March 2017 wi

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MARCH 23, 2017


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “Leaders are like Eagles; they don’t flock, you find them one at a time.” Our members are returning from warmer lands. Soon the birds will be singing and we will be trying to LAUREL DuBOIS finish membership. Yes, Department membership, the lifeblood President of our organization. If we do not continue to recruit new members and, most importantly, keep those we already have, we will be like the dinosaurs…extinct. I have been busy traveling to Washington DC for the National Spring Conference. We were able to hear many speakers talking about the new Auxiliary leadership training program, how it will help educate our members on our history, and the reasons why we do things the way we do. Learning about our past and how the system works will help all of us explain to our members how and why our organization needs to change in order to embrace each new generation. Every year we meet new changes in our units, from the young combat veteran that wants to be a dual member, to the loss of one of our long time beloved members. Each event brings change and a chance for renewal in our units. I had a chance to do an official visit to the Tomah VA and meet their new Director. She gave us a very in depth explanation on all the changes taking place, how their evaluations

and feedback are improving, and the exciting new programs to improve the great care they provide our veterans. While at Tomah, I was happy to sit in on the local Veterans Creative Arts Festival contestant selection. We have some very talented veterans! The Veterans Creative Arts Festival is my special project this year. I have attended many local and National Veterans Creative Arts events and every time I am so amazed by their talents. This program, through art and music, helps many of our veterans express and share their emotions, which helps promote healing. The Wisconsin American Legion family has collaborated with our law enforcement community to offer a Law Enforcement Career Academy. I hope you have heard about this new program. If not, please check out The American Legion website: for more information. This is the first year so we want dedicated students interested in law enforcement field to apply. Online applications are due April 1st; the academy is June 19-23, 2017 at Fort McCoy. Taxes! Yes, do not forget to file your 990 IRS Tax Report. It will cost your unit $400 or more to be reinstated if you lose your tax exempt status. If you have had a change in who handles your unit’s money recently, check if they have filed the previous tax reports. Forewarned is forearmed. That’s it for now. God Bless, and remember to say “Hello!”

Maggie Geiger Department Membership Team Member Dear Auxiliary Member, As a valued member of the American Legion Auxiliary, you chose an organization that has a strong spirit of volunteerism, which works hard to help our veterans, their families, our communities and youth. We assist veterans and their families through various Auxiliary programs, promote education and welfare of the youth in our communities through scholarships and other programs. We help promote community events and projects through participation and financial support. Thank you for your membership in the Auxiliary. You help embody the spirit of America by showing your patriotism, and defending our Constitution. You have shown kindness and love to veterans and their families. It is so important to continue with our mission. There are so many veterans from WWII to the present in need. We are there for many veterans returning from active duty who are in need of our help to return to society.

Remember why you joined the ALA, who are you honoring, and how it makes you feel to work with so many wonderful women who share your same values and ideals. These are women who enjoy serving our American heroes and have a lot of fun and laughs along the way! Why wouldn’t you want your neighbors, co-workers, granddaughter and junior age girls to become a member of your unit? You all do so many amazing things, let’s keep the ALA alive and healthy. Remember WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE DO, AND WHY IT MATTERS! Thank you for your continued membership in the largest women’s patriotic organization in the world! 2017 DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP TEAM Char Kiesling, Donna Wilhelms, Maggie Geiger, Hannah Borree, Junior Member Andrea Stoltz, Headquarters Staff

Many units have asked for a “tool” to help recruit Auxiliary members through their Legion Post. Here is a sample card or letter that units could personalize and give to each Legionnaire: Dear Legionnaire,

THANK YOU for Supporting the National President’s Scholarship Project

As members of the American Legion Auxiliary, we have and can make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families. We bring awareness to the needs and struggles of veterans, their families, and those returning from active duty.

The American Legion Auxiliary is committed to helping students pursue their goal of a college degree. During the Parade of Checks at the Washington DC Conference, $30,742 was raised to support National President Mary Davis’s scholarship project. President Laurel DuBois and National Executive Committeewoman Laura Calteux were honored to represent Wisconsin with a donation of $1,000. Thank you to all Wisconsin units and members who contributed to make this gift possible!

The American Legion Auxiliary is always looking to welcome new members. Remember your female family members are eligible and some of your friends, neighbors and co-workers, could also be eligible. There are several ways to be eligible for membership. If you know someone who may be interested in becoming an Auxiliary member, please call ________________ at _____________________ or email _____________________. Thank you for your service and for helping the American Legion Auxiliary continue our mission. Once again, thank you, our American Hero. Unit Name and Number Unit City Location
































Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is… (I think they are buried under the snow!) March came in like a lion, this is Wisconsin after all! It’s time to start thinking warm thoughts. March is Community Service Month, time to warm up to our neighbors once again and determine what we can do to support our veterans, their families, our communities and for one another. What will we do for the betterment of our community? Did you know March 15th is the Birthday of The American Legion? April is Children & Youth Month. Did you know there is a Wisconsin Veterans & Family Assistance Fund? This is for emergency use only for veterans, their spouse or dependent children. And nationally, in April we remember the Military Child. Take advantage of the many opportunities you may have to share your talents with others; in your family, in your units, counties, districts and department, also in our communities. Remember, we are all working together to “Soar for our Veterans.” Dear Lord, as we begin to prepare for Spring, help us to balance our wants and needs. This is a time to eliminate selfishness for our own purpose and celebrate the good fortune of others. Help us to see the good in our own despair and appreciate the goodness of the small rewards we may achieve or receive. We are people guided by loving and giving ways; help us to continue to show this to ourselves and to others as we go forward to help those who may be less fortunate. Guide us to remain positive, loving, compassionate and caring. For the good of all we pray, Amen. Prayer to Saint Francis Sebastian Temple Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring your love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord. And where there’s doubt, true faith in you. Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is despair in life, let me bring hope. Where there is darkness, only light. And where there is sadness, ever joy. Oh Master, grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand. To be loved, as to love, with all my soul. Make me a channel of your peace. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. In giving of ourselves that we receive. And in dying, that we’re born to eternal life.

Where Year end Information is submitted.

Assisted 38

OVER $200,000


Young Women at


at a cost of

$27,000 GIVEN

to 28 Students in

College Scholarships Local Auxiliary Units Provided 210 Scholarships

Totaling Over



POPPY-MAKERS produced 434,150

POPPIES for Local

Units & Posts Raising


Invested in 732

Badger Girls State Cash and In Kind


able: ( Do you know any Auxiliary members who could use financial assistance for college? The M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund offers interest-free loans of $800 per year, renewable for up to five years, to Auxiliary members attending college. The loan is repaid in $50 monthly payments after the student graduates or finishes college. Interested members should contact Chairman Joan Chwala at 715-668-4661 or for an application and more information. Unit annual reports are due by April 14th. Year-end impact reports should be sent to your district president and the narrative reports should be sent to department headquarters. The department chairmen will use the narrative reports to complete their yearend reports for the national organization and President Laurel DuBois will review them to select units for special recognition at department convention. Year-end reports are the best tools for showcasing what your American Legion Auxiliary unit does throughout the year. Every unit does something – from distributing poppies to hosting community blood drives. Members should be proud of their service and report it!

DONATIONS to support Veterans

$81,875 RAISED

by Local Units for

VA Hospitals and Veterans Homes

21,243 Hours Volunteered

to Support Our

Military Families

DONATED to Donated to Support Child Welfare National Veterans Foundation Creative Arts Festival $3,801 Paid to Assist Active Duty FAMILIES Purchased $3,415 in Surgical Assistance $17,789 Pillows for Veterans Recovering from DISBURSED Surgery to Fisher House


They that hope in the Lord, will renew their strength, they will soar, as on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40:31

Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: 608-745-0124 Email: Website: Members are reminded to attend district spring conferences to learn more about the Auxiliary and thank the district officers for all their hard work. The conference schedule is listed on page A4; any updated information or changes to the schedule will be posted on the department website as it becomes available. Department Convention will be held July 13-16, 2017 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. More information will be included in the next issue of the Wisconsin. Units that wish to have their deceased members listed in the 2017 Convention Memorial Book must submit Member Data Forms to Department by May 1st. Space is still available for the 2017 ALA Badger Girls State (ALABGS) session scheduled for June 18-23, 2017. If units wish to sponsor a student to benefit from this leadership and government conference, they should submit a unit reservation form immediately. Units that already submitted their reservations should contact their selected students to ensure they register for the 2017 ALABGS session by April 1st. As a reminder, delegates must pay a non-refundable $25 registration fee for this year’s session. Units should also encourage the students and their parents to attend an orientation in their area, so they better understand what they can achieve through the ALA Badger Girls State experience. A partial orientation schedule is listed on page A4. The ALA Badger Girls State website is updated as new information becomes avail-


Linda Coppock Department Chaplain/Music Chairman Ph: 920-982-5811 E-mail:




MARCH 23, 2017




Last year, only 236 of Wisconsin’s 421 units submitted a year-end impact report BUT the work that was reported was phenomenal! Imagine how much more impressive the numbers would be if EVERY unit had submitted a report. Please report this year!

EDUCATION Mary Krutz, Department Chairman Email: Cell: 920-680-7938 Home: 920-465-9917 Thank you to all of the unit officers for helping students by sponsoring their scholarship applications and forwarding them to me. There are three National Scholarships: Children of Warriors, Non-Traditional, and Spirit of Youth. The deadline for students to turn in their national scholarship applications to the unit was March 1st. A unit could only have one scholarship winner for each of these scholarships. The department finalists will be picked from your winners. I am so excited for the year-end reporting. It will be fun to hear how you participated in the Education Program this year. Don’t forget to include how you supported your schools with the donation of school supplies

or how you recognized the staff of your local school during American Education Week. Did your unit sponsor a student with a scholarship given by your unit? Tell me how you raised money for this scholarship. Don’t forget to include the applications or donations for national or department scholarships in your reporting. Maybe your unit coordinated a veteran’s visit to the school or donated a book about our flag to the school library. There are so many wonderful things that you accomplished and I want to hear all about them! Remember the school year is not done and there are plenty of things to do yet. We can’t forget Teacher Appreciation Week, May 1st to the 5th. We often forget that pre-school and kindergarten are part of education, too. Meet with your local pre-school staff and offer to purchase an educational toy or book

that they may need. Many schools have summer school sessions and will need supplies for that as well. If your unit does not participate in an Education Program now, don’t forget to send me a report anyway. Then put Education on your meeting agenda for future projects. You don’t have to spend large amounts of money and if you are a small unit it doesn’t take a lot of manpower or time to send a thank you card to a teacher, purchase a book for a library, or to encourage young people by volunteering at the school. Unit year-end reports are due by April 14, 2017. Let’s spring into action and get all of the unit year-end reports in as soon as possible. Thank you for all you do to make the American Legion Auxiliary a wonderful organization to be a member.

LEGISLATIVE Laura Calteux, Dept. Chairman Cell: 414-379-2943 Email: The American Legion Family stormed the Hill in Washington DC and met with our legislators to advise them on The American Legion Legislative Agenda. President Laurel DuBois, Alternate NEC Teresa Isensee and I had the honor of meeting with Senator Tammy Baldwin, along with Past Department Commander Bob Shappell and Adjutant David Kurtz. She was very receptive to our legislative agenda and to the other business the Legion brought up. Our meeting with Senator Ron Johnson didn’t happen,

but we did have a great meeting with his Chief of Staff, Tony Blando and his Legislative Assistant, Carol Foster. Commander Dan Seehafer and NEC Ken Rynes advised them of the Legion’s agenda and great discussion took place. During the Auxiliary’s meetings, we heard about supporting the caregivers of our wounded veterans and military and caregivers in general. This is one of the items on the Legion’s agenda so it was very interesting to hear about. It was suggested that units help caregivers in their communities. One way that you could do that is to hold a Caregivers Appreciation Day. You could serve

them lunch, have manicures/pedicures and chair massages available to them. Having an area for their kids to play and do crafts would be great, too, so they would have one less thing to worry about that day. Work with your nearest VA facility to have information available that they might need. Your VA contact can help you get the word out, too. Let me know if your unit does hold one of these caregiver days. I would love to be involved too. Year-end reports are due April 14th. I am looking forward to reading how members are working the Legislative Program and working for our veterans and our military.


MARCH 23, 2017


POPPY PROGRAM Danie Wilson, Chairman Phone: 920-207-3487 The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in the year 1918 – after 4 long years WWI, the ‘Great War’, ended. The seeds of the poppy plant can lay dormant for years in undisturbed soil. After the war and the pounding of the heavy artillery on the battlefield, the rumbling of tanks, and soldiers digging trenches, the poppy seeds in the battleground soil awoke. The wild flowers bloomed on Flanders Field, beautiful red poppies blanketed the place where soldiers lived and died. As if a call to arms, Lt. Col.

John McCrae penned in the final stanza of In Flanders field: Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields. So moved by these words, Moina Michaels penned in response: Oh! You who sleep in Flanders Fields Sleep sweet-to rise anew! We caught the torch you threw And holding high, we keep the Faith With All who died.

In the final stanza: And now the Torch and Poppy Red We wear in honor of our dead Fear not that ye have died for naught: We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought In Flanders Fields. We wear the torch, the poppy, to honor the ultimate sacrifice of many by serving and caring for the war survivors, our veterans. Especially during the month of May, but any time throughout the year, memorial poppies are distributed in communities throughout Wisconsin by The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.

We have been blessed over the years by very appreciative citizens whose generous donations have made possible life enhancing opportunities for our veterans, active duty military and their families. What can you do to achieve an ‘over the top’ successful distribution this year? Plan early. Publish poppy related stories in local media and on social networks. Encourage the entire Legion Family to participate. Create a display at the local library. Ask the mayor or president of your community to issue a proclamation declaring your distribution day as Poppy Day. Visit the Poppy Page at www. regarding the Poppy Tool Kit, Poppy Program Media Fact Sheets and Poppy Fact Bookmarks. Share the Poppy story in schools to educate our youth. Involve junior members and encourage participation in the Poppy Poster Contest and the Miss Poppy contest. As we are coming to the end of the reporting year, please review your plan of action for contest requirements and be sure to send your unit year-end reports, choice posters and pictures to me. I look forward to seeing the beautiful posters and the creative ways members use the poppy.

NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Laura Calteux, National Executive Committeewoman Cell: 414-379-2943 Email: I’m not sure how many members know what the role of the National Executive Committeewoman actually is, so here is a brief explanation. The National Executive Committeewoman is the conduit between the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) national organization and our department members. We are here to keep you informed of what is happening and what is important to our members. We also make sure that the ALA is fiscally sound and working ethically and legally for our members. At the Washington DC Conference last month, we found that the national organization passed their external audit with flying colors! The auditor had nothing but praise for our national staff and said that he wished that more

non-profit organizations were run as well as the ALA. Now, even though we are running a tight ship, that still doesn’t stop the downhill slide of our membership. No matter how well we run our organization, if we don’t increase our membership, there will be a dues increase down the road (probably sooner rather than later!). We have been asked to focus less on getting members and more on why people belong to the Auxiliary. If we make it inviting and fun, the members will come. So keep your chins up and focus on the mission and the members will come. Speaking of membership, I wanted to remind units and membership chairmen that it is an ethical and legal violation to not send dues to department in a timely manner or to send membership cards on time to paid members. So make sure that you don’t hold the dues pay-

ments and get those cards out to our members in good standing. Just a couple of other things that you should know about. The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation is a great place for you to make a donation. You can also use the Foundation as a pass through for a project that you are working on if your donors need a 501(c)(3) organization to donate to for tax purposes. If you need further information, let me know. One last thing for you to watch for……the ALA Academy will be coming out soon with their first class! The national organization is working through a few more issues and then we will be off to the races! Personally, I can’t wait, so watch for the big announcement. If you still don’t know what the National Executive Committeewoman does, just give me a call and I will be glad to answer any questions you might have.

CHILDREN & YOUTH Joanie Dickerson, Department Chairman H: 608-996-2152 In the three years following the chartering of The American Legion, it became evident that rehabilitation of our nation’s disabled veterans was being handicapped and aggravated by the neglect of family and child welfare problems. After a year of careful study, The American Legion Child Welfare program was outlined and adopted in 1924. One of the key principles of the program’s foundation includes maintaining a well-rounded program that meets the needs of today’s young people. This principle has allowed for the elasticity of the program to adjust to the changing needs of our youth in an ever-changing world. Support for the children and youth programs of The American Legion is a key aspect of the Auxiliary’s program. The Oratorical Contest, Shooting Sports, American Legion Baseball and Scouting programs have impacted the

lives of young people across the state. Auxiliary members have been an integral part of the development and continuation of these activities in their local communities. Do you have any of these programs in your area? If yes, does your unit assist in promoting participation or running of these events? If no, connect with your post and other organizations (local sportsman’s club, youth sports groups, schools, etc.) to educate them on the availability of these programs and the resources you can provide to them. Often we hear that no one knew these programs exist. Get the word out! Do you have a reserve component of our military in your area? How about a National Guard unit? Have you checked with them and obtained the name of their unit’s family readiness group coordinator? This point of contact can provide you with information concerning upcoming family events. What a great opportunity to connect with military families in your area and let

them know about our programs. Print a stack of “Kids are Heroes 2” stickers to pass out at their next gathering. Carry a supply of “Who We Are” brochures to share with the adults in attendance. Let them know we are in the community and how our programs are designed to assist them and their families. Promoting and supporting the children and youth program doesn’t have to be a big event. It can be something as small as taking the time to recognize a young person for an act of kindness. Print out the “Good Deed” cards from the department website and provide each member with a supply. As you witness young people performing acts of kindness, you can immediately recognize them for their efforts. This small gesture can go a long way to encouraging more acts of kindness and bring awareness of our organization. Celebrate your successes and remember to report your activities!

Pictures provided by Danie Wilson from her visit to Flanders Fields in Belgium. A very small cemetery in Ypres, Belgium marks the final resting place of more than 300 soldiers who died just meters away in the battle that claimed their lives.


97th Annual Convention


A resolution is a main motion, offered as a resolution either because of its importance or because of its length or complexity. Resolutions for this reason should always be prepared in writing. Resolutions usually are comprised of two parts, the preamble and the resolved clause(s). However, a preamble is not required for a resolution to be proper. The preamble explains the reasons for the motion and each idea or reason therein begins with “Whereas.” The “Resolved” clause is the motion itself, and would be written as a motion. The Bylaws of the Department of Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary (Article II, Section 1,

Thank You The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin, recently helped an at-risk woman veteran stay in her home by paying her mortgage for two months, allowing her to get back on her feet following a personal crisis. Chairman Judy Walters shares the following acknowledgement: I can’t express how grateful I am for the generosity from your organization. I have felt lost and alone battling the world since my mother passed. Murphy’s Law is present and accounted for in my life. Just

Paragraph 4) require that: a. Resolutions presented by an individual member must be approved by the Unit or District of which she is a member. Resolutions must be received at Department by June 1. b. Any resolution not approved by a Unit or District, or when the District conference is held after June 1, must be approved by the appropriate Department chairman of the program to which the resolution pertains. Once the Resolutions Committee and other appropriate chairmen/committees have acted on all resolutions, the Resolutions Chairman will report recommendations to the convention delegates.

for Supporting Homeless Women Veterans one thing after another going wrong. You have given me a glimmer of hope, a chance to get back on my feet, and the security of my home for my children. I am forever indebted to you all. God Bless! ~ J.O. The Auxiliary’s ability to assist this veteran was only possible because of the many generous donations received from units and members across the state. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to support the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund!





ALABGS Delegate(s)/Alternate(s): We strongly encourage you, your parents and a school official to attend a county orientation current as of 3/9/2017 Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint Badger Girls & Badger Boys Orientation. County




1:00 pm


12:30 pm

*Brown, Door-Kewaunee


7:00 pm

*Calumet & Manitowoc


7:00 pm



1:00 pm



3:00 pm



9:00 am



5:00 pm



7:00 pm

*Dunn/Eau Claire


3:00 pm

*Fond du Lac


6:30 pm

*Grant & Iowa


1:00 pm



7:00 pm

*Green Lake & Marquette


7:00 pm



1:00 pm

Kenosha & Racine


6:30 pm



7:00 pm

*La Crosse, Monroe & Vernon


7:00 pm

*Marathon & Lincoln


6:00 pm

*Ashland, Iron, Price & Taylor *Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Polk, Sawyer & Washburn

*Marinette & Florence




1:00 pm

Local Contact(s)

Medford HS Library 1015 W Broadway, Medford American Legion Post 185 108 N Oak St., Grantsburg American Legion Post 11 1708 N. Irwin St., Green Bay Brillion HS W1101 Cty Rd HR, Brillion American Legion Post 326 135 Clark Street, Boyd Greenwood HS Library 306 W Central Ave., Greenwood Portage HS 301 E. Collins, Rm 143, Portage American Legion Post 308 217 Orin St. Gays Mills American Legion Post 360 417 Main Street, Waunakee American Legion Post 53 634 Water St., Eau Claire St. Mary’s Springs Academy 255 County Trunk K, FDL Fennimore Community Bldg. 860 Lincoln Ave., Fennimore New Glarus HS 1701 Second St., New Glarus American Legion Post 306 518 Water Street, Green Lake American Legion Post 67 129 S. Main St., Lake Mills American Legion Post 171 1027 New St., Union Grove American Legion Post 214 1400 Keep St., Darlington American Legion Post 51 148 S. Leonard St., West Salem UW Marathon Center 518 S 7th Ave., Wausau American Legion Post 150 528 Harrison Ave., Wausaukee

UNIT 420 HUSTISFORD Members of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 420 in Hustisford recently made tie blankets for the Hoptel lodging program at Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee. Veterans are referred to Hoptel lodging if they live more than 50 miles from the hospital and the time of their procedure or


Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 Gayle Janson: 715-463-5723

BGS: Theresa Schindler BGS: Gayle Janson BBS: Alex Masica: BGS: Mary Krutz: 920-680-7938 BGS: Rose Heinz: 920-850-1941 BGS: Teresa Isensee: 715-577-5259 Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 BGS: Jen Leahy BGS: Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468 BGS: Jennifer Grinder: 608-495-2733 Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 BGS: Char Kiesling: BBS: Paul Williams: BGS: Dee Woolf: BGS: Joanie Dickerson: BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 BGS: Jen Leahy: 920-979-3213 BGS: Danyelle Thompson: 920-379-6489 BGS: Kitty Larkin: 262-649-3399

BBS: Jerry Willems: 920-465-6841 BBS: John Giese: 920-756-2024 BGS: Teresa Isensee BBS: Fred Berns: 715-533-0103 Cherilyn Hare: 715-267-6408 BBS: Norm Bednarek: 608-617-9839 Karen Johnson: 608-632-0597 Joyce Endres: 608-221-1763 Chrys Porter: 715-833-2453 BGS: Donna Wilhelms: 920-948-7953 Merry Cooley: 608-822-3983 Rose Wenger: 608-325-6364 Renee Groom: 608-214-5344 Patricia Westpfahl: 920-294-3537 Beatrice Rothschadl: 920-648-8424 Marcie Stuckart: 262-308-8705

BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BGS: TBD Cora Gavigan: 715-923-4615

Members of the Past Presidents 1 Parley of Brookfield Unit 449 held a Valentine-themed lunch and raffle to benefit the Zablocki VA Hoptel and other projects. The Unit thanks all of their 18 past presidents – ranging in age from 63 to 101 years, The American Legion for

























Registration Time/Fee

Brookfield Post 449 3245 N 124th Street Brookfield WI 53005 Wintergreen Resort 100 Gasser Road Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 Southwest Tech – Lenz Center 1800 Bronson Blvd Fennimore WI 53809 Greendale Post 416 6351 W Grange Ave. Greendale WI 53129 Veterans Manor 3430 W Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee WI 53208 Green Lake AL Post 306 518 Water Street Green Lake WI 54941 Rome Town Hall 1156 Alpine Drive Nekoosa WI 54457 Hahn-A-Lula Supper Club 8861 S Wolf River Rd Fremont WI 54940 Woods Dining & Spirits 10508 Kottke Road Crivitz WI 54114 Moose Lodge 620 Clark Street River Falls WI 54022 1st United Church of Christ 105 First Street Eagle River WI 54301

Luncheon Cost

Make check Payable to:

8:00 am Fee: $2.00


ALA Unit 449

8:00 am Fee: $2.00


ALA Columbia County Council

8:00 – 8:45 am Fee: $3.00


ALA Unit 482

9:30 am Fee: $2.00


ALA 4th District

10:00 am Fee included in Lunch Cost


ALA District 5

8:00 -8:45 am Fee: $1.00


ALA Unit 306

8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $2.00


8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $3.00


8:00 am Fee: $1.00


Reg: 8:00 am Sr Fee: $2.00 Jr Fee: .50

Senior: $7.00 Junior: $5.00

Reg: 8:30 – 10:00 Fee: $3.00


Send check to:

Contact Person

the unavailability of transportation necessitates an overnight stay. Each veteran receives a tie blanket to take home at no cost to them. Pictured (L to R): seated are Marles Pieper and Claudine Germer, standing are Janet Thom, LaVerne Schulz, Barbara Wittnebel and Judy Brendemuehl.


BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 BBS: Jim Hying: 608-739-3367 BGS: Liz Staff BBS: Fred BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BGS: Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853

Dan O’Brien: 608-482-0117

March 23, 2017

their support, and everyone who attended or donated items for the raffle. Proceeds from this successful event totaled $2,225! Pictured are Christy Smith and President Lylette Smith with the fabulous array of flowers, chocolates and gift baskets awarded in raffles.


Lilli Schwantes 13317 W Honey Lane New Berlin WI 53151 Barb Ostrowski S1903 Cty Hwy A Lot 61 Baraboo WI 53913

Kathy McCarthy 262-442-5703 Barb Ostrowski 608-237-1489

LaVon Schurman PO Box 171 Bagley WI 53801

Joanie Dickerson 608-996-2152


Sue Hembrook 24215 60th Street Salem WI 53168 Elaine Forster 10058 W Courtland Ave. Milwaukee WI 53225 Patti Westphal W2065 Northwest Rd Green Lake WI 54941 Hazel Duntley 1573 Browndeer Ave Arkdale WI 54613 Jan Niemuth 9410 37th Avenue Fremont WI 54940 Joan Erickson N19170 Erickson Dr Dunbar WI 54119 Jeanne Williams 552 Fairhome Rd Roberts, WI 54023

Sue Middlestead 414-545-2727


Linda Bartell 414-427-0238 (h) 414-899-7479 (c)





Nancy Helms

Members of the American Legion Family in Cambria spend hours during the school year working the concessions stands at sporting events. On several occasions, people with children would ask where they could change their infant’s diaper. Linda Hughes, Unit Children & Youth Committee Chairman, took her concerns to a meeting and it


920-231-5310 or 920-379-8123 Cathy Corbin 715-952-3062 ALA Unit 65 Jan Niemuth 920-446-3358 ALA Unit 391 Becky Mueller ALA Marinette 920-464-0320 County Jeanne Williams 612-532-7248 ALA Unit 121 Department Of Wisconsin Schindler Theresa 715-229-2202 Pay at theSdoor JUNIOR PRING CONFERENCE







was decided that changing tables would be installed in each bathroom at the Cambria Friesland School. The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary emblems were placed on them. The first baby to use it has two uncles that recently returned from military deployment.



10 a.m. – 2 p.m. American Legion Hall Current as of 3/10/2017 536 W. Main Street, Winneconne WI 54986



Wear your favorite pajamas and join us for a day of Pajama party fun. We will be electing new Honorary Junior Officers. April is Children & Youth Month. We will also be collecting New Pajamas (all kid sizes) and stuffed toys to donate to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; no doll or stuffed toys over 18” Registration - 10:00 a.m. Short Meeting at 10:30 a.m. Fun Activities to follow!

Wear your favorite pajamas and join us for a day of Pajama party fun. We will be electing new Honorary Junior Officers. April is Children & Youth Month. We will also be collecting New Pajamas (all kid sizes) and stuffed toys to donate to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; no doll or stuffed toys over 18 inches.

SATURDAY APRIL 15, 2017 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Registration -­‐ 10:00 a.m. American Legion Hall Short Meeting at 10:30 a.m. 536 W. Main Street, Winneconne WI 54986 Fun Activities to follow!

!-­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ 2017 JUNIOR MEMBERS SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Registrations due by April 8, 2017 (email if later)

If your unit has any unique fundraising ideas that support the American Legion Auxiliary mission, please contact Bonnie Dorniak at and your story may be shared in a future article.

Form submitted by (please print clearly):


District #: _____ Unit #: _____

Phone #: (






Junior member

Senior Member




Are Leadership Workshops just for Unit Officers? NO!


Total Amount Enclosed: $ Please send reservation form with check payable to American Legion Auxiliary to: Lorrie Barber • 3257 Minnesota Avenue • Stevens Point,Please WI 54481 send reservation form with check payable to American Legion Auxiliary to: Lorrie Barber 3257 Minnesota Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481


If your unit is interested in learning more about the American Legion Auxiliary, contact Chairman Kitty Larkin at 262-649-3399 or to schedule a workshop as soon as possible.

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