FEBRUARY 16, 2017
Post No. 363 • Denmark Terry Rueckert
Post No. 495 • Sussex Cmdr David Lattimore 1st Vice Greg White
Post No. 65 • Rome Jim Kitchen
Post No. 165 • Two Rivers Harlan Sprang
Post No. 446 • Steuben Adj Craig Mortavendt / Cmdr Jerry Hook
Post No. 121 • River Falls Larry Larson ME
Post No. 43 • Ripon Kelly Wilfer
Post No. 539 • Green Bay Betty Allen
The Drier-Bushee-Vanderboom American Legion Post No. 156 of North Fond du Lac recently held its meeting at the North Fond du Lac Community Center where County Commander Steve Pauly presented Clifford Becker and Morse Anderson with certificates for 70 years of continuous membership in Post No. 156.
Clear Lake Post and SAL Support Community Services Wiley Davis Post No. 108 Commander Dan Johnson and SAL Detachment No. 108 Commander Rodney Fall are shown here presenting a donation to Clear Lake Fire Department Chief T.J. Buhr.
Countdown to Reno On June 24th we will have our It’s hard to believe that we have third annual Golf Outing at the about six months until election Reedsburg Country Club. Please day in Reno, Nevada! While we consider forming a team and are excited for our candidate, De- signing up for this great event. nise Rohan, we are busy helping The course is amazing, the staff her with fundraising events to is friendly and the raffle continhelp cover the costs of travel and ues to be an exciting part of the events. day. Mark your calendars and We want to thank all of our vol- get your team registered today. unteers who spent time working You can call PDC Ted DeMicchi the “Team” table at the Midwinter at (608) 945- 1496 or email Conference selling raffle tickets deminkp68@wi.rr.com to reserve and Team Wisconsin shirts. For your spot today. those of you who bought a ticket, Denise asked us to let you know shotgun shells, shirts or license that she appreciates your prayers plates, Denise thanks you for your as she continues to recover from support. It’s the work you do ev- her accident in November. While ery day that put her on this path she is healing, she is not able to and your monetary support that stand up and walk just yet. The keeps her campaign going. doctors have given the ok to start Darlington American Legion therapy and begin the process of Post No. 214 is having an auction learning to walk again. She confor Denise’s campaign on March tinues to travel (by van) and has 5, 2017 at their post home; 1400 traveled over 6,000 miles since Keep St., Darlington, WI 53530. the accident. The auction has tons of great Make sure to attend your Disitems to bid on like a Henry Rifle, trict Spring Conference to learn a Samsung TV, art work and much how you can become a Delegate more. This is a rare event in which or Alternate Delegate to the NaLeading Candidate Denise Ro- tional Convention. We hope to han will be in attendance. Please see you in Reno, Nevada to witshow your support and come see ness history as we elect the first her and Past National Vice Com- female veteran to the high office mander Dave Gough in Darling- of National Commander of The ton on March 5th! American Legion. Advertising Material
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