November 2012 Wisconsin

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November 8, 2012

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Here it is November and we are heading into a very busy time! This month throughout our state, members will Diana Sirovina be involved in Department membership President rallies, events for Veterans Day, Thanksgiving festivities and much more. Remember to involve your entire Legion Family in all your events and work together to make them a success. November is Membership Month! If you have not already sent in your 2013 dues, now would be a good time to take care of that. Memberships are coming into headquarters at a good pace now, so let’s keep it going. National President Peggy

Thomas issued a challenge to all members to sign up one new member this year. Talk to your friends, co-workers, associates, church members, club members, everyone you know and ask if they are eligible to join this premier organization. Remind them that they honor a special veteran in their life by being a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Everyone who signs up a new senior member is eligible to receive a special pin from our National President and our Wisconsin “Take the High Road” pin. As we plan our Thanksgiving celebrations, let us reflect on what President John F. Kennedy said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Thanksgiving Day in America is a time of family gatherings and holi-

day meals, parades and football games. As we enjoy all that we have, let us remember those less fortunate, especially our homeless veterans. We live in a free country because of the sacrifices of those who served our country, so let us take every opportunity, not only at Thanksgiving but every day, to live by our mission to care for our veterans, our active duty military and their families. Last month at the National Presidents and Secretaries Conference in Indianapolis, we had the privilege of hearing a speech by National Commander James Koutz. In his message he told us that “every day is Veterans Day.” During this time of year when we are all so busy, let’s remember those words and do all we can to live by them every day. Diana Sirovina Department President


2013 1st - 61.30%

2nd - 59.51% 6th District

3rd - 59.19%

4th - 57.67%

and Always Answer.” How true when it comes to membership! If you don’t ask that prospective member, you’ll never know if she has a veteran in her life or if she might be interested in distributing poppies or helping at the Veterans Day lunch. What a shame. Many spouses of current Legion family members have not been asked to join the Auxiliary. Why? Be the one to ask! “Always Answer.” Do we know everything? Absolutely not. Do we know how to find the answer? You bet. Finding answers is a win-win situation. You will know more about the organization and so will the person who asked in the first place. Don’t be afraid of not knowing, you’ll learn something in the end. I learned many new things after spending an afternoon with Andrea Stoltz at headquarters. Andrea processes all the Auxiliary memberships. If you’ve ever wondered why you’re being asked to be precise and to follow the checklist, I now know why. Although she did set me up a little, I could see some of the situations she deals with. Working within two computer programs is just one of them.

Paying dues for deceased members, paying members’ dues twice, and not providing junior birthdates are some of the issues that can be prevented at the Unit level. I learned how frustrating it is to go through almost an entire transmittal and then find an error that required the entire submittal to be returned to the Unit, and then have to go back through and “unclick” all the members that were just processed on the national database, make copies, prepare the submittal to be mailed back, stamp it and mail it. Please use the membership processing checklist. It will truly help things go smoothly and prevent wasted time and money. If you need help in preparing and submitting membership, please ask. It’s better to ask first than to be frustrated when your submittal is returned for correction. Continue to Work Together and Take the High Road in all that you do. YOUR TEAM: Ann Rynes, 608-604-0350,; Berne Baer, 920-680-0308,; April Kollmorgen, 360-362-2803,

American Legion Auxiliary Christmas Gift Shop Zablocki VA Medical Center • 5000 West National Avenue, Bldg. 1 • Milwaukee, WI 53295

Open October 21st – December 15th • Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Florence Groth, Supervisor • Janice Dahlke, Assistant • 414-384-2000 ext 42207

1st District

3rd District

5th - 56.69% 4th District

6th - 55.95% 9th District

7th - 55.40% 7th District

8th - 53.30% 12th District

9th - 52.71%

MEMBERSHIP Ann Rynes Dept Membership Chairman Ph: (608) 604-0350 Email: As we make plans to honor our Veterans on Veterans Day, remember why this organization exists. If it weren’t for a Veteran, we would not be part of this great family. Your membership team has been traveling around the state and hearing all the good things going on in your Units and Districts. Sturgeon Bay has been revitalized and is eager to once again start serving Veterans. The 9th District conference was well attended and Berne Baer properly “dressed” the District Commander with a complete set of all four membership applications. The 3rd and 7th District rally was filled with information and skits and juniors, oh my. It’s reassuring that our organization has a future in its youth. The juniors made cards for pocket flags, thank you cards to Veterans, participated in a legislative skit, and then headed out to the Douglas Legacy Farm in LaValle to plant bulbs to be enjoyed next spring. It’s great to see their enthusiasm. At the 3rd & 7th District rally, we were told to “Always Ask

2nd District

8th District

10th - 49.61% 10th District

11th - 46.29% 11th District

12th - 14.55% 5th District


Total Membership: 55.29%


CONVENTION TRANSCRIBER The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin is seeking an individual to transcribe the proceedings of Department Convention. Requirements: ability to accurately transcribe convention proceedings verbatim from 1315 hours of audio recordings. Auxiliary membership is preferred. Individual will work from home. Regular status updates and timesheets must be provided to the Department Secretary throughout the project. Payment will be made upon completion of project or intervals mutually agreed upon by applicant and department secretary. Position pays $12/hour. No overtime or benefits are available.

Word format. Department Convention is held in July; materials are available for transcription in November, and must be completed by March 1st of the following year. Applicants should submit a letter of interest describing his or her qualifications to: American Legion AuxiliaryDepartment of Wisconsin Attn: Department Secretary PO Box 140 Portage, WI 53901-0140

The subject line for letters of interest sent via email must The completed transcription read: Convention Transcribermust be provided to the De- [Applicant’s Name]. partment Secretary in Microsoft



Bonnie Jakubczyk Department Chaplain Music Chairman Ph: (414) 764-6752 Email:

As the leaves and temperatures continue to fall, we enter our most thankful month. I am truly blessed and thankful to have such a great American Legion family. Please remember to give Veterans an extra thank you.

PRAYER Heavenly Father, we have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for our service men and women who are protecting us and preserving our freedom. Please protect and keep them and their families in your care. We ask for blessings for our Veterans who have given so much for our freedom. We pray for those who have given the supreme sacrifice that they may never be forgotten. We thank you for our American Legion family and the opportunity to be of service to You and to others. We ask for your guidance so we may be a blessing for our Veterans. Be with us we pray. Amen


Remember to show your thanks and praise with music. FOR THE BEAUTY OF THE EARTH by Folliott S. Pierpoint (1835-1917) For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth, over and around us lies: Refrain: Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise. Alternative Refrain: Christ, our God, to Thee we raise this, our sacrifice of praise. For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and vale and tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light. Refrain For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child. Friends on earth and friends above for all gentle thoughts and mild. Refrain For thyself, best Gift Divine, to the world so freely given, for that great, great love of thine, peace on earth, and joy in heaven. Refrain WORKING TOGETHER FOR GOD AND COUNTRY


November 8, 2012

GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: Department has been notified by national headquarters that the IRS revoked the tax exempt status of 45 Auxiliary Units in Wisconsin and five other units have invalid EIN numbers on file with the IRS. If too many units lose their tax exempt status, this jeopardizes the status of the entire national organization. The IRS revokes the tax exempt status of any unit that fails to file the IRS Form 990-N ePostcard for three consecutive years. Letters were sent to each of the impacted units. Unfortunately, neither department nor national headquarters can help a Unit once their tax exempt status is revoked. The unit must work directly with the IRS to reinstate their tax exempt status. In the meantime, the unit must annually file the regular IRS Form 990 and notify donors that contributions to the unit cannot be deducted

as charitable donations. For instance, local businesses that help sponsor delegates for American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State or donate money to mail packages to military personnel overseas may not claim these as charitable donations. In November/December, headquarters will be mailing Unit Annual Reports and Contest & Awards information to Unit Presidents; national and department scholarship applications to Unit Presidents and Wisconsin high schools; and American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State (ALABGS) reservation forms and program information to Unit ALABGS chairmen and Wisconsin high schools. The information is also posted on the department website. Please pay attention to all of the deadlines. If any Units that previously sponsored delegates for ALABGS are unable to sponsor one this year, please notify Department Headquarters immediately so we can inform the local school before they start their delegate selection process. December 31, 2012 is the last day for

processing 2012 PUFL applications. Any PUFL applications received after that date will need to pay their 2013 dues before Department Headquarters can process the application. The Auxiliary will be hosting a luncheon during The American Legion Midwinter Conference at Ho-Chunk on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 12:00 noon. Advance reservations are required. The ALA Midwinter Luncheon Registration Form is due January 2, 2013. The registration form is available on page A4 and is posted on the Department website. NO LATE RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!

Department Headquarters will be closed: November 12th (Veterans Day) November 22-23 (Thanksgiving Holiday) December 24-25 (Christmas Holiday) December 31 (New Years Eve) January 1, 2013 (New Years Day)

CHILDREN & YOUTH Mary Petrie Children & Youth Chairman As Fall Forum’s Children & Youth workshop welcomed attendees to Children & Youth Day at American Legion Post Hometown WI, each became a military child, with a parent currently serving. The celebration demonstrated teamwork in action as a puzzle was pieced together. The ‘kids’ then enjoyed a movie on the huge, flat-screen TV, decorated cut-out cookies, had a quick lunch, and wrote a letter to Mom or Dad…all in about five minutes! Imaginations were required and put to good use. This served as an example of what could be done at any Post or Unit. Back in the present, partnerships with other organizations were discussed. Units often work with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Operation: Military Kids, Children’s Miracle Network, Family Readiness Groups, 4-H, police and fire departments, churches, other groups, and the Legion Family. Events were presented to implement public awareness and increase community

support. Dinners, game or movie nights, fairs, walks/runs, story hours, holiday baking sessions, Christmas/seasonal parties, Easter egg hunts, coloring contests, and bowling parties are samplings of activities that could serve as fundraisers or be adjusted to a fun day for military and/or non-military children. The Children’s Welfare Foundation (CWF), a Legion partner, accepts funding proposals from nonprofits for projects contributing to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of children throughout the U.S. The Legion covers all expenses, allowing 100% of contributions to be given in grants – and they’re tax deductible! Two door prizes were awarded. The military child’s book recipient will be donating it in her Unit’s name to the local public library, an elementary school, or a military child. The CWF tote bag offered a spot to place brochures and other Forum information. To add a little fun to your Unit’s C&Y program, and serving as a program re-

fresher, a Word Search was given out. It is also available on the department website. Our furry, bandana-bedecked Josh Dog made an appearance, accompanied by his story-telling book about his visit to the vet, resulting surgery, and recovery. These stuffed animals make wonderful gifts for children facing surgery – told from the doggy viewpoint. A variety of brochures, all free and available from National, offered information on teen suicide, warning signs, Halloween and general safety tips, CWF, Children’s Miracle Network, and such. Watch for special promotions. Brawny Paper Towels and the Wounded Warriors Program is partnering to raise money for and awareness of the needs of injured service members and their families. JC Penney recently ran ‘round up to the nearest dollar’ at checkout, collecting over $3,000,000 dollars for Boys & Girls Clubs of America and 4-H. Pick a project and see where your imagination takes you. Working Together makes a difference!

PUBLIC RELATIONS 2012-13 Department Public Relations Team: Joyce Endres, Chair; Penny Joren, Linda Kostka Purpose: Working Together to: • Understand the ALA mission, vision, programs and benefits • Positively promote the American Legion Auxiliary image to our stakeholders and the general public • Create, implement, and support a communications network with all levels of the organization • Advance ALA ‘service not self’ objectives and value/opportunities ALA programs offer • Build awareness of and promote the American Legion Family Answer these questions: Who are we? What do we do? When do we do it? Where do we do it? Why do we

do it? PROMOTE the ALA and the American Legion Family: • Wear ALA pins and apparel. • Include the ALA logo on all promotion, event and membership information we share with our members and the public. Use of the ALA logo on promotional items (shirts, mugs, etc.), must be approved by the National Secretary prior to printing. Contact the department secretary for details. • Spread positive news! Promote accomplishments, programs, events and benefits! • Use a variety of media: newspapers, TV/Cable, radio, flyers, posters, rack cards, e-mails, websites, newsletters, bulletin boards, and social networks. • Talk about it! Share your excitement with others to add fuel to the fire!

• Send the PR Team copies of what you publish for awards and the Department President’s Publicity Book. Send publications to Joyce E. Endres, 1147 Fleetwood Ave, Madison, WI 53716-1417 or e-mail to or give a PR team member your publications. Use the ALA logo and Poppy Logo to promote the ALA!

QUESTIONS? Please call Joyce Endres at 608-221-1763

November 8, 2012


POPPY PROGRAM Laura Calteux Poppy Chairman Ph: (414) 379-2943 With Fall Forum behind us, I know that you are working your Poppy program and promoting the Poppy in your communities. Learning the history of the poppy will help you in this endeavor, so use all the resources available to you. The National and Department websites of the Auxiliary offer ideas to help you move ahead. The Poppy Usage contest can be done any time during the year. Be creative in how you use the memorial poppy and use these creations to promote your poppy distribution. Hold a contest for the best creation on your unit or district level. Sell ballots for $1.00 each, with the winner being the one with the most ballots in their box! The money raised should be submitted to Department with a Poppy Fund Suggested Donation

Sheet; put “Creative Arts Festival/Poppy Usage Contest” on the memo line of the check. The Department that raises the most money will be recognized in national publications. So, let’s get Wisconsin in the news! Get your Juniors involved by having them promote the poppy as a Little Miss Poppy or a Miss Poppy. They can also be involved in the Poppy Poster contest. The poster contest should be opened to children of all ages in your schools. The rules for both contests are on the department website. Please share this information with everyone who is eligible. By working your Poppy program throughout the year, you inform others what the Auxiliary is doing in our communities, for our veterans and their families. Remember, poppies can be distributed year-round, not just in May. Think outside the box to develop unique ways to distrib-

ute poppies. By “Working Together” with your Legion family, you can take the Poppy program far! Report this information and how it applies to the objectives in the Poppy Plan of Action in your Unit narrative year-end report. Did you know? The first regularly conducted poppy distribution was held in Milwaukee the Saturday before Memorial Day in 1920. Post #1 distributed 50,000 poppies and raised $5,500. The idea for a poppy distribution came to Mrs. Mary Hanecy after she worked at a coffee and doughnut booth during the homecoming of the 32nd Division in Milwaukee. The booth was decorated with paper poppies and as people were walking past, they would take a poppy and leave a donation. Now you have a little history on the poppy, so get out there and let everyone know what the Auxiliary is all about!

Poppy Shop Ordering Tips

Karen Schroeder Poppy Shop Manager Shirley Meyer Poppy Shop Assistant Ph: (414) 384-2000 ext 42208 Here we are at the beginning of another season for ordering Poppies; here are a few friendly tips to remember when ordering. • Remember to (clearly) print your name, address and phone number. • Don’t forget your zip code. • Always make sure you list a pick-up date. • Double check the pick- up date. There have been times when the pick-up date has been scheduled for Saturday/ Sunday. If for some reason you are unable to pick-up

your order on the days we are open (Wednesday-Friday: 9am – 1pm), please contact Karen Schroeder at 262-617-1711 or Shirley Meyer at 414-421-3671 to

Poppy Shop Hours Wednesday thru Friday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Zablocki VA Hospital, Bldg. #1 5000 W. National Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53295 414-384-2000 ext. 42208

schedule a more convenient pick-up time. • When picking up your order call first to make sure someone is available at the Poppy Shop. There have been times, especially during inclement weather when we are not available for pick-ups. • When you receive your Poppies, please open the box and inspect them. Don’t wait until your distribution date; if there is a problem we can not guarantee that we will have time to correct it. Please share this information with your members and Legion Posts, especially if the Post orders separately. Thank you, we appreciate your cooperation.

American Legion Family BUMPER STICKERS & CLINGS

Unit City Location ________________________________ Unit #___________ Date ____________________________________________ Dist #___________ QTY



Wisconsin American Legion Family Window Cling



Wisconsin American Legion Family Bumper Sticker .50 PACKAGING & SHIPPING Up to $5.00 Add $0.95 $5.01 to $10.00 Add $2.95

Bumper Sticker (7.5" x 3.75")

Postage (see chart)_____________ TOTAL REMITTED $________________

The following thank you letter was received from a veteran who received assistance from the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund. Thanks to the generous support of Auxiliary members throughout Wisconsin, we were able to help her move into her own apartment.

Please continue to send donations using a Poppy Fund Suggested Donation Sheet (mark #4456, Department President’s Special Project–Homeless Female Veterans Grant Fund) so we can assist other women veterans and their children who need our support.

October 18, 2012 To: Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary I wanted to take the time out to say “Thank You” very, very much for assisting me with my first month’s rent and security deposit. I absolutely adore my current living arrangements. The upper duplex in which I am currently residing is totally comfortable, as well as, quaint. I feel safe and very much secure in my current dwelling. My landlord and his wife are totally awesome and supportive of me being a female veteran. I would not have this apartment if it weren’t for the American Legion Auxiliary. I would like to express my heart filled gratitude and sincere appreciation. Your financial gift of $1050.00 allowed me to transition into permanent housing here in the State of Wisconsin. Words cannot express how I feel due to the fact that your help has taken a heavy burden from me. Thank you again, to the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary, in granting me assistance with these funds and my readjustment within the community and county of Milwaukee. Respectfully Submitted, Janiece Female Desert Storm Era Veteran

CHRISTMAS IN JULY Claudia Osero Dept. Fundraising Chairman Ph: (715) 453-5723 Only 2 more shopping months until Christmas! Luckily, it’s 8 months until “CHRISTMAS IN JULY BOUTIQUE” comes to our Department Convention in Oconomowoc. Your donations are welcome – Christmas wreaths, garland, stockings, colorful decorations, festive ornaments, baskets, and

items that would make outstanding holiday gifts for friends and family. Homemade craft items are particularly welcome, as well as those after-Christmas bargains! Proceeds will support our Department President’s special project “Homeless Women Veterans Grant Program.” For more information regarding donations of Christmas items, please contact Claudia Osero at 715-453-5723.

Fall Informational Forum – Fundraising Update District Presidents were asked to bring a basket representing the 12 months of the year and Units were welcomed to join the fun. District Presidents promoted their district by wearing attire that represented their respective baskets. Proceeds from the twenty donated baskets and from our 50/50 fundraiser raised $2,040! The money was allocated to President Diana Sirovina’s special project, the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Program.

Send to: ___________________________________________________________ Complete Mailing Address: ___________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________________

Thank You for Your Support!

I would like to THANK everyone who supported the fundraising events at the 2012 Fall Informational Forum.

Sub-Total $_____________

City/State Zip: ______________________________________________________


Window Cling (5" x 4")

Please make checks payable to – ALA. Send order form with payment to: American Legion Auxiliary - Department of Wisconsin, PO Box 140, Portage, WI 53901

Thank you, Claudia Osero Department Fundraising Chairman



November 8, 2012

Eau Claire Unit 53 Presented With Unit Award of Excellence

Eau Claire Unit 53 was recognized at the 2012 National Convention for their tremendous support of veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families in 2011-2012. National Executive Committeewoman Joan Chwala presented the National President’s Unit Award of Excellence to Judy Walters and members of Eau Claire Unit 53 at their Appreciation Luncheon in October. The luncheon was held at the Legion Post to thank members of the Legion family and unaffiliated volunteers who helped throughout the year.

What Happens in Boston… Stays in Boston

NEC Joan Chwala and Judy Walters share the National President’s Unit Award of Excellence with members of Fall Creek Unit 376, Brackett Unit 550 and Durand Unit 181 who worked with Eau Claire Unit 53. The four units worked together to raise money and supplies and provided physical labor for job fairs and other projects throughout 2011-2012.

MIDWINTER CONFERENCE - AUXILIARY LUNCHEON All American Legion Auxiliary members are invited to attend the Midwinter Conference Auxiliary Luncheon on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at Ho-Chunk from 12:00-2:00 pm. 20122013 Central Division National Vice President Mary Jo Berning of Iowa will be attending and

a special membership update will be provided. Lunch tickets must be purchased no later than January 2, 2013. Tickets will not be available for sale at the conference so make your lunch reservations today using the registration form below!

American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin

Midwinter Luncheon

Pictured from left to right are: Virginia Kodl, Gayle Janson, Andrea Page, Patricia Smith, Joan Chwala, Jim Finnerty, Diane Weggen, Linda Kostka and Anna Rosemeyer.

Several members of the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary traveled to Boston at their own expense to attend the 2012 National Veterans Creative Arts Festival (NVCAF) held in October. Here they celebrate with Jim Finnerty, a veteran from Zablocki Memorial VA Medical Center, whose winning entry in the national artistic competition earned him a trip to Boston. Pictured from left to right are: Virginia Kodl, Gayle Janson, Andrea

Page, Patricia Smith, Joan Chwala, Jim Finnerty, Diane Weggen, Linda Kostka and Anna Rosemeyer. THANK YOU to the many Auxiliary members who responded generously to the request from Zablocki VAMC and paid the baggage fees so Jim Finnerty and other veterans could attend the NVCAF. Excess funds will be used to support Zablocki’s local competition in the spring in preparation for next year’s NVCAF.

Thanks to the generous contributions from American Legion Auxiliary units and members across the state, the Department of Wisconsin received an award for its significant support of the

National Veterans Creative Arts Festival (NVCAF). Virginia Kodl and Joan Chwala accepted this prestigious award on behalf of the Department of Wisconsin and its Auxiliary members.

Wisconsin Wins Award at NVCAF

Saturday, January 19th • 12:00pm - 2:00pm Ho-Chunk Hotel & Convention Center, S3214 Highway 12, Baraboo WI 53913

LUNCHEON TICKET - $15.00 EACH DEADLINE: Wednesday, January 2, 2013

(Luncheon tickets must be purchased in advance and will be distributed at the Luncheon)

Meals include fresh brewed coffee, milk, soda or iced tea. Select choice of: Traditional Chef Salad: Julienne strips of tender turkey, ham, Swiss and cheddar cheese. Served w/mixed baby greens and assortment of dressings, bread stick and cracker basket. Chicken Tender Wrap: Large tortilla filled w/three crispy tenders, sliced tomato, colby-jack cheese, lettuce, bistro sauce, chips and fresh fruit cup. Please note: If you plan to attend any of The American Legion Midwinter Conference meetings or training sessions, please register with the Legion ($20.00 before 1/7/2013). Hotel room reservations must be made through The American Legion – Headquarters, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Registration and housing forms are available on The American Legion website ( or at Legion Headquarters, 608-745-1090.

Midwinter Luncheon Reservation Form

Checks payable to: American Legion Auxiliary - Wisconsin Mail to: ALA-WI, P.O. Box 140 Portage, WI 53901

Pictured L to R; Michael Lawson, Director of VA Boston Healthcare System; Wisconsin Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Chairman Virginia Kodl; National Executive Committeewoman Joan Chwala; and Past National President Kris Nelson.




Salad Or Wrap

# of Tickets _________ @ $15 each = $____________ enclosed

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