“For God & Country”
May 1, 2014 Vol. 91, No. 4
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
APPLETON TO HOST 96TH ANNUAL CONVENTION The Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center in Appleton is slated to host the 96th Annual Department Convention July 16-20. The Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center is a beautiful facility located in the heart of downtown Appleton and will be hosting a Department Convention for the second time in four years. The hotel and surrounding area is a popular destination with ample parking and features a number of popular shopping venues and restaurants including the Vince Lombardi Steakhouse. There are also additional housing choices for Legion Family members to choose from. The Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 of Appleton is proud to sponsor the convention and have planned a number of special activities to entertain visitors. Department Headquarters will establish a presence at the convention site on Wednesday, July 16th. Initial meetings that day will include the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation Board of Directors. The various standing Department Committees will begin
meetings at 7AM on Thursday, July 17th. The early starting times are necessary in order for the business of the sub-committees to be completed in advance of the Department Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 4 PM. The convention will begin in earnest on Friday, July 18th with District Caucuses at 7:30 AM and Opening Ceremonies at 9:00 AM. First time attendees will have a great opportunity to socialize and learn about the business of The American Legion first-hand. Convention Committee Meetings will take place at 2:00 PM and consider a number of Resolutions related to Legion business and veterans issues at the state and national levels. The ever popular “GNUTS” meeting will take place at 4:30 PM with a “TET” party to follow. Candidates for Department offices will be hosting Hospitality Suites at the Paper Valley Hotel later in the evening. Saturday will be a busy day at convention with the election of Department officers beginning at 8:30 AM. The convention will
reconvene at 9:00 AM and many prominent speakers are expected. Department award winners will also be recognized for their accomplishments. Every one is welcome to attend the annual Past Commander’s Club party and reception Saturday evening at Post No. 38. The 96th Annual Department Convention will wind up on Sunday. The Memorial Service will begin at 8:00 AM in the convention hall. Following the installation of the newly-elected officers and the closing ceremonies, the Grand Prize winner of the Convention Sweepstakes will be drawn. The grand prize is the winner’s choice of either $20,000 in cash or a new vehicle from the Boucher Automotive Group. All in all it is anticipated to be a busy and exciting weekend in Appleton. More details and a comprehensive schedule will appear in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire. Register for the event by using the Registration Form in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire or log on to www.wilegion. org. Registration on-line is fast and easy.
2014 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION HOUSING HOLIDAY INN 150 Nicolet Rd.,Appleton, WI 54914 920-735-9955 $99.00/Group name 2014 Legion State Convention BEST WESTERN FOX VALLEY INN 3033 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 731-4141 hotels/best-western-fox-valley-inn July 16/17 - $89.00 • 18/19 - $109.00 SUPER 8 3624 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914
The American Legion Department of Wisconsin
96th Annual Department Convention REGISTRATION FORM This is your registration form only, NOT your delegate form. Delegate forms are mailed to the Post 30 days prior to Convention per the Constitution and Bylaws. First Name__________________ Last Name _____________________________ Member ID Number _________________________________________________ District ____________________________________________________________ AL Post # ________
Auxiliary Unit # ______
SAL Squadron # _________
Street Address _____________________________________________________ City ________________________________________Zip ___________________ Email _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone (__________ ) __________________________________________ Cell Phone (__________ ) ____________________________________________ ITEM
Registration Fee
Reg. Fee after July 15, 2014
Total Enclosed
Make check payable to The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin or enter credit card information below. Cash
Credit Card
(920) 731-0880 appleton/super-8-appleton $79.00- 10% discount if you mention The American Legion Card Type__________________Card # __________________________________ July 16 - $99.00/ July 17-19- $119.00 Expiration Date ______________ Security Code _____________ 10% discount if you mention The Return to: The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin American Legion Attn: Chris Schmidt • P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901
DAYS INN 210 Westhill Blvd. Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 733-5551 appleton/days-inn-appleton Single $57.00/Double $60.00
ROAD STAR INN 3623 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 731-5271 $45.99/Mention American Legion for rates
LA QUINTA INNS & SUITES 3800 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 734-7777
hotel-wi-54913/wiapple $90.00 2 Queen Beds – Mention American Legion for rate
HAMPTON INN 350 Fox River Dr. COUNTRY INN & SUITES Appleton, WI 54916 355 Fox River Dr. (920) 954-9211 Appleton, WI 54913 (920) 830-3240 $104.00 – Mention American Legion for rate
FAIRFIELD INN 132 Mall Drive Appleton, WI 54913 (920) 954-0202 travel/atwfi-fairfield-inn-appleton/ King- $159.00/Queen - $154.00/2 Queen - $149.00
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PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2013-2014 Communications Committee Kendel Feilen, Chairman Harold Rihn, Vice Chairman Dale Oatman, DEC Liaison Butch Van Rossum, Member Bernie Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Barb McDaniel, Member Cecil Groves, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2013-14 Department Officers Commander Ken Rynes Vice Commanders Robert Shappell John Wolfe Dan Rindt Larry Wrycza Adjutant David A. Kurtz Assistant Department Chaplain Larry Olson Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – John Thurk 8th – Jerry Krofta 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Joyce E. Endres, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
MAY 1, 2014
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Dear Legionnaires, What’s in it for me? This is not an uncommon question by potential Ken Rynes members. Department Commander new When this question is posed to you, what is your response? We have to think of this with the perspective that this individual knows nothing about The American Legion. You, as the recruiter, have spent years in the organization and know all the great things that we do. Please do not fault this potential member for what may seem self- centered.
The easy answer is always have the “Why you should belong” handouts when recruiting. Don’t just hand it to them, but instead you should be well versed in its content so that you can open immediately to the section that explains what they can receive by joining. Your job is not done at this point. Allow a little conversation on this section, but then go to the area where it explains what we do. This is the time that your passion makes the sale or doesn’t. I have never met a veteran that is still not compassionate for fellow veterans. The fact is; if they become a member, they can still do something to help a brother or sis-
ter in need. Recruiting still boils down to the 3 “P’s” - be positive, passionate and persistent. I would also like to share a quote that I use often and it sums up everything we do. The American Legion is a light house in the stormy seas of society. We not only take care of veterans, but we also foster the future leaders with our programs. If you don’t care about the future of the country that you swore to defend, then I guess your job is complete. If you do care, then this organization gives you a chance to do something about it and we are only as strong as our membership. We are at the annual break-
ing point in our organizations strength. We have not completed our mission of reaching new goals. We are at a point where it just gets harder. Every post or county that has reached its goal is a source of great pride for those individuals that have worked hard to achieve it. My challenge to you is to not fall into that annual perception that our job is winding down, but instead use the change of seasons to reenergize your commitment to taking your post over the top. I thank you all for your continued service to “God and Country”. -Commander Ken
DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER The VA, the Brady Gun Control Act and Veterans President Clinton signed a sweeping gun control act in 1993 known James Fialkowski Service Officer as the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act which went into effect on February 28, 1994. The Brady Act establishes a national system for quickly checking the background of prospective handgun purchasers. This is maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is known as the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). An additional provision of the Brady Act impacts veterans who are deemed “incompetent” by the VA. The VA may deem a veteran in their care incompetent for a variety of reasons which may be caused by Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and/or a mental condition such as Post-traumatic Stress (PTS). If the Veterans Benefits Administra-
tion (VBA) adjudicates a veteran as incompetent during the claims process, they must report it to the FBI. It is important to understand that this reporting requirement is through the claim adjudication process and is not a VA hospital process or requirement. It is the Veterans Benefits Administration, rather than the VA hospital, that would adjudicate incompetence before any reporting under the Brady Act is required. At that point the individuals name is added to the NICS and a letter is sent to the veteran informing them of their status. As one could guess, many VA letters can be daunting and confusing. For a veteran dealing with TBI or PTS issues, a letter with legal notice regarding their 1st Amendment rights can be overly perplexing and even scary. The Brady Act Notification Letter actually states; “The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention
Act prohibits you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition while VA’s finding of incompetency is in effect. You may be fined and/or imprisoned if you knowingly violate this law.” Also contained in the notification is information on how an individual can remove their name from the NICS list maintained by the FBI. The Brady Act was amended in 2007 to allow anyone deemed incompetent the opportunity to apply for relief. Veterans affected may apply to the VA for relief of the firearms prohibitions imposed by submitting a request on VA Form 21-4138 - Statement in Support of Claim. The VA will determine whether such relief is warranted. This “relief” must be requested explicitly in writing, because relief from the reporting requirements of the Brady Act is not a “benefit” under Title 38, therefore
principles common to the VA’s normal adjudication process, such as “benefit of the doubt” and “duty to assist” do not apply. If relief is granted, the VA will notify the FBI accordingly and within approximately two months, the individuals name will be removed from the NICS. It is important to note that VA decisions that deny relief are not subject to review by the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. They are, however, subject to review in Federal district court. In short, under the Brady Act the VA must provide the names of individuals deemed incompetent to the FBI for the NICS list. In order to be removed from the list, a veteran must formally request relief on a VA Form 21-4138 - Statement in Support of Claim. Our Department Service Office staff is always ready to assist you with any of your needs related to veteran’s benefits and disability claims.
WDVA SECRETARY VetCon: A Veteran Employment and Services Conference I am pleased to announce VetCon: A Veteran Employment and John A. Scocos Services ConWDVA Secretary ference, which will take place on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee. VetCon, will be presented in partnership with Hiring our Heroes, the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), and the Department of Military Affairs (DMA), and is a conference for veterans and employers who seek to hire veterans that will include a career fair, a benefits expo, workshops such as financial planning and resume writing, as well as provide access to educational and other resources. Veterans and employers are invited to kick-off the daylong
conference at a breakfast. Governor Scott Walker is the invited keynote speaker. Governor Walker has said, “Our service members have dedicated their time and talents to serve our country, and it is our duty to assist them with a smooth transition back into their communities and families. As a state and as a country we must do all we can to provide veterans with access to the resources they need to be successful, and VetCon is one way we can do that while also saying thank you to the men and women who have served our country.” VetCon is an exciting opportunity for veterans to have direct access to employers, experts in veterans benefits and many other valuable resources. While the WDVA is responsible for assisting veterans on many different
issues, we are especially focused on helping veterans find meaningful employment and are very excited to partner on VetCon with those organizations that can make a true connection between veterans and employers. Veterans can expect to have access to about 150 employers at the career fair. Over the past four years, the WDVA has partnered with various agencies and organizations such as DWD and Hiring Our Heroes to host 67 veteran career fairs statewide, serving nearly 14,000 veterans. Last year alone, over 4,000 veterans and spouses attended these career fairs, many receiving a job offer or a follow-up job interview. Of those who completed a follow up survey about their career fair experience, 55 percent had received a job offer or follow-up interview.
At the benefits fair, veterans will have access to information such as education and health benefits, claims, service opportunities, as well as information about Wisconsin’s veterans homes, among other resources. In addition, workshops will be provided by the partners and other experts such areas as resume writing, financial planning, interviewing techniques and starting businesses. Finally, panel discussions will take place to help veterans understand education options available to them while maximizing their education benefits and to help businesses and organizations improve efforts to recruit and hire veterans. The full schedule of activities and more information about VetCon, as well as registration for veterans wishing to attend can be found at
MAY 1, 2014
A&G Scholarship Participation Grows! M1 Training Held in Princeton Over 5,000 Wisconsin students took the online Americanism and Government Scholarship test during the weeks of March 31st through April 11th. Students were able to access the test from and were tested on their knowledge of U.S. government, Wisconsin governDISTRICT GRADE 1 12 1 12 1 11 1 11 1 11 2 12 2 12 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 10 2 10 2 10 3 11 3 10 4&5 12 4&5 10 6 12 6 12 6 11 6 11 6 10 6 10 7 12 7 12 7 11 7 10 7 10 8 12 8 11 8 10 9 12 9 11 9 11 9 10 9 10 10 12 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 10
ment, County government, the Constitution and flag etiquette. They were also required to answer an essay question to qualify for the scholarships. Students had the option of printing a “Certificate of Participation” from The American Legion upon completion of the test. NAME Annali Cler Sangwoo Park James Schulgit Matthew Lupo Donald Carpenter Holly Williams Paige Jaeger Miles Rice Chelsea Smith Emily Proehl Thomas Kind Hannah Yurske Beth Williams Vishal Narayanaswamy Alex O’Connor Frankie Wermerskirchen Declan Lang-Backe Adam Collins Nathan Cho Evan Thomsen Lydia Glamann Ernie Kretzmann Jacob Lindemann Seamus Murray Shawn Moore Jacey Young Ashley Lundin Katan Moser Caitlyn Emrick Ellen Rathe Ben Gutschow Staci Sturmer Alex Sekora Anthony Van Gompel Kristina Herman Jared Swenson Mihai David Eric McGregor Andrew Fijalkiewicz Wesley Franklin Kyle Girard Alexandra Pleasant Keegan Mullen Samantha Linden Dakota White
Candidate Announcement Department Vice Commander John Wolfe of Post No. 11 in Green Bay regrets to announce that he is withdrawing as a candidate for Department Commander. “Because of recent medical issues that I have experienced and some long term rehabilitation I feel that I cannot in good conscience serve as the Department Commander to a level of expectation that our members deserve. Therefore I have decided to withdraw my name for consideration as a candidate for the office of Department Commander. I remain a proud member of The American Legion and will continue to serve in every way I can.”
This year the total number of scholarships offered increased to 45 with 13 - $500 scholarships going to Seniors; 16 - $250 scholarships going to Juniors and 16 - $250 scholarships going to Sophomores. Congratulations to the following students!
SCHOOL Kettle Moraine High School Brookfield Academy Brookfield Academy Pewaukee High School Muskego High School West Bend East High School Lomira High School Lake Mills High School Kettle Moraine Lutheran Cedarburg High School Sheboygan Area Lutheran High School Cedarburg High School West Bend East High School James Madison Memorial High School Belleville High School Oak Creek High School Pius XI High School Berlin High School Neenah High School Neenah High School Oshkosh West High School Omro High School Manitowoc Lutheran Aquinas High School Holmen High School Melrose-Mindoro High School Reedsburg Area High School Tomah High School Stevens Point Area Senior High Stevens Point Area Senior High Amherst High School Wausaukee High School Denmark High School Kimberly High School Seymour High School Seymour High School Bloomer High School Ellsworth High School Lake Holcombe High School Glenwood City High School Lake Holcombe High School Lakeland Union High School Lakeland Union High School Northwood High School Winter High School
2013-2014 FACEBOOK PHOTO CONTEST Join Us on Facebook and be part of the Fun! Like us on Facebook and post pictures of a Post, County or District Event and/or pictures of Department Commander Ken Rynes from an event and be recognized at the 2014 Department Convention. A plaque of recognition will be awarded on stage as follows: • A posted photo from an event with the most ‘Likes’. • A posted photo of the Department Commander with the most ‘Likes’. Be creative and have fun! Log on to and in your profile click on the box that says ‘search for people, places and things’ and type in Wisconsin American Legion. Once you are in, like the page, post your photos and let the contest begin!
Pictured here are members of Green Lake County Posts that gathered at the Princeton American Legion Post No. 366 for a rifle cleaning and maintenance day. Jim Johannes from the Madison area traveled to Post No. 366 to help repair and show members the proper
maintenance and assembly of their M1 rifles used for Military Honors. Jim enjoys traveling around the state helping post Funeral Honors teams maintain their M1 rifles. If you’re interested in contacting Jim, he can be reached at (608) 265-2323.
Kimberly-Clark Supports Camp
Kevin Moshea, Director Camp American Legion graciously accepts a very generous donation of paper towels (20 cases) and bath tissue (10 cases) from the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Ms. Amy Kading of the employee network at K-C stated “When I became aware of Camp American Legion, it seemed like a perfect fit for Kimberly-Clark (K-C) to become involved. It is indeed a privilege for K-C to be associated with this special place.” Amy shared that the K-C employees’ network is dedicated to supporting veterans in our communities through philanthropic efforts and volunteerism. “We are passionate about supporting veterans, whether they are em-
ployed at K-C or are veterans in the communities where K-C facilities are located nationwide.” Kimberly-Clark and its wellknown global brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 175 counties. Every day, nearly a quarter of the world’s population trust K-C brands and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being. With brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-ups, Kotex and Depends, Kimberly Clark holds the No. 1 or No. 2 share position in more than 80 countries. To keep up with the latest K-C news and to learn more about the company’s 141-year history of innovation, visit www.
april legionwear winner Sign up to receive your online edition of the Badger Legionnaire and you will be entered into a monthly drawing for free Legionwear! This month’s winner is Tamra Wehrle. Tamra is an 11 year member of Homer & Lee Parkinson American Legion Auxiliary
Unit No. 170 in Mineral Point. You can be a Winner, too! Go on-line and visit: www.wilegion org. Click “Online Subscription Sign-up” under “Members”. Enjoy the latest Legion news, save money and show your pride by wearing some new Legionwear fashion apparel!
MAY 1, 2014
PAST COMMANDER’S COMMUNIQUE Legion Junior Shooting Sports As you recite our Preamble beer.” The “American Legion set, yet never lived to share in to The American Legion Constitution please harken to these eloquent words of Past Department Commander John Schurrer who made these remarks to the National Executive Committee in 1977: “Major concerns of both The American Legion and its’ Auxiliary focus around funding of the military, salary, housing and the quality of life for families, especially those serving overseas. Likewise there is a growing concern for new military hardware to replace many items being used today which are more than 30 years old and in need of replacement. There are ships, aircraft and motorized vehicles that date as far back as the Korean War. It is important for all members of our Posts and their families to heed the message from those who serve. We cannot stem the tide in any battle with antiquated military hardware. Membership in The American Legion is more than “brats and
Story” begins with “For God and Country” which truly reflects what is this organization’s philosophy…. one minus the other leaves a void in the story. The American Legion direction turns to veterans who, because of their military service, have paid the final price for freedom and now rest eternally in every cemetery around the world. Yet, there are those who live by grace of God in many hospitals, suffering from their wounds, with no hope for an active life style. The wives, widows and orphans are equal casualties of any conflict and it is important for all Post members to make certain any definable needy military family who stands in want to try and make their needs met. The bountifulness of America is much sought after by persons in many nations. They must be taught the “price” of this bountifulness, paid for by those who served their country, at the on-
this wealth. “No freedom is Free!” Some paid with their lives and some are still in “harms way” making certain our American heritage is not purloined away by any radical group or society. As members of The American Legion your distinguished service beyond a military tour of service is your hallmark! Caring for others is not a vice, but rather a necessity in today’s ever changing world. The American Legion remains a lighthouse for America! You are its “Keeper of the Light of Freedom,” and during your watch, let no harm come to the ships of state; “USS FREEDOM” and “USS AMERICA” The American Legion will always be there to protect and preserve the freedom of America. God Bless America!” This is why membership is so all encompassing. Yours in comradeship, Wayne Jensen, PDC
Department Eagle Scout of the Year Each year the Department Americanism Awards Selection Committee with the Department Scouting Chairman, Terry Woolf, review the applications submitted for The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year. The applicant judged best by the Committee for 2014 is Jacob Berg from Coon Valley, WI. Jacob is a 6-year member of The Sons of The American Legion Squadron No. 116 and qualifies for this scholarship through his grandfather, Kenneth I. Berg who was a 57-year continuous member of Post No. 116 before his passing. Jacob is a senior at Westby Area High School and is involved in FFA, Baseball, Football and Band. Jacob’s Eagle Scout project was installing solar
powered lights on the Chaseburg walking trail. Shortly after the project was completed, 5 youth vandalized the lights along the trail. Not to be deterred, Jacob
Jacob Berg, Coon Valley, WI
rallied the community again to raise funds to repair the damage and restore the lighting. After graduation, Jacob plans to attend Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls, MN. He has been accepted into the Aviation Maintenance Technology program. He plans to join the United States Navy and become a pilot. Jacob has earned a $1,000 scholarship from the Department and his application has been forwarded to National for consideration to receive additional honors and scholarship money. The American Legion provides the following National scholarships to Boy Scouts: 3- $2,500 scholarships and 1- $10,000 award to The National American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year.
Ron Hayden, a certified hunters’ safety instructor and owner of Broken Arrow Arms and Ammo of Soldier’s Grove, has teamed up with Krista Heinz, owner of On Track Financial Coaching of Mt. Sterling, to bring Junior Shooting Sports to Crawford County. American Legion Junior Shooting Sports will promote firearm safety, Americanism, marksmanship, and serve as an extra-curricular activity that promotes equality, self-esteem, and goal setting. Shooting sports is an activity that allows anyone with the ability to practice and the desire to improve to become an outstanding marksman/markswoman. Shooting sports activities will consist of at least 1 practice most months, where accuracy is the goal and safety is the most important aspect. Competitions may also be entered and/or hosted, as feasible. This program is open to all boys and girls ages 8-18. There is no American Le-
gion or Sons of The American Legion membership status requirement. American Legion Junior Shooting Sports is FREE of charge to participants and all equipment and instruction will be provided. Youth are encouraged to participate with a positive attitude and safe firearm handling. Practices are tentatively going to begin in May 2014 and be held at the old community building in downtown Gays Mills across from the Village Greenhouse. American Legion Junior Shooting Sports in Crawford County is sponsored by Post No. 220 in Soldier’s Grove, Post No. 308 in Gays Mills and through a National Rifle Association Foundation grant awarded to Krista Heinz. Post No. 220 in Soldier’s Grove meets the 1st Monday of every month at 7:30PM and Post No. 308 in Gays Mills meets every 2nd Tuesday at 7:00PM. They are always accepting new members!
Ozaukee County Honors MIA
Rhino’s Run Ready to Roll Statewide Benefit for Children of KIA’s set for July 14th to 16th Excitement is building for Commander Ken “Rhino” Rynes’ 3-day motorcycle fundraising effort scheduled July 14-16. The ride itself will leave Department Headquarters in Portage on Monday, July 14th and finish on Wednesday, July 16th in Appleton, the site of this year’s convention. En route the Riderers will travel to Camp American Legion and the cities ooff villle, e, Eau Claire and Janesville, merri ririvisiting the following Ameritour urr; can Legion posts on the tour; Brucce Rosholt Post No. 509, Bruce
Post No. 268, Brackett Post No. 550, Sparta Post No. 100, Richland Center Post No. 13, Darlington Post No. 214, Orfordville Post No. 209, Mukwonago Post No. 375, Oak Creek Post No. 434, Grafton Post No. 355, New Holstein Post No. 124 and Appleton Post No. 38. Funds raised by the event will fund scholarships for children of military personnel who died while on active duty. Commander Rynes has set an initial fundraising goal of $50,000. Posts, units and squadrons are encouraged to raise funds lo-
cally and present the proceeds to Commander Rynes and the Riders at stops along the way. Individuals interested in suppo porting with their tax-deductible ib l donations or taking part ible in “Rhino’s “Rh in Run” can register oonn--lline at on-line Alll registered A reg All will receive a ppaatch pin and commemorapatch, tive booklet, whether or not they participate on the “Run”. Additional details on the u route and expected arrival tim will be featured in futimes t tu ture editions of the Badger Le Legionnaire.
Sergeant Melvin Wester is Ozaukee County’s only MIA. He was killed in North Korea on Oct 14, 1952 fighting the enemy. His body was not recovered. He was a Squad Leader of Weapons Platoon, Company C, 31st Infantry
Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. He grew up in a small Ozaukee County community called Holy Cross in the Township of Belgium. This Memorial hangs in his Honor at the Belgium Memorial Post No. 412.
MAY 1, 2014
59th Annual American Legion King Pilgrimage Set for Father’s Day - June 15th The 59th Annual American Legion King Day Pilgrimage will be held on Sunday, June 15th at the Wisconsin Veterans Home in King, Wisconsin. American Legion, Legion Riders, Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion members from across the state, as well as their guests, will visit King and participate in a picnic with members of the Veterans Home. The general public is also invited and encouraged to attend. Musical entertainment will be provided from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. A delicious charcoal broiled chicken dinner will be served by American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 161 with service to begin at 10:30 AM and continuing until
sold out. Cost per meal is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 per child 12 and under. Meal tickets can be purchased on the day of the event. Immediately following lunch will be the traditional King Day parade consisting of Legion Riders, District and Department officers, 40 et 8 Voiture Locomotives, the Marathon High School Drum and Bugle Corps, Color Guards, Honor Guards, and Drill Teams. Following the parade will be a formal program featuring Department Commander Kenneth J. Rynes and National Executive Committeeman David L. Gough. “We hope you can join us and help make this a wonderful day for the members of the Wisconsin Veterans Home,” said Committee
Chairman and 8th District Commander Jerry Krofta. “I’m hoping American Legion members will make a special effort to represent their posts at the 59th Annual King Day and I encourage all Legion Family and community members to join us for this spectacular day.” he added. A table will be set up in the park where volunteers can receive assignments to assist members of the Veterans Home to join the outside festivities. “This is an excellent way to make a new friend and meet new people.” said Krofta. If you have any questions about the annual American Legion Pilgrimage on Sunday, June 15th, please call Chairman Krofta at (715) 424-6260.
Legion’s 95th Birthday Celebration
Bayard de Hart Post No. 13 and Commander Rynes celebrate the Legion’s 95th Birthday. Pictured here, R to L, is Department Commander Ken Rynes, Military Order of the Purple Heart state Commander F.E. “Fuzz” Spangler - a member of Post No. 13 for 67 years, Howard L. Hansen - an active member
for 67 years, William G. Hannawell - an active member of the Post and Honor Guard for 65 years, and Leroy C. Wooley - an active member of the Post for over 40 years. Commander Rynes credits Leroy as a mentor who encouraged him to become involved as an active member of The American Legion.
Post No. 355 Honor Legion Couple All Who Served
The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs offers three beautiful facilities across the state offering excellent medical care that enhances the quality of life for veterans and their spouses. Our dedicated staff strive to meet the unique needs of veterans by providing compassionate care built on the foundation of integrity, honor and respect. Come see for yourself what the Wisconsin Veterans Homes have to offer and how we are serving those who selÀessly served for all of us.
King 715.258.5586 888.458.5586
N2665 County Road QQ King, WI 54946
Chippewa Falls Union Grove 715.720.6775 2175 East Park Avenue Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Leroy Paulin, a WWII Navy veteran, was presented with a 70 year Continuous Member Certificate and his wife Marceline, a WWII Marine veteran, was honored with a 67 year Continuous Member Certificate. Marceline is a dual
member of both the Legion and the Auxiliary. Presenting the awards and congratulating the couple were Rose-Harms Post No. 355 Commander Jim Arentz and Unit President Sue Turowski.
Legion Riders Present Colors
262.878.6700 866.669.8387
21425 G Spring Street Union Grove, WI 53182
Free Coverage Putting Wisconsin Legionnaires First! All Legionnaires now have the opportunity to assure their enrollment in LegionCare, the newly enhanced Accidental Death benefit available at No-Cost to all Wisconsin Legionnaires. LegionCare is a one-of-a-kind benefit offered exclusively to Legionnaires. LegionCare provides all Legionnaires with:
• $5,000 in Accidental Death Coverage for covered accidents that occur if you are traveling on official Legion business.* • $1,000 for all other covered accidents. • 24/7 protection that covers Legionnaires at home, at work and while they are travelling away from home - available
for all Legionnaires in Wisconsin. IMPORTANT: All Legionnaires must confirm their $5,000 in protection in order to be covered. Call 1 (800) 235-6943 for details. Legionnaires may also activate their coverage by going online at or contact Department Headquarters at (608) 745-1090 for assistance.
The 8th District American Legion Riders were invited to present the National Colors at the 25th Annual Heartland STEAM, a seven state conference hosted by ABATE of Wisconsin. The site was the Mead
Inn in Wisconsin Rapids on March 28th. 8th District Riders Wayne Hansen, Evelyn McSherry, Bob West, Jim Winkels, Guy Mockler and President Ray McSherry all took part in the ceremony
The Last
3 Antigo Delmar Verpoorten K Russell Lynett K 8 Waukesha Robert Horstmeier K Thomas Cullen V Walter Dauffenbach II John McGowan V 9 Wisconsin Rapids Clarence Anderegg II Edward Aughey II Richard Gruber K Lawrence Shillius II Leo Adamski II Helen Steidl II Richard Polansky K Gary Vanatta V 10 Wausau Eldor Brunow K Thomas Albers K Harry Dassler II Jack Philipp K 11 Green Bay Ralph Gadbois PG Glen Wesenberg Brian Kellner V Robert Phillips II Donald Welhouse K Raphael Karchinski II Matthew Kemp K 18 Milwaukee George Wilson II 19 Hartford Clarence Schnorenberg II 27 South Milwaukee Joseph Hosmanek II John Pari II 33 Neenah Robert Huebner II 36 West Bend Eugen Schmidt V 38 Appleton John Simon K 39 Marinette Forrest Perkins K 41 Kaukauna Robert Natrop K 44 Wabeno John Kobylarczyk V 53 Eau Claire Herbert Luer II 54 Marshfield Edward Hahn V Gordon Hoefs K 66 Silver Cliff Walter Gawaluch II 67 Lake Mills Warren Steigerwald II 71 Pewaukee Roger Mann K 72 Sturgeon Bay Earl Staats II Chesley Seely K 77 Chippewa Falls Howard Post II 79 Burlington Donald Wiseman II Joseph Zelenski K 80 New Richmond John Oldenburg II 82 Port Washington George Shultis K
3/10/14 3/8/14 3/19/14 10/12/13 10/30/13 11/14/13 10/21/13 12/13/13 10/27/13 10/23/13 10/4/13 3/12/14 9/20/13 4/4/14 3/23/14 3/18/14 3/20/14 4/2/14 3/15/14 1/24/14 3/28/14 2/7/14 3/11/14 2/13/14 3/24/14 4/5/14 4/3/14 3/13/14 3/24/14 3/21/14 3/1/14 4/14/14 3/14/14 3/20/14 3/9/12 3/12/14 2/7/14 3/16/14 3/8/14 3/22/14 4/4/14 2/18/14 8/25/13 3/15/14 3/17/14 3/17/14 3/14/14 3/6/14
83 Sheboygan Harlow Henninger Daniel Wahlen Jerome Leahy Lawrence Seymour Richard Henning Vernon Schauer 89 Minocqua Harry Piepmeir Arthur Shebesta Robert Antczak Warren Gehrke 91 Oconomowoc John Svok Harold Barkow 93 Tomahawk Robert Herzberg 97 Dodgeville Charles Williams 105 Shullsburg Merl Thomasson 106 Seymour John Hermus James Richardson 109 Lancaster Gerald Laufenberg 111 Somerset Dale Nelson 123 Owen Chester Nirva George Sorensen 126 Brillion Robert Abts Edgar Voss 128 Stockbridge Charles Thompson 146 Beaver Dam Kenneth Helmer Paul Vanderwerff 148 Bloomington Roger Osterhaus 150 Wausaukee Rudy Messar 153 Pittsville Gerald Volz 161 King Thomas Holly Eldred Stillman 164 Jefferson Herbert Schmitz 166 Fort Atkinson Ervin Burrow 168 Glenwood City Lawrence Stack 173 Whitewater Kenneth Papcke 180 Milwaukee Ruphin Bronk Richard Kovneski 182 Park Falls Arnold Herbst Thomas Lange 185 Grantsburg David Anderson 189 Watertown George Kunert 191 Whitehall Edmund Getts 197 Brodhead Karl Bollerud Stanley Douglas 199 Reedsville Arnold Miller 201 Tomah Francis Dittmar John Kopenhafer 204 Ellsworth Walter Gulbranson 205 Janesville Cecil Turner Theodore Bidwell LeRoy Udelhoven 209 Orfordville Burton Lervik 210 Waupun Charles Vellema 220 Soldiers Grove Eugene Moran James Peterson
3/13/14 3/14/14 3/8/14 3/2/14 12/26/13 1/5/14
3/31/14 3/29/14 4/14/14 4/18/14
3/25/14 3/27/14
3/19/14 4/5/14
12/22/13 1/13/14
2/23/14 3/20/14
3/13/14 4/8/14
3/27/14 4/15/14
224 Alma Gerald Baecker 234 Omro Donald Laabs 237 Footville Ernest Butzler 238 Greenwood Ronald Ortner 240 Baldwin Kenneth Klanderman 243 Plymouth William Paese 246 Genoa Francis Nickelatti 253 Spring Green Paul Carpenter 258 Little Chute Norbert DeCoster Lee Casper 263 New London Robert Plummer Donald Broeker 268 Bruce Jeff Hutchens 272 Butternut Kenny Goethlich 280 Coleman John Enix 284 Holmen Darrell Carlson Kenneth Hanson 288 Cedarburg Karl Cenek Thomas Pautsch 291 Augusta Joseph Lee 296 Brookfield Thomas McCartan 305 Johnson Creek Reuben Schmitz 306 Green Lake James Grim 310 Racine Marian Klofanda 312 Peshtigo Peter Loser 316 Sheldon Bob Thompson Melvin Larson 317 Wautoma Thomas Wendt
4/5/14 3/6/14
3/15/14 3/18/14
4/7/14 4/12/14
3/17/14 4/11/14
3/29/14 4/1/14
3/13/14 2/12/14
MAY 1, 2014
319 Casco Don Pavlat II 333 Sun Prairie Arnold Burke K Richard Buskov II Charles Markle II 337 Pulaski Walter Kroll V David Killinger V 355 Grafton Norbert Stern K 357 Bay City Donald Hunter 358 Unity Dale Seefeld K 360 Waunakee Eugene Moll K 363 Denmark Kenneth Lambert V 377 Elcho Ernest Tomski II 382 Menomonee Falls Max Lemberger II Norman Steffen K Paul Boyce Jr V 391 Fremont Dewey Ritenour K 395 Kingston Jack Thiel K Raymond Thiem K 400 Wauwatosa Allen Bohacek V 411 Milwaukee Kenneth Bonde II 412 Belgium Wilmer Depies II 413 Crivitz Manning Hutson II 415 Milwaukee Leonard Topczewski II Duane Casey II 434 Oak Creek Al Kornovich II David Rosciszewski V 435 Superior Frank Kocon II Allan Olson V 436 Wrightstown Jack Verhasselt II 440 Clinton John Rindfleisch K
3/30/14 3/26/14 4/1/14 4/1/14 4/1/14 4/12/14 3/25/14 3/29/14 4/12/14 3/1/14 4/7/14 4/3/14 3/29/14 3/29/14 4/14/14 3/3/14 2/9/14 4/5/14 4/11/14 3/12/14 3/17/14 3/24/14 3/20/14 3/23/14 3/8/14 3/14/14 3/16/14 4/5/14 4/5/14
Dennis Fargo 449 Brookfield Russell May Gail Beyer Max Dietze Oliver Moths 452 Spirit Robert Anderson William Swenson 454 Mt Calvary Herman Buechel 470 Saukville Robert Larson Russell Cantrall Ernest Pochert 477 St Nazianz Leroy Wollersheim Edward Broeckert 486 Jackson Andrew Larson Don Michalski 492 Rothschild Dennis Leggett 494 Caledonia Clifford Noll Dennis Rusch 496 Sherwood David Borree 501 Madison Ronald Peterson Robert Vlasak Richard Clift Bruce Leroy Gordon Knaack 517 Dorchester Gerald Ackeret 518 Green Bay Clinton McGann 519 Stetsonville Lester Clarkson 523 Abrams Donald Christoff David Truckey 535 Eagle Richard Boehmke Fred Smart 541 Northfield Gordon Tweed Ronald Olson 544 Twin Lakes Fred Sarbacker
3/13/14 4/6/14
11.6 million adults were victims of identity theft last year.1 Is your identity protected?
The Plot
The Crime
3/23/14 3/21/14
How do thieves steal your identity?
What can identity thieves do with your personal information?
ý Steal your money: Identity thieves can takeover your bank accounts or steal your credit and debit card numbers.§
ý Phishing: Fraudsters can pose as a trusted source, such as a bank or employer, and convince you to provide personal information over the Internet or phone.
Endorsed by The American Legion Department of Wisconsin
It’s a battle for your ID. The villain? Identity thieves.
ý Hacking: Thieves can hack into your computer with an insecure connection, malware or keystroke-logging software.
11/28/13 2/3/14
ý Card skimming: Restaurant or store employees could save your card numbers with a hand-held skimmer.
2/14/14 3/1/14
ý Stealing: Identity thieves can get the information they need by stealing your wallet, mail, tax returns and other documents.
2/24/14 4/11/14 4/11/14
3/23/14 3/26/14
ý Open new accounts: Criminals can use your identity to get new loans, credit cards, home utilities or even to take on a new mortgage. ý Commit employment or benefits fraud: With your name and information, fraudsters could apply for a job or use your medical benefits. ý Engage in criminal activity: Identity crooks could even commit crimes in your name.
The Defense
Are you protected from such a serious threat? Are Try Tr y these tips:
§ 1
Use U a paper shredder to shred your mail, old tax returns a other documents containing personal information. and
D Don’t login to public Wi-Fi. Make sure you’re always o a secure connection. on
B wary of emails and phone calls asking for your Be personal information. p
Enroll in identity theft protection with LifeLock! E
Bank account takeover protection requires LifeLock Ultimate™ protection. Javelin Strategy & Research. “2012 Identity Fraud Survey Report.” February 2012.
1/16/14 1/23/14 3/6/14 2/20/14
7/5/13 8/23/10
11/9/13 2/13/14 3/11/14
1/12/14 10/10/13
3/11/14 3/3/14
2/8/14 3/6/14
1/2/12 2/3/14 3/21/14 4/4/14 3/27/14
4/4/14 2/10/14
1/20/14 12/11/13
1/15/14 10/22/13
MAY 1, 2014
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POST NO. 375 Steve Plochocki
POST NO. 358 Roger Wellman
POST NO. 533 Bob Sparks
POST NO. 169 Don Fransler
Direct: 262-696-5182 Cell: 414-640-3912 Office: 262-513-9845
Kevin R. Evanoff Mortgage Consultant NMLS#251486 Inlanta NMLS#1016
Advertising Material
POST NO. 492 Julian Sonnentag
POST NO. 426 Robert Singer
POST NO. 416 Tim Baranczyk
POST NO. 160 Lyle Wanless
If you were exposed to ASBESTOS, and have any of the following symptoms, see your doctor and perhaps an attorney.
Persistent coughing or wheezing Chest pain Shortness of breath Coughing up blood Weight loss with no known cause
Cascino Vaughan Law Offices, Ltd. POST NO. 394 Fred Leuthold
POST NO. 379 Ronald M. Marcon
POST NO. 339 Jason Hutkowski
POST NO. 329 Dan Bailey
Allen D. Vaughan, Esq.
Michael P. Cascino, Esq.
1110 N. Old World Third St., Milwaukee 53203
Serving Wisconsin’s Asbestos Victims for over 25 years. Advertising Material
POST NO. 207 Thomas Werner
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ADDITIONAL SWEEPSTAKES ENTRIES If you would like additional entries, please contact Sandy Miller at (608) 745-1090 or email her at