“For God & Country”
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
February 26, 2015 Vol. 92, No. 2
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Camp Lease Renewed Through 2024 Possible Expansion of Land in Process
On December 22nd, Department Commander Robert Shappell, Judge Advocate G. Steven Kaminski and Adjutant David Kurtz met with offi cials of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and fi nalized details of a new lease for Camp American Legion which runs for 10 years. The new lease is the latest in a series of agreements between the State of Wisconsin and the Legion dating back to 1925. During the negotiations on the new lease it was revealed that Camp American Legion has encompassed different areas of State-owned lands at different times during Camp’s 90 year history. With this information, the Department Executive Committee determined at the Midwinter meetings that the Legion will pursue the opportunity to restore the historic boundaries of Camp to provide more rehabilitation and recreational opportunities for Wisconsin military service members, veterans and their families.
ORIGINS - Camp American Legion’s origin can be traced to the inspiration of Jim Burns, the fi rst Department Service Offi cer, who as early as 1920 would make arrangements for sick or disabled veterans to go camping in northern Wisconsin to get their minds off their problems, regain health by exercise and live close to nature. In July of 1922, Mr. Burns wrote a letter to Department Commander Edward J. Barrett of Sheboygan and suggested that the Department establish a summer camp. By 1924 several possible sites for a camp were under consideration, including the Apostle Islands, Hayward, Eagle River and Antigo. In March 1925 the Department entered into a contract to purchase “Camp Minnewawa”. This camp, on State owned land, was put into operation in the summer of 1925 and renamed Camp American Legion. Signifi cant funding for the purchase was received from the State of Wisconsin through a grant
from the Soldier’s Rehabilitation Fund. LAND LEASES - Lands used in conjunction with the camp have been provided from the State of Wisconsin in Leases entered into in 1927, 1929, 1944, 1964 and every 10 years thereafter. The land affected by the most recent Lease, which runs through December 31, 2024, is shown in yellow on the accompanying map of the site. LAND FOOTPRINT - At various times during the 90 year history of Camp, The American Legion has controlled different sized parcels of land under the leases. Land controlled from 1927 to 1944 is referenced at 28.035 (2) of State Statutes and is shown in red and yellow on the map. The area of land added in the 1944 Lease referenced at 28.035 (3) of Statutes, is shown in green. Since 1964 the Legion has maintained the yellow area of land which is substantially smaller than any of the preceding leases. In 1964 American Legion leadership (Continued on Page 4)
Serious Allegations Emerge at Tomah VAMC
from 2004, the year before Houlihan became chief of staff of the hospital, to 2012, even as the number of veterans seeking care at the hospital declined. In August, a 35-year-old Marine Corps veteran died of an overdose in the inpatient psychiatric ward. “It’s a system that’s gone comDoctors at the U.S. Department pletely haywire,” said Ryan Honl, of Veterans Affairs medical center a Gulf War veteran and graduate of in Tomah, Wisconsin, hand out so the U.S. Military Academy at West many narcotic painkillers that some Point who in October resigned from veterans have taken to calling the his position as a secretary in the hospital’s mental health clinic after place “Candy Land.” They call the hospital’s chief of two months, fi ling a federal whistlestaff, psychiatrist Dr. David Houli- blower complaint on his way out. The problems at this rural medical han, the “Candy Man.” Current and former hospital staff center underscore the diffi culty the members describe patients who VA is having maintaining standards show up to appointments stoned on of quality patient care, even after a painkillers and muscle relaxants, national scandal forced VA Secredoze off and drool during therapy tary Eric Shinseki to resign last May. The exponential growth in the use sessions, and burn themselves with cigarettes. They told The Center for of narcotics transformed the Tomah Investigative Reporting that Houli- VA from a conservative prescriber of han himself “doped up” or “zombi- painkillers to one typical of runaway fi ed” their patients and that workers opiate prescription practices throughwho raised questions have been pun- out the VA health care system. During the same period, the numished. Data obtained by CIR shows the ber of pills handed out skyrocketed. number of opiate prescriptions at In 2004, the Tomah VA dispensed the Tomah VA more than quintupled about 50,000 oxycodone pills to By Aaron Glantz Center for Investigative Reporting Reprinted with Permission. This story was originally published by The Center for Investigative Reporting. Learn more at www.cironline. org and contact the reporter at
roughly 25,000 veterans. By 2012, that number had grown to 712,000, the data shows. Last March, the VA’s inspector general found that Houlihan had on average prescribed the equivalent of 25,000 milligrams of morphine to each of the 128 patients he saw in 2012, a level investigators said was “at considerable variance compared with most opioid prescribers” and “raised potentially serious concerns” that should be brought to the attention of the federal agency’s leadership. Independent experts who reviewed CIR’s fi ndings said it was disturbing that the top prescriber of painkillers was a psychiatrist, charged with treating mental, rather than physical, ailments. “There are a ton of questions here. It doesn’t seem right at all,” said Dr. Stephen Xenakis, a psychiatrist and retired brigadier general who served as commanding general of the Army’s Southeast Regional Medical Command. Following extensive news coverage of the VA’s national opiate epidemic, the agency vowed to limit prescriptions and offer alternative (Continued on Page 3)
YELLOW - Camp land footprint (1964 - current) RED – YELLOW - Camp land footprint (1927 - 1944) GREEN – RED – YELLOW- Camp land footprint (1944 - 1964)
2015 Membership Goal 94.66% District 12 1st PLACE
90.38% District 2 2nd PLACE
89.83% District 9 4th PLACE
89.74% District 3 5th PLACE
89.25% District 7 7th PLACE
88.94% District 8 8th PLACE
88.40% District 11 10th PLACE
85.04% District 4 11th PLACE
90.14% District 10 3rd PLACE
89.71% District 6 6th PLACE
88.85% District 1 9th PLACE
78.34% District 5 12th PLACE
February 19th Total: 54,493 91.00%
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2014-2015 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Jeremy Nordie, Vice Chairman Ensley Brown, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson Phil Ingwell Harold Rihn Rory Burns Greg Eirich, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2014-15 Department Officers Commander Robert Shappell Vice Commanders Dale Oatman Rich Ruland John Thurk Dave Brisk Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Steve Krueger Alternate NECman Ken Rynes District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jerome Krofta 9th – Bob Lemke 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Teresa Isensee, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
FEBRUARY 26, 2015
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER One of the reasons I joined my local post in 2001 after retiring from the Air Force was to become involved in Bob Shappell local community Department Commander activities. The thought of becoming a county or district offi cer was not a part of my plan. In fact, I didn’t even know what a district was. As I learned more about the Legion, I started to pay more attention to reading the Legion magazine and the national website. Then I read about something that helped me understand what a noble and selfl ess organization the Legion truly is. I learned about the Legacy Scholarship Fund. The Legion has a number of outstanding charities – all of which ensure that 100% of your donations go directly to helping those in need.
The Legacy Scholarship seemed extra special to me, because I had known several Air Force members who died on active duty (one in combat during Desert Storm) and left children behind them. The moment I learned what the Legacy Scholarship was, I knew I wanted to become a greater contributor to The American Legion. I probably would not be your Department Commander right now except for my discovery of the Legacy Scholarship Fund. I attended the funeral of a soldier killed in Afghanistan in November 2010. As the beginning of the ceremony neared, the pastor approached the wife, who was sitting in a chair holding her infant daughter. I heard him ask her, “Are you ready?” Her reply was, “I’ll never be ready.” I could see in her face the weight of a thousand worries – the burden of raising a child alone, building a new life for her
daughter without her father, and planning for her daughter’s future. Just as we can never leave someone behind on the battlefi eld, we cannot leave the families and children of our comrades behind. Relieving the surviving parent of the burden of planning and fi nancing a college education is the goal of the Legacy Scholarship Fund. Last year Past Department Commander Ken Rynes made the Legacy Scholarship Fund his special project. The results were overwhelming, with over $70,000 donated. But to make this a selfsustaining fund that will cover the college costs of Gold Star children far into the future, we must keep pushing forward. I am so thankful that the Legion Riders have agreed to organize another fundraising run this year, known as the Spirit Run. It will start with a ceremony the evening of June 18 at Mequon Post No. 347, and end on Sunday June 21
at the King Veterans Home. There’s even a strong possibility that my butt will be on a moving motorcycle for the fi rst time in my life. I am asking for your help. I ask that each Post and County consider hosting an event or dedicating the proceeds from an event to the Legacy Scholarship, and bring it to one of the stops on the Spirit Run. You can also give your donations directly to me, or send them to Headquarters earmarked for the scholarship fund. If every Legionnaire would throw in a single dollar, we would have over $59,000 to donate. Add to that a dollar from every Auxiliary and SAL member, and Wisconsin would defi nitely have something to be proud of! As Abraham Lincoln said in his second inaugural address, the nation has a sacred obligation “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan.” We owe it to those who have fallen.
DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT With the end of February comes the advent of Spring and The American Legion’s Birthday. This year we celDavid Kurtz Department Adjutant ebrate the 96th Anniversary of our founding. The founders of our organization associated together because they knew they had a responsibility to their comrades, their communities, and to their country. In World War I they fought to preserve freedom and because of their sacrifi ce we continue to reap the benefi ts generations later. For God and country, they formed The American Legion to preserve the values for which they sacrifi ced, and “to make the world a better place than the one” they found. They were people of vision who established a legacy of service that
has improved the lives of millions of Americans. We are part of that legacy and believe in the same values our founders did. This is the bond of comradeship that transcends generations. The World War I founders passed The American Legion torch to the World War II veterans, and they to their Korean, Vietnam, and post-Vietnam counterparts. Our World War I founders knew veterans didn’t always get a fair shake. They knew about the thousands of Spanish-American War veterans who survived combat but died from malaria. They saw their comrades return from the Great War with T-B, shell shock, and the loss of limbs -- and there was no federal agency to help them. Our founders knew that veterans gave their all and asked for very little in return. Our long-standing commitment to our fellow veterans re-
mains consistent with the fi rst rule of battle: “We shall not fail those with whom we serve.” Within two years of its founding, The American Legion successfully lobbied for the creation of a federal veterans bureau and the Department of Veterans Affairs was born. When World War I Legionnaires looked at the limited opportunities available to returning World War II veterans, they wrote and championed the GI Bill. World War I veterans who suffered from service-connected tuberculosis had to argue with federal offi cials to receive just compensation. Like them, many sick veterans still struggle to prove their conditions are serviceconnected. But because of the vision of our founders, American Legion Service Offi cers help veterans cut through the red tape and get the compensation they deserve. Veterans whose bodies were ravaged by
atomic radiation, asbestos, Agent Orange and Gulf War syndrome have all benefi tted from the vision of our founders. Our founders realized that our young people could not be responsible leaders, voters and parents if they did not embrace traditional American values. So, they made a commitment to Scouting at the fi rst National Convention in Minneapolis in 1919. This is a commitment that we honor today as one of the nation’s largest sponsors of Boy Scouts. The men and women of The American Legion started other youth programs: Boys State and Boys Nation, American Legion Baseball, Junior Shooting Sports and the High School Oratorical Contest. For 96 years, Legionnaires have worked to make this world a better place than the one they found. Happy Birthday fellow Legionnaires.
WDVA SECRETARY Seventy years ago, the monthlong battle of Iwo Jima took place, pitting the United States against the Empire of Japan John A. Scocos in another island WDVA Secretary battle as the Americans worked their way closer to Japan. Beginning on February 19, 1945, the bloody battle for an eight-square-mile volcanic island involved 80,000 Americans and cost the lives of 6,821 Marines. More than 20,000 others were wounded. Nearly the entire Japanese garrison of 22,000 died. Of the thousands of Japanese soldiers on Iwo Jima at the beginning of the battle, only 216 were taken prisoner, some of whom were captured because they had been knocked unconscious or otherwise disabled. Marine veterans received slightly more than one-third of the total Medals of Honor awarded to the entire Marine Corps in the entire Sec-
ond World War during the thirty-six day Iwo Jima campaign. More medals for heroism in combat were awarded at Iwo Jima than at any other battle in U. S. history. Two out of every three Americans who fought on Iwo Jima were killed or wounded. The epic fi ght for Iwo Jima was immortalized in America with photographer Joe Rosenthal’s famous photo of fi ve Marines and one Navy corpsman raising the U.S. fl ag on Mount Suribachi while the battle still raged. Three of the Marines were killed shortly thereafter. The unforgettable image remains an icon forever associated with American valor and it became the basis for the Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC. John Bradley, a Navy hospital corpsman, from Antigo, helped raise the fl ag on Iwo Jima and lived to see the end of the war. Despite being something of a celebrity after the Battle of Iwo Jima, Bradley never spoke to his family of the photograph or the Navy Cross he
had been awarded during the war. An unassuming, hard-working, small town Wisconsinite, Bradley lived a simple life – he married his third grade sweetheart; opened a funeral home; helped raise eight children; joined the PTA, the Lions, and the Elks. But Bradley’s quiet ways, like those of so many of his comrades in the Greatest Generation, masked the reserves of strength and resolve that America’s enemies never counted on. Bradley was hardly the only notable Wisconsinite to serve in the famous battle. Others include Admiral Marc Mitscher, born in Hillsboro, who toward the end of the war commanded a carrier task force, which led aerial assaults on not only Iwo Jima, but on Okinawa, and the Japanese home islands as well. Many Wisconsinites served in this battle and came home to shared their stories. One of these, Clayton Chipman of West Allis shared his story of Iwo Jima in an oral history with the Wis-
consin Veterans Museum. In his detailed account of the fi ghting, he talks about landing on the beach and fi ghting inland, being wounded, and how much of a morale boost the fl ag-raising on Mt. Suribachi provided the troops in the fi ght. He described the fi ghting as horrendous and said he “was told that out of that 240 men there were, only three that landed D-Day…walked off the island.” These stories are the stories of many of his generation–battle-hardened warriors who lived through some of the darkest days our nation has ever seen, but yet came home and continued to contribute in many amazing ways; amazing enough to earn the title of the “Greatest Generation.” Looking back 70 years, we can take pride in the accomplishments of the Greatest Generation’s veterans. They showed us the way. It is up to our generation to live up to their example of service and sacrifi ce. We owe the veterans of that time a debt of gratitude.
FEBRUARY 26, 2015 Opiates (Continued from page 1)
pain treatment. The number of veterans on VA-prescribed opiates has declined by about 6 percent over the last year. But insiders say problems in Tomah continue, suggesting the agency does little to rein in rogue prescribers, who are able to write escalating numbers of prescriptions with impunity. “Houlihan is a symptom of failed leadership from Washington on down,” said Honl, the former employee. “They turn the other way while veterans, who expect to be taken care of after the politicians send them to war, suffer.” For his part, Houlihan said there is nothing unusual about his prescription practices. Many veterans had come to the Tomah VA after receiving large doses of opiates in private practice or during their military service, he said, and he worked to taper them back to safer levels. He maintains that doctors at the Tomah VA are relying increasingly on Suboxone, an opiate used to help veterans fi ght addiction to other narcotics – though he had no statistics to back that claim. “The problem is there is a lot of chronic pain,” Houlihan said. “You don’t hear a lot of veterans complaining about me.” Two days before Jason Simcakoski died of an overdose in the Tomah VA psychiatric ward, the head of the unit, Dr. Ronda Davis, discussed his care with Houlihan. Simcakoski had checked himself in, citing an addiction to painkillers and severe anxiety that was destroying his relationship with his wife and 11-year-old daughter. The Marine Corps veteran’s medical record shows Houlihan advised Davis to add Suboxone to his existing cocktail of 14 drugs, which included antipsychotics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants and the opioid painkiller tramadol. “They had my boy on so many meds that it blew my mind,” said Simcakoski’s father, Marvin, a building contractor from Stevens Point, Wisconsin, who visited his son the day he died. “They like people to be zombies over there so they don’t have to care for them.” An autopsy report prepared by the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics declared the cause of death to be “mixed drug toxicity.” “I wouldn’t say it was enough to kill a horse, but it was enough to kill this man,” said Frank Ochberg, a leading traumatologist and clinical professor of psychiatry at Michigan State University, who reviewed Simcakoski’s medical record at CIR’s request. “He wasn’t otherwise frail or compromised. He was a young man with a decent life expectancy; a tragic, unfortunate death.” In Washington, the VA’s director of media relations, James Hutton, would say only that the agency is “looking into the situation” in Tomah. He said no senior agency offi cials would be willing to comment. DOCTOR’S CHECKERED CAREER Houlihan joined the VA in Wis-
THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE consin after a decade of private practice in Iowa, where he worked for a Dubuque medical group. In April 2003, he was disciplined by the Iowa Board of Medicine for being “inappropriately engaged in a social relationship with a patient,” hiring a current or former patient and bringing a patient’s medicine home with him. Houlihan did not fi ght the medical board’s fi ndings. In an interview, he downplayed their signifi cance, blaming them on contentious divorce proceedings. The social relationship was simply a person he ran into on the street, he said, while the patient he employed was an electrician who worked on his house as a subcontractor during a home repair. But Mark Bowden, executive director of the Iowa medical board, said the sanction “should be a serious concern to any potential employer” because it related to Houlihan’s ability to set professional boundaries with his patients. “When the practice is psychiatry, it even takes on a more concerning level because you’ve had a patient who is likely mentally vulnerable,” he said. In February 2004, Houlihan let his license to practice medicine in Iowa lapse. By then, he was working as a psychiatrist at the Tomah VA. In August 2005, he was appointed chief of staff, charged with overseeing care for veterans across western Wisconsin. Over Thanksgiving weekend last year, the new VA secretary, Robert McDonald, responded to a slew of emails from Honl that sought a direct response to his Oct. 4 whistleblower complaint. “Thanks for your input,” McDonald said. “We take your concerns seriously and investigate.” Internal VA documents show Tomah VA employees have been complaining about Houlihan’s prescription practices for years. For example, last March’s inspector general report followed a series of complaints to the agency watchdog dating back to March 2011. The investigation, obtained by CIR, has not been published or shared with the House or Senate committees that oversee the VA. Houlihan remains on the job, while pharmacists who have raised questions about his prescription practices were fi red or resigned in protest, according to the inspector general. One was let go after he refused to dispense controlled substances, citing concerns about patient safety and drug diversion. “There were outrageous refi lls, patients who told us they lost their drugs for the fi fth time,” said Ron Pelham, who resigned as the hospital’s chief pharmacist in May 2013. Pelham now works at the local Wal-Mart. He said Houlihan’s most frequent narcotic prescription was for 30-milligram oxycodone pills, which are popular on the street because they can be crushed easily and snorted. Jennifer Brooks, a psychologist and retired Navy commander who resigned from the Tomah VA in January 2014, said Houlihan’s patients tended to be those “with drug-seeking behavior, veterans who had gone
to other physicians seeking narcotics and been turned down.” It’s not only prescriptions for outpatients that have drawn staff attention. Heavy doses of opiates and benzodiazepines also have been given to addicts living in the facility’s residential drug rehabilitation center, according to hospital staff. Some have taken to calling it the “Houlihan Cocktail.” Jacob Ward’s parents say he was among those drugged at the facility. Ward, an Iraq War veteran, sought inpatient care for post-traumatic stress disorder after going AWOL from his unit in 2005. His father, John Ward of Coon Valley, Wisconsin, said his son was tortured by nightmares and dulled his emotional pain with marijuana and alcohol after a tour as a cavalry scout. The elder Ward was relieved when his son checked himself into the VA in Tomah, he said, but found him unrecognizable when he went to visit. “They narcotized him until he was in la la land,” John Ward said. At the hospital, he said, his son “spoke slowly with slurred words and rarely opened his eyes. It was the worst thing that they could have done for him.” Jacob Ward’s quality of life continued to deteriorate after his time at the Tomah VA, according to his father. He became a full-blown addict and, in 2008, he joined two roommates in an armed robbery of a sports bar in La Crosse. In 2009, a circuit court judge sentenced Jacob Ward to 10 years of probation rather than prison – provided he seek treatment at the Tomah VA. There, “they drugged him again,” his father said. On September 4, 2013, Jacob Ward died of an overdose of heroin and cocaine in a Milwaukee apartment. He was 27.
A CULTURE OF FEAR Hospital staff, who confi rmed John Ward’s account of his son’s care, described a culture of fear at the hospital. They said Houlihan regularly threatened those who disagreed with him. Many said they were afraid to speak to CIR for fear of retribution. In 2011, when Houlihan demoted the head of the hospital’s mental health residential rehabilitation program after the two clashed over narcotic prescriptions, Brooks – the psychologist – wrote to the VA health care system’s regional director, describing “a workplace atmosphere of fear and hopelessness.” During one staff meeting in which concerns about prescribing muscle relaxants to addicts were raised, hospital staff said Houlihan yelled and threw medical journals endorsing the off-label use of benzodiazepines across the table. “We were supposed to be doing hard work, getting these veterans to fi ght through their anxiety and fear, to talk about killing someone or running over a child in your convoy,” Brooks said. “But their eyes would be dilated, their sentences would be blurry. Sometimes they’d be on so many medications that they’d fall asleep.” In a June 2013 email obtained by CIR, Houlihan upbraided a physician assistant who had told two veterans that he planned to reduce their narcotic prescription load. “I understand you may have issues with controlled medications. That is your issue,” Houlihan wrote. “I take personal issue with you changing meds on my Veterans.” “I expect this practice to stop immediately,” he added. Houlihan brushed aside allegations that he has created a climate of fear or retaliated against employees
CALLING ALL ALEI GRADUATES! Wisconsin American Legion College Basic Training
March 28, 2015 • 8:00AM -5:30PM Ridge Hotel • 2900 New Pinery Road - Portage, WI 53901
√ √ √ √ √
Do you want to know more about The American Legion? Do you want to be a better American Legion recruiter? Do you want to move up in The American Legion? Do you want to go to National American Legion College some day? Have you taken The American Legion Extension Institute Course?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, do we have the perfect learning experience for you! Part of the Wisconsin American Legion’s 5-Year Membership Plan is for the National American Legion College graduates put together a Wisconsin American Legion College program. Well, we have done it! • AMERICANISM, CHILDREN & YOUTH (1 HR) • PUBLIC RELATIONS (1 HR) Be one of the first in • LEADERSHIP (2 HRS) Wisconsin to be a • LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES (1 HR) • POST OFFICERS (1 HR) Basic Course Graduate! • MANUAL OF CEREMONIES (1 HR)
Registration can be done online at by clicking on WI Legion College Basic Course Link. A fee of $20 can be paid online during registration, mailed to Headquarters at The American Legion, Dept., of WI, PO Box 388, Portage, WI 539010388 or paid at the door. Registrations due by March 16. Late Registration - $25. “Need to Know”: 1. You don’t need to take the entire course in one sitting. A registrar will keep track of your progress. 2. Completion of the ALEI Course is required. 3. Recommended for All Family Members. Same fee of $20 for all participants. Multiple ways to pay. 4. Intermediate and Advanced Courses will be offered for graduates in the future.
PAGE 3 who disagreed with his prescription practices. “I’ve had a good working relationship with my people,” he said. However, after he became aware of CIR’s investigation, the hospital’s management instructed frontline staff not to speak with the media. That order was reinforced by an all-staff email from the hospital’s communications department. The inspector general’s report pinpointed two other health care professionals at the Tomah VA with extremely high numbers of narcotic prescriptions. One, referred to as “Y” in the auditors’ report, was named co-chairman of the hospital’s pain committee under Houlihan. That clinician prescribed the equivalent of 5.3 million milligrams of morphine in 2012, more than any VA employee in a region that covers parts of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. The clinician, who the auditors said worked closely with Houlihan, had a caseload of 182 patients. The auditors also found that Houlihan and his colleagues refi lled opiate prescriptions before they were used up, violating hospital policy. Refi lls of painkillers also were doled out to veterans who came up clean in urine drug screens, indicating they likely were selling their medication instead of taking it. Even though the auditors expressed serious concerns, they said those concerns “did not constitute proof of wrongdoing.” They recommended no punishment for Houlihan or any other staff investigated. Houlihan cited that fact in his interview with CIR. “I’ve been investigated again and again,” he said, “and they’ve never found anything wrong.”
Auditions for the Milwaukee Legion Band
The Milwaukee American Legion Band is holding auditions for membership in its concert band organization. We are seeking qualifi ed adult instrumental musicians who are interested in participating in various band concerts, ceremonies and performances in the greater Milwaukee Area and southeastern Wisconsin. This is a community based organization. Auditions are scheduled on an individual basis and will be held at our rehearsal location, Riverside University High School, 1615 E Locust St, Milwaukee, WI 53211. Call Director Michael VanPelt at (414) 507-1408 or President Richard Schwartz at (414) 962-4124 for information and an appointment. Legion membership is not a requirement. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM. Please see www.milwaukeeamericanlegionband. com for more information.
Civil War Veteran Honored in Little Chute, 148 Years after his Death
During the summer of 2014, members of the Little Chute Historical Society took on a project to refurbish grave sites in St. John Cemetery that had fallen into disrepair. During this project, they discovered a grave site that was marked only by a weather beaten, wooden cross, that had no visible markings on it. They researched cemetery records and were able to determine that the site was that of a Civil War Veteran, Corporal Louis Bernard Grignon, who died on February 28, 1866, six months after he completed service in Company D, 3rd Wisconsin Regiment during the Civil War. He enlisted on January 3, 1863 and mustered out September 8, 1865. Louis Grignon was the son of George & Mary (Prickett) Grignon, born April 12, 1844. He did not marry and had no children. The lack of a government headstone was traced back to the fact that he did not marry and had no children. With this information, the Historical Society applied to the U.S. Government for a headstone for Corporal Grignon. A bump in the road to getting the headstone
came when the government required the next of kin to request the memorial marker. Even though it was explained that he died in 1866 and didn’t have any children or wife, officials still insisted that it was the law. Paul West of the Historical Society then did research and was able to track down Grignon’s second cousin, four times removed, Lois Peeters, who along with her husband Chris and four young sons, live in Little Chute. After contacting Lois and telling her of their quest on behalf of Cpl. Grignon, she agreed that he needed a marker and signed a letter, giving the Historical Society permission to act on her behalf. With that, and Cpl Grignon’s military records, they applied to the Veterans Administration in Washington. The government provided the stone at no cost, the same as any other veteran. The Historical Society then planned for a small prayer service and placement ceremony to take place on Sunday, November 9th. They contacted Jacob Coppus Post No. 258 and asked if the Post would like to participate in the ceremony. The Post Commander
Ed and Gene Janssen place the U.S. Government headstone for Corporal Louis Bernard Grignon at St. John Cemetery in Little Chute. Photo by Brian Roebke, Editor, Times-Villager.
Camp Lease Renewed (Continued from page 1) relinquished certain lands at the request of the State Conservation Department with the understanding that this land would again be available to the Department in the future. DNR LAND USE - During negotiations for renewing the current Lease, DNR and American Legion representatives discussed restoring the relinquished lands to Legion control. The DNR indicated that because the land relinquished in 1964 has been available for Public Access, they could not include it in the current Lease despite the representations made in 1964 without amending the DNR’s Master Land Use Plan (MLUP). Amending the MLUP will require a process that provides for public comment before restoring the relinquished lands to Legion control. The initial
step will take place on February 25th when the Natural Resources Board meets to consider whether or not to allow the amendment process to take place. Assuming that the Natural Resources Board agrees to allow the process to begin, a Public Hearing will be scheduled to take place later this spring. Most likely in the Rhinelander, Woodruff – Minocqua area. The process for amending the Master Land Use Plan requires a Public Hearing and a period of time for written Public Comments. Once these have taken place, the matter would be placed on a future agenda of the Natural Resources Board for action. This process could allow for the restoration of all land relinquished in 1964, (red and green areas on the accompany-
enthusiastically responded YES! Though the notice was short, Post No. 258 was able to provide full military honors to Corporal Grignon, with Commander, Chaplain, Color Guard, Sergeant at Arms, Rifle Squad, Bugler and Flag Detail present. Unfortunately, a death in the Peeters’ family, shortly before the planned ceremony, caused a disruption of normal activities within the family. Because of this sad occurrence, the Peeters family was unable to be present on that day. The ceremony proceeded, as planned, but presentation of the flag to Lois Peeters did not take place. The following day at the November meeting of Post No. 258 the entire event was discussed in great detail. It was unanimously agreed that the missing portion of the ceremony, the presentation of the American Flag to Lois Peeters, needed to be completed. The post members wanted to make sure that the Peeters family had sufficient time to grieve their recent loss. They were invited, along with members of the Little Chute Historical Society to the January meeting to receive our country’s flag in memory of Corporal Louis Grignon. A member of Post No. 258 built a beautiful display case for the Flag, which included the pertinent information of Cpl Grignon. The choice of the January meeting was significant also, because Department Commander Bob Shappell presented the Flag to Lois. It was a touching moment for all that were present, and was met with a standing ovation to the Peeters family as a fitting conclusion to a journey of discovery that spanned over a period of eight months and Corporal Louis Grignon finally received recognition of his service to our country, nearly 148 years after his death.
ing map), or the footprint of land controlled from 1927 to 1944, (red area). The projected timeline for the process is 6 to 8 months from inception. ACTION - As Camp continues to grow in popularity with Wisconsin military service personnel, veterans and their families, The American Legion looks for new ways to fulfill our mission of service to Wisconsin military service members, veterans and their families. By restoring the area of land available at Camp American Legion we can provide new opportunities for rehabilitation and recreation. All interested parties and supporters of Camp American Legion will be encouraged to contact Laurie Ross - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources at (608) 267-7420 or
FEBRUARY 26, 2015
2015 SPECIAL GROUP WEEKS, RETREATS AND PROGRAMS 1. U.S. Coast Guard Morale/Team Building Week ........................ May 4-10 (Lake Michigan Sector) 2. Wisconsin Air National Guard Chiefs Huddle ......................... May 11-13 (State Command CMSgt’s Group of CMSgts (E-9) or First Sergeants (E-7) 3. 128th ARW Small Air Terminal Reintegration ......................May 13-20 (Wisconsin Air National Guard - Milwaukee) 4. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) ............May 20-24 (WING Prevention Response Outreach Program) 5. OPERATION HOME FRONT ......................................................June 1-7 (Working Together to Eliminate Veteran Homelessness ) 6. Vietnam Veterans Week ................................................................June 8-14 (50th Anniversary recognition for Vietnam Veterans) 7. Women Veterans Week ...............................................................June 15-19 8. 829th Engineering Company Reintegration Camp .................July 13-19 (This company has returned from a deployment in Afghanistan) 9. Post 9/11 Veterans Week ..............................................................July 20-26 (OEF/OIF/OND Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans) 10. 950th Engineering Company Families ...........................July 27-August 2 (This Unit is presently deployed in Afghanistan) 11. Caregiver Respite Retreat ......................................................August 10-14 (Post 9/11 Caregivers) 12. Camp Serenity-Families of the Fallen Weekend ..................August 14-16 (WI-National Guard Survivor Outreach Services) 13. Vision & Hearing Loss Veterans Week..................................August 17-23 14. Veterans Recovery Week .....................................................Aug. 31-Sept. 6 (Veterans dealing with the challenges of substance abuse) 15. Diabetes Camp ................................................................... September 11-13 (Education program for Veterans with Diabetes) 16. Army Recruiting Battalion Peer Support Retreat ........ September 15-17 17. Peer Support Training Workshop ................................... September 18-20 18. Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development ..... September 21-24 (Attendees are Service Connected Disabled Veterans)
19. 1st BN, 121 SECFOR Reintegration ............................... September 25-27 (Wisconsin Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion)
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FEBRUARY 26, 2015
Cable Post Honors Paralympians 1ST PLACE
$20,000 Cash or 2015 Vehicle from Boucher
Charles G. Jordan Edgerton, WI
$10,000 Vehicle Allowance from Boucher
Keith Boardman Wi Rapids, WI
Post No. 487 of Cable was honored to participate in the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2015 IPC Nordic Skiing World Championships held January 24th through February 1st in Cable. George Wolski, Tim DeChant, Dick Williams, and Gary Friermood participated in the retiring of the colors and many other Legionnaires were on hand for the ceremony. All Photos by Julie Friermood
$5,000 or Hawaiian Vacation
Robert Zalewski,Wauwatosa, WI
$2,500 or Hunting Rifle
David Karpenske • Comstock, WI
$1,000 or Big Screen TV
Richard Chojnacki Stevens Point, WI
Thanks to everyone for particpating in the 2015 Midwinter Sweepstakes. Your donations help to support the many programs of The American Legion, Deptartment of Wisconsin.
Many members of Cable American Legion Post No. 487 of the 12th District participated during the opening ceremonies for the 2015 IPC Nordic Ski World Championships held at the Lakewoods Resort in Cable on January 23rd.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 487 and Legion members of Post No. 487 hosted a spaghetti dinner for members of Team USA, their coaches, families and friends that attended the 2015 IPC Nordic Skiing World Championships. Many area residents and Legion Family members were on hand to greet and wish the Paralympians success during the week of competition. Among the athletes attending the dinner were 6 veterans from across the United States.
Commander Robert Shappell presents 2015 Midwinter Sweepstakes Grand Prize winner Charles Jordan of Post No. 30 in Edgerton a BIG check for $20,000.
Fundraising Efforts in Full Force for Team WI
We are excited to report that the fundraising efforts for Team Wisconsin are going very well. Many Posts, Counties, Districts and individuals have made donations and they are getting too many to list here - but they are all very much appreciated. Our endorsed candidate Denise Rohan is delighted yet humbled by the support and looks forward to attending more events as they are scheduled. We hope everyone enjoyed the Poker Run during Midwinter. It was such a success the Auxiliary is planning to hold another one during Convention in Appleton. Please look for the “Team Wisconsin” table at convention and get your entry tickets. The 2nd District Riders had a fantastic Chili Cook-Off/Pie & Cake Auction/ Karaoke fundraising event on January 31 in Saukville. La Crosse Post No. 52 and the Seven River Jazz Band featuring Judy K, did a wonderful job on the Valentines Dinner and Dance. We have an offer from Men’s Hair House Haircuts for Dudes to donate $1.00 for each haircut given at their locations in: Howard, Appleton, Waukesha, New Berlin, West Allis, West Bend and Menomonee Falls. To have
this donation made, you need to present a certificate when you go in for your haircut. We are in the process of getting posters distributed to the Posts, Counties and Districts in those areas to help promote this opportunity. You can also email deniserohan@ and she will send you the graphic to print your own certificate. Plans for the June 25 golf outing are moving forward. Your District should have received a request for help putting together baskets to raffle during the event. More information will be mailed in the spring about registering to golf and other ways you can participate. You can contact Chairman Ted DeMicchi at (262) 945-1496 or email him at Raffle tickets for The American Legion Centennial Pistol continue to be available by contacting Candidate Denise. If you are not a gun collector but still want to support the campaign; several people are interested in purchasing the gun from the winner and we can get you connected after the drawing in July. Details about upcoming Campaign Events continue to be posted on the Department website under the Post Calendar.
March 14, 2015 Noon Luncheon at Swan Club in DePere March 28, 2015 German Dinner La Crosse Post No. 52 April 11, 2015 Dinner Cross Plains Post No. 245 April 18, 2015 Beer & Wine Tasting Stoughton Post No. 59 April 25, 2015 Loyalty Day in New Richmond May 2, 2015 Kentucky Derby Tea in Darlington May 15, 2015 Dinner at Laack’s Hall in Johnsonville June 27, 2015 Golf Outing Reedsburg County Club September 12, 2015 Sportsman Banquet McFarland
Department Commander Bob Shappell presented a check for $1,000 to Donald Braun of Post No. 375 in Mukwonago. Don recruited a new Legion member and won top prize in the “Get One” drawing held at the Midwinter Conference. The photo was taken at the Braun home in Mukwonago.
WWII Veteran Celebrates 100 Years!
On February 12, Legionnaire Helen Z. Wilke, a veteran of WWII, celebrated her 100th birthday. She served as an officer in the US Army from 1943 to 1946. She married Robert G. Wilke, whom she met at an American Legion meeting. Bob Wilke served the Department of Wisconsin as Adjutant from 1951 to 1981. He died on Helen Z. Wilke June 8, 1997. Helen has been a member of Birthday greetings can be sent to; The American Legion for 67 conTrinity Village tinuous years, presently with the Attention; Helen Wilke Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 in 7500 W. Dean Rd. Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI 53223
The Last
1 Germantown Roger Neumann V Edward Palbicki K 10 Wausau Donald Wunsch II Roger Lotto 11 Green Bay Edward Mostek II Joseph Novitski K 17 Arcadia Titus Kupietz II 19 Hartford Richard Austin V 26 Baraboo Edward Kurtz II 28 Valders Darrell Wiegert V 33 Neenah Wesley Zimmer K Gilbert Mitchell II 35 Evansville Richard Howard V 36 West Bend Raymond Fligge II Jerome Jerome II 38 Appleton Wendall Smith II Jerome Sobiesczyk V Joseph DeNoble II Robert Mitchell V Donald Wechsler II 39 Marinette James Stodola II 40 Bangor Alan Jacobson V 41 Kaukauna Robet Vandrasek II Harry Hurst II Thomas Ditter K 42 Platteville Ronald Hying V Harold Beals K 44 Wabeno Marvin Heisler II 47 Portage John Krause K 48 Beloit George Turner K 53 Eau Claire Stanley Ayres II Melvern Wesenberg II 54 Marshfield William Breu II Gene Loos V Robert Cadwalader K Eugene Daniel K 58 Hurley Thomas Thompson II 63 Clintonville Vern Rasmussen K 66 Silver Cliff James Laurent K Douglas Stockwell V 70 Oshkosh William Kollross K George Hagene II Fredrick Leist II 71 Pewaukee Kenneth Stahl V 72 Sturgeon Bay John Nelson II Benjamin Logerquist K Daniel Carmody V
11/09/14 02/10/15 01/08/15 01/12/15 01/15/15 01/22/15 01/27/15 01/07/15 01/02/15 01/31/15 01/26/15 01/27/15 12/30/14 01/16/15 01/08/15 01/08/15 01/17/15 01/21/15 01/21/15 02/03/15 01/24/15 02/05/15 12/16/14 01/02/15 01/07/15 01/21/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/19/15 12/05/12 01/24/15 11/17/14 12/18/14 12/05/14 01/07/15 01/18/15 01/05/15 02/02/15 10/14/14 01/19/15 01/02/15 01/10/15 01/23/15 01/16/15 11/28/14 11/29/14 11/11/14
73 Neillsville John Ringstad II 74 Oconto Gerald Stewart V 77 Chippewa Falls Otto Bohl K Albert Hurtgen II 79 Burlington Daniel Kanaly II John Coleman K Homer Berry II 80 New Richmond Keith Johnson V Milford Simonds V 82 Port Washington Arlin Walsh K Ray Kolocek II 83 Sheboygan Ronald Gooding K 85 Muscoda Donald Imhoff V 89 Minocqua Felix Batwinski II Harold Passow II 90 Ashland Tom Holvick K 93 Tomahawk James Parrish V Ronald Jensen V Walter Meyer II 95 Delavan Donald Boviall II John Lefel K 98 Cumberland Bruce Stokes V 106 Seymour Vernon Dreisow K 109 Lancaster Bert Moore II 121 River Falls Glen Bottolfson II Paul Sylla II Michael Gilbert PG 126 Brillion Lewis Pfeffer K Reuben Paul II 131 Colfax Marvin Rothbauer K Clifford Peterson II Francis Schindler II 141 New Glarus Donald Moen II John Elmer V Jack Heller K 143 St Croix Falls Roy Bracht K Donald Carlson II 146 Beaver Dam Clifford Jackman II Ruben Greenfield K Richard Leichtle II 148 Bloomington Monroe Gardner K 149 Sheboygan Falls Jerome Buechler V 158 Maiden Rock Robert Zich V Richard Lundquist V 165 Two Rivers Clarence Seeley K 169 Amery David Paulson K Gregg Judge V 170 Mineral Point Richard Lyman K Burnell Wange II 171 Union Grove Richard Plucker V George Strasser K 173 Whitewater Anthony Rutoski II 175 Loyal Gordon Allar V 176 Weyauwega Robert Noffke K 179 Chetek Dennis Morley K 182 Park Falls Harold Pritzl II
01/20/15 02/25/14 01/18/15 01/16/15 01/26/15 02/04/15 01/12/15 12/31/14 02/03/15 01/24/15 12/26/14 02/07/15 01/16/15 01/15/15 01/10/15 01/06/15 01/20/15 01/21/15 02/09/15 01/07/15 01/12/15 02/09/15 12/17/14 12/31/14 02/05/15 12/30/14 01/22/15 12/17/14 01/17/15 12/04/14 12/09/14 03/29/14 01/28/15 01/17/15 12/31/14 12/30/15 01/23/15 02/06/15 02/06/15 01/26/15 12/27/14 01/25/15 01/19/15 01/17/15 12/11/14 01/05/15 01/06/15 01/17/15 12/11/14 01/13/15 01/27/15 01/13/15 05/24/14 01/07/15
Raymond Peterson V Harlan Stull II 185 Grantsburg Loran Hoffman K Gerald Cambronne K 188 East Troy Jim Cash II 189 Watertown Larry Ninmann V Laverne Wilkes II Stuart Schilling II Raymond Rodenkirch G/L 191 Whitehall Jerome Estenson V 201 Tomah Arnold Bloyer V Michael Grandinetti V 204 Ellsworth Lewis Powers II 205 Janesville Richard Henning II 206 Wonewoc Oscar Pynnonen K 212 Barron Orville Hicks II 215 Pardeeville Deane Steele II 216 Lodi Lawrence Novy K Harold Stoltenberg K 219 Milwaukee Mark Perschbacher II Larry Grulke V 243 Plymouth Kenneth Deicher K 251 Argyle John Erickson K 258 Little Chute Paul Lamers II John Verbruggen II Robert Vandenberg II Henry Evers II 260 Deerfield Dean Gotzion K 262 Luxemburg Leon Zimmer V 263 New London Donald Polzin II 267 New Auburn James Beal II 272 Butternut John Jehn II 284 Holmen Roger Gilberg II 288 Cedarburg Richard Rieder K Oliver Westby II James Whiting II Wilbert Schoknecht II 294 Hartland Fred Pilacek 295 Bloomer John Yakesh II Gerald Davis II 299 Hales Corners Patrick Sheehan K 305 Johnson Creek Franklin Brunk K 310 Racine Norman Levin II Donald Ancevic II Lowell Jensen II Gilbert Nelsen II 315 Stoddard Marvin Landsinger K 316 Sheldon Jack Dutter K Phillip Lukowicz K 320 Humbird John Clapper V 324 Osseo William Fox K Royce Kuberra K 331 Shorewood John Coldwell II Edward Heidenreich II George James II William Baivier II Donald Nelson II
01/11/15 01/17/15 12/29/14 12/10/14 02/03/15 02/24/14 11/23/14 01/11/15 12/19/14 01/23/15 01/18/15 01/29/15 01/15/15 02/06/15 01/29/15 01/16/15 01/12/15 02/01/15 02/02/15 04/16/14 02/04/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/06/15 01/15/15 01/29/15 01/31/15 01/11/15 09/09/32 01/17/15 02/02/15
SEPTEMBER FEBRUARY 26, 25, 2015 2014
333 Sun Prairie Elmer Haefner II 339 Almond Ronald Cieslewicz V Lawrence Vroman K 340 Berlin Oneta Harrington V 351 Montello Kenneth Peters II 352 Cassville Leo Friederick V 355 Grafton Harley Pals 360 Waunakee Donald Miller K 363 Denmark Royal Cenefelt II Lawrence Lacenski II 365 Plum City Raymond Dettling II Maxine Eccles II Donald Konsela V Gene Swanson II Elwood Eccles II 375 Mukwonago Bruce Turner V Fabian Ruszkiewicz K Arnold Zahn K 377 Elcho James Sharon II 382 Menomonee Falls Francil Bitters V Donald Schoenke II 385 Verona Edward Faber II 392 Cecil Marvin Murphy K 395 Kingston William Bork II Walter Walker II 396 Indian Creek Ronald Pearson V 400 Wauwatosa Ronald Hudy V 406 Milwaukee John Snedeker K 410 Fredonia Bernard Hoppe K 416 Greendale Lloyd Reynolds II Albert Luetzow II
Don Motquin II 01/16/15 433 Barneveld John Bergum V 01/09/15 448 Milwaukee 01/15/15 Ida Fischer K Helen Aasen II 01/15/15 449 Brookfield Helmut Dallgas II 01/16/15 Robert Kujawski II 453 Belmont 12/31/14 Harold Miesen II 454 Mt Calvary 01/03/15 Leo Schneider K Joseph Nett V 01/28/15 David Rieden K Arlyn Bord K 01/10/15 460 Belleville 01/16/15 William Smith II 476 Loomis 01/21/14 John Veriha II 09/29/14 481 Madison 12/05/14 James Noll V 12/18/14 483 Allenton 11/07/14 Raymond Lubbert K 485 Rudolph 01/09/15 Theodore Lemay II 01/25/15 501 Madison 01/12/15 Loraine Marvin II Merlin Goth II 01/22/15 Joseph Frisch II Carl Mueske K 01/26/15 James Anderson II 02/05/15 519 Stetsonville Philip Metz V 01/13/15 Floyd Neibacher K 521 Fox Lake 12/19/14 Donald Towles K 531 Herbster-Port Wing 01/02/15 Walfred Anderson K 01/19/15 534 McFarland Frank Hlavac II 01/31/15 Raymond Popp V 544 Twin Lakes 02/04/15 Wayne Kimmell V 546 Racine 02/02/15 Othella Turner K 547 Lublin 01/12/15 Eugene Zakrzewicz II Alvin Graski K 12/22/14 Robert Nordlof V 01/24/15
10/14/14 01/31/15 12/09/14 01/02/15 01/11/15 02/04/15 02/07/15 01/11/15 01/12/15 12/03/14 01/29/15 10/15/14 02/08/15 01/08/15 01/20/15 01/18/15 12/30/14 02/03/15 02/03/15 10/11/12 04/06/14 01/23/15 01/23/15 02/10/15 01/31/15 01/05/15 01/20/15 01/16/15 08/08/14 01/11/15 01/12/15 01/19/15
01/24/15 01/23/15 01/22/15 12/10/13 09/14/14 02/07/15 01/29/15 01/05/15 01/24/15 11/09/14 01/12/15 07/22/14 01/31/15 02/01/15 02/07/15 02/03/15 12/25/14 01/14/15
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FEBRUARY 26, 2015
Post No. 531 Port Wing Commander Jim Bailey Adjutant Dick Lowney
Post No. 113 • Mt. Horeb Geoff Shields
Post No. 306 • Green Lake Mark Kramer
Post No. 170 • Mineral Pt. Ray Paynter
Post No. 243 • Plymouth Eugene Blindauer
Post No. 269 • Cushing Gary Johnson
Post No. 121 • River Falls Jim Miller
Post No. 379 • Birchwood Ron Marcon
Post No. 517 • Dorchester Wally Sprotte
Post No. 313 • Black Earth Dennis Wood
Post No. 375 • Mukwonago Steven Plochocki
Post No. 383 • Lone Rock Art Temby
Post No. 480 • Presque Isle Jim Stober
Post No. 476 • Loomis Julie Retza
Post No. 524 • White Lake Robert Graupner
Post No. 132 • Siren Christoper Sower
Post No. 216 • Lodi Eugene Neumaier
Post No. 261 • Greenbush John Kline
Post No. 103 • Galesville Harold Vaughn
Post No. 540 • Haugen Lloyd Meinen
Post No. 401 • Cambria Charles Dykstra
Post No. 288 • Cedarburg Dennis Loberger
Post No. 128 • Stockbridge Ron Deets
Post No. 376 • Fall Creek Norm Brunkow
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Post No. 109 • Lancaster Mike Lieurance
Post No. 438 • Norwalk Joseph E. Culpitt
Post No. 433 • Barneveld Russell Moyer
Post No. 106 • Seymour Dick DuBuhr