MARCH 17, 2016
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Our Strategic Planning team has been working very diligently to get our strategies and initiatives finalLAURA CALTEUX ized. You ask, Department what can I do to President help with Wisconsin’s strategic plan? Every day you are doing something that correlates to the strategies and initiatives of Wisconsin’s strategic plan. Goal 5 – With The American Legion, build brand loyalty. Whenever you wear your Auxiliary clothing when working our programs, you are working on Goal 5. Every time you write an article for your Unit newsletter, you are working the goal. Those of you
who have contacts with newspapers, can write articles and have them published. This is a fantastic way to work Goal 5. When you do this, please make sure that you get this information to our Public Relations committee and our department historian. We want to use that information in our history book to ensure the information is available to our future members. Goal 4 – Strengthen Department and Units. The new ‘ALA in the Know – Important Info for Every Member’ regional training conferences are being set up and will be rolled out in the near future. This training, which replaces the Fall Informational Forum, will make it easier for more members to attend to get the information that they want and in doing so, will strength-
en our units and our department. Goal 3 – Develop Leadership at all Levels. The strategy team is working on a lot of great ideas to develop the leadership of Wisconsin. They are working on different options for how we choose our chairmen – are they appointed or should they apply for the position? They are also looking at the ways that we elect our officers at the department, district, county and unit levels. Watch for more information in the future. Goal 2 – Create a Culture of Goodwill. This should be the easiest of goals to meet, but as we all know, it isn’t always easy. There are many different personalities in the American Legion Auxiliary. We need to find ways to work together, without controversy, to
work the mission. Remembering to always be kind and welcoming to guests and new members is the best way to work this goal. If we are all welcoming and kind, our membership will grow. Goal 1 – Enhance Membership Strength. So, how do you think we can work on Goal 1? There are many, many ways to Enhance Membership Strength. Units can create alliances with other veterans and community groups to work on our programs. We need to constantly promote the Auxiliary, set up booths at community events, and get the word out on your own events to other Auxiliary units
and your community. And maybe the biggest thing we can all do is to communicate! Keep the lines of communication open between all members, your posts and your community. Being able to answer questions and having membership applications with you at all times is also important. I know that this has been a lot of information, but we need to keep our members updated as to what is going on in our department and using our publication, The Wisconsin, is a great way to do just that. Keep working the mission, Be the Spark for Our Veterans and God Bless America!
MEMBERSHIP Bonnie Jakubczyk, Chairman Ph: (414) 764-6752 Email: Thank you for getting those memberships in, helping Wisconsin to the 75% Keeping the Promise Valentine’s Day deadline. We only need 6,565 more for 100%, and I know we can do it! Congratulations to the 14 Units that have reached or exceeded 100%, great job! You can tell that everyone is working together on membership by how close all the Districts
are in the membership standings. Keep up the great work on lighting those sparks. Please share any success stories with us, so that we can share them with other Units. Personal contact is the best way to keep a Unit together. Keep in contact with your members and they will know they are a valuable member. Check on those who have not paid and see if they have any concerns or if they need help with paying. If you have some elderly members who can-
not make it to your meetings, ask them if they would be willing to make membership phone calls. Keeping the promise for March: I promise to breathe life into our organization. Promise date: Legion Birthday, March 15, 2016 - 80% membership goal Be the Spark for our Veterans! Your Membership Team: Bonnie Jakubczyk, Amy Luft, Penny Joren, Meghan Helms, Andrea Stoltz
Thank You For Supporting Our Members!
Department of Wisconsin, You all are amazing! Thank you so much for your donation to the Auxiliary Emergency Fund. Because of you, members facing displacement due to wild fires, flooding, and tornados are able to receive assistance. You are not only providing help, but hope to members in need.
President Laura Calteux was pleased to present a donation of $4000 during the Washington DC Conference on behalf of all the members and units in Wisconsin that contributed to the AEF fund.
Thank you! Madison Maves Development Outreach Lead ALA National Headquarters
2 ND
1ST DISTRICT 6 79.42%
Leadership Workshop • Stoughton
Contact Linda Schmidt • 608-205-2517 or Lisa Olson • H: 608-873-8924 • C: 608-279-4847 for more information.
April 24
Junior Spring Conference
May 21
“Walk, Run & Roll for our Veterans and Their Families” • Oconomowoc
Contact Jane Schmittinger • 414-379-1995 or Jill Gust • 262-719-7280 for more information.
(read Junior Activities article for details)
–– Information is subject to change ––
6 TH
4TH DISTRICT 10 78.08% DISTRICT 9 78.79%
DISTRICT 12 77.45%
8 TH 7T H
9 TH DISTRICT 11 76.64% DISTRICT 3 76.27%
DISTRICT 8 77.14%
1 0 TH
12TH DISTRICT 7 75.23%
••• upcoming Events • • • April 2
DISTRICT 2 78.83%
DISTRICT 5 80.00%
ZABLOCKI VAMC BABY LAYETTES (Program Discontinued) Thank you to all the American Legion Auxiliary units that supported the Women Veterans Health Group by donating baby clothes and other related items to the new mothers. Dr. Feldman of Zablocki VAMC informed Department that she has been overwhelmed by the Auxiliary’s support and all the donations they received. At this time, they have enough donations to last for several years. Dr. Feldman has asked that Auxiliary units “direct their extraordinary generosity to other equally deserving projects for Veterans.” Thank you!
3 RD
DISTRICT 1 75.40%
DISTRICT 4 73.96%
77.15% MARCH 2016
Diane Weggen Department Chaplain/Music Chairman Ph:715-644-2668 Email: If you ever have the opportunity to attend a Veterans Creative Arts competition, I hope you choose to attend. As I watched and listened to veterans at the Tomah VA competition, I was awed with their talents and their courage to take the stage – especially when sharing original works. It was easy to be genuine in praise and thanks to these veterans. Anais Nin said, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” These veterans’ lives expanded as they performed and/or shared their artwork. Just as these veterans shared a part of their lives with the audience, so too, we are asked to share our lives. We receive direction for relating with one another in a reading from the Old Testament: Micah 6:8 “…to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God…” We display courage when we choose to treat others justly, fairly and honestly and to love as commanded: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all You have given us. We humbly ask for courage to always do what’s right. As You have loved us, may we love one another. For this, we pray. “Remember the Heroes,” a patriotic rock song by Sammy Hager (1982) Stranger in a foreign land Fearful cries surround him Returning home a wounded man To find he’s been forgotten, yeah Courage is the badge he wears Blinded by obsession Wars are won by those who dare The memory still haunts him Remember the heroes Who fight for the right to choose Remember the heroes We’ve all got a lot to lose A rebel to the naked eye An undiscovered legend Face the facts and don’t ask why It’s something to believe in In the dark, day and night Fight for wrong to prove what’s right Remember the heroes Who fight for the right to choose Remember the heroes Just another life to use Remember the heroes We’ve all got a lot to lose (Remember the heroes) To take one life without a say Demanded without reason To turn our backs and walk away A faceless act of treason A father’s son must carry on The wound is only deepened Remember the heroes Who fight for the right to choose Remember the heroes It’s just another life to use Remember the heroes You know we all got a lot to lose Remember the heroes Who’s gonna fill their shoes? An Irish prayer: May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
March 17, 2016
Greetings from Headquarters Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: Website: Any member whose dues were not processed by department as of January 31st is delinquent and membership benefits and privileges have been suspended. As of March 1st, almost 2,500 of our members have not renewed, which is about 10% of our current membership! We need to stop the sliding decline in membership NOW if the American Legion Auxiliary is going to continue being a viable organization. If we don’t have enough members to work the mission and support the programs that benefit our veterans, who will do the work? If you let your membership lapse but want to continue to honor the special veteran(s) in your family, please send your membership dues to headquarters today OR renew online through the national website at If you know someone who hasn’t renewed their membership, please call them today and let them know we need their help in serving our veterans. Space is still available for the 2016 ALA Badger Girls State (ALABGS) session scheduled for June 19-24, 2016. Submit
your unit reservation form if you have not already done so and check out the Girls State website ( for upto-date information, including orientations scheduled around the state. The schedule is listed on page A4, but the website is updated as new information becomes available. Units that already submitted their reservations should contact their selected students to ensure they register for the 2016 ALABGS session and attend an orientation. Orientations are a great resource for parents, too, so they know what to expect when their daughter attends Girls State. Do you know any Auxiliary members who could use financial assistance for college? The M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund offers interest-free loans of $800 per year for up to five years to Auxiliary members attending college. The loan is repaid in easy monthly payments after the student graduates or finishes school. Interested members should contact Chairman Joan Chwala at 715-668-4661 or ctr68552@ for an application or more information. Unit annual reports are due by April 15th. Year-end impact reports should be sent to your district president and narrative reports should be sent to department headquarters.
The department chairmen will use the narrative reports to complete their year-end reports for the national organization. President Laura Calteux will also review them to select units for special recognition at department convention. These reports are the best tools for showcasing what the American Legion Auxiliary does throughout the year. Every unit does something – from distributing poppies to hosting community blood drives. Members should be proud of their service and report it! Last year, only 239 of Wisconsin’s 425 units submitted a year-end impact report BUT the work that was reported was phenomenal! A summary of accomplishments from 2015 is printed on page A3. Imagine how much more impressive the numbers would be if EVERY unit had submitted a report. Will you report this year? Members are reminded to attend district spring conferences to learn more about the Auxiliary and thank the district officers for all their hard work. The conference dates are listed on page A3, with details posted on the department website. Units that wish to have their deceased members listed in the 2016 Convention Memorial Book must submit Member Data Forms to Department by April 25th.
Kelli Mades, Department Chairman Ph: (608) 385-6693 Email: Children of military servicemen and women make many sacrifices as their parents serve on active duty. Their lives are uprooted and they are often separated for long periods of time. Finding financial aid can also be another added stress. The American Legion will be publishing an Education Development Guide which has many resources available. Look for it soon! However, in the meantime, the following sources can be used to inform and help children of the military find financial aid. Pell Grant ( fpg/index.html): This federal grant does not need to be repaid, and the award amount varies based on a number of factors. The most important is a student’s income to cost of attendance ratio. For 2015-2016, the maximum award amount is $5,775. Post-9/11 GI Bill ( gov/gibill/post911_gibill.asp): This complex but extremely worthwhile program allows servicemembers on duty after September 11, 2001, to receive money to cover most tuition, fees, books, and living expenses at state colleges and universities. An applicant for this program should work with a veterans service
officer (VSO) and/or the school’s VA administrator to apply for and receive benefits. Marine GSgt. John David Fry Scholarship ( docs/factsheets/fry_scholarship./pdf): This program grants the surviving children and spouses of deceased servicemembers to receive up to 36 months of education benefits. As with the GI Bill, these benefits should be explored and applied for with the assistance of a VSO or VA administrator. Note: A service member must make elections to pass on their benefits to a dependent after meeting a certain time-in-service mark. Many programs require the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Families also may find helpful information at FinAid: The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid (,, and Several scholarships focus on military children. They include scholarships sponsored by: • Air Force Aid Society ( The General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program gives grants to children of active duty Air Force members, as well as some Reservists and retirees. Grants are need-based.
• Army Emergency Relief (www.aerhq. org): The MG James Ursano Scholarship Fund offers scholarships for children of active duty soldiers, retirees, or those who died in service. These scholarships can be used for undergraduate studies, vocational training, or to help a student prepare to enter a military academy. • Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society ( The Vice Admiral E.P. Travers Scholarship and Loan program provides financial aid to children and spouses of active duty and retired Sailors and Marines. There are also scholarships for the children of those killed in action. • Scholarships for military children ( Every commissary gives at least one scholarship. The scholarships of at least $1,500 per student are supported by the companies that sell goods to the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). Additional resources: Department of Education Student Aid on the Web (
Junior Activities Lorrie Barber, Dept. Chairman H: 715-343-1947 If you missed the Junior Winter Conference and Bowling for Veterans, you missed a great time. The Juniors and American Legion Auxiliary had a great time raising money for our veterans and our active military. Thank you to Stevens Point Unit 6 for inviting us to join them for this great event. The top bowling team for the Junior Division went to Team Brianna, Tina, Meghan and James. Brianna Zimmerman from Oshkosh Unit 70 won the prize for collecting the most pledges. We have been invited to join
them again in January 2017 for another Bowling for Veterans. A donation has been sent to Department for Homeless Women Veterans Fund in the Department of Wisconsin Juniors name. Additional monies raised will be used in support of Honorary Junior President Katarina’s project of supporting local hometown veterans. The Junior Spring Conference is just around the corner. We will be meeting in Brookfield on Sunday, April 24th. The conference will be held at American Legion Post 449. Registration will begin at 10:00 am followed by a short meeting and election of officers. Brookfield Aux-
iliary Unit 449 will be providing a great lunch and then it will be time for JUNIOR OLYMPICS. There will be events for all ages and awards in each event. Of course senior Auxiliary members are also invited to join us. It promises to be a day filled with fun and activities to support our veterans and active military. Registration forms and brochure are available on the Department website and also can be found in your unit mailing. Don’t miss this event. Please remember to send in your Junior activity reports. I look forward to hearing about everything your Juniors have been doing.
MARCH 17, 2016
Poppy Program Judy Kuta, Dept. Chairman Ph: (262) 377-8613 Email: Seven million memorial poppies are distributed each year by American Legion Auxiliary members across the country to provide a therapeutic activity for veterans, raise awareness and raise funds to help veterans, military service members and their families. Veterans who make the poppies are paid a small stipend for their efforts. Two million dollars are donated by people receiving the poppies each year. Up until recently, 100% of the donated funds were used to help veterans. Due to the great needs of today’s military families, The American Legion expanded the use of newly-collected funds to active duty service members and their families who demonstrate a financial or medical need. Most of the funds collected stay in the communities where they are collected. Governor Scott Walker has proclaimed May 2016 as Poppy Month. A copy of the official proclamation is posted on the department website. Memorial poppies are generally distributed on patriotic holidays such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day, but any day can be a “Poppy Day.” May is typically the month most Units distribute poppies in their communities. Poppy orders have been received and the poppy shop is working hard to have the poppies delivered. Poppies are distributed in various places throughout local communities. American Legion Auxiliary members and other members of The American Legion Family can be found with poppies on sidewalks, in front of stores, at local meetings and more. Asking, “Will you wear a poppy for a veteran” and sharing
the poem “In Flanders Fields” help to share the poppy story and often encourages community members to make a donation. You should be getting permission from those businesses that allow the distribution of poppies on their sites. It is not too early to be doing this. Often the corporate office grants this request and it may take weeks or even as long as a month or two to get the needed response. Also, be sure to ask the members of your American Legion Family to assist you in distributing your poppies. Poppy funds CAN be used for: the rehabilitation of veterans honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces; the rehabilitation of hospitalized military service personnel returning home and awaiting discharge who require treatment in service hospitals; the welfare of all veterans honorably discharged from U.S. Armed Forces, U.S. active-duty military personnel, and the families of those veterans and active-duty military personnel, where financial and medical need is evident. Reporting of your Unit’s poppy activity is essential. Be sure to record how many poppies your unit ordered, how much money was collected, and how much of the total was sent to Department. Return the Poppy Unit Annual Narrative Report to Department by April 15th. So, as we prepare, let’s focus on the public relations aspect and how we can promote the Poppy throughout your community. If your Unit promotes the Poppy Poster Contest your winning entries should go to your District Spring Conference for judging there. The winning District entries should be sent to me as soon after the conference as possible. I need them by May 1.
2014-2015 STATISTICS Totals are based on the annual reports from 239 of Wisconsin’s 425 Units. Wisconsin has 24,000 members strong; wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, granddaughters and great-granddaughters of wartime veterans. OUR SERVICE FOR VETERANS: • Hours volunteered: 246,417 • Dollars spent: $291,364 • Dollar value of in-kind donations: $113,305 • Veterans assisted: 17,546 • Number of poppies purchased by units: 401,675 • Poppy dollars raised to support veterans: $267,411 • Number of veterans who made poppies: 20 OUR SERVICE FOR ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY: • Hours volunteered: 17,682 • Dollars spent: $28,404 • Number of US service members served: 8,484 OUR SERVICE FOR MILITARY FAMILIES: • Hours volunteered: 13,963 • Dollars spent: $44,231 • Number of military families served: 1,551 SCHOLARSHIPS • Number of scholarships awarded: 495 • Dollar amount of local scholarships: $84,470 • Dollar amount donated to Department scholarships: $5,545 • Number of ALA Badger Girls State Delegates: approx. 734
STRATEGIC PLANNING Joyce Endres, Dept. Chairman H: 608-221-1763 Email: Nothing energizes like a real purpose. The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) mission statement provides our purpose. The ALA Centennial Strategic Plan provides a road map that defines, prioritizes and implements our mission. The ultimate result of the Strategic Plan is to achieve all five goals through measureable results to reach our vision. This article focuses on Goal Five: “With the American Legion, Build Brand Loyalty.” When we wear and display the emblems of The American Legion (TAL) family, we build brand loyalty. Emblems tell the world who we are. When we market the good work of the ALA and its family, we further define and promote brand loyalty. Five P’s of marketing: Product: Honor and ‘Service not self.’ One reason we
joined the ALA is to honor the veteran(s) in our life though our service for God and country. Price: The VALUE of your membership and SERVICE are priceless. Promotion: Brand loyalty is achieved when we promote who we are, what we do and how we make a difference. Place: The ALA presence in the community, state and nation holds a strong positive image. As members, we have the responsibility to build and retain this positive image and service oriented reputation. The American Legion Post is the home of TAL family. Legion Posts often hold a visible brand presence in communities, especially if TAL emblem and the American and Legion flags are displayed. Be proud of your Post building. Help keep it spruced up as another way to promote brand loyalty. People: Members are the heart of our organization. With you we positively impact veterans
and their families, fellow citizens and our youth. With you we bring patriotism, friendship, camaraderie, support and service to all we serve and to each other. Without you we will fail our mission. Please pass on your ideas and perspectives to apply the five P’s. Share your insights with fellow members to mentor and carry forward our legacy of service for generations to come. Together we will achieve measurable results. In twenty years, many of us will be unable to serve or will be gone. Promotion of our brand will encourage more members to join and participate to make an even bigger difference to the people we serve. Understand our purpose. Be the SPARK to energize ALA programs and your unit. With The American Legion, build brand loyalty to reach more people and help us meet all five goals of the strategic plan.
Children & Youth Ann Rynes, Dept. Chairman Ph: 608.604.0350 Email: The American Legion Auxiliary has an obligation to protect, care for and support our children and youth, especially those with ties to the military. The month of April has been set aside to highlight our youth through numerous activities that may be found on the department, national Auxiliary and national Legion websites. Just because April is considered Children & Youth month, consider making every month an opportunity to reach out to support youth in the community. One way to applaud our youth is to present a Good Deed card when you witness a good deed being carried out. This provides instant acknowledgement to the youth and provides a means to bring awareness to our organization. A template is available on the depart-
ment website. Consider giving blue star banners to children of active duty military. At the 2015 session of American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State, thirty-six 1-star banners were distributed to immediate family members. Two 2-star and one 4-star banners were also given. Delegates without immediate family ties, but who had members of their extended families actively serving, numbered 125. There are many school-related projects, including distribution of flags with one of the US Constitutional bill of rights printed on cardstock attached to the flag and highlight the history to younger children. For older youth, a pocketsize copy of the Constitution may be distributed along with information regarding the American Legion Oratorical program. Bring a veteran with you who can explain their time in service, how it affect-
ed their life, etc. Promote the Star Spangled Kids project, hold flag folding projects, invite prior-year Girls and Boys State citizens to speak to potential delegates about their experience, distribute age-appropriate word searches and crossword puzzles. Oh, and a cookie or similar treat will go a long way as well. The list is only limited by your imagination. Have fun with your projects and don’t forget to report on your activities through your local and social media outlets as well as to your Department Chairman. Please mail your narrative reports and pictures of Children and Youth activities to Department headquarters by April 15, 2016. Details for reporting are posted on the department website. The deadline for Unit, District and Legion Family awards is May 13, 2016. Details are located on the Department website.
A resolution is a main motion, offered as a resolution either because of its importance or because of its length or complexity. For this reason, resolutions should always be prepared in writing. Any member or unit that wishes to submit a resolution for consideration at Department Convention must follow the Department Bylaws (Article II, Section 1), which require: The Department President shall, not less than 30 days prior to the annual Department Convention, appoint a Resolu-
tions Committee consisting of five members chosen from the delegates. • Resolutions presented by an individual member must be approved by the Unit or District of which she is a member. Resolutions must be received at department by June 1. Copies of these resolutions shall be transmitted to Units not less than 30 days before Department convention. • Any resolution not approved by a Unit or District, or when the District conference is held after June 1, must be approved by the appropriate Department chairman of the
program to which the resolution pertains. The Department chairman will submit resolutions that she approves to the Resolutions Committee for consideration. • The Resolutions Committee will forward any approved resolutions with a financial impact to the Finance Committee for their approval. Once the Resolutions Committee and other appropriate chairmen/committees have acted on all resolutions, the Resolutions Chairman will report recommendations to the convention delegates.
MARCH 17, 2016
RECTION: 6th District Conference - Judy Lyon’s zip code was listed incorrectly in the previous issue. orrect address for registration is Judy Lyon, 200 Pleasant Avenue, Waupun WI 53963.
Date Date
Location contact person Contact Person
Delavan AL Post 95 111 2nd Street Delavan WI 53115
Connie Lindloff 262-215-7074
Cedar Ridge Grand Hall 113 Cedar Ridge Drive West Bend WI 53095
Mary Montag 262-355-6467
ALABGS Delegate(s)/Alternate(s): Weestrongly encourage you, your parents and a school official to ALABGS Delegate(s)/Alternate(s): We strongly ncourage you, your parents and a school official to attend a county orientation. attend a county orientation. Counties with(*) an asterisk conduct joint Badger Girls and Badger Boys Counties with an asterisk conduct a joint (*) Badger Girls and Baadger Boys Orientation. Orientation. Any Any questions/corrections regarding theLegion American Legion Badger State Oriquestions/corrections regarding the American Auxiliary Badger Girls SAuxiliary tate Orientation schedule, Girls please ccontact ontact Jeannine Conradt Conradt at entation schedule, please Jeannine at
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ County Date Time Location Contact Person Presenter(s) *Ashland, Iron High School Library BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 Ascension Lutheran Church Sue Middlestead 5/7/16 #4 Price & Taylor 5/22/16 2:00 p.m. Medford Theresa Schindler 715-‐229-‐2202BGS: Theresa Schindler 715-‐229-‐2202 1236 S 27th Street 414-545-2727 Milwaukee WI 53215 *Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, American Legion Post 185 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 #5 Polk,Sawyer,Washburn 3/20/16 1:00 p.m. 108 N.Oak St.,Grantsburg Gayle Janson 715-‐463-‐5723 BGS: Gayle Janson 715-‐463-‐5723 Waupun AL Post 210 Nancy Helms *Brown, Door American Legion Post 11 Jerry Willems BBS: John Cumicek 920-‐833-‐2859 130 N State St 920-231-5310 4/16/16 #6 Waupun WI 53963 Kewaunee 5/9/16 7:00 p.m. 1708 N.Irwin St., Green Bay Mary Krutz 920-‐680-‐7938 BGS: Mary Krutz 920-‐680-‐7938 Sparta AL Post 100 *Calumet and Brillion High School BBS: John Cumicek 920-‐833-‐2859 Kathy Rowan 116 Angelo Road 3/19/16 #7 608-633-2372 Manitowoc 4/20/16 7:00 p.m. W1101 Cty Rd HR, Brillion John Giese 920-‐756-‐2024 BGS: Rose Heinz 920-‐850-‐1941 Sparta WI 54656 VFW Hall,110N.Main St. BBS: Fred Berns 715-‐533-‐0103 Clintonville AL Post 63 Sarah Stiff 20 Memorial Circle 715-340-5188 4/23/16 #8 *Chippewa 5/1/16 2:00 p.m. Cadott Pauline Olinske BGS Teresa Isensee 715-‐577-‐5259 Clintonville WI 54929 High School Library BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 Jack LaMar Community Pavilion Marie Schuh *Clark 5/15/16 3:00 p.m. 306 W.Central Ave.,Greenwood Cherilyn Hare 715-‐429-‐0814 BGS:Theresa Schindler 715-‐229-‐2202 N11291 Dorr Street 715-275-3882 4/23/16 #9 Elcho WI 54428 Portage High School 608-‐617-‐9839 BBS: Norm Bednarek 608-‐617-‐9839 United Methodist Church *Columbia 5/7/16 9:00 a.m. 301 E.Collins, Portage Norm Bednarek BGS:Carol Sidwell 608-‐296-‐4090 Lou Ann Novak 300 Stout Street 4/23/16 #10 715-764-1033 American Legion Post 308 Chetek WI 54728 Crawford 5/15/16 5:00 p.m. 217 Orin St., Gays Mill Karen Johnson 608-‐632-‐0597 BGS: Sharon Zales 608-‐649-‐4468 Camp American Legion Linda Kostka 8529 County Rd D 715-209-8135 4/23/16 #11 American Legion Post 360 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 Lake Tomahawk WI 54539 *Dane 5/16/16 7:00 p.m. 417 E.Main St., Waunakee Mary Curran 608-‐873-‐9463 BGS: Jennifer Grinder 608-‐495-‐2733_ Bruce AL Post 268 7:30 p.m. BBS American Legion Post 69 920-‐488-‐3668 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 5/21/16 834 N Main #12 current as of 2-16-16 Bruce WI 54819 *Dodge 5/12/16 6:15 p.m. BGS 134 S Main St., Mayville Diane Billings BGS: Shirley Krier 262-‐377-‐5026 American Legion Post 53 715-832-1734 BBS: Fred Berns 715-‐533-‐0103 Correction: 6th District Conference - Judy Lyon’s zip code was listed incorrectly in the Current as of 2/16/16 previous issue. The correct address for registration is Judy Lyon, 200 Pleasant Avenue, *Dunn & Eau Claire 5/1/16 4:30 p.m. 634 Water St., Eau Claire Gretchen Seidling BGS: Theresa Schindler 715-‐229-‐2202 Waupun WI 53963. Horace Mann H.S. BBS: Paul Williams 414-‐943-‐5433 *Fond du Lac 5/4/16 7:00 p.m. 325 McKinley St., NFDL Sandi Smet 920-‐923-‐6085BGS: Char Kiesling 920-‐428-‐5655 Fennimore Community Bldg BBS: TBD *Grant & Iowa 5/15/16 1:00 p.m. 860 Lincoln Ave, Fennimore Merry Cooley 608-‐822-‐3983 BGS: Dee Woolf 608-‐778-‐1936 Florence Wasley gized your Unit’s program this Albany Legion Post 144 Eileen Henning 608-‐527-‐2222 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 Dept. Chairman year!! Her special motivation led 5/2/16 7:00 p.m. 300 N.Water, Albany Rose Wenger 608-‐325-‐6364 BGS: Dee Woolf 608-‐778-‐1936 *Green #3
Waunakee AL Post 360 417 E Main Street Waunakee WI 53597
Joyce Endres 608-221-1763
Past Presidents Parley
Ph: 608-935-3527 An Energizing Message to Senior Members -Please review the Contest and Awards information for Past Presidents Parley that was mailed to all units in December. The information is also posted on the department website at Two specific awards need your special attention: Unit Member of the Year and Active Duty Service Woman. Ladies, start thinking about that Unit Senior member who has been the “Spark” that ener-
your Unit in being the Spark for our Veterans and your programs. Nominate her for Unit Member of the Year. Entry forms are due to me by May 1, 2016. Also check out the information on the Salute to our Active Duty Servicewoman. Perhaps your Unit or community has a nominee currently serving on active duty or in the Reserves. They deserve our recognition!! Again, nomination forms are due to me by May 1, 2016. Need help? Please don’t hesitate to call me before the deadline. Be the Spark for our Veterans!!
AUXILIARY EMERGENCY FUND LaVon Schurman Dept. Chairman Ph: 608-996-2575 Email: The current district standings for contributions to the AEF Challenge are as follows: 1st Place: District 8, $594 2nd Place: District 2, $555 3rd Place: District 1, $535 4th Place: District10, $530 5th Place: District 6, $445 6th Place: District 9, $375 7th Place: District 3, $325 8th Place: District11, $300 9th Place: District 4, $250 10th Place: District12, $150
11th Place: District 7, $100 12th Place: District 5, $0 Units leading the Challenge: 1. Wisconsin Rapids, $327.91 2. Saukville, $300 Waupun, $300 4. Milwaukee Unit 18, $250 Individual $50 donor: LaRene Carpenter, Unit 482, Bagley Great job! Don’t stop now. Remember the top District and Unit will receive a citation at convention, a $10.00 donation in your name by this Chairman, and bragging rights. Individual $50 donors receive a pin.
Unit 392 Celebrates Longevity! Elsa Schick celebrated her 100th birthday January 18, 2016. She is a 68-year member of the William H. Meyer American Legion Auxiliary Unit 392 in Cecil, Wisconsin. Several members of the American Legion Auxiliary visited that day to celebrate with her. Happy (belated) Birthday Elsa!
*Green Lake & Marquette 4/20/16 *Jefferson 4/24/16 *Juneau & Adams 5/23/16 *LaCrosse, Monroe & Vernon 4/14/16 *Lafayette 5/11/16 *Marathon & Lincoln 5/15/16 *Marinette, Florence 5/1/16 Milwaukee 5/18/16 *Oconto 5/1/16 *Oneida,Vilas, Forest & Langlade 5/2/16 *Outagamie 4/13/16 *Ozaukee 5/25/16 *Portage & Wood 4/27/16 Racine & Kenosha 4/27/16 Richland 5/22/16 *Rock 4/30/16 *Rusk/Sawyer 5/22/16 *St. Croix & Pierce 4/25/16 *Sauk 6/6/16 Shawano &Menominee 5/4/16 *Sheboygan 4/18/16 *Trempealeau, Buffalo Pepin, Jackson 5/4/16 Walworth/Kenosha 5/1/16 *Washington 5/18/16 *Waukesha 5/9/16 *Waupaca 5/5/16 *Waushara 5/4/16 *Winnebago 5/18/16
7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. BBS 6:00 P.M.BGS 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m 7:00 p.m.
American Legion Post 282 920-‐294-‐3537 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 11 Charles St., Markesan Patricia Westpfahl BGS: Jennifer Leahy 920-‐979-‐3213 American Legion Post 67 920-‐648-‐8424 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 129 S. Main St., Lake Mills Beatrice Rothschadl BGS: Danyelle Thompson American Legion Post 110 Rose Clark 608-‐847-‐4450 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 110 Welch Prairie Rd., New Lisbon BGS: Liz Staff 608-‐781-‐6888 American Legion Post 51 608-‐385-‐2025 BBS: Fred Berns 715-‐533-‐0103 148S.Leonard St.West Salem Rebecca Gleason BGS: Liz Staff 608-‐781-‐6888 American Legion Post 214 BBS: Jim Hying 608-‐739-‐3367 1400 Keep Street, Darlington Cindy Corley 608-‐776-‐4220 BGS: Dee Woolf 608-‐778-‐1936 Bunkers/Tribute Golf Course BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 1001 Golf Club Rd., Wausau Fran Bender 715-‐359-‐8469 BGS: Diane Kranig 715-‐341-‐4935 American Legion Post 413 715-‐854-‐7885 BBS: Paul Williams 414-‐943-‐5433 251 State Hwy 141, Crivitz Marin Wankowski BGS: Loretta Shellman 920-‐373-‐5853 American Legion Post416 BGS: Laura Calteux 414-‐379-‐2943 6351 W. Grange Ave., GreendaleSue Hembrook 262-‐945-‐9791 BGS: Bonnie Jakubczyk 414-‐764-‐6752 High School, 208 W. Main BBS: Paul Williams 414-‐943-‐5433 Gillett Verona Carlson 920-‐660-‐1640 BGS: Loretta Shellman 920-‐373-‐5853 Three Lakes High School Unit 431 President BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 6930 W School St., Three Lakes Diana Wheeler 715-‐546-‐2134 BGS: Diana Wheeler 715-‐546-‐2134 Kaukauna Municipal Bldg. BBS: John Cumicek 920-‐833-‐2859 201 W Second St., Kaukauna Lisa Wolfinger: 920-‐766-‐7911 BGS: Rose Heinz 920-‐850-‐1941 AL Post 355, 1540 13th Ave. Dennis Loberger 414-‐704-‐7976 BBS: Al Richards 262-‐573-‐0924 Grafton Shirley Krier 262-‐377-‐5026 BGS: Shirley Krier 262-‐377-‐5026 Lincoln HS BBS = Rm 144/BGS = Rm 101 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 BGS: Diane Kranig 715-‐341-‐4935 1801 16th St. S, Wisc. Rapids Diane Kranig 715-‐341-‐4935 American Legion Post 171 1027 New St., Union Grove Marcie Perez 262-‐308-‐8705 BGS: Kitty Larkin 262-‐649-‐3399 American Legion Post 13 Richland Center Ann Rynes 608-‐604-‐0350 BGS: Ann Rynes 608-‐604-‐0350 American Legion Post 209 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 Orfordville Zondra Morris 608-‐751-‐3924 BGS: Joyce Bouhl 262-‐248-‐4533 Veterans Memorial Assoc. BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 605 Summit Ave., Ladysmith Anne McCain 715-‐214-‐6661 BGS: Theresa Schindler 715-‐229-‐2202 American Legion Post 240 BBS: Fred Berns 715-‐533-‐0103 410 Maple St., Baldwin Fred Berns 715-‐533-‐0103 BGS: Laurel DuBois 715-‐825-‐3916 Sauk Prairie HS, Room 14 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 105 9th St.,Prairie du Sac BGS: Mary Walz 608-‐643-‐5921 BGS: Mary Walz 608-‐643-‐5921 Community Center 208 W. Vinal St.,Wittenberg Mary Bevesdorf 715-‐253-‐2908 BGS: Jeannine Conradt 920-‐359-‐0860 High School, 125 Highland Ave. BBS: Zach Day: 414-‐469-‐5399 Plymouth Leslie Sanzo 313-‐407-‐3310 BGS: Danie Wilson/Shirley Krier Trempealeau Cty Courthouse BBS: Fred Berns 715-‐533-‐0103 36245 Main #4 Whitehall Karen Hansen: 715-‐236-‐7310 BGS: Liz Staff 608-‐781-‐6888 American Legion Post 24 BGS: Kitty Larkin 262-‐649-‐3399 735 Henry St., Lake Geneva Joyce Bouhl 262-‐248-‐4533 BGS: Joyce Bouhl 262-‐248-‐4533 Allenton Legion Post 483 Herb Kieferndorf 414-‐313-‐8229 BBS: Al Richards 262-‐573-‐0924 419 Railroad St (Cty Hwy W) Mary Montag 262-‐355-‐6467 BGS: Shirley Krier 262-‐377-‐5026 American Legion Post 382 BBS: Bob Kaczmarek 414-‐810-‐9685 Main St., Menomonee Falls Marcie Schmitz 262-‐628-‐1478 BGS: Kitty Larkin 262-‐649-‐3399 A.L.Post 263, New London BBS: Paul Williams 414-‐943-‐5433 840 E.North Water St. Marla Knuettel 920-‐359-‐1629 BGS: Rose Heinz 920-‐850-‐1941 Wautoma High School Wayne Winter 920-‐293-‐5011 BBS: Bill Cosh 608-‐770-‐1282 566 Cambridge (Hwy 21/22) Cathy Kaminski 715-‐249-‐5263 BGS: Diane Kranig 715-‐341-‐4935 The Waters BBS: Russ Hanseter 920-‐833-‐2469 1339 Washington Ave., OshkoshChar Kiesling 920-‐428-‐5655 BGS: Char Keisling 920-‐428-‐5655