“For God & Country”
October 29, 2015 Vol. 92, No. 9
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
2016 Midwinter Conference Approaches
Commanders Attend Fall Meetings
Win Big in the “Get One” Bounty Drawing The 2016 Midwinter Conference will feature Color Guard training conducted by a team of Drill Instructors from the Wisconsin Army National Guard Recruiting & Retention Battalion. Post members are encouraged to attend and receive hands-on training. All equipment will be available on site so there is no need to bring anything. The training will take place on Saturday, January 16th as part of the annual Midwinter Conference which will be held at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells January 14th - 17th. There’s something for everyone at this year’s Conference. The 2016 Midwinter will feature new training and exhibits along with special guests. The banquet on Saturday evening, January 16th, will be the 1st American Legion Family Joint Testimonial Dinner and will honor Department Commander Dale Oatman, Auxiliary Department President Laura Calteux, SAL De-
tachment Commander Mike Kollmansberger and Wisconsin American Legion Riders Association President Ray McSherry. Tickets are $32 and go on sale November 1st on a first come first serve basis. The Americanism Programs Resource Center will help you learn how to promote traditional American values in your community through the programs of The American Legion. National American Legion staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide details on how you and your post can become involved. The Midwinter Conference will also feature a demonstration Shooting Sports range where attendees can use the rifles on a competition range. Department Shooting Sports Chairman Steve Shanks will be on hand to answer questions and provide details on how your post can become involved in American Legion Junior Shooting Sports. In addition the Midwinter Conference will also feature several
exciting training sessions for Legionnaires at all levels of the organization. Graduates of the National American Legion College will be conducting courses of the Wisconsin American Legion College. Leadership training and Membership training are being offered. Other briefings will include Direct Marketing Programs for Membership Retention and Acquisition, Care and Maintenance of the M1-Garand rifle along with Funeral Honors training, membership recruiting and retention tips, sessions on Post Operations, getting Americanism and Children & Youth programs active in your community and the American Legion Extension Institute Course. There will also be a Historians Workshop and a Chaplains Workshop. The schedule is subject to change depending on demand. Legion members who sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid (continued on page 3)
National Commander Dale Barnett of Georgia met with Department Commander Dale Oatman during the National Fall meetings on Saturday, October 10th in Indianapolis, Indiana.
National Guard Mobilizes for Color Guard Training at 2016 Midwinter
CHECK YOUR MAILBOX! Excitement over the 2016 Midwinter Sweepstakes continues to be big news! The Grand Prize is your choice of $20,000 cash OR a new vehicle*. Second Prize is a $10,000.00 allowance toward any vehicle in the Boucher Automotive Group inventory*. Third Prize is $5,000.00 cash or Hawaiian Vacation thru Luxe Travel of Milwaukee*. Fourth Prize is $2,500.00 cash or a Hunting Rifle and equipment from Gander Mountain*. Fifth Prize is $1,000.00 or a Big Screen TV*. The drawing is set to take place
at 7PM on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at the Midwinter Conference which will be held at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino & Convention Center, S3214 County Road BD, Baraboo, WI. Plan on attending the Midwinter Conference and be part of the excitement. *All prizes subject to Federal Tax withholding requirements. See Official Rules at;
A team of Drill Instructors from the Wisconsin Army National Guard Recruiting & Retention Battalion will provide Color Guard training on Saturday, January 16th. All post Color Guards are encouraged to attend and receive professional, hands-on instruction in the proper posting and presentation of the National Colors. Training will include the basic positioning of the Colors, Posting and Retrieving the Col-
Remember that our Rehabilitation Fund, which makes the programs at Camp American Legion and our Department Service Office possible, receives all funds raised through the Sweepstakes. Please be generous in your donation and support the important work of The American Legion.
ors and Movement of the Color Guard to the Rear. The National Guard team will demonstrate the proper procedures followed by hands on training. Training will take place in an open learning environment. All attendees will have the opportunity to break out into small groups and perform all the necessary Color Guard movements with the direct oversight of Wisconsin Army National Guard Drill Instructors.
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District 9
“Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2015-2016 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Jim Young, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson Harold Rihn Rory Burns Dan Osero George Buchanan, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2015-16 Department Officers Commander Dale H. Oatman Vice Commanders Dan Seehafer Jeff Puddy Ed Cooper Jerome Krofta Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Steve Krueger Alternate NECman Ken Rynes District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jim Young 9th – Laurel Clewell 10th – John Miller 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laura Calteux, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
OCTOBER 29, 2015
What a beautiful fall day to be inside writing an article for the Badger Legionnaire with yard work to accomDale Oatman Department Commander plish but that is the way it goes sometimes. We had our Fall Conference at Department headquarters this past weekend and our National Vice Commander David Gough, Membership Chair Darla Porter and I explained to the Executive Committee that while Wisconsin has been in first place the past three weeks, we are still around 1,000 members behind what we were 1-year ago with our membership renewals. The first week
that we were in first place, I received a call from National Commander Dale Barnett thanking us for being in first place in the nation. The next week at the National Fall Conference in Indianapolis, the National Commander called a special meeting with the Department Commanders and National Vice Commanders to explain that National membership renewals were 60,000 members behind last year’s figures at this time. He explained that we all need to get going and renew/ recruit at a much faster pace or our numbers will be disastrously low by July 2016. I call upon all Legionnaires to kick it in high gear with your renewal and recruitment efforts. Remember
that Legionnaires who wait to renew until next year will pay a minimum of $5 more because of the $5 increase in National dues. If your local Post increases their dues, than you pay even more upon renewal. Save yourself some money and renew now. The District Fall Conferences are behind us and I hope they were a success. We are also completing some revitalizations. With Post involvement, they too can be successful – just ask Brown or Outagamie Counties who became 100% counties following their revitalizations this past membership year. It truly works if you decide to put a little effort into helping out. As I visit posts around the
state, I am continually pleased with what posts are doing in their communities. I met Legion members at fairs, fund raising events, funeral honors, sporting events, volunteers at hospitals, induction and flag disposal ceremonies and the list goes on. Thank you for what you do in your local areas. Events like these bode well for post exposure, recruitment, renewals and self-gratification because an active post is a strong and growing post. We already have many posts at 100% and I am sure that they are some of the more active posts. Well wishes for many more posts reaching their goals even if it isn’t a goal of 100%.
DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT Utilize the Chain of Command With Veterans Day and the holidays approaching, the Department staff is David Kurtz Department Adjutant busy preparing for a successful 2016. Membership recruiting and revitalization efforts and preparations for the Midwinter Conference at the HoChunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center are at the forefront of our daily activities. And as always, Department staff is always ready to assist in every way possible to help posts, counties and districts to accomplish all of our goals, in membership as well as programs. Your Department headquarters receives phone calls, letters and e-mails every day from Legionnaires seeking help on any number of issues. In most cases, we are able to take care of the problem or, at least, can refer the
questioner to the proper parties who can help. But problems can arise when questions are brought to us on matters which headquarters has no jurisdiction. As a basic “rule of thumb,” Department can most readily help with issues related to membership, American Legion programs, Legionnaire Insurance programs and veterans’ benefits questions. Headquarters cannot help with post elections, problems with operating a post business (bar or restaurant) or concerns of a personal or civil nature. These matters can best be resolved at the post, county and district levels, or in some cases, with help from civil authorities. A second “rule of thumb” to bear in mind is that questions can often be most easily answered by using the “chain of command” – just like in the military. Effective use of the chain of command increases efficiency at all levels of
the organization. The post’s first resource for answers is always your County officers. They often have the answer readily available on issues like post elections and the conduct of meetings. By directing a problem to the county organization, county officers will be better equipped to assist other posts with similar questions. The same applies for county officers seeking guidance. Their best resource is the District organization. Using the chain of command allows each level of the organization to become better informed as to the activities within the districts across the state. All levels become better equipped to handle challenges. Questions should not be posed directly to the National Headquarters. Directing questions to the National Headquarters will only delay receiving a direct answer. Staff at our National head-
quarters in Indianapolis simply refers questions back to Department headquarters, where we, in turn, contact the appropriate District officers who then provide guidance to the post. This is all in the interest of promoting efficient operations and maintaining the chain of command. So, whenever possible, use the chain of command and the Department Directory. The directory is available on our website at Just click on “Members”, then “Resources” and “Department Directory.” The Department staff is always ready, willing and able to assist in every way we can. We urge you to use the website, www.wilegion. org. It is a tremendous resource and has numerous guides and manuals specifically designed to answer most questions about membership, American Legion programs and post activities.
WDVA SECRETARY Veterans Day 2015 November in the Veterans community is a special month. John A. Scocos On the 11th, WDVA Secretary we recognize Veteran’s Day – a day to honor all those who honorably served as a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine or Coast Guardsman. At the 11th hour, on the 11th day, of the 11th month of 1918, World War I, the “Great War” concluded. It was a war that engulfed Europe from 1914 to 1918 and in which America lost 116,000 of its own. A year after the conclusion of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson set aside November 11 as a day of annual remembrance for those Americans who had fought in
the war. It became known at the time as “Armistice Day.” After World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day was renamed to Veteran’s Day – to honor the service and sacrifice of those who fought so hard in those two conflicts. Wisconsin service members have served in all the major conflicts of the past century, from the World Wars to Korea, Vietnam, the 1991 Gulf War, Afghanistan, and again in Iraq. It is our duty not only to care for them when they return home, but also to honor their service. This year on November 11 at the State Capitol as we pay tribute to all our veterans, we will specially recognize our Vietnam veterans as part of the Commemoration of the 50th Anni-
versary of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War sharply divided America, split communities and families and accompanied a time of massive social upheaval. Veterans themselves paid the price for much of society’s negative feelings about the war. On top of high death and casualty rates and unbearable fighting conditions, many soldiers returned home only to be dishonored and disrespected by the very nation for which they fought. The fighting in Vietnam was intense. The combat death rate was as high as in World War II, even considering the tremendous advances in field medicine and evacuation of the wounded. With the advanced mobility of helicopters transporting troops directly to the fight, the average
soldier saw 240 days of combat a year – six times more than the average soldier faced in the Pacific in World War II. 58,000 Americans were killed in that war. Wisconsin lost 1,239 young people to that war – and 11 percent of our Vietnam vets alive today are disabled. Those who served in Vietnam are our largest group of veterans. According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, we have more than 140,000 veterans in Wisconsin today who served during the Vietnam era. On this Veterans Day, it is our honor to recognize our Vietnam veterans who served and sacrificed so bravely. Please join us November 11 at 11AM in the State Capitol as we recognize our great Wisconsin veterans.
OCTOBER 29, 2015
Mark Toll Oral History Program: Featured Interviews Dedicated to the state’s citizen-soldiers, the Wisconsin Veterans Museum (WVM) affirms, commemorates, and acknowledges the achievements and sacrifices of Wisconsin veterans. The WVM is an educational activity of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. The WVM Oral History Program seeks to record the first-hand narratives of these men and women in order to create primary sources concerning what it truly meant to serve. With over 2,000 interviews in the collection WVM encourages attention not only to the creation of these interviews, but also to the preservation and accessibility of the information for researchers, visitors and future generations. Below we feature one of our recent narrators and a segment of her compelling interview. Julie Powers served with the Air National Guard 115 Fighter Wing as an armament specialist from 2003 to 2009. She deployed twice, first to Qatar in 2003 as a part of Operation Enduring Freedom, and then again in 2005 to Balad Air Force Base in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Powers experienced a dangerous welcome into Iraq. In her
oral history interview, Powers described her landing at Balad Air Force Base in 2005. …when we were arriving in Balad we were actually being fired on. And so we had to land very quickly. Um, and it was just sheer panic because I don’t think anybody anticipated that. Like, they know we were going to a more hostile environment, but not the welcoming, I guess that we expected. Um, and so you know, you could hear panic kind of in the pilot’s voice, that you know, that we’re being fired on. And nobody knew what that meant…You know you just, there was all these questions and, you know everybody was in their full fledge gear… And so we ended up having to land very, very quickly and we ended up getting hot brakes, which means that the tires actually started on fire. So then at that time, you know they’re, they’re pulling the back um bridge of the plane down before it’s even landing and telling us to get the F___ off the plane! And mind you, it’s pitch dark out, you’re on a flight line, so all that you see are these little lights and everybody’s is like, “Well, where do we, you know, where do we go? What do we do?”
MIDWINTER (continued from page 1) since 2013 can qualify to win a ter your name. The drawing will prize of $1,000 at the Conference. take place on January 16, 2016 at Simply sign up a new member, or the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and renew any former member and en- Convention Center in the Wiscon-
She continues, describing how it felt to land under fire, at night in a hostile country. And it was sheer chaos. I mean, that’s the only way that I can describe it and, I mean, it makes me sweat even now thinking about it. But, I just remember a guy and I remember seeing his reflector belt, so I knew that he was, you know, was there and he was a soldier that was already there. And I remember him grabbing me and basically dragging me over to a T Wall… Red is happening and um, I was terrified. I was absolutely terrified and did not know what was going on…it was ah, ah a situation that I’ll never forget. Powers faced other threats during her deployment in Iraq but safely finished her tour of duty, and later retired from the Air National Guard in 2009. She is one of four sisters who have all served in the armed forces. To learn more about Powers’ story, or any of the over 2,000 interviews in our Oral History Collection, or to learn how you can participate in our Oral History Program please contact the WVM Oral Historian at or (608) 261-0537. You can also visit our website: www.wisvetsmuseum. com/veterans/oral_history/
Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms Department Sergeant at Arms Candidate Mark Toll is a Paid Up for Life member of Post No. 38 in Appleton and the Ninth District. Mark’s eligibility in The American Legion is a result of his service in the United States Army as a programmer/analyst at NSA during the Vietnam Era. Mark has been married to his wife Deb for 24 years. Deb is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. His son Michael is a member of the Sons of The American Legion. Mark has held several positions at Post No. 38, including two years as Sergeant at Arms, three years at the Vice Commander levels and was the Post Commander in 2012-2013. He is a graduate of The American Legion Extension Institute,
has completed Funeral Honors training and is a former member of the Scarlet Guard. At the District level, he is in his second two year term as Sergeant at Arms. He is a regular at Department Conventions and has served many times as Assistant Department Sergeant at Arms. He has served on Post No. 38’s Convention Corporation three different years, and was the 2015 Convention Corporation President. These Department level experiences have allowed him to establish an excellent working relationship with the Department staff. He is endorsed by his Post, the Outagamie County Council and the Ninth District. Mark Toll seeks your support in electing him to the high office of Department Sergeant at Arms.
Communicating for Effect
sin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new member they recruit.
RIDERS RAISE A JAW-DROPPING $27,000 The amount raised in the 2015 Fall Ride for Camp exceeds the past two years combined. When the total was announced to the Riders at the event there was an initial moment of stunned silence. More than 100 Legion Riders took part in the Ride.
Camp Director Kevin Moshea and the Department of Wisconsin extend heart-felt thanks to all the Riders and others who contributed to this success. The Riders are shown here posing for a group photo at Camp on September 19th. They persuaded the Camp Director to at least pose on a bike.
Kendel D. Feilen — Chairman, Dept. Communications Committee “What’s the scuttlebutt (Navy slang for rumor or gossip)?” Effective communication should not be predicated on hearsay but we all have a desire for more information. In our Legion Family, we can pass information internally within The American Legion, up and down the chain of command or externally to news media, government agencies, and the public at large. In all instances, the information has to be accurate. Here’s an example of effective internal communication: Commanders, have you passed the $5.00 National dues increase to your members in a factual and positive manner? Did you mention that a $5.00 annual dues increase amounts to only forty-two cents a month? Not quite the doom and gloom that was initially felt when a “dues increase” was first mentioned. For another illustration, what
about that 50 year Continuous Membership Certificate that you received in the mail for one of your members? Have you contacted the local media and told them about the accomplishment of this Legionnaire and worthy veteran? This may seem like a small story, perhaps not worth mentioning at first glance. But won’t the family feel proud when they see Grandpa or Grandma at an award presentation ceremony? Why not mention what this vet did many years ago to serve our country and highlight their individual accomplishments? By passing the word externally, it puts your Post in a good light within the community and brings a feeling of gratification to the individual. Spread the word within and outside of the Legion Family and it will improve your retention and new membership rates!
OCTOBER 29, 2015
Detachment Commander Hello to the members of The American Mike Kollmansberger Legion Family from the Sons of The American Legion (S.A.L.) Detachment Commander, Mike Kollmansberger. As we move forward into this year I know that the key success in any organization is continuous communication. With that communication we have the chance to grow and better ourselves within The American Legion Family, whether it be at your own post, district or state level. One prime example is the Legion Riders. When they pool their resources (Legion, Auxiliary and S.A.L) they put together outstanding numbers for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, raising $125,000, another $50,000 for Camp American Legion and so much more. Now that’s Legion Family strong! The best way to keep it strong is to share what is going on locally. One easy way to do this is to sign up for the S.A.L. e-newsletter. Of our 3,600 members
only 700 are currently signed up. This is a great opportunity to learn about the events going on in your neighboring communities along with sharing your own success and events. To subscribe to the newsletter please go to: newsletters/?p=subscribe Our Detachment has had a number of successes and we will continue to grow on them. We have distributed more than 600 GI Josh Dogs to children of Wisconsin service men and women who have been deployed overseas. We are a major supporter of the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation, having raised nearly $7 million nationally for this worthy cause. We currently have 107 Squadrons throughout Wisconsin. We have a goal to establish a Squadron in every county. There are only 21 counties to go. Of the 12 American Legion Districts, three have formed District level S.A.L. programs and four more are underway. Locally, we help Legion Posts with fish fries, steak fries, parades, cookouts, Memorial Day and Veterans Day activities,
along with town celebrations and events. We participate in Honor Guard and Color Guard activities. We help with Oratorical contests, and several members are counselors at Badger Boys State. We support Junior Shooting Sports, A&G Testing, and Scouting. S.A.L. members are players, coaches, and administrators in American Legion Baseball. Members of the Sons of The American Legion are active in visits to our veterans at area VA Hospitals and helping out veterans in need in their communities. Our S.A.L. National Commander Kevin Collier asks us to stay ROCKED - Remembering Our Commitment and Keeping it Every Day. As Sons of The American Legion members we are proud to be a part of The American Legion Family, and appreciate the legacy gifted to us by our forefather’s service.
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OCTOBER 29, 2015
2nd District Oratorical Contest Wisconsin Arborist Association Day at Camp Returns to Midwinter On Saturday, January 16, 2016 beginning at 10:00 AM, students from the 2nd District will be competing for the District Oratorical title. If you have never witnessed high school students participate in the Oratorical contest, don’t miss this opportunity. The contest will be held in Upper Dells-C at the Ho-Chunk Convention Center. Each contestant will appear two times. The first time students must deliver prepared remarks for 8-10 minutes on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government. Next, an assigned topic
shall be drawn by the contest official in full view of the audience immediately before the last speaker begins delivery of his/ her prepared remarks. The assigned topic will be made known to the audience and each contestant approximately five minutes prior to their second appearance. During their second appearance, each contestant is allowed 3-5 minutes for delivering remarks on the assigned topic. The Regional and State Final contests will be held at Ripon College on February 13, 2016 with the Regional contest beginning at 10:00 AM and the State Final contest beginning at 2:00 PM.
Online Survey for Veterans Now Available The WDVA Urges Veterans, Family Members to Provide Feedback about Benefits, Services MADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs is pleased to announce a new online survey for veterans and their family members to provide feedback to the agency concerning their state and federal veteran benefits. We encourage veterans and family of veterans to take the survey, which only takes a few minutes to complete. The survey can be found at “Our department is focused on improving our quality of service to veterans and their families, and we need their feedback to help us ensure we are supporting veterans in the most current and effective way possible,” WDVA
Secretary John A. Scocos said. “Please take the time to help us improve our service to you, your family and our state’s veterans by completing this short questionnaire. You proudly served our great nation during a time of war, and we owe you the highest level of service, support and gratitude.” The questions asked are to help the WDVA direct programs, benefits and services. All responses will be kept strictly confidential. The survey is only available online. Veterans and their family members have until Veterans Day, November 11, 2015 to complete the survey.
The cry of “Timber” filled the air as members of the Wisconsin Arborist Association visited Camp American Legion for a “Day of Service”. A crew of some 15 professional arborists with all the heavy equipment needed did a Camp wide tree cut. Camp had many dead and problem trees
that needed to be taken down or pruned. Some twenty trees were impacted and the service was provided free of charge by the Wisconsin Arborist Association. The arborists enjoyed working here. They understood Camp’s healing mission of serving disabled veterans, service members
and families. They were honored to give of their time and talents to Camp. It was an exciting day of chain saws humming and wood chips flying. Camp looks so much better and is now safer, too. A special thank you goes out to the Wisconsin Arborist Association.
Fall Meetings Held at Headquarters
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Department Commander Dale Oatman of the Anderson – Sather Post No. 524 addresses the Department Executive Committee during the meeting held on Saturday, October 17th at headquarters in Portage.
The Last
8 Waukesha Kenneth Friedholdt II 9 Wisconsin Rapids Donald Vanderhei II Ralph Schillinger K Donald Vanert K William Clussman II 10 Wausau George Ostrowski K Walter Kowalski II 11 Green Bay Edward Bowden K George McGowan K Henry Jacobson K Dale Rammel II 12 Spooner William Lindenberger II 13 Richland Center Fred Nelson V 26 Baraboo Edward Hamburg II 35 Evansville Richard Trunkhill V 36 West Bend Roy Warner II Jerome Boehnlein K Jerome Vanderheyden K 42 Platteville Joseph Jones K Jeff Butson V 44 Wabeno Robert Thornton K Eberhart Steinbuck K 47 Portage Robert Swanson II Earl Weyh K/V 48 Beloit Edwin Greene II 55 Hortonville Harold Schroeder V 58 Hurley Joseph Traczyk II George Wallis V 64 Ladysmith Dennis Rosolowski V 66 Athelstane-Silver Cliff Ronald Paulson K 69 Mayville Mark Rach V 73 Neillsville Donald Lipscy II 75 Fond du Lac Roland Pfeifer II 77 Chippewa Falls Robert Gannon II Joseph Kramer II 83 Sheboygan Albert Sommerfeldt V Joel Conrad II 84 Monroe Enoch Huston K Bernard Gibbons II Paul Chapman II 85 Muscoda Rudy Schamberger K 88 Manitowoc Milan Fischer K 89 Minocqua Stanley Yaucher V Clark Henry V 93 Tomahawk Duane Alberg II 97 Dodgeville David Johanning V
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105 Shullsburg Delvon Tregloan K Harlo Webster K Gary Jeffery V 108 Clear Lake Edward Yelle II 109 Lancaster Berreth Ward K 110 New Lisbon Joseph Malin II Arnold Reuter V 121 River Falls Kenneth Hinz K Edward Sveen K Robert Moody II 123 Owen Edward Potocnik II 131 Colfax Charles Hertel V Wallace Knutson II 136 Niagara Peter Tarenski K 142 Blanchardville Elmo Holt II Eldon Hird II 148 Bloomington Alfred Bohnenkamp II 149 Sheboygan Falls Richard Gotchy K 151 Madison William McCaw K 153 Pittsville Robert Krueger II 155 Westby Joseph Bakkum II 164 Jefferson Ronald Rieck K 166 Fort Atkinson William McDonald V 173 Whitewater John Frawley II 175 Loyal Ralph Pescinski K Herb Langfeldt V 180 Milwaukee Bert Sjostrom II 181 Durand Stanley Hutter V Thomas Prissel K 188 East Troy Robert MacArthur II 191 Whitehall Bernard Matchey K 192 Franklin Clarence Niewolny II 205 Janesville Fred Blum K 210 Waupun Barnard Oppermann V 218 Hayward David Swatek K Rick Wampole V 219 Milwaukee James Albrecht II 224 Alma Jerome Benson K 238 Greenwood Richard Standiford K 243 Plymouth Melvin Lulow K John Grothe K 245 Cross Plains Harold Bergum II John Foye K Steven Starczynski V John Adams II Bernard Schroeder II Steve Gulesserian V Roland DiRienzo Uno Rentmeister Michael Esser V Phillip Zander K 262 Luxemburg Leonard Yanda II George Stodola II 263 New London Donald Stern II 280 Coleman Lloyd Vroman V
10/11/15 09/04/15 10/13/15 09/15/15 10/02/15 09/21/15 09/21/15 08/05/15 08/10/15 10/10/15 09/19/15 09/13/15 06/18/15 04/27/15 08/26/15 09/28/15 10/08/15 10/15/15 09/20/15 09/13/15 06/26/15 09/29/15
288 Cedarburg Kenneth Rappold II Paul Brehm V 296 Brookfield Aloysius Bojack II 301 Woodville Albert Hillstead II Daniel Vance V 302 Oconto Falls Lyle Wolf II Robert Shellman II Greg Martens II 305 Johnson Creek Joseph Doubek G/L 308 Gays Mills Michael Spurr V 312 Peshtigo Robert Pottratz II Loren Pesola K 317 Wautoma Martin Czarnecki PG 330 Wilson Gerald Snyder V 333 Sun Prairie Gerald McGovern II Leslie Vernig K 335 Avoca Leland Baxter II 337 Pulaski Roger Senft V 352 Cassville Ambrose Mumm K Edward Wentz 358 Unity Harlan Prestien II 366 Princeton Vernon Jackson II
08/15/15 10/10/15 08/06/15 09/08/15 10/04/15 09/08/15 09/10/15 04/05/15 09/12/15 10/17/15 07/15/15 05/27/15 09/13/15 09/13/15 09/24/15 10/15/15 08/27/15 10/13/15 09/25/15 10/09/15 10/11/15
371 Saxon Cyril Sorrels II 382 Menomonee Falls Raymond Guarascio V Jeffery Kunda V Robert Milbrath II 393 Edgar Jerome Greisch K Ervin Karlen K 396 Indian Creek Elmer Knechtel II 402 Washington Island Arleigh Overly II 406 Milwaukee Joseph Tronick Lawrence Pagel K Earl Buffington K 415 Milwaukee John Sliga V Vincent Nosbisch II Thomas Hacker V William Spencer II Nicholas Patsis V 431 Three Lakes James Kumbera K Arden Bierman II Ralph Mueller II 434 Oak Creek Robert Emmer K 436 Wrightstown William Moser V Raphael Rozmarenowski V 442 Wisconsin Rapids Eugene Topping V 456 Caroline Larry Lohrentz V
SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 25, 29, 2014 2015 10/08/15 09/11/15 09/22/15 10/15/15 09/10/15 09/17/15 09/25/15 03/27/12 05/23/15 09/05/15 07/02/15 08/03/15 05/09/15 08/05/15 08/23/15 09/15/15 09/06/15 09/16/15 09/08/15 09/16/15 09/20/15 09/21/15 09/26/15 09/16/15
457 Mequon John McGourthy 458 Wauzeka Fay McCullick William Christianson Harold Trehey Donald Trehey Orlyn Chunat 468 Milladore LeRoy Wanta 469 Marathon David Seubert 482 Bagley Roger Helgerson 488 New Berlin Dale Price 492 Rothschild Stephen Folwarski 501 Madison William Quinn James Watson 506 Iron River Isadore Sznaider 519 Stetsonville Julius Griesbach Kenneth McRoberts 534 McFarland James Leyda Ida Norton 540 Haugen Charles Walker 546 Racine Thomas Mason 547 Lublin Frank Zuber Ronald Osowski
01/10/15 12/07/14 04/16/15 10/08/14 07/31/15
08/09/15 09/30/15
05/04/15 09/24/15
09/10/15 09/26/15
09/02/15 11/19/13
10/19/15 09/20/15 10/07/15 10/15/15 09/27/15 10/10/15 09/15/15
Prepared and confident Choose the medical alert service that has saved more lives than any other
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Special offer for Legionnaires Save up to $70 with free activation and free shipping
Š 2015. Button signal range may vary due to environmental factors. For new customers only. Not to be combined with any other offer and subject to change without notice. Monthly fees and applicable taxes apply. Other fees may apply. Minimum stay on service may be required. *Coverage outside the home provided where AT&T wireless network coverage is available.
NOVEMBER 11, 2015
10/08/15 09/02/15 09/17/15
Riders Raise Funds for VA Transportation
10/01/15 10/03/15 10/09/15 12/08/14 02/07/15 02/15/15 02/28/15 03/08/15 03/08/15 03/11/15 05/19/15 08/06/15 09/28/15 09/11/15 09/16/15 09/14/15 10/16/15
The 6th District Legion Riders presented Fond du Lac County Veterans Service Officer Rick Patton with a check for over $7,000 to help purchase a new transport van. The van takes veterans to medical appointments at the Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics. The money was raised from a Walleye Weekend Ride and Brat Fry at the Harley Davidson dealership in Fond du Lac along with generous donations from the community.
October 29, 2015
Over the 3-day period we served over 600 people. The leftover food items were donated to a local homeless shelter. The liquid leftovers were packed up and returned to Wisconsin for use in future hospitality rooms. The hospitality room was decorated with a “Family First” theme and looked like it had been professionally catered. The team did an excellent job of showing off Wisconsin. As our guests got off the elevator on the 16th floor every one greeted them with “Welcome to Wisconsin!” We received an overwhelming response about how great everything was. You can all
be very proud of what was accomplished on behalf of Wisconsin’s American Legion Family. You can view pictures of the 3 day event on the campaign website at While on the site you can also see Candidate Rohan’s travel schedule and upcoming events. Over the next year and a half she will be expected to visit all of the continental US Departments and Team Wisconsin has 5 more hospitality events. Of course this site can also be used to make donations toward the campaign, which is more than welcome. Fund raising events continue to be planned for Midwinter and don’t forget about Christmas in July which is being held during Convention in Madison next summer. Men’s Hair House (http:// continues to offer a donation opportunity for those of you who live in a location with one of their stores. We thank you for your continued support of Wisconsin’s next National Commander.
LEGIONNAIRE RECOGNIZED FOR SAVING LIFE On September 23rd Sheboygan County Commander DuWayne Wieck presented a Certificate of Recognition to Steve R. Rortvedt, a 42 year member and Post Adjutant of the Walter P. Gilles Post No. 484. On August 7th while serving as a Squad Leader at a Military Honors Funeral, Steve performed the Heimlich maneuver on a gentleman that began choking on a piece of gum. Steve’s quick action saved this man’s life. This was not the first time Steve has done this. A few years ago Steve performed the Heimlich at a local restaurant when a gentleman began choking on a piece of steak. Steve was honored by the post for his unselfish actions and quick thinking.
Pictured left to right are; Post Commander Ron Biskobing, Steve Rortvedt and Barry Feldmann, the gentleman who was saved from choking.
Team Wisconsin hosted its first hospitality room on behalf of our Candidate for National Commander, Denise Rohan, in Indianapolis on October 11, 12 and 13. The room featured many Wisconsin products to include: Johnsonville Brats, Bodi’s Bake Shop, Usinger Sausage, Shullsburg Creamery Cheeses, Zimmerman Cheese, Klondike Cheese, Silver Springs Brat Mustard, O & H Bakery Kringle, Cedar Creek Wines, and Miller products. As people left the hospitality room, each guest was given a Wisconsin Pin, Pen and a brochure about our candidate. They were also given a 9-Volt Rayovac Battery with a reminder from Team Wisconsin to keep their family safe and change the battery in their smoke detector. The batteries and many of the food items were donated or purchased at a significantly reduced rate. Prior to the event, a call went out for donations of specific needed items and the response for in-kind donations was overwhelming.
Post No. 401 Commander Charles Dykstra recently presented a 70 Year Continuous Membership Award to Legionnaire William Trotz of Cambria.
Marvin (Stormy) Soerens of the Vander Jagt-DeBruine Post No. 338 in Cedar Grove was recently presented with a 70 year continuous membership certificate by Post Adjutant Herb Inselman. Stormy joined the U.S. Army in 1943 and served in Italy. He received a Purple Heart for wounds received in action. Upon return-
ing to America, Marvin joined The American Legion in 1946 and is actively serving as the post Service Officer. Stormy still has shrapnel in his neck area close to his spine. Like many other combat veterans who were wounded, Stormy still carries the reminders of his wartime experience with him to this day.
The Fohl-Martin Post No. 483 in Allenton recently hosted a dinner in honor of members with 50 or more continuous years of membership. Department of Wisconsin Vice Commander Dan Seehafer and 2nd District Commander James Lee were in attendance to congratulate the honorees. Five out of the nine Post No. 483 members with 50 or more continuous years in The American Legion were able to attend the event. Member Fred Zimmel has 71 continuous years and is the last living Charter member of the Post. He served in the Army during WWII and currently resides in Deerbrook. Willard Derge, who served in the Navy during WWII was on hand to mark 70 continu-
ous years. Joseph Reinders, an Army veteran of WWII with 70 continuous years was also able to attend along with fellow WWII Army veteran Roy (Rex) Weyer of West Bend. Other members recognized for long time membership in the post were Donald Jonas with 61 continuous years, Harold Reindl with 61 continuous years, Francis Nennig with 60 years, Joseph Spaeth with 60 years and Norman Doll with 50 continuous years. Pictured from left to right standing are 2nd District Commander James Lee, Joe Reinders, Willard Derge, Rex Weyerhaeuser and Post Commander Tony Montag. Seated from left to right are Joe Spaeth and Francis Nennig.
POPLAR POST (continued from front page) and a number of individual projects. Post Adjutant Chad La Lor was contacted this summer by Bayfield County Veterans Service Officer Kevin Johnson, who was aware of a Veteran outside of Brule with a dire need for a ramp on his house. The Iron River Lions Club committed to contribute the design and labor to build the deck, but was seeking a funding source. Post members quickly approved $1,500 towards construction of the ramp, with the remaining amount being donated by Iron River Building Supplies who supplied lumber for the project. Legionnaires and Lions are grateful for the assistance they’ve received from local supporters on this project.
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