March 2018 pages 1 7

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Badger &“Wisconsin”


March 22, 2018 Vol. 95, No. 3

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family

The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Wisconsin Legionnaires Storm the Hill

National Commander Speaks before a Joint Session in Washington, DC American Legion Commander Denise Rohan addressed a joint session of the House and Senate Committee on Veteransʼ Affairs in Washington, DC on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Here is the link to her comments:

Congressman Glenn Grothman met with VA&R Vice Chairman Ron Kuta, PDC Daniel Seehafer and National Sergeant at Arms Roy Helms during the 2018 Washington Conference this past February.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan also met with National and Homeland Security Vice Chairman Jim Schmidt, Department Adjutant Amber Nikolai and PDC and Policy Chairman Ted DeMicchi.

The Sons Join the Storm tive for veterans and reject proposed bills and rules which are punitive to veterans. Each February, members of the Sons join the rest of The American Legion Family in Washington, DC to take our Legislative Priorities to Capitol Hill. In preparation Representative Mark Pocan met with SAL Members for this, data is gleaned Chad Lawler and David Faust and NEC Ken Rynes. from your ConsolidatThe Sons of The American Le- ed Squadron Reports, this shows the gion are well known for the ex- impact of the Sons. The Wiscellent job of raising money for consin Sons of The American the Child Welfare Foundation and Legion have an impact valued their efforts to provide a G.I. Josh in excess of one million dolDog kit to the Children of Deploy- lars. That alone makes the law ing Military. Another vital activity makers take notice. of the Sons is Legislation. In fact, Representing the Wisconsin Sons the Sons created the George Evans at the Washington Conference were Grass Roots Veterans Advocate of Legislative Chair Chad Lawler, the Year Award to emphasize the Past National Commander David importance and reward the mem- Faust and Judge Advocate Michael ber who excels at Legislation. Lawler. They joined National ComThe Sons work with local legisla- mander Danny Smith from Nebrastors to make sure they understand ka as he led two busloads of Sons to and support laws which are posi- Arlington Cemetery to lay a wreath

at the Tomb of the Unknowns. Stopping at the Women Veterans Memorial, a wreath was placed to honor all female veterans. Wreaths were also placed at the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, and the World War II Memorial, where National Vice Commander Donald Ramirezʼs father, a World War II veteran had the honor of placing a wreath. While placing Wisconsinʼs wreath at the WWII Memorial, Faust and Lawler met Wisconsin students who were in DC to present their science projects in a national competition. National Commander of The American Legion Denise Rohan, held an informative conference which included guest speakers, Diane Duscheck National President of the American Legion Auxiliary, Commander Danny Smith and Diane Carlson Evans, an Army Nurse who saved countless lives and was the driving force behind the Women Veterans Memorial. The Wash(continued on page 6)

Korean War Veterans Memorial Ceremony Submitted by Daniel Mahoney Plover Village Administrator The 2018 Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial Ceremony and Program will be held on Sunday, June 3rd, beginning at 10:45 am, at the Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial in Plover, WI. Korean War veterans and their families, veterans from all branches of service, and the public are invited to attend. Representatives from the Korean Consulate, Wisconsin National Guard and Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs have been invited to speak at the program. The Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial pays tribute to Wisconsinites who fought, died, or are still missing as a result of the Korean War. The memorial features a series of large r- t h a n - l i f e bronze statues as its centerpiece. The figures represent various US armed forces that took part in the war. None of the figures carry a

weapon, conveying that peace is the ardent hope of all veterans. A Memorial Tiles Program has been established for those who wish to honor a loved one who served in the Korean conflict. For more information on ordering tiles please visit the Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial website at To get to the Memorial, take Interstate Highway 39 to County Highway B in Plover. Head west one block to Village Park Drive. Turn left on Village Park Drive and you will be directed to the parking area. The Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Committee and Village of Plover officials hope to see you at the program!

2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • March 15th Total: 51,812 • 96.84% 9
























PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: Amber L. Nikolai, Executive Editor Dawn Brauner, Co-Editor 2017-2018 Communications Committee Renee Kasuboski, Chairman Rebecca Laumann, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Jennifer Rumbold Gordy Clewell, Historian Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant Amber L. Nikolai Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.

“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Bonnie Jakubczyk, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to


MARCH 22, 2018

DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Greetings Legion Family, The National American Legion Members stormed the hill Laurel Clewell Department Commander on February 2527, 2018 in Washington, DC. We had appointments with senators and congressmen so we could present the American Legion Legislative Agenda. Here are some of the issues that we discussed. We want them to support the VAʼs suicide prevention efforts, limit outsourcing and unify VA programs. The American Legion believes that the VA is a system worth saving but we would like them to approve a lifetime electronic health

record and improve the genderspecific health care for women. We thanked them for endorsing the Forever GI Bill but we would like them to provide mandatory end-of-service exams for reservists and re-employment rights of veterans returning from active duty. Of course we have the continuous fight to protect the American Flag. We are the American Legion and founded almost 100 years ago to fight for the rights of all veterans and that is why we storm the hill every year. Our membership is what gives us a strong voice so what do we need to Know to Grow? At the leadership meeting with National Commander Rohan, we were remind-

ed to learn by taking the Basic Training Course of the American Legion. This is a free course that explains the history of the American Legion and the Legion Pillars. She stressed the importance of reconnecting with the Reserve or National Guard units in your area. We need to reach out to the veterans and have events that will show the community that we are here to help. What else do we need to know? Know the programs available in your post, county, district or state level. We need to learn about the scholarships that are available. If you would like to have the training, contact headquarters about having a college in your post,

county, or district. At the National Marketing Commission, they discussed the Legion Centennial. One suggestion was to find the grave of your 1st Commander and have a ceremony. They also have centennial videos in short segments that can be downloaded off of the website to use for public relations. The American Legion will be producing the 100 Reasons to be a Legion Member and will have Fat Head Wall Stickers that show the legion timeline. If you are a centennial post, be proud and plan something that says “Here we are and we are here to serve”. For God and Country

LEGISLATIVE REPORT The past two Legislative years have proven very successful for Wisconsin Veterans. The State Paul Fisk Legislature and Legislative Chairman US Congress have both acted on legislation that improves the lives of veterans. At our upcoming annual De-

partment Convention to be held in Oshkosh in July, we will recognize a legislator who has made a difference. The nomination process begins at the Post level. Each of our 500 + posts can nominate a member of the state legislature or a member of Congress to receive this award. The nomination proceeds through the County and District levels and is finally

submitted to the Department. Nominations are due in Portage at Department Headquarters on or before May 1, 2018. Your legislative Committee reviews each nomination forwarded from the districts and makes a recommendation to the Department Executive Committee at the Spring Meeting. The selection criteria and form

to be used for submission can be found in the Awards section of your Administrative manual. The award will be given to that legislator whose efforts and contributions to Wisconsin Veterans make him/her worthy of recognition. If you have a person youʼd like to nominate, please begin the paperwork today.

WDVA SECRETARY The WDVA values the role that the American Legion and other Veterans Service O rga n i zat ions Dan Zimmerman play in our state WDVA Secretary and we want to do what we can to help your organizations fulfill your missions. Working with you to keep your organization strong and growing is important to Veterans and to us. Itʼs not just because of the services you provide; itʼs also the camaraderie and valuable networking opportunities. The WDVA is currently working on a new initiative, and I believe the strength of Wisconsin VSOs will help us achieve the goals we have laid out under this plan. Last month, Governor Walker announced a new talent attraction initiative designed to attract and

retain workers in Wisconsin. The initiative is a collaboration between the WDVA, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, and the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. Together, we are working to promote the state as a destination for career, personal, social and cultural fulfillment. One plank of the initiative specifically focuses on attracting Veterans to Wisconsin who are in the process of separating from the military. Our message to transitioning Veterans is that Wisconsin is home to numerous employers looking to hire Veterans, valuable education and training opportunities and many elements that lead to a high quality of life – including a strong VSO network. Wisconsin leads the nation in offering Veterans access to unique programs, benefits and

services, but what really makes the state unique is that we also offer a support structure that is unrivaled. This support structure consists of our 72 county Veteran service officers, the VA medical facilities throughout the state, and our esteemed Veteran Service Organizations. What you can do to help us achieve our goal is simple – stay active and involved. Active local posts, regions and an active state organization will demonstrate to transitioning Veterans that Wisconsin Veterans support one another. These are tangible things we can point to that will show a Veteran and their family that we care in Wisconsin. No Veteran will have to navigate the system alone. There will be a strong network to help you right where you live. In the coming weeks, the WDVA will work with American Legion

leadership and others on the Council on Veterans Programs to help create a one-stop shop for Veterans to learn more about our VSOs and see firsthand the support they can receive throughout the state. Weʼll share information about what makes each organization unique so Veterans can find an organization that suits them closest to where they will be living and working. Wisconsin has a lot to offer to transitioning Veterans, and the American Legion is a big part of that. As Iʼve said before, I am focused on the 4-Cʼs – key attributes of a robust statewide enterprise to assist Wisconsinʼs Veterans - contact, comradeship, community, and collaboration. The WDVA needs strong partners like you to get our job done. Together we go forward in our mission to make sure that all Veterans are served.

out the world. Americaʼs goodness is on display every time an American Legion post hosts a fundraiser to assist a disabled veteran. Itʼs on display when a Legionnaire volunteers at the local VA hospital. It is on display when The American Legion feeds the homeless, provides an honor guard, conducts a blood drive or supports a job fair. Some may view the 1919 Stars and Stripes article as Legion prophecy. In other ways, it was an understatement of what the

worldʼs most influential veterans organization would become. Ninety-nine years ago this month, members of the American Expeditionary Force were asked to “determine the scope of the work and carry forth the objects of this association.” The association was The American Legion. They surpassed all expectations. Legionnaires continue to do so today, with a vision for tomorrow. – From The American Legion Website

Happy Birthday (continued from front page) the lead organization responsible for the U.S. Flag code, Legionnaires can often be found teaching flag etiquette in classrooms across the country. Along with the proper folding and display of the flag, Legionnaires understand the importance of respecting Old Glory. The Legion has been working to make sure that the flag of the United States is constitutionally protected from desecration and disrespect. Our organization stood boldly against hate in 1923 when del-

egates at our National Convention in San Francisco passed Resolution 407, which condemned groups that fostered religious, racial and class strife as “un-American” and “inconsistent with the ideals and purposes of The American Legion.” Although historians have questioned the true source of the classic quote, “America is great because America is good,” there is no doubt that Americaʼs goodness is on display at nearly 13,000 American Legion posts through-

MARCH 22, 2018



Originally published in The Lakeland Times, 2/23/2018; written by Brian Jopek (Legion member of Post 480; served 2 deployments with the National Guard, one to Northern Iraq in 2004; Gold Star father), reprinted with permission. Camp American Legion in Lake Tomahawk has for decades been a place of serenity and healing for veterans of U.S. military service. As the role of the camp transitions and expands to include not only veterans but also their families, there are plans to build a cabin there for a certain group of families. Referred to as the "Cabin for The Families of The Fallen," Camp American Legion director Don Grundy said the cabin will be a place for families who have lost a loved one while that person was in U.S. military service. "It'll be a place for them to go and grieve as a family, collectively," he said. "It's really, I think, an opportunity for those folks to come up and know that they're not forgotten. Their loved ones aren't forgotten. That we will continue to stand beside them as long as we exist." The cabin's construction will be funded in part by Lesa and Dan Raimer, who lost their son, Matt, on Jan. 1, 2014. The Wisconsin American Legion is also partnering with funding as well as the location at Camp American Legion. Matt Raimer was in the United States Marine Corps and passed away a few months before he was to finish his enlistment in the service. He was 25 years old. Dan Raimer, himself a veteran of service in the Marine Corps Reserve in the early 1980s, said Matt was the third of four children. "Matt was our only son," he said. "He was definitely an independent thinker and always willing to help people." Dan said his son was also an excellent griller and would take over for his dad when there was any grilling going on at the house. "He taught the Marines on the base how to grill, too," he said. "His bacon wrapped asparagus was notorious." Matt Raimer followed his dad into the Marine Corps, enlisting in 2009. He became a helicopter

mechanic, working on the upgraded versions of the Bell UH-1 "Huey" helicopters and Cobra attack helicopters the Marines had. "He repaired the skins and the hydraulics on the aircraft," Dan said. Matt did a deployment to Afghanistan's Helmand province with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 469. His unit was at Camp Bastion in September 2012, when it was attacked by Taliban insurgents. The attack resulted in the deaths of two Marines, Lt. Col Christopher K. Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell. Matt's 2004 Ford F-150 pickup truck, which the Raimers maintain in his memory, has personalized license plates that say HMLA 469. A place to go The idea for the cabin, according to Dan, came from Matt's sister, Amber. "Matt always wanted a hunting cabin," he said. "Amber said maybe it would be a good idea to build a cabin in Matt's honor. Have a place for people to go and grieve. So, we kind of took off with that idea." Dan said the couple had been looking at properties to build the cabin for a long time and the Camp American Legion location seemed ideal. "It's just beautiful," he said. "It's on its own peninsula. It's just the perfect setting." The Raimers are happy with the design the architect has come up with - a three bedroom cabin featuring a gathering room and another room called the "serenity room," which Lesa Raimer said was her idea. "The architect was very flexible, very understanding, very respectful," she said. Lesa said after Matt died, the couple traveled in a recreational vehicle for two and a half years. "We did that in his honor and in his memory because that's what he was going to do after he got out of the Marines in June of '14," she said. Being in that RV together could be very challenging, Lesa said, one of the challenges being Dan in a wheelchair, the result of injuries sustained in a car accident several years ago.

The idea for the "serenity room" comes from some of that experience. "You know, when you're grieving, sometimes you just need to go be by yourself," she said. "Where no one can hear or see you. So, that room is for people who just want to be alone or alone with another person." One feature Lesa hopes to see in that room is, as part of the window looking out, each branch of the U.S. military represented in stained glass. "We just wanted to honor people," Lesa said. "Our oldest daughter (Amber) is in the Air Force right now." There's one other person in their family they think about a lot, someone no longer with them. Twelve years ago, the Raimers lost another of their four children, their youngest daughter, Laticia, in a car accident when she was 16. The cabin will be another thing they will be doing that won't let people forget. "We want to keep Matt's and his little sister's memory going," Lesa said. Grundy said at the moment, the goal is to have the groundbreaking for the cabin sometime in July this year with, hopefully, the ribbon cutting sometime after Christmas. He realizes there are other things that goal hinges on, such as finding the right building contractor, for one. So, that's the hope. Whatever the case, whether it's 2018 or a year or two from now, as much as they can't wait to see it, the Raimers don't have a set time frame for cabin completion. "We just want to make sure it's done right the first time," Dan said.


81st Annual Department of Wisconsin Oratorical Scholarship Competition

If someone asked you to speak for 3 – 5 minutes on one of these four topics, could you? Amendment 2: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment 3: No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Amendment 15: Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Article 2, Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. If someone asked you to not only speak on one of these four topics but also indicated that you couldnʼt use any notes or props or a podium to hide behind, could you? And if someone asked you to speak on one of these four topics from memory, with no props or podium, in front of an adult audience, could you? This is exactly what ten Wisconsin high school students did on February 10, 2018 during the 81st Annual Department of Wisconsinʼs Regional and State Oratorical Scholarship Competition held on the Ripon College Campus. In addition, each also gave an 8 – 10 minute speech on some aspect of the Constitution, including citizen rights and responsibilities. Three of them did it twice – The Oratorical Contest presents participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nationʼs laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship. The Contest starts at the Post level, with one student from that Post advancing on to the County level. The winner of the County level participates at the District level. Each District then sends their winning representative to the Regional

level and the top three Regional winners then compete for the State title and the opportunity to compete at the National level. This year The Department had ten students competing in the Regionals Competition: • Joseph Washburn, Mukwonago, was sponsored by Post 375, represented District 1 and will receive a $600 scholarship. • Timothy Davis, Watertown, was sponsored by Post 189 and represented District 2. • Lucy Tian, Platteville, was sponsored by Post 42, represented District 3 and will receive a $600 scholarship. • Hajira Kahn, Franklin, was sponsored by Post 102, represented District 4 and will receive a $600 scholarship. • Joshua Anumolu, Glendale, was sponsored by Post 331 and represented District 5. • Rachel Hubbard, Neenah, was sponsored by Post 70, represented District 6 and will receive a $600 scholarship. • Bryn Langrehr, Bangor, was sponsored by Post 40, represented District 7 and will receive a $600 scholarship. • Zoe Plzak, Appleton, was sponsored by Post 38 and represented District 9. • Evan Pechacek, Hudson, was sponsored by Post 121, represented District 10 and will receive a $600 scholarship. • Andrew Martin, Shell Lake, was sponsored by Post 225, represented District 12 and will receive a $600 scholarship. Zoe Plzak, Timothy Davis and Joshua Anumolu advanced to the Finals Competition: Plzak took third place and will receive a $2000 scholarship; Davis placed second and will receive a $2500 scholarship; and Anumolu took first place and will receive a $3000 scholarship. In addition, Mr. Anumolu will represent the State of Wisconsin at the National Oratorical Scholarship Competition, to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana mid-April. In addition to the extremely talented students in attendance, nearly 60 Legion Family members volunteered their time and talent for the day. These, in addition to all of the other Legion volunteers who assisted in the District, County and Local Post level competitions, are what make this program such a strong Department tradition.



MARCH 22, 2018

Ken Schoolcraft

Bob Shappell

Dale Oatman

Candidate for Vice Commander

Candidate for National Executive Committeeman

Candidate for Alternate National Executive Committeeman

Ken Schoolcraft, Seventh District Commander, announces his candidacy for the office of Department Vice Commander. Ken is a 40 year member of Post 200 in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1964-1968. He was stationed in Vietnam from October 1966 to ʻ67 where he was awarded the Air-Force Commendation Medal for his actions in making an on-time launch of a C-130 in a combat emergency. As a member of Post 200, Schoolcraft has served as the Americanism Chairman for 30 years and has been the contact for all Community patriotic endeavors throughout the years. He considers the Memorial and Veterans Day programs his flagship program. Other active roles in the Post include his participation in the Oratorical, Americanism and Government Scholarship Testing, and anything school or youth related. Schoolcraft is also active in the Veterans Cemetery Flag Project and The No Vet Dies Alone program at the Tomah VA, where he is also the Legion's Deputy Representative. In the private sector, Ken has been a member of the Jackson County Volunteer Caregivers since 1989. He was recently recognized for his many service hours, including those donated to the veterans in the Black River Falls community. He has been recognized by the Black River Falls Rotary Club as well as the Community Education Support Group, CESG. Ken also served as Post 200ʼs Commander for 5 years, as well as the Jackson County Commander, also for 5 years. His Legion passion is with the Americanism Programs. Believing "If we forget the kids, they too will forget about us."

Department Sponsored Insurance Programs The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been Your Department’s sponsored member benefits program for over 50 years and continues to fulfill members’ needs while being the only such program to benefit Your Department every year. For more information on the products and services provided by The Legionnaire Insurance Trust,

Bob Shappell announces his candidacy for the high office of National Executive Committeeman. Bob is a PUFL member of Cedarburg Post 288. His Legion eligibility was earned through 26 years active duty service in the US Air Force after graduating from the US Air Force Academy. He has served The American Legion as Alternate National Executive Committeeman, Department Commander, Second District Commander, Ozaukee County Commander, and three years as a 100% Post Commander. Bob served on the Department Membership Committee, including a year as Membership Chairman. He also served three years on the Children and Youth Committee. At the National level, he is a member of the National Guard and Reserve Forces Committee. He is a member of the Sons of the American Legion (in honor of his father, a 63-year Legionnaire), 40 ET 8 Voiture 1330, life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, life member of the Military Officers Association of America, and life member of the Air Force Association. Bob is an affiliate faculty member of Cardinal Stritch University, teaching evening and online classes in business, management, human resources, and leadership. He has a masterʼs degree in management and supervision, and has completed all coursework toward a doctoral degree in business administration. His military education includes the Air Force Academic Instructor Course, Air Force Command and Staff College and the Air War College. Bob is a member of the 128th Air Refueling Wing Community Council, as well as the Wisconsin Army Community Advisory Board. As Dean of Education for the Wisconsin American Legion College, Bob is dedicated to making it the finest Department educational program in the nation. He is also the 2018 Director of Badger Boys State. Bob's in-depth knowledge of current Wisconsin American Legion programs, issues, and people makes him the ideal choice for Wisconsin's National Executive Committeeman, and to represent and advocate for Wisconsin to the National organization.

Past Department Commander Dale Oatman announces his candidacy for the high office of Alternate NEC. Dale is an honorary life member of the White Lake Anderson Sather Post 524, with 48-years continuous membership. His Legion eligibility was earned through 20 years of active service in the US Air Force with a one-year tour of duty in South Vietnam. He has a bachelorʼs degree in business. Dale is a graduate of The American Legion Extension Institute and Department Legion College basic and intermediate courses. He served on several Department Committees and is currently on the DEC as a second year Past Department Commander. He is a member of the National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission appointed by National Commander Denise Rohan last year. He is a member in good standing of ANAVICUS since 2014. He is a past Badger Boy and currently on the staff at Badger Boys State and President of Badger Boys State Board of Directors. Dale was named Post Legionnaire of the year in 2006 for his service to Post 524 and the community. Dale is a life member and past Post Commander of VFW Post 9438; life member and past officer of DAV Chapter 23; life member of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 206; Passe Chef de Gare of Locale 1204; Passe Grand Box Car Directeur; currently, Grand Guarde De La Porte, Grand Child Welfare Directeur and National Sous Directeur Special Awards in the 40 et 8. Dale and his son Ryan are also SAL members. Dale is a retired Langlade County Veterans Service Officer. His fellow CVSOs elected him to the WI CVSO Association Executive Committee; CVSO Advisory Committee to the WI Department of Veterans Affairs; and Secretary/Treasurer of the WI Commissioners Association. He was selected as a committee member for the May 2010 WI Vietnam Homecoming Ceremonies at Lambeau Field in Green Bay. Daleʼs community involvement includes past officer of the Knights of Columbus and past 15-year Boy Scout Leader. Dale is supported by his wife Rita of 46 years who is an Auxiliary member. Dale has proven to be a true advocate for veterans as a Department Commander, knowledgeable of veteranʼs benefits at the state and federal levels and dedicated to serving Veterans Service Organizations. He looks forward to serving as your Alternate National Executive Committeeman.

Congratulations Midwinter Sweepstake's Winner! David Oelschlaeger and his wife were recently presented their Midwinter Sweepstake’s prize, a check in the amount of $20,000. As a thank you, he then presented a check to Adjutant Nikolai to be used at Camp American Legion.

Call: 1-800-235-6943 Or visit us on the web at:

Thank You David!

From Your American Legion Department 43342

Mathison Receives Distinguished Service Award Past Department Commander and current Wisconsin American Legion Baseball Association Commissioner Roger Mathison recently received a Distinguished Service Award from the Wisconsin State Baseball Association. The following was stated of Mathison at the WSBA Reception:

“Entering his 26th season, Roger Mathison has spent an incredible amount of time to improve baseball not only in Westby, but statewide. Roger has served Westby High School as a head coach and assistant for many years, being involved with many Championship teams.

He has also served as Westby/ Coon Valleyʼs Legion coach, winning a State Championship. He is currently the Commissioner of Wisconsin American Legion Baseball. Roger is a man of great integrity, working tirelessly for the game he loves.” Congratulations Commissioner!

! EXTRA ! EXTRA Visit the website for extras that did not appear in the Badger Legionnaire.

MARCH 22, 2018




DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP Not sure you want to renew your membership? Here’s why you should...

Julie Muhle, Department Membership Chairman I would like to thank everyone who has renewed their membership so far this year and to those who have transferred into a post from the National or Wisconsin holding posts. As we are all aware, membership is the life blood of The American Legion. Why did you join The American Legion? Was there something you saw that met your needs? Networking, volunteer and community service opportunities, a chance to make a difference? Maybe you joined because a friend or family member signed you up. Or it could be because you felt a level of commitment to the programs and services The American Legion can provide to the service members, veterans and their families. Whatever your “why” was to join, remember that each time you renew. Our organization was founded almost 100 years ago on 4 Pillars:

National Security, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, Americanism and Children and Youth. These pillars have remained consistent over the years but cannot continue to be viable without our membership. It is the dues that our members pay that provide the administrative fees for those programs. This allows 100% of the donations to go to a program. Without our membership, how would we be able to help provide minor children of current active duty or Legionnaires who are in need of shelter, food, utilities and health expenses with a more stable environment without the Temporary Financial Assistance program? How would we be able to give assistance to Legionnaires who lose everything due to a natural disaster or some other type of catastrophe without the National Emergency Fund? The number of veteran representation in Congress has been

dramatically declining over the years. The 92nd Congress (1971-72) saw 73% veteran representation. The 97th Congress (1981-82) had 64% veteran representation. It is sad to say that the 115th Congress (2017-18) only has 18.8% veteran representation. As a lobbying organization, it is ever so vital that we stay on top of legislation and be the voice of veterans that has been lost over the years in Congress. If we donʼt take care of service members and veterans, who will? These are only a few examples of the importance of your membership. I hope this has been a help to those Legionnaires who were not sure if they want to renew their membership to do so. If ever there are questions or comments regarding your membership, please feel free to give me a call at 920-382-4028. If I am unable to help you, I will direct you to someone who can.


An Opportunity for Growth

Roger Mathison Wisconsin American Legion Baseball Commissioner American Legion Baseball is one of the most visible and longest running youth programs of The American Legion. 2018 will be the 93rd season of American Legion Baseball in Wisconsin, and we continue to be a leader nationally in how our program operates. Last year Wisconsin had nearly 3600 young men playing and over 500 volunteers administering the programs in 215 teams, which places us 4th in the country in the number of teams registered. Many of the volunteers are not members of The American Legion but believe in what the organization and the program represents. Wisconsin has been innovative in how the baseball program operates in that we have 3 varsity divisions and 2 classes of the Juniors. Program resulting in 5 State Tournament and 35 Regional Tournament Championships, and a chance for large and small communities to be competitive. We are the only state that has our All-Star Game in a Major League ballpark annually. Miller Park will host our 47th Annual All-Star Game on August 5th this year. While we have much to celebrate in the successes of the past, we have a great opportunity for growth in American Legion Baseball. Every community that has a high school has the potential to sponsor an American Legion team. And if the community is small, a co-op team between communities is possible. Another possibility for growth is the decreasing number of high schools playing summer baseball which increases the desire of families seeking opportunities of their sons ages 13 - 19 to play competitive baseball. We get questions every year concerning the cost of sponsorship of an American Legion baseball team. This year the cost to register a varsity team is $665 and a JV team is $358, which includes accidental & liability insurance, as well as state & national registration fees. In addition, all coach-

es and managers must pass an annual background check. While there is a fee for the background check, it is a prudent investment to protect the integrity of the program and the players. Another question we get from new teams is “must the Post wholly sponsor an American Legion Baseball team?” The answer is no. Sponsorship can come from a Post, another youth organization or non-profit, or even a business as long as the sponsor agrees to the rules and principles of the baseball program and The American Legion. American Legion Baseball can make a difference in the lives of our young men. I look back on my experience in Legion Baseball with many fond memories. I have dedicated my service in The American Legion in honor of my uncles who served in WWII and to the mentors of Coon Valley Post 116 who guided my career. I have dedicated my 26 years of coaching to the members of Westby Post 155 who gave me the opportunity, from the age of 16 – 18 to play Legion Baseball. They were there to guide us, drive us to games, fund the program, and always there in great numbers to cheer us on. Their selflessness and dedication were a great example to us. They helped shape our attitudes as we grew into adults, probably never realizing what an impact they had, but impressing on us what it means to be a contributing member of our community. I know it made a difference to me.



My name is Chris Schmidt and I am The Membership Coordinator for The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. This is my 15th year with membership. I handle all issues related to membership. I also track the online credits for each post; process the annual dues payments; and track how we

are progressing toward reaching our membership goal for the year. In addition, I assist with The Sons of The American Legion, their administrative matters and processing their membership. In my spare time I enjoy walking and power shopping, especially at Kohls.

2nd District's Four Chaplains Program

The Second District Four Chaplains Program was held at Grafton Post 355 on February 3, 2018. Second District Commander Greg Eirich presided over this event with assistance from Second District Chaplain Dennis Jaeger. Past Department Commanders Al Richards,

Daniel Seehafer, Robert Batty and Alternate DEC/PDC Robert Shappell (pictured) read the biographies of each Chaplain and lit the candles during the lighting ceremony in their honor and memory. This was the 75th Anniversary of the sinking of the USAT Dorchester.

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The Last


4 Athens Clarence Balz II 6 Stevens Point Leo Shopinski K Dennis Bostad V Robert Czaplinski V 8 Waukesha Walter Booth K Glen Ehlke K William Callow II John Sanchez K 10 Wausau James Rochon K 11 Green Bay Paul Bader V Andrew Smith K Fred Seitzer V 13 Richland Center Maurice Grim P 14 Iola Philip Moe K 27 South Milwaukee Harry Janikowski V 32 Menomonie Edward Rhodes K John Korbel II Eugene Kraemer K Ernesst Anderson II Ralph Bosben K 33 Neenah Bert Engstrom K 35 Evansville Thomas OʼBrien V 37 Elk Mound Clarence Gruber K 38 Appleton Roger Schmidt K Douglas Bennett II Clifford Broehm II 40 Bangor Aloysius Antony II Eldred Schaller II 41 Kaukauna Harvey Huss V 47 Portage Gerald Garrigan K 48 Beloit Larry Engebretson V 53 Eau Claire William Keegan II Anthony Kramer PG Richard Pfahning V Dennis Gray V Paul Falkner K Emil Buchholz V Richard Aaron K Richard McElderry II 54 Marshfield James Zoromski1 Joseph Mazanetz K Walter Noll II Rod Smith V Clifford Rogney K Robert Biederwolf K 56 Fountain City Andrew Siefert II 59 Stoughton Eugene Bjoin K 66 Athelstane-Silver Cliff Elmer Germait II

01/31/18 02/11/18 01/30/18 01/22/18 02/13/18 03/01/18 03/06/18 03/04/18 02/16/17 02/10/18 03/03/18 12/27/17 02/18/18 02/18/18 02/06/18 02/23/18 09/18/17 12/05/17 11/07/17 06/01/17 06/21/17 02/24/18 01/23/18 02/21/18 03/10/18 03/11/18 02/17/18 02/20/18 03/07/18 03/01/18 05/11/17 02/02/18 02/15/18 02/24/18 06/28/17 02/20/17 08/07/16 07/07/16 02/27/18 2/28/17 02/05/18 02/18/18 02/22/18 02/27/18 01/03/18 12/05/16 02/26/18 02/13/18

67 Lake Mills Ralph Eisele K Richard Porubsky V 71 Pewaukee Gerald Houser V Ronald Meyer V 73 Neillsville Vernon Sternitzky V 77 Chippewa Falls Wayne Zais K Robert Bromeisl P 80 New Richmond Robert Anderson V 81 Mauston James Paulson K 82 Port Washington John Wiechers K Ronald Mans K 83 Sheboygan Wesley Grube II 88 Manitowoc Joyce Amato II 89 Minocqua Richard Taylor K 93 Tomahawk Harold Schreffler II/K 95 Delavan Thomas Rock V Leroy Redenius II 96 Webster William Smith K Charles Simkins K 98 Cumberland Thomas Hohweiler V 100 Sparta Charles Reetz V 103 Galesville Vilas Amundson II 109 Lancaster Richard Fiedler K 110 New Lisbon Richard Carle V 114 Eagle River Richard Reese K 120 West Allis John Smith V Wilburt Topel K 126 Brillion Donald Brixius II 149 Sheboygan Falls Edgar Gosse K Laverne Endsley K 150 Wausaukee John Tiemann K 155 Westby Robert Bjerkos V 161 King Lindbergh Nielsen II 169 Amery Marion Adams K James Woodcock K 170 Mineral Point Cletus Hying II 171 Union Grove Wayne Koepke K 172 North Freedom Richard Klemm V 175 Loyal S R Davis II Raymond Holtzheimer K Wallace Szymanski II Robert Rueth V Merlin Bender II Norman Wesenberg K 182 Park Falls John Grassel K/V Shirley Bourgard V 191 Whitehall Gaylord Stuve II 200 Black River Falls Douglas Dvorak K 204 Ellsworth Richard Bauer V Frank Falkofske V

02/02/18 02/24/18 01/06/18 02/07/17 02/11/18 02/17/18 02/22/18 02/13/18 11/21/17 12/13/17 02/06/18 01/17/18 12/16/17 01/10/18 02/16/18 02/04/18 02/06/18 01/24/18 11/28/17 01/22/18 02/14/18 02/10/18 02/17/18 02/03/18 01/26/18 01/25/18 01/26/17 02/01/18 02/11/18 02/19/18 02/25/18 01/29/18 02/20/18 12/18/17 12/09/17 01/23/18 10/24/17 02/13/18 12/20/17 12/27/16 07/10/17 04/20/17 01/30/18 01/20/18 01/26/18 01/26/18 02/15/18 02/26/18 02/23/18 01/18/18

208 Rio Michael Schey V 212 Barron Lester Larson II 214 Darlington Joseph Taylor II 216 Lodi George Pales II 220 Soldiers Grove Roger Turnmire K 224 Alma Russell Guire II Elden Schlesser G/L 236 Algoma Lawrence Conard II James Toppe V Robert Naze II 238 Greenwood William Petkovsek V 239 Tigerton Lyle Gruetzmacher K 240 Baldwin Gordon Place K 251 Argyle Doral Erickson K 258 Little Chute Kenneth Van Elsen II Joseph Look II 263 New London Frances Platte II 265 Darboy Robert Starszak K 274 Rib Lake Richard Thums K Lester Judnic K 278 Balsam Lake John Randall K William Dumire II 284 Holmen Roland Gullickson K Dale Schickowski V Clinton Moe II Dale Schickowski V 288 Cedarburg Leroy Mellendorf K 295 Bloomer Dale Babbitt II 299 Hales Corners Timothy Tice G/L Gerald Blaski K 306 Green Lake Donald Benedict K 310 Racine Vincent Miskinis K Neil Hutchinson K Virginia Lee II Theodore Pier II Reuben Milner II Thomas Clickner K Roland Benzow II Donald Hrycay K 324 Osseo Leroy George V 331 Shorewood Ervin Ness K 336 Onalaska Wilbur Talbot K Harold Gildermeister II 337 Pulaski Robert Hoffman K Leo Wojkiewicz II Duwayne Zillmer K 339 Almond Walter Peterson II 340 Berlin Robert Przybyl V Gordon Neitzke V Louis Kamps K 345 Hingham David Dolfin II 347 Lomira Wayne Faber K Quinten Carpenter II Douglas Kurz V William Schultz V

SEPTEMBER MARCH 22, 25, 2018 2014

Robert Stageman K Richard Zinke V Bennett Rentmeister K Elmer Sosinski II Kenneth Jagow K Clinton Hoff K 355 Grafton James Hall V Donald Franzen K 364 Winneconne Robert Lindsey II Robert Botello V 366 Princeton James Disterhaft K 371 Saxon Wilbert Luoma II 382 Menomonee Falls Jack Pyle II/K Thomas Buttram II 384 Kewaskum Robert Lubahn V 392 Cecil Olren Marohl K 416 Greendale Russel Haase V David Schmidt V Lloyd Roux K Raymond Sajdak II William Dunn II Sreten Pavlovic V Ralph Sabinash II Frank Flores V Kenneth Mack K Richard Kleinschmidt K Thomas Kontowicz K Lawrence Hanoski K Richard Nelson K Glenn Greenwald K 431 Three Lakes Harold Phillips K 432 Hammond Arthur Jensen K

02/05/18 02/03/18 02/16/18 02/07/17 02/07/18 01/22/18 03/07/18 11/06/17 01/23/17 04/09/17 02/05/18 02/14/18 01/31/18 02/04/18 02/08/18 02/24/18 03/09/18 11/10/17 12/03/17 02/15/18 06/25/17 02/24/18 08/10/17 02/18/18 02/05/18 02/20/18

02/09/18 02/03/18 03/03/18

02/06/18 03/04/18 02/26/18 03/05/18 12/18/17 02/06/18 12/28/16 01/03/17 04/04/17 06/15/17 08/24/17 10/09/17 11/20/17 12/21/17 05/27/05 07/17/13 08/11/16 01/18/18

02/01/18 02/01/18

06/12/17 03/03/18 02/18/18 02/22/18 01/26/18 03/02/18 11/22/17 02/23/17 02/18/18 02/09/18 01/18/18 01/15/18 02/09/18 03/03/18 02/01/18 02/08/18 02/05/18 02/12/18 02/20/18 10/15/17 10/23/14 12/22/17 01/16/18 12/10/17

It’s a Learning Tool!

02/04/18 01/25/18 03/02/18 02/18/18 10/21/17 11/21/17 02/21/18 12/23/17

It’s a Scholarship Opportunity!

And it’s Online! What is it? The Americanism and Government scholarship program fosters interest in all levels of government, citizenship and provides students the opportunity to receive recognition and scholarships. Students are tested on their knowledge of U.S. Government, Wisconsin Government, County Government, the Constitution and flag etiquette. Students are also required to answer an essay question to qualify. This is not an open book test and students are not allowed to use outside resources to take this test.


When is it?


The test is available on-line between April 2 – April 13, 2018. It is recommended the test be taken in the classroom, however if you have internet access, you can take it! Students register on-line prior to beginning the test. The test link is found at website. *The link will only be active during the test window.

01/26/18 02/14/18

Who is eligible? Any student in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade in any public, private, parochial or home-schooled within the State of Wisconsin may participate. Students may participate all 3 years and be eligible for the scholarships multiple years.

02/01/18 03/01/18 10/11/17

What are the scholarship opportunities? This year, 33 winners will be selected by the Americanism Committee of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. The following scholarships are awarded:


02/28/18 03/08/18 01/08/18 01/13/18

01/14/18 03/05/18


It’s a Test!



01/24/18 01/29/18

435 Superior Rod Campbell II 447 Viola Russell Pelke V Glenn Lepley K 449 Brookfield Albert Roge K Emery Verish II Kenneth Bray K Basil Lien K 452 Spirit Harold Stamp PG 457 Mequon-Thiensville Willard Hoppe K 469 Marathon Robert Ringle K 477 St Nazianz Roman Broeckert II 486 Jackson Jon Konig V Charles Pipia K 494 Caledonia Louie Shaw V 507 Mindoro Arlan Pfaff K 511 Ridgeland James Anderson II 518 Green Bay John Martinkovic II Charles Detiege V 521 Fox Lake Gerald Mullin K 534 McFarland Robert Zastrow II 552 Somers James Smelcer V Ole Jensen II 2930 Portage Alvin Schultz V Donald Brockhaus V Michael Norman V

The American Legion Department of Wisconsin Americanism and Government Scholarship Program


01/31/18 02/02/18 02/21/18

10/14/17 10/17/17 04/25/17 08/10/17 05/30/17 06/18/17

11 students in Grade 10 receive $250 scholarships 11 students in Grade 11 receive $300 scholarships 11 students in Grade 12 receive $750 scholarships If you have any questions, email to, call (608) 745-1090 or visit us at

Join the Storm (continued from page 1) ington Conference concluded with the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan introducing Commander Rohan to a joint session of Congress as she testified on the needs of Veterans, active duty military and their families. Before her testimony, Commander Rohan asked Past National Chaplain Michael Lawler to offer a prayer for our Legislative Leaders. For more information search #LegionStormsHill or visit

MARCH 22, 2018




Post 443 Cdr Leland Pollock • Membership Chairman Russel Moyer

Post 472 Cdr Alan Walker

Post 198 Cdr William Mengert

Post 477 Cdr Charles Augustine

Post 19 Cdr Bill Vanark

Post 120 Cdr Larry Elliott

Post 128 Cdr Jason Nett

Post 303 Cdr Rodney Brenner

Post 483 Cdr Rodney Delcore

Post 316 Cdr Robert Rosolowski

Post 383 Cdr Alan Eggers

Post 501 Cdr Thomas Stolarczyk

Post 543 Crd Rick Rossier

Post 378 Cdr Larry Beuthen

Post 160 Cdr Post Adjutant Ron Seekins and Cdr Jim Brown

Legion Riders Spaghetti Dinner

On Saturday, March 3, 2018, the District 1 Legion Riders held their annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. Over 30 Riders, supporters and friends served 500+ dinners and raffled 100 prizes to raise funds to be used exclusively in supporting Legion Rider and community programs helping local veterans.

Post 226 Recognizes Commander

Ron Roberts, Past Commander of Manawa Post 226, was recently recognized for serving The Legion for 15 years as Commander of the Post. Pictured with Roberts is incoming Commander Mark Melton and Sgt. at Arms Herold Peper. Submitted by Will Pope, Waupaca County Commander

PINEWOOD DERBY Submitted by: Devin Feuerhelm, Commander; Bay City American Legion Post 357 – This past January the Cub Scouts held their annual Pine Wood Derby. Front row from L to R: Weston Bench, Hunter Bench, Mathew Pieper, Justin Holst, Mason Petersen, Miles Petersen, AJ Laventure Back Row from L to R: Tom E, John B, Bob S, Devin F

Post 153 Cdr Marvin Kummer

Post 243 Cdr Kelly Wilfer

Post 462 • Adell Cdr Kurt Neumann • Adjutant Erwin Witte

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