February 2014 pages 1 7

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“For God & Country”



February 20, 2014 Vol. 91, No. 2

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family


The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Rhino’s Run to Tour State July 14th to 16th, 2014 Motorcycle Fundraiser to Fund Scholarships for Children of KIA’s

Commander Ken “Rhino” Rynes has formally announced a 3-day motorcycle ride by the Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin this coming July 14-16 to raise money for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The initial fundraising goal was set at $50,000. The ride will begin at Department Headquarters in Portage and culminate with a pre-Convention pig roast and reception at Post No. 38 in Appleton. On Sept 11, 2001 America was thrust into a conflict that would once again test her core strength. Once again she answered the call with unwavering dedication and devotion. The core of America’s strength is the fine young men and women who would sacrifice all to defend the principles on which our nation was founded. Many times, however, the forgotten heroes of

this terrific sacrifice are the families – especially the children -- of these great Americans. Since that fateful day in September 2001, some 11,000 children have lost a parent in service to our country. These children are the innocent casualties of war. The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship Fund was created to ease their burden. When Mom or Dad has given that last full measure of devotion, the children have given also, and they get no say in the circumstances that will forever impact their lives. The total survivor benefit for children of military personnel killed on active duty is slightly more than $26,000, to be used for a college education. In today’s dollars, this benefit will pay little more than half of what a college education costs in the most affordable situation. This gap widens

Midwinter Sweepstakes Winner

Grand Prize winner of the 2014 Midwinter Sweepstakes was Jo Ann Quam of Waunakee. Jo Ann is a Navy veteran and is pictured here with Department Commander Ken Rynes. See page 5 for complete listing of 2014 Midwinter Sweepstakes Winners.

when considering the cost of a college education in the future. The most conservative estimate is that costs will increase by 5 percent per year, meaning that in 16 years, the most affordable college education will be $94,332. Military compensation will not keep up with these dramatic increases. The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship Fund is designed to help fill the financial gap for these children. Providing an education for the children our military personnel leave behind is a civic duty, and a powerful way to show our thanks. With supporting children who have lost a parent in service to our country as our mission, The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin, is sponsoring a 3-day motorcycle ride by the Legion Riders Association this com-

ing July 14-16. “Rhino’s Run” will begin Monday, July 14th at Department Headquarters in Portage and will culminate on Wednesday, July 16th at Appleton, site of the 2014 Department Convention. En route the Riders will travel to Camp American Legion and the cities of Eau Claire and Janesville, visiting the following American Legion posts on the tour; Rosholt Post No. 509, Ladysmith Post No. 64, Brackett Post No. 550, Sparta Post No. 100, Richland Center Post No. 13, Darlington Post No. 214, Orfordville Post No. 209, Mukwonago Post No. 375, Oak Creek Post No. 434, Grafton Post No. 355, New Holstein Post No. 124 and Appleton Post No. 38. Posts, units and squadrons are encouraged to participate by rais-

ing funds locally and meeting Commander Ken and the Riders when they arrive at stops in your area to present the proceeds. Additional details on the route and expected arrival times will be featured in future editions of the Badger Legionnaire. Individuals interested in supporting with their tax-deductible donations or taking part in “Rhino’s Run” can register on-line at www.wilegion.org. All registered will receive a patch, pin and commemorative booklet, whether or not they participate on the “Run”. With the support of communities and Legion Family members across the state, we can help ensure a better opportunity for a child who lost their Mom or Dad protecting us.

Preparation Continues for 2014 Badger Boys State Eligibility • Young men who have just completed their junior year in high school and have their senior year remaining before graduation are eligible. Home-schooled students are eligible, but must be considered among the pool of students in their area school district. • Each boy must be sponsored by an organization that pays all sponsorship fees. • Participants should be from the upper third of the class, but may vary due to school population. Each school should have a selection process to choose a deserving student. Sponsorship • Local American Legion Posts as well as community organizations may be a sponsor.

• A sponsorship fee of $250 per student covers all costs for the student to attend. • Reservations are first come, first serve. The deadline was January 31, 2014. However, as long as there are spots available, BBS will accept reservations. Call Sandy Ryce at Department Headquarters to check availability at (608)745-1090. • After Badger Boys State receives payment for sponsorship, registration cards will be sent to the sponsor. For each sponsorship received, a primary delegate card and an alternate delegate card are sent. The sponsor presents the cards to the local high school. The high school selects a primary and alternate student. The students register online using the information provided on the card. This should

be done as soon as possible. The student brings the registration card (also contains medical consent information) to BBS in June. • In the event the primary delegate is unable to attend, the alternate may attend. The school and Sandy Ryce at Department Headquarters should be notified of this change at (608) 745-1090. • In the event a high school is unable to find enough students to attend for the allotted sponsorships, Badger Boys State requests sponsors contact us for alternative sponsorship ideas. However, if alternative plans are not satisfactory, requests for full refund must be made in writing to Badger Boys State by March 31, 2014. After this date, no refunds will be made. (continued on page 3)

2014 Membership Goal: 59,500 • February 13 Total: 55,367 – 93.00% 12th dist. 93.83%



7th dist. 88.21%

3rd dist. 90.81%


8th dist. 88.21%



10th dist. 90.24% 11th dist. 87.44%

2nd dist. 89.30%



1st dist. 86.31%



9th dist. 88.31% 4th dist. 84.57%



6th dist. 88.24% 5th dist. 82.17%

PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: info@wilegion.org David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor

2013-2014 Communications Committee Kendel Feilen, Chairman Harold Rihn, Vice Chairman Dale Oatman, DEC Liaison Butch Van Rossum, Member Bernie Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Barb McDaniel, Member Cecil Groves, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2013-14 Department Officers Commander Ken Rynes Vice Commanders Robert Shappell John Wolfe Dan Rindt Larry Wrycza Adjutant David A. Kurtz Department Chaplain Greg Simonis Assistant Department Chaplain Larry Olson Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – John Thurk 8th – Jerry Krofta 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.


American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901

Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Joyce E. Endres, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule

All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to info@wilegion.org


FEBRUARY 20, 2014

DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Greetings Legionnaires, I want to thank all those that attended the Midwinter Conference. The Ken Rynes Department Commander highlight of the weekend was the Team-building banquet with Vietnam POW Guy Gruter’s presentation. I for one will never look at a POW-MIA ceremony without reflecting on that evening. It is another example of why we need to be optimistic. No matter how bad you think you have it there is always someone who is

or was worse off. I have spoken many times of my motivations for investing the time that it takes to be a good Legionnaire and this is just another. I know that if you look at all the successful posts in our ranks they are led by people that are motivated by the collective good. Always stay focused on the “big picture”. In the upcoming months we are provided with the opportunity by our membership in this great organization to do many good things for people in our communities. I hope you take the time to recognize them by nominating deserving souls for our “Of the

Year awards”. Take the time to participate in County Youth Government days, or mentor a young person for the oratorical competition. Shooting sports is another opportunity to mentor our future leaders. Take time to find participants for Badger Boys State and then volunteer to help out during the event. I believe working with kids is one of the most important things that we can do, as many forms of mentorship in today’s society may be suspect at the least. These and many more things are sitting on the doorstep of your post. You must open the door and

take advantage of the opportunities to do something that is noble and needed. Is it work? Yes, by all means it is, but the reward is the peace of mind that you will have knowing that you made a difference just like when you served your country. We are always here to help with any of these projects, so don’t let the fear of the unknown stop or inhibit you from trying something that might turn out to be very rewarding for you. Please set a goal and work to achieve it. We will all reap the rewards. God Bless and good luck. -Commander Ken

CAMP AMERICAN LEGION DIRECTOR “Vietnam Veterans Week” New for 2014 Camp Season The Department continues to recognize the official 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War as Kevin Moshea Camp Director a partner with the Department of Defense and Camp American Legion is joining the effort this summer. The 2014 Camp season will feature our first Vietnam Veterans Week from May 12th through the 18th just for Vietnam veterans. Many Vietnam veterans will remember “LZ Lambeau” which was held in 2010. Our program at Camp for 2014 is known as “FB Camp American Legion”. We are looking forward to making it an annual event that will grow in participation every year. It will be a very special week of sharing, camaraderie, storytelling, remembering, reminiscing, battle buddy support, personal healing and much more. Most of us know that Vietnam vets can come to Camp any week dur-

ing the whole camp season. As a matter a fact, Vietnam veterans constitute our largest camp population. But now, this special week will be set aside just for them. This week, like no other will also have a free flowing element to it. In addition to our week long campers, any Vietnam veteran can come just for the day, visit and enjoy. I strongly encourage you all to come for the week or for a day. Camp is here to serve you and this special FB Camp American Legion Vietnam Veterans Week is “special just for you”. Pack up your duffle bag, get aboard your Chevy, Harley, Prius or Subaru and come! We look forward to seeing and serving you. If you are interested in attending this very special week, like any other Honorably Discharged Wisconsin veteran that wants to attend Camp, you must fill out an application. Contact Depart-

ment Headquarters for more information. Camp American Legion also looks forward to all the special programs and weeks we have done in past years that enthusiastically keep veterans coming back. Rest assured, Vietnam veterans - your week will become that way to. We will continue conducting some very exciting new programs with the Wisconsin National Guard and our supportive relationship with them gets stronger every year. When the general Camp season starts on Memorial Day, May 26th we will be serving our many general campers. We are looking forward to the return of the many individual veterans, service members along with their families who come from all points for their week of rest, recuperation and FUN. Camp American Legion will be working hard

every day to fulfill our “Help to Heal” mission. So come one, come all. Camp is here to serve you and we are going to have a lot of FUN doing it. Here’s the line-up of special weeks at Camp for the 2014 season; • U.S. Coast Guard - Sector Lake Michigan Week, May 5-11 • FB Camp American Legion Vietnam Veterans Week, May 12-18 • Operation Home Front-Working Together to Eliminate Veteran Homelessness, June 2-8 • Women Veterans Week, June 23-27 • OIF/OEF/OND– Post 9/11 Veterans, July 21-27 • Camp Serenity-Families of the Fallen, August 15-17 • Vision & Hearing Loss Veterans Week, August 18-24 • Veterans Recovery Week, August 25-30 • Diabetes Camp, September 5-7 • And more

WDVA SECRETARY Our Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls is One Year Old! On February 4, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs celebrated one John A. Scocos year of service WDVA Secretary to our state’s veterans at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls. On February 4th, 2013, we proudly opened the doors of the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls to our first members. Within 5 months we were completely full and a waiting list for immediate admission started. For many years we had been hearing from veterans in this area and we knew that there was a great demand for a veterans home in northern Wisconsin. As we were planning for this facility, we focused on fulfilling the qualities that families look for in a good 24 hour skilled nursing care: privacy of rooms, ample amenities and home-like surrounds, qual-

ity of care, and delicious food. We knew we could bring all of this and more to Chippewa Falls, and based on member feedback, we definitely deliver superior results in all areas. We wanted to fit into our surroundings so that veterans from this area would feel at home. Our home boasts a “north woods” feel with wood columns, 5 fireplaces, and wooded acreage surrounding the building. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to have two “neighborhoods,” each having two households, creating a sense of community between our members. The building has a chapel, community room, bistro, family dining room, library with computer lab, barber/beauty shop, and on-site exam room for medical providers. Each member has a private room with bath and shower (and flat screen television). Each household also contains a spa room with a whirlpool tub, towel warmers, and ceiling lift equipment. In addition,

there is a dining room, lounge area, kitchenette, and courtyard within each household. Quality health care is our primary goal. We offer the complete range of skilled nursing services, including sub-acute care; on-site speech, physical and occupational therapy, laboratory and diagnostic services; and long term care. All medications, medical supplies, and equipment are provided. As a veterans home, we are staffed higher than an average nursing facility with CNAs, LPNs, and RNs. We can accommodate any dietary restrictions and provide restaurant style dining with many options for our members. Similar to the other state veterans homes, eligibility for admission to Chippewa Falls is open to veterans, veterans spouses, surviving spouses, and gold star parents with skilled nursing needs. There is a daily cost of care, but it is reduced for the veteran. Veterans with service connected disabilities of 70%

or greater stay for free at any Wisconsin Veterans Home. We are very proud of the care and services we provide. It is our top priority to ensure that we provide the safest and best quality care to our nation’s heroes. It gives us great pride to share with you the words of a couple of individuals who live at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls. When asked how satisfied he was with his care at the Veterans Home in Chippewa Falls, member, Lawrence DeFrenn, said, “You couldn’t ask for a better place. Everyone really cares. It makes all the difference.” Member, Jack Yoder, stated, “All the staff is fantastic! The only way you will get me out of this wonderful place is in a pine box.” If you are interested in learning more about the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls please call 715-720-6775.

FEBRUARY 20, 2014



Membership I hope everybody has had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but now that the holidays are over it’s time to work on getting membership. Some exciting new incenDallas Loesel Membership Chairman tives were announced at the Midwinter Conference to help heat things up. Two new drawings were established for posts. Any Post that achieves 100% of their 2014 Membership goal can become eligible to win $1,000. Simply make sure that your post reaches 100% by March 12th and the post will qualify and be entered in a drawing for $1,000. All transmittals must be postmarked by March 8th to qualify. A $5,000 Post drawing was also added for the 2014 membership campaign. Your post could receive $5,000 if the Department membership exceeds 62,000 by June 18th

and your post reaches 110%. If the Department membership exceeds 62,000 AND your post achieves 110% of the 2014 Membership goal on or before June 18th, the post will qualify and be entered in a drawing for $5,000. Wisconsin is currently among the top Departments in the nation in membership and has been all year. Commander Ken desires to be the first Department in the nation to be 100%, and we’ll need to work harder than ever to get ‘er done. Historically, we need to be 100% by March 15th to be the first Department at 100%. I’m asking that everyone reading this article who is a member of a

post that is not 100%, please make an effort to personally contact those members who have not paid their renewal. You know what has to be done and we can do it! Remember “TEAM” means Together Everyone Achieves More. Part of the 2014 Membership team is PDVC and current Kewaunee County Commander Nellie De Baker who has been working to revitalize Post No. 236 in Algoma. She recently installed a new slate of officers and the post is showing more member participation at various events in the post, county and district. My own post of 131 members is from an

unincorporated town and has reached 100%. It can be done with personal contact. Let’s work together to be the first Department at 100%. Let’s not drop the ball now. Let’s keep leading our posts, counties, districts and Department to 100%. Reach out to your comrades and make Personal Contact! Personal Contact! Dallas Loesel, Membership Chairman

Julia Atkinson Candidate for Assistant Department Chaplain

“leGIONWEAr”for for the the “leGIONNAIre” “Legionwear” “legionnaire”

Wisconsin T-Shirt

Stocking Cap Red or Black

Wisconsin Pin

WI Honor Guard Patch

Badger Cap Patch


Old Badger Polo (Blk)


Old Badger T-Shirt (Blk)

ITEM PRICE QTY WI Honor Guard Patches $5.00 Wisconsin Pins $5 or 3/$10 New Badger Cap Patch $5.00 EMBROIDERED ITEMS SM MD LG XL 2X New Badger Polo ~ S-L $20.00 New Badger Polo ~ XL $22.00 New Badger Polo ~ 2X-3X $24.00 Old Badger Polo ~ S-L $20.00 Old Badger Polo ~ XL $22.00 Old Badger Polo ~ 2X-3X $24.00 Old Badger T-Shirt ~ S-XL $10.00 Old Badger T-Shirt ~ 2X-4X $14.00 Stocking Cap (W/New Badger) $12.00 Stocking Cap (W/Old Badger) $12.00 Fleece Jacket-Women’s~S-XL $35.00 Fleece Jacket-Women’s~2-4X $38.00 Fleece Jacket-Men’s ~ S-XL $35.00 Fleece Jacket-Men’s ~ 2-4X $38.00 Unisex Sweatshirts ~ M-XL $30.00 Unisex Sweatshirts ~ 2X & 3X $35.00 Wisconsin T-Shirt ~ Youth S/M $10.00 Wisconsin T-Shirt ~ M-XL $13.00 Wisconsin T-Shirt ~ 2X-3X $15.00

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New Badger Polo (Red)




Julia Atkinson welcomes the opportunity to run for the office of Assistant Department Chaplain for The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. Julia became eligible to join the Milwaukee Women’s Post No. 448 after serving in the U.S. Army during the conflicts in Lebanon and Grenada. Julia served both at home in Fort Carson, CO, and abroad in Heidelberg and Grafenwoehr, Germany. As a member of Post No. 448 for 23 years, Julia has filled many roles including Sergeant at Arms, Commander, and Chaplain. Julia currently serves as Chaplain for both the 5th District and the Milwaukee County Council, while she also fulfills her current role as the Commander of Post No. 448. Outside of The American Legion, Julia enjoys actively participating within her church community. Julia has 13 years experience serving on the finance committee for Blessed Savior Catholic Church in Milwaukee. Julia is also a church trustee, a member of the parish council, and a liturgical minister, Julia works fulltime as a preschool teacher for Zion Lutheran School in Menomonee Falls, where she resides with her husband of 27 years, Calvin, and their 13 year-old daughter, Isabel. Julia and Calvin’s older daughter, Bonnie, is a graduate of UW Madison and currently lives abroad in Europe after completing post graduate studies in the UK. Julia is strong in her faith and aims to keep God and Country in everyone’s hearts. She finds pleasure in touching the lives of others through her faith and would be honored to continue doing so serving as Assistant Department Chaplain.

Badger Boys State $3 $6 $1

Send Order Form & Payment to: Wisconsin American Legion P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

(continued from page 1) • We encourage your delegates and alternates to attend a live orientation. The schedule of orientations is posted on our website www.badgerboysstate.com Please check often, since information is updated frequently. Contact Info: www.badgerboysstate.com Badger Boys State, Inc PO Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 (608) 745-1090



February 20, 2014

Wisconsin Veterans Home at Union Grove The facilities for the Union Grove Veterans Home are evolving. The on-going effort to provide the best care for our Veterans means that an analysis of their needs is frequently the impetus for change. It became apparent that due to the waiting list for skilled nursing care and vacancies in the assisted living facilities, a conversion was needed. Gates Hall, previously an assisted living facility, has now been renovated into a Skilled Nursing Facility. This provides the opportunity for thirty-eight more Members needing skilled nursing care. The “new” Gates Hall was dedicated in the spring of 2013 and was full within weeks of opening. The Members living there love

the home-like environment, spacious dining room and their rooms with private baths. A beautiful windowed connector walkway provides access to the Activity Center in Maurer Hall so they can participate in the many programs provided. Fairchild Hall is the remaining assisted living facility. The interior has been remodeled and updated. New mechanicals have been installed to ensure the comfort of the Members. This secured assisted living facility offers many services that are included in the base cost, such as: cable television, phone, medications, incontinence products and medical transportation. An RN Clinician is available seven days per week with CNA’s

available 24 hours per day. There is access to various church services on campus and to a wide variety of activities and community outings provided by our staff. We are very fortunate to have the Wisconsin Veterans Home of Union Grove Recreation Committee, which consists of various Veterans groups and service organizations. They provide many extras for the Members that would not otherwise be available. They make it possible for the Members to enjoy a large family picnic, the Christmas parties throughout the facilities, the occasional off-themenu meal, the Sweetheart Luncheon for married couples, supplies for activities in the woodshop and a myriad of other benefits. We can never thank our Volunteers enough. The many Volunteers from the surrounding communities provide support for planned activities, visiting with Members, playing cards and bingo, accompanying trips for lunches and shopping, ceramics, woodworking and church services – to name just a few. They are a large group of individuals that share their most valued commodity – their time. For more information go to our website at http://dva/state.wi.us/ Homes-UG or call 262-878-6749 for Admissions information.

OPEN E HOUS th 8 May 1



A gem like no other, the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King is a long term care facility serving Veterans and their eligible dependents. We offer quality medical and nursing care that enhances each individual’s quality of life. Our highly trained, dedicated staff strive to meet the unique needs of Veterans by providing compassionate care built on the foundation of integrity, honor and respect. Please feel free to call us for more information or to set-up a tour. We offer tours 7 days a week. We look forward to talking with you to further assist you with any questions you may have. • Physician • Dentist • Pharmacy • Lab and X-ray • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy • Social Workers and Pastoral Care • 24/7 Security and Fire Department • Movie Theater • Bowling Alley • Library • Coffee Shop • Theater • Commissary • Numerous Outings/Sponsored Events

715.258.5586 | 888.458.5586 www.WVHKing.com N2665 County Road QQ | King, WI 54946

National Legion Centennial Website Celebrates Local Post Histories Centennial Committee and gave the chairman the right to name five Post members and several liaison members from the community, such as the Mayor and the Director of our Seymour Museum. The following day I went on line and visited the Legions’ Centennial Website at centennial. legion.org to register the KrauseKraft Post No. 106 for the 100th Anniversary Observance. I was surprised as I “clicked” on the Post Index, then on “Wisconsin” to find that only a single Post, the Crain-Ottman Post No. 207 of Elmwood was registered from Wisconsin at that point. Post No. 106 has now become the second. I proceeded to follow the easy instructions and typed in information about our post history. Information such as our original Charter date of October 14, 1919 and the biographies of the veterans our post was named after - WWI Army veteran Robert Krause and WWII Marine veteran Kenneth Kraft, who sacrificed his life during the battle for Iwo Jima. Then I added a photo of our first Post Commander, Wesley

L. Boyden (1919-1920), as well as a timeline event and a picture of living charter members who attended our 50th Anniversary celebration in 1969. One of those members, Elbridge Boyden, recalled details of the first post meeting and shared stories about some of the other charter members. All this information is now posted to share, and this is only a start. I am excited about what this site can do for our Post and the local community. I had just finished posting information when I noticed another local post from Wisconsin had started to share their history and legacy on the world-wide web. Brown County’s All Women’s Post No. 539 has now registered on the National Centennial Celebration website. Who will be next? Could it be your Post? Who will take responsibility? You? If so, good for you! It’s going to be fun as we let our communities know about our legacy and our vision for the future. Submitted by PNVC Russ Hanseter – Krause-Kraft Post No. 106 of Seymour



Share Your Local Post Legacy

Preparations continue for The American Legion’s 100th anniversary – a 15-month celebration that will begin in 2018 and continue through Veterans Day 2019 and the National American Legion website is offering a way for local posts to share their legacy and local histories. Log on to centennial.legion.org to learn more. The American Legion Centennial Celebration is not only about honoring the past 100 years of our history, but also preparing to continue our legacy of service. During the Centennial Celebration, events and activities at posts all around the world will showcase how The American Legion is “Still Serving America.” One of the most effective ways to showcase the events and activities that have built the legacy of local posts is the Centennial Celebration website. The new interactive Centennial Celebration website serves as a place for local posts around the world to gather and upload their own histories. At our regular meeting in January, the members of Post No. 106 in Seymour established a Post

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February 20, 2014


Dept. Chaplain Dear American Legion Family - with a special emphasis to Legionnaires and Legion Riders. Here we are Greg Simonis in the second Department Chaplain month of 2014 and I’m moved to ask; How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? Are you living up to the Values, Morals and promises you have made to God and The American Legion Family? We should always remember that we are such lucky individuals to

still have the freedom and the ability to make our own choices to do as we wish, go where we wish and, most especially, to worship as we wish, at least for now. However, we must always remember that these freedoms are accompanied with major responsibilities. We must maintain a deep respect towards to each other and this Great Organization we choose to belong to. We need to work together to stem the tide of Greed, Irresponsibility, Lack of Character and Lack of Discipline that permeates this Great Nation we call “the United States of America”.

We have many choices but we need to make the right choices for the right reasons and we need all Faiths to make a stand on Morality and Equality. Regardless of our individual backgrounds and heritage, we need to stand together and raise up our banners for the Glory of God. Let us each prepare our prayers in accordance with our respective beliefs and faith. Continue to let God shine on you and through you. Continue to make yourself the best “you” that “you” can be. Do not treat life as “a dress rehearsal”. -Chaplain Greg Simonis

We are sad to inform The American Legion Family that Chaplain Greg passed away unexpectedly on February 13th.

A Special Message from Camp American Legion Director Dear American Legion Family, The 2014 Camp season is shaping up to be our biggest ever. Our growth at Camp also presents us with our biggest challenges. We know already it will be our longest season ever at over 21 weeks long. With that I once again

come to all of you and humbly ask for your financial, material and prayer support. Please support Camp American Legion through fundraising which leads to your needed donations. Over the years you have always stepped forward and answered

The 8th District Chapter of American Legion Riders recently presented a check to Camp American Legion Camp Director Kevin Moshea. Through the work of a member of the 8th District Chapter a substantial donation was designated for Camp American Legion. The donor, who is not a veteran, recognizes the sacrifices military service members make to our country and completely supports veteran’s causes and believes in the work of the Wisconsin Legion Family. He especially supports the vision and mission of Camp American Legion and the Wisconsin American Legion Riders.

my call for financial support here at Camp. Your efforts have been nothing short of amazing on what you have done for our veterans, active duty and their families who need that helping hand on the road back to health and stability. I ask every Post to do at least one fundraising activity for Camp this year. Big or small; it does not matter. What matters is giving to this camp, your camp, our camp. Camp American Legion gives so much to our veterans, service members and their families – and it is totally free to them. As I have always said Camp is a very special GIFT that The American Legion Family gives unconditionally. Legionnaires, Sons, Riders, Auxiliary & Junior Auxiliary Members - all of us that make up the Wisconsin American Legion Family. I thank you now for supporting Camp American Legion. – Kevin Moshea Director

Memorial Dedicated to Post No. 65 Namesake Ryan Larson On December 21st a ceremony was held to honor the memory of Army veteran Ryan Larson, who sacrificed his life in Afghanistan. During the ceremony a monument with a plaque originally placed at

Larson’s base camp in Afghanistan was dedicated. Attendees at the ceremony included Ryan’s mother Rae Ann Larson and his grandmother Ellen Larson, as well as Department

Commander Ken Rynes and State Senator Julie Lassa. Adams County Veterans Organizations joined together and formed a combined Color Guard that included American Legion Post No. 273 of Grand Marsh, Post No. 250 of Adams, and the Ryan Larson Post No. 65 of Rome. Commander Ken Rynes offered brief remarks and encouraged increased attention to honoring veterans and God - “I first wondered why this dedication would be scheduled when there could be inclement weather, then I realized that it was fitting to honor Ryan during the season of Christ. Veterans are the forgotten minority, and despite what society tells us, 99% of our community believe they are living under God. That counts, and society should pay attention.”


Museum Receives Bugle Donation

Gale Sarafolean recently donated a bugle to the Wisconsin American Legion Museum & Learning Center on behalf of her late husband Julius. The Museum is located at Department Headquarters in Portage. Gale gave a short history of the bugle to Museum Board Chairman Norm Bednarek. Julius Sarafolean was a very dedicated member of Post No. 47 in Portage. Julius was a member of the Post Honor Guard, where he served as bugler for graveside services playing taps. Years ago the bugle was presented to Julius. The

intention was that he would continue to perform graveside honors and he did that until he passed away. It is the wishes of Gale that the bugle be displayed in a place of honor in the museum because of its history with the Legion. The Wisconsin American Legion Museum & Learning Center accepts artifacts for display and tax-deductible donations to support its’ mission of preserving the history of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. Contact Department Headquarters for further details.

Bong Post Funds Scholarship

Left to Right: Del Kangas (Post Commander); Ray Beauto (Chairperson Post Scholarship Program); Carissa Carl (Scholarship Recipient); Jodi Carl (Carissa’s Mother)

Recently, the Richard I. Bong Post No. 435 proudly awarded its first scholarship to Carissa Carl who is a student at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College pursuing a career as an EMT. The $500 scholarship was presented at the Bong Veterans Historical Center in Superior by Post Command-

er Del Kangas. Post member Ray Beauto, who heads the Post Scholarship Program, is very confident that the program will expand in years to come to include students at the University of Wisconsin Superior. It was quite an evening for everyone involved. Kudos to Carissa Carl!

2014 Midwinter Sweepstakes Winners Prize Amount

$20,000 $2,000 $1,000 $500 $500 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100


Jo Ann Quam Frank Schroeder Pat Schmoller William A. Maze Francis J. Merkes William L. Brill Charles Kuhnmuench Dennis Rasmussen Ned L. Huwatschek Charles Brumm Milo Kroeger William Napiecinski Timothy Stout Ron & Jean Ulman Gary Amundson Richard Krause John Wangaard Clayton Arndt William Schintgen Joseph McCann

City, State

Waunakee, WI Marionville, MO Spring Valley, WI Como, MS Iron Ridge, WI Mount Calvary, WI Edgar, WI Marshfield, WI Mohawk, MI Watertown, WI Warrens, WI Manitowoc, WI River Falls, WI Hortonville, WI Viroqua, WI La Crosse, WI Keauhou, HI Brillion, WI Niagara, WI Neenah, WI



The Last Bugle

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10/01/13 03/09/13

169 Amery Alfred O Granum II 170 Mineral Point Ronald S Palzkill V 171 Union Grove Dennis J Kazinski V 175 Loyal Dever Green II Rudy Kernz II 179 Chetek Fred Muermann II Kenneth Saastad II 180 Milwaukee Arthur A Jersild K Arnold Kowalski II Raymond J Baranowski K 182 Park Falls Leonard P Hoefferle II 189 Watertown Joseph Ready II James A Wade K Clarence H Butzine K 192 Franklin Gordon R Starck II 201 Tomahawk Vernon A Evans K 202 Chaseburg Julius Waldenberger K 208 Rio Charles W Strauss II 223 Hillsboro Cletus J Walker K 236 Algoma Jerry Seiler II Lester Paape II Fred Waterstreet II John Jorgenson II Steve Bohling V 238 Greenwood George J Plautz II 242 La Valle William E Kuschman II 243 Plymouth V Michael Thelen Gilbert G Gilman II 244 Westfield Dale Hyames K 245 Cross Plains Wilfred Meier II Thomas Faust K Ed Hoch II Robert E Clampitt II Jerome Adler II 249 Frederic Satoshi Kinoshita II 258 Little Chute Vincent Baum II Francis Heesakker II Kenneth Woyak V 260 Deerfield Richard Prosa K 267 New Auburn Neal Blinkman II 284 Holmen William A McCabe II 288 Cedarburg Roger N Cooley K Terrance H Tochett K 291 Augusta Laurance G Soland II 295 Bloomer Duane Knipfer K 299 Hales Corners Neil C Booker II Charles Lezala V 301 Woodville K Hanley Terkelsen 302 Oconto Falls II Victor Bast 306 Green Lake Richard Jaeger V 310 Racine Walter J Schmidt K 312 Peshtigo Rodger Eklund II 315 Stoddard Melvin McElhinney II 317 Wautoma Arden Matthias K 318 Lake Tomahawk Dan O’Connell II

01/02/14 01/13/14 01/25/14 01/13/14 01/26/14 07/09/13 01/31/13 01/12/14 01/24/14 01/29/14 01/19/14 12/18/13 01/08/14 01/31/14 12/23/13 12/06/13 01/03/14 11/30/13 01/16/14 12/12/12 02/24/13 08/13/13 08/14/13 01/22/14 01/21/14 10/09/13 12/27/13 01/29/14 01/14/14 08/23/13 12/24/13 10/27/13 11/21/13 01/13/14 08/31/13 08/19/13 01/06/14 12/26/13 01/27/14 12/25/13 12/04/13 01/06/14 12/28/13 01/17/14 01/10/14 05/20/13 03/02/13 12/16/13 12/23/13 11/24/13 12/27/13 12/24/13 01/05/14 01/18/14 02/07/14

319 Casco Eli Stoller II 327 Lyons James H Ehlen K 337 Pulaski Merle Larscheid K Harold J Dryja II Albert Delebreau II 340 Berlin Thomas Barbola K 343 Hancock Raymond Heller K 348 DeForest Engeseth Erling S K 350 Reedsburg David Sanders K 351 Montello Duane Phillips K Desmond D O’Connell II Ervin Schmudlach II Donald Kallenbach II 355 Grafton Georgia Eernisse II Ralph Horner 358 Unity Ronald V Lindgren K 363 Denmark Theodore Sterletske K Kerry L Beaman V 368 Hixton Irvin F Sterner II 375 Mukwonago Albert M Rodgers II Earl C Pierce V 377 Elcho Claude G Maney II Clarence J King II 382 Menomonee Falls Charles Wittman K 391 Fremont Alvin J Schramm K 401 Cambria Maurice Jones II 406 Milwaukee Thomas J Schimmels II 411 Milwaukee Michael Licato II 412 Belgium Fred Buechler V 413 Crivitz Daniel S Marchewka II 427 Milwaukee Earl J Lee II II Richard F Drake 431 Three Lakes Edward C Ruttiger K

437 Mazomanie 12/08/13 Gordon Gray Arthur Schackleton 12/28/13 438 Norwalk William F Schaefer 01/08/14 Dean Noffke 01/19/14 443 Blue River 02/01/14 George Deckert Culver Johnson 02/03/14 Robert E Lebrun Jerry E Matejovsky 12/22/13 Albert C Roen Ralph A Yonash 01/10/14 444 Milwaukee Alfons Prabucki 01/06/14 454 Mt Calvary Robert Stephanie 12/30/13 455 Milwaukee 01/30/14 Leon C Whittaker 01/19/14 457 Mequon 01/30/14 Willard T Nichols 458 Wauzeka 01/03/14 Wilbur Stuckey 01/08/14 469 Marathon Reinhard Draeger 01/03/14 470 Saukville Ruben J Baumann 12/26/13 473 Potosi 12/26/13 James Ward 483 Allenton 01/01/14 William Hart 485 Rudolph 12/23/13 Leonard Jisko 12/09/13 492 Rothschild David C Barfknecht 01/11/14 494 Caledonia 01/30/14 Gilbert F Marsch 496 Sherwood 01/30/14 Thomas Baldwin 499 Gordon 12/17/13 Leonard F Fromolz Gabriel V Demeria 01/16/14 Edward Polgar 501 Madison 01/21/14 Calvin R Ziegler Joseph J Masino 12/20/13 511 Ridgeland Duane V Shipley 01/23/14 519 Stetsonville Myron Beck 01/20/14 527 Sister Bay Florian J Kwaterski 12/09/13 534 McFarland 11/01/13 Kenneth Dunbrook Obert Herheim 02/01/14 538 Carlton 28791 LT.15944 Free AD Ad_2_Good Standing Ad Chester 3/27/12 9:58 AM Page 1 A Hansen


02/03/14 01/29/14


01/01/14 02/02/14


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10/09/13 11/01/13 01/14/14


01/01/14 01/21/14








01/20/14 02/03/14



IfFree You’reInsurance a Member In The American Legion Department of Wisconsin GoodBenefit! Standing With Your Department of The American Legion… Enroll Today! Endorsed by Endorsed by

Your Department of The American Legion

You are eligible for LegionCare; $5,000.00 in Accidental Death Insurance at NO COST TO YOU if a covered accident occurs while traveling on official Legion business*, or $1,000.00 at NO COST TO YOU for all other covered accidents. This has been arranged on your

behalf by Your Department of The American Legion. As soon as your enrollment is received, LegionCare will take effect, and will continue through August 31, 2016. Your acceptance is guaranteed, so mail your coupon today.


Cut out this section and mail it in today to enroll in LegionCare. NAME ADDRESS CITY









Cut it out

3 Antigo Anton J Drexler II 10 Wausau James Dreyer K Donald Wincentsen K 13 Richland Center Roderick T Campbell II Harold I Johnson V Robert C Stowell V 14 Iola Bruce R Thorn V Roger W Peterson K Gene Moe K 15 Juneau Lyle Hilker K 18 Milwaukee Patrick F Bolger K 19 Hartford Clyde R Leach II James E Troeller K 20 Waterford Dennis G Lindhorst V 32 Menomonie Harry E Halvorson II Herb Schutz II 33 Neenah Robert Honick II James Vaughter II 35 Evansville John E Haakenson II 36 West Bend Richard A Kellow K 38 Appleton Ward Patton Jr K Elmer G Zirpel K Douglas Smith V Edward Jenkel II Kenneth L Driessen K 39 Marinette Leonard G Nelson II 40 Bangor Rodney E Berg V Robert E Christopherson K Wallace Bjorkman II 41 Kaukauna Harold Steinbach II Arthur Koehne II Donald E Swetz K 44 Wabeno Michael Jutila V 45 Elkhorn Edward Sokolowski V 47 Portage Marvin R Grossman K 48 Beloit Robert Carlsen K Richard Willis V Harvey C Smith II 53 Eau Claire Marvin L Missman II K Chester Marsh Patricia A Galle II Eugene Carr K Albert O Johnson II 54 Marshfiield Martin Syring II Floyd Olson V Othmar Hasenohrl II Andrew C Olsen K 63 Clintonville Les Jonas K Richard Breed 67 Lake Mills K Paul Neumann 70 Oshkosh Neil McBriar V

Robert N Kuhn 77 Chippewa Falls John Rooney Leigh Wheeler 79 Burlington Eugene Albee Erwin W Fonk 81 Mauston Thomas Smart Thomas Falbe 82 Port Washington Robert Casey Kenneth W Erlwig 84 Monroe Del Brandenburg Glen A Schwartz 85 Muscoda Frederick L Doucette Karl F Miller 88 Manitowoc Raymond Waak Eugene Jansen Russell Steeber 89 Minocqua Edward Oldenburg 90 Ashland Warren Morrison 91 Oconomowoc William Duchow 93 Tomahawk Robert J Giraud Anthony Adamczyk Leo Turnipseed 94 Crandon Donald Kegley 97 Dodgeville Ernest W Ruppert 102 Walworth Jerome Palzkill 108 Clear Lake James M Buhr 110 New Lisbon Wilbur M Schaefer 111 Somerset Charles Mullan Lyle Kellaher 114 Eagle River Steven A Pulec Richard G Maurice James R Nier Merrill M Burmeister Dale Drayna John R Armstrong James Bardenwerper Erwin C Rappold Arney L Storzer 133 Camp Douglas Charles Mitchell William C Frohmader 134 Boscobel Lloyd R Bender 138 Viroqua Orbin J Hanson 141 New Glarus William H Capellaro Kenneth Boss 143 St Croix Falls Glenn Akenson Gene Bystrom Robert Tangen Burdette Mueller 146 Beaver Dam Henry M Noll David E Scaturro 149 Sheboygan Falls Fredrick Boetcher Leander J Steffen Harvey C Fasse 154 Mondovi Nick Cook 157 Horicon Robert Kiekhaefer William J Stam 160 Brooklyn Alfred Russell 161 King John H Tews John R Bryant Ralph C Goble 164 Jefferson Witalig Szwec

February 20, 2014


Have you filled out all the above information? Please mail to: Legionnaire Insurance Trust • P.O. Box 26720 • Phoenix, AZ 85068-6720 © 2012 AGIA

Promo 18748




Complete details of the coverage are contained in accident only Master Policy LIT102002 underwritten by Life Insurance Company of North America. This plan is not available in all states.

*For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of The American Legion, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the $5,000 Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from an official function at which the Legionnaire represents his/her Post, District, Department, or National Organization in an official capacity.

Call Toll Free: (800) 235-6943

FEBRUARY 20, 2014




Win Free Legionwear Fashion Apparel! Legionnaires across the state can receive the latest Legion news and win free Legionwear simply by using the Online Subscription Sign-up for the Badger Legionnaire. Simply go to our website at: www.wilegion.org. On the home page under ‘Department News’ click ‘Get Your Legion News Online’. Fill out the online subscription form and you will receive e-mail alerts, Adjutant’s Notes, messages from the Department Commander, and, of course the Badger Legionnaire at your email address. Each month, an e-subscription member will be randomly drawn to receive a free item of Legionwear fashion apparel. Making the switch to the e-subscription ser-

vice will also help the Department to save printing and postage costs! Money saved will help strengthen our much-needed Veteran’s and youth programs. This month’s winner is Charles Swartz of Post No. 89 in Minoqua. Charles served during the Vietnam War in the Air Force and has been a member of The American Legion for 9 consecutive years. You can be a Winner, too! Go online and visit: wilegion. org. Click ‘Get Your Legion News Online’ under ‘Department News’. Enjoy the latest Legion news, save money and show your pride by wearing some new Legionwear fashion apparel!

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POST NO. 109 Mike Lieurance

Post No. 143 Wayne Hancock

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