“For God & Country”
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
February 11, 2016 Vol. 93, No. 2
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
National Desert Storm War Memorial Planned in Washington, DC
The mission of the National Desert Storm War Memorial is to erect a Desert Storm Memorial in Washington DC to remember the close to 400 service members of both American and Coalition Forces who didn’t come home, as well as honor the service of the over 600,000 who served. The mission is to both Memorialize service and sacrifice and educate citizens as to what Operation Desert Storm was about, what it accomplished,
as well as how important it is in world history. The beginning of the memorial process started in December 2010, just prior to the 20th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm when veterans of Desert Storm realized that many younger Americans had no idea what Desert Storm was. Even those who were old enough to remember had forgotten what a big deal it was and what was accomplished. Also, many folks
began to lump Operation Desert Storm together with Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom as an Act I for those conflicts. Desert Storm veterans felt strongly that this was a historical mistake as well as an injustice to veterans of both eras. After a long legislative battle, a bill, authorizing the construction of the Desert Storm Memorial on federal land in Washington DC through 100% private funding,
was signed into law by the president on December 19, 2014. Since then the fundraising effort has kicked into high gear. Advocates for the National Desert Storm War Memorial have been working with the National Park Service to identify the most suitable and appropriate location for the memorial. There are several goals. 1) To raise the $25 Million needed to construct the memorial by August of 2016, which is the 25th Anniversa-
The design rendering of the National Desert Storm War Memorial was done by CSO Architects in Indianapolis, Indiana. After lengthy discussions with veterans and their families, CSO has incorporated three main elements into the Memorial: 1) The “Left Hook,” signifying the military maneuver employed during the ground war of Desert Storm, 2) Remembering the coalition and 3) recognizing the threat of chemical and biological weapons during Desert Storm. All of these aspects will be incorporated and highlighted into the memorial while working within the constraints and guidelines of The National Park Service and the various Washington, D.C. commissions. The design is conceptual only and awaits final approval by the federal government
ry year. 2) To have the memorial fully constructed and dedicated before December 31, 2018. The most pressing needs at this point are twofold. Advocates for the National Desert Storm War Memorial need everyone to spread the word about the memorial. Since the law authorizing the construction of the memorial was grouped with a bevy of other bills, it has prevented attention to be given to the Desert Storm Memorial by itself. Advocates are hoping that the 25th Anniversary will help draw attention to the memorial, but they need everyone to help us spread the word. They need anyone who works with or is connected with the media (Print, TV, Radio) to help tell the story in the upcoming 25th Anniversary year. Lastly, there is an urgent and immediate need for raising funds. The goal is $25 million. It took a coalition to liberate Kuwait, and it will take a coalition to build this memorial. Help, by way of donations is needed at the corporate as well as individual level. The design rendering was done by CSO Architects in Indianapolis, Indiana. CSO took open comments and feedback from veterans and veteran families over an extended period of several months. They asked folks what they felt were the most important things which need to be remembered about Desert Storm. CSO then took the most repeated items and incorporate them into the rendering. The most common were: 1) The “Left Hook” military maneuver employed during the ground war of Desert Storm. 2) Remembering the “Coalition” 3) the threat of chemical and biological weapons. All of these aspects will be incorporated and highlighted into the memorial while working within the constraints and guidelines of The National Park Service and the various Washington, DC commissions.
2016 Membership Goal: 59,000 • February 4th Total: 53,832 – 91.24% 12th PLACE 2015-2016
10th PLACE
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
2015-2016 91.64%
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 5
District 8
District 1
District 3
District 12
District 11
11th PLACE
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District 4
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 7
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District 2
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 10
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 6
2015-2016 91.66%
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 9
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2015-2016 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Jim Young, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson Harold Rihn Rory Burns Dan Osero Gerald Brown, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2015-16 Department Officers Commander Dale H. Oatman Vice Commanders Dan Seehafer Jeff Puddy Ed Cooper Jerome Krofta Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Steve Krueger Alternate NECman Ken Rynes District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jim Young 9th – Laurel Clewell 10th – John Miller 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laura Calteux, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
FEBRUARY 11, 2016
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER I want to first thank the Headquarters staff as well as the many trainers for a very successful Midwinter Dale Oatman Conference at Department Commander the Ho-Chunk Convention Center. Our record registration count was over 600 which was testament to the great training sessions over the years and continued desire of Legion Family members taking the opportunity to increase or update their knowledge of The American Legion and Legion Family. Some of the increased numbers were also the result of the Legion Family Testimonial dinner and speeches. Ho-Chunk staff served over 325 dinners and with those numbers, in spite
of a Packer football game, I consider the combined testimonials a great success. Time will tell if this turns into an annual function. I thank those who gave me cards and gifts as your generosity was appreciated. With Midwinter behind us, I press on with the Lincoln Pilgrimage, Oratorical competitions, hospital visits, Washington DC trip, Legion Birthday dinners and National/Department/ District Spring Conferences with added functions at the Post level. I will not be able to attend all District Spring Conferences due to multiple functions on the same day. Please get into the schools and encourage students to go on line for the A&G Scholarship testing. I have been sending donated funds to the Headquarters for
my Legacy Scholarship fund raiser so thank you for those who have donated. I am asking for $1.00 per Legionnaire to make my goal of $59,000. Please be generous at all levels. The Legacy ride will start at Darlington Post No. 214 on June 17th and end at the Veterans Home at King on Father’s Day June 19th. New membership cards will be available for pickup at that time. More information on the Legacy Run will be published at a later date. Membership renewals and recruitment have considerably slowed down. Although at this time of year Wisconsin traditionally slows down, I am asking that we dig deep in the trenches with our recruiting in support of National Vice Commander David Gough’s position and ef-
forts and, to show our support of leading candidate Denise Rohan for National Commander in 2017. Good luck to the 1st District with your revitalization. You did well with your revitalization last year so show us you can do the same this year. More good things are happening at Camp American Legion and we thank Darla Porter, Membership Chair, for contacting her company, Kolbe & Kolbe, for some window replacements for the main lodge. Siding work on the main lodge will also be accomplished and a nature trail and blinds will be constructed in the spring. Until next time, we have Adams County at 100% - how many more will follow suit?
CAMP DIRECTOR It’s hard to believe but we are just a few months away from the 2016 spring opening of Camp AmeriKevin Moshea can Legion for Camp Director the year. Yep, time moves so fast and last year is history. So we are ready once again to prepare and start working to make 2016 the best season ever and something special. As we plan all the special programs and weeks for this year I get more and more excited for the start of the season. I just scheduled our first ever “Military Kids” program with the Wisconsin National Guard for ages 14-17. We added the Korean War vets as a special week, as well. We even just added a program on wellness through mindfulness. Facility wise, I can’t wait to see the new playground area and all the kids, (as well as the adults and this Camp Director), playing on the new equipment. We will also be starting to implement our development plans for the new expanded footprint for Camp.
We see some beautiful nature trails being made for our veterans, service members and families to enjoy. Camp American Legion’s “Help to Heal” mission just continues to expand in programming and our facility. All this happens and will continue to happen through your continuous efforts and support. Your dedication to Camp American Legion through the years has made camp the dynamic and relevant place is it today. All our special healing weeks, weekends, retreats, workshops and Camp are set. This will be the sixth year for our Women Veterans Week which is our longest running program. Our programs this year and the dates are listed in the box to the right. Except for the Operation Home Front and Caregiver Respite Retreat, if a veteran cannot make a special week they can come another week. The special weeks are not the only time these veterans can come, but these weeks are exclusive just for that group of veterans. We have added the “Korean War veterans” to the now Ko-
rean & Vietnam Veterans Week. As in past years, this week is for those veterans who served “in country”. So note this important change and addition. All you “Forgotten War” veterans come and let us serve you and have some fun. As always, veterans can come on an individual basis during any one of the many general, open weeks we have. Any veteran with a physician-documented illness, injury or disability can attend Camp. If a veteran qualifies and is self-sufficient and able to function on their own they come alone and share the week with other great veterans. If a qualified veteran requires a caregiver for daily care, they can bring their physician approved caregiver. If a qualified veteran has minor age dependent children, they can bring the whole family. Camp is here to serve them and we want them to come. For more information on Camp eligibility and to get an application visit the Department website at You can print an application right off the website.
CAMP AMERICAN LEGION 2016 SCHEDULE Operation Home Front– Working Together to Eliminate Veteran Homelessness Week (homeless/displaced/transitional housing vets and families) June 6–12, 2016 Women Veterans Week June 13–17, 2016 Korean & Vietnam Veterans Week June 20–24, 2016 Post 9/11 Veterans Week July 25–31, 2016 Caregiver Respite Retreat for post 9/11 veteran caregivers August 15–19, 2016 Vision & Hearing Loss Veterans Week August 22–28, 2016 Veterans Recovery Week August 29 – September 4, 2016 Diabetes Camp September 9–11, 2016
WDVA SECRETARY It was the first major conflict watched by millions on live television – a John A. Scocos WDVA Secretary “prime time” war brought into the houses of Americans who watched everything unfold in real time. As the first largescale operation since Vietnam, it was markedly different – both in public perception and strategically. While Vietnam was a drawn out conflict, Operation Desert
Operation Desert Storm +25
Storm was more focused and immediately decisive. A total of 694,550 Americans deployed for either Desert Storm or the immediately preceding Desert Shield. The stage was set Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, ignoring the warnings of the United States and the international community. U.S. forces were soon deployed to the Middle East to maintain stability, and on January 17, 1991, Operation Desert Shield turned into Operation Desert Storm with aerial
and naval bombardment of Iraqi positions and after five weeks, the United States led a large coalition to liberate Kuwait from control of Iraqi forces. The “first Gulf War” was only four days of active ground combat, 100 hours, but veterans returned home to welcome arms, parades and immense public support. This was a needed shift from the days of Vietnam when troops were scorned for their service in an unpopular war. Ten years after the renewed patriotism of Operation Desert Storm,
September 11, 2001 again galvanized the American people and they showed great support for the troops who fought in the Afghanistan and Iraq campaigns. More than 10,000 Wisconsinites served in the Persian Gulf War. It is our mission at the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs to support them, and every other veteran, in every way possible. This January 17, on the 25th anniversary of Operation Desert Storm, please remember those veterans who served when their nation called 25 years ago.
FEBRUARY 11, 2016
Camp American Legion Planning
Department Commander Dale Oatman, Adjutant David Kurtz and Camp Director Kevin Moshea met with Terry McGowan and leaders from the IUOE Local No. 317 – Heavy Equipment Operators at Camp American Legion on December 28, 2015 to discuss construction of handicapped accessible nature trails. Local No. 317 has two apprentice programs for military veterans seeking careers in the construction trades; Helmets to Hardhats and Combat to Construction. Military
veterans in these apprenticeship programs will be at Camp this spring to begin improvements
to the State of Wisconsin land recently added to the Camp lease.
KOREA AND VIETNAM VETERANS WEEK at Camp American Legion JUNE 20-24, 2016
For veterans who served in-country Visit for an application Contact Camp Director Kevin Moshea at or call (715) 277-2510
Governor Pledges Support for Veterans
Continuous Membership Recognized
By Governor Scott Walker
We care deeply for our veterans and owe these brave men and women a debt of gratitude for their incredible service and sacrifice. That’s why we have made supporting our veterans a top priority for our administration. Our veterans not only work hard to protect all of us at home, they also gain invaluable skills and experience from their service to our nation. One of our main goals is ensuring that when our veterans return from service, they are able to obtain a job in our workforce where they can put their special skills to use. We have invested significant resources to equip our veterans with the tools they need to thrive when they return home. With these investments, we’ve seen a significant reduction of the veteran unemployment rate. Here in Wisconsin, we have lowered the unemployment rate for veterans in 2014 and again in 2015. Our state has one of the lowest unemployment rates for veterans in the nation, significantly below the national unemployment rate for veterans. Our work includes investing in programs to encourage employers to hire veterans, increasing the state investment to the Veterans Trust Fund by more than $10 million, and fully restoring and expanding the Wisconsin GI Bill to include distance learning and online courses. We have increased
funding to our state veteran service organizations who provide important assistance to veterans and their families. We also provided a $500,000 matching grant to our technical colleges to help train and align our veterans with high demand jobs, as well as a $500,000 investment in the Victory Spark program, which aligns veterans with training and highdemand jobs, and has resulted in 39 startups and 150 new jobs. Our most recent budget continues our focus on veteran employment by waiving CDL fees for veterans and adding credit for pri-
or learning for veterans with military training to the performance measures used to aid technical colleges. Looking forward, we are committed to collaborating with all our veteran groups and organizations, as well as our employers, to continue discussing how we can do more to serve those who sacrifice so much to serve our country. We must ensure that Wisconsin’s veterans have the tools they need to find meaningful work and thrive as we continue moving Wisconsin forward together.
Department Vice Commander Dan Seehafer is shown here with Governor Scott Walker and Department Adjutant David Kurtz at a Governor’s Listening Session on Tuesday, January 26th at the Janesville Armory.
(L-R) Mike Lieurance, Commander of American Legion Post No. 109, presents Dave Hughes with a 60 year Continuous Membership Certificate while George Johansen receives his 50 year Certificate from Post No.109 Membership Chairman Andy Robbins.
Midwinter Historian Workshop
A Historian Workshop was held at the American Legion Midwinter Conference at Ho-Chunk in Wisconsin Dells on January 16, 2016. The two-hour workshop was compiled by Past Department Vice Commander and Past Department Historian Nellie P. De Baker. Shown L-R: Donald
Southworth-How to put together a Winning Book: Nellie P. De Baker-the 5-W’s (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How) plus other of compiling history books: Jeff Antzcak-the Green Historian and Past Department Historian Greg Eirich-Computer Generated History Books.
LEGIONNAIRE INSURANCE TRUST UPDATE The Wisconsin American Legion works with the Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) to provide our members with a variety of competitive insurance products to meet a variety of needs. All Legionnaires are entitled, once enrolled, to a $5,000 accidental death benefit at no cost. The purpose of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) is to provide Legionnaires with the most advanced and least expensive form of insurance possible by utilizing the Legion’s massive group purchasing power while providing the De-
partment with a reliable source of revenue. Since the inception of the program in 1984, the Department of Wisconsin has received over $2,000,000 to assist us in conducting our programs. With recent Federal legislation dealing with healthcare issues, supplemental insurance is becoming more and more of an important issue. LIT offers many different programs, including Medicare supplemental insurance, Long-term care, Disability insurance, Hospital income, Identity theft protection and more.
Most of us can agree that our health is our most important asset. Health Insurance can be a very wise investment for your future. During an economic slump like we’re in, it is certainly wise to see where you can cut down on frivolous spending and to plan ahead and save money wherever possible. There are other areas where you should consider spending more to help beef up your financial security in the long term. More than ever, insurance coverage for unexpected accidents and costly expenses is essential. The Legionnaire Insurance Trust
has been working hard for over 40 years to bring you and your family a variety of products that help you prepare for the worst. For example, if you find you or your spouse in a hospital, the Hospital Help Plan will pay for every day you are in the hospital. Our Cancer Care protection plan not only pays to help you fight cancer and speed your recovery, but every year you and any covered dependents will get a benefit towards diagnostic medical tests used to detect cancer! We also have plans that help protect you while you travel. The
Emergency Assistance Plus plan provides 24-hour medical assistance if you get sick or hurt while travelling in the U.S. or abroad. It’s easy to receive more information and enroll for the FREE $5,000 Accidental Death benefit. To learn more about these products and more, log on to or visit and click on the Legionnaire Insurance Trust link on the Home page. You can also give the customer service representatives a call at 1-800-235-6943.
Wisconsin State American Legion Bowling Tournament
Reservations are now being accepted for the 89th Annual Wisconsin State American Legion Bowling Tournament Hosted by Sons of The American Legion Squadron No. 117 in Shawano. The tournament is open to the entire American Legion Family. Legionnaires, Auxiliary mem-
bers, Sons and Riders are all encouraged to participate. All bowlers must be 18 yrs or older. The tournament will run every weekend in the month of April beginning on Saturday, April 2nd and will close on Sunday, May 1st. Squadron No. 117 in Shawano has done a great job
of keeping the expenses the same as it has been in the past 3 years at $16.25 per person for each event - Singles, Double, and Team. There is an additional $2.00 for All Event. This is a Handicap Tournament open to all members of The American Legion Family.
OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK 89th Annual Wisconsin State American Legion Bowling Tournament Open to all members of the American Legion Family (The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion)
Sponsored by the Shawano SAL Squadron 117, Shawano WI Sanctioned by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) (Moral Support) Tournament Opens: APRIL 2, 2016 Tournament Closes: MAY 1, 2016 Entries Close: 12:00PM May 1, 2016 TEAM DOUBLES SINGLES Prize Fee……………………. $10.00 $5.00 $2.50 Bowling Fee………………… $33.00 $16.50 $8.25 Tournament Expense Fee…… $22.00 $11.00 $5.50 ENTRY FEE………………. $65.00 $32.50 $16.25
Entry Fees must accompany entry blank. All prize fees will be returned 100% in prizes. Prize ratio: 1 to 5 entries in teams doubles and singles. Handicap on 80% of 210 scratch. Non-USBC members may, at their option, obtain high score recognition by purchasing an unattended membership card for $21.00. All American Legion members (male and female, all ages) the American Legion Auxiliary and all Sons of The American Legion members (provided they are 18 years of age or older) are encouraged to participate in the tournament. MAIL ENTRIES TO: Dean Koeller ALL EVENTS BOWLED AT: (Attn; Bowling) LAKESHORE LANES 341 Mills St Shawano WI 54166 210 Airport Rd Phone: (715) 851-5282 Shawano, WI 54166 E-mail: Phone: (715) 526-9300 TEAM EVENT Team Name ________________________________ Post No. _______ Location of Post ___________________ Team Captain ____________________________ Phone ____________________ E-mail __________________ Address __________________________________________City ________________________ Zip _________ PLEASE PRINT (No nicknames) Lineup Average
Legion/Auxilary/SAL Membership Card No.
1. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________
FEBRUARY 11, 2016
2016 Americanism Program Reminders Time is running out for students competing in a number of Department Americanism programs. Legionnaires from across the state have been promoting all of the schoolaged based programs available through The American Legion all year. Programs like Badger Boys State, County Youth Government Day, Junior Shooting Sports, the Oratorical Scholarship Competition, Americanism and Government Testing, Scouting, Legion Baseball, and other scholarship opportunities – not to mention programs that individual Posts may sponsor. Department Headquarters has contacted school guidance offices across the state regarding these programs but you can help by visiting your local schools and reminding them of the opportunities for their students through your local post and the Department. Important 2016 dates to remember now are:
Jr. Shooting Sports Postal Match ends March 1st, local teams can begin forming and practicing now Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship deadline is March 1st Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Application Deadline – March 1st Americanism and Government Scholarship Test will be available online April 4th through April 15, 2016 Badger Boys State 2016 Session will be held June 11th through June 18th County Youth Government Programs – ongoing throughout the year – check with your post, school and local government offices Detailed information and applications can be found in your Administrative Manual, Appendix A - Americanism Programs. If you do not have access to your Post’s Manual, you can find it online at, Members, Resources, Appendices or by calling Dawn Brauner at Department Headquarters at (608) 745-1090 or by email at
Camp Receives Donation
2. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ 3. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ 4. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Alternate________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Team Times: Saturdays 11:30 pm & 2:30 pm Sundays: 10:00am & 1:00 pm Date and Time Preferred ____________________________ 2nd Choice _____________________________ DOUBLES AND SINGLES Lineup Average ABC/WIBC Number Legion/Auxiliary SAL Card No All Events. 1. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Yes No 2. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Yes No 1. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Yes No 2. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Yes No 1. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Yes No 2. _____________________ ________ ________________________ ____________________ Yes No Doubles and Singles Times: Saturdays 11:30 pm & 2:30 pm
Sundays: 10:00am & 1:00 pm
Date and Time Preferred ____________________________ 2nd Choice _____________________________ If any of the above members are holding a State record in this tournament, please indicate I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAYER NAMES ON THIS ENTRY BLANK ARE MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION/AMERICAN LEGION AUXILARY/SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION IN GOOD STANDING. _________________________ Commander or Adjutant OFFICIAL BALLOT – Will be available at the registration table
Mr. Bill Mork, owner of Modern Furniture of Marshfield, donated two full size couches and one love seat to Camp American Legion. These beautiful, hand-crafted pieces will go in our Main Lodge lounge. They will be seen by all and our campers will enjoy their use every day. Accepting the donation at their factory is Wood County Commander Ron Miller (right) and Post No. 65 Service Officer Mathew Harn (left). Mr. Mork’s father was a WWII Prisioner of War and his brother served in Vietnam, so his feelings are strong for our veterans and military.
FEBRUARY 11, 2016
and attention-grabbing, and express a distinctive Wisconsin theme. The emblem should also focus on portraying our state’s uniqueness and the role of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. Enter one or both parts of the contest – be creative! Entries must be received at Department Headquarters by April 15, 2016. Emblem submissions need not be professionally designed, but must be drawn clearly enough for the selection committee to make the final selections. Entries will be judged by a committee to be
selected by the Department Commander during the Spring Department meetings in May. Winners will receive free Centennial promotional items, be recognized in the Badger Legionnaire, and receive other special awards from the Department Commander. Additional information regarding centennial celebration events, 100-year posts, and suggestions for post-level activities will be appearing in future editions of the Badger Legionnaire, post mailings, and Department website and Facebook pages.
Gulf War Veterans Needed for UW’s Study on Pain The University of Wisconsin and the Middleton VAMC in Madison are conducting a Gulf Veterans Exercise Study on Pain. This is a US Department of Veterans Affairs funded research study. The research study group is currently recruiting Veterans from the First Gulf War (1990-91). Gulf Veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain are encouraged to take part. MRI scans are performed as part of the study to assess brain function during a painful heat stimulus. In addition to the MRI scans, participants may be asked to complete a 16-
week weight training exercise program. Recruitment for the study will continue for the next year. This project has been approved by the University of WisconsinMadison’s Health Science Institutional Review Board and also the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital Research and Development Committee. They are asking for patient volunteers to participate in a 16-week exercise study, with follow-ups at 6 and 12 months, conducted at the Madison VA Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Volunteers for this study may be asked to take part in a 16-week weight-training program with a personal trainer. Volunteers who successfully complete the study will receive up to $525 for their time and effort and will be awarded a $300 membership to a gym in their local area. Volunteers will also be eligible for various fitness equipment prizes. Interested Gulf War veterans who wish to participate are encouraged to call (608) 262-2457 and leave their name, phone number and mention “Veteran’s Exercise Study on Pain”.
In 2019 The American Legion will celebrate its 100th birthday. Over the next few years we have the opportunity to publicize and celebrate our Centennial Birthday in communities throughout Wisconsin. To kick off this celebration the Department of Wisconsin announces a contest to create an official slogan and an emblem for the celebration. The emblem will be used for patches, pins and printed material throughout the celebration. This contest is open to all Wisconsin Legion Family members. The slogan should be brief
Legion Centennial Birthday Slogan Contest
Commander Tom Dunbar of the Russell-Toycen Post No. 131 of Colfax recently presented Certificates of Continuous Membership to Vern Hoveland for 50 years; Dean Renz for 60 years; Ray Johnson for 60 years; and Dick Toycen for 70 years.
Palmyra Post Bene�it Breakfast
MILWAUKEE AMERICAN LEGION BAND CONCERTS & SERVICES Saturday, May 14, 2016 Armed Forces’ Day Services Harley-Davidson Museum • 11:30 am 400 West Canal Street Milwaukee, WI 53201 Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Americana Concert Luther Haven • 7:30 pm 8949 N 97th Street Milwaukee, WI 53224
Sunday, May 22, 2016 Spring Concert Site to be announced • 3:00 pm
Monday, May 30, 2016 Memorial Day Services Wood National Cemetery (Milwaukee VA Grounds) 9:00 am 5000 W National Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53295
Sunday, May 29, 2016 Memorial Day Services Southern Wisconsin Veteran’s Cemetery • 11:00 am Milwaukee American Legion Band, Inc. 21731 Spring Street PO Box 511576 Union Grove, WI 53182 Milwaukee, WI 53203-0271
Members of the Thomas Holcomb Post No. 304 in Palmyra presented member Fred Wurzbach a check to help out with his medical needs. The funds were collected at a pancake breakfast hosted by St Matthew Lu-
theran Church. Pictured here left to right are Pastor Blyth of St Matthew Lutheran Church, Fred Wurzbach with Post No. 304 Commander Dave Beck, Dick Havlik. Post Adjutant Dale Mitchell is in the back row.
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Call for a free consumer guide and personal quote. -- Must be 62 or older. -- Never make a monthly mortgage payment again. -- Receive a lump sum of cash, credit line or monthly payments. -- Income and credit not -- See how much you could required. qualify for today. Let a retired active duty veteran you can trust show you how you may benefit from a Reverse Mortgage.
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The Last
4 Athens Arnold Kuck K 9 Wisconsin Rapids Alvin Buchholz II 10 Wausau Harry Trierweiler II Leon Moczarny II 11 Green Bay Bernard Lenard II Ivan Schmelter II Dave Smith II Edward Hundt II Terry Madson II 14 Iola Morgan Huglen II Don Remington II 19 Hartford Roger Koch II Dale Maas II 23 Milwaukee David Baldwin K Harold Thorpe K Joseph Weinfurter II James Ghiardi II 32 Menomonie William Hanson K Lawrence Ziehl II 35 Evansville Harold McDonough V 36 West Bend Leroy Hoepner K 38 Appleton Herman Christensen II Eugene Bockin II Don Spooner II Karl Aldinger K Stanley Chandler II Donald Fogle V Willis Johnson K Thomas Hopkins V Joseph Mokry II Janet Ulrich G/L Alden Edwards II 44 Wabeno Richard Rice V Donald Stascak II 45 Elkhorn Joe Schweitzer V 53 Eau Claire Rodney Smoot V Myron Past II Theodore Gilchrist II Lawrence Stygar V Allan Hanson K Edwin Gibson K 54 Marshfield Leslie Arent II Orville Wetterau II Marvin Hardinger K 59 Stoughton William Karolus V 63 Clintonville Michelle Arneson P Roger Metzger K Robert Hoffman V 67 Lake Mills Edward Hrobsky II 74 Oconto Calvin Rosenberg II Robert Huben K Henry Barber K Randall Weege II John Wiebush K James Maynard K
04/02/15 01/06/16 12/05/15 08/07/15 01/06/17 12/08/15 01/26/16 01/28/16 01/28/16 01/02/16 01/06/16 12/26/15 12/15/15 12/20/15 01/03/16 12/31/15 01/18/16 12/27/15 01/20/16 12/22/15 12/19/15 12/17/15 01/06/16 09/10/15 01/19/16 12/16/14 10/21/14 03/15/15 07/02/15 10/27/15 12/08/15 01/28/16 11/29/15 01/19/16 12/29/15 12/21/15 09/07/15 01/10/16 04/04/15 07/12/15 08/04/15 12/14/15 12/19/15 12/21/15 03/23/15 12/25/15 01/10/16 01/16/16 01/03/16 04/28/06 01/09/15 10/09/15 05/25/13 01/14/16 01/22/16
75 Fond du Lac Herman Wondra II Royal Goodman V 77 Chippewa Falls Thomas Armstrong V Eugene O’Donnell K 80 New Richmond Richard Carlson V Roland Mondloch II 82 Port Washington Robert Wilson II 85 Muscoda Dean Tainter V August Portwine K 88 Manitowoc Gerald Noskowiak K 93 Tomahawk Emil Krueger II 95 Delavan LaVon Adney II 105 Shullsburg Leroy Fields K Gary Hitten-Miller V 110 New Lisbon Dale Anderson K 118 Thorp David Mohr V Conrad Harycki K 121 River Falls Delmar Dietsche K Carl Harp K 122 Phillips John Johnson K Robert Farley Laddie Zellinger V Frank Klawiter II 124 New Holstein Randall Spetta V 127 Hilbert Orrin Ott K 131 Colfax Richard Thomas V 137 Turtle Lake Larry Durand K 141 New Glarus Robert Stillman II 146 Beaver Dam Donald Smith K Charles Schulz K 148 Bloomington Sylvan Mayne II 154 Mondovi Bernard Gruber K Norman Schultz II 155 Westby Clayton Aarness II Roger Peterson II 158 Maiden Rock Bernard Keeler K 160 Brooklyn Edward Perkl K 161 King William Minks II 169 Amery Arthur Butler II Donald Thompson II 170 Mineral Point Arnold Chambers K Harry Hutchison II Roger Paynter K 171 Union Grove Merv Leischer K 173 Whitewater Eugene Lee II 179 Chetek Harlen Avery II Robert Montroy II 180 Milwaukee Richard Maciolek II 189 Watertown Wayne Danner K Albert Dziadosz K Franklin Minning K Edwin Staude II 197 Brodhead Robert Reichling II 200 Black River Falls Allen Pronschinske
01/11/16 11/14/15 12/26/15 12/27/15 12/20/15 01/01/16 12/19/15 12/19/15 01/19/16 01/03/16 01/22/16 01/15/16 01/08/16 01/11/16 12/22/15 12/31/15 01/07/16 12/20/15 11/20/15 12/20/15 12/02/15 07/02/15 01/13/16 01/17/15 01/11/16 01/04/16 01/15/16 09/06/15 12/21/15 01/21/16 01/11/16 12/18/15 12/30/15
201 Tomah William Dorn K 205 Janesville Lester Cline II Thomas Kennedy II David Green II 217 Bonduel Richard Moede V Kenneth Seefeldt K 220 Soldiers Grove Arlan Peterson V 223 Hillsboro John Amberg II James Jung V 229 Mount Hope Herman Wachter II James Lowell II Oscar Peterson V 230 DePere James Van Hefty V Robert Borman K Marshall Enderby K Richard Wick II Jacob Sterk II 236 Algoma Allan Everson K 243 Plymouth William Maass II Joseph Grosskreutz K Gordon Dreifuerst V 245 Cross Plains Leo Jenness II 251 Argyle Kermit Watkins II 255 Luck Ralph Johansen K Walter Balcom II Raymond Johnson K 258 Little Chute Paul VanLandghen K Sebastian Evers K 262 Luxemburg William Kitzinger V 263 New London Noal Pope K James McDaniel V 271 Poynette Allison Fiske K Donald Gavinski K Nicholas Panas K Richard Cowan V Lowell Chadwick PG John Hansen V William Schultz II
01/04/16 01/13/16 01/19/16 01/28/16 01/09/16 01/24/16 01/19/16 10/22/15 10/22/15 01/11/16 11/26/15 01/19/16 10/13/15 08/03/15 12/04/15 08/23/15 06/04/15 11/05/15 07/21/15 01/21/16 01/22/16 01/11/16 01/08/16 11/23/15 02/04/15 03/27/15 12/02/15 12/22/15 01/15/16 01/21/16 02/01/16 01/23/14 01/05/14 01/16/14 11/06/13 03/17/14 12/21/13 03/29/14
Edward Maass Mike Tarcha Lloyd Chadwick Gerald Trum Robert Gundlach John Moll 272 Butternut Eugene Scherwinski 287 Mattoon Joseph Fisher Gary Walter 288 Cedarburg Raymond Nielsen Gerold Scherbert 293 Silver Lake Gerald Hannum 299 Hales Corners Warren Krueger 301 Woodville Rolland Lorentson Victor Lee 308 Gays Mills Gene Heisz 315 Stoddard James Guscetti Steven Mickschl 324 Osseo Ralph Rindahl 326 Boyd Robert Seichter 329 Briggsville Robert Zurawicz Tom Tangney William Geiger 330 Wilson Delmar Ellingboe 333 Sun Prairie Richard Nelson 350 Reedsburg Arnold Sass Jerome Horkan 351 Montello Alfred Schmudlach 352 Cassville Gale Koelker 353 Cornell Ron Baker Danny Clark 358 Unity Dustin Weiler 372 Forestville Kenneth Seiler 384 Kewaskum Raynor Herriges
SEPTEMBER FEBRUARY 25, 11, 2016 2014 V II V II V
05/11/13 05/29/13 10/17/13 11/01/13 08/17/13 09/15/13
11/24/15 12/31/15
12/29/15 01/18/16
01/07/16 01/26/16
11/09/15 01/28/16
04/09/15 01/08/16 01/24/16
12/24/15 01/31/15
12/04/15 12/19/15
Carl Plaum K 391 Fremont Robert Maloney K 401 Cambria Sherwood Jenkins II Emery Dodge II 406 Milwaukee Eugene Johnson II Joseph Nadolski K Bartolomeo Milone II 412 Belgium Clarence Knepprath K 413 Crivitz Steve Vanbellinger V 415 Milwaukee Albin Zarzecki II 416 Greendale Roy Scheffner K Jerome Radtke II 431 Three Lakes Raymond Kirby K 432 Hammond John Dalton K 434 Oak Creek Donald Priest II 436 Wrightstown Ralph Runnoe K Mark Verbeten II 442 Wisconsin Rapids Jerome Dvorak II 454 Mt Calvary Ambrose Schmitz II 476 Loomis Wilbur Curtis II 484 Glenbulah Delbert McClintock K 491 Cazenovia John Rosol V Robert Cunningham II 503 Dane Roland Karls K 509 Rosholt Hilary Lorbiecki II 521 Fox Lake Gerald Van Dyke II James Harper II 523 Abrams Jimmy Ziemer V James Schuettpelz V 525 Phlox Roman Menting II 539 Green Bay Delores Mueller II
12/15/15 01/07/16 12/14/15 01/05/16 01/03/16 01/03/16 01/06/16 12/14/15 01/09/16 12/20/15 12/31/15 01/12/16 01/29/16 12/08/15 01/28/16 01/25/16 01/18/16 12/24/15 12/28/15 01/18/16 01/19/16 01/10/16 01/28/16 01/04/16 01/12/16 01/18/16 01/19/16 12/25/15 01/04/16 01/09/16 01/17/16
12/27/15 12/28/15 01/06/16 01/26/16 01/08/16 01/05/16 11/21/15 11/26/15 01/20/16 12/22/15
Prepared and confident Choose the medical alert service that has saved more lives than any other
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FEBRUARY 11, 2016
100% POST COMMANDERS Post No. 121 • River Falls Jim Miller
Post No. 313 • Black Earth Dennis Wood
Post No. 234 • Omro Jack Haynes
Post No. 100 • Sparta Tim Hyma
Post No. 270 • Theresa Gary Erdman
Post No. 400 • Milwaukee Curtiss Peck
Post No. 4 • Athens Jean Balz
Post No. 91 • Oconomowoc Mark Zaremba
Post No. 394 • Loretta Fred Leuthold
Post No. 363 • Denmark Terry Rueckert
Post No. 539 • Green Bay Betty Allen
Post No. 434 • Oak Creek Lyle Riffel
Post No. 128 • Stockbridge Wayne Steffen
Post No. 166 • Ft. Atkinson Bill Imsland
Post No. 454 • Mt. Calvary John Schumacher
Post No. 486 • Jackson Glenn Petrick
Post No. 523 • Abrams Michael Titel
Post No. 520 • Vesper Ronald C Swensen
Post No. 492 • Rothschild Debra Denissen
Post No. 424 • Mercer Manitowish Waters Thomas Leidenheimer
TEAM WISCONSIN Wisconsin’s Candidate for National Commander Denise Rohan has certainly expanded her horizons during the past month. Her journey has taken her to Louisiana, Colorado, Mississippi and soon Washington. She is very appreciative of the journey the Wisconsin American Legion has set her on and doing her best to make all of the Wisconsin members proud. Early in the campaign she was advised that it is polite to try the local cuisine when visiting another department. This meant trying: alligator and crawdads during her visit to Louisiana and eating catfish and grits while in Mississippi. Thankfully, she was not given the opportunity to sample any of the “Rocky Mountain” specialty – just some good old fashioned BBQ while in Colorado. The campaign will host its second hospitality event, in conjunction with the Department of Oregon, in Washington, DC on February 21. We will be distributing campaign pins, pens and brochures during the event and working on scheduling trips to those Departments we
don’t already have scheduled. Denise was sorry to miss Wisconsin’s Midwinter Conference while she was attending meetings in other Departments. She appreciates the fundraising events that took place that weekend and all of the workers who made those events a success. Although she will not be attending the Convention in Middleton this July, she is excited about the “Holiday Boutique” being held by the Auxiliary to benefit both of our candidates for national office, Denise for National Commander and Diane Duscheck for National President. In addition to the Holiday Boutique, “Club 600” raffle tickets are still being sold to benefit both campaigns. Tickets cost $50.00 each and only 600 are being sold with prizes totaling $5,000.00. You can get yours by contacting Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan (608) 246-9707 or Diana Sirovina (414) 321-1479. Past Department Commander Ted DeMicchi and his team are working on a June 25th golf outing and look forward to statewide par-
ticipation. More information will be distributed soon about this event. Iowa County and Barneveld Post No. 433 are planning an event on Saturday, March 26th which will start at noon and include live music by Still Strumming. Lunch will be available as well as the opportunity to bid on several gift baskets and raffle items. Donations are always welcome. We have been asked to make the red “Team Wisconsin” shirt available for sale as well as a baseball cap with the team logo on it. We are in the process of working with our vendor and as soon as they are available orders will be taken through the campaign website at You can follow the campaign at as well as make donations via a secure link. You can also contact the Candidate at or by mail at PO Box 930100, Verona, WI 53593. Thank you for your continued support and prayers as the campaign keeps rolling toward Reno which is just 18 months away.
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