MAY 7, 2015
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE “What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your TERESA ISENSEE Department ears and I’ll President sing you a song And I’ll try not to sing out of key. Oh I get by with a little help from my friends” –as sung by Joe Cocker Today while I was writing this article, Char Kiesling posted pictures
of the spring cherry blossoms, beautiful pink and white colored blossoms along a tree lined sidewalk. My thoughts quickly had me wishing that I was sitting there on a bench drinking a cup of coffee and visiting with my friends, a time to reflect on the wonders of the day and the blessings that God provides to us. At some point in each of our lives we needed a little help from our friends. What better friends could we have than our brothers and sisters of the American Legion Family? In times of trouble, our friends step up to the plate and help us –
spiritually, emotionally and physically. We are friends because of our common bond of helping our veterans, our military, their families and our communities. When our Auxiliary sisters are in need we must be there to help. When our elderly members who have been loyal members for 30, 40, or more years and can no longer pay their dues, it should be an honor for us to come together and help. They offered their friendship and volunteered many hours; isn’t it time we thanked them and let them know that we care? When our members need help because
MEMBERSHIP Joan Chwala, Dept. Chairman Email: H: 715-668-5661 Membership Tips for Smooth Sailing Every member has a special part they play in the success of our Unit, Department, and National American Legion Auxiliary (ALA). By focusing on what is best for the ALA, each of us will be able to accomplish the mission and play a part in the success of our organization. In keeping with President Terry’s “Raise Your Voice in Song” theme, this month we turn to songs about sailing and boating. “Come Sail Away” by Styx, puts us in the mood for our message. So, grab your oars and join me in the children’s song, “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat.” Disaster can result when we don’t have an internal culture of goodwill. If some of our members
in the boat decide to stop rowing, the boat will slow down or stop. This happens when our members get burned out or keep holding the same office or program chairmanship year after year. Try exchanging offices. Another problem arises when our members begin to row in the opposite direction. Then the boat travels crooked or in circles, like when someone gets angry and spends their time criticizing others. Let’s think about this when we are about to say something negative and instead make it positive. Finally the problem can be that members get jealous and begin to focus their efforts on throwing other members out of the boat. Let’s be Harry Belafonte’s “Banana Boat” and bring along a load of fruitful, happy members. Let’s keep everyone in the boat to reach success in Membership. Take a good look at yourself. Are you in the boat with the rest of your
ALA team, or are you a member who has stopped rowing, rows in the opposite direction, or throws others from the boat? If you or someone else in your unit has been “rocking the boat” in this manner, remember that if an entire cruise ship sinks, or gets lost at sea, no one gets to the destination. Let’s not turn the ALA into the Titanic. In order to meet Goal 2 of the ALA Centennial Strategic Plan, which is “To Create an Internal Culture of Goodwill,” we need to make sure all of our members are in the same boat rowing in the same direction for success. Everyone knows that the shortest distance to our mission is to work together in harmony. (Thanks to our national membership team for suggestions used in this message.) . .Joan Chwala, Chairman Bonnie Jakubczyk, UD&R Mary Petrie, UD&R Morgan Johnsen, Junior Member
OFFICIAL CALL TO THE 95TH ANNUAL DEPARTMENT CONVENTION American Legion Auxiliary - Department of Wisconsin Friday through Sunday, July 17-19, 2015 Radisson Paper Valley Hotel • (333 W. College Avenue, Appleton) Department Convention The 95th Annual Department Convention will be called into session at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel. Convention General Session will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, July 17, 2015 in the Empire Room.
Purpose The purpose of the Department Convention is to elect of�icers for the 2015-2016 year, create a supplement list of delegates/alternates to the National Convention, amend
the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules as needed, receive reports of the Department Of�icers/Chairmen, recognize outstanding Unit achievements and transact business as may be brought before the convention body.
Representation Representation in the Department Convention shall be by Unit, in accordance with the provisions of the Department Constitution. Delegates to Department Convention shall be
Unit members duly elected for that purpose. Each Unit shall be entitled to two delegates and two alternates for the Unit itself and an additional delegate and alternate for each �ifty members or major fraction thereof, whose District, State and National dues have been paid at least thirty days prior to the date of Department Convention. Units with less than ten paid members or whose District dues have not been paid shall have no representation.
of job loss, illness, death of a family member, or their spouse is deployed, we should be there to let them know that they are not alone and we are there to support and help them. Let them know that “you’ve got a friend,” one who will be there in good times and bad. The Auxiliary Emergency Fund is there for our members when a disaster strikes, the M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund is there to help our members continue their education, and there are many benefits available to paid members: life insurance, discount prescriptions, dental and vision, long-term care and pet insurance,
just to name a few. May is our month for distributing Poppies – a remembrance of the sacrifices of our men and women in the military. On May 3, 1915, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae wrote “In Flanders Fields,” the most famous war memorial poem. The poem was an exact description of the scene in front of him – the poppies were being blown that morning by a gentle east wind over the grave of his friend and former student Alexis Helmer, who was killed the previous evening by a German shell. “We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields.”
Raise your Voice in Song for Our Veterans DIS T 93.RICT 51% 10
DISTR 94.47ICT 6 %
2 ICT R T DIS 3.19% 9
3 ST
DISTRICT 3 89.77%
DISTRICT%1 92.18
DIST R 89.7ICT 11 0%
5 TH H
DISTR 88.76ICT 7 %
DIS 86.TRICT 23% 8
DISTRICT%9 89.37 H
2 DISTRICT%1 6 83.6
DISTRICT 4 81.36%
11 TH
5 ICT R T % S DI 7.15 7
86.34% • APRIL 2015
Joanie Dickerson Dept. Chaplain/Music Chairman Ph: 608-996-2152 Email:
Spring is here and with it an awakening of dormant plants and hibernating animals. The increased amount of sunshine we enjoy each day can be a great motivator to become more active ourselves. I pray that you attended your district spring conferences and learned new ways to promote our organization. I enjoy listening to the reports of the units and always seem to find at least one more way our unit can support an additional Auxiliary program. Conferences are also a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with friends you may not have seen over the winter as well as a time to meet new members. Always take a moment to welcome firsttime attendees and let them know how glad we are that they have become members of our great organization. Our future depends on our combined efforts to care for those who gave so much for our freedoms. PRAYER Father, Your loving kindness is new every day. May we forever trust in You with all our hearts and find rest in the shelter of Your love. We marvel at the splendor of Your creation and give thanks for Your countless blessings. Gather us together in Your loving arms as You bind us together in service for our fellow man. May we be instruments of Your peace as we share the many gifts You have given us. We pray that our hearts continue to be open to Your guiding hand as we strive to do Your will. Amen. MUSIC I was contacted by a member who asked if I had this song. She had heard it performed on Memorial Day in the past but it seemed forgotten. Research revealed this to be the VFW memorial song. What a beautiful tribute to those who gave the last full measure of devotion for our liberty.
GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: May is Poppy Month. Honor the veterans and military personnel who sacrificed so much for our freedom by distributing poppies in your community. Poppy proceeds are to be used only for the welfare of veterans, active military personnel, and their families where financial and medical need is evident. Proceeds may not be used for general operating needs of a unit or post; community service projects that do not strictly benefit an individual veteran, military service member or their families; POW/MIA programs; flags or flagpoles. For more details, please refer to the Poppy Fact Sheet posted on the department website. We would like to thank all the units and posts that submitted their poppy orders by the February 2nd deadline. Due to the high volume of orders received, and the limited number of poppy makers, some orders received after the deadline could not be filled
The sun’s gone down and darkness has enclosed you, Sleep, soldier boy, sleep on. A mother’s arms are waiting to enfold you, Sleep, soldier boy, sleep on, The time is not long when the bugle will sound forth, Mustering you back again. You’ll wake with the dawning, and answer to roll call, Sleep, soldier boy, till then. Sleep in peace soldier boy till the bugle calls you with the dawn, Sleep and rest, God is nigh, soldier boy .
for Memorial Day distributions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t distribute poppies during the rest of the year! Consider hosting a poppy drive for Flag Day, Independence Day, community celebrations/events, Veterans Day – the opportunities are endless! Please submit poppy profit reports to Department Headquarters immediately after your poppy distribution. 2016 Poppy Order forms should be available in August. Units and posts are encouraged to turn their orders in early to ensure receipt of poppies when they need them. Any candidate for department office must submit her announcement, endorsements and photo to the Department Secretary by May 15th for publication in the Wisconsin. Information is preferred via email but hard copies may be mailed to Department Headquarters. The 95th ALA Convention will be held at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton from July 17-19th. Convention details were sent to Unit Presidents in the April monthly unit mailing and are posted on the depart-
ment website. Pre-registration is $25/person or $30 after July 13th. A list of hotels is also posted on the Department website. Members are encouraged to make their reservations early. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) moved their event up one week and availability of hotel rooms in the area is extremely limited. I hope to see you in Appleton! Resolutions approved by units and districts must be received at Department by June 1st. Unit delegate and alternate forms will be sent to units 30 days prior to convention and must be returned to Department by July 3rd. Several units have contacted headquarters during the past few weeks and asked when they can submit new member applications. Applications should be turned in as soon as they are received so the individual can start earning the rights and privileges of membership immediately. There are still eight months left in the Auxiliary year, so please don’t hold onto applications until 2016! 2016 membership cards and rosters will be mailed to units after department convention.
VA & R Virginia Kodl Department Chairman Ph: (715) 669-5432 Email: Memorial Day started as an event to honor Union Soldiers who died during the American Civil War. It was inspired by the way people in the Southern states honored their dead. After World War I, it was extended to include all men and women who died in any war or military action. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day. The current name for this day did not come into use until after World War II. Decoration Day, and then Memorial Day, used to be held on May 30, regardless of the day of the week on which it fell. In 1968, the Uniform Holidays Bill was passed as part of a move to use federal holidays to create three-day weekends. This meant that since 1971, Memo-
rial Day has been officially observed on the last Monday in May. However, it took a longer period for all American states to recognize the new date. It is traditional to fly the flag of the United States at half-mast from dawn until noon. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries as well as on the graves of soldiers in each of our community cemeteries. Rural communities and towns over the United States host Memorial Day parades, blending military faculty and individuals from veterans’ associations. This day has been an outstanding way to collect the old and young together and gather as a group thus increasing unity within the country. Memorial Day has become less of an
occasion of remembrance for some. Many people choose to hold picnics, sports events and family gatherings on this weekend. This day is traditionally seen as the start of the summer season for cultural events. For the fashion conscious, it is seen as acceptable to wear white clothing (particularly shoes) from Memorial Day until Labor Day. However, fewer and fewer people follow this rule and many wear white clothing throughout the year. Memorial Day is a federal holiday. All non-essential government offices are closed, as are schools, businesses and other organizations. It is still a day to pay tribute to our military dead, honor the essence of the day, promote citizen participation and attendance, involve youths and students, and include speakers of note and representatives of the local government.
“Sleep, Soldier Boy” by Dorothy Alexander The battle’s o’er and peace is all around you, Sleep, soldier boy, sleep on. The cannon’s roar can never more disturb you, Sleep, soldier boy, sleep on. Your journey is ended, your work here is done, Sleep, soldier boy, and rest. Your flag you defended, the vict’ry you won, Sleep on among the blest.
MAY 7, 2015
Anna Rathe Honorary Junior President My name is Anna Rathe and I have been the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary Honorary Junior President for the past year. I am a freshman in high school and I’m from Stevens Point, Wisconsin. I have been happy to serve as the Honorary President and am proud of what the Juniors have done this year. In September, we had an amazing event at the Fall Conference in Eau Claire. Over 40 juniors participated in the ALA Juniors “Boot Camp.” We really had a chance to learn about each other, learn about assisting
veterans, and most importantly, we were able to challenge ourselves in ways we hadn’t before. I’m happy that our Junior program is a great organization for young girls to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. It is a chance for us to understand the issues that our veterans face and to develop ways to help them. So often we are concerned with what our friends will think of our outfits, or even with fitting in, but the Junior program is a place for everyone to fit in and to come together to help others. This past year I helped with the Poppy program and distributed poppies as the
Unit 6 Poppy Princess. I was also able to speak in front of a few hundred people at a Memorial Day ceremony to tell them how important it is to remember our veterans. In February, I spent four whole days making “ponczkas” with our unit to support our veteran’s assistance fund. By the way, a ponczka is a Polish fried doughnut with filling! I have had a lot of fun finding new ways to support veterans. I’m very much looking forward to our next big Junior event in Madison called “The Amazing Race.” I hope that all Juniors in Wisconsin will want to participate. See you there on July 11th!
Department President Teresa’s Prayer Book Attention ALL American Legion Auxiliary Members and Juniors: As your Department Chaplain, I am requesting your help in making President Teresa’s Prayer Book one she will treasure always! I’m accepting prayers from young and “old.” This is not just a Unit Chaplain’s responsibility. I’d like to include prayers for any occasion, inspirational or patriotic thoughts and/or poems, and hymn verses
or songs (MUSIC!). Junior members are encouraged to send me pictures related to President Teresa’s “Raise Your Voice in Song” theme or their own original prayers and/or poems. Thank you to those who have already sent me beautiful entries! This project will be a work of many…AS WE SHARE OUR LIFE AND LOVE FOR GOD AND COUNTRY with President Teresa.
I hope Unit Chaplains are busy working on their entries for the Prayer Book Contest. All entries submitted will receive a citation and the best entry will receive a special gift. Make this a UNIT project! It will mean so much more to everyone involved! Contact me if you have any questions: Chaplain Joanie Dickerson PO Box 224, Bagley, WI 53801 Ph: 608.996.2152, Email:
MAY 7, 2015
Past Department President Patricia “Pat” Smith (2000-2001) will be the honored guest at the Past Presidents Parley Luncheon, Saturday, July 18, 2015 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton Wisconsin. Pat’s theme was “Light the Path of Hope” and those lanterns led her Energizer Bunnies (District Presidents) to “keep on going, and going, and going.” The Department Legion Commander who served with her was Arthur (Art) Herbison. Pat joined the American Legion Auxiliary in 1980 through the service of her then husband, Patrick, a Vietnam veteran. She is also eligible through her father, George Pankonien, a WWII veteran, and her brother Dan, a Vietnam veter-
an. She has held most offices at the unit, county, and district levels. As she worked her way up the chairs, she headed all major department programs before becoming Department President. She currently serves on the Department Finance Committee, the Strategic Planning Committee and the Fundraising Committee for our National Candidates, Diane Duscheck for President and Denise Rohan for Commander. As a member of Holmen Unit #284 of 7th District, Pat feels she belongs to a large part of Wisconsin. Born in Rice Lake, she also lived in Olivia and Turtle Lake (10th District), Oconomowoc (1st District), Eagle River (11th District) and Amery (12th District). In addition to her father and
Patricia Smith
Department President 2000–2001
Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Patricia “Pat” Smith Past Department President
brother who belong to The American Legion, brother Gene is a member of the SAL and 14 family members belong to the American Legion Auxiliary, including her 91-year young grandmother. To quote Pat, “I truly have an American Legion family. I am very thankful for their compassion, warmth and support over the years. Why doesn’t everyone want to belong to such a hardworking, fun group?”
Interest Free College Loans Available! Sandra Hinkle, Chairman M. Louise Wilson Education Loan Fund 8403 County Road B Winneconne, WI 54986 To All High School Senior Girls: Congratulations on your completion of high school. If you are interested in borrowing interest-free money for college, your membership in the American Legion Auxiliary qualifies
you for that opportunity. You can receive up to $800/year for five years – a total of $4,000! This loan is also available to any Senior Auxiliary member who wishes to further her education. Interested students should send me a written request for a M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan application form. A simple application and information sheet will be mailed to you immediAmazing Race ately. Completed applications submitted to me by July 1, 2015
Radisson Paper Valley Hotel 333 W. College Ave. Appleton Menu Choices (select one) • Chef Salad: Iceberg lettuce with julienne ham, turkey, Swiss and cheddar cheeses, tomato wedges, sliced cucumbers, hardboiled egg, and alfalfa sprouts; served with buttermilk ranch or French dressing, freshly baked roll and butter. • Turkey Pesto Focaccia: Sliced breast of turkey on focaccia bread with pesto mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, and radish sprouts; accompanied by potato chips. Please Note: Individuals with food allergies, etc. should contact the Department Secretary at 608-745-0124 to see if their special needs can be accommodated.
Cost: $18.00 per person
(includes choice of coffee, tea or milk; tax and gratuity) will be processed and a check mailed to you in time to take along to college! Remember: To have a M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan, you must maintain your membership with the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary, even when you are repaying the loan.
RESERVATION DEADLINE JUNE 29, 2015 Submitted By: Name Unit # Address City State
And Then
An Amazing Race around Downtown Madison
Chef Salad
Turkey Pesto Focaccia
Total Tickets Ordered _________ @ $18.00 = $___________
Make Check payable to: ALA Unit 38 Mail to: Debra Ragen 1324 W. Spring Street, Appleton, WI 53914
Form submitted by (please print clearly):
District #: _____ Unit #: _____
Turkey Pesto Focaccia
Name on Ticket
!-‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ 2015 JUNIOR MEMBERS SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Reservation deadline: JULY 1, 2015
Turkey Pesto Focaccia
Name on Ticket
Chef Salad
There will also be a tour of the Capital if anyone is interested. Please check the box below if you would like the tour. Senior Auxiliary members are also needed to be team leaders. Join us for a fun and exciting adventure.
Turkey Pesto Focaccia
Chef Salad
Phone (
Name on Ticket
Junior members will hold a Department of Wisconsin Spring Conference on Saturday, July 11th from 10 am-‐2:30 pm at Madison Area Technical College in Downtown Madison, Room D240. There will be a short Junior meeting including election of officers.
Chef Salad
Phone #: (
District #
Name on Ticket
Senior Member
Junior Member
LUNCH ($5)
Total Amount Enclosed: $
10:00 am – 1:00 pm 10:30 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm
Pleasesend sendreservation reservationform formwith withcheck check payable American Legion Auxiliary Please payable to to American Legion Auxiliary to: to: Lorrie Barber • Junior Activities Chairman 3257 Minnesota Ave • Stevens Point, WI 54481 Lorrie B•arber Junior Activities Chairman 3257 Minnesota Ave
SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2015
Music in the Park Charcoal broiled chicken dinner served to King members Parade around the grounds Formal program
In the event of rain, the program will be held in the Marden Multi-Purpose Room. Refreshments and food will be available at the concession stand in the park. Chicken dinners may be purchased: $8 for adults, $4 for children under 12. Anyone interested in sponsoring chicken dinners for the King members may send donations payable to ALA Unit 161 to: Nancy Neuroth, N2710 Lind Avenue, Waupaca, WI 54981.
MAY 7, 2015
ALABGS Delegate(s)/Alternate(s): We strongly encourage you, your parents and a school official to attend a county orientation Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint Badger Girls & Badger Boys Orientation.
current as of 4/21/2015
Local Contact(s)
10:00 am
Phillips Public Library 286 Cherry St., Phillips
Vivian Simpson: 715-339-6062
BGS: Theresa Schindler:715-229-2202
7:00 pm
American Legion Post 11 1708 N. Irwin St., Green Bay
Berne Baer: 920-494-4404
BGS: Berne Baer: 920-494-4404 BBS: John Cumicek: 920-676-9597
5:00 pm
American Legion Post 13 900 Flag Park Dr., Richland Center
Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468
BGS: Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468
7:00 pm
WPS Nordby Bldg. 1707 W. Broadway, Madison
Mary Curran: 608-873-9463
BGS: Jennifer Grinder: 608-495-2733 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282
BGS: 6:00 pm BBS: 7:30 pm
American Legion Post 69 134 S. Main St., Mayville
Diane Billings: 920-488-3668
BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994
*Dunn/Eau Claire
3:00 pm
American Legion Post 53 634 Water St., Eau Claire
Mary Gadwill: 715-834-1498
BGS: Teresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-583-4303
*Grant & Iowa
1:00 pm
Fennimore Community Bldg. 860 Lincoln Avenue
Merry Cooley: 608-822-3983
BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994
*Juneau & Adams
6:00 pm
American Legion Post 110 110 Welch Prairie Rd., New Lisbon
Rose Clark: 608-847-4450
BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994
7:00 pm
American Legion Post 214 1400 Keep St., Darlington
Cindy Corley: 608-776-4229
BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Jim Hying: 608-739-3367
*Marathon & Lincoln
6:30 pm
Eunice Baumann: 715-851-8570
BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282
6:30 pm
American Legion Post 10 1001 Golf Club Rd., Wausau American Legion Post 416 6351 W. Grange Ave., Greendale
Sue Hembrook: 262-945-9791
Bonnie Jakubczyk: 414-764-6752 & Laura Calteux: 414-379-2943
*Oneida, Vilas, Forest & Langlade
10:00 am
Three Lakes HS 6930 W School St., Three Lakes
Kay Arndt: 608-622-9383
BGS: Kay Arndt: 608-622-9383 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282
7:00 pm
Mid-State Tech – Comm Rm. 1001 Centerpoint Dr., Stevens Point
Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935
BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282
3:00 pm
Rusk County Library – Lower Level 418 Corbett Ave. W, Ladysmith
Anne McCain: 715-214-6661
BGS: Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282
Mary Walz: 608-643-5921
BGS: Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282
Ashland, Iron, Price & Taylor
* Crawford & Richland *Dane
*Portage & Wood *Rusk/Sawyer
5/12/2015 5/16/2015
7:00 pm
Sauk Prairie HS Rm 14 th 105 9 St., Prairie du Sac
6:30 pm
Elkhart Lake HS 201 N. Lincoln, Elkhart Lake
BGS: Leslie Sanzo: 313-407-3310
BGS: Char Kiesling: 920-725-0121 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994
7:00 pm
Allenton Legion Post 483 419 Railroad St (Cty Hwy W)
Mary Montag: 262-355-6467
BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Zach Day: 608-446-5399
7:00 pm
American Legion Post 263 840 E North Water St., New London
Marla Knuettel: 920-359-1629
BGS: Rose Heinz: 920-580-1941 BBS: Paul Williams: 414-943-5433
7:00 pm
The Waters 1393 Washington Ave., Oshkosh
Char Kiesling: 920-428-5655
BGS: Char Kiesling: 920-428-5655 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469
ALABGS Delegate(s)/Alternate(s): We strongly encourage you, your parents and a school official to attend a county orientation. Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint Badger Girls & Badger Boys Orientation Current 4/21/15
H. S. & ANGELINE LEWIS – (5) - $1,000.00 Anne Ulrich Appleton #38 9 Charles Aiello IV Kenosha Marlee Bonham Baraboo #26 7 Matthew Kent Eau Claire #53 10 Megan Parker Green Bay #11 9 MERIT & MEMORIAL – (7) - $1,000.00 Merit Scholarship Cara Bardon Greenbush #261 2 Harriet Hass Andrew DeYoung Cambria #401 2 Adalin Macauley Anna Messerschmidt Lake Mills #67 2 Eleanor Smith Annie-Laurie Zanter Edgerton #30 1 Pearl Behrend Aaron Bley Sturgeon Bay #72 9 Barbara Kranig Madlyn Schmitt Plymouth #243 2 Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan North Freedom #172 7 Samantha Zick DEPARTMENT PRESIDENTS – (3) - $1,000.00 Ashley Starck, Boyd #326 10 Brooke Scott St Croix Falls #143 12 Holly Umentum Oconto Falls #302 9 DELLA VAN DEUREN MEMORIAL – (2) - $1,000.00 Samuel Gmirek Mayville #69 2 Sarah Thomas Necedah #277 7 PAST PRESIDENTS PARLEY Registered Nurse – (1) - $1,000.00 Avreal Abney Appleton #38
3 2
CHILD WELFARE – (1) - $1,000.00 - No applicant ALA BADGER GIRLS STATE SCHOLARSHIP – (4) - $500.00 Madilyn Heinke Seymour #106 9 Holly Umentum Oconto Falls #302 9 Emily Bonikowske Iola #14 8 Olivia Beyer Allenton #483 2 EILEEN KNOX MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – (1) - $500.00 Cheyenne Bloechl Elcho #377 9 HARRY & SHIRLEY KUEHL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP – (1) - $500.00 Brookfield Post #296 1 Haley Massa WISCONSIN NOMINEES FOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS: CHILDREN OF WARRIORS NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S SCHOLARSHIP Megan DuBois Appleton #38 9 NON-TRADITIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP Laura Jones Stevens Point #6 8 SPIRIT OF YOUTH FOR JUNIOR MEMBERS SCHOLARSHIP Diana Mueller Franklin #387 2
Every donation helps... Thank You for Your Support!
Marilyn Reese, long-time hospital volunteer at Zablocki VAMC , extends her deepest appreciation to the Legion Family for their cards and prayers during the recent passing of her husband, Melvin “Bud” Reese.
MARCH 2015
2015 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS PAST PRESIDENTS PARLEY Health Career – (2) - $1,000.00 Erin O’Connell Mazomanie #437 Hailey Witthun Cambria #401
American Legion Auxiliary
H. S. & ANGELINE LEWIS – (1) - $1,000 Graduate Student Theodore Frank Watertown #189
Candidates for Department Office must submit announcement, endorsements and photo by May 15th for publication in the Wisconsin. Electronic copy is preferred ( but hard copies may be mailed: ALA-WI Attn: Dept Secretary PO Box 140 Portage, WI 53901-0140
Thank you to everyone who already responded to Department’s address label fundraiser. Every donation is greatly appreciated. Many small gifts add up to help defray the administrative expenses that allow us to support veterans, military service members and their families!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 500.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00
40901 30858 28146 54184 39964 41408 61428 68453 42776 57302 56696 55677 51622 26071 40513 27683 40498 66140 36552 42744 48381 59089 27835 54428 70176 45104 66895 70466 58376 63301 45386
Grace Strassman Sherry Iverson Sandra Bohman Kathleen Paul Valeria Teclaw Valerie Seltun Alice Stoltenburg Guy Senkowski Jerri Prem Gladys Mattson Lorie Bednarek Judith Ableman David Lindsten Francine Peterson Kathy Broecker Shirley Kent Joanne Stageman Janet Schmaling Tarra Yonke Helen Stanek Joyce Hoover Margaret Beaster Pearl Van Eperen Karen Frye Denise Pelzel Jayne Jermier Sandra Herfel Gerda Aarness Joel Brockman Jeanette Rausch Sharon Bannach
Brownsville Black River Falls Green Bay Kewaskum Thorp Stillwater MN Watertown Poynette Plain Beaver Dam Portage Mt Horeb Oconto Lac du Flambeau Kewaskum Manitowoc Campbellsport Delavan River Falls Muscoda Delafield North Fond du Lac Little Chute Mt Hope Maiden Rock Muskego Monona Westby Ripon Wilmot Franklin
FLOWER ORDERS FOR DEPARTMENT CONVENTION Please order corsages and flowers for Department Convention directly through Memorial Florists & Greenhouses. Contact Tara Schipferling to place your orders and/or with any questions. Orders will be delivered Friday, July 17th and Saturday, July 18th by 8:30 am and will be held in a cooler at the hotel until needed. There will be a delivery charge of $1.00 on each order.
MEMORIAL FLORISTS & GREENHOUSES (800) 634-2652 or (920) 996-3512 (Tara’s Direct Line) PLACE ORDERS Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm