“For God & Country”
November 8, 2012 Vol. 89, No. 9
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
New Programs and National Training for Midwinter 2013 Amazing Race Stars, National Vice Commander and Sunday Forum on Needs of 21st Century Veterans Featured
The 2013 Midwinter Conference will be held at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells January 17th – 20th. This year’s Conference will feature new training opportunities and a special symposium conducted by Troop & Family support specialists from the WI National Guard and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The Department will also host a number of National dignitaries including National Vice Commander David R. Hall of West Virginia and Past National Commander Marty Conatser of Illinois. In addition, National American Legion Librarian Howard Trace and Information Technology Deputy Director Joe Gallagher will take part in presenting courses from the new National training program known as LEAD – Leadership Education and Development. Librarian Howard Trace will present a comprehensive course on Resolutions. Howard will explain how Resolutions shape the programs and policies of our organization. During this course the participants will learn about their importance and how they are properly constructed. Deputy Director Joe Gallagher returns
once again to Wisconsin and will update us on Three separate discussions address the features of MyLegion that are pertinent to members, post officers and district officers. Each discussion will provide examples with screen shots and detailed instructions. Post and District officers that are currently not participating in MyLegion are encouraged to attend. Access to the MyLegion portal can be made during the session by filling out the necessary application. Comedian Mitch Henck of Madison will be our guest host at a reception on Saturday night, January 19th that will feature special guests from NBC’s hit realty show “The Amazing Race”. Legionnaire Dave Brown and his wife Rachel competed against 10 other couples in the reality show, The Amazing Race. The couple became the most prolific winning duo in the show’s 20 seasons, with the overall victory and setting a record eight of twelve legs precedent. Dave is currently on Active duty with the Wisconsin National Guard and has served in the military for more than 16 years in numerous capacities to include forward observer, helicopter pilot,
senior intelligence officer, company commander, and battalion executive officer twice over. Rachel is a University of Wisconsin - Madison business school graduate and currently a project manager with Epic, a Verona-based health care software company. The couple emerged from the trying 25-day globe-trotting contest victorious and richer, not only from the prize money, but in experience and resilience. On Sunday, January 20th the Department will present a symposium on the needs of 21st Century veterans and their families with Troop & Family support specialists from the WI National Guard and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Issues and challenges faced by those service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are much the same as those faced by veterans of Vietnam, Korea and WWII. Great strides have been made by the VA and the National Guard in addressing these needs and a variety of support systems have been established. Issues relating to mental health, financial challenges, family relations, physical rehabilitation and employment will be covered by a variety of experts in their individual
fields. The symposium is designed to be an informational exchange that will enable Legionnaires to better assist veterans in their home towns across the state. A question and answer session will follow the individual presentations made by National Guard and VA specialists. Please mark your calendars and save the dates of January 17 through 20, 2013. Bring your family and enjoy the indoor water parks, attractions and many activities offered in the Wisconsin Dells. Visit or call Department Headquarters at (608) 745-1090 for Housing and Registration Forms
Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center offers premier lodging in a relaxing atmosphere. The resort-style amenities make the facility unique among Legionnaire Dave Brown and his wife Wisconsin casinos, with Rachel of Madison competed and won NBC plenty to do beyond the television’s “The Amazing Race” expansive gaming floor, such as a Wellness Center for swimming and a stateof-the-art fitness center, exceptional dining at one of the 4 distinctive restaurants, Kids Quest for the children and much more. Log on to or contact Dept. Headquarters for Housing.
2013 Membership Goal: 59,760 • October 31 Total: 45,922 – 76.84%
9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH
Dist. 3 77.60%
Dist. 9 75.88%
Dist. 1 73.53%
Dist. 6 73.32%
Dist. 8 72.73%
Dist. 4 72.19%
Dist. 11 71.25%
Dist. 7 70.59%
Dist. 10 74.76%
Dist. 12 70.20%
Dist. 2 67.36%
Dist. 5 63.59%
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The Wisconsin American Legion, 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2012-2013 Communications Committee Harold Rihn, Chairman Bob Wipf, Vice-Chairman Ron Hessil, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Vern Pitt, Member Mike Herkowski, Member James Lee, Member Kendel Feilen, Consultant Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2012-13 Department Officers Commander Wayne Jensen Vice Commanders Ken Rynes Chuck Roloff Ron Hessil Randy Lenser Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Robert Herried Assistant Chaplain Greg Simonis Sergeant-at Arms Todd Braun Charles Roessler Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Robert Shappell 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Pete Goosens 6th – Barb Belmont 7th – John Thurk 8th – Dan Rindt 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Larry Wyrcza 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Bob Buhr Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Diana Sirovina, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor 4 weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
November 8, 2012
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER F e l l o w Comrades, By now I’ve made the rounds of the District Fall conferences and you folks Wayne Jensen know my mesCommander sage regarding the lessons of Vietnam and how they relate to the treatment of our troops by Americans. Right now we need to prepare for the return of more of our troops. This story I’m about to share seems to encapsulate the message in a nutshell. On September 11th I was approached at the State Capitol by a member of WDVA Secretary John Scocos’s staff requesting I find a likely candidate for a free house painting. Benjamin Moore Inc. wanted to paint a Wounded Warriors home in each state as a symbol of their support for all veterans. Later
that day when I attended the Salute to Wisconsin Warriors golf fundraiser at Cherokee Country Club in Madison, I found a pair of likely candidates in Marine Corps veteran Savage Clark and her husband Jake, who is an Air Force veteran. Each Veteran Service Organization in the state was allowed to submit candidates and needless to say, our candidates won. As Department Commander it was a privilege and a thrill to speak with her and observe her humility, and the excitement that this young lady exudes. Instead of thinking about her good fortune, she wanted us to know how appreciative she was for her husband’s caretaking efforts as well as her surprise that The American Legion was completely dedicated to meeting the needs of our troops. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what America is sup-
posed to be all about. That is what The American Legion Family is all about. It is the tie that binds. As Veteran’s Day nears, please keep these thoughts in the fore front of your mind. The biggest National debt is not government spending or federal deficits, but that debt America owes its veterans. Since our country’s founding we have lost over 1,000,000 service members to the ravages of war. Our debt to those heroes can never be repaid but our gratitude and respect must last forever. This country’s pacifism is a legacy paid for by you warriors. Remember a dead soldiers silence sings our National Anthem. As many citizens would sacrifice America’s ideals to protect her, we honor those living and dead veterans who did not. On November 11th we acknowledge that without our veterans
Americans would be speaking Russian, German, or Japanese. Regardless of which view of alternative history you take, we do know that without our veterans, America would not be America. The American Legion shows its support for America’s heroes through our Family Support Network, Legacy Scholarship Fund, Operation Comfort Warriors, Temporary Financial Assistance and the National Emergency Fund. Our pride is on display on every obituary page in the country, where military service - regardless of how many decades have passed and subsequent achievements reached - is mentioned with the notice of nearly every deceased veteran. This individual never tires of proclaiming his pride in your service, because when all was said and done… “Dared to Care.”
DEPARTMENT CHAPLAIN A m e r i c a ’s founding Fathers had a strong Christian faith and they also believed that freeRobert Herried Chaplain dom would not survive long in America if the people turned away from God. Note what they said in their own words; George Washington, in a June 8, 1783 letter to governors of the states on disbanding the army said; “It my earnest prayer that God would have you and the State over which you preside, in His Holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; to entertain a broth-
erly affection and love for one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the field; and, finally, that he would be most graciously pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation.” Thomas Jefferson is quoted in a 1781 address to the Commonwealth of Virginia as follows; “God who gave us liberty gave us life. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when
we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the mind of the people that these liberties are a gift God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.” James Madison was instrumental in drafting the Constitution and served as our fourth President. In remarks directed to the citizens of Virginia in 1778 he stated that, “We have staked the whole future of the American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We’ve staked the future of all our political institutions upon our capacity … to sustain ourselves according to The Commandments of God.”
At the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin said, “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel.” Each of these great men of American history made clear their belief in God. Without God our country would have never come into existence. Without God, we cannot hope to survive.
WDVA SECRETARY On November 11, we honor our veterans for their unwavering service and sacJohn A. Scocos rifice. This Year WDVA Secretary of the Veteran we commemorate, acknowledge, and affirm the contributions made by our veterans to secure the liberties we continue to enjoy. Veterans served with courage and honor. But why were they willing to fight? They served because they believe not that war is good, but that sometimes it is necessary. They served not for the glory of war, but for the prize of freedom. An inscription at Arlington Na-
The Prize of Freedom
tional Cemetery reads: “Not for fame or reward…Not for place or rank…Not lured by ambition or goaded by necessity…But in simple obedience to duty as they understood it…These men and women suffered all…Sacrificed all…Dared all.” Who are these men and women who dared all? I read with great appreciation just a few days ago of one such individual who, like so many, went to war not knowing if he would come back. He dared risk it all for the prize of freedom. James Des Jardins was a young fighter pilot from Green Bay whose plane was shot down in the German countryside in No-
vember 1944. He had been Missing in Action since. Just days ago, after all of these years, James Des Jardins was identified and his remains were returned to his family, a family that 68 years earlier had mourned and buried his older brother, also a pilot shot down during World War II. But this day, the day when James returned home, it was a day of celebration, not just for James’ homecoming, but for everything he sacrificed to defend. His family celebrated the gift James left for them: freedom. This is one story – a story of selflessness and gallantry – among thousands. Men and women like James revered freedom, to the point they have sacrificed their
own. They defended our right to live in peace. And they deserve to be celebrated. So this year, the Year of the Veteran, let’s celebrate the nearly 400,000 veterans living in Wisconsin and the men and women who are no longer with us. Let’s celebrate the men and women who stood up for you and me. They valued the prize of freedom above all else. Today, and every day, let us celebrate the Wisconsin men and women who have served our country, appreciate their sacrifices, and take a moment to honor the legacy of these heroes and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless America.
November 8, 2012
New Book Focuses on Army Unit of Past Department Commander Al Richards A new book titled “The Boys of ’67: Charlie Company’s War in Vietnam” by Andrew Wiest explores the Vietnam War experiences of Charlie Company, 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Division. Wiest spent three years interviewing 61 officers and men of Charlie Company and tells their stories well. In the course of the book he features a dozen men whose experiences he examines closely before, during, and after their military service. In doing so he sheds light on the human and psychological dimensions of war and the aftermath of war. It is a story of courage, comradeship, tribulation, suffering, and perseverance. “Wiest’s empathy and perception make the book as emotionally compelling as it is intellectually penetrating, impossible to read with a detached mind or dry eyes.” —Dennis Showalter, author of Hitler’s Panzers When the 160 men of Charlie Company were drafted in May 1966, they were part of the wave
of conscription that would swell the American military to nearly 600,000 troops in theater by the height of the war in 1968. In the spring of 1966, the war was still supported broadly by the American public and many of the draftees of Charlie Company saw their service as a rite of passage. But by December 1967, when the company rotated home, only 30 men were not casualties—and they were among the first vets of the war to be spit on and harassed by war protestors as they arrived back the U.S. Past Department Commander Al Richards of the Rose-Harms Post No. 355 in Grafton commented, “In May of ‘66 I took a train down to Fort Leonard Wood for induction into the Army. After about two weeks I was sent to Fort Riley, Kansas for basic training with the newly reactivated 9th Division. I was assigned to the 4th platoon in Charlie Company, which after
basic, became the 81 mm mortar platoon. Our whole platoon was trained in how to set up and fire the mortars and also how to plot things out in the fire direction center (FDC). Three of us were then picked to be trained as
Art Museum and Milwaukee War Memorial (continued from front cover) repairs and operation. But all progress is contingent on the parties reaching a signed agreement realigning operational relationships between the two organizations. In late October, after five months of behind-the-scenes talks, veterans groups delivered a proposed settlement to the museum, said Past Department Commander and current Wisconsin American Legion Adjutant David Kurtz, leader of the veterans group negotiating team. “We presented the art museum a well thought-out, well-constructed settlement that meets all
of their strategic needs,” Kurtz said. He said the plan had full backing of veterans groups who want to preserve veterans’ interest in the War Memorial Center, built in 1957 to honor the war dead and serve the living. Kurtz, who is a past 5th District Commander, said the veterans’ settlement offer would “put to rest the long-standing tensions between the War Memorial and the art museum.” While he declined to provide details, a letter from Kurtz to county supervisors said the War Memorial board and veterans
groups were making “significant concessions” with their offer, “including a commitment to release the art museum from its current sublease so that it may control and manage its own space.” Dan Keegan, director of the art museum, said he couldn’t comment on the settlement offer, but confirmed that it includes separate leases for the art museum and other cultural groups considered part of the War Memorial umbrella. Those also include the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts and the Charles Allis and Villa Terrace art museums.
IT’S MORE THAN A SWEEPSTAKES… When you enter the Department of Wisconsin Midwinter Sweepstakes you are doing much more than entering a Sweepstakes... with your donation, you are supporting a number of pro-
grams which assist veterans in Wisconsin, including our Veterans Rehabilitation Fund. The Veteterans Rehabilitation Fund provides funding for Camp American Legion, the State Service Office and our VA hospital programs. With these programs we are able to help Veterans claim the benefits they have earned through their military service, file disability claims for service connected injuries and ailments, rest and rehabilitate at Camp American Legion and be comforted during their stay in VA hospitals. Your support for Department programs is critical to fulfilling our mission to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities here in Wisconsin. We encourage you to support The American Legion by making a generous donation.
Grand Prize is your choice of $20,000 cash* OR a 2013 Ford* from Boucher Automotive Group. The Boucher Automotive Group is the preferred vehicle provider of the Wisconsin American Legion. The drawing is set to take place at 12:00 Noon on Sunday, January 20th at the Midwinter Conference which will be held at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center. Plan on attending the Department Midwinter Conference and be part of the excitement! Additional entry forms are available online at or by contacting Sandy Ryce at department headquarters (608) 745-1090 or email sandy@ *All prizes subject to Federal Tax withholding requirements. See Official Rules at;
Forward Observers or FOs. Now they have GPS and lasers but we were given just a pair of binoculars, a map, a radio and then sent out to the firing range. By the end of training I was selected to be the squad leader of the headquarters section, which was made up of the FDCs and FOs. At the time I thought that this was pretty cool … until I found out that the life expectancy, of both a squad leader and an FO, in combat wasn’t very long! Advanced training was all about getting prepared for Vietnam and the Mekong Delta.” Author Wiest interviewed more than 50 officers and enlisted men who served with Charlie Company, including the surviving platoon leaders and both of the company’s commanders. (One of the platoon leaders, Lt Jack Benedick, lost both of his legs, but went on to become a champion skier.) In addition, he interviewed
15 family members of Charlie Company veterans, including wives, children, parents, and siblings. Wiest also had access to personal papers, collections of letters, a diary, an abundance of newspaper clippings, training notebooks, field manuals, condolence letters, and photographs from before, during, and after the conflict. As Wiest shows, the fighting that Charlie Company saw in 1967 was nearly as bloody as many of the better publicized battles, including the infamous ‘Ia Drang’ and ‘Hamburger Hill.’ As a result, many of the surviving members of Charlie Company came home with what the military now recognizes as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder—a diagnosis that was not recognized until the late 1970s and was not widely treated until the 1980s. Only recently, after more than 40 years, have many members of Charlie Company achieved any real and sustained relief from their suffering.
My HealtheVet Computers
The MyHealtheVet Computers in the Posts project is well under way. Training sessions for the first group of posts have taken place. The initial 4 hour training session occurred on Sept 4th and a second 2 hour session occurred on Oct 2nd. Both training sessions were held at the Clintonville Memorial Post No. 63 in Waupaca County of the 8th District. Currently the program is being conducted at the first four posts, Post No. 106 in Seymour, Post No. 263 in New London, Post No. 117 in Shawano and the Clintonville Memorial Post No. 63. During October and November additional training sessions will be held via teleconference. A second group of posts are slated to start taking part in the program beginning in early February
after the Department Midwinter Conference. These are the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 of Appleton, the Hawley-Dieckhoff Post No. 33 of Neenah, the CookFuller Post No. 70 of Oshkosh and the Daugherty-Hamilton Post No. 234 of Omro. The final group, the BloedornBecker-Jensen Post No. 126 of Brillion, the Sullivan-Wallen Post No. 11 of Green Bay, the AblerEngel Post No. 454 of Mt. Calvary and the Urban Klister Post No. 436 of Wrightstown, will begin their participation in early June. The first group of superusers have provided lots of feedback thus far and have been in close contact with the Medical College of Wisconsin who is coordinating the program.
Legionnaire Makes Donation to Camp
Pictured is Camp Director Kevin Moshea accepting a $500 donation from Morse Anderson of the Dreier-Bushee-Vanderbloom Post No. 156 in North Fond du Lac. Legionnaire Anderson is a WWII Army veteran and a 65 year member. Directly to the right of Morse is his son Thomas Anderson, who is a retired Navy veteran and a 41 year member of The American Legion.
November 8, 2012
Ron Hessil
Chuck Roloff
Bob Shappell
David Wischer
Candidate for Department Commander
Candidate for Department Commander
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms
Ron Hessil, State Vice Commander, announces his candidacy for the high office of Department Commander. Ron is a 22-year PUFL Member of Post No. 21 of Kenosha and Sons of The American Squadron No. 21. He earned the privilege of joining The American Legion through his service in the United States Air Force from 1982 through 1992. Ron served as Kenosha County Chaplain for 2 years and County Commander for 2 years. Ron also served at the District level as Vice Commander and District Commander. He was 100% County Commander in 2008. Ron graduated from the National American Legion College in October of 2009. Ron has served the Department as a member of the Convention and Activities Commission and as Vice Chairman for one year. He has also served as the DEC liaison to the Finance and Americanism Committee, and currently to the Communication Committee. In addition, he had served as Vice Chairman of the National American Legion Distinguished Guest Committee and is currently serving as Vice Chairman on the National & Homeland Security Council for his second term. Ron is a member of the National American Legion College Alumni Association. He is also a member Voiture 410 of the 40 ET 8. Ron is supported by his wife Debra and son Christopher, both members of the Legion Family, also from his employer Dejno’s Inc. He has been employed there as a Driver and currently as a Dispatcher for over 14 years. He is grateful for the endorsement of his home post, the Kenosha County Council, and the 1st District. Ron was named 2011 Kenosha County Veteran of the Year by the Allied Veterans of Kenosha County. Through mentoring, we assist newer members to The American Legion to continue the legacy of the Past and keep our legacy going into the future.
Department Vice Commander Chuck Roloff announces his candidacy for the high office of Department Commander. He will finish his year as Department Vice Commander in July and previously served an extended commitment as 5th District Commander. As District Commander he was awarded the first Annual Dirty Dozen Cup for the District with the most improved membership. Chuck is a 44 year member of the Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 of Milwaukee, serving as Post Commander in 1986-1987. Chuck served on the Department Finance Committee 5 years, and was Chairman of the Finance Committee under three Commanders. He also served as Chairman of the Fundraising Committee and as a regular volunteer at the Department Oratorical Scholarship Competitions. Chuck was instrumental in the creation of the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation and has been president since its inception. The Foundation most recently conducted a successful charity golf fundraising event for the benefit of American Legion programs. He has also represented the Legion on the State of Wisconsin’s Council on Veterans Programs as the Secretary, Vice Chair and Chairman. He is President and majority stockholder of Lake Geneva Financial Services of Elm Grove and is Lay Leader of his Church. He and his wife Donna have been married for 48 years. They have three grown children, all living in the metro Milwaukee area. He is committed to the proposition that the primary Legion entity to provide service to veterans and be visible in the community is the Post. The primary job of District and Department officers is to enable and support the Post. While he feels it is an honor to serve in District and Department offices,we must never lose sight of the fact that the real work of the Legion occurs at the Post level. Chuck Roloff is a loyal and hard-working Legionnaire.
Second District Commander Bob Shappell announces his candidacy for the high office of Department Vice Commander. Bob is a PUFL member of Cedarburg Post No. 288. His Legion eligibility was earned through 26 years of active duty service in the US Air Force after graduating from the US Air Force Academy. He has served two years as District Commander, two years as Ozaukee County Commander, and three years as a 100% Commander of Post No. 288. Bob served two years on the Department Membership Committee, including a year as Membership Chairman. He also served three years on the Children and Youth Committee. He has been County and Post Adjutant, as well as Post Service Officer. He is a member of the Sons of The American Legion (in honor of his father, a 63-year Legionnaire), 40 ET 8 Voiture No. 1330, life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, life member of the Military Officers Association of America, and life member of the Air Force Association. Bob is supported by his wife, Pauline (also a PUFL Legionnaire), Cedarburg Post No. 288, the Ozaukee County Council, and the 2nd District. He is an affiliate faculty member of Cardinal Stritch University, teaching graduate and undergraduate classes in business, management, human resources, and leadership both in the evenings and online. Bob has a master’s degree in management, and has completed all coursework toward a doctoral degree in business administration. Bob respects and admires the service of all veterans, and believes that every veteran has a story worth listening to. These stories are what unite us as Legionnaires, and form a common bond in our continuing service to our nation. He is honored to be a member of The American Legion.
David Wischer is a candidate for the office of Department Sergeant at Arms, having earned eligibility to join The American Legion through serving in the Army during the Vietnam conflict. David is a 32 year Honorary Life Member of the H.A. Todd Jr. Post No. 537 in Milwaukee. He served twice as Post Commander and achieved 100% in Membership in each term. David has also served for 5 years as 4th District Sergeant at Arms and was the Department Parade Chairman at the 2010 National Convention held in Milwaukee. He is a graduate of The American Legion Extention Institute and is currently serving his seventh year on the Department Membership Committee. David has received the “Badger Big 10” award for recruiting and has been recognized by the Department for his efforts in the revitalization of the J.F.K. Post No. 479 in the 5th District. David attended Badger Boys State as a High School student and is currently involved with orientation and registration at Badger Boys State. He has been married to his wife Trish for 36 years. They have two sons and two grandsons with all being members of The American Legion Family. David is the General Manager of a Restaurant Supply Company and has the endorsement of his Post, Milwaukee County Council, and the 4th District. Always ready to learn more and willing to share his knowledge, David looks forward to serving The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin.
NEW! Junior Sporter Air Rifle Postal Match Get Involved! Young people want to learn how to shoot, are eager to practice to improve their skills and want to participate in competitions to demonstrate their skills. The Department of Wisconsin is conducting a Junior 3-Position Air Rifle “Postal” tournament. This match provides youth an opportunity to test their marksmanship ability in competition with other junior competitors throughout the state. Registration-target order forms can be obtained from Headquarters
beginning November 12, 2012. The deadline for ordering targets is February 16, 2013. Return the fired targets by US Mail. All entries must be postmarked no later than February 28, 2013. Entry in either the individual or team postal match is limited to competitors who are active members of a Junior Shooting Club sponsored by or affiliated with a Legion Post. A representative from the sponsoring Post must be present when targets are fired. Anyone between the ages of 8-18 years old is eligible to com-
pete. Participation certificates and trophies will be awarded in 3 individual age categories. One $500 scholarship will be awarded to the highest individual match score in the Senior category (15-18 year old). Information regarding affiliation with existing teams in your area is available by contacting Kim Shanks at kim@wilegion. org or 608-745-0335. Complete rules, registration, entry fees and order forms can be found on our website at:
Pictured R to L are Briggsville Post No. 329 team members Justyn Nachreiner, Justin Ryce, Jonah Ryce, Hunter Isaacson. 6 year old Ethan Johnson is in the front row.
November 8, 2012
Major Membership Outreach and Post Donation Provides Patients at Revitalization Campaign Under Way VA Hospital with Internet Access
Department Commander Wayne W. Jensen has launched a major Outreach Campaign that will take place from Friday, November 2nd through Tuesday, November 13th. This effort will encompass a broad area of the state from La Crosse to Eau Claire to Wausau to Milwaukee involving the 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Districts. Department officers and staff will participate along with the Membership Committee. The effort began in LaCrosse at the Roy Vingers Post No. 52 and ran over the following weekend with membership drives taking place
in La Crosse and Vernon Counties. On Sunday, November 4th the drive continued in Eau Claire with an Organizational Meeting at the Johnson-Nicoles-Kuhlman-Olson Post No. 53 where Legion Family volunteers were briefed on the Outreach activities in Eau Claire, Chippewa and Dunn Counties. A list of over 600 prospective Legion members was circulated and many new members were brought into local posts in the 10th District through the campaign. National American Legion staff assisted 7th District leadership in efforts to revitalize the
At EdgEwood CollEgE, we work with student veterans and their families to ensure a smooth transition into the pursuit of higher education. Edgewood College offers a variety of degrees and program choices to best suit our student’s needs. • Accelerated programs designed for service personnel and working adults • Master’s degrees in over 10 major fields of study including multiple online degree program options • Professional Development training • Over 40 traditional undergraduate degree majors For more information visit: or contact the Veterans Services Coordinator, Matthew Schroeder at 608.333.8103, or email
Edgewood College | Madison, WI |
Hanson-Terrio Post No. 139 in Abbotsford during the week of November 4th with Legion Family volunteer activity culminating in an Open House at the local National Guard Armory where interested veterans and Legionnaires were able to meet with community leaders and have an opportunity to revitalize Legion programs in the local area. Efforts continued at the Montgomery-Plant Post No. 10 in Wausau with an Organizational Meeting on Wednesday, November 7th with an Open House scheduled for November 9th. In each area, volunteers contacted Legion members and eligible veterans in the local area and encouraged them to renew their memberships, transfer to the local post or join The American Legion if they were not already a member. Extensive Prospect Lists were provided by the Department for volunteers to contact either personally or by telephone. Volunteers were divided into shifts for the day in order to keep everyone fresh and avoid anyone being overburdened. Activities were designed to take place using the local post as a central location with some volunteers remaining on station and others going to meet veterans at their homes or other locations in the community. There was a job for everyone who was willing to help. This major campaign culminated with an Outreach in the Milwaukee Metropolitan area involving Legionnaires from the 4th and 5th Districts. Waukesha County and other 1st District posts were also provided Prospect Lists, as was the leadership of the 2nd District. The Milwaukee effort was launched following the annual Veteran’s Day Parade on Saturday, November 10th at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center with an Organizational Meeting. Milwaukee County has the highest concentration of eligible veterans in the state with nearly 50,000 residents who served in the armed forces.
Chuck Cook of Post No. 434 presents software to Sara LeClaire at Zablocki VAMC
Legion Rider Chuck Cook of Post No. 434 in Oak Creek recently presented computer accessories to Sara Le Claire, Recreation Therapist for CDC and Palliative Care at Zablocki VAMC in Milwaukee. Long term patients at Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee face many hardships including time away from their loved ones and a feeling of isolation. When Legion Rider Chuck Cook was made aware that patients unable to leave the Zablocki Palliative care ward due to their health couldn’t use the computers available in the hospital, he decided to take action. Chuck, who is a
Past Commander of the Oelschlaeger-Dallman Post No. 434 in Oak Creek, learned that laptop computers could be used to access the internet with modems and phone minute cards. This would be one way for long-term patients to relieve their isolation. Chuck came up with the idea of bringing the issue to the membership of the 4/5 District Chapter of the Legion Riders and Post No. 434 and requested a donation to purchase the needed items. With generous donations from both Post No. 434 and the Legion Riders, the patients were supplied with 6 modems and phone minute cards.
Riders Visit Motorcycle Memorial
American Legion Riders of the 9th District recently made their twice a year ride to the Wisconsin Motorcycle Memorial in Sturgeon Bay to replace the United States, POW/MIA and Wisconsin flags that fly there. A fresh set of flags was in place for all to enjoy along with the fall colors of Door County.
Samsung Scholarship Awarded to Cottage Grove Student
Each year one young man and one young woman are chosen from the Boys State and Girls State programs to receive a $1,000 scholarship from Samsung Electronics. Eligibility guidelines state the recipient must be a direct descendant of a veteran who served during a period of war. The winner then competes nationally for a $20,000 scholarship. Mitchell Paull of Cottage
Mitchell Paull
Grove attended Badger Boys State and was selected as this year’s winner. He attends Monona Grove High School and plans to continue his education at a four year university to focus his studies in the fields of Math, Engineering, and Physical Science. Mitchell was sponsored at Badger Boys State by the Lions Club in Cottage Grove.
The Last Bugle
3 Antigo Paul J Oberneder Thomas J Lukowicz 8 Waukesha George Guzman 9 Wisconsin Rapids Harold Haasl 11 Green Bay Joel F Bayee Donald J Tilkens David J Blozinski 12 Spooner Louis Neste 26 Baraboo Henry Wedekind 29 Kewaunee Gerald H Berg 36 West Bend Jack W Lancin Sr 38 Appleton Raymond M Stafford Leo Neville Darrell L Behnke Richard J Clark 40 Bangor Leo Mashak 43 Ripon William J Louden 44 Wabeno Charles K Myers 50 Hudson Jerome D Dunaski 52 LaCrosse Allen R Heintz C C Headington Kenneth H Dahl Edward J Kostuch Harold A Soller David P Jiracek Jerome J Stoeckly Robert P Ender David Flock Gregory H Opitz 54 Marshfield Carl R Wendt Alfred C Guldan John F Lueck 59 Stoughton Milford Thompson Robert F Jenkins 63 Clintonville Harold Olk Jr 70 Oshkosh Daniel R Kratzke L J Zwirchitz 77 Chippewa Falls Frank Adkins Leon R Greening Charles G Dumars John Vodacek 84 Monroe Wayne L Huston Walter D Hougas Norman Battenberg 89 Minocqua Ronald Rohde 93 Tomahawk Rodney Millette Gerald Whytoshek 103 Galesville William Spencer 109 Lancaster Charles E Wallin
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09/23/12 10/09/12 10/14/12 10/13/12
10/03/12 10/18/12 10/17/12
09/23/12 10/18/12
117 Shawano Dick Daniels II 120 West Allis Robert L Fleischman K 121 River Falls Clarence Gilbertson Dean Faulks II Joseph B Herricks V 124 New Holstein Gregory E Pauly II 125 Chilton Jerome Daun II 143 St Croix Falls Steven W Johnson V 146 Beaver Dam Robert A Schoenberger II Walter J Diefenbach II George R Triemstra K Kenneth E Koerner K Joseph C Coleman II 154 Mondovi Virgil Borgwardt K 158 Maiden Rock Donald A Anderson K Howard Anderson V 164 Jefferson William A Robisch II 167 Sauk City Russell Nelson II Benjamin A Williams II 169 Amery David Bieniasz K Orin B Cain II Richard J Connors K William Nacey II Kenneth A Madsen II Dave Wilcox II John Epley V Edward D Rodakowski V Frank Matrinetz Robert W Laplante K Eddie H Olson 171 Union Grove Charles Strempler II 175 Loyal James W Wirkus V 176 Weyauwega Marlyn F Behm II 179 Chetek Dale M Davis II Walter Wait II Roger Bronstad K 180 Milwaukee Arnold E Wood II 182 Park Falls Frank “Junie” Feit II 183 Genoa City Carl Williams Jr II Ray Andersen K Virgil L Stanley K 184 Fennimore Jerry H Hilger K Gary A Banker K William Plautz II 186 Independence Richard Boland K 189 Watertown Emil V Kihslinger II 192 Franklin Albert Meyer K 195 Cambridge Donald J Hotter K 203 Milwaukee Delvin A Treptow II 205 Janesville Dennis D Severson V 208 Rio Ralph Brensike V Lester Manthey K Armand A Rich II 210 Waupun Orien White II 217 Bonduel Marvin Smith V 220 Soldiers Grove Arnold J Poltrock II 224 Alma Loren Fimian V
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238 Greenwood Victor Diercks K 239 Tigerton Ralph A Schroeder II 258 Little Chute Jesse Bevers II Norbert Leitermann II 263 New London Neil L Freeman K 272 Butternut Howard “Jack” Russell II 280 Coleman Guy Parker K 282 Markesan Joyce Timm II 295 Bloomer William Olson II 296 Brookfield Roland Passante II 299 Hales Corners Vernon A Moths K 301 Woodville Milo P Carlson K Hugh Hampton K Robert J Anderson V Howard D Norvold II 306 Green Lake William R Buck II 310 Racine Walter H Brunsman II 315 Stoddard Donald Proksch K Wesley Lorenz II 319 Casco Chester L Majeski II 329 Briggsville Gary Bremer V 333 Sun Prairie Wilmer Trodahl II Robert Hjort II 335 Avoca Darwin R Robertson K 336 Onalaska Gordon C Buchner V Troy Stellrecht II
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Thomas L Clark V Frederick P Weber V 340 Berlin Harold Hodge II 343 Hancock Theodore R Stewart II 355 Grafton Alfred Schlecht K 359 Gilman Bernard M Peetz II 366 Princeton David R Wielgosh K Robert L Dassow V 375 Mukwonago Walter R Holtz K Warner Schwanke Sr K Andrew Maxfield II Ronald G Larson V 382 Menomonee Falls Henry “Hank” Nielsen II 385 Verona Donald Bongey II 387 Franklin K August W Riemer 399 Okauchee James R Wagner V 406 Milwaukee Robert Bates II Norbert C Radank II 413 Crivitz Carl Maves II 414 Bowler Royal A Kielman II 416 Greendale Andrew J Garraghan II Robert Geis V Ronald Roark PG Bertrand Sibley II 435 Superior Lauren “Sunny” Johnson II 438 Norwalk Eotus E Tonn II 440 Clinton Donald A Nelson K Robert A Lee II
09/14/12 449 Brookfield 10/04/12 Norman Payleitner Frank G Proegler 10/16/12 Angelo Pizzino James E Turrittin 10/07/12 Herman J Peters Noral P Jacobson 08/01/12 Larry W Knuth Robert B Johnson 09/30/12 Leroy J Becker Eugene W Flath 10/15/12 Donald E Bloedorn 09/10/12 Arthur H Anderson Ronald Minami 09/17/12 Leland Larson 09/24/12 Kenneth Binder 10/18/12 Robert J Kelly 10/24/12 Robert F Pabst 453 Belmont 09/21/12 Paul B Snyder 457 Mequon 09/23/12 Bernard H Finger John R Oelstrom 09/01/12 460 Belleville Charles L Viney 10/18/12 461 Pembine Loren N Sauld 05/04/12 478 St Cloud 10/16/12 Wilfred W Schmitz 483 Allenton 09/28/12 Richard J Greene Sr 497 Keshena 09/30/12 Arthur Chapman 498 Milwaukee 09/22/12 Peter Tatzel 08/12/12 499 Gordon 06/26/12 Kenneth Hukill 09/02/12 507 Mindoro Harvey E Schultz 09/26/12 509 Rosholt Clarence Lorbiecki 10/16/12 Gregory Somers 524 White Lake 10/04/12 Philip Heistad 05/24/11
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09/28/12 10/08/12
From Your Department of The From Your Department of The American Legion From The American Legion, American Legion Department of Wisconsin
09/15/12 09/16/12 10/05/12 08/09/12
November 8, 2012
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been Your The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been Your Department’s sponsored member benefits program Department’s sponsored member benefits program for over 45 years and continues to fulfill members’ for over 45 years and continues to fulfill members’ needs while being the only such program to benefit needs while being the only such program to benefit Your Department. Your Department. For more information on the products and services For more information on the products and services provided by The Legionnaire Insurance Trust, provided by The Legionnaire Insurance Trust, Call: 1‐855‐297‐2218 Call: 1‐855‐297‐2218 Or visit us on the web at: Or visit us on the web at:
Correction Notice: The average total circulation (Line 15i) of the Postal Statement of Ownership printed in the October 4th Edition of the Badger Legionnaire should have read 80,862.
November 8, 2012
Superior Post Honors World War II Ace
John Vaski of the Richard Bong Post No. 435 in Superior is shown receiving our National Colors from Mavis Moran with Tim Laberdie holding the POW/MIA flag and Amby DeGadio at a recent ceremony honoring Major Richard I. Bong. The Superior Post originally chartered in 1919, was rededitcated to honor Major Bong in 1945.
is encouraging everyone to receive a “Lucky Swifty’s S.W.A.T. SWIFT Y’S S.W. A .T TEAM 13” Pin. During the Team will be patrol2013 membership year, ling for membership National Commander fast and furious on the Membership Koutz will award his NaWisconsin Delta! Incentives tional Commander pin National Commandto any Legionnaire who er James E. Koutz and Department Commander Wayne Jen- recruits a combination of 13 new memsen have launched the 2013 Membership bers, reinstatements or transfers of holdCampaign and are presenting members in ing post members into local American Wisconsin with a host of incentives and Legion posts. To maintain the integrity of awards to recognize individual Legion- the National Commander’s pin incentive naires for their recruiting and retention program, only one will be awarded per individual. efforts. There’s also an opportunity to join the The traditional “I Got 1” pins are available for everyone who recruits a new “Badger Big Ten” team. Sign up ten (10) new members and be a part of this exclumember this year. Commander Jensen is also urging all sive group of Legionnaires. You’ll receive Legionnaires to join “Swifty’s S.W.A.T. a pin and a patch to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also Team”. Commander Jensen has identified the encouraging recruitment with the Silver first step in growing our membership is to Brigade and Gold Brigade awards for Recruit and Retain all members of the Le- Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new gion Family, which is why he would like members respectively. Commander Jensen wants to recognize everyone to “Start Patrolling for Membership” and “Join Swifty’s S.W.A.T. every Legionnaire who does their part Team”. Simply find 5 new members for to maintain our membership strength our Legion Family and earn a special pin and build our organization. Contact that only members of “Swifty’s S.W.A.T. Department Membership Coordinator Steve Dykes at (608) 745-1090 to get Team” will receive. National Commander James E. Koutz on board.
Commander Jensen Honors Boys Nation Delegates
Alexander Lux of West Allis, a student from Nathan Hale High School, attended Boys Nation as a delegate along with Alexander Rathke of Random Lake High School. Both young men were chosen from the citizen’s advisory council while attending Badger Boys State. Each year, representatives to Boys Nation are chosen based on their leadership skills, academic excellence, and other criteria. Boys Nation is held each year in Washington, DC. The 2012 session was held July 20th through July 27th, 2012. The program functions similar to Boys State at a federal government level and gives the opportunity for the boys to visit historic sites such as the White House, the World War II Memorial, and the Smithsonian Institute.
Alexander Lux of West Allis Hale High School
The Richard Bong Veterans Center in Superior honors the memory of Major Bong and all the veterans of WWII and later conflicts whose sacrifices maintain our Freedoms. The Center collects and preserves the legacy of veterans and their home front supporters. The Center perpetuates their ideals, principles, and
leadership skills for today as well as future generations. Bong, who grew up in Poplar, Wisconsin, is the United States’ highest-scoring air ace. He shot down at least 40 Japanese aircraft during World War II and received the Medal of Honor. Major Bong died during a test flight on August 6, 1945.
Color Care Across America Supports Veteran Color Care Across America is a program sponsored by Benjamin Moore Inc. to support wounded veterans. The programs goal is to paint a veterans home in each state as a symbol of their support for all veterans. On October 30th and 31st Commander Wayne Jensen helped by lending his artistic touches and participated in the effort along with Legionnaires from Lodi and Columbia County. Pictured right to left are Department Commander Wayne W. Jensen of the Milwaukee
Police Post No. 415, Marine Corps veteran Savage Clark and her husband Jake, who is an Air Force veteran, and 2nd District Vice Commander Norm Bednarek of Portage.
Police Protect World War I Monument Milwaukee Police Officers Glenn Podlesnik and Juan Lopez, both members of Milwaukee Police Post No. 415, were on routine patrol and observed that a World War I memorial in their squad area had been vandalized. The two officers went back to the station, obtained a specialized solution to remove graffiti without damaging the stone facade and cleaned the monument themselves. They then enlisted the aid of the local alderman and other civic leaders to help maintain this monument. Officer Lopez is shown cleaning the monument.
1st District Riders Lead Kenosha Parade
On September 29, 2012 the 1st District Chapter of the Legion Riders of Wisconsin again had the honor to lead the Carthage College Homecoming Parade in Kenosha, Wisconsin. On a beautiful fall day, the 1st District Riders turned out in force with over 20 bikes flying the flag of our Country and each of the military service branches.
Alexander Rathke of Random Lake High School