“For God & Country”
March 27, 2014 Vol. 91, No. 3
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
77th Annual Wisconsin American Legion Oratorical Competition Just like the Winter Olympics, competition was fierce Saturday, February 15th as 10 high school students competed for the Gold. This was the 77th Annual American Legion High School Oratorical Contest held at the Ripon College Campus, Ripon, WI. Each student appeared on stage twice, the first for an 8 to 10 minute Oration on some aspect of the Constitution followed by a 3 to 5 minute dissertation on one of 4
possible randomly drawn Constitutional Amendments. The 2014 Wisconsin American Legion Oratorical Contest winners are: Gold medalist - Astha Berry, a senior at Franklin High School. Astha prevailed in the competition for the second consecutive year and is the recipient of a $3,000 scholarship. “To You, The People” was the title of her oration. Representing the 4th District, Astha was sponsored by
Rhino’s Run Shaping Up Statewide Fundraiser to Benefit Children of KIA’s
Preparations continue for Commander Ken “Rhino” Rynes’ 3-day motorcycle fundraising effort scheduled July 1416. Representatives of the Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin have completed a preliminary “dry run” to verify times and distances for each portion of the trip as well as to judge road conditions. The ride itself will leave Department Headquarters in Portage on Monday, July 14th and finish on Wednesday, July 16th in Appleton, the site of this year’s convention. En route the Riders will travel to Camp American Legion and the cities of Eau Claire and Janesville, visiting the following American Legion posts on the tour; Rosholt Post No. 509, Ladysmith Post No. 64, Brackett Post No. 550, Sparta Post No. 100, Richland Center Post No. 13, Darlington Post No. 214, Orfordville Post No. 209, Mukwonago Post No. 375, Oak Creek Post No. 434, Grafton Post No. 355, New Holstein Post No. 124
and Appleton Post No. 38. The money raised by the event will be used to fund scholarships for children of military personnel who died while on active duty. Commander Rynes has set an initial fundraising goal of $50,000 and is seeking ways to ensure that funds will specifically benefit children of Wisconsin service members. Posts, units and squadrons are encouraged to participate by raising funds locally and presenting the proceeds to Commander Rynes and the Riders at stops along the way. Individuals interested in supporting with their taxdeductible donations or taking part in “Rhino’s Run” can register on-line at www.wilegion. org. All registered will receive a patch, pin and commemorative booklet, whether or not they participate on the “Run”. Additional details on the route and expected arrival times will be featured in future editions of the Badger Legionnaire.
Hales Corners Post No. 299. She qualified to compete at the National Finals scheduled April 4-6th in Indianapolis, IN where she is eligible for at least an additional $1,500 scholarship. The three national finalists receive $18,000, $16,000 and $14,000 scholarships respectively. First Runner-Up - Silver medalist Thomas Chitwood. Thomas is a senior at Fond du Lac High School and was sponsored by Mt. Calvary Post No. 454. Thomas represented the 6th District. “The Tree Trunk of the Constitution” was the title of his oration. He has earned a $2,500 scholarship. Second Runner-Up - Bronze medalist James Broomfield. James is senior at Whitefish Bay High School, home of the “Blue Dukes”. He was sponsored by the Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 and represented the 5th District and earned a $2,000 scholarship. The title of James’ oration was “The Right to Bear Arms”.
Regional Participants: Emily Esser, a senior at Brookfield Academy was sponsored by Post No. 449 and represented the 1st District. She has earned a $600 scholarship. Colten Parr, a senior at Lomira High School, earned a $600 scholarship. Colten was sponsored by Post No. 347 and represented the 2nd District. Vishal Narayanaswany, a junior at Madison Memorial High School was sponsored by Post No. 501 and represented the 3rd District. He has earned a $600 scholarship. Sam Pinchart, a sophomore at Luxemburg/Casco High School was sponsored by Post No. 262 and represented the 9th District. Sam also earned a $600 scholarship. Rachel Korntved, a senior at Cumberland High School was sponsored by Post No. 98 and represented the 10th District. Rachel has earned a $600 scholarship. Callista Wyles, a home schooled sophomore was sponsored by Post
Gold Medalist Astha Berry with Department Commander Ken Rynes
No. 93 and represented the 11th District. She earned a $600 scholarship. Steve Hoffelt, a sophomore at Bruce High School was sponsored by Post No. 268 and represented the 12th District. Steve has earned a $600 scholarship. All Scholarships are paid directly to the recipient’s college upon proof of enrollment.
Commander’s Testimonial Dinner The pleasure of your company is requested at Commander Ken Rynes’ Testimonial Dinner June 7, 2014 Arthur’s Restaurant E4885 US Hwy 14 • Spring Green, WI Cocktails/Appetizers from 4-6 PM • Cash Bar Dinner at 6 PM • Music by DJ at 9 PM Cost $25.00 Rooms are available at the Round Barn Lodge and Germania Hotel (608) 588-2568 under the name of Legion Family. Round Barn Lodge and Germania Hotel are adjacent to Arthur’s Restaurant
2014 Membership Goal: 59,500 • March 20th Total: 56,735 – 95.00% 12th dist. 95.54%
7th dist. 90.30%
3rd dist. 93.54%
8th dist. 89.96%
10th dist. 92.51% 11th dist. 89.35%
2nd dist. 91.62%
1st dist. 88.97%
6th dist. 90.89% 4th dist. 87.67%
9th dist. 90.42% 5th dist. 86.39%
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2013-2014 Communications Committee Kendel Feilen, Chairman Harold Rihn, Vice Chairman Dale Oatman, DEC Liaison Butch Van Rossum, Member Bernie Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Barb McDaniel, Member Cecil Groves, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2013-14 Department Officers Commander Ken Rynes Vice Commanders Robert Shappell John Wolfe Dan Rindt Larry Wrycza Adjutant David A. Kurtz Assistant Department Chaplain Larry Olson Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – John Thurk 8th – Jerry Krofta 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Joyce E. Endres, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
MARCH 27, 2014
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Dear Legionnaires, What a dramatic example of the circle of life Ann and I have experiKen Rynes Department Commander enced since the last time I wrote to you. Our State Chaplain Greg Simonis passed away as you already know. On the other hand we not only had our first grandchild, but less than a month later we had our second. Department Adjutant / PDC David Kurtz had his first child and I am very happy to report all are healthy. This brings me back to Chaplain Greg. He was an avid supporter of children and youth both in The American Legion and in his personal life. His loss might seem irreplaceable but Greg would be the first to tell you that he was only carrying on the legacy that was laid before him. Greg would
say don’t mourn my loss, but do pick up the torch and carry it forward for these newest little human beings - members of our American Legion Family. That is my challenge to you - pick up the torch not for Greg but for all Legionnaires who have gone before you. Let it burn in your hands until the good Lord extinguishes that fire in your heart. I wanted to thank, on behalf of the Simonis family, all of you who joined us at Greg’s celebration of life. The turnout was overwhelming and Nancy, his wife, was so appreciative. Assistant Department Chaplain Larry Olson is an ordained Minister and will stand in capably so that Greg will continue to be with us in spirit. There are many other things going on which I am happy to report; the Department won the Big Twelve membership competition, which means the Depart-
ment will be receiving $2,000 worth of computer equipment as a result of your hard work. We had 94 posts that reached the 100% goal by March 12th and became eligible for the $1,000.00 drawing. Congratulations to Iron River Post No. 506 for being the lucky winner. I heard there is a motorcycle ride this summer that they might want to donate part of their winnings to. Once again the Department Oratorical contest was a great success. My thanks to Chairman Bob Stone and everyone that helped make it a success. Our winner Astha Berry is a repeat contestant at National so keep your fingers crossed that we get a national champion. The state Jr. Shooting Sports competition has been held and judged. I am very proud of Steve Shanks and his team’s efforts, as once again the number of teams participating is up from the year before.
I know that Steve would defer to his wife Kim who works at Headquarters and I would agree with this. Thanks Kim! It also needs to be shared that Kim is leaving us as she thinks she is getting old and must retire. She is going to be with us to help train a replacement and then it’s out to pasture. Enjoy your days, Steve and Kim. The Rhino’s Run committee finished the first practice run March 12th and it looks to be an enjoyable route. Much work is left to do, but I have a great team in place to make it a success. This will be one of three dry runs to ensure that we all have an enjoyable experience for a great cause. So much has happened but I am limited in space so I will end by just thanking all of you and to remind you to laugh often and enjoy every sunrise and sunset. -Commander Ken
DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT We’re all keeping our fingers crossed that spring is finally arriving but in the meantime, the David Kurtz Department Adjutant attention of Department staff is focused on the major upcoming events on the horizon. Starting with the launch of the on-line Americanism & Government Scholarship test and the beginning of Legion baseball practice, the pace of 2014 will really heat up – regardless of the weather. Both the National and Department spring meetings will be upon us shortly. It’s not too early to look ahead and plan for Memorial Day which will be observed this year on Monday, May 26th. Memorial Day is designated as a day
of remembrance for those in our military who died while defending this great nation during time of war. Posts across the state will hold ceremonies to honor all of those great men and women, so plan to take part or attend an observance near you. The coming of April and May also means that Legionnaires in each of the Districts will gather for spring conferences. District Conferences are an excellent opportunity to meet active members from nearby posts to exchange ideas and learn more about how the programs of The American Legion can best be delivered in your community. Spring Conference dates and locations appear at www.wilegion. org on the calendar of events. The 73rd session of Badger Boys State will take place at Ripon College June 14th through
June 21st and reservations are limited. This premier program offers an opportunity for nearly 900 young men of high school age in Wisconsin to learn how government really works. During the week they are in attendance, the “citizens” of Badger Boys State will enact and enforce their own laws, as well as elect their own representatives to Municipal, County and State offices. Two Senators will also be selected to represent Wisconsin at Boys Nation which will be held in Washington DC in July. Headquarters staff is also well into the process of planning the 96th Annual Department Convention to be held July 18th thru 20th in Appleton. The representatives from the Appleton American Legion Family have worked hard to prepare for our visit so put it in your plans for this sum-
mer! It will be here before we know it. Planning is also underway for the National Convention to be held in Charlotte, NC August 22nd thru August 28th. If you’ve never attended a National Convention this year presents an outstanding opportunity to take part in many of the exciting events and activities that will take place. Attend your District Spring Conference for details on becoming a Delegate or Alternate. The Department is planning on sending a motor coach to Charlotte so “you can leave the driving to us”! On behalf of your staff at Headquarters, our Service Office and Camp American Legion – thank you for the opportunity to serve you and still serve America. David A. Kurtz Department Adjutant
WDVA SECRETARY March – MoH Day and Vietnam Veterans Day in Wisconsin As we hopefully soon wrap up our bitterly cold winter season here in WisJohn A. Scocos consin, I want WDVA Secretary to take the time to remind Wisconsin veterans that there are two important recognition days coming up in this spring, in March – Medal of Honor Day and Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Day. 62 Wisconsinites have received our nation’s highest honor for combat bravery and
Wisconsin recognizes Medal of Honor Day on March 25. These brave military members are memorialized on the King campus with the Medal of Honor monument. Those recipients are also remembered elsewhere in Wisconsin. In November, the Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Madison unveiled a new Medal of Honor exhibit, and is now displaying 5 of the Medals of Honor awarded to Wisconsinites. Most of the living Medal of Honor recipients are from the
Vietnam War, so it is fitting that we also honor Vietnam Veterans around the same time we recognize Medal of Honor Day. March 29 is recognized as Vietnam Veterans Day in Wisconsin. Vietnam-era veterans make up the largest group of Veterans in our state. As that group ages, we are here to ensure they receive the care they deserve. More than 160,000 Wisconsin men and women served in Vietnam with 1,239 making the ultimate sacrifice. Our 2013 Veterans Day cel-
ebration at the state capitol was focused on Vietnam Veterans, and now at the end of March we have cause to recognize those veterans again. As these special days of recognition come to pass, I urge you to reflect on their meaning and take a moment to remember the sacrifices associated with these days. Every generation has its heroes, and we at the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs are very proud to have the opportunity to serve the very heroes that have served us all.
March 27, 2014
“Vietnam Veterans Week” Annual “Weinerfest” Funds Many Legion Programs New for 2014 Camp Season
The Department continues to recognize the official 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War as a partner with the Department of Defense and Camp American Legion is joining the effort this summer. The 2014 Camp season will feature our first Vietnam Veterans Week from May 12th through the 18th just for Vietnam veterans. Many Vietnam veterans will remember “LZ Lambeau” which was held in 2010. Our program at Camp for 2014 is known as “FB Camp American Legion”. We are looking forward to making it an annual event that will grow in participation every year. It will be a very special week of sharing, camaraderie, storytelling, remembering, reminiscing, battle buddy support, personal healing and much more. Most of us know that Vietnam vets can come to Camp any week during the whole camp
season. As a matter a fact, Vietnam veterans constitute our largest camp population. But now, this special week will be set aside just for them. This week, like no other will also have a free flowing element to it. In addition to our week long campers, any Vietnam veteran can come just for the day, visit and enjoy. I strongly encourage you all to come for the week or for a day. Camp is here to serve you and this special FB Camp American Legion - Vietnam Veterans Week is “special just for you”. Pack up your duffle bag, get aboard your Chevy, Harley, Prius or Subaru and come! We look forward to seeing and serving you. If you are interested in attending this very special week, like any other Honorably Discharged Wisconsin veteran that wants to attend Camp, you must fill out an application. Contact Department Headquarters for more information. Kevin Moshea, Director Camp American Legion
At a recent 9th District Conference, a donation of $1,500 was presented to the Department Troop & Family Support Fund. Pictured here is Post No. 44 Commander Ron Boeldt presenting the check to Department Vice Commander John Wolfe of the Sullivan-Wallen Post No. 11 and 9th District Commander Dale Oatman. Post No. 44 of Wabeno in Forest County is proud to support veterans and their spouses in many ways. Recently post member John Nogalski presented a check for $1,500 to Camp American Legion Director Kevin Moshea to support Camp’s “Help to Heal” mission. The Department’s “Veterans Employment Initiative” was also a recipient of $1,500. In addition, a donation of $l,500 was made to the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King from member Keith Rachoner. Jim Knight, Commandant at the home stated contributions such as this, enable them to provide
and enrich quality of life and an atmosphere which promotes camaraderie and lasting friendship. Other presentations were made as well. Jim Pleva presented a $500.00 check to the Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain, MI and Keith Rachoner presented a $500.00 check to the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in
Milwaukee. Donations totaling $7,000.00 were possible because of broad community support for the annual Weinerfest in Wabeno. Weinerfest is held on the last Saturday in July and is sponsored by the Sylvan Post No. 44. Future donations will continue to provide scholarships and other community support.
Volunteering at Camp For the Young and the Young-at-Heart The special feeling one gets from giving of themselves is well proven. We have all felt that proud, up-lifting feeling. By giving to others we positively impact not only the recipient but our own lives as well. I recently received a letter from one of our volunteers that I wanted to share with you. Here is a message from a very special person who volunteered at Camp last year. She touched us all and left a permanent mark on our hearts. Her name is Ellie and here is what volunteering did for her. “In the last few years, my mother and I both joined the American Legion Auxiliary. Since my WWII veteran grandfather passed on, our membership has been an enduring connection with him. Conversation at the kitchen table often turns to Grandpa when the newest Badger Legionnaire arrives. We exchange remembrances of Grandpa’s time in Normandy, his Purple Heart, and taps at his military service. During one of these conversations initiated by the Badger Legionnaire, we discovered Camp American Legion described in an article. The concept of a lakeside healing community for Wisconsin veterans impressed us. Serving those who have served our free nation – that sounded like the right way to spend some of my sophomore summer of college. Phone calls to Camp confirmed my hope that another volunteer was welcome, and I arrived at Lake Tomahawk in mid-June to help with Women’s Week for fe-
male veterans. Quickly the care with which the campers are treated and facilities are maintained became evident. I was impressed by the whole operation – the peaceful grounds, the thoughtfulness of the team. I learned the team that keeps Camp American Legion running is extensive and includes American Legion staff, weekend and weekday volunteers, sponsors, donors, and the National Guard. As individuals we build, repair, cook, clean and entertain kids. We drive camp buses and boats and put bait on camper’s fishing hooks. Some individuals provide workshops or bring healing dogs. On behalf of campers, some perform miracles of organization while others roast a mean marshmallow. Other important roles go unlisted. But no single role or talent alone supports the camp experience. We serve as individuals, but only as a team can we provide the service of Camp American Legion to campers. Camp American Legion is a special place to serve. One reason is the attitude of mutual appreciation. As soon as I’d thank a veteran, I’d often hear an expression of gratitude in reply for my volunteering or for Camp itself. The ability to meet people who benefit directly from my work made camp an exceptionally rewarding volunteer opportunity. So much so, that I returned to Camp in August for Camp Serenity and Vision Impaired Week. Throughout the summer I was impressed by the perseverance of veterans
and their families, friends and caregivers. I learned a great deal about hardship and pain, but I also learned a lot about human strength. Sometimes strength is just taking one day at a time. For a week at Camp American Legion, a person doesn’t have to take that one day at a time alone. We’re amid the “Camp Family” as well as the honored memories of those who’ve served before us. At camp, we’re not alone in remembering the people, places, sacrifices, and gifts we’ve been given. Thank you veterans & your communities. Thank you Camp American Legion for the chance to give back. And thank you Grandpa. You’d have loved it here.” – Ellie Cannon
I extend an invitation to anyone interested in volunteering at Camp American Legion this year. All you have to bring with you is an openness to serve in any way and a willingness to work. You will be rewarded as Ellie was. Ellie was a sophomore in college when she volunteered here; so I invite all ages of Legionnaires, Auxiliary and SAL members as well to volunteer. If you are interested, please contact me; Kevin Moshea – Camp Director at (715) 277-2510 or If volunteering at Camp is not possible, your simple financial or material donation is great way to support our mission. Our “top-ten” most needed donation items are simple, don’t cost
much and are greatly needed and appreciated; 1. General use anywhere gift cards (Visa, MasterCard) 2. BP gas cards 3. Paper towels (jumbo/giant size rolls, multi-roll packs) 4. Dinner napkins (the heavyduty ones are preferred) 5. Disposable cups (Styrofoam for hot-coffee as well as plastic for cold drinks) 6. Zip-lock Freezer Bags (gallon size) 7. Coffee, regular & decaf (two (2) pound cans) 8. Trash bags (tall kitchen, small 4 gallon, and very large, strong garbage-can size) 9. Craft supplies for children’s
activities (washable paint, brushes, color markers, crayons, glitter, beads, paper of any kind and size, any figures that can be painted, any easy modeling or craft kits) 10. Monetary support (financial donations of any amount are most important and give us flexibility to use where needed, when needed) Wisconsin Legion Family, thanks for all you do in supporting Camp American Legion. Our success is only possible through your work and generosity. The 2014 camp season is right around the corner, I know that as a team we can do it! – Kevin Moshea, Director
Ellie Cannon (center) volunteered at Camp American Legion last year. She became part of the team and is surrounded here by the other Camp volunteers and staff. Thank you Ellie! Read her touching letter in the article above.
MARCH 27, 2014
The Selective Service System in Wisconsin When people hear of the Selective Service System they immediately think of the Military Draft. Currently there is no Draft and hopefully there will never be a need to reinstate the draft. The Selective Service System (SSS) is in place in case a draft should ever again become necessary. The SSS is the least expensive insurance policy our country has. Even though there is no draft, young men are required by law to register with the SSS when they turn eighteen. Registration can be completed on line at www.sss. gov, at the Post Office, in most high schools, or while applying for a drivers license. Selective Service Headquarters is located in Arlington, VA under the direction of Mr. Lawrence Romo, a presidential appointee. The SSS is divided into three regions across the country. SSS Regions are administered from Chicago, Atlanta, and Denver. The state of Wisconsin falls within the Chicago region.
Forty-two local Draft Boards are divided up into ten Area Offices within the state; Rice Lake, Wausau, Green Bay, Eau Claire, Racine, Menasha, LaCrosse, Madison, West Allis, and Brookfield. These Area Offices are not in actually day to day operation, but are established in the event of a National emergency. Each of the Local Draft Boards in Wisconsin is made up of five uncompensated members who are appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Governor. Local Draft Board members are trained and meet periodically for follow up training. In addition to local boards, there are two Appeals Boards in Wisconsin which are comprised of five members each. The jurisdiction of each Appeals Board coincides with Federal Judicial Court boundaries. All totaled, 220 volunteers make up the SSS in Wisconsin. Volunteers submit applications
which are screened for eligibility. The information is reviewed by the WI Director of the SSS and forwarded for further consideration by the Governor of the State. Upon recommendation of the Governor, the application is then submitted to the SSS Regional Office for processing and Presidential Appointment. Local and Appeals Board members may be male or female and must be at least eighteen years of age, however, they may not be military retirees. Presently there are openings especially in the counties of Brown, Burnett, Dane, Douglas, Florence, Jackson, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Racine, St. Croix, Walworth, Waupaca and Waukesha. For additional information log on to or contact: John Cumicek WI Director of SSS 933 Fulton St. Seymour, WI 54165 or 920-833-2859.
We’ll give you a lot more to talk about than just the weather
A gem like no other, the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King is a long term care facility serving Veterans and their eligible dependents. We offer quality medical and nursing care that enhances each individual’s quality of life. Our highly trained, dedicated staff strive to meet the unique needs of Veterans by providing compassionate care built on the foundation of integrity, honor and respect.
Father & Son Legion Members Command Separate Posts Eugene Robinson and his son Larry (pictured below) were both elected commanders of their re-
spective Posts for the year 20132014. Eugene is the commander of the Jefferson American Le-
gion Post No. 164 and has been a member there for 36 years. He served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War from 1962-1965. Larry is the commander of Post No. 305 in Johnson Creek where he has been a member for 12 years. Larry earned his eligibility by virtue of his service in the Wisconsin Air National Guard from 1998-2004. Eugene is very proud of Larry for his years of service to his country and for becoming an active member of The American Legion. A third member of the family, Eugene’s daughter Robin, is also a Legionnaire. Robin recently retired from the Wisconsin Air National Guard after 21 years and is a member of Post No. 164 in Jefferson.
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Legionnaires Honored for 70 Years of Membership
Justin Rosemeyer and Malen (Butch) Teclaw of the Cecil Tormey Post No. 118 in Thorp were recently recognized for 70 years continuous membership in The American Legion. Justin Rosemeyer joined the U.S. Marine Corps at the age of 18 in 1941. Upon graduation from flight school he was stationed in Corpus Christi, TX as an instructor and was honorably discharged in 1945. Butch Teclaw was in the South Pacific during WWII as a member of the U.S. Army serving in the Philippines. He was awarded a Bronze Star and held a variety of offices in Post No. 118 over the years including Finance Officer, Vice Commander, Commander and Post Adjutant for 33 years.
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Kevin R. Evanoff Pictured Left to Right are: Justin Rosemeyer, Butch Teclaw and Past Department Commander Robert Zukowski of Post No. 118 who presented certificates in recognition of their 70 continuous years of membership.
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MARCH 27, 2014
Tax Relief & Reform to Honor Our Veterans Whenever I enter a room for an event or meeting, I’m always glad to see those unique caps that tell me that members of the American Legion are there. Sometimes I see them at Independence Day parades, other times at a ceremony sending our troops off with pride or welcoming them home with joy. Of late, though, I’ve been meeting a lot of Legionnaires in another setting: tax reform roundtables. Those two things may not go together at first glance, but on reflection it makes sense. Legionnaires are always active and engaged citizens, and they care deeply about the state they love and the nation for which they’ve made so many sacrifices. They want to see Wisconsin strong, free, and thriving, and that means a growing economy that offers opportunity and the American dream for all her citizens. I’ve been traveling Wisconsin these last few months with Revenue Secretary Rick Chandler holding roundtables to solicit ideas and input on the reforms we can enact to make our tax system work better for our people. At our roundtables, we see not only Legionnaires, but also small business owners, farm-
ers, realtors, retirees, working parents—people from every walk of life. After all, everybody pays taxes, so everybody has an opinion to share. We’ve done a lot already to bring down property taxes. The budget the Governor signed into law last summer expanded the Veterans and Surviving Spouse Property Tax Credit to unremarried surviving spouses whose husband or wife died of a service-connected disability. This fall, we passed $100 million in property tax relief statewide due to a budget surplus. And we recently proposed an additional $406 million in relief, which would bring down taxes on the median value home by $101. That’s real money that’s staying in your pockets rather than going to the government. We’re also working hard to make taxes work better for our families and job creators. When our men and women return to the homefront, we owe them not only our thanks but also the opportunity for a good, family-supporting job. In addition to property tax relief, we also enacted $651 million in income tax relief in our last budget, which should be especially helpful
to families and small businesses. Lifting the heavy burden of taxes helps grow our economy and create good jobs for our citizens. But we still have more work to do to reform our tax code, and that’s where these roundtables come in. It’s also where you come in. You can go to or write to me at 19 East State Capitol, Madison WI 53702. We’re looking for your thoughts, opinions, and stories about taxes, how they impact your family or business, and how we in government can do better. Working together, we can reform our tax code to ensure our state continues to grow strong and free.
Potosi Commander Wins Drawing
A drawing was held to award a custom Legion jacket to a Post Commander whose post had achieved 100% of their 2014 Membership goal by Veterans Day. Deptartment Vice Commander Bob Shappell of the Peter Wollner Post No. 288 recently presented Potosi Post No. 473 Commander Bill Goforth with his
prize. Front row L to R: 3rd District Membership Chairman Jim Hying, Deptartment Vice Commander Bob Shappell, winner and Post No. 473 Commander Bill Goforth, 3rd District Commander Rich Ruland, Potosi Post member Jerry Curtis. Back row: Potosi Post members Ron Udelhofer, Jim Kruser and Joe Orton.
Minuteman Award Presented Rebecca KleEfisch Lt. Governor of Wisconsin
Wilton Post Dedicates New Veteran’s Memorial The small town of Wilton is nestled in west-central Wisconsin approximately 50 miles southeast of La Crosse. Citizens consider this area of Wisconsin “God’s Coun-
try.” Pride in the town and the American Legion Post No. 508 is evident. Currently, 79 Veterans hold membership in the post, and membership is growing. Members visited the
Tomah Veterans Administration Medical Center and held two brat feeds for 150+ Veteran patients in 2013. Post No. 508 also presented scholarships for local high school students and provided Funeral Honors at veteran’s funerals in the community. Recently, Legion members dedicated the Wilton Area Veterans Memorial. Over 800 area veterans from the Civil War to the present day are recognized within the star-shaped memorial constructed with bricks, tiles and granite benches. The $110,000 price tag would have been much higher without the many donations and contractors’ volunteer hours. The generosity of the Village of Wilton, area businesses, and private donors also made the memorial a reality.
Wisconsin Army National Guard SFC Todd Richter presents the Minuteman Award to Commander Eugene Blindauer of Ladewig-Zinkgraf Post No. 243 in Plymouth. SFC Richter, an active member of Post No. 243, accepted the award on behalf of the Post at an annual Na-
tional Guard awards ceremony. Post No. 243 received the award for their support of B Battery of the 121st Field Artillery Battalion during their recent deployment to Afghanistan. SFC Richter is a member of B Battery and deployed with the unit, which is stationed at the Plymouth Armory.
Local Teachers Awarded by Post
Active Legionnaire Receives Civic Award
2nd District Vice Commander Jim Lee, a member of Post No. 288 recently received the 2014 Cedarburg Civic Award from the Greater Cedarburg Foundation. The award recognizes volunteer work and overall contributions to the local community. The recognition to a community volunteer has been presented annually since 2003. Although Jim takes part in many local efforts such as the community food pantry and vol-
unteers as a tour guide, docent and school crossing guard most of the accomplishments spoken of at the award ceremony were directly as a result of his activities in The American Legion. Approximately 250 people were on hand to see Jim accept his award. The Cedarburg Civic Award included a $1,000 grant to a charity of the recipient’s choice. A loyal Legionnaire, Jim directed the grant to Camp American Legion.
Carol O’Mara and Rick Blasing, staff members at Lincoln Middle School in La Crosse were recently named 2013 Educators of the Year by Post No. 52. They both received plaques from past Post Commander Neil Duresky. Ms. O’Mara was selected due her leadership of 8th grade students participating in the Nation-
al History Day program. Four students advanced and competed as National Qualifiers with their project - a tremendous achievement! Mr. Blasing was recognized because of his leadership with the Student Council, which completed a project that replaced every American flag in the building.
The Last
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272 Butternut Kenneth Bruch 277 Necedah Henry Wegner 280 Coleman Thomas Scallon Ervin Guseck Michael Krajewski 284 Holmen Irvin Romskog 294 Hartland Gene Mauel Phil Rueckert 295 Bloomer Lorrell Kressin 301 Woodville Harold Iverson 304 Palmyra August Betenz Richard Beischel Melvin Bergmann 308 Gays Mills Art Reed 310 Racine John Jobick 329 Briggsville David Krause 333 Sun Prairie Miles Laubenheimer 336 Onalaska Elmer F Kotek 350 Reedsburg David Sanders 351 Montello Graydon Gray 361 Wilmot Glen Ziebel 377 Elcho Otto Mach 385 Verona Laverne Henshue 394 Loretta Alan R Steele 406 Milwaukee Daniel Marris 412 Belgium Frank Vrubley 439 Melrose Lowell Wegner Ralph Maack 444 Milwaukee Robert Lee 448 Milwaukee Mary Jane Rosenqvist Dorothy Wenzel 449 Brookfield Gerald S Lemke Edmond Soliwoda 462 Adell Edward Bemis 473 Potosi Jerome Hesseling 474 Milwaukee Donald Ivy Nathan Levy 481 Madison Gordon Haack 482 Bagley Walter Ready 491 Cazenovia David Pinkham Clarence Thompson James Cohoon 501 Madison Lola Zinda Jack Straus 507 Mindoro Kenneth Borchert 511 Ridgeland Harvey R Hinzman 518 Green Bay Walter Nash Myron Glodoski Desmond McCullagh Paul Larock 519 Stetsonville Donald Reckenthaler
02/03/14 02/07/14 02/23/14
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12/14/11 03/15/13
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521 Fox Lake Donald W Heintz 523 Abrams Hobert Lubas 534 McFarland Gregory Simonis Robert Kesterson Thomas Olson
538 Carlton 02/13/14 Joseph I Kinjerski Ronald E Brusky 02/16/14 544 Twin Lakes John Grasher 02/13/14 546 Racine 08/10/12 J.C. Washington 11/01/13
02/10/14 02/01/14
Please Support the Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes The American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin is holding their 7th annual sweepstakes to benefit the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The Legacy Scholarship Fund provides college scholarships for children who have had a parent killed in the war on terror since September 11, 2001. The mission of this scholarship is to ensure that higher education will be a reality for these families! Last year Wisconsin contributed over $17,000 to the $764,000 total collected nationally. Working in conjunction with Rhino’s Run, the American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin has set our goal at $50,000. This April, 12 sweepstakes entry forms will be sent to all Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units, and SAL Detachments across the state. A donation of $5 each, 6 entries for $20 or all 12 entries for $25 is encouraged. A reply envelope will be provided for your convenience. We encourage every Post, Unit and Detachment to return your entry forms and voluntary donations to help support the Legacy Scholarship Fund. The awards are 1st–$1,000, 2nd–$500, 3rd–$250, 4th– $100, 5th through 7th–$50 each. The drawing will be held on Sunday, August 10 at 12:00 noon at American Legion Post No. 59 in Stoughton, 803 N. Page St. If you would like to help the American Legion Riders help the children of America’s fallen warriors by distributing additional entry forms to your friends, family, co-workers, or fellow Legion Family members please contact Bob Lloyd at 608-873-5926 or In 2014, the National goal is to raise over $450,000. We are asking the Wisconsin American Legion family to rally together and support this most worthy cause. Please make your check payable to ALRA of WI and mail to: C/O Bob Lloyd - President, P.O. Box 16, Stoughton, WI 53589. Visit for official rules. 28791 LT.15944 Free AD Ad_2_Good Standing Ad 3/27/12 9:58 AM Page 1
Call Toll Free: (800) 235-6943
IfFree You’reInsurance a Member In The American Legion Department of Wisconsin Good Standing With YourBenefit! Department of The American Legion… Enroll Today! Endorsed by Endorsed by
Your Department of The American Legion
You are eligible for LegionCare; $5,000.00 in Accidental Death Insurance at NO COST TO YOU if a covered accident occurs while traveling on official Legion business*, or $1,000.00 at NO COST TO YOU for all other covered accidents. This has been arranged on your
behalf by Your Department of The American Legion. As soon as your enrollment is received, LegionCare will take effect, and will continue through August 31, 2016. Your acceptance is guaranteed, so mail your coupon today.
Cut out this section and mail it in today to enroll in LegionCare. NAME ADDRESS CITY
Cut it out
10 Wausau Kenneth Whalen K Donald Brummond K Richard Mayer V Joe Tiffany II Robert Westberg Wallace Wachsmuth II Raymond Pekar II Michael Lach K 13 Richland Center Michael Upman LG Robert Stowell V 27 Milwaukee Michael Baranowski II Robert Cook V Thomas Schumacher II 38 Appleton Warren D Shedden K 41 Kaukauna Leo Driessen II 43 Ripon Donald Ryerson II 44 Wabeno Donald Bartels II 45 Elkhorn Kenneth Baker V 46 Merrill James Janowiak K 47 Portage Donald Allan II Walter Atkinson K Wayne Mountford II Richard Boockmeier V 50 Hudson Wallace Gregerson K 52 LaCrosse Russell Hembd V Frank Alberts V K Harold Kuschel Donald McClain K Richard McDonah K Herbert Gundlach II William Anderson V 53 Eau Claire Robert Welter II 67 Lake Mills Warren Gray V 70 Oshkosh Robert Miller V Erwin Rich II 75 Fond du Lac Lyle Hagman K JM Doyle V II George Hoopman 79 Burlington John Van Haren II 80 New Richmond Robert Heebink II 83 Monroe John Kundert K 89 Minocqua Richard Monterman V 90 Ashland John Drolson II Harley Bassford II 91 Oconomowoc George Bemis K Raymond Ryan K 93 Tomahawk Richard Turnbull LG Edward Hoffman II 95 Delavan John Burch K
98 Cumberland II George Anderson 117 Shawano Oscar Schumann K 120 West Allis John Kais K 131 Colfax Norman Gilberts II 147 Medford Kenneth Coyle II Joseph Simek II Herbert Goerg II Harold Gowey II 157 Horicon Paul Kruel II 158 Maiden Rock Marvin Johnson K 164 Jefferson Henry B Miller K 171 Union Grove Thomas Turner II 175 Loyal Sherrin Mack II Edward Strangfeld K Elmer F Schreiner K 180 Milwaukee Raymond Baranowski K 183 Genoa City Harry W Tiggemann II 186 Independence Rosemary Minetree V 192 Franklin Frank A Lisowicz II Walter J Fiebrink II 200 Black River Falls II Gerald F Kappen Robert Terpening V 201 Tomahawk Francis Dittmar K John Kopenhafer II 203 Milwaukee Roy F Dawe II 204 Ellsworth Ed Holdorf K 205 Janesville Lyle Buchanan II Donald Taber II Homer Brodie K Ralph Schuett V James Keith II Hildegarde Myers II Gerald Mink K Gilbert Sedor K Clarence Larson K 209 Orfordville Rollo E Brunsell II 210 Waupun Milton Pautsch II Roderick D Minkin K 216 Lodi Edward Seiler II 220 Soldiers Grove Ray Purington II 229 Mount Hope Richard Fivecoats K Virgil Freymiller K 236 Algoma Eugene Richter K 238 Greenwood William Denk K 243 Plymouth Kenneth Bedker II 245 Cross Plains Emma Haag II 246 Genoa George Minard II 250 Adams Eugene Czysz K Clarence Mathe Earl Strupp II 258 Little Chute Lawrence Heesakker II Mark Laux V Bernard Theisen II 263 New London Eugene Gresen II 266 Colby Arnold Strathmann II
March 27, 2014
Have you filled out all the above information? Please mail to: Legionnaire Insurance Trust • P.O. Box 26720 • Phoenix, AZ 85068-6720 © 2012 AGIA
Promo 18748
Complete details of the coverage are contained in accident only Master Policy LIT102002 underwritten by Life Insurance Company of North America. This plan is not available in all states.
*For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of The American Legion, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the $5,000 Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from an official function at which the Legionnaire represents his/her Post, District, Department, or National Organization in an official capacity.
MARCH 27, 2014
MacArthur Memorial Week June 3-7, 2014 War Memorial Center
Post No. 105 Ron Ubersox
POST NO. 71 Rollie Crandall
Post No. 64 James M Stanton
Honoring our Life Member General Douglas MacArthur The Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 Milwaukee
POST NO. 171 Frank Konieska
POST NO. 157 Brett Culver
POST NO. 128 Ronald Deets
Please contact MacArthur Memorial Week Administrator Paula Lund for additional information including the schedule of programs for the week.
POST NO. 243 Eugene Blindauer
POST NO. 454 John Schumacher
Post No. 479 William J Strong
– Qualifying wartime veterans of any era – – Any type motorcycle of 500cc or greater – – Member of The American Legion Family – (Legion, Auxiliary or Sons) • Participate in parades • Provide color guard services • Provide support to other veterans and veteran organizations • Fundraising for the Legacy Scholarship Fund
Post No. 524 Earl Clay
POST NO. 526 Mike Vosberg
(a fund for children of military persons killed in the current war)
Contact: State President Robert Lloyd (608) 873-5926 or
9TH ANNUAL RIDE FOR PEANUTS SATURDAY JUNE 7, 2014 Bikes or Cars • Rain or Shine AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS ASSOCIATION OF WISCONSIN DISTRICT 11 Registration: Northwoods Harley Davidson in Arbor Vitae from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. $10 Donation per sheet. For information call Jim Sprague (715) 277-4938.