“For God & Country”
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
March 17, 2016 Vol. 93, No. 3
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Free Legionnaire Insurance Program Delivered to Members Watch your mailbox for the LegionCare Accidental Death and Dismemberment Enrollment Card
In an exciting development, the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, which has long supported Department programs, has conducted a mailing campaign to better serve Wisconsin Legionnaires and simplify the process to receive free LegionCare Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D). Enrollment cards have recently been mailed to all current Wisconsin Legion members who reside in eligible states, as well as those Sons of The American Legion whose records indicate they are at least 18 years of age. LegionCare AD&D Insurance is a one-of-a-kind benefit offered exclusively through the Legionnaire Insurance Trust. LegionCare provides $5,000 in Accidental Death Coverage for covered accidents that occur if you are traveling on official Legion Family business and $1,000 for all other covered ac-
cidents. This is 24/7 protection that covers Legion Family members at home, at work and while they are travelling away from home. It is available for all Legion Family members in Wisconsin who are at least 18 years of age. All Legion Family members must confirm their LegionCare protection in order to be covered. This is why the Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) has mailed enrollment cards directly to homes across the state. By mailing the enrollment cards directly to members, the Legionnaire Insurance Trust wants to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to receive coverage. You can also activate coverage by going online at or by contacting (800) 235-6943 for assistance. Another important change has been made to the LegionCare AD&D program which eliminates
the need to re-enroll every 5 years. By utilizing the enrollment cards sent to their home, Legion Family members will remain eligible for coverage as long as they remain members in good standing. The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been working hard to provide valuable benefits to the entire Wisconsin American Legion Family since 1984. The purpose of the LIT is to provide the most advanced and least expensive form of insurance possible by utilizing the Legion’s group purchasing power. The LIT has also provided the Department with a reliable source of revenue. Since the Department joined in 1984, the Department of Wisconsin has received over $2,000,000 in allocations to help support our programs. In 2016, The Legionnaire Insurance Trust is 50 years old. It strives to bring you and your fam-
Coming Soon!
Check your mailbox for your enrollment cards and sign up today!
ily a variety of products that help you prepare for the worst. With recent Federal legislation dealing with healthcare issues, supplemental insurance is becoming more and more of an important issue. The LIT offers many different programs, including Medicare Supplemental insurance,
Long-Term Care, Cancer insurance, Hospital Income, Identity Theft Protection and more. To learn more log on to or visit and click on the Legionnaire Insurance Trust link. You can also call 1 (800) 235-6943.
Legion Americanism Programs Help Build a Stronger America
artwork and americanisM on the same page SYMBOLS OF AMERICA
Badger Boys State Boys State is a week-long journey through a great many things that make us who we are; leaders, friends, students, athletes, and most of all citizens of our respective cities, towns, and our great state. The journey can be described as the most challenging and most rewarding (and fun) experience by those who have already participated in the program. This program is designed to teach young men that the American form of government is stronger and more vital in today’s world of struggle than ever before. It teaches that the American people have no more precious possession than that great document, the Constitution, which
Presented by The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin
An Activity Book For Kids Featuring Artwork from the
Symbols of America – An Activity Book for Kids features artwork from the Milwaukee Art Museum. Inside kids will learn about Americanism found in different forms of art. Coloring pages and activities are included in the book along with photographs of original artwork. Presented by The Wisconsin American Legion Foundation and the Milwaukee Art Museum. Contact headquarters for copies at (608) 745-1090.
at once safeguards and transmits to posterity those principles of the great American heritage.... justice, freedom and democracy under God. Approximately 900 young men from every part of Wisconsin will come to Badger Boys State each year. Upon arrival at the Ripon College campus, they are grouped into cities and counties, which will form a “51st state.” For eight days the citizens of the “new state” will carry out all the main functions of city, county, and state government using basic laws and fundamental procedures of the State of Wisconsin as their guide. The young men themselves will elect their own municipal, county (continued on Page 5)
2016 Membership Goal: 59,000 • March 10th Total: 54,613 – 92.56% 12th PLACE 2015-2016
10th PLACE
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
2015-2016 93.06%
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 5
District 8
District 2
District 1
District 12
District 9
11th PLACE
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District 4
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 7
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 3
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 10
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 6
2015-2016 93.74%
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 11
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2015-2016 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Jim Young, DEC Liaison Geoff Shields Harold Rihn Rory Burns Dan Osero Gerald Brown, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2015-16 Department Officers Commander Dale H. Oatman Vice Commanders Dan Seehafer Jeff Puddy Ed Cooper Jerome Krofta Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Steve Krueger Alternate NECman Ken Rynes District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jim Young 9th – Laurel Clewell 10th – John Miller 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laura Calteux, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
MARCH 17, 2016
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER My wife, Rita, sent out thank you cards to many who sent sympathy cards with money or flowers upon Dale Oatman the death of her Department Commander mother and I want to thank everyone for your gracious out-pouring of sympathy as we buried Marie Sanborn next to her husband at the VA National Cemetery on Cape Cod, MA. My first trip to the Lincoln Pilgrimage was a moving experience that I will never forget. I made myself a promise that I will return to Springfield, IL someday since, with the limited time I had, I could not experience all the history that Springfield offers. I wish our Department Oratorical winner, Saafia Masoom from
Platteville in the 3rd District, great success this month in Indianapolis. She was well deserving of the win and with her experience I would expect a win or high placing at the National competition. Our National Washington DC Conference trip last month was a success as we presented the Legion’s concerns to our Wisconsin Congressional Representatives and Senators. Of special concern are all the veteran complaints with the Veterans Choice Program. I learned at the Tomah VA Town Hall meeting on March 1st that as of that date, the VA started paying private healthcare providers in Veteran’s Choice program within 30 days of receipt of a bill and will continue to do so. Tie Hill, a Veterans’ Choice manager with Healthnet, cautioned those using the Choice program to follow-up
with their provider to insure proper paperwork on their care is submitted to the VA since there will now be no incentive for the providers to submit the medical information in a timely manner. I briefed those who attended the Town Hall meeting that some Congressional Representatives may not support the continuation of the 2-year trial Choice Program and may try to privatize the VA Health Care System. The American Legion is not in support of any privatization of the VA Health Care system. I also briefed that some Congressmen do not feel the urgency to provide additional funds to the Health Care System to allow higher income veterans the opportunity to enroll in VA Health Care. There was also no urgency by some to stop concurrent pay deductions of veterans with a disability rating of 40% or
lower who also receive military retirement pay. We need to keep the pressure on our elected officials to do what is right for all veterans. I want to thank National Vice Commander David Gough for his remarks concerning our membership drive which has slowed down considerably and we need to pick things up. So I am again asking that we dig deep in the trenches to support David Gough’s position and show our best efforts for our leading candidates Denise Rohan, Diane Duscheck and Mike Lawler for National positions. It is not too late to get with your District Commander and request a revitalization. We have half a dozen counties that are close to 100% so keep working the Posts in those counties. I look forward to seeing many of you at those District Conferences that I will be attending.
DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT Questions come up from time to time concerning the relationship of the National Organization of David Kurtz American Department Adjutant The Legion with the Department, Districts, Counties and Posts. Here is a review of some important issues for each level of The American Legion. The National Organization is a United States corporation. Congress issued the federal charter creating the National organization of The American Legion on September 16, 1919 under Title 36 of the United States Code. It is a private corporation and the corporate charter is part of United States law. In accordance with this law, the National organization has the authority to establish state (Department), District, County and Post level organizations. These American Legion organizations at the state and local levels are established when the National organization issues a charter creating
them. While each level runs their own “day to day” affairs, the Department has a general oversight responsibility. However, this oversight is not operational control. Once created by charter, the Post, County, District or Department is authorized to conduct business, operate programs and use the name and emblem of The American Legion in accordance with established rules. Information on the use of The American Legion name and emblem can be found in the current edition of the Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies. The vast majority of posts in Wisconsin are incorporated. Incorporating a chartered American Legion post is a legal process undertaken to be recognized by the State of Wisconsin as a corporate body. This is done so that the people operating the corporation can avoid being held personally responsible for the actions of the corporation. Once properly incorporated, if a Post becomes liable for legal damages, it is the corporation that may be held liable, rather than the Post officers
and members. Federal Tax Regulations require that every American Legion entity file an Annual IRS Return - Form 990 and have an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Each Post, County, District or Department has a responsibility to determine the extent of its tax liability and should consult a professional tax advisor as needed. The American Legion is a nonprofit organization and is income tax-exempt in accordance with Section 501 c (19) - Title 26 of the United States Code. A Group Exemption has been assigned to the National organization and its subordinates. Posts that have lost their tax-exempt status for failing to file the required Annual IRS Return Form 990 are no longer part of the Group Exemption and can have their tax-exempt status restored individually through an application process. The IRS allows individuals who make voluntary contributions in support of The American Legion to claim the donations as tax-deductible. This provision is found under Section 170 (c) 3 of Title
26 US Code which characterizes The American Legion as a “wartime” veteran’s organization. The war-time designation is dependent upon our membership eligibility dates. One question that comes up frequently is the matter of Sales taxes. As 501 c (19) entities, American Legion posts are not exempt from paying State of Wisconsin Sales tax. While the State of Wisconsin provides a sales tax exemption for 501 c (3) non-profit organizations, this exemption does not apply to American Legion posts. This is largely because as a 501 c (19) entity The American Legion can engage in certain political lobbying activity so long as it pertains to our mission, (i.e. National Defense and Veterans Rehabilitation issues), while 501 c (3) organizations are not permitted to engage in political activity, If you have questions or need further information on Chartering, Incorporation or Tax issues, feel free to contact Department headquarters at (608) 745-1090 or by email at
WDVA SECRETARY As the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs continues to look at more o p p o r t u n it i e s to assist veterJohn A. Scocos ans with mental WDVA Secretary health issues, one program that continues to grow and continues to be a success is the Veterans Outreach & Recovery Program (VORP). In the fall of 2014, the department partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and received a $1.2 million dollar three year SAMHSA Grant to provide mental health
and substance abuse treatment to homeless, chronic homeless or at risk of homeless veterans. An additional $1.2 million was received in order to expand services for a second and third year. This funding allowed the department to set up services in seven regions of the state consisting of 49 counties. A total of nine staff was hired with six staff providing direct case management services to veterans, one staff member providing assistance for veterans to sign up for Social Security disability, one administrative staff member and one DHS staff serving as a clinical coordinator who provides diagnosis for
veterans enrolled. Program staff work to locate veterans who may be homeless or at risk. If after assessment the veteran has mental health and/or substance abuse issues, then the program provides funding to connect the veteran to mental health professionals and other related resources. Staff will then address all of the veterans needs and when appropriate connect them with other resources – housing, employment, benefits, etc. Program eligibility is very simple – the veteran must be homeless or at risk of homeless, have a need for mental health and/or substance abuse services, and
have served in the military, regardless of discharge status. The program is fully staffed as of December 2015 and as of February 15th of this year the staff have made contact with 180 different organizations, met and assisted 106 veterans resulting in 37 currently enrolled veterans in the VORP Program. We are proud of all we do to serve America’s best when they return home. Our veterans deserve the opportunity to achieve their post-military aspirations and we are here to assist them. Please contact us with any questions at 1-800-WIS-VETS or
March 17, 2016
Wearing the Legion Cap and Using The American Legion Emblem and Facilities for Political Functions According to Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of The American Legion, “The American Legion shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment.” The National Charter, approved by Congress, also stipulates The American Legion as an organization is nonpolitical* which has been interpreted by the National Judge Advocate as “nonpartisan” in modern lingo.
Therefore, The American Legion as an organization is prohibited from contributing, helping or endorsing a candidate. However, a member, as a private citizen, and not representing the organization, can employ whatever legal and ethical means to advance his or her candidate. The Legion cap is considered the official Legion uniform (see p. 42 of The American Legion Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies). It is not an individual Legion member’s decision on the appropriate usage of
Wisconsin Legion Family in D.C.
Commander Oatman met with US Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson during the Annual American Legion Hill Day on February 23rd in Washington DC. The Commander is seen here with Senator Baldwin.
Shown here from left to right are; Auxiliary NEC Teresa Isensee, Auxiliary President Laura Calteux, Senator Tammy Baldwin, Department Commander Dale H. Oatman and PDC Denise Rohan.
Senator Ron Johnson met with the Wisconsin Legion Family delegation on Hill Day. From left to right are; Department Adjutant David Kurtz, Department Commander Dale Oatman, Senator Johnson, National Vice Commander David L. Gough, Auxiliary President Laura Calteux and Auxiliary NEC Teresa Isensee.
the cap and emblem. If attending a political event, The American Legion cap, or any clothing with the emblem visible, should be removed so as not to imply endorsement by The American Legion. The problem is the assumption of endorsement by those who see the emblem or name worn at an improper location, such as a partisan rally. When using post facilities to host candidates, the post should remove or cover the emblem and Legion flag to avoid any impression of endorsements. Candi-
dates for all parties must be presented equal opportunity at the same time to use the facilities on the same terms and conditions as other competing candidates. If financial contributions are offered by candidates for political office, campaigns, political action committees or political parties, The American Legion should politely decline. Accepting these contributions may be perfectly legal, but The American Legion must avoid any perception of supporting any candidate or political party.
The American Legion values its independence and effectiveness on veterans’ issues. This stance is best maintained by neutrality on individual candidates or political parties. The American Legion by legal definition is non-partisan and supports only issues which impact our Four Pillars. * This means “non-partisan” in today’s society. The American Legion is allowed by Congress to lobby for veterans benefits and a strong United States of America. (NJA, October 25, 2012)
Longstanding Legion Members Recognized Two members of the Madelyn LaCanne Post No. 539 in Green Bay were recently recognized for their service to The American Legion. Post No. 539 members are all women veterans. Pictured here on the left is Anita Powers who was recognized for 60 years of continuous membership. On the right is Delores Mueller who celebrated 65 years with the post. Delores was part of the first group of women to serve in the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve. Anita served in the WAVES. Post members have the utmost respect for these two women and the example they have set. They feel indebted to them because their trailblazing efforts and honorable service paved the way for the rest of the women who would serve after them. Anita Powers, served in the WAVES during World War II. She attended boot camp at Hunter College in New York in 1944. After boot camp she was sent to Norfolk, Virginia. She served on an inter-service information booth team that helped service personnel figure out train routes
Anita Powers (left) and Delores Mueller (right) of Post No. 539 in Green Bay
and schedules at the Norfolk and Western Railroad Station. As Military personnel came in by train or ferry into Norfolk, they could get information on the train schedules, the best route home and other details from the information booth team that Anita served on. Sadly, Delores Mueller passed away January 17, 2016. Post Historian Susan Zarnoth commented, “Anyone who ever met her knew what a fine lady she was. I’ve been with the post five years and when I first joined, Delores kind of scared me. She took me
to task after one meeting where a rather heated debate had taken place. She said; “How come you never say anything? You’re allowed to have an opinion you know. Speak up!” I was quite impressed with her. She had a voice right up until the end. We will miss her. The two of them have set the bar high. Their honorable service to our country, and their many years of faithful service to The American Legion provide a standard to emulate. We can only strive to live up to their example.”
Clear Lake Post No. 108 Unveils Patriotism Mural
Visual Artist Steven Kearney recently presented Wiley Davis Post No. 108 in Clear Lake with a “Patriotism Mural” for display in their meeting room at the Clear Lake Community Center. Over the past forty years Steve has designed and created many murals, all of which have an underlying message associated with the image. Steve was discharged from the Army for over 20 years before he joined Department of Minnesota American Legion Post No. 572 back in 1995 after overcoming some severe health concerns. He soon became the Post Service Officer and through his job with the Post, as well as a Social Worker with Catholic Charities in St. Paul, Steve started working with the homeless veterans’ community and was named the 4th District Post Service Officer of the year. He continued to work with homeless veterans in the Twin Cities area even after he moved to Wisconsin in 2006 and during this time he continued to paint and sell his murals. After his move to Wisconsin, Steve joined the Department of Wisconsin Headquarters Holding Post No. 2930 and recently transferred to the Wiley Davis Post No. 108 in Clear Lake. In 2014 Steve left Catholic Charities and opened his own art studio in the Clear Lake Community Center and soon thereafter met a number of Clear Lake Legion members who were also key volunteers at the Community Center. Steve said he got to know these Legionnaires and saw how dedicated and committed they are to the service of veterans and the Legion cause. He states this type of selfless dedication was his inspiration for painting and presenting the mural to Post
No. 108 in Clear Lake. Kearney describes it like this, “After I joined the Post officially, and having already known several of the older members for awhile, I decided I wanted to give the Post something that instilled a feeling of pride, strength and patriotism. These guys do so much for the local community that they deserve to have something in the Post that reflects the sacrifice and strength of character that they
all possess. To me there are no images that more clearly define patriotism than our National Flag and the American Bald Eagle. With that in mind, I decided I wanted to paint a large image that incorporated both emblems, the Flag and the Eagle”. Steve also included The American Legion emblem in the mural. Steve spent over 50 hours on this project and the mural was presented to the Post during a ceremony held in January.
Amazon Smiles on the Wisconsin Legion Foundation The Wisconsin American Legion Foundation, Inc. is a charitable foundation formed to support The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. It is recognized by the Internal Revenue as a 501(c) 3 non-profit. This has facilitated public corporations and foundations to support veteran programs and issues. A case in point is Amazon, the popular web-based retailer. The Wisconsin American Legion Foundation, Inc. is a participant in Amazon’s Smile program. Here is our direct link: ch/26-1582528 Supporting the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation
does not interfere with your Amazon transaction, cost any more or inhibit your discounts. Amazon merely designates a small portion of the sale for the charity of your choice. You can support the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation simply by a click of the mouse when you shop on Amazon. As a result, we just received our third check through the Amazon Smiles program. Support for the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation supports the programs of the Wisconsin American Legion. Chuck Roloff, President The Wisconsin American Legion Foundation, Inc.
Brackett SAL Member Wins American Red Cross Scholarship
Charles Flaskrud
Korean War Veterans Memorial Ceremony Scheduled for Sunday, June 5th
The Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Committee and Village of Plover officials are pleased to announce that the 2016 Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial Ceremony and Program will be held on Sunday, June 5th, beginning at 10:45 a.m. This event will be held at the Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial in Plover. Korean War veterans and their families, veterans from all branches of service, and the public are invited to attend. Representatives from the Korean Consulate, Wisconsin National Guard and Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs have been invited to speak at the program.
March 17, 2016
The Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial pays tribute to Wisconsinites who fought, died, or are still missing as a result of the Korean War. The memorial features a series of larger-thanlife bronze statues as its centerpiece. The figures represent various U.S. armed forces that took part in the war. None of the figures carry a weapon, conveying that peace is ardent hope of all veterans. A Memorial Tiles Program has been established for those who wish to honor a loved one who served in the Korean conflict. For more information on ordering tiles please visit the Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial website at: To get to the Memorial take Interstate Highway 39 to County Highway B in Plover. Head west one block to Village Park Drive. Turn left on Village Park Drive and you will be directed to the parking area. The Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Committee and Village of Plover officials hope to see you at the program!
EAU CLAIRE, Wis. While many students were enjoying a holiday break from school this winter, Sons of The American Legion member Charles Flaskrud from Squadron No. 550 in Brackett was helping save lives by hosting an American Red Cross blood drive. The Fall Creek High School junior earned a $1,000 scholarship as a result of his efforts. As part of the Red Cross Leaders Save Lives program, Flaskrud hosted a blood drive at the George Bever Post No. 550 in Brackett on Dec. 31, 2015. The blood drive exceeded its goal, bringing in 31 blood donations. As a result of the drive’s success, Flaskrud was entered to win a college scholarship and was chosen as a winner. Flaskrud was awarded his scholarship as well as a $50 gift card from “I decided to host a blood drive during the school winter break because I wanted to help the Red Cross collect blood
during the holiday season when blood donations typically decline,” said Flaskrud. “I was first inspired to donate blood by my father Brian, who is a longtime blood donor. Since he is the Legion post commander, we decided to host a drive there and continue our tradition of blood donation together.” Flaskrud carries his message further and encourages others to roll up a sleeve. “Blood donation isn’t a large commitment or a burden,” he said. “My friends and family give blood regularly because it’s an easy way to help make a difference and we know the need is constant.” “I am amazed and extremely thankful to be awarded this scholarship,” said Flaskrud. “The extra dollars will be very helpful in sending me to college.” Flaskrud plans to further his education after high school and has his eyes set on going to medical school someday.
march 17, 2016
79th Annual Wisconsin American Legion Oratorical Competition
The 79th Annual Wisconsin American Legion High School Oratorical Contest was held at Ripon College on Saturday, February 13th. Twelve high school students from across the state competed for top honors. Each student appeared on stage twice, the first for an 8 to 10 minute Oration on some aspect of the Constitution followed by a 3 to 5 minute dissertation on one of 4 possible randomly drawn Constitutional Amendments. The 2016 Wisconsin American Legion Oratorical Contest winners are: Saafia Masoom, a senior at Platteville High School, prevailed in the competition and will receive a $3,000 scholarship. “Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution” was the title of her oration. Representing the 3rd District, Saafia was sponsored by Platteville Post No. 42. She qualified to compete at the National Finals scheduled April 1517 in Indianapolis, IN where she is eligible for at least an additional $1,500 scholarship. The three national finalists receive $18,000, $16,000 and $14,000 scholarships respectively. The First Runner-Up is Noah Lorey, a senior at Union Grove High School who was sponsored by Post No. 171 and represented the 1st District. “Crisis of Misunderstanding” was the title of his oration. He has earned a $2,500 scholarship. Taking Second Runner-Up honors was John O’Neill. John is a senior at St. Lawrence Seminary, was sponsored by the Mt. Calvary Post No. 454 and represented the 6th District. He has earned a $2,000 scholarship. The title of his oration was “Voting – An Obligation and A Right”.
Regional Participants: Ashley Hagenow, is a sophomore at Rio High School. She was sponsored by Post No. 208 in Rio and represented the 2nd District. She has earned a $600 scholarship. Issac Hoeschen, a sophomore at Pius XI High School in Milwaukee, earned a $600 scholarship. Isaac was sponsored by Post No. 180 and represented the 4th District. Stefanie Klaves is Homeschooled in her junior year and was sponsored by the Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23. Stefanie represented the 5th District and has earned a $600 scholarship. Madaline Bires, a junior at the Queen of the Holy Rosary School was sponsored by Necedah Post No. 277 and represented the 7th District. Madaline also earned a $600 scholarship. Gabrielle Tuma, is a junior at the Shawano Community School and was sponsored by Shawano Post
No. 117. She represented the 8th District and earned a $600 scholarship. Benjamin Karnitz, a senior at Kewaunee High School, was sponsored by Post No. 29 of Kewaunee and represented the 9th District. Benjamin also earned a $600 scholarship. Sophia Woychik is a senior at Independence High School. Sophia was sponsored by Post No. 186 of Independence and represented the 10th District. Sophia has earned a $600 scholarship. Callista Wyles, is Home-schooled in her senior year. She was sponsored by Tomahawk Post No. 93 and represented the 11th District. Callista has earned a $600 scholarship. EmMary Czyscon, a freshman at Bruce High School, was sponsored by Bruce Post No. 268 and represented the 12th District. EmMary also earned a $600 scholarship.
The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin’s 79th Annual Oratorical Scholarship Contest’s Regional and Finals Competitions were held on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 at the Rodman Center on the Ripon College Campus. Pictured from left to right are Department Commander Dale Oatman, first place winner Saafia Masoom, second place finisher Noah Lorey, third place finisher John O’Neill, and Americanism Chairman Jerry Lauby.
a Volunteer experience
A few weeks ago while attending the Midwinter Conference at Baraboo, I happened upon a booth manned by Mr. Robert Stone, the chairman of the Department Oratorical Contest. He was recruiting volunteers for the upcoming Oratorical Competition to be held at Ripon College. He suggested that as the Fond du Lac County Commander where the competition would be held, I could volunteer. He needed 60 volunteers in order for the program to run smoothly. I agreed, not certain in what capacity I would be utilized. The next week I received notice that I would be the Escort for the Third District Contestant during the State Competition. I was nervous. I had to make sure this student was where he/she needed to be, a responsibility I was not taking lightly. I had never been to a State Competition before and I was supposed to make sure the student was in the right place? I wasn’t even sure where I was supposed to be. As the day of competition began I met a petite soft spoken senior from Platteville. She admitted she was nervous. Though I knew nothing about her, I tried to assure her she was ready for the competition. We checked out the venue where she was to speak. Her concerns for her safe entry were real, some steep steps, about 8 or so descending into a pit and she was wearing high heels. I told her to hang onto my arm, and as long as I didn’t fall first she should be alright. I think she appreciated the humor. We spent the next half hour in the holding room with the other Regional contestants. As she went over her speech I began to see her transform. This
Legion Americanism Programs Help Build a Stronger America (Continued from Page 1) and state officials. As aldermen or county supervisors they will frame, present and pass their own ordinances and laws; their own police and sheriffs will enforce them. As attorneys they will prosecute or defend, or as judges, hear cases in their own courts. Through this program, these leaders of the future should develop a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation. Children and Youth In 1922, just three short years after the organization was established, members of The American Legion realized that problems relating to children and families were aggravating and handicapping the rehabilitation of disabled veterans. Following a year of careful study, The American Legion Child Welfare program was outlined and adopted in 1924. In 1925, The American Legion National Child Welfare Division was established and adopted the “Whole Child” plan. This plan provides that “the child of every veteran should have a home, should have health, education, character and opportunity.” The plan is based on three principles:
• Strengthen the family unit against the forces of a more complex society. The American Legion recognizes the most normal environment for children is a home with their own parents. Our efforts have always been directed toward keeping the family together. • Extend support to sound organizations and facilities that provide services for children and youth. Always acting in a supplementary capacity, rather than duplicating the efforts of existing agencies. • Maintain a well-rounded program to meet the needs of today’s young people. This third principle has provided the elasticity to address all matters of child health and child welfare. This confirms the Legion’s comment to all children. American Legion Baseball The goals of American Legion Baseball are to build the strength, coordination and over-all physical fitness of teen-aged players; to provide a method for proper channeling of the excessive energy contained in any young player; to develop young, healthy, busy American players while combating juvenile delinquency; and to aid in the development of good sportsmanship, good
citizenship and a “positive Americanism.” Fun Facts about American Legion Baseball: • On an average, 55% of Major League Baseball Players played American Legion Baseball as teenagers: prominent alumni include Paul Molitor, Robin Yount, Reggie Jackson, Rollie Fingers, Johnny Bench, Brooks Robinson, and Yogi Berra • In 2015, over 200 Junior Varsity and Varsity teams played in Wisconsin • Wisconsin American Legion Baseball provides an annual scholarship award • National American Legion Baseball also provides an annual scholarship award • Wisconsin American Legion Baseball has been in existence since 1925 Scholarship Awards The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin funds a variety of scholarship awards each year through the John H. Emery Youth, Pageantry and Patriotism Fund. These scholarships include the annual Schneider – Emanuel, Americanism and Government Scholarship Program, Eagle Scout of the
Year, Governor of Badger Boys State, State and Regional Oratorical Scholarship Competition Scholarships, as well as the 1st Place Junior Shooting Sports Program Scholarship. Throughout his life John Emery traveled the world, visiting over 125 different nations. Like any loyal citizen, wandering in a foreign land, no sight was more welcome or more heart-stirring to him than the sight of the “Stars and Stripes”. John Emery possessed a profound sense of patriotism and wanted to foster in the youth of America a sense of our country’s history and a commitment to its future. Because of his experiences, he realized that the dignified presentation of the American flag can inspire a love of Country. To perpetuate his legacy of respect for the Flag of our Country, John Emery dedicated a portion of his estate to the John H. Emery Youth, Pageantry and Patriotism Fund. Recipients of scholarships from The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin are each encouraged to find success in their future academic career and are provided with information on the proper display of the United States Flag. They are also re-
tiny girl was in fact a very confident young lady. Shortly before we were called, she announced to me that she was ready. We entered the pit, her clutching my left arm. We approached and saluted the flag, then separated. I was barely seated when I heard a thundering voice addressing the audience. Was this the same girl I had just watched prepare? This was an articulate young lady who knew how to make a presentation. She was engaging, making eye contact with everyone in attendance. Like a lion stalking its prey, she commanded the audience’s attention. And they, in turn, were helplessly drawn to her every word. Her oration was flawless. My heart was pounding. I was captivated. As the day progressed I learned more about her. She had 2 sisters and both had competed in the Oratorical program. Her parents and her best friend were there supporting her. I had a chance to meet and talk with them. She has sent applications to some very prestigious Universities and would like to pursue a degree in the sciences. And I suspect that she will do well in whatever career she pursues. When the competition was over, my allegiances may have been with the Fond du Lac County / Sixth District Competitor, but my heart was definitely with the young lady from Platteville and tears welled in my eyes as I congratulated her. She is the State Oratorical Champion. It was an honor and a privilege to stand by her side along the way. Steve Pauly American Legion Fond du Lac County Commander
minded to always respect it and the Nation it represents. Americanism and Government Test Program This program is open to any student in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade in any public, private or parochial school and home-schooled students within the state of Wisconsin. There are a total of $14,500 scholarship awards made each year by The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. The test is available online April 4th - 15th. Shooting Sports The American Legion recognizes that firearms are a part of sports and recreation in our society and strives to teach youngsters the proper use of these types of weapons before accidents occur. Many local Posts sponsor Junior Shooting Clubs, which provide training in firearms safety and marksmanship for junior shooters. The Department of Wisconsin conducts a “postal” match each year and awards scholarships by category. The National American Legion hosts an annual national air rifle tournament that draws more than 1,200 contestants each year. This tournament begins with postal matches to determine regional champions.
The Last
1 Germantown Marvin Kath II 3 Antigo Robert Marvin II Peter Pospichal K Jeffrey Schultz G/L 4 Athens James Luetschwager II 6 Stevens Point Richard Bablitch II William Steward II Wayne Johnson K Leonard Bronk K Franklin Zaske K Florian Wojciehoski II Raymond Pozorski K Arlyn Johnson II Arthur Fahrner II Vernon Jakusz K Stanley Lehman II Chester Brilowski K Leroy Lundgren II Pat Kubisiak II Anthony Gollon K Ernest Helminiak II Herman Glinski II Ralph Meshak II Alex Ambroziak II Stanley Augustinak II Gregory Mrozinski K Raymond Zynda V 9 Wisconsin Rapids Edward Pawlik II Robert Rude II 10 Wausau Gerald Gappa II William Gongoll G/L Robert Brzezinski K Bud Kaetterhenry K 11 Green Bay Robert Herlache II John Noack K 13 Richland Center Francis Bradford II 14 Iola Dennis Sorenson K 23 Milwaukee Marvin Edmunds II Edmund Gavre II Clarence Sabec II John Moser II Edward Puchalski II Robert Thompson II Leonard Naeser II 26 Baraboo II Arlene Jordan Richard Scully V 38 Appleton Robert Huelsbeck II Arvin Wolfgram K Russell Hoover K Leonard Kutz II Roy Rodgers K 39 Marinette William Fort K Ronald Bane K William Olsen II Bernard Boucher K 46 Merrill Warren Weckwerth K 47 Portage Donald Gritzmacher K William Laing II
11/21/16 01/29/16 01/06/16 01/12/16 02/01/16 09/06/14 10/21/14 03/10/15 03/12/15 08/29/15 10/01/15 04/14/15 04/18/15 04/20/15 04/27/15 06/10/15 06/13/15 11/24/15 12/05/15 02/06/15 02/15/15 10/05/15 10/08/15 01/02/15 01/16/15 10/22/15 11/08/15 12/06/15 02/19/16 01/27/16 01/25/16 02/01/16 08/08/15 02/12/16 02/13/16 02/04/16 02/17/16 01/31/16 01/27/16 02/04/16 02/02/16 02/13/16 07/09/15 02/19/16 01/30/16 02/05/16 01/29/16 02/18/16 02/25/16 02/27/16 03/01/16 12/29/15 01/17/16 01/25/16 01/30/16 02/16/16 02/22/16 02/05/16
51 Northfield Lyle Jessie K 02/22/16 53 Eau Claire Morris Bakken II 01/16/16 Robert Plessel K 08/25/14 Arthur Wagner II 08/14/14 Dennis Jenson K 01/31/16 Ruslyn Schultz II 01/08/16 54 Marshfield Donald Pernsteiner K 01/30/16 Raymond Pankratz II 01/31/16 John Roherty II 02/10/16 Walter Friant K 02/22/16 Jerry Barwineck II 02/10/16 George Frank II 03/03/16 Delton Peterson II 02/23/16 Thomas West K 03/01/16 John Roherty II 02/10/16 59 Stoughton Robert Kreitling K 01/29/16 Dwayne Loomis K 05/29/15 Seamon Moen II 02/06/16 60 Kimberly Theodore Dekleyn K 02/11/16 62 Columbus Phillip Sharrow II 01/27/16 63 Clintonville Merton Albert II 02/19/16 64 Ladysmith Maurice Stam II 01/30/16 66 Athelstane - Silver Cliff Gerald Gauthier G/L 01/12/16 Richard Miller G/L 12/19/15 72 Sturgeon Bay Robert VanDuyse K 01/08/16 Robert Sperber K 08/21/15 Denis Bay K 08/16/15 74 Oconto Ronald Johnson K 02/27/16 77 Chippewa Falls James Culver V 04/19/15 80 New Richmond Richard Peterson V 01/28/16 88 Manitowoc Paul Bienvenue K 02/08/16 89 Minocqua Donald Anderson II 11/03/13 Thomas Sedivy K 08/17/15 93 Tomahawk Wendell Dewitt II 01/26/16 Eugene Kind K 02/17/16 Lawrence Tank V 02/22/16 96 Webster Robert Ramstrom K 02/07/16 98 Cumberland Paul Hilton K 01/28/16 Ann Bonneville II 01/09/16 Thomas Rossbottom II 12/16/15 Charles White II 07/31/15 103 Galesville Harold Hilton II 02/16/16 111 Somerset Glen Belisle II 02/21/16 118 Thorp John Fransway V 01/30/16 121 River Falls Richard Vankeuren K 02/11/16 125 Chilton Herbert Bruckner II 04/04/15 Clifford Lacrosse II 11/30/15 John Schmitz 11/06/15 Randolph Theil II 01/23/16 134 Boscobel Theodore Freymiller II 02/13/16 138 Viroqua Fred Nelson II 07/07/16 151 Madison Waldemar Nimmow K 02/06/16 Loyd Curkeet II 02/08/16 Waldemar Nimmow K 02/08/16 163 Wautoma Ernest Krueger V 02/14/16 167 Sauk City Donald Moen II 02/11/16 171 Union Grove Leonard Deden II 01/28/16 179 Chetek Herman Bronstad K 02/10/16
II Blake Uren 180 Milwaukee Donald Schlemm II Russell Rybacki II Robert Shaffer V 181 Durand Benedict Bauer V Clayton Myers K Ronald Weber V 185 Grantsburg Wilbur Thoreson II Patrick Johnson V 186 Independence Daniel Schoenberger K Richard Marsolek V 189 Watertown Glen Friedl II Kenneth Beyer K Harold Nelson II Howard Reith K Joseph Thamke II 201 Tomah Norman Happel II Arnie Erickson V 202 Chaseburg Howard Hoffman II 203 Milwaukee David Holada V Anthony Vitale II Milton Benishek II 205 Janesville Eugene Loucks II 206 Wonewoc Roland Stanek K 215 Pardeeville James Elphick K 216 Lodi Donald Hillestad II 223 Hillsboro Stanley Lulkowski P 225 Shell Lake Roger Anderson K 230 DePere Ralph Enderby II 238 Greenwood Richard Thompson K William Stabnow K 253 Spring Green Laverne Sneath II John Johnson K 263 New London Theodore Dowd II 264 Gilmantown Jerry Gumbert II Arde Bollinger K 268 Bruce Raymond Gordon II
01/31/16 02/09/16 02/02/16 02/23/16 01/22/16 02/02/16 12/29/15 01/25/16 11/22/15 01/22/16 01/18/16 01/28/16 02/04/16 02/06/16 02/25/16 03/04/16 01/29/16 02/07/16 02/03/16 11/19/15 11/25/15 01/03/16 02/03/16 02/28/16 01/31/16 02/08/16 11/21/15 02/21/16 12/04/15 04/30/15 02/22/16 01/21/16 02/22/16 02/05/16 02/24/16 02/13/16 02/18/16
278 Balsam Lake Richard Heutmaker K 288 Cedarburg Rodger Rahn K 302 Oconto Falls Larry Curran V 308 Gays Mills Laverne Swiggum K 312 Peshtigo Michael Harper V John Behnke V Omer Fritz II 313 Black Earth Quilla Pine V 320 Humbird Laura Jensen II 345 Hingham Dale Arndt V 348 DeForest Ernest Klatt K 351 Montello William Carlile V 358 Unity Gerald Hamus K 360 Waunakee Wesley Gillespie K Raymond Becker II 363 Denmark James Hershman K 366 Princeton William Marshall G/L 372 Forestville Donald Tlachac K 377 Elcho Roy Rocke II 385 Verona Wayne Peterson K 406 Milwaukee John Beard V George Ptacek II 412 Belgium Melvin Hubing K Floyd Prom K Kenneth Evenson II 416 Greendale David Grudowski V 426 Milwaukee Richard Davis II 431 Three Lakes Robert Karow II 435 Superior Daniel Kolodzeski II Raymond Meysman V 438 Norwalk Charles Kruk V 449 Brookfield Donald Hensch K
September MARCH 17, 25, 2016 2014
02/11/16 03/10/15 03/20/15 10/22/15 01/17/16 12/24/15 02/07/16 01/16/16 02/01/16 02/12/16 02/25/16 02/09/16 01/30/16 01/12/16 02/02/16 01/12/16 02/17/16 01/27/16 02/06/16 02/06/16 02/17/16 02/09/16 01/29/16 02/27/16 11/30/15 01/14/16 02/19/16 01/26/16 02/27/16
452 Spirit George Wordon II 457 Mequon Richard Dobberfuhl K Robert Lange II Stanley Pipkorn II Joseph Sommers II Anita Zomchek II 460 Belleville Ralph Langdok V 461 Pembine John Steele II 473 Potosi Galen Kruser V Joseph Stohlmeyer K 478 Saint Cloud Julian Steffes K 480 Presque Isle Kenneth Martin II Ronald Barnes K 488 New Berlin Edward Nowicki II 492 Rothschild Thomas Dubore V John Rasmusson V 494 Caledonia Wayne Emerich K 500 West Allis George Halay II 501 Madison Floyd Kleppe II Robert Farrell II 503 Dane Bernard Treinen V 511 Ridgeland Ronald Martinson K 517 Dorchester David Leichtman V 518 Green Bay Joseph Skalecki K 521 Fox Lake Charles Boelter V 534 McFarland Donald Natvig V Larry Satterlee V Francis Vacha II Robert Birrenkott K 538 Carlton Allen Christman K Anthony Wiles V 543 Plover Peter Lutz V 553 Madison Gene Carlisle V
12/22/15 01/31/16 06/17/15 02/27/16 02/27/16 02/03/16 02/22/16 01/22/16 02/15/16 02/25/16 02/26/16 02/14/16 02/19/16 02/20/16 01/10/16 01/19/16 01/31/16 02/06/16 11/07/15 10/08/15 02/12/16 02/02/16 02/25/16 02/06/16 10/31/15 08/02/15 02/04/16 02/07/16 02/19/16 01/05/16 02/17/16 01/21/16 02/06/16
02/04/16 02/22/16
MARCH 17, 2016
Post No. 428 • Amberg -Commander James Fronsoe and Denis De Jardin Membership Chair
Post No. 161 • King Adjutant Will Pope and Commander Phil Hagen
NMLS ID #283509
Post No. 113 • Mt. Horeb Craig Mortvedt
Post No. 348 • De Forest Bill Ridgely
2016 Magnetic Calendars Support Veterans in Wisconsin Money Raised Here, Stays Here! All Legionnaires were recently mailed the 2016 Magnetic Calendar. Don’t forget that in accordance with our Constitution & Bylaws, the Department Rehabilitation Fund, receives all funds raised through the 2016 Magnetic Calendar Campaign and all fundraising efforts. The Rehabilitation Fund makes the programs at Camp American Legion and our Department Service Office possible. Your donations in support of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin stay right here in the Badger State to support our fellow veterans, their families and our communities. Please be generous in your donation and support the important work of the Wisconsin American Legion. For additional calendars or information on Department fundraising, contact Department headquarters at (608) 745-1090.
Post No. 462 • Adell Kurt Neumann
Mike Kraus 7365 Kirkwood Court North, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-355-8540
The American Legion Department of Wisconsin 2016 DATES TO REMEMBER March 15 Legion Birthday May 6-7 Spring Meetings May 30 Memorial Day June 11-18 Badger Boys State June 14 Flag Day
July 4 Independence Day July 14-17 Dept. Convention Aug. 30-Sept. 1 Natl. Convention Oct. 14-15 Fall Meetings Nov. 11 Veterans Day
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If you were exposed to ASBESTOS, and you SMOKED or have any of the following symptoms, see your doctor and perhaps an attorney.
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Camo Quilt Project Presents Lap Quilts to Veterans
February 22nd the Camo Quilt Project presented lap quilts to 18 veterans at the Pine Haven Giddings facility in Sheboygan Falls. Among them were Harold TenHaken from Oostburg, Melvin Veldmann from Plymouth and Wally Adler from Howards Grove. Many other Legion Family members were in attendance including 2nd District Commander Jim Lee, Sheboygan County Commander DuWayne Wieck and Sheboygan Falls Post No. 149 Commander Ron Goelz. Also pictured is Legion Auxiliary member Linda Wieck who
Post No. 145 • Random Lake Lloyd Merkel
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presented the quilts. Linda is the founder of the Camo Quilt Project which has presented more than 550 lap quilts over the past 3 years to veterans in nursing home environments in 5 counties. Since the start of the project, over 24,000 military camo quilts have been distributed to deployed troops worldwide. Each one is skillfully crafted by one of over 20 volunteers with a passion for helping veterans. Linda can be contacted at
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