“For God & Country”
aire Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
November 6, 2014 Vol. 91, No. 9
The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
1st District Silent March Marks 30th Anniversary Midwinter 2015 Approaches Over 100 Veterans and Civilians Participate in Event to Recognize POW/MIA’s Win Big in the New “Get One” Bounty Drawing In honor of POW/MIA Recognition Day (the third Friday in September), The American Legion Department of Wisconsin’s 1st District has held a silent march the day after POW/MIA Recognition Day for the past 30 years to honor the sacrifices made by America’s prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action. “The participants (veterans and civilians) walk in unison for less than a mile with reverent silence and the only sound to be heard is a lone drum beat,” said Bob Miller, POW/MIA chairman for the 1st District and a member
of Post No. 24 in Lake Geneva. “What we are trying to achieve is just recognizing and not forgetting.” The POW/MIA silent march, which is hosted by one of the forty-five 1st District posts each year, starts at 11 AM and is followed by a ceremony that features a guest speaker, the reading of Wisconsin MIA Vietnam War service members still unaccounted for and the release of black balloons. About 100 veterans and civilians participated in last month’s walk, carrying U.S. flags, the POW/MIA flag and a 16-by-20
The 1st District POW/MIA Silent March took place on Saturday, September 20th in Lake Geneva. Pictured here is Lake Geneva Post Commander Len Jegerski with Commander Robert Shappell and WDVA Secretary John Scocos.
About 100 veterans and civilians participated in last month’s Silent March, carrying US Flags, the POW/MIA Flag and a 16-by-20 foot POW banner that resides at Miller Park in Milwaukee.
foot POW banner that resides at Miller Park – home of the Milwaukee Brewers. The participants walked through residential neighborhoods in downtown Lake Geneva and ended at Post No. 24 where guest speaker John Scocos, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, provided remarks and the names of the 28 MIA Wisconsin servicemen from the Vietnam War were read. The reading of each name was accompanied by the release of a balloon and the ringing of a bell. Last year, 29 names were read but since then, the remains of U.S. Marine Merlin Raye Allen of Bayfield, Wisconsin were found and returned home. Balloons were also released in honor of all POW/MIA service members still unaccounted for. “It is a very moving observance and an appropriate manner in which to show our respect for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while in captivity and for those missing in action whose fate is still undetermined,” Miller said. “We never play Taps during the ceremony because Taps means burial and the end of a (service member’s) story. Until they are identified, we always assume that they are still out there – there is always hope.” Miller said posts start planning in January for the event and promote it through stories in the local newspapers, business cards, invitations to posts and the selling of T-shirts that commemorate the event. Posts wanting information on how to model 1st District’s POW/MIA silent march should contact Bob Miller at NOTE: During the 96th Annual National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., the Department of Wisconsin’s Resolution 208 was adopted which states that “The American Legion does hereby authorize and endorses the circulation of a petition calling upon the US Postal Service to produce a POW/MIA Remembrance Forever Stamp for use.”
The 2015 Midwinter Conference will be held at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells January 15th – 18th. There’s something for everyone at this year’s Conference. The 2015 Midwinter will feature new training and exhibits along with special guests. The Americanism Programs Resource Center will help you learn how to promote traditional American values in your community through the programs of The American Legion. National American Legion staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide details on how you and your post can become involved. In addition the Midwinter Conference will also feature several exciting training sessions for Legionnaires at all levels of the organization. Briefings will include Care and Maintenance of the M1Garand rifle along with Funeral Honors training, membership recruiting and retention tips, sessions on the various Americanism pprograms g and Veterans Benefits.
This schedule is subject to change depending on demand. Legion members who sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2012) can qualify to win a First prize of $1,000 or a Second prize of $500 at the Conference. Simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member and enter you name. The drawing will take place on Saturday, January 17th at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new member they recruit. Please mark your calendars and save the dates of January 15th –18th, 2015. Bring your family and enjoy the indoor water parks, attractions and many activities offered in the Wisconsin Dells. Register and reserve your hotel room online at now and watch for more details in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire.
2015 Membership Goal al 76.98% District 12 1st PLACE
75.09% District 6 2nd PLACE
74.08% District 10 4th PLACE
73.71% District 8 5th PLACE
71.94% District 2 7th PLACE
71.04% District 11 8th PLACE
69.04% District 7 10th PLACE
66.67% District 4 11th PLACE
59,600 59
74.70% District 9 3rd PLACE
72.45% District 3 6th PLACE
69.52% District 1 9th PLACE
61.46% District 5 12th PLACE
October 30th Total: 44,291 74.00%
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2014-2015 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Jeremy Nordie, Vice Chairman Ensley Brown, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson Phil Ingwell Harold Rihn Rory Burns Greg Eirich, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2014-15 Department Officers Commander Robert Shappell Vice Commanders Dale Oatman Rich Ruland John Thurk Dave Brisk Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Steve Krueger Alternate NECman Ken Rynes District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jerome Krofta 9th – Bob Lemke 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Teresa Isensee, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
NOVEMBER 6, 2014
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER As we approach Veterans Day, we should all make an extra effort to get to know more about our fellow Bob Shappell L eg ion n a i r e s, Department Commander and never pass up a chance to talk to other veterans and get to know their story. Here are two times in my earlier years when I missed out on getting to know a couple very special veterans. During my time as a cadet at the Air Force Academy, we had janitors who would collect the trash and perform building maintenance. One of the janitors in my dormitory was “Mr. Crawford.” I remember his name and I’m sure I said hello once in a while since we were al-
ways supposed to greet the people we passed in the hallways, but that’s about all I remember about him. Ten years after my graduation I learned through a fellow graduate that Mr. Crawford was actually William John Crawford, Master Sergeant (Retired), recipient of the Medal of Honor. Some cadets learned of Mr. Crawford’s history the year after I left the Academy. I wish I could have gotten to know this humble patriot, but I never took the time to do it. I missed out on a special experience. My senior history research project at the Academy was on propaganda at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. I interviewed Gene Venzke, a 1500-meter runner in the Games, and a well-known person where I grew up in Pennsylvania. During our interview (according
to the notes I still have) Mr. Venzke mentioned another runner who, so it was claimed, shinnied up a flag pole at the end of the Games and stole Hitler’s personal flag. He offered to give me this person’s phone number, but for some reason I declined. Several years ago I read a book titled Unbroken, about an airman named Louis Zamperini, who was shot down over the Pacific, spent 47 days in a life raft before being “rescued” by a Japanese ship, and spent over 2 ½ years as a POW. As a youth, Zamperini had a talent for running, and ended up as the youngest member of the USA track squad in the 1936 Olympics. It was also rumored that he had swiped Hitler’s personal flag. After digging through boxes of papers and finding my research paper and notes, I realized this
was the same person I had declined to call and interview. Once again, I missed a chance at meeting a truly remarkable veteran. Every Legionnaire – every veteran – has a story. Some may be more dramatic than others, but every story is special. The oath we all took is a bond we share. The more we learn each other’s stories, the closer our bonds will become. The closer the bonds, the stronger we become as an organization. At your next post meeting, ask that Legionnaire next to you to tell you a little more about his or her military experiences. You will be surprised at what you don’t know, even though you may have been sitting next to that person for a number of years. Caring about all veterans starts with caring about each other.
DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT Utilize the Chain of Command With Veterans Day and the holidays a p p r o a c h i n g, the Department David Kurtz staff is busy Department Adjutant preparing for a successful 2015. Membership recruiting and revitalization efforts and preparations for the Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center are at the forefront of our daily activities. And as always, Department staff is always ready to assist in every way possible to help posts, counties and districts to accomplish all of our goals, in membership as well as programs. Your Department headquarters receives phone calls, letters and e-mails every day from Legionnaires seeking help on any number of issues. In most cases, we are able to take care of the problem or, at least, can refer the
questioner to the proper parties who can help. But problems can arise when questions are brought to us on matters which headquarters has no jurisdiction. As a basic “rule of thumb,” Department can most readily help with issues related to membership, American Legion programs, Legionnaire Insurance programs and veterans benefits questions. Headquarters cannot help with post elections, problems with operating a post business (bar or restaurant) or concerns of a personal or civil nature. These matters can best be resolved at the post, county and district levels, or in some cases, with help from civil authorities. A second “rule of thumb” to bear in mind is that questions can often be most easily answered by using the “chain of command” – just like in the military. Effective use of the chain of command increases efficiency at all levels
of the organization. The post’s first resource for answers is always your County officers. They often have the answer readily available on issues like post elections and the conduct of meetings. By directing a problem to the county organization, county officers will be better equipped to assist other posts with similar questions. The same applies for county officers seeking guidance. Their best resource is the District organization. Using the chain of command allows each level of the organization to become better informed as to the activities within the districts across the state. All levels become better equipped to handle challenges. Questions should not be posed directly to the National Headquarters. Directing questions to the National Headquarters will only delay receiving a direct answer. Staff at our National headquarters in India-
napolis simply refers questions back to Department headquarters, where we, in turn, contact the appropriate District officers who then provide guidance to the post. This is all in the interest of promoting efficient operations and maintaining the chain of command. So, whenever possible, use the chain of command and the Department Directory. The directory is available on our website at Just click on “Members”, then “Resources” and “Department Directory.” The Department staff is always ready, willing and able to assist in every way we can. We urge you to use the website, www. It is a tremendous resource and has numerous guides and manuals specifically designed to answer most questions about membership, American Legion programs and post activities.
WDVA SECRETARY Every November we take pause to remember those who have served their country as a member of the John A. Scocos WDVA Secretary Armed Forces. This year, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs will be honoring our military veterans at the Wisconsin State Capitol November 7 at 11 a.m. with a special ceremony: “Never Forgotten – Honoring Wisconsin’s Veterans.” Since the birth of our nation, American soldiers have continuously and determinedly shown how far they will go when their country has called upon them. For more than 200 years, the ordinary
citizens around us have gone on to do extraordinary things while serving our nation in the military. From the very beginning, there were those who fought for our independence, and in the following years fought to maintain it. As a fledgling nation we survived in large part due to the willingness of those first American veterans to fight against an overwhelming foe that was Britain. Those brave patriots persevered and won our freedom that allowed the United States of America to exist. We have been tested time and time again, at home and abroad. During the Civil War, many of our Wisconsin ancestors fought to preserve that Union built by previous generations. World War I saw many of our best go off to war in
Europe in a conflict that touched nearly everyone across the globe. The peace following the Great War only set the stage for another massive, worldwide war – World War II. The world after World War II has been full of challenging, large scale military conflicts: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Our veterans who are alive today have served in one of these wars – all gave a part of themselves in service to their country when their country called upon them. Of those who answered the call, many did not return. Others made extreme sacrifices as prisoners of war. Many others are still missing. It is veterans who won our freedom, fought to maintain it, and worked to spread it to other peo-
ple and nations around the world. Please join us at the Capitol November 7 to honor these great heroes - our veterans – and hear their stories. I would also like to remind veterans their family members of the online survey to provide feedback to the agency concerning their state and federal veteran benefits. The survey, which only takes a few minutes to complete, can be found at The questions asked are to help the WDVA direct programs, benefits and services. All responses will be kept strictly confidential. The survey is only available online. Veterans and their family members have until Veterans Day, November 11, 2014 to complete the survey.
NOVEMBER 6, 2014
Communications Committee Report The Daily News states, “Com- munications. They all pass the at Portage. Doesn’t sound like munication, (is the) life blood word to our members and are much individually, but if we can of any organization in the busi- also viewed by non-members. get 100 members to switch, we ness world.” The American Le- These media are outstanding can save $250 each year. Addigion, Department of Wisconsin places to post upcoming events tionally, each month, the names uses both internal and external and also a place to document (or of those who sign-up for elecforms of communication. brag) by word and picture what tronic delivery will be entered Who are our internal cus- did happen at your Post. You into a drawing for an article of tomers? We use our Post and can also get ideas of what other “Legionwear”. Who doesn’t District newsletters to “get the Posts are doing and use them at like free stuff? word out” to our members. The your home Post to expand your Hopefully, you’ve heard the message that we want to trans- footprint in your hometown. Department’s 30 second spots mit must be clear and should If you haven’t looked at these on news talk and sports radio address the “Who, what, when, electronic media recently, take a stations around the state. These where and why” of an event or a look and use them as tools for advertisements are focused cause for concern. Timeliness is your Post’s advantage. around key Americanism dates important so that the audience The Badger Legionnaire will to increase memberships, donacan plan for an upcoming event continue to be printed but if you tions and brand awareness by with plenty of lead time. have access to the World Wide promoting The American LeWhat about our external cus- Web, you can help minimize gion name and what we stand tomers? Use a press release to printing expenses, approxi- for. notify the local media of up- mately $2.50 per Legion memGet the word out and promote coming events at your Post such ber per year, by signing up for your Post and American Legion as Veterans Day, Memorial Day electronic delivery with the staff programs! or flag retirement ceremonies. . Getting the local populace involved will help strengthen our Americanism pillar and contribute to a better understanding of what The American Legion does. Document your ceremony with pictures and promptly forward them with a brief story to the local media if they failed to send a reporter to your event. Make sure that captions are provided for the pictures and it contains the names of members involved. The Badger Legionnaire, the Department of Wisconsin web page – and the Wisconsin American Legion Facebook page are examples of DEN both internal and external comCommunications Committee Chairman – Kendel D. Feilen
Golf Outing Provides Amazing Donation to Camp
Mike and Michele Vinovich present a check for $10,000 to Camp Director Kevin Moshea. This wonderful donation came about from a very successful Golf Outing held at the Eagle River Golf Course. The golf outing is now in its third year and growing. In addition to the golf event, a Dinner and Dance was held at Eagle Waters Resort where over one hundred attendees were treated to a wonderful buffet, live music, dancing, raffles and silent auctions. One hundred and thirty-two golfers, twenty volunteers, and eighteen guests joined us for a flag raising ceremony the following day prior to golfing. A combined Honor Guard from American Legion Post No. 114 of Eagle River, Post No. 431 of Three Lakes and Chapter 11 of the Legion Riders took part in the ceremo-
ny. A highlight for the golfers was a fly-over performed by WWII era aircraft. The two day event generated $10,000 for Camp American Legion. To say that this is a successful fundraising event is an understatement – it is amazing! Mike and Michelle Vinovich would like to thank Camp American Legion for the work we do in serving our Wisconsin veterans and their families. The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin would like to extend our grateful appreciation to Mike, Michele and all the others who participated and who help us to conduct the many programs at Camp to benefit our military brothers, sisters and family members to continue on their road to healing. Thank you. Kevin Moshea, Camp Director
TEAM WISCONSIN: Wisconsin’s Candidate for National Commander Since its founding in 1919, The American Legion has had just one National Commander from the state of Wisconsin; Keith Kreul from Fennimore in 1983-84. It’s been over 30 years since Past National Commander Kreul led our organization and it is time for Wisconsin to prepare for our currently endorsed candidate Denise Rohan to serve as National Commander. During the 2012 Department Convention a resolution was passed by the delegates endorsing then Department Commander Denise Rohan for the high office of National Commander. The resolution was forwarded to the National Convention where it was received and forwarded to the National Commanders Advisory team for consideration. Denise was put into a pool of other candidates from which the National Team chooses its Candidates. Past National Commanders
Foster, Wong, and Koutz each appointed Past Department Commander Rohan to fill the position of National Membership and Post Activities Committee chairman. Past National Commander Dellinger and current National Commander Helm each appointed her as chairman of the National Veterans Employment and Education Commission. The campaign needs your help now! While the Wisconsin Candidate campaign needs to stay within Wisconsin’s borders at this time, we are asking every member of the Wisconsin American Legion Family, (The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion and the American Legion Riders) to volunteer your time, talents and funding to make this a successful campaign. Denise needs to raise sufficient funds to allow her to travel to the other Department
Conventions to speak about her ideas for the future of this great organization. Additional information about “TEAM WISCONSIN” is being mailed to all Posts in the state. These documents contain details on ways your Post can host fundraising events in your community. There is also information about making checks payable to and mailing donations to “Denise Rohan for National Commander” PO Box 930100, Verona, WI 53593-0100. We appreciate your participation in this effort and know that you will share the pride of having a National Commander once again from the Department of Wisconsin. We hope to welcome you as a Team Member either as a donor to the campaign or as a volunteer for the campaign. We will keep you updated here in the Badger Legionnaire on a regular basis. Meanwhile
details about upcoming fundraising events can be found on the “Post Events” calendar at Some currently planned events include: December 13, 2014 Breakfast Post No. 501 105 Dempsey Rd Madison January 31, 2015 Karaoke Night 2nd District Riders (details pending)
February 14, 2015 Dinner and Dance Post No. 52 La Crosse April 11, 2015 Dinner Post No. 245 Cross Plains April 18, 2015 Dinner Post No. 59 Stoughton June 27, 2015 Golf Outing (Details pending)
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NOVEMBER 6, 2014
Daniel Seehafer
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
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Corporation, the Department Strategic Planning Committee and the Americanism Committee – having chaired the County Youth Government program. Pastor Seehafer has also served on the Department Membership Committee and is currently liaison to the Finance Committee. He is a graduate of both The American Legion Extension Institute and the National American Legion College, as well as a certified trainer in the ALEI course. Dan is also a member of the ANAVICUS, NALCAA, Past Commander’s Club, Son’s of The American Legion, and is very active within his community. Commander Seehafer was recognized as the “Legionnaire of the Year� in 2009 by the Dodge County Council and the 2nd District. Reverend Seehafer received a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Concordia University and a Master of Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. In August of 1997, he came to Horicon and was installed as the Assistant Pastor of St. Stephen Lutheran Church and School. He has served as Administrative Pastor at St. Stephen since October 2000 and was most recently appointed Circuit Visitor. Dan is supported by his church family and endorsed by Post No. 157, the Dodge County Council, and the Second District. With experience, knowledge and passion, Dan will be a powerful, supporting voice for the next Department Commander, and especially you--as, together, we will continue to provide service to our veterans, their families and their communities.
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Second District Commander and Past National Chaplain Daniel Seehafer announces his candidacy for the high office of Department Vice Commander. Dan is a Paid-up for Life member of Post No. 157 in Horicon. He was commissioned as a Naval Officer in March of 1995, and enrolled in the Navy Chaplaincy program. His service time as a chaplain candidate in the Navy enabled him to spend time not only with the Navy personnel (San Diego, CA, Newport, RI, Everett, WA, USS Paul F. Foster), but also with the Marine Corps (Camp Pendleton, CA). He will always cherish the time spent in uniform, in which he earned the privilege to join The American Legion. As his uniform changed through the years, his service to God and Country certainly has not – having held numerous positions within The American Legion throughout his 18 consecutive years of membership. From his first leadership position as Post Adjutant, Dan eventually became Post Commander (leading his Post family to six 100% memberships and an all time high) as well as being Dodge County Commander (2008-2010), District Commander (2013-current), Department Chaplain (2006-2007), and National Chaplain (2010-2011). In 2013, Daniel was appointed to serve on the National organization’s “System Worth Saving� Task Force and currently holds an appointment on the National Cemetery Committee. He also served on the Department’s Religious Emphasis Committee, the 2010 National Convention
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David Wischer Candidate for Department Sergean at Arms
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9/29/14 I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including civil penalties).
David Wischer is a Candidate for re-election as a Department Sergeant at Arms. David served in the Army during the Vietnam Era and is a Honorary Life Member of the H.A. Todd Jr. Post No. 537 in Milwaukee. He has served twice as Post Commander and achieved 100% in membership in each term. David currently is serving as his Post Parliamentarian. He has served as 4th District Sergeant at Arms for 5 years and supported the 2010 National Convention held in Milwaukee serving as the Parade Chairman. David is a graduate of The American Legion
Extension Institute and has served 7 years on the Department Membership Committee. He is serving his second year as Department Sergeant at Arms. David was a citizen at Badger Boys State as a High School student and is currently involved with orientation and registration at Badger Boys State. He and his wife Trish have two sons, two grandsons and one granddaughter, with all being Members of The American Legion Family. David has the endorsement of his Post. the Milwaukee County Council, and the Fourth District.
NOVEMBER 6, 2014
Camp 2014 Boldly Goes Where It Has Never Gone Before C a m p American Legion had another very successful and rewarding camp season in 2014. Total number of campers served grew again for the season but what has been the most rewarding for all of us have been the new programs we have created. This is how we continue to expand our mission and change Camp for the better, by allowing Camp to evolve into a new and dynamic program serving Wisconsin veterans and their families. We can all take pride in how Camp American Legion continues to grow and build upon our “Help to Heal” mission in new and innovative ways. Camp American Legion is now touching and helping every individual and group within the military community. We are creating programs and building relationships that are giving a helping hand to veterans, active duty, National Guard & Reserve service members, families, spouses, children, caregivers and more. We are recognizing and treating the physical, psychological, emotional, cultural, social, rela-
tionship and spiritual needs of our military community. Camp American Legion has become a truly dynamic and “relevant” place. Camp is broadly known, in-touch, connected, plugged-in and highly respected. American Legion friends permit me to say to you; the days when people would say “Camp American Legion is Wisconsin’s best kept secret” are gone. Camp American Legion is becoming increasingly well-known and admired here in Wisconsin and across the country. While we may still run into someone who does not know about Camp, they have become the exception, not the rule. New programs at Camp this year were: • Vietnam Veterans Week – Camp American Legion recognized and embraced the official start of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War and got involved by holding our first “Vietnam Veterans Week”. The week had a feeling like no other. There was a very distinct, intimate feeling of camaraderie, sharing and remembrance. Next year’s VVW is moving to June so start spreading the
word – Vietnam Veterans Week, June 8-14, 2015! • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – Camp is totally committed to do whatever we can to positively impact, in a healing way, the present high rate of suicide in the military. Working in a supportive relationship with the Wisconsin National Guard, and their Suicide Prevention Program, Camp became just the right setting for their ASIST program. This was a very detailed and focused program on how to recognize the signs of suicide and how to respond. • Wisconsin National Guard Retention Event – This program on the surface was to reward Guardsmen and their families for re-enlisting but under the surface it was so much more. While at Camp the Guardsmen went through a “Seven Habits of a Highly Successful Service Member” class. It was a productive time of personal and family growth with a lot of fun mixed in. • 829th Engineer Company Families on Deployment
Catch the Spirit of Wisconsin! Department Commander Bob Shappell has now announced the creation of the “Spirit of Wisconsin” pin. This special, limited edition pin will be presented to Legionnaires, SAL, Auxiliary Members, and Riders to recognize special achievements in all aspects of the Legion and our many programs. Anyone can recommend someone for the award, but District, County, and Post Commanders should make every effort to identify deserving individuals for this recognition. Simply submit the deserving individuals name to Commander Bob. This special edition pin will only be presented to recognize their efforts as Legion Family members. It will not be randomly handed
out and whenever possible, the Department Commander will personally present the pin. Commander Shappell is pictured here presenting the Spirit of Wisconsin pin to the mem-
bers of Unit No. 288 of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin on October 7th in recognition of the unit receiving the National Auxiliary Award of Excellence.
Camp – This was a feel-good program for Camp American Legion and was just a “good” thing to do. It was for the families of the 829th Engineer Company that is presently serving a 1-year deployment in Afghanistan. Working with the 829th Family Readiness Group we were able to bring these families together for group and peer support and a lot of fun. The Wisconsin American Legion Family was able to show them that they are not alone during this time and we are here for them. • Caregiver Support Retreat – for Post 9/11, Iraq, and Afghanistan wounded soldiers. With this new program we have strategically expanded or “Help to Heal” mission beyond the individual wounded veteran to focus on their caregivers. This special group carries a heavy load on their shoulders and we helped lighten that load, if only for a few days. This experience of caring for caregivers gave us all a feeling of service that Camp American Legion has never felt before. • Vision & Hearing Loss
Veterans Week – We added hearing loss to this very successful week which is now in its third year. It is always wonderful to see these veterans use their other senses to “see” and “hear” the beauty of the great Northwoods. Next year’s theme is a Mexican Fiesta! So those new programs and weeks added to our U.S. Coast Guard Week; Operation Home Front; Homeless Veterans Week; Women Veterans Week, Post 9/11 Week (with the National Amputee Veteran Softball Team); Camp Serenity- Families of the Fallen; Veterans Recovery Week; Diabetes Camp and all the other groups of veterans who came from across Wisconsin contributed to making the 2014 camp season exciting and new. To every member of the Wisconsin Legion Family - Thank you for all you did to make Camp American Legion the innovative, exciting and relevant place it is. As Director, I know in my heart that Camp could not function at the level we now do without your continuous help and support. God bless and we are already working on 2015, so let’s keep going. Kevin Moshea, Camp Director
Check Your Mailbox! Legionnaire Labels
Wisconsin American Legion PO Box 390 Portage, WI 53901-0390
NEW! You should have received your Legionnaire Labels! Please use them with pride and remember your donation supports programs of The American Legion! We will also send you this handsome brass Whistle Keychain with your $50 donation!
The Last
1 Germantown Leroy Casper K Fredrick Manske V Leonhard Kuhn K 3 Antigo Lawrence Adkins V 4 Athens Leonard Jantsch II Steve Lindstrum V 8 Waukesha Allen Koecke G/L Kathryn Evans II 10 Wausau Ray Knippel K Joseph Voight K 11 Green Bay Adolph Ziarnik II Paul Barnum II Donald Kerr V Warren Pouwels Donald Pecha Marvin Kaiver K Adolph Ziarnik II 19 Hartford James Kienast V 21 Kenosha Robert Visintainer K 26 Baraboo William Guerin K Edward Brecka II Frank Capps II Allen Bair K Michael Noennig V Everett Voll II 28 Valders Martin Vanlishout V 29 Kewaunee Theodore Enz II 33 Neenah Herbert Rasmussen II 36 West Bend Lewis Weber V William Holmquist II 38 Appleton Joseph Neton K Charles Alsbury V Harry Rozelle K Don DuChateau II Gilbert Henke II 39 Marinette Roger Utke II 41 Kaukauna David Kilgas K 47 Portage Arthur Docter II David Benedict K 51 West Salem James Noack V 53 Eau Claire Robert Dawson II 54 Marshfield William Eiche K Seymour Wintrone II Jerry Hardacre V Ronald Gatlin V Robert Kalsched K Roy Duerr II 55 Hortonville Charles Thorson V 62 Columbus Clifford Tjugum II 64 Ladysmith Ronald Smith V
1/3/14 9/13/14 9/29/14 9/6/14 9/19/14 10/11/14 9/10/14 10/12/14 10/9/14 6/30/14 9/15/14 4/2/12 10/4/14 10/2/14 10/20/14 5/24/14 9/14/14 9/23/14 9/15/14 9/12/14 10/3/14 8/8/14 9/20/14 10/11/14 7/25/14 9/24/14 9/14/14 9/11/14 10/1/14 10/8/14 9/16/14 9/22/14 10/9/14 10/26/14 10/23/14 10/9/14 9/2/14 9/23/14 9/22/14 9/14/14 10/20/14 7/27/14 8/7/14 9/29/14 10/11/14 10/5/14 10/7/14 9/22/14 10/14/14 1/17/14
66 Silver Cliff Donald Mueller K Kenneth Reese K Donald Hoppe II 67 Lake Mills Arthur Nickel K Thomas Wakeman V 69 Mayville Roy Billington II James Boileau V 70 Oshkosh Frank Blechl II Luida Sanders II George Last II 72 Sturgeon Bay Frank Jilot K 73 Neillsville Ivan Durst II 74 Oconto Lyle Whiting II Donald Drolette K 77 Chippewa Falls Ralph Rubenzer K George Brist II Loren Sawyer K 79 Burlington James McKusker V 81 Mauston Duane Falbe K 82 Port Washington Joe Voeller K 84 Monroe Arlin Erickson K 89 Minocqua John Schoenberger II William Titus II Garlan Vannetta K Russell Malicoat II Gerald Wallace K Henry Schlecht II John Dewey II George Emmrich II James Grosch K 93 Tomahawk Harry Welke V 95 Delavan Samuel Purlis K Mervin Linden K William Fernholz K 102 Walworth Navy Kelly II 106 Seymour Thomas Wichman K George Behrendt II 109 Lancaster Homer Ralph II Alphonse Michel 111 Somerset Robert Soderlund K 114 Eagle River Earl Newton K 118 Thorp John Lagasse II 120 West Allis Ellis Wallenfang II 125 Chilton Kenneth Bastian II 133 Camp Douglas Raymond Mavis II Robert Bruce K 137 Turtle Lake Arvid Anderson II 143 St Croix Falls Sigurd Rimestad II 150 Wausaukee Charles Luczak II 152 Menasha Gary Bushman V 154 Mondovi Warren Gronnel V 160 Brooklyn Edwin Meister K 164 Jefferson Raymond Lipperer K John Astell II Francis Schakelmann II 167 Sauk City Dale Kelly II Lewellyn Chartier K
9/29/14 10/5/14 10/1/14 9/19/14 9/20/14 10/7/14 10/10/14 9/16/14 8/2/14 9/9/14 9/21/14 1/18/14 9/23/14 10/9/14 8/30/14 10/28/13 2/27/14 9/24/14 9/30/14 9/28/14 10/8/14 9/28/14 9/23/14 8/23/14 8/10/14 9/18/14 10/18/14 6/6/14 7/26/14 10/26/14 7/12/14 8/25/14 10/5/14 6/19/14 8/29/14 9/16/14 9/20/14 9/15/14 10/18/14 10/9/14 9/7/14 10/18/14 9/4/14 10/6/14 9/19/14 10/7/14 9/11/14 9/25/14 10/2/14 5/5/14 4/26/14 9/12/13 10/11/14 9/10/14 10/4/14 10/1/14 11/24/12
181 Durand Cyril Pittman K Glen Gruber V Charles Sabelko K 182 Park Falls Arthur Schmidt K 188 East Troy Claude Peardon II Gilbert Malmstrom II Jack Wernitznig V 190 Reeseville Robert Lauersdorf V 192 Franklin Harold Wikel V 200 Black River Falls Roger Hansen 201 Tomah Gerald Sullivan K Tony Mangene II Howard Antony K Nello Felton II Robert Shutter K 202 Chaseburg Richard Andrews V 203 Milwaukee Roy Sandner II Richard Thor II Burton Sarnowski II 205 Janesville Donald Oakley II Donald Jaeger II 208 Rio Oliver Jones V 209 Orfordville Carl Paulsen V 216 Lodi Howard Nelson II 218 Hayward Sherri Wasielewski PG 220 Soldiers Grove George Alexander II 221 Osceola Purnal Tracy K 229 Mount Hope John Wilkinson K 239 Tigerton John Hanlon K 249 Frederic Marvin Madsen K 251 Argyle Vernon Priebe K 258 Little Chute Norman Lenz II Harold Bissing II 261 Greenbush Alex Titel II 263 New London Dwaine Herter K 280 Coleman Richard Ratajczyk K Gene Albers II 284 Holmen Frank Spruce II 286 Oostburg Louis Gartman II 288 Cedarburg Alfred Lubner II Kenneth Ritter II Bill Lang II 293 Silver Lake James Freyermuth V 295 Bloomer Kenneth Cole II 304 Palmyra Geraldine Miner K 310 Racine John Oberg K 313 Black Earth Gilbert Skalet II 318 Lake Tomahawk Douglas Simonis II 319 Casco Jack Voyles II 324 Osseo Waldo Johnson K Vern Indrebo II 330 Wilson Rudolph Erickson V
6/30/14 4/22/14 1/23/14 9/10/14 6/19/14 9/28/14 10/9/14 5/16/14 9/11/14 10/4/14 7/12/14 7/20/14 2/15/14 10/5/14 6/23/14 10/9/14 9/13/14 9/29/14 10/2/14 10/12/14 10/22/14 9/14/14 7/29/14 10/19/14 8/26/14 10/20/14 9/9/14 9/24/14 9/27/14 5/11/14 10/13/14 10/4/14 10/1/14 9/10/14 10/12/14 10/3/14 10/11/14 6/3/14 9/26/14 9/19/14 9/26/14 4/17/14
337 Pulaski Emil Szczepanski K 339 Almond Danny Gustke V 340 Berlin George Hess V Richard Rodensal II Donald Anderson K 343 Hancock Richard Przybylski K 350 Reedsburg Richard Baker K 355 Grafton Henry Klapproth 363 Denmark Bernard Gigot II 372 Forestville Harold Feest II 375 Mukwonago Jack Peterson II Robert Gaszak K 377 Elcho Gerald Rego V 385 Verona Clarence Witt II 391 Fremont Charles Gilbert II 393 Edgar Arthur Wisnewski K 406 Milwaukee Robert Haeflinger II Carmello Zingara II 415 Milwaukee Arthur Radecki II Daniel Ziolkowski II 416 Greendale Douglas Novak V 425 Exeland Willard Oehlke II 433 Barneveld Lavern Thompson II 435 Superior Irvin Mossberger V 436 Wrightstown John Rawski K 442 Wisconsin Rapids Kenneth Young K 446 Steuben Ronald Martin V
448 Milwaukee Gertrude Kent II Francis Witkowski II 9/14/14 449 Brookfield William Carriveau K 9/1/14 Herbert Rademacher II 9/2/14 John Schroder V 6/26/14 Charles Ross K John Aukofer V 10/7/14 457 Mequon-Thiensville Julius Hopfensperger V 10/19/14 470 Saukville Delbert Meloy II Raymond Schwinn V 8/8/14 Jeffrie Wichman V 8/30/14 479 Milwaukee Donald Smith K 481 Madison 9/6/14 Joe Breuch V V 3/27/14 Jerry Jensen 10/1/14 482 Bagley Robert Karnopp K 491 Cazenovia 9/7/14 Francis King II 9/24/14 500 West Allis John Literski II Randall Rakow V 3/6/14 501 Madison II 9/12/14 Milton Herritz Robert Bergman II II 10/12/14 Ira Taylor 10/20/14 Robert Peterson K Richard Fuszard K 513 Rome 9/8/14 8/24/14 Royce Boos V Thomas Wayne II 9/6/14 518 Green Bay Donald Klenke II 1/4/13 521 Fox Lake Albert Brockmann K 9/4/14 Earl Zumm II 522 Hubertus 10/2/14 Leroy Wenninger II 544 Twin Lakes 9/18/14 Roland Burmeister II 547 Lublin 9/14/14 Bruce Johnson V Rudy Soper II 9/17/14 9/22/14
12/29/11 12/20/13 9/13/14 9/16/14 9/26/14 10/2/14 8/18/14 10/19/14 10/1/14 8/20/14 10/11/14 9/19/14 9/24/14 9/15/13 8/25/14 10/16/14 10/6/14 10/27/13 9/7/14 11/8/12 10/12/14 10/6/14 6/28/14 6/13/14 9/28/14 8/19/14 10/26/15 9/26/14 9/25/14 5/14/14 2/14/14
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NOVEMBER 6, 2014
Legionnaire Mayland M. Metzger from Post No. 51 of West Salem received his certificate for 70 Years Continuous Membership.
Robert Foley of the Jensen-Hansen Post No. 394 of Loretta presented a $300.00 donation to Director Kevin Moshea of Camp American Legion during the Department Fall meetings held at headquarters in Portage on October 17th.
Thanks to Sheldon Hanson, Joel Andres and Curtis Summers – members of Carl E. Grabman Post No. 329 in Briggsville, veteran Gary Schultz now has a wheelchair accessible ramp.
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