/17 03/02/17 05/15/17 03/18/17 07/20/17 07/19/17 03/21/17 06/18/17 07/18/17 07/19/17 05/25/17 07/08/17 06/01/17 04/26/17 06/24/17 06/25/17 06/23/17 06/26/17 06/22/17 03/04/17 07/02/17 06/30/17 06/28/17 06/28/17 04/17/17 06/18/17 05/12/17 06/06/17 06/23/17
66 Athelstane-Silver Cliff Arthur Godin V John Schaumberg K 74 Oconto Michael Exferd V 77 Chippewa Falls Arin Staidl PG Jerald Dietsche V 80 New Richmond John McNamara K 83 Sheboygan John Schumann II 89 Minocqua Charles Schell II 93 Tomahawk Robert King K John Bronsted K Eugene Witzeling K 105 Shullsburg Glenn Matl II 108 Clear Lake Kermit Lee V 117 Shawano Marshall Moede K 118 Thorp Thomas Hempelman K 125 Chilton Arthur Fannin K 128 Stockbridge Bernard Kurscheidt K 137 Turtle Lake Donald Bown II 141 New Glarus Kenneth Nyland K 142 Blanchardville Werner Ryser K 143 St Croix Falls Dennis Buerke V Ken Davy V 145 Random Lake Daniel Ebert K 146 Beaver Dam Junior Immerfall K Leroy Weingarten II Cletus Willihnganz II Dwayne Braun K Jonathan Sparacio V 148 Bloomington Joseph Mergen K 149 Sheboygan Falls Leonard Gort V 154 Mondovi Maeland Anderson II Roger Schuh V Gary Schultz V 155 Westby Dean Warren K 164 Jefferson Ronald Ebel K 167 Sauk City Walter Sprecher II 169 Amery Jerome Wittstock V Donavan Volrath V 173 Whitewater Lawrence Zimmerman II 175 Loyal Wallace Szymanski II 179 Chetek George Campbell K 181 Durand William Giertz II Gary Kitchner K 182 Park Falls Carl Mattke V Bruce Gould II 189 Watertown Ceilan Baker V Donald Weisensel K Donald Meier II Kenneth Ceithamer II 199 Reedsville Robert Sheehy II 204 Ellsworth Harold Kruse K
06/15/17 07/12/17 07/12/17 07/05/17 06/26/17 07/12/17 07/29/17 10/17/16 05/17/17 07/13/17 12/20/16 06/24/17 06/24/17 06/27/17 07/24/17 05/26/17 06/19/17 06/17/17 07/02/17 06/14/17 07/18/17 06/19/17 06/27/17 02/15/17 03/09/17 05/10/17 05/20/17 06/18/16
210 Waupun David Schouten K James Nickel V 217 Bonduel Allen Bohm V Howard Hancock V 218 Hayward Franklin Rimmert II 224 Alma Eugene Wiater V Stanley Mau V 233 Waterloo Monte McDonald V Edward Yerges V 238 Greenwood Kenneth Speich II David Dann V 240 Baldwin Alvin Schroeder II Kenneth Vandenberg K 250 Adams Larry Klein K 253 Spring Green Charles Barnes II 264 Gilmanton Leland Johnson V 280 Coleman Albert Kienitz K 282 Markesan Raymond Wilde II 284 Holmen Patricia Stetser PG Allan Lindvik V 288 Cedarburg Glenn Port II Richard Ehlke V Lawrence Batzke II 293 Silver Lake Robert Bohn II Andrew Statema K 294 Hartland Kenneth Leroy II 299 Hales Corners James Banach II 301 Woodville Gene Anderson V
06/18/17 06/26/17 06/18/17 07/13/17 06/12/17 06/27/17 05/08/17 02/14/17 05/16/17 07/21/17 07/14/17 07/19/17 07/04/17 07/13/17 07/07/17 06/27/17 07/24/17 07/02/17 06/15/17 06/19/17 06/14/17 06/30/17 07/08/17 04/26/17 01/04/17 06/29/17 06/04/17 06/07/17
07/26/17 07/23/17 06/17/17 06/06/17 06/28/17
06/22/17 04/08/17 07/10/17 07/21/17 06/18/17 07/05/17 07/05/17 06/01/17 05/10/17 06/08/17 06/29/17 03/29/17 07/16/15 02/11/17 05/29/17 07/06/17 04/23/17 06/06/17
SEPTEMBER AUGUST 10, 25, 2017 2014
Kenneth Graf K 305 Johnson Creek Arthur Ninmann K 309 Kendall Lloyd Hanson V Donald Bradley II 313 Black Earth John Curtis K 318 Lake Tomahawk James Jung II 329 Briggsville Donald Summers K 330 Wilson Gerald Johnson V 332 Black Creek Maynard Peterman K 333 Sun Prairie Hulet Wood K 336 Onalaska Norman Deml K 355 Grafton Melvin Buchholz K Mildred Brown II 357 Bay City Ronald Traynor K Wayne Beard K Kenneth Hoffman K 366 Princeton Frank Slabosheski K Donald Baalke K 368 Hixton Leslie Hulett II Raymond Berg K George Wheelock PG 372 Forestville Gerald Uecker K Leland Stach K 375 Mukwonago Martin Holzman II William Major V 377 Elcho Dennis Gresser V Thomas Follstad K 379 Birchwood Walter Wolff K Theodore Aumueller K
07/15/17 06/29/17 06/11/17 07/22/17 06/30/17 02/10/17 07/23/17 06/30/17 06/28/17 07/15/17 07/03/17 06/24/17 07/02/17 06/23/17 07/03/17 07/15/17 05/24/17 02/28/17 06/19/17 07/21/17 07/11/17 04/07/17 06/14/17 07/11/17 03/22/17 07/16/17 07/17/17 06/21/17 01/08/17
382 Menomonee Falls Frank Nerad II 384 Kewaskum Kenneth Theusch V 385 Verona Thomas Doyle II 399 Okauchee Douglas Skumatz K John Susek K 413 Crivitz Eugene Walters II 415 Milwaukee James Parnau II 449 Brookfield Carl Schmick II Kenneth Vincent II 454 Mt Calvary Thomas Mand V Oliver Wehner II 458 Wauzeka Orlyn Chunat II Carl Thompson K 460 Belleville Alavah Weaver II 469 Marathon Calvin Nass V 483 Allenton Robert Breen II 488 New Berlin Clifford Stutzman II 492 Rothschild George Kluz II Louis Carter II 501 Madison Merton Gunnelson II Eugene Schumacher V 507 Mindoro Harland Hoff II 509 Rosholt Richard Wieczorek K 538 Carlton Donald Sponholtz K 540 Haugen Laverne Mlejnek K 2930 Portage Richard Thompson K
06/21/17 07/09/17 07/06/17 10/09/16 10/31/15 07/01/17 07/26/17 07/01/17 05/01/17 06/21/17 06/30/17 07/31/15 04/25/17 07/01/17 07/18/17 07/13/17 05/12/17 05/29/17 07/10/17 06/20/17 06/22/17 06/28/17 07/26/17 05/29/17 07/24/17 07/27/17
From Your American Legion Department
Any time you have an accident or sudden illness while traveling away from ( ) provides a crucial safety home, Legionnaire Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) net that can help pay for emergency medical transportation expenses your health or travel insurance generally will NOT cover.
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EA+ rates specially negotiated for Legionnaires and their Families. The Legionnaire Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) Program is available to Legionnaires at a 35% discount off the broad market rate. A recent enhancement to EA+ now includes escorting you home with a qualified nurse, if deemed medically necessary by EA+ physicians, saving members anywhere from $5,000 - $25,000. For more information log on to or call toll-free 1-888-310-1547 today to speak with a benefit representative. *This information is only an outline of the plan’s features. The full terms, benefits and conditions of the plan are shown in your Member Benefit Guide. Please read it carefully. ©2016 Worldwide Rescue & Security 40064
AUGUST 10, 2017
2017-18 MEMBERSHIP INCENTIVES Special Early Bird Drawing Win $500 Renew by November 11th and become eligible to win one of two $500 cash prizes! All members renewed for 2018 (including PUFL’s) by Veterans Day – November 11th will have a chance to win. Log on to www.wilegion. org and renew on-line! Simply have your Legion Membership ID number and a credit card handy. Commander Laurel wants you to “Get One” and win $1,000. To grow at the local level, each post needs to rely on their members being active recruiters. For the individual Legionnaire, membership recruiting can lead to a big reward! Legion members can simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2015) and their name will be entered in a drawing to win $1,000 at the 2018 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new
member they recruit. Department will also award them the traditional “I Got 1” pin. Recruiters can show their pride by earning an “I Got 1” pin. The pins are larger and more visible than ever before. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP AWARDS Legionnaires can earn other individual membership recruiting awards. 1 - The traditional “I Got 1” pins are available for everyone who recruits a new member this year. 3 – National Commander Award – Recruit 3 new members and receive the National Commander’s incentive award to be determined 3/5 – “Clewell’s Commandos” Department Commander Laurel Clewell’s Special Award Join “Clewell’s Commandos”! This special incentive award is available to all Legionnaires who take part in the first step in growing our membership - Recruit and Retain Legion members. Everyone is called to sign up our nonrenewed members and add new
Legionnaires to the fold. Start by recruiting 3 new members and then renew 2 members from 2017 and receive a special pin. Join The Badger Big 10 – Receive a $50 Gift Card Sign up ten (10) new members and join the Badger Big 10. Every Legionnaire that recruits 10 new members (not current since 2015) will become part of this exclusive group of Legionnaires and receive a $50 gift card from American Legion Emblem Sales! Badger Big 10 recruiters will also receive a special edition pin to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. Silver Brigade recruiters will receive a $100 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Gold Brigade recruiters will receive a $250 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Post & County Commanders Win a custom American Legion uniform shirt!
Post No. 75 • Fond du Lac Michael Matsche
Post No. 508 • Wilton Commander Jerome Von Haden Membership Chairman Denis Darryl Raabe
Post No. 153 • Pittsville Marvin Kummer
Department Commander Laurel Clewell has developed powerful incentives for 100% Post Commanders and 100% County Commanders. All Post Commanders that reach 100% of their 2018 membership goal by Patriot’s Day on Monday, September 11th will receive will receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and post number. County Commanders that reach 100% of their membership goal by Veteran’s Day – Saturday, November 11th will also receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and county. SPECIAL POST INCENTIVE PROGRAM The Department is introducing an aggressive strategy to create Prospect Lists at the post level. Posts throughout the state have done a credible job in retention efforts but continue to face challenges in recruiting new members to step into our ranks to replace those who pass away each year. The goal is for each local post to build and maintain a list of veterans in their community who are eligible to join The American Legion. While many Legion members may not be comfortable in the role of a “recruiter” most everyone knows other veterans within their circle of acquaintances. Members are encouraged to supply the names and contact information of eligible veterans
to their post adjutant who will build and maintain a Prospect List. The Prospect List will also be augmented by the names of Holding Post 2930 and Expired members in the local community. The Prospect List will be made available to those Legionnaires who excel at recruiting new members. Members that simply supply 3 names to their post adjutant will receive a Prospector Pin. Posts that maintain a Prospect List will be entered in a drawing to win $500 at the 2018 Department convention. Posts must submit a copy of their prospect list by March 1, 2018 to be eligible to win. To qualify, Prospects Lists must conform to a Department approved format that includes columns to indicate “how” and “when” individual prospective members have been contacted and reflect the results the post has achieved (renewals/new members). Commander Clewell also knows that there is strength in numbers and is focused on growth for 2018. Every post’s first goal should be last year’s total membership PLUS 1. Each post that achieves growth and becomes eligible for the National Post Excellence Award in 2018 will be recognized for their accomplishment in the official newspaper of the Department of Wisconsin, the Badger Legionnaire. If you have any questions contact Chris Schmidt at or call (608) 745-1090.
Advertising Material
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PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2017-2018 Communications Committee Renee Kasuboski, Chairman Rebecca Amundson, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Geoff Sheilds Gordy Clewell, Historian Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laurel DuBois, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
AUGUST 10, 2017
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Thank You Fellow Legionnaires! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Laurel Clewell Department Commander D e p a r t m e n t Commander. It is an honor and a privilege to represent this great state and our veteranʼs organization. I look forward to this exciting year and I will work hard for you, The American Legion family and for all veterans. We have hit the ground running and our first challenge was the very first day. We addressed the terrible “Loss of Federal Funding for the State Homeless Veterans Program”. The American Legion endorsed the project in Milwaukee at the Historic Soldierʼs Home District for homeless veterans and then the next day we
received the news about WDVA losing funds at King and Union Grove. This is extremely unacceptable because our veterans deserve a roof over their heads, better job opportunities, suicide prevention and top flight health care. “Our Veterans Deserve Better” is our stand and The American Legion will continue to fight for the rights of all veterans and for the benefits we have earned. I have just returned from our National headquarters and the annual Membership Workshop in Indianapolis. All districts were represented and we were supplied with many tools to assist us in membership. We are ready to share that information because our motto for the year is We Need to Know to Grow! Department and District leadership is ready with great ideas and enthusiasm to spread throughout the state.
Membership is the cornerstone of The American Legion and the key to our success. Each of us is a very important part of that success. The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and our communities. Our four pillars were created nearly 100 years ago to establish services for our veterans and their families. All of us can help to carry the legacy forward. We have Camp American Legion, the Oratorical competition and other scholarships opportunities, along with Legion Baseball, Veteran Service Officers and so many other programs and events. Our organization is making a real difference across the state. One of my primary objectives for this year for the Department
and all of the posts is to create a “Best Practices” book so we can learn from each other. Our posts have so many successful programs, events and other practices that we need to share our successes with each other to strengthen The American Legion as a whole. Please start preparing your submission and share what you and your post do best! Thank you again for allowing me to continue the fight of the past commanders. We have an entirely new generation of veterans and we have to do a better job of reaching them and their families. We all believe that one Veteran in need is one too many. We need to do more for our veterans and we will continue to battle on their behalf. When the younger veterans see us in action, they will join our ranks.
DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER You May Have Benefits Due to You I would like to address a couple of complicated benefits that are rarely adJames Fialkowski vertised. I have Service Officer spoken before about the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). I want to point out that “Onsite participants” at atmospheric nuclear weapons tests are not the only individuals who qualify. Uranium workers (Uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters) and individuals who lived downwind of the Nevada Test Site, known as “Downwinders", with certain cancers also may qualify. According to the Department Of Justice RECA website for Uranium Workers states the Act covers certain uranium industry employment in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington,
and Wyoming. The dates of coverage are from January 1, 1942, through December 31, 1971. A claimant must establish both uranium industry employment that meets the statutory requirements and a subsequent diagnosis of a specified compensable disease. For “Downwinders” the Act covers physical presence in certain counties located downwind from the Nevada Test Site. In the state of Utah, the counties include Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Millard, Piute, San Juan, Sevier, Washington, and Wayne; in the state of Nevada, the counties include Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Nye, White Pine and that portion of Clark County that consists of townships 13 through 16 at ranges 63 through 71. In the State of Arizona, the counties include Apache, Coconino, Gila, Navajo, Yavapai, and that part of Arizona that is north of the Grand Canyon. A claimant must establish
physical presence in the “Downwinder” area for two years during the period beginning on January 21, 1951 and ending on October 31, 1958, or for the entire period beginning on June 30, 1962 and ending on July 31, 1962 along with a subsequent diagnosis of a specified compensable disease. Once again if the qualifying individual is deceased the children, parents, grandchildren or grandparents may apply for the benefit on their behalf. The second little advertised benefit are the benefits available to relatives of “In-country” Vietnam War veterans. Due to the Nehmer Court case, previously denied compensation claims for disabilities later added to the applicable Regulation may be due the veteran, their relatives or their estate. The claim must have been active on or after the Nehmer case conclusion on September 25, 1985 to qualify. An example;
Vietnam veteran submitted a claim for coronary artery disease (CAD) in 1990 and is denied. The veteran dies in 2000 and the spouse submitted a claim for Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and was also denied. The spouse dies in 2008 prior to the August 31, 2010 regulation change adding CAD to the applicable Regulation. In this situation the next of legal kin or their estate may file a claim for accrued benefits. The benefits due would include the veteranʼs CAD compensation from the 1990 submission date to their date of death in 2000 and the spouseʼs DIC payments from the 2000 submission date to their death. For questions or assistance please contact your local County Veteran Service Officer or contact The American Legion Service Office at (414) 902-5722.
WDVA SECRETARY My first six months as the Secretary of Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Dan Zimmerman has been one of WDVA Secretary travel and making new connections in order to collaboratively deliver services to those that we serve in Wisconsin, veterans. From all of the VSO conferences this spring, to individual meetings with the leadership of many of the VSOs, CVSOs, and Federal VA directors around the region it has been an exciting time here in Wisconsin to be part of this joint venture with you around this great state. Our VSO Field Representative
Jason Church and CVSO Field Representative Steven Janke have been traveling the state speaking with VSOs and CVSOs about ways we can improve our services to veterans. These partnerships have brought forth many great ideas and I look forward to working with you to implement some of these are we move forward. If you havenʼt met either of these two veterans, Iʼm sure you will in the very near future. Iʼd like to share some good news that will affect everyone in Wisconsin. Our state has been selected as the location for Foxconnʼs first U.S. production operation. Foxconn plans to invest $10 billion in Wisconsin over the next six years. The company will
construct a manufacturing campus to produce liquid crystal display (LCD) panels that will employ 13,000 people in Wisconsin – thousands of whom will be engineers and skilled workers. The investment will create 10,000 construction jobs over the next 4 years, as well as 6,000 indirect jobs related to the construction alone. Further, it will support 22,000 indirect and induced jobs across the state from suppliers and others. What does this major economic announcement mean to veterans? Foxconn leadership has been very interested in hiring veterans because of the skills that they acquire during their military experience - accountability, depend-
ability, and self-discipline. Foxconn understands that these virtues make our veterans excellent employees. We also think other companies doing business with Foxconn will follow suit when it comes to hiring veterans. We are very optimistic about the impact Foxconn will have in the veteran community. As we move forward as collaborative partners remember that there will be obstacles to overcome, challenges to be met, but together we can continue to be a national leader in providing services and benefits to veterans. Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to serving the veterans of Wisconsin with all of you.
AUGUST 10, 2017
State Commander: ‘Terminating Wisconsin Homeless Veterans Housing Program Unacceptable’ State Legislature Needs To Immediately Address Funding Issue Before Kicking Veterans Out Of Homeless Program
(Portage, Wis.) – The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is calling for immediate action from state legislative leaders to save Wisconsin’s homeless veterans housing program. The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) announced last Friday that the pending loss of federal funding would eliminate the state’s homeless veterans housing programs at the King and Union Grove medical facilities. The fate of a similar program at Chippewa Falls remains uncertain. Forty-seven homeless veterans will be immediately affected and eventually moved from the two facilities to locations to be determined. None of the state veteran’s facilities will be accepting new homeless veterans. “The state’s budget books are
open and our veterans, especially our homeless veterans, need immediate attention,” said Department Commander Laurel Clewell of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton. “The loss of funding and the lack of a remedial plan from the state is unacceptable.” The WDVA letter, dated July 14, stated that in the absence of federal funding for the Veteran Housing and Recovery Programs at King and Union Grove “the possibility (of) WDVA solely funding King and Union Grove VHRPs beyond December 2017 is not feasible.” The prospect of the homeless veteran’s problem possibly getting worse was also addressed in the WDVA letter when it referenced the only remaining homeless facility at Chippewa Falls. “Federal authorities have condi-
tionally funded our Chippewa Falls program and it will remain open assuming final funding approval.” Department Commander Clewell said she is concerned about what she calls an “openended, half-baked” solution for these soon-to-be displaced veterans – a solution that calls on “Veteran service organizations and non-profit partners” to assume care and housing for these veterans, according to the WDVA letter. “Making homeless veterans homeless again is not a solution,” said Clewell. “These are men and women who have served this country and its taxpayers honorably, risked their lives and now we can’t put a roof over their heads in state facilities dedicated to veterans care? Veterans deserve better.”
UPDATE: HOMELESS VETERANS HOUSING PROGRAM On Friday, August 4th, the US Department of Veterans Affairs indicated that Wisconsin would get a reprieve and funding for another year would be provided for the Homeless Veterans Housing programs at King and Union Grove. The extension of another year would allow for
overhauling the programs in order to qualify for more permanent funding. Commander Laurel M. Clewell of Appleton commented, “While we are relieved by the news out of Washington and have been heartened by the bi-partisan response on the issue, the need for a permanent fix is apparent
based on the information that has emerged over the last two weeks. We are concerned that WDVA has less than a year before the next grant cycle to make necessary improvements to ensure the long-term continuity of these programs.”
2017 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS 1st Prize (Grand Prize) $20,000 or New Vehicle from The Boucher Auto Group Ted & Cheryl Eisner of Rib Lake, Wisconsin
2nd Prize – $10,000 Vehicle Allowance from The Boucher Auto Group Albert Deiler of Schofield, Wisconsin CONVENTION UP GRO
The remains of PFC Lloyd J. Lobdell have been identified. Lloyd Lobdell was born on November 23, 1918 in Elkhorn and raised on a farm outside of Janesville. He joined the Wisconsin National Guard in 1940 and became a Prisoner of War in the Philippines when the Filipino and American forces were surrendered to the Japanese on April 9, 1942. He did not take part in the Bataan Death March but was left behind at a hospital on Bataan. He was later sent to the Cabanatuan POW Camp in June 1942. According to medical records kept by the hospital staff in the camp. Lloyd was admitted to "Zero Ward", the name given to the camp hospital since so many of the POWs died, on October 6, 1942 and died November 19th at the age of 22. His parents were informed of his death in August 1943. PFC Lobdell was buried in grave
No. 717 at the camp. After the war, Lloyd's remains were exhumed with the remains of twelve other POW’s and transferred to the American Military Cemetery at Manila and buried in a grave marked "Unknown". His name appears on the Tablets of the Missing at the cemetery. In July 2014, JPAC announced that it was going to exhume the remains in graves at the cemetery marked “Unknown”. In September 2014, the remains of the unknown POW’s buried at the American Military Cemetery at Manila were disinterred and were sent to Hawaii for DNA testing. The army had previously obtained DNA from PFC Lobdell's family and was able to positively identify his remains. At this time his family is trying to determine whether to have him buried at the US Military Cemetery in Hawaii or have him returned to Elkhorn to be buried near his mother.
Forgotten Veteran Laid to Rest
On a warm afternoon in April, the sound of Taps echoed amongst the pines surrounding the small rural cemetery. After almost 6 years, a forgotten veteran had finally been laid to rest. Unfortunately, at the time of his death the veteran was estranged from his family. After he passed away, his daughter made a payment for his funeral, ordered a VA grave marker and purchased a plot in a local cemetery next to a plot reserved for her and her husband. However, for some unknown reason, the veteran’s cremains never left the shelf of the local funeral home. The world was unaware of his fate until Steve Conto of the Department Task Force on Unclaimed Veterans Cremains contacted Jackson County Veterans Service Officer Randy Bjerke. The task force
has conducted a search of funeral homes within Wisconsin to identify unclaimed veterans’ remains. After determining that there was a cemetery plot paid for and that the funeral home would gladly release his cremains, it was arranged with the cemetery sexton to inter the Veteran. On Tuesday, April 25th, Leonard Christy (1925 - 2011) was laid to rest in plot 126 of Sullivan Cemetery in the township of Brockway outside of rural Black River Falls. Under an overcast sky in a spattering rain, Randy Bjerke, a member of Post No. 200 in Black River Falls and the Jackson County Veterans Service Officer, said a few words, saluted and then played Taps over the grave. Only Mr. Bjerke and the cemetery sexton were in attendance.
4th Prize – $2,500 or a Hunting Rifle Kenneth Donahue of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Remains of WWII MIA from Janesville Identified
Bay City Post No. 357 Honors Civil War Veterans With Grave Markers
3rd Prize – $5,000 or a Hawaiian Vacation Gene Phillips of La Crosse, Wisconsin
5th Prize - $1,000 or a Big Screen TV William Gronholm of Union Grove, Wisconsin
Newly elected Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 draws the Sweepstakes grand prize winner.
1a.2017 Department Sergeant-at-Arms, Terms of Office - Approved 2.2017 Medical Cannabis Resolution - Approved 3.2017 Medal of Merit, Ricky Lee - Rejected 4.2017 Endorsement of Roger P. Mathison for National Vice Commander – Approved 5a.2017 Endorsement of Daniel J. Seehafer for National Commander - Approved 6.2017 Discipline of Members – Approved
7.2017 8.2017 9.2017
10.2017 11.2017
Sale or Mortgaging of Post Property – Rejected Constitution and Bylaws updates – Approved Recognize Host Post No. 38 of Appleton - Approved Recognize Host City of Appleton Approved Recognize Host Hotel - Radisson Paper Valley - Approved
Members of Post No. 357 in Bay City installed white marble grave markers for Civil War veterans at the Bay City Cemetery just prior to Memorial Day. Members John Barns, Bob Stroupe and Ray Pechacek also installed bronze foot markers for Legionnaires who died in 2016. Also participating but not pictured were members Gary Rogness and Mike Farrell.
TEAM WISCONSIN As we get ready to travel to Reno for the 99th Annual National American Legion Convention I want to thank the entire Wisconsin American Legion family for your support as well as your prayers as I recovered from my fall and while our son healed from his medical issues. To be a candidate for the office of National Commander is tremendously exciting and I know what a great challenge it is. I am fortunate to have your support as well as a plan. Four years ago when I served as the chair of the National Membership and Post Activities committee we developed a strategic plan for sustained growth. The plan is based on what we consider "Enduring Principles". The foundation of The American Legion will always be: • For God and Country. • We will provide service to all veterans and ask all eligible veterans to be members • We will have a presence in all communities where there are veterans • Our Posts will serve as pillars of their community • We will strive for essential
leadership and mentorship • We will cultivate an outreach program for all those still serving • And, we will foster a family and welcoming relationship at all levels. I believe it all comes down to putting “Family First.” .A veteran is a veteran no matter what race, religion or gender. And regardless of which branch of service they served in, we all became brothers and sisters during basic training. Some of those bonds were strengthened on the battlefield but all of us took care of each other. We had each other's backs. Now that most of us have left the service, still have each other’s backs. The American Legion is a family that a person joins by choice. Our Sergeant at Arm’s oath includes the responsibility to “guard against the loss of The American Legion’s greatest possession – our deep and abiding spirit of comradeship. They are responsible that no one remains a stranger”. We have a responsibility to help our members fit in and feel like part of the family. I think many of us have seen
that as our American Legion family learns mare about our 4 Pillars and works together, more and more members step up to volunteer. And, when we have established that strong family foundation at the local post, more eligible veterans and their families want to become part of The American Legion family. About 40 years ago a post denied me membership because I am a woman and I know there are other women around the country who were denied membership for the same reason. I also know there are veterans who felt unwelcome because of their race or their war era. Coming out of National Convention in Reno, the nation will be reminded that The American Legion is and always has been an all-inclusive war era veteran’s service organization. Together, we can all stand proud knowing that we are keeping this country strong and continuing to lay the foundation for our future leaders. We do it because someone did it for us and even though we have taken off the uniform, our dedication to this country remains strong. – PDC Denise H. Rohan
AUGUST 10, 2017
Post No. 350 in Reedsburg Goes Fishing
Members of Reedsburg Post No. 350 joined RIndependence Sport Fishing and Charter Service in Algoma over the 4th of July for some time on the water. Legionnaires experienced a beautiful day filled with fun, friendships and fish! RIndependence co-owner and charter Captain Randy Freng is a combat veteran and a member of Post No. 350.
Milwaukee Fire Fighters Post No. 426 Supports Fisher House at Zablocki VAMC
Saturday, September 16th, 2017
12:00 Noon
Beef Roast and Corn Boil $10 DONATION PER MEAL, PLEASE
Camp address: 8529 CTH D Lake Tomahawk All funds raised should be brought to Camp on September 16th for a special presentation event. Rooms at Camp may be reserved for September 14, 15, 16th. A donation of $30.00 per bed per night is requested. Continental breakfast is included with stay. To request reservations for overnight stay call Camp Director Don Grundy at (715) 277-2510.
Crystal Springs Golf Course Hosted by: The KrauseKraft-Mueller Post No. 106 of Seymour
ENTRY FORM Post/Unit/SAL/Riders Chapter No. _______ (circle your group) Team Captain: ______________________________________ Team Captain Phone: ________________________________
Reservations: Register early to assure your preferred tee time. Scheduling based on the actual number of entries will determine morning & noon tee times.
Oconto Post No. 74 Retires Flags
Team Email Address: _________________________________ Print Name & Card Number 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________
$70 PER PERSON Includes: 18 Holes, Cart, Turnaround Burger or Brat, Chips, Soda and Banquet Tickets. (Extra dinner ticket $15)
Earlier this spring, the Milwaukee Fire Fighters Post No. 426 donated $1, 662.00 to the Fisher House located on the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center grounds in Milwaukee. This donation was generated through the distribution of poppies by the Post No. 426 American Legion family. Post Commander David Bonar is shown here presenting the check to Curtis Peck, Executive Director of the Fisher House in Milwaukee.
Extra Dinners: ________________ @ $15 each = __________ Preferred start time: (circle one) AM
Please make checks payable to: Post No.106 Golf Send payment and form to: Legion Post 106 Golf Outing PO Box 229, Seymour WI 54165 Questions: Contact Russ Hanseter at
On July 13, 2017, Oconto Post No. 74 retired aged and tattered US flags which had been collected from the community in flag boxes located at Thomson’s Country Market and Oconto City Hall. The boxes were put there in honor of David Cross, past Post No. 74 Commander. The flags were inspected by ceremony officers. Post Chaplain Jim Aerts offered a prayer prior to the ceremony. Legionnaires as well as members the Oconto Fire and Police department were in attendance to show respect during the ceremony.
AUGUST 10, 2017
Architect Jim French, who designed the new monument at the Gary G. Wetzel Way nature trail at Camp American Legion was honored during the session on Saturday, July 15th.
Gold Brigade recruiters Steve Kohnke of Post No. 434 in Oak Creek and PDVC Frank Kostka of Post No. 90 in Ashland were honored for their efforts during the 2016-17 membership year. They are shown here with Past Department Commander Dan Seehafer.
PDC Ted DeMicchi of Somers was recognized on Saturday, July 15th on the 25th Anniversary of his year as Department Commander. PDC DeMicchi was introduced by PDVC Ron Hessil of Racine.
Former Camp American Legion Director Kevin Moshea of the Tanner-Paull Post No. 120 in West Allis addressed the convention on Saturday, July 15th. He is shown here receiving a plaque from Past Department Commander Daniel J. Seehafer.
Department Service OfďŹ cer James Fialkowski of the Greendale Post No. 416 addressed the convention on Friday, July 14th. Mr. Fialkowski recently celebrated his 10 year anniversary of service to the Department.
The Olson-Grinde Post No. 348 in De Forest won the Wisconsin American Legion Press Association Class 1 competition for posts with membership of 100 or less. Accepting the award from PDC Dan Seehafer was Legionnaire Jeff Unger of Post No. 348.
2017-18 Department Executive Committee and other Department OfďŹ cers who met following the 99th Annual Convention at the Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center in Appleton.
The Last
8 Waukesha Todd Brown V 9 Wisconsin Rapids Jere Kirst K 10 Wausau Donald Richardson II Martin Wischmeyer II Herman Juedes II Robert Plisch II 11 Green Bay James Lemieux II 12 Spooner Lowell Swanson II Orville Jones V 13 Richland Center Donald Goplin II Michael O’Leary V Tommy Harvey II 14 Iola Gordon Harvey V 19 Hartford Floyd Gable V Harland Fredrick K Glenn Clasen V 21 Kenosha Charles Hilberg V Ron Kole V 26 Baraboo William Kaczmarek V 27 South Milwaukee Matthew Morris K Charles Lajcak V Ralph Jeziorski II 28 Valders Lloyd Recore V 33 Neenah Gene Moran K 36 West Bend Dale Carlson II 38 Appleton Ronald Parker K Bernard Harrington II Stanton Pedersen II 40 Bangor Robert Laxton II Dave Broers V 42 Platteville Earl Appenzeller PG Herbert Klein II Ron Rewey K Gary Bell V 48 Beloit Paul Froeba K W F Petzrick II 53 Eau Claire James Ludwigson K Donald Keding II Dennis O’Donahoe V Dwight Westermann V Joseph Vig K 54 Marshfield Heinz Beyer K 55 Hortonville Patrick Griesbach K 59 Stoughton Norman Toso V 60 Kimberly David Leclair V Leighton Larson II 63 Clintonville Ronald Kautz V
06/02/17 07/02/17 10/20/16 06/07/17 05/27/17 07/16/17 06/22/17 07/05/17 02/20/17 05/31/17 06/23/17 04/09/17 06/22/17 01/21/17 06/10/17 07/17/17 06/18/17 05/29/17 06/12/17 03/02/17 05/15/17 03/18/17 07/20/17 07/19/17 03/21/17 06/18/17 07/18/17 07/19/17 05/25/17 07/08/17 06/01/17 04/26/17 06/24/17 06/25/17 06/23/17 06/26/17 06/22/17 03/04/17 07/02/17 06/30/17 06/28/17 06/28/17 04/17/17 06/18/17 05/12/17 06/06/17 06/23/17
66 Athelstane-Silver Cliff Arthur Godin V John Schaumberg K 74 Oconto Michael Exferd V 77 Chippewa Falls Arin Staidl PG Jerald Dietsche V 80 New Richmond John McNamara K 83 Sheboygan John Schumann II 89 Minocqua Charles Schell II 93 Tomahawk Robert King K John Bronsted K Eugene Witzeling K 105 Shullsburg Glenn Matl II 108 Clear Lake Kermit Lee V 117 Shawano Marshall Moede K 118 Thorp Thomas Hempelman K 125 Chilton Arthur Fannin K 128 Stockbridge Bernard Kurscheidt K 137 Turtle Lake Donald Bown II 141 New Glarus Kenneth Nyland K 142 Blanchardville Werner Ryser K 143 St Croix Falls Dennis Buerke V Ken Davy V 145 Random Lake Daniel Ebert K 146 Beaver Dam Junior Immerfall K Leroy Weingarten II Cletus Willihnganz II Dwayne Braun K Jonathan Sparacio V 148 Bloomington Joseph Mergen K 149 Sheboygan Falls Leonard Gort V 154 Mondovi Maeland Anderson II Roger Schuh V Gary Schultz V 155 Westby Dean Warren K 164 Jefferson Ronald Ebel K 167 Sauk City Walter Sprecher II 169 Amery Jerome Wittstock V Donavan Volrath V 173 Whitewater Lawrence Zimmerman II 175 Loyal Wallace Szymanski II 179 Chetek George Campbell K 181 Durand William Giertz II Gary Kitchner K 182 Park Falls Carl Mattke V Bruce Gould II 189 Watertown Ceilan Baker V Donald Weisensel K Donald Meier II Kenneth Ceithamer II 199 Reedsville Robert Sheehy II 204 Ellsworth Harold Kruse K
06/15/17 07/12/17 07/12/17 07/05/17 06/26/17 07/12/17 07/29/17 10/17/16 05/17/17 07/13/17 12/20/16 06/24/17 06/24/17 06/27/17 07/24/17 05/26/17 06/19/17 06/17/17 07/02/17 06/14/17 07/18/17 06/19/17 06/27/17 02/15/17 03/09/17 05/10/17 05/20/17 06/18/16
210 Waupun David Schouten K James Nickel V 217 Bonduel Allen Bohm V Howard Hancock V 218 Hayward Franklin Rimmert II 224 Alma Eugene Wiater V Stanley Mau V 233 Waterloo Monte McDonald V Edward Yerges V 238 Greenwood Kenneth Speich II David Dann V 240 Baldwin Alvin Schroeder II Kenneth Vandenberg K 250 Adams Larry Klein K 253 Spring Green Charles Barnes II 264 Gilmanton Leland Johnson V 280 Coleman Albert Kienitz K 282 Markesan Raymond Wilde II 284 Holmen Patricia Stetser PG Allan Lindvik V 288 Cedarburg Glenn Port II Richard Ehlke V Lawrence Batzke II 293 Silver Lake Robert Bohn II Andrew Statema K 294 Hartland Kenneth Leroy II 299 Hales Corners James Banach II 301 Woodville Gene Anderson V
06/18/17 06/26/17 06/18/17 07/13/17 06/12/17 06/27/17 05/08/17 02/14/17 05/16/17 07/21/17 07/14/17 07/19/17 07/04/17 07/13/17 07/07/17 06/27/17 07/24/17 07/02/17 06/15/17 06/19/17 06/14/17 06/30/17 07/08/17 04/26/17 01/04/17 06/29/17 06/04/17 06/07/17
07/26/17 07/23/17 06/17/17 06/06/17 06/28/17
06/22/17 04/08/17 07/10/17 07/21/17 06/18/17 07/05/17 07/05/17 06/01/17 05/10/17 06/08/17 06/29/17 03/29/17 07/16/15 02/11/17 05/29/17 07/06/17 04/23/17 06/06/17
SEPTEMBER AUGUST 10, 25, 2017 2014
Kenneth Graf K 305 Johnson Creek Arthur Ninmann K 309 Kendall Lloyd Hanson V Donald Bradley II 313 Black Earth John Curtis K 318 Lake Tomahawk James Jung II 329 Briggsville Donald Summers K 330 Wilson Gerald Johnson V 332 Black Creek Maynard Peterman K 333 Sun Prairie Hulet Wood K 336 Onalaska Norman Deml K 355 Grafton Melvin Buchholz K Mildred Brown II 357 Bay City Ronald Traynor K Wayne Beard K Kenneth Hoffman K 366 Princeton Frank Slabosheski K Donald Baalke K 368 Hixton Leslie Hulett II Raymond Berg K George Wheelock PG 372 Forestville Gerald Uecker K Leland Stach K 375 Mukwonago Martin Holzman II William Major V 377 Elcho Dennis Gresser V Thomas Follstad K 379 Birchwood Walter Wolff K Theodore Aumueller K
07/15/17 06/29/17 06/11/17 07/22/17 06/30/17 02/10/17 07/23/17 06/30/17 06/28/17 07/15/17 07/03/17 06/24/17 07/02/17 06/23/17 07/03/17 07/15/17 05/24/17 02/28/17 06/19/17 07/21/17 07/11/17 04/07/17 06/14/17 07/11/17 03/22/17 07/16/17 07/17/17 06/21/17 01/08/17
382 Menomonee Falls Frank Nerad II 384 Kewaskum Kenneth Theusch V 385 Verona Thomas Doyle II 399 Okauchee Douglas Skumatz K John Susek K 413 Crivitz Eugene Walters II 415 Milwaukee James Parnau II 449 Brookfield Carl Schmick II Kenneth Vincent II 454 Mt Calvary Thomas Mand V Oliver Wehner II 458 Wauzeka Orlyn Chunat II Carl Thompson K 460 Belleville Alavah Weaver II 469 Marathon Calvin Nass V 483 Allenton Robert Breen II 488 New Berlin Clifford Stutzman II 492 Rothschild George Kluz II Louis Carter II 501 Madison Merton Gunnelson II Eugene Schumacher V 507 Mindoro Harland Hoff II 509 Rosholt Richard Wieczorek K 538 Carlton Donald Sponholtz K 540 Haugen Laverne Mlejnek K 2930 Portage Richard Thompson K
06/21/17 07/09/17 07/06/17 10/09/16 10/31/15 07/01/17 07/26/17 07/01/17 05/01/17 06/21/17 06/30/17 07/31/15 04/25/17 07/01/17 07/18/17 07/13/17 05/12/17 05/29/17 07/10/17 06/20/17 06/22/17 06/28/17 07/26/17 05/29/17 07/24/17 07/27/17
From Your American Legion Department
Any time you have an accident or sudden illness while traveling away from ( ) provides a crucial safety home, Legionnaire Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) net that can help pay for emergency medical transportation expenses your health or travel insurance generally will NOT cover.
+ + + +
Medical Evacuation (by air and/or ground) Transportation after Stabilization Vehicle Return Costs Return of Traveling Companion, Children or Grandchildren
EA+ rates specially negotiated for Legionnaires and their Families. The Legionnaire Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) Program is available to Legionnaires at a 35% discount off the broad market rate. A recent enhancement to EA+ now includes escorting you home with a qualified nurse, if deemed medically necessary by EA+ physicians, saving members anywhere from $5,000 - $25,000. For more information log on to or call toll-free 1-888-310-1547 today to speak with a benefit representative. *This information is only an outline of the plan’s features. The full terms, benefits and conditions of the plan are shown in your Member Benefit Guide. Please read it carefully. ©2016 Worldwide Rescue & Security 40064
AUGUST 10, 2017
2017-18 MEMBERSHIP INCENTIVES Special Early Bird Drawing Win $500 Renew by November 11th and become eligible to win one of two $500 cash prizes! All members renewed for 2018 (including PUFL’s) by Veterans Day – November 11th will have a chance to win. Log on to www.wilegion. org and renew on-line! Simply have your Legion Membership ID number and a credit card handy. Commander Laurel wants you to “Get One” and win $1,000. To grow at the local level, each post needs to rely on their members being active recruiters. For the individual Legionnaire, membership recruiting can lead to a big reward! Legion members can simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2015) and their name will be entered in a drawing to win $1,000 at the 2018 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new
member they recruit. Department will also award them the traditional “I Got 1” pin. Recruiters can show their pride by earning an “I Got 1” pin. The pins are larger and more visible than ever before. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP AWARDS Legionnaires can earn other individual membership recruiting awards. 1 - The traditional “I Got 1” pins are available for everyone who recruits a new member this year. 3 – National Commander Award – Recruit 3 new members and receive the National Commander’s incentive award to be determined 3/5 – “Clewell’s Commandos” Department Commander Laurel Clewell’s Special Award Join “Clewell’s Commandos”! This special incentive award is available to all Legionnaires who take part in the first step in growing our membership - Recruit and Retain Legion members. Everyone is called to sign up our nonrenewed members and add new
Legionnaires to the fold. Start by recruiting 3 new members and then renew 2 members from 2017 and receive a special pin. Join The Badger Big 10 – Receive a $50 Gift Card Sign up ten (10) new members and join the Badger Big 10. Every Legionnaire that recruits 10 new members (not current since 2015) will become part of this exclusive group of Legionnaires and receive a $50 gift card from American Legion Emblem Sales! Badger Big 10 recruiters will also receive a special edition pin to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. Silver Brigade recruiters will receive a $100 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Gold Brigade recruiters will receive a $250 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Post & County Commanders Win a custom American Legion uniform shirt!
Post No. 75 • Fond du Lac Michael Matsche
Post No. 508 • Wilton Commander Jerome Von Haden Membership Chairman Denis Darryl Raabe
Post No. 153 • Pittsville Marvin Kummer
Department Commander Laurel Clewell has developed powerful incentives for 100% Post Commanders and 100% County Commanders. All Post Commanders that reach 100% of their 2018 membership goal by Patriot’s Day on Monday, September 11th will receive will receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and post number. County Commanders that reach 100% of their membership goal by Veteran’s Day – Saturday, November 11th will also receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and county. SPECIAL POST INCENTIVE PROGRAM The Department is introducing an aggressive strategy to create Prospect Lists at the post level. Posts throughout the state have done a credible job in retention efforts but continue to face challenges in recruiting new members to step into our ranks to replace those who pass away each year. The goal is for each local post to build and maintain a list of veterans in their community who are eligible to join The American Legion. While many Legion members may not be comfortable in the role of a “recruiter” most everyone knows other veterans within their circle of acquaintances. Members are encouraged to supply the names and contact information of eligible veterans
to their post adjutant who will build and maintain a Prospect List. The Prospect List will also be augmented by the names of Holding Post 2930 and Expired members in the local community. The Prospect List will be made available to those Legionnaires who excel at recruiting new members. Members that simply supply 3 names to their post adjutant will receive a Prospector Pin. Posts that maintain a Prospect List will be entered in a drawing to win $500 at the 2018 Department convention. Posts must submit a copy of their prospect list by March 1, 2018 to be eligible to win. To qualify, Prospects Lists must conform to a Department approved format that includes columns to indicate “how” and “when” individual prospective members have been contacted and reflect the results the post has achieved (renewals/new members). Commander Clewell also knows that there is strength in numbers and is focused on growth for 2018. Every post’s first goal should be last year’s total membership PLUS 1. Each post that achieves growth and becomes eligible for the National Post Excellence Award in 2018 will be recognized for their accomplishment in the official newspaper of the Department of Wisconsin, the Badger Legionnaire. If you have any questions contact Chris Schmidt at or call (608) 745-1090.
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