“For God & Country”
June 5, 2014 Vol. 91, No. 5
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
96th Annual Convention to Host National Commander The 96th Annual Department Convention is fast approaching and excitement is building. Commander Rynes will be leading a contingent of American Legion Riders into the convention city on Wednesday July 16th to kick-start activities. The Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 of Appleton will host a reception that evening. The post is proud to sponsor the convention and have planned a number of special activities to entertain visitors. National Commander Dan Dellinger of Virginia will be our Special Guest at Covention. Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center in Appleton will be hosting the convention which will
run from July 16th through July 20th. The hotel and surrounding area is a popular destination with ample parking and features a number of popular shopping venues and restaurants including the Vince Lombardi Steakhouse. There are many additional housing choices for Legion Family members to choose from. A list of them appears in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire on page 5. Headquarters staff will be on hand at the convention site on Wednesday, July 16th. Initial meetings that day will include the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation Board of Directors. The various standing Department Committees will begin
meetings at 7AM on Thursday, July 17th. The early starting times are necessary in order for the business of the sub-committees to be completed in advance of the Department Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 4 PM. The convention will begin in earnest on Friday, July 18th with District Caucuses at 7:30 AM and Opening Ceremonies at 9:00 AM. First time attendees will have a great opportunity to socialize and learn about the business of The American Legion first-hand. Convention Committee Meetings will take place at 2:00 PM and consider a number of Resolutions related to Legion business and
MONDAY, JULY 14TH • Rosholt Post No. 509 at 8:30 AM • Camp American Legion at 12:00 Noon for lunch • Bruce Post No. 268 at 5:00 PM • Brackett Post No. 550 at 7:00 PM
WEDNESDAY, JULY 16TH • Mukwonago Post No. 375 at 8:00 AM • Oak Creek Post No. 434 at 10:45 AM • Grafton Post No. 355 at 11:30 AM for lunch • New Holstein Post No. 124 at 2:00 PM The ride will culminate with a reception at the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton at 5:45 PM on Wednesday, July
The American Legion Department of Wisconsin
96th Annual Department Convention REGISTRATION FORM This is your registration form only, NOT your delegate form. Delegate forms are mailed to the Post 30 days prior to Convention per the Constitution and Bylaws.
Member ID Number _________________________________________________
Statewide Benefit for Children of KIA’s set for July! TUESDAY, JULY 15TH • Sparta Post No. 100 at 9:30 AM • Richland Center Post No. 13 at 11:30 AM for lunch • Darlington Post No. 214 at 2:30 PM • Orfordville Post No. 209 at 5:30 PM
Saturday will be a busy day at convention with the election of Department officers beginning at 8:30 AM. The convention will reconvene at 9:00 AM and many prominent speakers are expected. Department award winners will also be recognized for their accomplishments. Every one is (continued on page 5)
First Name__________________ Last Name _____________________________
RHINO’S RUN READY TO ROLL Excitement is building for Commander Ken “Rhino” Rynes’ 3-day motorcycle fundraising effort scheduled July 14-16. The ride itself will leave Department Headquarters in Portage on Monday, July 14th and finish on Wednesday, July 16th in Appleton, the site of this year’s convention. En route the Riders will travel to Camp American Legion and the cities of Eau Claire and Janesville, visiting the following American Legion posts on the tour;
veterans issues at the state and national levels. The ever popular “GNUTS” meeting will take place at 4:30 PM with a “TET” party to follow. Candidates for Department offices will be hosting Hospitality Suites at the Paper Valley Hotel later in the evening.
District ____________________________________________________________
16th. All times are approximate. Funds raised by the event will fund scholarships for children of military personnel who died while on active duty. Commander Rynes has set an initial fundraising goal of $50,000. Posts, units and squadrons are encouraged to raise funds locally and present the proceeds to Commander Rynes and the Riders at stops along the way. Individuals interested in supporting with their tax-deductible donations or taking part in “Rhino’s Run” can register online at All registered will receive a patch, pin and commemorative booklet, whether or not they participate on the “Run”.
AL Post # ________
Auxiliary Unit # ______
SAL Squadron # _________
Street Address _____________________________________________________ City ________________________________________Zip ___________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone (__________ ) __________________________________________ Cell Phone (__________ ) ____________________________________________ ITEM
Registration Fee
Reg. Fee after July 15, 2014
Total Enclosed
Make check payable to The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin or enter credit card information below. Cash
Credit Card
Card Type__________________Card # __________________________________ Expiration Date ______________ Security Code _____________ Return to: The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin Attn: Chris Schmidt • P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901
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PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2013-2014 Communications Committee Kendel Feilen, Chairman Harold Rihn, Vice Chairman Dale Oatman, DEC Liaison Butch Van Rossum, Member Bernie Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Barb McDaniel, Member Cecil Groves, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2013-14 Department Officers Commander Ken Rynes Vice Commanders Robert Shappell John Wolfe Dan Rindt Larry Wrycza Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – John Thurk 8th – Jerry Krofta 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Joyce E. Endres, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
JUNE 5, 2014
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Another Memorial Day has passed. I hope you had a great period of camaraderie and reflection. I was Ken Rynes honored to speak Department Commander in the little town of Gilmanton and take part in the 2 block parade. The members asked my thoughts of such a small parade. I was quick to reply this is truly the best because in my experience, the smaller the venue the greater percentage of participation. This town of 100 people had over 350 at the cemetery. In my own home town of 5,000 we get less than that. I would like to tell you that it is never about the
pomp and circumstance, but always about the reason. If one person shows up because you took the time to remember your fallen brothers and sisters then it was a success. Where would this country be if veterans did not push the reminders out year after year that there is a cost to their freedom. I shudder to think if we left it solely in the hands of any group or organization that was not founded on the principal of declaring via oath that I will die if necessary to defend the country that has offered me freedom and security. Thank you for taking the time to remind people. More people from around the state are working to make Rhino’s Run a success. Gary and
Chris McCormick of Soldier’s Grove in Crawford County held a steak feed for Rhino’s Run with the assistance of Post No. 220 and $1,000 was raised as a result. This family took action on their own initiative to support this noble cause. Their only regret was that they wished that it could have been more. But the way I see it, every sentiment and effort that each of us make on behalf of the children who have lost a parent in service is priceless. My heartfelt thanks go out to Gary, Chris and family. I’m proud of the way the message is getting out for Rhino’s Run and the way people are responding to the cause. On other fronts there are many things going on. I hope you
signed the petition for the return of Sgt. Tamorhissi, who is being held illegally in a Mexican prison. I hope that you took the time to fill out all your reports that let Congress know that we are not just an idle organization. I hope that you signed up a new member during Memorial Day weekend. I hope that you just took the time and helped someone out for whatever reason. The reward of giving cannot have a monetary value placed on it. I hope that each day you find a reason to smile because there is always someone who is much worse off than you. And finally I hope that you realize how proud I am of all of you. God Bless -Commander Ken
CAMP AMERICAN LEGION DIRECTOR New Chapel & Water Fountain at Camp Anybody who comes to Camp American Legion this year is in for a big Kevin Moshea Camp Director surprise. They will see a brand new Chapel and Water Fountain. Both are downright gorgeous! Those who have been here before and visit the new chapel should be prepared to be amazed. Many who are familiar with Camp had a special sentimental attachment to the cute little white chapel and were sad to see it go. But we now have a new Chapel that is strikingly beautiful and over twice as big. Our new water fountain is also a great improvement. Both projects are physical proof of the passion the Wisconsin American Legion Family has for this place. They show how much we believe in Camp and the work we do.
The old Chapel had come about through very generous memorials in honor of Joe Myers. Joe, a very active member of The American Legion loved Camp American Legion. When he passed away his wife Mary Ann donated money to Camp with the stipulation it be used only for a Chapel. When it came time to replace the old chapel, funding for the project came from many Legion families throughout the state along with the Myers family and friends. Construction of the new Chapel was mainly done by high school students along with members of the Barneveld Post and friends under the supervision of Barneveld High School Tech Education teacher Duane Elfering. I would also like to give an added, special thanks to The American Legion Riders of Wisconsin who stepped forward in a big financial way donating
$24,000 to the project. During the 2010 season, Rich Ruland of the 3rd District and Joe Hodgson of the Cross Plains Post decided that something should be done with the old waterfall here at Camp. Construction of a new Water Fountain began at roughly the same time as the Chapel and with many of the same individuals, groups and equipment involved. In September of 2013 the back-breaking work began to take down the old monster waterfall which was built for the ages. Following that a beautiful three-tier water fountain was put in place surrounded by a 23 foot circular patio. The patio has benches and landscaping to make it a very special gathering space for personal meetings, conversation, sharing, meditation and more. A great thing about both places is that they have now become
much more than the original. The Chapel has become an inspirational healing center for the spirit and the Water Fountain has become a unique gathering space. The Water Fountain has become much more of a spiritual place and the Chapel has become much more of a gathering place. I have to be honest and tell you that I don’t know how many people actually worked on these two projects, so I can’t thank everyone who deserves it. I know there were many involved. While there were many people working here at Camp, there were many more working behind the scenes back home. Special thanks go out to everyone who worked on the projects and to everyone who contributed financially. You should know that your efforts have made Camp a better place. You are all actively living the “Help to Heal” mission of Camp American Legion.
WDVA SECRETARY Memorial Day 2014 - Those Who Gave All for the Prize of Freedom Memorial Day is the most solemn day of recognition and r em embr a nc e John A. Scocos we as a nation WDVA Secretary offer in memory of those who are no longer with us – this is the day we remember all of our war dead of the past 237 years and honor their service and sacrifice. The men and women we honor today gave their all for a purpose much larger than their self; they dared and gave all for our safety, security and freedom. The life we as Americans enjoy was not bought nor sustained cheaply. From the very beginning it was paid for with the blood, sweat and tears of patriots. Our security is still pur-
chased the same way; young men and women voluntarily placing themselves at our service, doing exactly what we ask of them and often much more. The past decade has shown the willingness of a generation to step up when called and join a military at war fully knowing they will be sent into harm’s way. Any Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Coast Guardsman who enlisted or sought a commission in our Armed Forces after September 11, 2001 was aware of what was being asked of them, the challenges, the personal sacrifices, and the danger. Knowing this they still committed to serving their country, just as the many generations before them out on a uniform and served in times of peril.
Many of those who served are no longer with us. The list of casualties of our nation’s conflicts is long and Memorial Day we remember each and every one of them. Although centuries have passed and all we have is a historical perspective, we acknowledge the sacrifice of those who won our independence and made real the idea of America and set the stage for everything that has come to pass. The same is true of the generations of servicemembers that followed: the War of 1812, Civil War and World War I, as well as many others, are now too part of the history we remember on days such as these. What is fresher in our minds and in the minds of those who served is the human cost of World War II, Vietnam, Korea,
Iraq and Afghanistan. Amongst these large scale conflicts are many smaller conflicts in the course of our history where our military men and women have fought and died for our country. Hundreds of thousands of our best served us with everything they had, up to and including their very lives. Memorial Day is an important part of remembering, never forgetting, why we are where we are and why we have what we have. The cost of what we hold dear is immeasurable. The prize of freedom was won for us by those who fought for it, fought to sustain it, and fought to spread it throughout the world. It was paid for with the sacrifice of men and women who willingly gave of themselves so that others could live free.
JUNE 5, 2014
Washington County Legion Hosts Youth Government Day By Amanda Voss of the West Bend Daily News Reprinted with permission High school students and American Legionnaires gathered at the Washington County Government Center for the 58th annual County Youth Government Day. County Youth Government Day is in cooperation with Washington County government and the Washington County Council of American Legion Posts. Public High school and homeschooled students around the county were invited to attend. Before the day began, program coordinator Mike Riebe said they were expecting 58 students. “They get a behind the scenes look at county government most people don’t get a chance to see,” West Bend East and West high schools coordinator Mike Kieser said. Riebe told the students many people ask why The American Legion is involved in County Youth Government Day and he said The American Legion has four pillars. One pillar is youth and youth activities. “We feel it’s important for you to understand how government works,” Riebe said. The students’ day started in room 1020 of the Washington County Government Center.
Students signed up to be a judge, county board supervisor, county clerk, county treasurer, clerk of circuit courts, sheriff, register of deeds or district attorney. “Because all of you signed up to be a particular position you will take the oath of office. Anyone elected must take the oath,” County Clerk Brenda Jaszewski told students. She told students they are not doing anything different as far as workload Wednesday in the Washington County Government Center, but students still get to see what people do. After the students took the oath they were divided into three groups. One group started its morning at the Clerk of Courts Office, another group went to the County Clerk and the third group went to the Sheriff’s Department. Tony Montag, from American Legion Post No. 483 in Allenton, took the students who signed up to be the sheriff or register of deeds to the Sheriff’s Department where they heard a presentation by Sheriff Dale Schmidt. Schmidt explained to students the origin of sheriff, how a sheriff is elected, their authority and the budget process. “Something I believe strongly is government works best when people are involved in it. We
do need people to be involved in government. It helps people like me figure out what to do,” Schmidt told the students. Schmidt also showed a video about the jail. Captain Shirley Miller said there is an average of 250 adult inmates in the jail. She said most are in for operating while intoxicated, drug possession, burglaries and sexual assaults. She said there have been some homicides. Miller said the training has changed and corrections staff are trained on subject control and professional communication skills. Schmidt took the students into the dispatch room. He said good customer relations skills and people who can stay calm are good qualities for a dispatcher. He also said anyone who is interested in a career at the Sheriff’s Department should be willing to work nights, weekends and holidays. After the students learned about the Sheriff’s Department they went to the Washington County Circuit Courthouse and attended a court hearing. The day ended with a lunch in the Sheriff’s Department with speakers including County Manager Joshua Schoemann and Washington County Circuit Judge Todd Martens.
59th Annual American Legion King Pilgrimage set for Father’s Day June 15th The 59th Annual American Legion King Day Pilgrimage will be held on Sunday, June 15th at the Wisconsin Veterans Home in King, Wisconsin. American Legion, Legion Riders, Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion members from across the state, as well as their guests, will visit King and participate in a picnic with members of the Veterans Home. The general public is also invited and encouraged to attend. Musical entertainment will be provided from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. A delicious charcoal broiled chicken dinner will be served by American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 161 with service to begin at 10:30 AM and continuing until sold out. Cost per meal is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 per
child 12 and under. Meal tickets can be purchased on the day of the event. Immediately following lunch will be the traditional King Day parade consisting of Legion Riders, District and Department officers, 40 et 8 Voiture Locomotives, the Marathon High School Drum and Bugle Corps, Color Guards, Honor Guards, and Drill Teams. Following the parade will be a formal program featuring Department Commander Kenneth J. Rynes and National Executive Committeeman David L. Gough. “We hope you can join us and help make this a wonderful day for the members of the Wisconsin Veterans Home,” said Committee Chairman and 8th Dis-
Grafton Post Always Ready to Assist I want to personally give special thanks to the Rose Harms Post No. 355! Their members keep proving that they are still serving and doing their part to help veterans. When there have been extremely short notice needs or ones that did not
quite fit other programs, the Rose Harms Post No. 355 of Grafton has been ready, willing and proven able to help. Thank You! James Fialkowski, Department Service Officer
trict Commander Jerry Krofta. “I’m hoping American Legion members will make a special effort to represent their posts at the 59th Annual King Day and I encourage all Legion Family and community members to join us for this spectacular day.” he added. A table will be set up in the park where volunteers can receive assignments to assist members of the Veterans Home to join the outside festivities. “This is an excellent way to make a new friend and meet new people.” said Krofta. If you have any questions about the annual American Legion Pilgrimage on Sunday, June 15th, please call Chairman Krofta at (715) 424-6260.
Chapel and Water Fountain Dedication at Camp The dedication of both the newly constructed Chapel and Water fountain at Camp American Legion will take place on Saturday, June 28th at 3:00PM.Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Mukwonago Post Comes Through
The Mukwonago American Legion Family, which includes Community Post No. 375, Auxiliary Unit No. 375 and Squadron No. 375 of the Sons of The American Legion, worked with help from various local businesses to make a huge donation to Camp American Legion. Nine metal, standard and ADA/ wheel chair tables with umbrellas were donated for the Main Lodge patio at Camp. We are going to “picnic” this summer!
These type tables are very expensive (over $1000 a piece) so this donation is truly unbelievable. Big thanks go out to all involved! Pictured from left to right are: Tanya Herbst and Hannah, Mark Herbst, Barb Berndt, Pete Kumlien, Ken Brester, Erv Herbst, Terry Parmalee, Post Commander Steve Plochocki, Louie Anich Jr. Gene Myers, Camp Director Kevin Moshea, Wendy Patin, Joe Anich and Craig Zahn.
Compassion, Care, Dignity & Respect All Wh Who ho Served d
A gem like no other, the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King is a long term care facility serving Veterans and their eligible dependents. We offer quality medical and nursing care that enhances each individual’s quality of life. Our highly trained and dedicated staff strive to meet the unique needs of Veterans by providing compassionate care built on the foundation of integrity, honor and respect. Space is available. Please feel free to call us for more information or to arrange a tour. We offer tours 7 days a week and look forward to talking with you to further assist you with any questions you may have. • Physician • Dentist • Pharmacy • Lab and X-ray • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy • Social Workers and Pastoral Care • 24/7 Security and Fire Department • Movie Theater • Bowling Alley • Library • Coffee Shop • Theater • Commissary • Numerous Outings/Sponsored Events
715.258.5586 | 888.458.5586 N2665 County Road QQ | King, WI 54946
LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP FUND SWEEPSTAKES In mid-April, the American Legion Riders mailed out sweepstakes entry forms to to all Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units, SAL Squadrons and Legion Riders in Wisconsin. Funds raised from the sweepstakes are benefitting the American Legion Legacy Scholarship fund. Special thanks to all who have returned your Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes entry forms already. For those of you who have yet to enter, we ask that you please consider
returning your sweepstakes entry forms with a nominal $25 donation. We understand that the recent economic downturn has effected charitable giving and has caused many to cut back. However, the children who have lost a parent in service to our country will be the recipients of the scholarships awarded. Many are now dependent on the generosity of the Legion family to have their dreams of a higher education fulfilled. If you have since lost or mis-
had discussed a venue to honor those having served for several years before work began in 2008 with research and panel
Bay City Supports Cub Scouts
placed your sweepstakes entry forms, we will be happy to send replacements. We encourage everyone to make a donation of $5 each or 6 for $20 or 12 for $25. The drawing will be held Sunday, August 10th at 12 Noon at the Otis Sampson Post No. 59, located at 803 N Page St. in Stoughton. For further information or additional entry forms, contact Bob Lloyd at 608-873-5926 or
Black Earth Post Honors Veterans of All Eras The Mickelsons-Martin Post No. 313 of Black Earth has constructed an Honor Wall dedicated to the men and women of the Black Earth Area who served their country beginning with the Civil War to the present day. Over 1,000 names make up the granite tablets erected at Veteran’s Park in Black Earth. The park is located in the center of town at the intersection of Mills Street (State Hwy 78) and Park Street. The Honor Wall project began in 2008 with an initial dedication on Veterans Day at 11AM. Even though the panels are erected the wall will never see completion as new names are being added for those who serve in years to come. Members of Post No. 313
JUNE 5, 2014
production beginning in 2010. In 2013, 46 additional names were added to the Honor Wall, six of them from WWII.
Cub Scout Pack No. 3, sponsored by the Harding-HallDarrington Post No. 357 of Bay City, recently held their Pinewood Derby at the Prairie View School. Participating Legionnaires shown here are
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust Holds Its 49th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors CHICAGO, Illinois (May 2, 2014) - The Board of Directors of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) held their fortyninth annual meeting on April 15, 2014 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Forty-seven of the forty-nine participating Departments – state organizations of The American Legion – were represented at the meeting. Since its inception in 1966, the LIT has returned around one billion dollars in benefits to insured Legion families and over $71,000,000 to the participating Departments for their use in ar-
SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Telemark Golf Course Cable, Wisconsin
$70 PER PERSON Includes: Green Fees, Cart, Lunch, Dinner and Prizes! (Extra dinner ticket $15)
Past Post Commanders (left to right): Jon Ebensperger, Lou Chicquette, Ray Pechacek and Robert Stroupe. This function is well attended by Cub Scouts, their parents and members of the community.
eas such as veterans’ affairs & rehabilitation. The Department of Wisconsin has benefitted by receiving over $ 2.3 Million dollars since joining the LIT in 1984. This year, the Board met to receive the financial report for the past year, and to distribute nearly $2.5 million to participating departments. The report outlined both the 2013 activities and 2014 plans on behalf of the Trust and introduced the proposed changes and additions to the Trust’s portfolio of products. Adjutant David Kurtz serves as the Trust Director in Wisconsin.
2014 AMERICAN LEGION STATE GOLF OUTING ENTRY FORM If only two players. We will pair you up with others. Legion Post No.______ City_________________________ Legion, Auxiliary or SAL member name and membership number: 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
Post No. 487 Cable Golf Committee Contact: Dewey Jacobs 715-794-2727 or 715-681-0446
Entries must be postmarked by August 16, 2014. Late entries accepted until August 30th with a late fee of $10 per golfer
Team Captain Name and Phone Number:_________________ Email Address:______________________________________ Extra Dinners: ________________ @ $15 each = __________ Preferred start time: (circle one)
Please make checks payable to: American Legion Post No. 487 Send payment and form to: American Legion Post No. 487 Attn: Golf Committee, PO Box 357, Cable, WI 54821
JUNE 5, 2014
Cudworth Post No. 23 Recognizes Former Life Member General Douglas MacArthur The Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 has joined forces with the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center, Marquette University Law School and Milwaukee Art Museum in presenting MacArthur Memorial Week June 3-7, 2014 at the War Memorial Center and the Marquette Law School in Milwaukee. The five day program highlights the impact of Milwaukee native and former
Cudworth Life member Douglas MacArthur on the countries of Australia, the Philippines, Japan and Korea during his lifetime of Army service. The Japanese Constitution enacted during MacArthur’s tenure as Supreme Commander of Allied Powers in Japan following WWII will be the subject of the Law School program including lessons learned in Japan that have
application today in many parts of the world. For detailed information concerning the specific programs & speakers view the MacArthur Memorial Week website: http:// Department Adjutant David A. Kurtz took part in the opening ceremonies held Tuesday, June 3rd at the War Memorial Center in Milwaukee.
Boucher Supports Camp and Veterans Employment
2014 Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Recipients Each year the Department of Wisconsin presents three scholarships to honor the memory of Past Department Commander Frank R. Schneider (1965-66) and Past Department Commander William H. Emanuel (1966-67). The first scholarships were awarded in 1968 and have continued each year. The Schneider-Emanuel scholarships are awarded to three deserving high school students who have demonstrated outstanding academic merit, attended one or more American Legion sponsored activities and are a member, veteran, son/daughter or grandson/ granddaughter of an American Legion member. The students must also be involved in charitable activities and submit four recommendations from personal and professional acquaintances. The three students receiving a $1,000 scholarship this year are: William Gallagher, of Oconto in the 9th District. William’s grandfather belongs to Post No. 74 in Oconto. William attended Bad(continued from page 1) welcome to attend the annual Past Commander’s Club party and reception Saturday evening at Post No. 38. The 96th Annual Department Convention will wind up on Sunday. The Memorial Service will begin at 8:00 AM in the convention hall. Following the installation of the newly-elected officers and the closing ceremonies, the Grand Prize winner of the Convention Sweepstakes will be drawn. The grand prize is the winner’s choice of either $20,000 in cash or a new vehicle from the Boucher Automotive Group. All in all it is anticipated to be a busy and exciting weekend in Appleton. More details and a comprehensive schedule will appear in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire. Register for the event by using the Registration Form in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire or log on to www.wilegion. org. Registration on-line is fast and easy.
ger Boys State last year. He has been accepted to St. Norbert College with plans to pursue a degree in biology and pre-medicine. Sarah Gilles, of Plum City in the 10th District. Sarah’s grandfather is a member of Post No. 365. Sarah attended Badger Girls State last year and has been accepted to UW-La Crosse with plans to pursue a course of study in occupational therapy. Alyssa Hannan, of Spencer in the 8th District. Alyssa’s grandfather is a Legion member with Post No. 54 in Marshfield. Alyssa
attended Badger Girls State last year. She has been accepted to Viterbo University and plans to pursue a degree in nursing. The three students receiving Honorable Mention are: Colten Parr of Campbellsport, Bret Sanders of Lake Mills, and Rachel Hand of Wrightstown. The scholarship recipients and their parents have been invited to attend the 96th Annual Department Convention to be held in Appleton July 16th through the 20th, where the students will be recognized for their achievements.
Chuck Olsen, LTC - US Army Retired, of the Boucher Automotive Group presented a check to Past Department Adjutant Mike Rohan during WDVA’s VetCon event in Milwaukee held May 10th. Boucher dealerships raised nearly $2,500 for Camp
American Legion during their “Cars For Camp” promotion during the month of February. Chuck and other members of the Boucher Automotive Group attended the Veterans Job Fair held at VetCon to offer employment opportunities to veterans seeking work.
trees from home, inc. Alyssa Hannan
William Gallagher
Sarah Gilles
2014 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION HOUSING HOLIDAY INN 150 Nicolet Rd.,Appleton, WI 54914 920-735-9955 • $99.00/Group name 2014 Legion State Convention July 16 - $99.00/ July 17-19- $119.00 10% discount if you mention The American Legion
BEST WESTERN FOX VALLEY INN 3033 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 731-4141 hotels/best-western-fox-valley-inn July 16/17 - $89.00 • 18/19 - $109.00
ROAD STAR INN 3623 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 731-5271 • $45.99/Mention American Legion for rates
COUNTRY INN & SUITES 355 Fox River Dr. SUPER 8 Appleton, WI 54913 3624 W. College Avenue (920) 830-3240 Appleton, WI 54914 731-0880 wi-54913/wiapple $90.00 2 Queen Beds – Mention super-8-appleton American Legion for rate $79.00- 10% discount if you mention The HAMPTON INN American Legion 350 Fox River Dr. DAYS INN Appleton, WI 54916 210 Westhill Blvd. (920) 954-9211 Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 733-5551 $104.00 – Mention American Legion for rate FAIRFIELD INN days-inn-appleton 132 Mall Drive Single $57.00/Double $60.00 Appleton, WI 54913 LA QUINTA INNS & SUITES (920) 954-0202 3800 W. College Avenue, WI 54914 fairfield-inn-appleton/ (920) 734-7777 King- $159.00/Queen - $154.00/2 Queen $149.00
Fundraiser T-Shirts $15 EACH
UNISEX Olive Green or Red Sizes Small through XXXXL
LADIES Royal Blue Sizes X-Small through XXXXL
Shipping/Handling add $6.00 per Shirt
Order Online at: Email: OR Mail Check payable to Trees From Home, Inc. 2130 W. Brantwood Ave Glendale, WI 53209 414-881-3634 Julie Stuhlmacher, President • Trees From Home, Inc. 2102 American Legion Auxiliary Member of the Year *A portion of your check made out to Trees From Home is tax deductible
The Last
8 Waukesha Alfred Lapp Vernon Mickow David Nowicki 9 Wisconsin Rapids Leonard Shroer Herbert Sering 10 Wausau Gary Doepke Edward Smith 11 Green Bay Dennis Gwidt Charles Gilson Thomas Kolarik 12 Spooner Richard Musch 14 Iola Dennis Schoenrock 15 Juneau Donald Knueppel 19 Hartford Gordon Hurth 28 Valders Donald Thone 29 Kewaunee Kenneth Siegmund 35 Evansville James Graper 36 West Bend Leroy Casetta George Bush Vincent Stockhausen 38 Appleton Herman Stange Earl Stevens 39 Marinette Robert Gibson 42 Platteville James Kuhn Teddy Wilkison 47 Portage Delmar Gibbs Robert Kaschinske 48 Beloit Frank Karstetter Marvin Buchholz 51 West Salem John Hanson Gerald Vanoss 53 Eau Claire Charles Michels Richard Amunson 54 Marshfield William Bogumill William Churkey Joseph Fuchs Robert Miller 65 Rome David Friedbauer 67 Lake Mills Roger Allen 74 Oconto David Cross Robert Frost 77 Chippewa Falls Glenn Seyforth 79 Burlington James McCourt 80 New Richmond Lyle Parin 81 Mauston Carl Freeman 82 Port Washington
4/23/14 5/13/14 5/5/14
5/11/14 5/7/14
4/5/14 5/11/14
4/16/14 4/10/14 1/21/14
PG 4/10/14 V
5/10/14 4/10/14 4/24/14
4/26/14 5/17/14
12/6/13 4/15/14
K/V 4/19/14 II 4/30/14 II II
4/15/14 2/19/14
5/9/14 5/18/14
4/16/14 4/14/14
4/14/14 4/23/14 5/7/14 5/3/14
3/15/14 2/28/14
Edward Lanser 89 Minocqua Arthur Frank 97 Dodgeville Joseph Balk 103 Galesville Duane Nilsestuen 112 Stanley George Sczypiorski 121 River Falls Austin Petersen James Lokrantz Don Obermueller 122 Phillips Michael Kincade Donald Zoesch George Hendricks 125 Chilton Richard Kampfer 126 Brillion Allan Kalies 131 Colfax Raymond Boughton 143 St Croix Falls Robert Tangen Richard Ehrenstrom Burdette Mueller Thomas Green Russell Larson 157 Horicon Wallace Kukuk 164 Jefferson Bernellyn Olsen 176 Weyauwega Leonard Reek 180 Milwaukee Eugene Plewa 185 Grantsburg Francis Danielson 186 Independence Raymond Smieja 189 Watertown Robert Schaefer 192 Franklin Robert Peterson 203 Milwaukee Anthony Agneta 210 Waupun Ronald Landaal 212 Barron Clifford Sundsmo 215 Pardeeville LeRoy Rowin 220 Soldiers Grove Cecil Maybee 223 Hillsboro Joe Sinkule 229 Mount Hope John Bremmer 237 Footville Raymond Zahn 243 Plymouth Arthur Schoenfeldt 251 Argyle Alton Martin 253 Spring Green Neil Donohue 254 Milltown Kenneth Prose Jerome Wonka 280 Coleman Donald Holtger 284 Holmen Kenneth Hanson 288 Cedarburg Thomas Haugstad 294 Hartland Alan Rudolph 295 Bloomer John Thome 317 Wautoma Carl Obremski 319 Casco Edmund Treml 326 Boyd Francis Koepl Eugene Hofkes 331 Shorewood
2/14/14 4/1/14 5/24/13
2/23/14 4/13/14 1/16/14
5/3/14 5/7/14
12/28/13 3/12/14 12/27/13 4/15/14 5/13/14
Joseph Larscheid K Howard Siegman II Leroy Bandler K James Huntsberger V Wayne Morgan V Robert Wagner II 333 Sun Prairie Donald Damman K 337 Pulaski Lyle Buckman II Philip Dembroski K 343 Hancock Robert Nogle II 354 Ettrick Vilas Steine II Stephen Stilp II 375 Mukwonago Russell Stachowiak K John Owens K Walter Cliff V 377 Elcho Albert Laperriere K Leonard DesJarlais II 382 Menomonee Falls Reuben Bell II Herbert Keating K Frank LaConte II 386 Cascade Peter Klein K
2/14/14 7/12/13 7/17/13 11/20/13 9/11/13 6/6/13 4/27/14 4/24/14 5/10/14 1/19/14 1/4/14 4/26/14 4/18/14 4/17/14 5/21/14 5/18/14 4/24/14 5/2/14 5/11/14
JUNE 5, 2014
391 Fremont Duane Schmidt K Thomas Frazier II 393 Edgar Joseph Bonin II 399 Okauchee Justin Kysely K 405 Dousman Wally Brandomir V 411 Milwaukee Paul Beiderwieden II Donald Bradish K 413 Crivitz Andrew Bolander II 414 Bowler Merlyn Carley II 422 Highland Virgil Kosharek K 442 Wisconsin Rapids John Benkowski II Martin Gadow V 449 Brookfield Donald Donovan K Gail Beyer II 454 Mt Calvary Robert Gueller II 455 Milwaukee Johnny Truvillion V
5/2/14 3/14/14 5/17/14 5/12/14 5/1/14 4/20/14 5/2/14 5/3/14 5/13/14 5/11/14 4/17/14 5/4/14 4/18/14 1/23/14 4/27/14
469 Marathon Edwin McAuliffe 470 Saukville Mathew Linden 492 Rothschild Dale Bielen 500 West Allis Robert White 501 Madison Richard Story James Anderson Lyla Drewes Donald Biederman 517 Dorchester Harvey Glamann 518 Green Bay Horace Lucas 521 Fox Lake Ronald Jenkins 534 McFarland Roman Michalski 543 Plover Maurice Eichendorf 2930 Portage Richard Messman Lawrence Koziol
12/29/12 4/6/14 4/29/14 4/24/14
4/28/14 4/3/14
LEGIONNAIRE INSURANCE TRUST LIT Elite Discount Card Legionnaire Insurance Trust has developed a discount card for health care savings exclusively for Legionnaires in your Department of The American Legion. This card can save you money every time you access the special services available to you. No doubt you’ve noticed the increasing cost of health care services such as eye glasses, hearing aids, as well as diabetes supplies. This is why everyone should consider a program that gets you the discounts you need and deserve. Your Department believes these savings will help Legionnaires save money on important health care services, be a resource for answers to vital health care issues, and provide added convenience, quality and security to their lives. That is why the Department lends its endorsement to this high-quality program. Legionnaires interested in learning more about these programs can call 1-800-235-6943.
1-800-235-6943 CUSTOMER SERVICE t Call today to become an LIT Elite Discount Card member: 1-800-235-6943 t Live Operators 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday t Bilingual Spanish representatives
Savings Chart Product
20% - 40%
more than 50,000
LASIK Vision Correction
LCA Vision National LASIK Vision Network
Diabetes Management
Global Total Health
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average savings from 15%-60% off generic drugs and average savings from 15% to 25% off brand name prescriptions
over 60,000 participating pharmacies
15% off standard prices or 5% off promotional prices
approximately 600 locations nationwide
52% - 72%
N/A over 148,000 dental access points
Careington International
20% - 50%
Alternative Medicine
Healthways Whole Health Network
10% to 40%
over 22,000
Healthways Whole Health Network
10% - 40%
over 14,000
Chiropractic Vitamins
Swanson Health Products
Healthcare Networks of America *This product not available in MA
Long Term Care
Healthcare Synergies
Shopping and Dining
Careington Mall
Hotel & Car Rental
United Marketing Group
Concierge Services
20% on the provider’s normal fee for all other services and products 50% on the provider’s normal exam fee
5% - 30%
more than 5,000
5% to 50% depending on merchant
over 300 leading national merchants
5% - 20% on car rentals 10% - 20% on hotels
See Plan Materials over 7,400 locations
24/7 online access
Personal Assistance Service by calling or visiting online
Endorsed by your Department of The American Legion
4/2/14 3/8/14
Disclosure THIS PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE and is not intended to replace health insurance. This plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This plan is not a Qualified Health Plan under the Affordable Care Act. THIS IS NOT A MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN.* The plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services. The range of discounts will vary depending on the type of provider and service. The plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. Plan members are obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the discount medical plan organization. You may access a list of participating health care providers at Upon request the plan will make available a written list of participating health care providers. You have the right to cancel within the first 30 days after receipt of membership materials and receive a full refund, less a nominal processing fee (nominal fee for MD residents is $5). Discount Medical Plan Organization and administrator: Careington International Corporation, 7400 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, TX 75034; phone 800-441-0380.
The plan and its administrators have no liability for providing or guaranteeing service by providers or the quality of service rendered by providers. This plan is not available in Montana and Vermont. This plan is not currently available in Washington.*Medicare statement applies to MD residents when pharmacy discounts are part of plan.
2/27/14 3/15/14
Administered by:
ADDITIONAL SWEEPSTAKES ENTRIES If you would like additional entries, please contact Sandy Ryce at (608) 745-1090 or email her at You can also order online at
JUNE 5, 2014
POST NO. 506 • Iron River Membership Team
The 1st District Chapter of American Legion Riders of Wisconsin provided the Flag Honor Guard at the opening of the Racine County Special Post No. 487 • Cable Douglas Hescher
Post No. 434 • Oak Creek Lyle Riffel
Post No. 470 • Saukville John L. Staton
Post No. 415 • Milwaukee Chuck Roessler
Post No. 469 • Marathon William Mueller
Post No. 354 • Ettrick Steve Vehrenkamp
Post No. 465 • Minong Calvin Featherly
REVERSE MORTGAGES Call for a free consumer guide and personal quote. -- Must be 62 or older. -- Never make a monthly mortgage payment again. -- Receive a lump sum of cash, credit line or monthly payments. -- Income and credit not required.
Post No. 295 • Bloomer Jim Conrad
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Post No. 245 • Cross Plains John Hill
Post No. 230 • De Pere Ken Van De Hei
Post No. 225 • Shell Lake Merlin ‘Sonny’ Jacobs
Post No. 221 • Osceola John Braun
Olympics on May 3, 2014. Pictured here (L-R) are Tom “Mogie” Mogren and Wayne “Red Dragon” Rice at the head of the column.
Let a retired active duty veteran you can trust show you how you may benefit from a Reverse Mortgage.
Mike Kraus 7365 Kirkwood Court North, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-355-8540 AdveƌƟsing Material
Post No. 122 • Phillips Robert McCormick
Post No. 82 • Pt. Washington Jim Johnson
Post No. 17 • Arcadia Todd Fetsch
NEW DIFIBRILLATOR PRESENTED TO CAMP Cambria Post No. 401 recently presented a new defibrillator to Camp American Legion Director Kevin Mosheau in memory of Bruce Witthun, a post member who passed away at Camp on September 5, 2013. His widow Sandra and two daughters, Marjorie Witthun and Marie Wuerch, came to Camp to make the presentation. Pictured here from left to right are: Marie Wuerch, Marjorie Witthun, Charles Dykstra, Sandra Witthun, Kevin Mosheau, Linda Ludtke, Bennett Ludtke, Dewey Katsma and Cornelius Katsma.
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