“For God & Country”
February 21, 2013 Vol. 90, No. 2
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Milwaukee County War Memorial Discussions Continue Talks with Milwaukee Art Museum on management and control energize statewide Veterans groups
Discussions on the future direction and management control of the Milwaukee County War Memorial have generated significant interest among veterans groups throughout the state. The Milwaukee Art Museum, a tenant of the War Memorial, sparked the debate in 2012 when it sought to obtain operational control over portions of the War Memorial property that house its art collection. Representatives of the War Memorial and Art Museum have been conducting negotiations over the past several months. The original War Memorial was constructed in 1957 with the motto of “honor the dead by serving the living.” Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske was recently appointed as mediator to help bring about an agreement between the War Memorial and the Milwaukee art Museum. Complicating the negotiations is the fact that Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele has pushed forward a slate of new appointees to the War Memorial Board of Trustees. Milwaukee County veterans have urged delay of the appointments out of a concern that Abele (a former member of the Art Museum Board of Directors) may be seeking changes in the War Memorial Board in order to affect the outcome of the negotiations. The vote on those appointments was laid over by the County Board at its February 7, 2013 meeting on a unanimous 16-0 vote. Attending that meeting was a contingent of
veterans, many of whom were mented in a recent Milwaukee have been criticized by mem- followed the discussions and Legionnaires, who have been Journal Sentinel story, “Veter- bers of the Veterans Community expressed his support for War active in lobbying their super- ans have always thought that Relations Team (VCRT), a vol- Memorial negotiations. “This visors on behalf of veterans is- was ill-gotten gains. They never untary organization consisting is a valued institution that rehad any intention of giving any primarily of veterans formed flects the debt we owe to those sues. Representatives of the War property to the north to the art to protect and maintain the in- who have given their lives in dependence of the Milwaukee defense of our liberties,” JenMemorial have offered a num- museum.” Art Museum Executive Direc- County War Memorial. sen said. “We must preserve ber of concessions in the neDepartment Commander and enhance the War Memorial gotiations and have developed tor Dan Keegan has called this a business plan to operate the issue a “distraction” that “has Wayne W. Jensen of Post No. and resist efforts to diminish its facility in a financially sound nothing to do with (today’s) 415, a retired Lieutenant of the importance. “ manner while enhancing pro- discussion.” Those comments Milwaukee Police force, has grams and services targeted to the emerging needs of area veterans. Milwaukee County has the largest concentration of veterans of any county in the state with over 26,000 residents who served in the military. Over 100,000 veterans, better than 25% of the state’s veteran population, reside in the five county Milwaukee metropolitan area. Leading the negotiations on behalf of the War Memorial is Department Adjutant David A. Kurtz of the Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 in Milwaukee. “Many veterans believe that there was an orchestrated effort underway to take over the War Memorial,” said Kurtz. “This is clearly an issue that veterans care deeply about and we have been encouraged by the number of veterans who have become engaged and united around this important issue.” Among the sticking points in the negotiations are the property rights associated with a tract of land to the northeast of the War Memorial. A 1997 provision gave control of seven acres to the north of the War Memorial to the Art Museum. Marine The Milwaukee County War Memorial Center was built in 1957 to honor Milwaukee County’s war dead from World veteran and Milwaukee County War II. The mission of the War Memorial is to Honor the Dead by Serving the Living. Many annual patriotic Supervisor John Weishan com- ceremonies and observances are held at the center. The Milwaukee Art Museum is a tenant in the complex.
2013 Membership Goal: 59,760 • February 14th Total: 56,312 – 94.23%
9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH
Dist. 10 91.62%
Dist. 4 91.51%
Dist. 6 89.66%
Dist. 5 89.63%
Dist. 9 89.58%
Dist. 7 89.38%
Dist. 2 88.40%
Dist. 8 87.78%
Dist. 3 89.70%
Dist. 11 86.53%
Dist. 1 86.48%
Dist. 12 85.84%
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2012-2013 Communications Committee Harold Rihn, Chairman Bob Wipf, Vice-Chairman Ron Hessil, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Vern Pitt, Member Mike Herkowski, Member James Lee, Member Kendel Feilen, Consultant Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2012-13 Department Officers Commander Wayne Jensen Vice Commanders Ken Rynes Chuck Roloff Ron Hessil Randy Lenser Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Robert Herried Assistant Chaplain Greg Simonis Sergeant-at Arms Todd Braun Charles Roessler Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Robert Shappell 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Pete Goosens 6th – Barb Belmont 7th – John Thurk 8th – Dan Rindt 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Larry Wyrcza 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Bob Buhr Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Diana Sirovina, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor 4 weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
February 21, 2013
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER NOW HEAR THIS….. Operation Comfort Warrior (OCW) is a National American Legion proWayne Jensen gram dedicated Commander to meeting the needs of wounded, injured or ill military personnel by providing them with comfort items not usually supplied by the government. National Commander Jim Koutz and I have been preaching it from the rooftops for half a year now. At the beginning of this membership year I asked that anyone in the Legion Family doing anything new and exciting related to OCW, please advise Department so your ideas could be shared. Now here’s a project you all can participate in! I am asking all posts in the Department of Wisconsin to support National Commander Koutz’s OCW Program
by donating funds. You can accomplish this in one of two ways; First - send checks for OCW to Department Headquarters; Second - Commander Koutz is scheduled to visit the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King for the Annual American Legion King Day sponsored by the 8th District. Plan on attending the 2013 American Legion King Day on Sunday, June 16th. At that time we will present the National Commander with a lump sum check for Operation Comfort Warrior. We are asking all Districts to get back on track to visit and support this very special annual celebration. What an excellent Midwinter Conference we experienced in January. The comments and conference surveys we received from attendees indicated that Legion Family members received the types of training they were most anxious to receive. You folks were especially interested in classes on
proper meeting protocol, funeral honors and public speaking. The “Sandbox Symposium” was well attended for a Sunday morning (I want to personally apologize for the heating issue). The content of the symposium was exceptionally informative, and beneficial to all. The old saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” holds so true with our returning GI’s. We have to be patient and know they’ll come forth for help when they’re ready for it. We can’t force feed them. Kind of like when you were 20 years old….remember? Hey, keep this in mind…Warriors need advocates, that’s why The American Legion exists. With that being said, let me remind you folks we have been tasked by the Department Executive Committee to correspond with Governor Scott Walker and WDVA Secretary John Scocos in support of the following issues:
Developing a veteran’s ID card in conjunction with the State Driver’s License or State ID card; expanded grants for the Department Service Office and Camp American Legion; general purpose funding for the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs; the transfer of the Disabled Veteran Outreach Program and the Local Veteran Employment Representative Program from the Department of Workforce Development to the Department of Veterans Affairs. As you can tell, Department committees and the Department itself, is humming along on all cylinders. One closing comment from Midwinter for those who couldn’t attend, I had announced that the US Navy no longer needs Marines on board ships since we now have female sailors for dance partners. Semper Fi, and Anchors Aweigh!
DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER This month I want to welcome to the Department Service Office staff Tony Anguiano, who James Fialkowski is a retired MaService Officer r i n e / S o l d i e r. Tony served on active duty three years as a Marine, followed by active duty in the U.S. Army. Tony also served in the Army Reserve and finished his military service with the Marine Corps Reserve. His entire military career encompassed over 23 years of duty. Tony joined our office as a temporary part time replacement while another employee was out for four weeks. This gave us a great opportunity to see how well he fit in with the office. He has since been hired as our new full time VSR – Veteran Service Representative. He has the “can do” attitude
and dedication to duty that I consider essential for a good service officer. Welcome aboard Tony! Now, for the knowledge nugget: You may have heard about presumptive illnesses and you may even know about ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) being a presumptive illness for all veterans with the required 90 days consecutive active duty service, but I am going to let you know about a less known presumptive list. That is, “Chronic Diseases.” The following diseases shall be granted service connection by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) even if the disease happens after service as long as it manifested to a compensable degree within the applicable time limits (NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated the time limit is one year): Anemiaprimary; Arteriosclerosis; Arthri-
tis; Atrophy, progressive muscular; Brain hemorrhage; Brain thrombosis; Bronchiectasis; Calculi of the kidney, bladder, or gallbladder; Cardiovascular-renal disease, including hypertension. (This term applies to combination involvement of the type of arteriosclerosis, nephritis, and organic heart disease, and since hypertension is an early symptom long preceding the development of those diseases in their more obvious forms, a disabling hypertension within the 1-year period will be given the same benefit of service connection as any of the chronic diseases listed.) Cirrhosis of the liver; Coccidioidomycosis; Diabetes mellitus; Encephalitis lethargica residuals; Endocarditis (This term covers all forms of valvular heart disease.) Endocrinopathies; Epilepsies; Hansen’s disease (3 years) Hodgkin’s disease; Leukemia; Lupus erythe-
matosus, systemic; Myasthenia gravis; Myelitis; Myocarditis; Nephritis; Other organic diseases of the nervous system; Osteitis deformans (Paget’s disease); Osteomalacia; Palsy, bulbar; Paralysis agitans; Psychoses; Purpura idiopathic, hemorrhagic; Raynaud’s disease; Sarcoidosis; Scleroderma; Sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral; Sclerosis, multiple (7 Years); Syringomyelia; Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease); Tuberculosis, active (3 Years); Tumors, malignant, or of the brain or spinal cord or peripheral nerves; Ulcers, peptic (gastric or duodenal). If you or someone you know qualifies and didn’t submit a claim because it started after active service, you should contact your local County Veteran Service Officer htm or this office at (414) 902-5722.
WDVA SECRETARY As the January and February cold hopefully soon starts to turn to warmer spring weather, history reminds John A. Scocos us of just how WDVA Secretary cold our veterans have been. From the Revolutionary War to the current war in Afghanistan, our soldiers have battled not just the enemy, but also the weather, in their missions. In the fall of 1777, General George Washington and his Continental Army suffered several defeats at the hands of the British, including losses at Brandywine and Germantown, effectively leaving Philadelphia open for the British and the forcing the Continental Congress to flee the city. To keep pressure on the British,
Washington positioned his forces fairly close to Philadelphia at Valley Forge, which became one the most romanticized tales of winter warfare and hardship in military history. While conditions were certainly not ideal, Washington’s men were meagerly, but adequately supplied, and Washington took the opportunity during the winter slowdown in fighting to retrain his troops. On February 23, 1778, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben arrived in the camp. While in Paris, Benjamin Franklin recruited the former member of the Prussian general staff to the American cause. Washington accepted von Stueben and training commenced. The Continental Army was trained company by company into a professional, drilled and regulated fighting force on par with their
British adversaries. Von Steuben also benefited the Americans by refining their sanitation – of the 2,000 men who died at Valley Forge, twothirds were from disease, which likely would have been more had von Steuben not made changes. The army stayed at Valley Forge until June, where the bitter cold turned to extreme heat and the Continental Army fought the British to a draw at the Battle of Monmouth and then scored a victory at the Battle of Yorktown, no doubt due to the winter spent training at Valley Forge. More than two centuries later, our troops are still the best trained and equipped fighting force the world has ever seen. Just like the Revolutionary War, they are still doing the most basic tasks asked of soldiers in the same conditions they always have, this time on the opposite side
of the globe in places like Afghanistan. Just as our military veterans are the best, the manner in which we care for them needs to reflect that. We are always striving to help our soldiers and veterans – our veterans homes and programs for veterans in need are just some of the ways we strengthen our veterans population and ensure they do not have to relive anything close to their hardest days as soldiers. We also like to recognize our veterans and continue to tell their stories and preserve them for history. Governor Walker recognized veterans in 2012 with the “Year of the Veteran” – to wrap up that celebration, there will be the “Faces of Freedom” event March 2 hosted by First Lady of Wisconsin Tonette Walker to benefit the Wisconsin Veterans Museum Foundation.
February 21, 2013
Camp American Legion’s Annual Wish List Identifies Donor Opportunities
E a c h year Camp American Legion develops a donation “Wish List” to help ensure we are able to meet the needs of the many veterans who come to stay at Camp. Camp American Legion is available to Wisconsin veterans free of charge. The annual Wish List is designed to let Legion Family members know just what items are needed at Camp for the upcoming season. Camp Director Kevin Moshea has formulated the Wish List and presents it along with the following message; The annual Camp Wish List is a simple topic. Many of you ask about and request it. I suppose I could just present it here and this article would be done; simple. Well, all of you who know me and read my writings know I usually go beyond the simple. I always try to take you somewhere on a more meaningful journey. Well I am going to do that again – here we go. WISH LISTS! - I think I’m pretty safe in saying, that all of us, at one point in our lives have had a “wish list”. Many of us have one right now. It may not be written down,
it might be somewhere in the back of our mind. Most young children have wish lists. They have them for every Christmas and for their birthdays. If you remember how it was as child, you can remember your wish list contained all those things we wanted, needed and thought we could not live without. At the time we thought all those things were so important and we desperately needed to have them. As time passed we learned that most of those things were not that important and we could do without them. When we grew up the wish lists did not stop, the items just changed and got more expensive. For most people, their wish lists were full of wants and nice-tohaves. But for others, their wish list contains things they desperately need. They contain things needed to survive. Things they need to get through the day. For some, a wish list can contain things as fundamental as food, clothes, shelter, and a warm blanket. For a homeless veteran, it is having a roof over their head for a night. Some people wish for a friend, someone to talk to and care about them. These days many veterans wish for a job and a source of income that will help
hold their marriage and family together. Wish lists take on a whole different meaning when we start to think this way. The ill, injured and disabled veterans who come to Camp, along with those currently serving, are looking for some “Help to Heal.” They have wish lists which are basic to their health, well-being and daily living. As Director here at Camp my focus is always on improving the camp experience. I am always amazed at the way our Legion Family opens their hearts and gives generously to support Camp in any and every way possible. So as I present this year’s Camp American Legion “Wish List”, I want you to know how much your support is appreciated. You are all truly amazing supporters of camp. I’m asking you to please look at our wish list and pick something you feel willing to give. The best place to start is our “top-ten” donation list. Most of these items are small but all of them are important to us here at camp. They help keep Camp operating on a daily basis. With your help we can give our wounded warriors and their families some of the things on their wish lists here at Camp. We can
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give them good food, a warm bed and restful sleep here in the Northwoods along with friendship, family bonding, marriage strengthening and camaraderie. To see Camp American Legion’s complete donation “Wish List” go to the Department of Wisconsin’s website at www. Just click on the Camp American Legion logo; then click on the “Donation & Camp Wish List” link. Camp American Legion’s “topten” most needed donation items: 1. Wal-Mart gift card 2. Paper towels (jumbo/giant size rolls, multi-roll packs) 3. Disposable dinner plates (heavyduty Styrofoam) 4. Disposable cups (Styrofoam for hot / plastic for cold)
5. Decaffeinated ground coffee (two pound can) 6. Trash bags (tall kitchen, small 4 gallon, large garbage-can size) 7. Worms for fishing bait (we go through a lot of them) 8. “Forever” stamps from the US Postal Service 9. Super “IRON OUT” automatic toilet bowl tablets (6-pack tablet box) 10. Monetary (a financial donation is most important and gives us flexibility to use where needed, when needed) To the entire Wisconsin Legion Family; thank you for supporting camp. God bless you all. Kevin Moshea, Director Camp American Legion
Bangor Legion Comes Up Big for Ball Field Bleachers
Michael Martin, La Crosse Tribune, Coulee News The Bangor American Legion recently made a huge donation — of both money and labor — that should benefit the community and the school district for years to come. After seeing a need for seating at the new baseball and softball fields east of the high school, Legion members acted to alleviate the problem and, in the process, spared the school district a major expense. “In essence, these guys saved us almost $7,000,” said District Superintendent Dave Laehn. “We’re very lucky to have people like this in our community.” According to Legion Commander Butch Knudtson, his members wanted to pay back the community for letting the Legion baseball team use the new baseball field during the summer this year (in the past the Legion played all their games at Village Park). Neither the new baseball field nor the new softball field had permanent seating. “People had to bring lawn chairs or stand up,” Knudtson recalled. “We brought it up at a meeting and the consensus was that, if the cost was under $6,000, we wanted to make the donation.” As it turned out the new bleachers, which have a net seating capacity of 68, cost $5,280. Shipping, however, was $690 so that brought the total donation necessary to buy the bleachers to $5,970. That
wasn’t the only expense, though. The bleachers had to be assembled as well. The cost for company representatives to do that was approximately another $1,000. Knudtson decided the Legion members could do it themselves, so he assembled a crew including Sam Arentz, Chris Christensen, Curly Tenner, Ron Paulus and Dennis Sprehn. When the bleachers arrived, they got to work behind the high school tech ed area where tools were readily available. It took them a couple days and, like most assembly projects, it was not the easiest job in the world. “You’ve got a bunch of 60- and 70-year-old guys out there not used to doing something like this,” Knudtson said. “The first day we decided to quit after six hours.” The next day they came back and finished up in about an hour and a half. Knudtson noted that they were lucky to have Arentz available since he was considerably younger than the other guys and was able to do some crawling around underneath sections when necessary. “We needed Ron— he was a real go-getter,” Knudtson said. The new bleachers will remain at the ball fields the majority of the time, but they are portable so that gives the school some flexibility. “The nice thing is that they’re movable,” Laehn said. “If we have a big track meet or event at the football field we can move them over there.”
Dear Legion Family, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support during the recent challenges with my health. I’m home now and I want you all to know how much I appreciate your kindness, get well wishes and prayers as I recuperate. Thank you and God Bless. — Greg Simonis, Assistant Chaplain
Veterans Home Honors David Zien
February 21, 2013
WALPA Membership Application/Renewal WALPA Membership Application/Renewal
Dues for 2012-13 for the Wisconsin American Legion Press Association are now due and remain at $5.00, the same as last year. The membership period begins at the annual meeting at the Midwinter Conference. WALPA membership is required for all contest entries. All Legionnaires, Auxiliary and SAL members are eligible for membership in WALPA. Your WALPA membership card will be mailed to you upon receipt. Make your check payable to the Wisconsin American Legion Press Association (WALPA) and mail to; The American Legion ATTN: WALPA PO Box 388 Portage WI 53901. NAME _______________________________________________ __________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________ __ CITY _______________________________ STATE _________________ ZIP CODE _________ _ TELEPHONE _________________________________EMAIL ______________________________
Former Wisconsin State Senator David Zien speaks at the opening of the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls on January 17. The main hall of the facility was named the David A. Zien Hall in honor of both Zien’s legislative work to establish the facility and his service as a Marine in the Vietnam War. The Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls is a 78,000 square foot, 72-bed skilled nursing facil-
ity based on the neighborhood concept. The facility will have two neighborhoods, each having two 18-bed households. It will offer 24hour care and the complete range of skilled nursing services, including sub-acute care; on-site speech, physical and occupational therapy; laboratory and diagnostic services; and long-term care in a spacious environment that promotes healing and recovery.
Sylvan Post Honors Legionnaire
Need Headline for Article
POST NO. __________________ LOCATION ___________________________________________ PUBLICATION NAME__________________________________________CONTEST CLASS_______ __
Wisconsin American Legion Press Association Wisconsin American Legion Press Association 2013 Publication Contest Entry 2013 Publication Contest Entry Publication entries must consist of three (3) separate editions published during the 2012 calendar year. The "Class VI” Editorial Entry - only one article is necessary. The Contest is open to all Wisconsin Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units, SAL Squadrons, American Legion Riders Publications, and County or District Publications published by members. CLASS I
Posts with membership of 15 to 100
Posts with membership of 101 to 300
Posts with membership of 301 and over
Special category: County, District,, Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion, Auxiliary, Riders.
Electronic Website/Newsletter-(should be different from the printed newsletter)
Editorial - Single article regarding an American Legion or veteran’s issue.
Post Publication Name: __________________________________________ Post Name & Number: ___________________________________________ Dates Published (1) ______________(2)_______________(3)____________ Editors Name: _________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ City: ___________________________State_______Zip+4______________
Sylvan Post No. 44 of Wabeno is very proud of one of their Legionnaires. LTC Peter A. Tschohl recently received the Bronze Star. His father, Ronald Tschohl of Wabeno, is also a member of Post No. 44. LTC Tschohl is currently the Deputy Director of Operations for the 18th Air Force at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois and is pictured here with his family. Post No. 44 sends out many care pack-
ages to service members from Wisconsin and LTC Tschohl was gracious enough to send a thank you letter along with a unit insignia patch which is now on display at the Post in Wabeno. LTC Tschohl was also kind enough to come with his wife and children to speak with both the Legion and Auxiliary members when the family was home in Wisconsin.
Riders Serve Holiday Cheer
Telephone: _____________________e-mail__________________________ Post’s 2012 Membership for class determination _________Class_______ Contest winners will be announced at the Department Convention. Certificates will be awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place in each class. All entries should conform with the National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) standards also; all contestants must be a current WALPA member. If not a WALPA member, please submit $5 with your entry to cover 2013 WALPA membership dues. Please make out checks to American Legion/WALPA and enclose with your entry before the deadline on April 1, 2013. Mail all contest entries to: The American Legion • Attn: WALPA CONTEST • PO Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901
The American Legion -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class
(I)_____ (II)______(III)______(IV)_______(V)_____(VI)_____ PO Box 388
Portage, WI 53901 Date Rec’d___________Member______to Judge_____________Rank____ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_----------------------Class (I)_____ (II)______(III)______(IV)_______(V)_____(VI)_____
SAL Commander and Squadron No. 294 Support Camp Date Rec’d___________Member______to Judge_____________Rank_____
____________________________________________________________________________________ Flanagan-Dorn Squadron No. we all strive to achieve; assist-
The 1st District American Legion Riders were honored to host a Christmas Party for the residents of Boland Hall and their families at the Wisconsin Veterans Home in Union Grove on Saturday, December 15th. After handing out gifts to the veterans, the Riders got busy and provided root beer floats to all of the invitees. The Riders are pictured at one of the three root beer float stations they manned for the event.
294 of Hartland presents their contribution to the SAL Commanders Project. Detachment Commander Steven L. Meyer extends a sincere thank you to Commander James C. Schwartz, his officers and all members of Squadron No. 294 in Hartland. Their generosity and dedication to helping our Veterans is displayed through all their commendable contributions. Squadron No. 294 continues to set an example of what
ing our Veterans their families by supporting the programs of The American Legion. Standing on the left in the photo is Asst. Detachment Adjutant Gary L. Le Roy, who is also the Adjutant of Squadron No. 294, as he presents Detachment Commander Steven L. Meyer with a $2,000.00 contribution for this year’s Commanders Project; Camp American Legion. God Bless America and God Bless our Veterans.
February 21, 2013
American Legion Riders Association Of District 11
8th Annual
A Dream Comes True in Darlington
Early in 2011, a group of citizens thought it was time to honor the military veterans from the City of Darlington and formed a committee to do just that. The Darlington Veteran’s Memorial Committee was formed and began by contacting the local high school and asked the art teacher if his students could come up with some design ideas for a monument. The students developed several ideas for consideration and the committee compiled their best features to come up with a final design. The committee was then ready to begin fund raising in earnest and researching the history of Darlington to determine the names of all who entered military service from the city. A ground breaking ceremony was held following the annual parade on Memorial Day 2012 with art teacher Greg Bykowski turning the first shovel of dirt. Over the ensuing months trees came down, concrete was poured and electric power was installed. The entire site was landscaped
and new flag poles were erected. Finally, in October of 2012 the granite walls and benches arrived and were put in place. The dream of a group of citizens came true for the City of Darlington on November 11, 2012 when the memorial was dedicated to all of the veterans and citizens of Darlington. The master of ceremonies for the event was
National Executive Committeeman David L. Gough. The Darlington High School band played for those in attendance. An Honor Guard comprised of Legionnaires from the Bates-O’Brien-HoweWiegel-Roelli Post No. 214 fired a salute. While it rained all day it didn’t dampen the spirits of the large crowd that was on hand for the event.
$10.00 Donation per Sheet Bike or Cars – Rain or Shine For information call Jim Sprague 715-277-4938
Affordable Tours
Camp Cabin No. 14 Benefits from Fundraiser
On Saturday January 26th Schreiber Foods in Richland Center held their annual Christmas Party/Fund Raiser for the benefit of Cabin No. 14 at Camp American Legion. Schreiber Foods employees created gift baskets depicting various themes, which were raffled off during the evening. Schreiber Foods, headquartered in Green Bay, generously matched the funds that were raised. The added funds made the total presented to Department Vice Commander Ken Rynes and Cabin No. 14 Chairman Mick McCormick $3,110.00.
Registration: Northern Lights Harley Davidson in Arbor Vitae, WI from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Jun 2 & Aug 7: WWII tour of France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany Jun 7: Italy from Milan to the Isle of Capri-Anzio, Monte Cassino, etc Aug 25: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia-eastern front of WWII
~ Professional guides - Great Hotels - Most Meals ~ Economically Priced - WWII veterans Receive Discount ~ Groups Welcome ~
For a brochure call toll free: 888-414-4177 Call for FREE Cremation Preplanning Counseling Cremation is Affordable • Prepaid Cremation Saves Money Preplanning Gives You Control and Provides Peace of Mind James Mosey Independent Sales Representative Presenting the donation on behalf of the company were Ms. Dana Francois and Ms. Pat Luttig. Pictured here from left to right are Ken & Mick McCormick, Dana Francois, Pat Luttig, Department Vice Commander Ken Rynes and Charley Coleman.
Office: (262) 446-0077 Cell: (262) 367-1171
The Last Bugle
3 Antigo Michael J Barnes V Richard D Lund K 4 Athens Roger Langhoff K 6 Stevens Point James R Ostrander II 8 Waukesha Larry Burke II 10 Wausau Lowell Leubner II 11 Green Bay Robert Gray K Robert M Martin Greg H Halverson Alton Philibeck K Clarence Dubois II David L Bartelt II 15 Juneau Henry G Evans II 19 Hartford Leonard J Wilhelmi II Richard Harry K Donald A Moravec V 26 Baraboo Donnie L Beckwith V Paul A Umhoefer V Alvin Zipsie K 27 Milwaukee Ralph V Zimmerman II 29 Kewaunee Leo E Sager II 32 Menomonee Kenneth J Erickson II 38 Appleton Norbert D DeBaere V Gene F Schuldes K John A Stotmeister II 39 Marinette John A Thanos II John J Klement II 45 Elkhorn Delmar E Recknagel K 46 Merrill Virginia Paradise II Halvor H Hanson K 47 Portage Donald A Hoffmann K 52 Fox Lake Joseph E McGowan K 53 Eau Claire Albert H Pritchard II 54 Marshfield Richard O’Brien V 59 Stoughton Keith Baker II 66 Ahtelstane-Silvercliff Robert W Jose V Adrian H Wiegers K 70 Oshkosh Louise R Roeder II Herbert G Ziebell K William D Shepherd II 71 Pewaukee William Rauwald II 74 Oconto Edward Young V Joseph Cardinal K 75 Fond du Lac Leroy Walters V Leon E Sivil K Carl Senkbeil II Clarence Rozek II II John Langolf
12/23/12 12/29/12 01/16/13 11/22/12 01/20/13 01/11/13 01/10/13 07/12/11 01/11/13 09/29/12 01/29/13 01/11/13 01/01/13 01/03/13 08/26/12 01/20/13 01/18/13 01/27/13 09/29/12 02/03/13 12/20/12 01/09/13 01/15/13 01/21/13 01/04/13 01/13/13 01/29/13 01/25/13 11/15/12 01/17/13 01/12/13 05/24/11 01/12/13 02/05/13 12/05/12 11/12/12 01/12/13 01/20/13 01/26/13 01/27/13 01/07/13 01/05/13 07/29/12 07/09/12 12/02/12 11/26/12 10/15/12
Joseph A Kowalski II 01/21/13 Ishamon Harris V 12/10/12 Roger Gibbons II 09/13/12 William J Fritz K 07/02/12 Roy J Friedel II 01/26/13 Robert J Erickson K 08/19/12 Charles W Burnett V 08/10/12 77 Chippewa Falls Alec O Maug II 01/07/13 Robert E Loiselle II 02/01/13 79 Burlington Mary M Dantzler K 01/12/13 80 New Richmond David J Berends V 01/07/13 Andrew P Slater K 01/27/13 81 Mauston Gary R Tovsen V 11/10/12 Richard Jablonski II 12/14/12 82 Port Washington Wayne G Horman II 12/21/12 Wilbur M Lee K 01/04/13 84 Monroe Robert Rhyner K 01/05/13 John McElhaney K 10/21/11 Leon P Geiger II 01/30/13 Harold L Gissing II 01/31/13 88 Manitowoc Norbert Nelson II 12/19/12 Lester Deubler II 12/13/12 Gilbert Brandt II 12/28/12 89 Minocqua Thomas W Miklautsch V 01/02/13 Raymond W Trimble II 12/28/12 93 Tomahawk Donald K Osness II 01/13/13 105 Shullsburg John R Engels K 01/22/13 112 Stanley Alex E Sloviak II 04/22/12 117 Shawano Harvey Wetzel II 12/20/12 121 River Falls David J Williams V 01/15/13 Martin “Bob” Bernard K 01/21/13 Edward Miller K 01/25/13 127 Hilbert Donald Lemke K 01/18/13 128 Stockbridge Sylvester Zahringer II 01/02/13 Richard F Volp II 01/14/13 133 Camp Douglas Arthur H Martin G/L 01/25/13 142 Blanchardville Dennis G Novinski K 12/14/12 146 Beaver Dam Charles C Sterrenberg II 01/02/13 Stanley A Baranowski II 01/12/13 148 Bloomington John P Cull V 01/22/13 152 Menasha Eugene A Piette II 04/18/12 David J Walbrun V 07/15/12 John J Wittmann II 07/22/12 Roman Rappert II 01/13/13 John L Resch K 02/05/13 153 Pittsville Richard Heeg II 12/20/12 Anton Luken II 02/05/13 Felix F Grutzik II 01/27/13 154 Mondovi Russell J Schmitt K 12/05/12 158 Maiden Rock Dan M Serene K 01/23/13 164 Jefferson Robert A Grant II 01/22/13 167 Sauk City Willis E Koenig K 01/16/13 170 Mineral Point Leo D Barrette K 01/18/13 180 Milwaukee Richard T Domask K 01/09/13 George C Schlinder II 03/04/12 George H Benning K 02/01/13 Richard J Kowalewski V 02/04/13 182 Park Falls Charles Miesbauer K 01/15/13 188 East Troy Henry G Helmstetter II 12/24/12
189 Watertown Duane R Michel Lloyd H Voss Richard A Symoens Edward Kuckkan 191 Whitehall Dennis W Peterson Norman Pederson 192 Franklin Anthony W Stavish 201 Tomah Vickers Thompson Kenneth L Smith John Hubert Laurel H Schilhabel John J Hassett 202 Chaseburg Leo Davidson 203 Milwaukee Ferdinand F Kujawa 204 Ellsworth Arvid L Johnson Clair Gense 205 Janesville Donald T Swanson Raymond Erbs Richard W Whelan Richard Milbrandt Lowell E Elver 206 Wonewoc Clarence Degner 209 Orfordville Peter Klassy 210 Waupun Frederick P Arriens Gordon Abrahamson 212 Barron Byron Dodge Harold Kringle 216 Lodi Clifford S Hunt Leverne Kirking 225 Shell Lake Warren Winton 229 Mt Hope Mark M Freymiller Robert Hoffman 238 Greenwood Carl E Gerold 245 Cross Plains Joseph T Parisi Arnold Mier 246 Genoa Byron Clements George Jambois 258 Little Chute Bernard Bongers 260 Deerfield Robert J Frutiger 263 New London Thomas J Rebman Richard C Wells 268 Bruce Murv Huse 280 Coleman Donald Miller 284 Holmen Ernest “Ernie” Baker 288 Cedarburg John D Boltz Richard Delcamp Eugene Nelson 290 Benton Fred M Williams Melvin Gulley 291 Augusta Michael F Voth 293 Silver Lake Donald Bolyard Henry D Andrews Joseph R Fliess 296 Brookfield Leonard A Zydowicz 306 Green Lake Samuel L King Richard L Bruggeman 308 Gays Mills Joseph J Neylon
01/07/13 01/12/13 01/28/13 02/04/13
01/18/13 02/04/13
12/24/12 01/02/13 01/10/13 01/27/13 01/25/13
01/03/13 01/02/13
01/08/13 01/13/13 01/21/13 01/22/13 02/04/13
01/18/13 01/29/13
01/04/13 01/10/13
10/29/12 07/29/12
12/12/12 12/08/12
01/20/13 01/03/13
01/12/13 01/07/13
01/11/13 01/19/13
03/12/12 06/18/12 06/28/12
01/22/13 02/24/11
07/09/12 01/24/13 01/21/13
01/05/13 01/04/13
February 21, 2013
310 Racine II Harry Maillet Archie L Wise K 316 Sheldon Loren R Stephens II 317 Wautoma Robert D Larsen V John N Jankowski K 318 Lake Tomahawk Earl J Schroeder II 333 Sun Prairie Ludwig “Pete” Petersen II 337 Pulaski Orville Olson II 340 Berlin William R Francke II 345 Hingham Stanley A Lammers II 348 DeForest Harold Manthe II Frank Lovicott II Kenneth Fay K Arthur Kruse K 351 Montello Orlan Warnke II 355 Grafton Ralph G Wegner II 358 Unity Duane W Neuman K 359 Gilman George E Mahalko V 360 Waunakee Ed Bollig V Bob Hoskins V Nathan J Engels II James Dix V Casmer Konczak II 363 Denmark Norbert Wanek K 364 Winneconne James Christian K 382 Menomonee Falls Hughie J Donley II James L Smith V Melvin Erickson II 384 Kewaskum Homer Schaub II 393 Edgar Calvin Ledbetter II Norbert Merkes II
406 Milwaukee II 01/06/13 Paul M Barnes 01/23/13 412 Belgium Jack A Zamow K 01/21/13 434 Oak Creek Kenneth D Neitzel V II 02/29/12 Daniel H Schmitt 01/27/12 435 Superior Forrest D White II 01/19/13 439 Melrose John W Kleinfeldt V 01/20/13 442 Wisconsin Rapids William J Benz II 01/09/13 Arthur J Ritschke V Richard F Davis II 01/01/13 452 Spirit Harold Lowe II 12/29/12 455 Milwaukee Ellis Gee II 11/10/09 461 Pembine 11/20/09 Larry Toltzman V 08/31/12 470 Saukville 06/08/10 Donald E Bradley K Harvey G Freitag II 01/10/13 483 Allenton David Zingsheim K 01/11/13 485 Rudolph Melvin Joosten II 01/03/13 486 Jackson Paul A Loepfe K 11/28/12 492 Rothschild J Klein Schield K 01/03/13 Robert R Scherer K 12/21/12 496 Sherwood 02/01/13 Bruce Vonbarkhausen V 01/28/13 504 Union Center 12/28/12 Lawrence H Brockman II 519 Stetsonville 02/04/13 Howard W Grunwald II 521 Fox Lake 01/06/13 Dean Johnson K 523 Abrams 01/09/13 Henry C Brehmer K 01/09/13 527 Sister Bay 01/21/13 Allie Bergwin V James V Champeau II 01/28/13 John G Olson Harry T Wehling II 01/01/13 547 Lublin 12/29/12 John Szpara K
12/29/12 01/07/13 11/30/12 01/07/13 01/30/13 01/06/13 01/19/13 12/10/12 01/26/13 12/22/12 01/26/13 01/20/13 12/11/12 11/29/12 02/05/13 01/25/13 01/02/13 12/15/12 12/23/12 01/21/13 01/11/13 01/05/13 07/03/12 01/26/13 12/18/12 12/31/12 01/12/13 01/13/13 04/17/11
From Your Department of The American Legion
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been Your Department’s sponsored member benefits program for over 45 years and continues to fulfill members’ needs while being the only such program to benefit Your Department. For more information on the products and services provided by The Legionnaire Insurance Trust,
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February 21, 2013
Luxemberg WWII Memorial Dedicated Commander Jensen Visits VAMC Pictured here is a World War II memorial at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Luxemburg WI which was dedicated on Memorial Day 2012. Present that day were the Honor Guard and officers of the Luxemburg Post No. 262. The monument and a bronze plaque were donated by the post along with the Auxiliary unit. The plaque reads as follows;
This Milestone Marker was presented to the Village of Luxem-
burg, Wisconsin. It is to remind people of the path of hardship and the triumphant progress of the soldiers of the 3rd U.S. Army, from the Allied landing in Normandy on June 6, 1944, to the Battle Of The Bulge (Bastogne) and the final liberation of France, Belgium and Luxemburg.
There are 1,182 milestones marking out the Liberty Road which traces the path of Patton’s 3rd Army. Three milestone markers have been presented here in the United States as a gesture of solidarity by the
people of Luxemburg, one each to Luxemburg WI, Luxemburg MN, and Luxemburg IA. The stars on the top of the plaque represent each of the 48 States of the United States in 1944. The waves represent the Atlantic Ocean. The rectangles represent the four campaigns the 3rd Army fought along the route. The torch on the plaque is modeled after the torch of the Statue of Liberty. The emblem that appears on the plaque is the insignia of the 3rd U.S. Army under the command of General George S. Patton Jr.
Commander Wayne Jensen visited the Ft. Snelling VAMC in Minneapolis on February 1st and was briefed by VA engineer Andrew Hansen on various pieces of therapeutic equipment. Commander Jensen is pictured here with a machine designed to allow patients confined to bed to exercise.
Badger Legionnaires on Parade
Post No. 18 Promotes Americanism I WANT THEM!
Bill and Liz O’Donnell of the Lange-Ostrander-Hurd Post No. 62 in Columbus and representatives from AT EASE Stables in Deerfield participated in the Inaugural Parade on Monday, January 21st in Washington, DC. Three horses and riders, along with banner carriers, took part in the parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, which was viewed by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. “AT EASE” stands for A Thera-
peutic Equine Assisted Self confidence Experience. The mission of AT EASE is to provide a place where America’s disabled veterans can interact with each other, be at ease, and build self confidence while developing a partnership with horses using 100% natural methods. AT EASE offers America’s Disabled Veterans, as well as active military personnel, an opportunity to experience the freedom that comes from connecting with horses.
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Do you know a Veteran? Someone who is not a Member?
Students at Kosciuszko School in Milwaukee offered a great big Thank You to American Legion Post No. 18 for their visit on Monday, December 17. The veterans answered questions about their military service, quizzed students on flag etiquette, and showed them the proper way to fold a flag. At the conclusion of the assembly,
each student received their own small American flag. In addition, Milwaukee Post No. 18 donated a new American flag to the school. Students gathered on the front lawn as the old flag was lowered and the new flag raised. Students took great pride in their new flags and thanked the Legionnaires for their service to our country.
Send contact information on any veteran to: Steve Dykes (608) 745-0339 or EACH LEAD IS A POSSIBLE MEMBER SUBMIT THEIR NAME TO HEADQUARTERS
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