“For God & Country�
aire Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
June 6, 2013 Vol. 90, No. 4
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Wisconsin’s Future Leaders Oconomowoc to Host 95th Annual Convention Assemble in Ripon
The Wisconsin American Legion’s Badger Boys State program will open its 72nd session on June 8, 2013 at Ripon College. The annual week-long program brings together hundreds of high school seniors from throughout Wisconsin to create a 51st state known as Badger Boys State. The program is part of the many youth initiatives offered by The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin and is designed to educate youth on the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship. It was developed on the fundamental principle that youth learn best by actively participating in the process. As much as possible, the mechanics of government in Badger Boys State are patterned after the established agencies of city, county and state government. Badger Boy State participants, known as Citizens, are selected based on their qualifications as good students, strong leadership skills, and rank in the top third of their class. Since 1939, over 60,000 students have attended Badger Boys State. Planned highlights of this year’s session
include guest speakers, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh-Bradley, Charles Wiley of the National Press Corps, Brigadier General Scott Legwold, Department Commander Wayne W. Jensen and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, among others. The staff members are volunteers who relinquish a week of their vacation to serve at Badger Boys State. Last year, the entire counseling staff was comprised of previous Badger Boys State Citizens. A volunteer staff comprised of former Citizens is very unique to Boys State programs, demonstrating the strength of the Wisconsin program. Legionnaires are invited to attend any evening program for a first-hand glimpse at what Badger Boys State is all about. Come and see why your Post is involved each year. For more information about Badger Boys State feel free to visit or contact Sandy Miller at or (608) 745-1090. For more information regarding the Badger Boys State Alumni Association, please visit or contact Nathan Grunewald at
The Olympia Convention Center in Oconomowoc is slated to host the 95th Annual Department Convention July 18-21. The Olympia Convention Center is a beautiful facility and will be hosting a Department Convention for the first time. The Convention Center and surrounding area is a popular destination with ample parking and features a number of popular shopping venues and restaurants. There are four (4) housing choices for Legion Family members to choose from. They are the Hilton Garden Inn, Staybridge Suites, Olympia Hotel and Marriott Milwaukee West, all with complimentary shuttle service. The Edwin L. Jones Post No. 91 of Oconomowoc and many Waukesha County Legion Family volunteers are proud to sponsor the convention and have planned a number of special activities to entertain visitors. Department Headquarters will establish a presence at the convention site on Wednesday, July 17th. Initial meetings that day will include the Wisconsin
American Legion Foundation Board of Directors. That evening at 5:45 PM there will be a dinner and Pontoon rides on Lac Labelle and a concert by the Post No. 91 American Legion Band with guest conductors Commander Wayne and President Diana. In case of rain the cookout will be held at Post No. 91. RSVP by July 10th to ensure your reservation by contacting Post91oconomowoc@ or Tom Strey at (262) 490-0416. The various standing Department Committees will begin meetings at 7AM on Thursday, July 18th. The early starting times are necessary in order for the business of the sub-committees to be completed in advance of the Department Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 4 PM. For those not attending Department meetings, discount golfing will be available at the Paganica Golf course in Oconomowoc that day. The convention will begin in earnest on Friday, July 19th with District Caucuses at 7:30 AM and
Opening Ceremonies at 9:00 AM. First time attendees will have a great opportunity to socialize and learn about the business of The American Legion first-hand. Convention Committee Meetings will take place at 2:00 PM and consider a number of Resolutions related to Legion business and veterans issues at the state and national levels. The ever popular “GNUTS� meeting will take place at 4:30 PM with a “TET� party to follow. Candidates for Department offices will be hosting Hospitality Suites at the Olympia Resort, Hotel and Spa later in the evening. Saturday will be a busy day at convention with the election of Department officers beginning at 8:30 AM. The convention will reconvene at 9:00 AM and many prominent speakers are expected. Department award winners will also be recognized for their accomplishments. There will be a Military Vehicle Display in the parking lot at the Olympia Resort from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. (continued on page 4)
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PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2012-2013 Communications Committee Harold Rihn, Chairman Ron Hessil, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Vern Pitt, Member Mike Herkowski, Member James Lee, Member Kendel Feilen, Consultant Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2012-13 Department Officers Commander Wayne Jensen Vice Commanders Ken Rynes Chuck Roloff Ron Hessil Randy Lenser Adjutant David A. Kurtz Assistant Chaplain Greg Simonis Sergeant-at Arms Todd Braun Charles Roessler Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Robert Shappell 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Barb Belmont 7th – John Thurk 8th – Dan Rindt 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Larry Wyrcza 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Bob Buhr Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Diana Sirovina, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
JUNE 6, 2013
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER NOW HEAR THIS…. If there has been a single disheartening fact of being your Department Wayne Jensen Commander it Commander would be the vast amount of our fellow Legionnaires on the sick list. Each time a friend or acquaintance befalls to an accident, or disease, it is a reminder of our fragility and mortality. What amazes me is where we find the comrades to step up and carry on our traditions. Spring Conference has come and gone. I was extremely impressed with the actions of the VA&R and Legislative Committees as relates to Senate Bill 13, which is legislation dealing with asbestos and Mesothelioma. What made it impressive was the sincere caring, and attentiveness, that was placed in the discussion and dialogue. To me the resolution was incidental
compared to the process which was as intriguing as any courtroom drama. For the record, the Department Executive Committee acted on the recommendations of these committees and voted to oppose the legislation. Now it’s up to you Legionnaires to contact your representatives and urge rejection of the bill. I refer you to the Commanders Communique of May 17th which was issued by e-mail and posted on our website at I had the honor of representing you over the Memorial Day weekend in both Pewaukee and Mt. Horeb. It was the ideal time to showcase Americana and The American Legion at our best. National Commander Jim Koutz says it best when he states, “Every Day is Veterans Day”. This is the time of year we remind America that millions of our service members paid the supreme sacrifice. Surviving mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, nieces, nephews and friends were not celebrating the beginning
of summer, but reflecting on their lost family members. Our hearts go out to them as we rededicate ourselves, that their lives will not have been sacrificed in vain. Over the last several years I observed that previous Department Commanders seemed to tire at this point of their term of office. But what I’m actually feeling is a sense of sadness that my days as your Commander are rapidly coming to a close. As we prepare for the Department Convention, I’m observing that we are already preparing for the next commanders agenda. We are hard at work preparing a 5 year membership plan and we have important resolutions dealing with potentially combining certain committees. Streamlining operations will go far in determining the Department’s success as we move into the future. As the District Commanders prepare their recommendations for standing committees I urge younger members to step forward to work
on Department committees. That is where you truly learn the process of The American Legion. So much ire and discontent is borne at the Post level because folks either don’t know, or understand, why things can or cannot be done. Remember; “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” This is where being a mentor is so vital to The American Legion. Younger minds bring fresh ideas. As an older member of your Post, you can either be a dinosaur or a wise mentor. Last, but not least, please ensure your Adjutants are submitting the Consolidated Post Report. The time, money and efforts your Post spends accomplishing aspects of the Four pillars (Americanism, Children & Youth, Veterans Affairs and National Security) needs to be compiled so when we talk to our representatives in Congress and Madison, we can show them why our concerns count. God speed and smooth sailing.
CAMP DIRECTOR Camp is clean and we are ready for another exciting season. Our official opening day for 2013 was MonKevin Moshea day, May 27th. Camp Director What could be more fitting than to open Camp on Memorial Day? Every so often I like to write about something other than Camp. Yes, I do like to do this once in a while. This simple story happened over a year ago but now is the time to share it with our Legion Family. I feel we need stories like this once in a while to lift our spirits and to remind us all what a great organization The American Legion is. This story starts with me being asked to speak on Camp at a local Post meeting. That same day I had a good friend visiting me at camp. I brought her along with me. Seems all pretty normal doesn’t
it? Well, here is what happened; in her own words. “Awhile ago, just by chance I had the privilege to be in attendance at the beginning of an American Legion meeting. There were some things which impressed me that I remember to this day, even though it has been over a year since that meeting. When I walked in the building I noticed all the works of art on the front wall. There were soldiers, battle maps and various other symbols. Each one depicted a war that our military had fought. They were beautifully made and I asked someone about them. The person told me that they were all handmade by veterans. I was impressed. When the introduction before the meeting began, I, probably for the first time in my life, saluted the flag. It gave me a feeling on intrinsic importance. Then we recited
the pledge of allegiance. I hadn’t said those words since I was in grade school, but I could say them without forgetting a word. That surprised me. I guess some things that are meaningful stay with us no matter how old we are. The one thing that really was the most memorable for me happened when the veterans at the meeting said a prayer for our veterans. My father is a World War II veteran. He is not in real good health, but does his best. I was much moved, listing to these Legionnaires and in my mind thinking – they are all praying for my father! It was a special moment that I will never forget. After they finished the prayer I thought of something bigger yet. I realized that somewhere at every American Legion Post meeting in the country, there are veterans praying for my father, for which I felt a profound sense of gratitude. It too, is something special that I
still think about at times and feel what a great thing it was to have been at an American Legion meeting.” Legion family, here in the Northwoods I have a lot of quite time to reflect on things. All of us have limited time here on earth, time that is truly precious. When you think about it, all time is really sacred. As we move through life, we never really know when we can influence somebody in a profound way. We never really know when we can touch someone’s heart and soul. I have come to reflect on that thought often. That night when my friend attended her first Legion meeting she was influenced and touched in a very deep and meaningful way. The American Legion is a great organization of high value, positively impacting lives. Sometimes we don’t even see it but it does happen. Thank you American Legion and God bless.
WDVA SECRETARY Flag Day A flag is often an enduring symbol of a sovereign country or nation’s heritage, conjuring John A. Scocos up images rangWDVA Secretary ing from struggle and war to freedom and political ideals. In America, our flag commands a great measure of respect, born from the patriotic history that accompanies it. In America our flag is almost sacred; so respected that Flag Day is observed on June 14th of each year. It is a day for all Americans to celebrate and show respect for our flag that was first conceived of during our war for independence
from Britain. Nicknamed “Stars and Stripes,” “Old Glory” and “The Star-spangled Banner,” our flag has been a symbol of our nation since 1777. Flag Day occurs on the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777. It was officially established by proclamation by President Woodrow Wilson on May 30, 1916. However, it was not until August 3, 1949 that President Harry S. Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day. Our flag has accompanied our soldiers and explorers to the ends of the earth and beyond since our founding and it is hard to look at the flag without a deep association between our achievements and
those who sacrificed so much to achieve them. Our flag has been flown by our Armed Forces in every engagement since the Revolutionary War and carried by our explorers and adventurers to as far away as the moon. A decade ago, when Army soldiers received orders for a deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan, the flag became an integral part of their deployment uniform to identify them as U.S. troops. Before the Army and other military branches adopted digital pattern uniforms and Velcro patches and flags, the Army wore green-colored camouflage for most stateside duty and desert-colored camouflage for deployments to the Middle East. When soldiers got their new desert
uniforms, a “backward” American flag was sewn to the right shoulder – the flag streaming rearward as it would if it was being carried by a standard-bearer as he or she was moving forward. Now the flag is standard for Army utility uniforms, whether on combat assignment or not. The flag is truly a worldwide symbol of our country that instantly identifies us whether on a soldier’s uniform, a suit’s lapel pin or a flag flying in a veteran’s front yard. When you fly the flag this June 14, or observe someone else’s flag flying, take a moment and think on where the flag comes from, where it has been and what is says about us as Americans.
JUNE 6, 2013
Chippewa Falls Veterans Home Puts Out the Call and Post No. 295 Answers When the new Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls put out a wish list for needed items, members of the Martin A. Treptow Post No. 295 in Bloomer were willing to share their time and talent for a project. The need for an altar suitable for all faiths was on the wish list and post members agreed to construct one according to the specifications of the Veterans Home. Plans were approved and some highly skilled veterans went to work. The altar had to be mobile so it could be moved into place for services in the Home’s chapel which is also attached to the
community room. When these rooms are combined, the seating capacity is 160. Post members are currently working on another project for the home and are building magazine racks for the library. Katie Plendl-Director of Volunteer Services at the home stated that three members of the clergy are presently serving the Veterans Home and she is looking for more volunteer clergy to come forth. Mark Wilson-Commandant of the Veterans Home indicates that within a few weeks the Home will be at the capacity of 72 residents.
Pictured from left to right: Katie Plendl- Director of Volunteer Services; American Legion Members: Jim Zwiefelhofer, Marv Weber, Jim Conrad, Norman Kouba-Post No. 295 Commander, Fran Yohnk, Tom Vodacek, Jim Hudacek-Post No. 295 Adjutant, Mark Wilson-Chippewa Falls Commandant.
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust 48th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors The Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) held its 48th annual meeting of the Board of Directors in New Orleans on April 16th. Forty-eight of the forty-nine American Legion Departments that comprise the LIT were represented at the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Frank Barrett of Maryland, the newly elected Chairman. Chuck Yunker of Kansas and Braxton Bridgers of Alabama were named to serve on the Executive Committee. Chairman Barrett dedicated the meeting in honor of the founding Chairman, John J. “Jack” Flynn of California, who transferred to the “Post Everlasting” in February 2013. The Department of Wisconsin was represented by Trust Director David Kurtz. The Board meets annually to review the affairs of the LIT. Agenda items included: the financial status of the LIT, approval of allocations and fee distribution, receiving an update on the programs and services, review the Trust Administrator’s report, and set the future direction of the Trust. The Board will meet again during The American Legion’s National Convention in Houston, Texas. The Legionnaire Insurance Trust was formed in 1966 with the expressed purpose: “to provide Legionnaires with the most advanced and least expensive form of insur-
ance to protect themselves and their families while providing American Legion Departments with a reliable source of revenue”. Proceeds from the LIT are generally ear-marked to support Department VA&R and other related activities. Since joining the LIT in 1984, the Department of Wisconsin has received over $2.2 million in support of American Legion programs, with over $700,000 in the last 6 years. This revenue is vital to maintain the level of services offered to Wisconsin veterans by The American Legion.
Marinette County Legion Commander’s Dinner REPRINTED BY PERMISSION OF THE PESHTIGO TIMES A total of 94 persons attended the annual Marinette County American Legion Commander’s Dinner to honor Paul Dyer, as the 2013 Marinette County Legionnaire of the Year. Dyer has been a member of Post No. 413 in Crivitz for 60 consecutive years. The dinner was served Saturday, April 13 at Lynda’s Sky Harbor to 94 guests. A very special guest was Dyer’s grandson, Ben, who had just come home from serving a year of duty in Afghanistan as part of a 39-month hitch as a Scout with the U. S. Army. Marinette County Commander Claire Bolander presented Dyer with the Man of the Year Award, and introduced State Commander Wayne Jensen and 9th District Commander Gene Oatman (who is also the Langlade County Veteran’s Service Officer); fellow Marinette County officers Rodger French, Adjutant Tony Magerowski and Chaplain Ron Kaempf, Crivitz Village President John Deschane and his wife, Candy, and VFW Commander Jerry Swanson. Dyer introduced his family Lois, his wife of 53 years; his son and daughter-in-law Scott and Tina, grandson Ben; and daughter Christina. “After 60 years as a Legionnaire, my most rewarding service has been in the Honor Guard,” Dyer said, after expressing appreciation for being honored. He felt there was no greater honor than to be sure a fellow veteran was given proper respect at burial. Dyer was the only 60-year Legion member present. Erv Krukowski, a World War II veteran, was saluted as a 50 year-member. Jensen was guest speaker, and Oatman also gave a brief address. Bolander and Magerowski presented Bolander with a certificate of appreciation. Traveling trophy for being
LEGIONNAIRE OF YEAR—Shown above at the Annual Marinette County American Legion Commander’s Dinner are 9th District Commander Dale Oatman of Antigo; State Commander Wayne Jensen of Milwaukee; Paul Dyer of Crivitz Legion Post 413, who was being honored as Marinette County’s Legionnaire of the Year for 2013, and Marinette County Commander Claire Bolander. The event took place Saturday, April 13 at Lynda’s Sky Harbor in Crivitz. In addition to being Legionnaire of the Year, Dyer received a plaque from Jensen for more than 60 years of continuous membership in the Legion.
“over the top” in membership for the year once again went to Commander Elmer Mullard of Loomis Post 476, with a record 115.38 in membership. Bolander noted there were many Korean War veterans on hand, and reminded everyone that they are now eligible for the Honor Flights to the memorial in Washington, DC. “Think about some of the things we’re accomplishing,” Jensen told the Legionnaires, citing a long list of events and activities the Legion supports. “I feel it’s imperative that we take the time to let folks know what we’re doing,” Jensen declared. “How else will we ever get younger members?” Jensen is a retired Milwaukee police officer and 20-year military veteran. He presented Dyer with a lapel pin. At the conclusion of the meeting the red, white and blue centerpiece that graced the head table was presented to Jensen’s wife, Donna.
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Oatman asked the Legionnaires to support the budgets of Gov. Scott Walker and President Barack Obama, since they both provide increased benefits for veterans. He thanked the Marinette County posts for their membership results, 95.51 percent for the county as a whole. Two posts, Loomis and Peshtigo were over 100 percent. Veterans and their families who were at Camp Lejeune from 1957 to 1987 may be eligible for special benefits because of having drank contaminated water there. There are high incidences of several types o cancers. The new Green Bay Veterans Clinic is close to completion and expected to be in operation by the end of summer. There will be Legion Day at the Veterans Home at King on Sunday, June 16th. Bolander expressed special thanks to all the posts for the event.
95th Annual Convention (continued) Following the convention session, the Legion Riders will hold a Legacy Run tour of Waukesha County American Legion Posts to raise funds for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. Following the Legacy Run there will be a Pool Party and Live band at the Olympia Resort prior to the Past Commander’s Club evening bash. The 95th Annual Department Convention will wind up on Sunday. The Memorial Service will begin at 8:00 AM in the convention hall. Following the installation of the newly-elected officers and the closing ceremo-
nies, the Grand Prize winner of the Convention Sweepstakes will be drawn. The grand prize is the winner’s choice of either $20,000 in cash or a new Ford from the Boucher Automotive Group. All in all it is anticipated to be a busy and exciting weekend in Oconomowoc. More details and a comprehensive schedule will appear in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire. Register for the event by using the Registration Form in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire or log on to Registration on-line is fast and easy.
The American Legion Department of Wisconsin
95th Annual Department Convention REGISTRATION FORM This is your registration form only, NOT your delegate form. Delegate forms are mailed to the Post 30 days prior to Convention per the Constitution and Bylaws. First Name__________________ Last Name _____________________________ Member ID Number _________________________________________________ District ____________________________________________________________ AL Post # ________
Auxiliary Unit # ______
SAL Squadron # _________
Street Address _____________________________________________________ City ________________________________________Zip ___________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone (__________ ) __________________________________________ Cell Phone (__________ ) ____________________________________________ ITEM
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Reg. Fee after July 15, 2013
Total Enclosed
Make check payable to The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin or enter credit card information below. Cash
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Card Type__________________Card # __________________________________ Expiration Date ______________
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Return to; Wisconsin American Legion Attn: Chris Schmidt • P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901
JUNE 6, 2013
Helping to Heal: Camp Director Kevin Moshea on a Mission for Wisconsin Veterans and their Families By Arnie Tucker – Special to the a car accident. “My spirituality Moshea said he experienced a Badger Legionnaire grew greatly,” he said. “My life moment that revealed how proCamp American Legion has has gone down the road of person- found the camp’s impact was no comparison. Located 24 miles al service and caring for others.” on one camper. With his vehicle north of Tomahawk and five Ironically, Moshea was famil- packed and his family ready to miles east of Highway 51 on Big iar with Camp American Legion leave the camp, a veteran insisted Carr Lake, it is one of a kind in long before he became director. on talking with Moshea. “All of the entire United States. “It is the “I have been coming to Camp a sudden it became obvious that only camp in the country that has American Legion since I was we were doing this because he a ‘help to heal’ mission,” said probably 10 years old, and always didn’t want to leave,” Moshea exCamp American Legion Director with my dad, who was an Ameri- plained. “He said, ‘Kevin, I really Kevin Moshea. “Our mission is can Legion member,” Moshea don’t want to go back.’” to help our veterans, to give them said. “I didn’t even know at that Moshea said that any veteran’s a helping hand, to help them with time it was called Camp Ameri- time in camp is a time to heal, a their situations and their chal- can Legion. My connection with time to get away from the challenges.” this place goes back that far.” lenges, concerns and issues in From its beginning, Camp The area of Camp American life. Veterans can do whatever American Legion had a rather Legion where Moshea stayed they want at camp, whether it is narrow focus. Now, the mission with his parents is directly across going on a boat ride, fishing, or is “help to heal” as the camp bro- Highway D from the main camp. just sitting by Big Carr Lake and chure shows. The camp’s purpose Cabins belonging to various Le- reading a book. And it is free of is to help heal not only Wiscon- gion posts are located there. As charge to eligible Wisconsin vetsin’s military veterans and active Moshea’s father often did, Le- erans and their families. duty personnel, but their families gion members rent the cabins and In addition to veterans’ ages as well. “Camp American Le- bring their families. Moshea be- ranging from the 90s to the 20s, gion has a phenomenal history,” lieves that these personal and pro- Camp American Legion has had said Moshea. Since 1925, Camp fessional experiences converged a dramatic rise in the number of American Legion has served and ultimately led him to becom- campers. In two years the number Wisconsin military veterans with ing director of Camp American increased 76 percent. It rose by physician-documented injuries, Legion. 43 percent last year alone. “We illnesses or disabilities. Camp In four years, he has seen are here to serve and bring smiles American Legion is completely the full spectrum of how Camp to their faces. A lot of veterans free. American Legion has helped have not smiled in a long time,” Moshea became director in veterans who have stayed at the Moshea said. “For a week, we can the summer of 2009. A U.S. Air camp. “We have brought fami- give them a different perspective Force veteran, he served from lies back together who have been on life and meaning to their life, 1971 to 1977 in the communi- struggling,” he said. “We have that they’re worth something and cations field. His non-military created programs that reach out to they’re valued. We can give them background includes 30 years in certain veterans in certain ways.” something to believe in.” corporate communication. He was employed with the KimberlyClark Corporation until downsizing eliminated his position. In hindsight, the timing of the downsizing seemed appropriate. “Probably in my last 10 years in the corporate world, I saw my life heading to a more caring service to people,” he said. That service includes 15 years as a hospice volunteer. Moshea also helped his sister, who was severely handicapped as the result of The main lodge at Camp American Legion. Photo credit to Arnie Tucker
2013 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION HOUSING CHOICES Please Note: Free shuttle transportation will be provided to and from Olympia Convention Center for all hotels listed below. OLYMPIA RESORT 1350 Royale Mile Road Oconomowoc, WI 53066 (262) 369-4982 Group Code: Post 91 2013 LLC Wisconsin American Legion State Convention $95.00/Night for two guests 3-4 people per room is an additional $10/person/night RESERVATIONS AFTER MAY 13TH
MARRIOTT MILWAUKEE WEST W231 N1600 Corporate Court Waukesha, WI 53186 (262) 574-0888 $99.00/Night Full Service Restaurant & Lounge Pool and Hot Tub NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS
STAYBRIDGE SUITES 1141 Blue Ribbon Drive Oconomowoc, WI 53066 (262) 200-2900 Group Code: WAL $99.00/Night - Includes Breakfast (1 Queen Bed & pull out sofa) NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS
HILTON GARDEN INN 1443 Pabst Farms Circle Oconomowoc, WI 53066 (262) 200-2222 Group Code: WAL King Rooms- $99.99/Night Queen Rooms- $109.00/Night NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS
JUNE 6, 2013
Black River Falls Students Brush Up on American Civics Knowledge JACKSON COUNTY CHRONICLE BY CASSANDRA COLSON REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION Black River Falls High School students recently took part in an American Legion-sponsored event designed to increase their civics knowledge. Twenty BRF students participated in the online Americanism and Government Scholarship Program test put on by The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. Students were tested on their knowledge of current events, county, Wisconsin and U.S. government and the Constitution in addition to flag etiquette. BRF student William Mackenzie was one of 32 recipients of a $250 scholarship. He achieved the honor out of a pool of 4,360 students. “I think it’s a good opportunity from the Legion. It connects very well to our curriculum, so we’re trying to promote (the test) on that lev-
el,” said BRF social studies teacher Paul Rykken, who helped promote BRF’s participation. “It’s fundamental, basic knowledge that American citizens should have.” Many of the test’s questions are similar to the test people take when hoping to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. BRF’s participation this year represents a ramped up effort to get students involved in the program and increase their interest and knowledge in civics, Rykken said. The school also has plans to increase participation in coming years, including next year, which American Legion representative Ken Schoolcraft supports. “I think it’s important because they’re starting to get away from the things that veterans have died for in the past. It’s so far back that they don’t realize what kind of price was paid,” said Schoolcraft, who serves
PAGE 5 An all too familiar Memorial Day scene.
as Jackson County American Legion commander and Americanism chairman of Post No. 200 in BRF. “That’s part of our creed in the Legion— to promote 100 percent Americanism. We want to keep it in our schools. We want it to continue.” Schoolcraft also said he hopes other area schools, including Melrose-Mindoro and Lincoln, will participate in the test in coming years. BRF students will help the school and Legion promote the activity, which likely will spur more interest, he said. “I want to get it into the other two schools in the county,” Schoolcraft said. “I think the thing is that they have to have more incentive. “The kids in Black River are going to make a video about it, and if a kid is promoting it, other kids are probably going to jump on board.” For more information on the test, visit
Delafield SAL Squadron Assists Local Veteran On April 20th 2013, Sons of The American Legion Squadron No. 196 of Delafield aided a local veteran, Harry Sobocinski. Harry served in the US Army Reserve from 1960 to 1966 and has lived at his Delafield residence for more than 25 years. Due to recent health problems Harry needs a transport van to take him to and from doctor and hospital visits. However, his gravel driveway was rutted and in general disrepair. The Delafield Sons of The American Legion conduct three major fundraisers throughout the year which raise money for projects such as this. With the help of Lake Country Landscaping and the Delafield SAL, the driveway was reconstructed and is a usable driveway once again.
At Edgewood College, student veterans and their families receive strong support in their higher education journey. • Customized students’ services are available to every veteran student • Small class sizes allow for excellent student-instructor relations and assistance Back Row standing left to right: Pat Trier, Mike Stohl, Mike Trier, Jim Brucks, Steve Reardon. Front Row kneeling left to right: Mitchell Nuernberger, Jerry Nuernberger, Joe Lindemann
Operation Comfort Warrior Challenge Operation Comfort Warrior (OCW) is a National American Legion program dedicated to meeting the needs of wounded, injured or ill military personnel by providing them with comfort items not usually supplied by the government. Commander Jensen is asking all posts to support Operation Comfort Warrior by donating funds. Fond du Lac Post
No. 75, Chaseburg Post No. 202, James Lee of the Communications Committee, Trempealeau County Youth Government Day are the latest to respond with generous donations. Donations for OCW total over $2,000 for 2013. You can show your support by sending a donation to OCW in care of Department Headquarters or by visiting the Wisconsin Veterans
H o m e at King on Father’s Day, June 16th, for the 58th Annual American Legion King Day sponsored by the 8th District. At that time we will collect all donations for presentation to National Commander Jim Koutz at the 95th Annual National Convention this August in Houston.
Presque Isle Post No. 480 Settles Lawsuit With Town Representatives of the Winegar Post No. 480 of Presque Isle went before the Vilas County Court on April 2nd and presented a settlement agreement that addressed the issues that remained in their conflict with the Township of Presque Isle. The County Judge accepted and ruled that American Legion Post
No. 480 will own the Legion hall with no reversionary clause or encumbrances to the title. The Memorial land peninsula does have a reversionary clause which states that if the Legion post does not complete a Veterans Memorial to the Legions satisfaction within 10 years from the date of the court ruling, title to the pen-
insula would revert back to the Town of Presque Isle. The reversionary clause also states that the Legion cannot attempt to sell or lease the Memorial Peninsula. Once a memorial is built, should the Winegar Post No. 480 ever cease to exist the Memorial Peninsula can be deeded to any veterans’ organi-
• A strong network of student veterans work together to assist in the transition to academics Plus • Accelerated programs designed for service personnel • Online degree programs • 40+ undergraduate majors and Master’s degrees in 10 major fields of study
Contact Veterans Services Coordinator Matthew Schroeder at 608.333.8103 or Edgewood College | Madison, WI |
zation to maintain the Memorial in perpetuity. This settlement and court or-
der now lays to rest a controversy that has affected the community for many years.
The Last Bugle
1 Germantown Matthew Holentunder K James M Enott V 4 Athens Mark A Wisnewski K 8 Waukesha Paul Fay II 10 Wausau Richard T Mayer V Robert Westberg II Donald R Brummond K 11 Green Bay Arthur Eldridge II 14 Iola Joseph W Keller K 26 Baraboo Lowell C Haugen K Fred L West II 27 Milwaukee William Dreher II 32 Menomonie William Chamberlain V Lawrence Michelbook II 43 Ripon Fern B Schultz II Leonard E Ringstad II 44 Wabeno Fred Reimann II 45 Elkhorn Delorme A Getchell II 53 Eau Claire Willard C Johnson II Duane W Foss II William J Guyton II Robert L Gay K 55 Hortonville Charles C Jandourek II 70 Oshkosh William G Haidlinger K 73 Neillsville Raymond Barth K 75 Fond du Lac Sylvin Steffes Clarence Pierce II Warren Hess II William Notbohm II/K Ken Richardson K 77 Chippewa Falls Wayne G Anderson V Leo Fisher II 79 Burlington Gerald L Levans V Warren Hefty II 82 Port Washington Milton Koch II 83 Sheboygan LaVern R Larson II Theodore Zimmermann II Robert L Voight II 93 Tomahawk Harvey Nelson K Ronald Linn II Edward Bajorek K 106 Seymour Thomas Burke K 121 River Falls Roman Falteisek II 127 Hilbert Harold Vanharen II 133 Camp Douglas Milford N Hansen V 134 Boscobel Glenn Marks V
02/23/13 04/21/13 05/10/13 05/17/13 03/25/13 04/04/13 03/31/13 05/10/13 04/22/13 03/31/13 04/13/13 05/10/13 03/16/11 05/05/13 08/08/12 05/03/13 04/22/13 04/23/13 04/20/13 05/02/12 12/13/12 04/28/13 03/03/13 04/26/13 04/23/13 04/21/13 04/26/13 03/10/13 10/21/12 05/07/13 05/07/13 05/11/13 04/18/13 05/06/13 04/02/13 03/26/13 05/11/13 07/15/12 04/26/13 05/15/13 05/17/13 04/28/13 04/25/13 05/02/13 05/09/13 05/17/13
141 New Glarus Howard J Jeglum 143 St Croix Falls John Edling Lester H Swanson Phillip B Bourasa Thomas W Eisen Leonard Meyer Ronald J Lambert Steven W Johnson 146 Beaver Dam Russell W Kroll 150 Wausaukee William Weissgerber Peter Orlando 168 Glenwood City Robert Ryan 170 Mineral Point John Keyes 171 Union Grove Sam Muratore Robert Lewis 179 Chetek Roger Bronstad Mickey Standford Richard Nelson 180 Milwaukee John Gruil Wilbur O Korbein Edmund R Marus 182 Park Falls Donald L Weimer Louie J Diem 186 Independence Peter P Palkowski 189 Watertown Lawrence N Reichert John C Kaercher 199 Reedsville Paul P Thelen 200 Black River Falls James Gearing 201 Tomah Clarence E Kozarek 205 Janesville Richard A Loga Richard Levihn 206 Wonewoc Peter A Carr 215 Pardeeville Howard McCarthy 225 Shell Lake Roy F Slater 233 Waterloo Ervin Borck 238 Greenwood Dewayne Vollrath Vern Mech 258 Little Chute Robert J Lamers Joseph F Lenz 260 Deerfield Edwin D Frank 263 New London Everette G Collins 269 Cushing Leroy G Lien 272 Butternut Clifford C Bruch 274 Rib Lake Arthur Gerstberger Kenneth Arndt 288 Cedarburg Allen Sattler Raymond F Melger 294 Hartland Charles O Jensen Kurt O Kretschmer Jerry Stoecker James Matusek Gerald J Shurte 295 Bloomer Paul E Lanzer Jr Richard R Colville 296 Brookfield John A Rajski 303 Winter Fred Pearson
04/26/13 12/31/12 01/25/13 04/05/13 04/26/13
04/18/13 05/17/13
310 Racine Marvin J Wirtz 315 Stoddard Lester Helgeson 324 Osseo Willis G Olson Jacob G Thoma 332 Black Creek Edward G Rawling 333 Sun Prairie Daniel Clavette Barbara Clark 347 Lomira Roy A Lenhardt Sr John Kinyon Edward F Eilbes David J Sauer Robert E Retzlaff 350 Reedsburg Roger Wobschall Lowell Davis 351 Montello Walter Marx Chester Mozden Mary B Riedl 355 Grafton John Kroeger 359 Gilman Lawrence Krak
04/27/13 04/16/13
05/05/13 02/17/13
04/13/13 04/17/13 04/21/13 04/25/13 05/08/13
02/21/13 04/22/13
04/25/13 05/03/13 05/02/13
JUNE 6, 2013
360 Waunakee Robert D Paustian II 368 Hixton Arthur Gilbertson II 377 Elcho Leonard Simonis II 382 Menomonee Falls Jerry Redner K 384 Kewaskum Gerald Vetter V William McDonald II Roger W McKenna K 385 Verona Henry W Schroeder 390 Gresham Donald N Mathews K 401 Cambria Walter R Wiersma V 406 Milwaukee Frederick R Wagie II 412 Belgium Edwin P Knepprath K 413 Crivitz William England II 436 Wrightstown Gregory J Russo V Thomas A Ramage K 437 Mazomanie Robert Stoller II
446 Steuben 04/21/13 Lawrence Bay 480 Presque Isle 05/17/13 Ronald Gebhard 482 Bagley 05/08/13 Denzel Woodward 483 Allenton 05/08/13 Donald Kirsch 494 Caledonia 04/28/13 Robert Brink Sr 04/29/13 508 Wilton 04/29/13 Harley Chambers 518 Green Bay 04/27/13 David J Lane 521 Fox Lake 11/07/12 Sam Tomovich Ivan A Brueggemann 05/05/13 524 White Lake Norwin G Gau 04/23/13 534 McFarland Marvin Langeteig 04/16/13 Michael Addams Garry F Hausen 05/14/13 537 Milwaukee Chester E Wnuk 04/20/13 Robert W Schoenberg 05/01/13 561 Mason Aurelia Lobos 04/27/13 Jerome Hager
04/10/13 K
05/11/13 05/13/13
05/19/12 02/14/13 01/12/11
05/01/13 04/26/13
06/26/12 10/07/12
04/19/13 09/06/12
08/09/12 01/12/12 11/09/11
04/03/13 04/29/13 05/08/13
04/25/13 05/06/13
04/16/13 04/10/13
04/26/13 05/11/13
03/14/13 04/28/13
04/26/13 05/12/13
04/09/13 05/07/13
05/02/13 05/12/13
07/21/12 02/16/13 10/01/12 02/02/13
For more information on the products and services provided by The Legionnaire Insurance Trust,
05/10/13 03/31/13
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JUNE 6, 2013
Commander Jensen Visits Post No. 500 MP
100% County Commanders
The Pewaukee Post No. 71 dedicated a new Veterans Memorial on Friday, May 24th with a community open house and an appropriate ceremony.
Department Commander Wayne Jensen wants to recognize those County and District Commanders who attain 100% of their 2013 membership goal by placing their photos in the Badger Legionnaire. The success or failure of our membership efforts is in direct proportion to the efforts of leadership. Congratulations to all Legionnaires who have worked so hard to strengthen our organization.
Pictured left to right with Commander Wayne Jensen are Ed Schuh and Walt Zihn. Helen Sullivan is seated in the front row.
Commander Wayne Jensen attended the annual party celebrating the founding of Stoddard-Heinle Post No. 500 in Milwaukee on May 16th. The Commander presented three
members of the post with certificates marking continuous membership. Receiving certificates were Ed Schuh - 65 years, Walt Zihn - 67 years and Helen Sullivan - 66 years.
The Legion Visits the “Big House”
Pictured from left to right; US Congressman James Sensenbrenner, Waukesha County Commander Marcia Goodrich, Post No. 71 Commander Rollie Crandall, Department Commander Wayne Jensen of the Milwaukee Police Post No. 415 and Fred Galante - Past Commander of Post No. 71.
Jerry Scalissi Dane County Commander
Allen Fjelstad Green County Commander
Wisconsin American Legion Riders from Districts 1, 2, 4 & 5 observed Armed Forces Day on May 18th and were once again honored to lead the Support the Troops Ride from Hal’s Harley Davidson in New Berlin to the Harley Davidson Museum in downtown Milwaukee. Include on the ride and pictured with the Riders are Major General Donald Dunbar, Adjutant General of the Wisconsin National Guard (in uniform) and US Army Major General Michael Berzowski, retired.
Do you know a Veteran… Someone who is not a Member?
Pictured left to right are Department Outreach Coordinator Steve Dykes and Warden Michael Meisner of the Columbia Correctional Institution standing in front of a
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Send contact information on any veteran to: Steve Dykes (608) 745-0339 or The Krause-Simpson Post No. 300 of Gillett held their annual Memorial Day observance on Monday, May 27th. Department Adjutant David Kurtz of the Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 was the keynote speaker. Kurtz is pictured here with Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts from the Gillett area.
Veterans display area at the facility. The display has been dedicated to the more than 80 veterans that serve as Correctional Officers within the prison system.
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