IT’S AS EASY AS 1 2 3 !
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1. Log onto and click on “Renew Online” 2. Enter your name and member ID number 3. Pay with MasterCard, Visa or Discover That’s it! You’re done. You will receive your new membership card in the mail. No more renewal notices. No more stamps.
October 29, 2015 • Vol. 92, No. 9 “For God & Country”
Badger &“Wisconsin”
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Save $5.00 - Dues Increase Effective January 1, 2016
All Legionnaires are advised that a dues increase passed at National Convention in Baltimore will raise per capita dues $5.00 effective January 1, 2016. This is the equivalent to $0.42 per month. In comparison to a number of other membership organizations, including the VFW, Elks, Rotary, Knights of Columbus and AMVETS, which range from $30.00 to in excess of $100, American Legion dues compare favorably. Your American Legion dues include subscriptions to the Department newspaper and the National American Legion Magazine, along with a number of member discounts. Members are also entitled to free AD&D coverage through the Legionnaire Insurance Trust. The American Legion continues to be the leading Veterans Service Organization in the country; doing more for veterans than any other organization. As an organization we need to continue to focus on the mission of the Organization, which is Service to veterans, their families and their communities.
ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Renew Your Legion Membership Online Simply visit the Department website at and click on “Renew now for the 2016 Membership Year” under “Department News”. You will need a credit card and your Membership ID number, which appears on the mailing label of this newspaper. Pay your dues by debit or credit card and a receipt and temporary membership card is provided which you can print. Your Post gets the updated renewal information online from National headquarters via the very next day. Your Post will mail your new permanent 2016 card to you directly. Renew online at www.wilegion. org. It is simple, safe, fast, secure and efficient. If you have questions or concerns regarding on-line renewal, please contact Chris Schmidt at Department headquarters by calling (608) 745-1090 or email her at
All dues received at Department headquarters which are post-marked by December 31, 2015 will be at the current per capita of $25. Dues received which are post-marked after 01/01/16 will be $30. No exceptions. Commander Oatman advises that this dues increase affords us special incentives to achieve 100% of our Membership goals. Every post that reaches 100% of their goal by Veterans Day will be entered into a drawing to win $500. • Posts wishing to adjust their dues prior to the January 2016 National dues renewal mailing (2016 Membership year) must notify Department Headquarters by December 9, 2015. • Posts wishing to adjust their dues for the 2017 Membership year (cards to be distributed at King on Father’s Day 2016) must respond to the Post Data Form which will be mailed to posts in February 2016. Deadline for notifying Department headquarters of 2017 dues adjustments will be April 15, 2016.
Poplar Post Partners with Iron River Lions to Assist Veteran in Need
The annual Warrior Ride held in Poplar has worked with the BongHofstedt Post No. 409 to raise funds in support of Veterans. The proceeds from this ride, organized primarily by Mike and Karen Nevin, have been turned over to Post No. 409 for the past three years to oversee and distribute. Mike is the son of Vietnam veteran Jeff Nevin, Sergeant-at-Arms at the post. Funds have been used to support the local Salvation Army Veterans’ fund, the Veterans’ home in Chippewa Falls
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Legionnaires and Lions are shown here during the ramp construction.