October 2017 pages 1 7

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Badger &“Wisconsin”


October 19, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 9

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family


The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Suicide Prevention Training and Membership Resource Center to Highlight Midwinter M1 Garand Training Returns With Funeral Honors Program

The 2018 Midwinter Conference will feature exciting new training and exhibits along with special guests. The Conference will once again be held at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells, running from Thursday, January 18th through Sunday, January 21st. Register and reserve your hotel room now online at www.wilegion.org. Highlighting the event will be Suicide Prevention Training conducted by Lori Kirchgatter of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. Titled QPR Training for “Question, Persuade, Refer”, the Suicide Prevention training is designed to help people recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to Question, Persuade and Refer someone to get help. Those who attend the QPR Suicide Prevention Training will learn to recognize the

warning signs of suicide, know how to offer hope and get help to save the life of a veteran in crisis. Another new feature offered at the 2018 Midwinter Conference will be a Communications Workshop designed to help Post, County and District organizations to enhance their on-line presence and improve communications skills. The Communications Workshop will include instruction on creating a Post newsletter and effective use of Social Media. A Membership Resource Center designed to provide effective tools to Posts will also be offered along with “Post Commander” instruction presented as a special course through the Wisconsin American Legion College. The Membership Resource Center will provide attendees with actual Prospect Lists of potential members in your local area along with

mailing labels, post cards and telephone scripts that can be used in outreach efforts. Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton is encouraging all Legionnaires to reach out to veterans in our neighborhoods and encourage them to join a local post. Qualified veterans are reminded that even if they do not become “active” members in the post, they can support all 4 Pillars of The American Legion by joining a local post and renewing their membership. Recruiters can once again cash in at Midwinter. Legion Family members who sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for two years (since 2015) can qualify to win $1,000 at the Conference. Simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member and enter your name through Depart-

Support Fund Established for Veterans of All Eras Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Department of Wisconsin established a Troop and Family Support Fund to benefit service members and their families who were affected as a result of the Global War on Terror. In 2015 the Department established a Veterans Assistance Fund to help meet emergency needs of veterans from any era. By action of the Department Executive committee at the Fall 2017 meetings, the Veterans Assistance Fund and the Troop and Family Support Fund have been merged to best serve Wisconsin veterans and their families with emergency needs.

The mission has not changed. The combined Veterans & Family Support Fund will provide emergency funds to both veterans and active duty service members and their families. When we look into our communities we see both veterans and families of the deployed in need. Our Challenge: An anonymous donor has pledged to match the first $30,000 we raise from the Wisconsin American Legion family now through July 2018. Posts are asked to support this effort by contributing $1.00 per member. Those Posts that meet the challenge will receive recognition in the Badger Legionnaire. The Post Challenge, if met,

would provide over $80,000 to meet emergency needs of veterans and service members from across Wisconsin. Department Commander Laurel Clewell of the Johnston–Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton said; “This program impacts veterans and their families in their time of need. I encourage every Post to begin fund raising efforts immediately to ensure the success of the challenge.” Submissions to meet the challenge should be addressed to: The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin V&FSF Challenge PO Box 388 Portage, WI 53901

ment headquarters. The drawing will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can quali-

fy – recruiters get one chance for every new member they recruit. Contact Chris Schmidt at (608) 745-1090 or chris@wilegion.org. Please mark your calendars and save the dates of January (continued on page 4)


The annual 2nd District POW/MIA Silent March was held Saturday, September 9th in Germantown. The march was led by (shown from left to right) PDC Bob Batty, ANEC Bob Shappell, 2nd District Commander Greg Eirich, Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell, 2nd District Auxiliary President Danie Wilson.

Edgar Kuhlow of the Freidrichs-Mueller-Norgaard Post No. 149 in Sheboygan Falls, a WWII POW, was an honored guest at the Silent March. Shown here from left to right are; 2nd District Commander Greg Eirich, Legionnaire Edgar Kuhlow and Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell.

2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • October 12th Total: 38,002 • 71.03% 3
























PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: info@wilegion.org


DEPARTMENT COMMANDER L egion na i res and Family, Mother Nature is causing turmoil in our country with fires and hurricanes. The Laurel Clewell Department Commander American Legion’s Temporary Financial Assistance Program is an avenue to help and support our brothers and sisters. We need to continue the mission of taking care of our fellow veterans in the nation. Our American Legion Mission is to take care of veterans and their families. My hope is that we can create a good working Veteran’s

David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2017-2018 Communications Committee Renee Kasuboski, Chairman Rebecca Amundson, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Geoff Sheilds Gordy Clewell, Historian Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.

“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Bonnie Jakubczyk, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to info@wilegion.org

OCTOBER 19, 2017

Assistance Program that will assist Wisconsin Veterans of all ages. We should have the criteria and process after the Department Fall Meetings. Of course, we are always taking donations for veteran assistance. As we travel around the state of Wisconsin, we are experiencing the wonderful events that are happening at the Legion Posts. We need to share our successes and hopefully help the other Legion posts throughout the Badger state. Submit your post’s “Best Practices” to Julie Muhle or Bob Shappell because the Wisconsin American Legion College will be

coordinating the Wisconsin Best Practices Book. You can contact them through Department headquarters at (608) 745-1090 or email at info@wilegion.org. So what do we need to know to grow? 1) Do you know that National is sending additional Legion Magazines to your post so you can use them as a recruiting tool? Place the magazines in your community at doctor offices, barbers, hair care salons or anywhere that you think will help your post. 2) Do you know if your post has a mylegion.org account? If you are not good with computers, this is where you can engage the young

veterans. 3) Do you know if you are using the tools from mylegion. org that can help you grow your post? There are letters, labels, and lists that can help you at post level. 4) Do you know that the membership team has a workshop during the Midwinter conference? If you want to know, the membership team will help you grow. Thank you to the 11 Posts that have already made 100% in membership. We need less than 17,000 to make Wisconsin reach 100% and I know we can all grow to make this goal. We can do this – let’s make National Commander Denise Rohan proud of Wisconsin!

DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT Depar tment headquar ters has a large collection of documents dating David Kurtz Department Adjutant back to the birth of our organization in 1919. This history is a tremendous resource that provides us with insights and guideposts to face the challenges of today. After returning from France, the founders of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin set out to create an organization that would serve veterans, their families and their communities for generations. They faced challenges of time and distance that are sometimes hard to appreciate today. Communication technology of that earlier time was primitive by our standards but in spite of the challenges, they were able to organize 281 posts with over 23,000 members in a little over a year.

Back to the Future

It would be comforting to think that things progressed smoothly for our founders but the early successes also came with setbacks. Ninety-seven years ago, in October 1920, the Department was struggling with issues caused by our rapid growth. One of the unanticipated consequences was the challenges presented in renewing the original members of the Department for 1921. The strategy and methods they employed to meet the challenge are of particular importance to us today. In the early part of that year, membership had suffered an awful relapse. This was due to numerous causes. Chief among them was the plight of the unemployed. Thousands of men and women recently discharged from service did not have work, and had no money to renew their American Legion membership. The records at National Head-

quarters show that there were nearly 24,000 Legion members in Wisconsin in 1920 but by the end of January 1921 only about 6,000 members had renewed. It was apparent that something had to be done, so Department Commander Claudius G. Pendill called for a conference of Post Commanders and Adjutants to be held at Marshfield on February 19th and 20th, 1921. This “Midwinter conference” was called for the purpose of discussing and finding solutions to the problems of the Posts and to formulate ideas for increasing our membership. The Conference was attended by about 300 officers or representatives of Posts and was a huge success. A report of the conference proceedings was drawn up by Department Adjutant Austin Petersen and sent to all posts. The report contains a vital recommendation to Post

officers; “that the membership of the posts be actively pushed at all times. Lists of eligible members within each community should be in the possession of each post, and that every eligible member to the Legion be personally solicited through a membership campaign.” The information disseminated and enthusiasm generated by the inaugural Midwinter Conference bore fruit. By the 1921 Convention held that June in Eau Claire, membership had rebounded to 22,988 and the Department has continued to prosper to this day. There are many other fascinating aspects of American Legion history preserved in the official records of the Department. Over the past 8 years it has been my privilege to serve as your Adjutant and perform the duties of that office. I am grateful for having had the opportunity.

WDVA SECRETARY Remember our Country’s History So That We Do Not Repeat the Past

With Veterans Day upon us, as a nation we thank and pay tribute Dan Zimmerman to the men and WDVA Secretary women who have served our country and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom and democracy. And while these servicemen and servicewomen deserve our unending gratitude, we must also honor that service by learning the lessons of each war and remembering our country’s history so that we do not repeat the past. This year, we commemorate the centennial of World War I. One hundred years ago, after years of standing by, the United States entered into the “Great War,” also known as the "War to End All Wars." Though, World War I was in fact not a "last," but a "first." World War I is marked by the innovations in technology, tactics,

and equipment that ushered in a new era of warfare that defined how wars were fought for the next one hundred years. World War I birthed the use of airplanes in combat, tanks, machine guns and chemical weapons – things seen and feared on battlefields today. While wars have far-reaching consequences for nearly everyone, when I think of the wars of the past and even the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, I also think of those who served there and their individual stories. I remember Rodney Williams, a pilot with the 17th Aero Squadron, Wisconsin’s lone “ace” in World War I. Lieutenant Williams achieved his victories while flying a Sopwith Camel, a wood and canvas bi-plane with a top speed of just over 100 miles an hour and two light machine guns for armament. In 1918, Lieutenant Williams was flying over France on a reconnais-

sance mission with two other pilots when they came upon 12 enemy planes. They decided to pull away and continue their mission of finding targets to bomb. Williams spotted a German machine gun position and decided to use his bombs on it. Immediately upon attacking, Williams’ plane was riddled with bullets. He was shot. Blood poured from his hip and fuel poured from his plane. Knowing he was seriously injured and bleeding severely, but also needing fuel to get back, he used his free hand to plug the gas leak and steer his plane toward safety. That indomitable spirit, prevalent throughout America’s fighting forces, drives why we regularly see perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. That determination of Lieutenant Williams and America’s Armed Forces contributed invaluably to

an Allied victory. While a victory, it was unfortunately not the end. Instead it laid the groundwork for the second rise of Germany and the Nazis in World War II and left us many lessons to learn. We would like to share those lessons with you. I hope you will join us for a special event, World War 100: A Centennial Symposium on October 27-28, 2017, hosted by our Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Madison, Wisconsin. The event will give you the opportunity to explore the Museum’s new exhibit, WWI Beyond the Trenches: Stories from the Front, learn about World War I from scholars from across the country, and network with WWI historians. Again, this Veterans Day and every day, let us remember the stories of our fellow Veterans and their service and dedication to preserving freedom for Americans, and for millions around the world.

OCTOBER 19, 2017



Camp American Legion Speed Limit Reduction Department Adjutant Bids Farewell

By Brian Jopek of the Lakeland Times, reprinted with permission On Tuesday, September 19th, the Oneida County Board approved, as part of its consent agenda, reduction in the speed limit on a stretch of County Highway D which includes the entrance to Camp American Legion. That ended a months-long effort on the part of the camp's new director, Don Grundy, who had been trying even before he officially took over in June to see what he could do to get the speed reduced. It was 45 miles per hour at the time. The terrain in the area can make a crossing the camp has to get to pontoon boats during the season hazardous enough as it is. Add to that vehicles going through at more than 45 miles per hour and it's even worse. "It's a tragedy waiting to happen," Grundy told The Lakeland Times in early June. That was after Oneida County highway commissioner Bruce Stefonek, thinking he could change the speed limit, had 35 mile per hour signs posted for a day in late May. They literally were there not even 24 hours before they were replaced again with the 45 mile per hour signs, as Stefonek realized the change couldn't be done

in that manner. What needed to happen, Grundy found out, was there needed to be a traffic study done, a traffic study he was told could cost as much as $20,000. Nothing was heard about the speed limit issue until the Aug. 29 meeting of the Oneida County board's highway committee. At that meeting, Stefonek said something "not normally done" had been done by the DOT on that stretch of Hwy. D that passes Camp American Legion. As a result of the study, he said the DOT was recommending lowering the speed limit to 35 miles per hour from 45 miles per hour. Stefonek had a draft resolution put together by the county board's corporation counsel that upon approval would reduce the speed to 35 miles per hour. The resolution ultimately made it to the full county board and was approved. 'Keep it reasonable' The following Saturday, Grundy said he was excited to know the new 35 mile per hour signs would be going up the first part of the following week. Still, though, he said he'd like to see a little more done on that stretch of Hwy. D to make it safer

and there are other things to be looked at to that end. For now, the Grundy sees the reduced speed as a step forward. "The 35 miles per hour is gonna help big time but it's not gonna solve it completely," he said. "I like that Bruce and the state were willing to talk and look at other options. Reducing the speed is definitely part of it. That's a big part of it but what else can we do to mitigate? You're never gonna eliminate the risk completely." Grundy said it isn't the 25 miles per hour he actually wanted. "I went for 25 miles per hour knowing it would end up at 30 or 35 miles per hour," he said. "I went for what I thought would be the absolute safest." Grundy said motorists will be doing at least 45 miles per hour coming into what is now a 35 mile per hour zone. "Then they're supposed to reduce to 25 miles per hour?" Grundy asked. "They're not going to. So, let's keep it reasonable and keep traffic flowing because this is a main thoroughfare." He said he knows it was frustrating at first for the county."But they were willing to stick with us from day one," Grundy said. Brian Jopek may be reached via email at bjopek@lakelandtimes. com.

Auto Stunt Show Benefits Camp American Legion On Sunday September 10th, Scott Turkiewicz of Justin Sayne Motor Sports presented a check to Gordy Lovsletten of the Bronsted – Searl Ingman Post No. 93 in Tomahawk. Mr. Turkiewicz received $1,000 as his payment for performing an auto stunt show entitled “Eve of Destruction” at State Park Speedway in Wausau. The check is a donation to Camp American Legion. Shown here from left are Tim Haring of Justin Sayne Motor Sports; Gordy Lovsletten of Post No. 93; Scott Turkiewicz and Ron Wimmer, owner of State Park Speedway.

WWII Marine Receives Purple Heart

Joseph Juszczak of Oak Creek, a Marine Corps veteran who was wounded at Guadalcanal, had lost his Purple Heart. Thanks to efforts by many, including Department Service Officer James Fialkowski, Mr. Juszczak received a replacement award on Monday, October 9th. Shown here from left to right are; Two representatives of the Marine Corps; USMC veteran Joseph Juszczak; 4th District Vice Commander Tim Baranzyk; Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell and Department Service Officer James Fialkowski.

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Oconto Post No. 74 Supports Little Hearts for Life

L to R: Ginny O’Harrow, President of Little Hearts for Life; Legionnaire Clyde Bridger; Michaela - age 11; Marie - age 10; Gannon - age 8; and Faith - age 10.

PDC David Kurtz is shown here with his son Arthur and wife Navy at the annual American Legion All-star game on August 13th. PDC Kurtz accepted a new employment opportunity in August and continued to serve as Department Adjutant through October 14th. He had held that office since July 2009.

On Wednesday, September 13th, the Jones-ModrowYoung Post No. 74 of Oconto presented a $2,500 donation to Little Hearts for Life. Little Hearts for Life is a nonprofit organization that funds research that is dedicated toward congenital heart defects. Post No. 74 recognized the importance of what Little Hearts for Life does for children in Oconto and other areas throughout Wisconsin. Post members wanted to support the research that the organization funds.

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State Program Offers Disabled Veteran Business Owners State Bid Certification and Preference The State of Wisconsin Supplier Diversity Program facilitates opportunities for minorityowned, woman-owned and disabled veteran-owned businesses to sell their goods and services to the State. The Program was created in 1983 when the Legislature passed Wisconsin Act 390 that set a five percent participation goal for state agencies and University of Wisconsin campuses for purchases of goods and services with certified Minority Businesses Enterprises and a permissive five percent bid preference for certified minority businesses responding to bids for State contracts. In 2010, the Legislature enacted Wisconsin Act 299 that extended the benefits of the State’s

procurement goals to businesses owned by disabled veterans (DVBs). There are several benefits of being certified. These include a price preference which may be awarded to any certified disabled veteran-owned business bid that is no more than 5% of the apparent low bid or competitive proposal. This permissive

5% low-bid preference is applicable to all state purchases except printing and stationery. The preference also applies to state highway, facility construction and architectural/engineering contracts. Certified DVBs may also use their status to reach corporate buyers beyond the borders of Wisconsin. For more information on how to become certified as a Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise, please contact Domingo E. Leguizamon, Director of the Wisconsin Supplier Diversity Program at (608) 267-9550 or DomingoE.Leguizamon@wisconsin.gov or see the Wisconsin Supplier Diversity website at https://wisdp.wi.gov.

OCTOBER 19, 2017


(continued from Page 1)

18 through January 21, 2018. Bring your family and enjoy the indoor water parks, attractions and many activities offered in the Wisconsin Dells. Regis-

ter and reserve your hotel room now online at www.wilegion. org and watch for more details in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire.

Past Department Historian George Buchanan Honored

Legion Supports Memorial Day Program at State Prison On May 25, 2017, the Veterans Group at Fox Lake Correctional Institution (FLCI) hosted a Memorial Day Program for the offenders and staff. Department Vice Commander James Lee attended and was the guest speaker for the event. The program began with an Invocation by both FLCI Chaplains and was followed by various performances by members of the FLCI Inmate Veterans Group. Those performances featured a twelve-member Color Guard with nine flags posted and a flag-folding demonstration with the significance for each fold described. Artistic performances for the event included an

opera-quality performance of the National Anthem and a Native American Drum Ceremony. Throughout the program, four veterans’ stories were read by members of the FLCI Inmate Veterans Group with accompanying visual displays. The stories included : The Angels of Bataan; Charles George – a Native American Medal of Honor recipient that served in the Korean War; Lauren Bruner – a survivor of the USS Arizona; and William “Ryan” Owens – a highly decorated Navy SEAL that was killed in action earlier this year. The visual displays contained photos of the veterans and the environments in which they served.

These poignant narratives gave the audience the ability to deeply connect to each story. David Soldner, a member of Post No. 146 in Beaver Dam, works as a teacher at FLCI. He is the advisor to the Inmate Veterans Group and was responsible for organizing and planning the Memorial Day Program. He also acted as master of ceremonies for the event. Department Vice Commander James Lee of the Peter Wollner Post No. 288 in Cedarburg commented after the program that he was impressed with the event, in addition to the pride and precision shown by the FLCI Color Guard.

An American Legion Certificate of Appreciation was recently presented to Esper Buchanan in recognition of her the late husband, Past Department Historian George Buchanan. Reverend Buchanan was honored

for his outstanding service and assistance which contributed to the advancement of American Legion programs and activities. Pictured here with Esper Buchanan is Past Department Commander Dale Oatman.

Continuing to Serve the Sons of The American Legion In August of 1988, David Faust was elected as National Commander of the Sons of The American Legion and served through August 1989. Almost thirty years later, Faust remains active with the Sons in Wisconsin and on the national level. In 2015, Detachment Adjutant Michael Lawler sought out PNC Faust to take on the duties of Adjutant, when Lawler was appointed National Chaplain. Faust accepted

the challenge and now in 2017 was selected to be an instructor for the Sons of The American Legion National Management Institute. The SAL’s National Management Institute is a leadership training program, comprised of three segments offered each spring. Faust is a 50 year member of Squadron No. 245 in Cross Plains. Mr. Faust resides in Madison with his wife Cheri.

Sun Prairie Post No. 333 Celebrates 75 Year Member

On Monday, September 25, 2017, at a meeting of the Elmer Peterson Post No. 333 in Sun Prairie, Commander Richard Barden presented a plaque honoring Mr. Gale Chase for his 75 continuous years of membership and service in The American Legion. He has served in many offices with the latest being Service Officer and has participated in many committees and activities. Post No. 333 is very proud of Gale and thankful for his 75 years of membership, dedication, loyalty and hard work. Gale served during World War II with the then new technology of radar. Pictured here are Post No. 333 Commander Richard Barden and 75 Year member Gale Chase.

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OCTOBER 19, 2017



Milwaukee Soldiers Home to House Homeless Veterans

The Milwaukee VA Soldiers Home Historic District (the Soldiers Home) on the grounds of the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center is a National Historic Landmark District and one of Milwaukee’s most important historic assets. As part of an Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) agreement with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), The Alexander Company and the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee are leading a team to restore and rehabilitate six of the District’s buildings. Under the proposal, the buildings will be renovated to include a total of 101 supportive housing units for veterans and their families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. HOW YOU CAN HELP A coalition of organizations and vol-

unteers dedicated to saving the Soldiers Home are launching a capital campaign to raise the private funds needed to restore historic buildings in the Soldiers Home Historic District to their original purpose - a home for veterans. The campaign goal is $4.25M which will leverage an additional $36M to provide 101 units of housing for homeless veterans and provide community space and on-site veteran services. Partners in the campaign include the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Milwaukee Preservation Alliance, Center for Veterans Issues and the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee. Visit SavetheSoldiersHome.com to find out more and help reach the fundraising goal. Together, we can save the Soldiers Home.

Abandoned Veteran’s Cremains Laid to Rest DeForest Post No. 348 Officers Hebrews 13:5 - “I will never it was necessary to obtain a copy rangements for her family to pick you nor forsake you.” Installed by Commander Clewell leave of the death certificate. up their father’s cremains and a In July of this year, I was asked about some abandoned veteran cremains that were turned over to Post No. 534 in McFarland near Madison. The Post was wondering if the cremains could be interned at one of the State of Wisconsin Veterans Cemeteries. I did some checking and found out the veteran in question was from Illinois and thus he was not eligible for interment. In September I received another call about this individual indicating that an out of state veteran may still be eligible for interment in a Wisconsin Veteran’s Cemetery if they had lived in the state for a year after he was discharged. In order to know this

Department Commander Laurel M. Clewell had the honor of installing the officers of the Olson-Grinde Post No. 348 in DeForest. The Commander is shown here with the Post No. 348 officers during the ceremony held Tuesday, August 15th.

Legion Riders Lead Parade

On Sunday September 10, 2017, the American Legion Riders from District 4/5 participated in the Mexican Independence Day Parade in Milwaukee. They provided the color guard for the parade.

After doing some research, I was able to find his obituary which listed the name of a funeral home. Once contacted, the funeral home provided a copy of the death certificate that stated that the veteran had passed away in Illinois. This put to rest any chance for interment in a State of Wisconsin Veterans Cemetery. However, the death certificate did identify a daughter living in Wisconsin as the next of kin. Once contacted the daughter connected the dots as to how the cremains became abandoned. The daughter was overwhelmed and thanked us over and over again for having her father cremains. She then made ar-

copy of his discharge certificate from Post No. 534 in McFarland. The Good Lord sure works in mysterious way. This was a closure I will forever to be grateful to be a part of. Many a thanks go out to Mike and Russ of the EdwardFoye Post No. 534 in McFarland for all their work. I am proud to be part of this great organization and to serve The American Legion and Wisconsin veterans in this way. Steve Conto Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 Wisconsin American Legion Unclaimed Veterans Cremains Task Force

The wearing of the cap and usage of The American Legion emblem, facilities and political donations

According to Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of The American Legion, “The American Legion shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment.” The National Charter, approved by Congress, also stipulates The American Legion as an organization is nonpolitical* which has been interpreted by the National Judge Advocate as “nonpartisan” in modern lingo. Therefore, The American Legion as an organization is prohibited from contributing, helping or endorsing a candidate. However, a member, as a private citizen, and not representing the organization, can employ whatever legal and ethical means to advance his or her candidate. The Legion cap is considered

the official Legion uniform (see p. 42 of The American Legion Officers Guide and Manual of Ceremonies). It is not an individual Legion member’s decision on the appropriate usage of the cap and emblem. If attending a political event, The American Legion cap, or any clothing with the emblem visible, should be removed so as not to imply endorsement by The American Legion. The problem is the assumption of endorsement by those who see the emblem or name worn at an improper location, such as a partisan rally. When using post facilities to host candidates, the post should remove or cover the emblem and Legion flag to avoid any impression of endorsements. Candidates for all parties must be presented equal opportunity at the same time to use the facilities on the same terms and conditions as other competing candidates.

If financial contributions are offered by candidates for political office, campaigns, political action committees or political parties, The American Legion should politely decline. Accepting these contributions may be perfectly legal, but The American Legion must avoid any perception of supporting any candidate or political party. The American Legion values its independence and effectiveness on veterans’ issues. This stance is best maintained by neutrality on individual candidates or political parties. The American Legion by legal definition is non-partisan and supports only issues which impact our Four Pillars. * This means “non-partisan” in today’s society. The American Legion is allowed by Congress to lobby for veterans benefits and a strong United States of America. (NJA, October 25, 2012)



The Last


6 Stevens Point Sylvester Pliska II Norbert Fox K Leonard Glodowski II 8 Waukesha David Lovett V Nick Aversa K William LaJoie II 11 Green Bay Clifford Saari II Paul Peterson K 14 Iola Roger Molaska V 21 Kenosha Lloyd Davis V 33 Neenah Norman Peters V 38 Appleton James Wolter K Emery Parker II Robert Eftedahl K William Bero II 41 Kaukauna James Lehman K Cleon Egan II 44 Wabeno Charles Neff V Paul Kliner II 48 Beloit Willie Walker II 51 West Salem John Griswold V 52 La Crosse Ronald Boe K 53 Eau Claire Kenneth Trehey II Donald Hillman II 54 Marshfield Harold Schlafke II 67 Lake Mills Roger Buchholtz V 68 Prairie du Chien Eugene Gillitzer II 72 Sturgeon Bay Kenneth Watters II 74 Oconto David Maccaux V 75 Fond du Lac Delbert Waldschmidt K James Fitzpatrick V Richard Gilgenbach V Royal Carey II William Werner V Terrance Dibb V 79 Burlington Joseph Duplessis II Paul Spiegelhoff II 82 Port Washington Donald Allwardt K Donald Peiffer K Gene Wilfer K 88 Manitowoc Roberrt Welnetz V 89 Minocqua Thomas Granlund V Watson Bennett II 91 Oconomowoc Stanley Barnhart II 95 Delavan Glenn Gauger K

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98 Cumberland Harold Lindemann K 113 Mount Horeb Peter Eckstein II 115 Elroy Elgin Marshall II 117 Shawano Frederick Souba K 118 Thorp Joseph Lang K 124 New Holstein James Halbach K 146 Beaver Dam Charlene Kikkert K Arthur Yaroch K Mark Hansen II Wesley Salvo K Richard Priewe K Joseph Reider II 149 Sheboygan Falls Robert Stevens K 151 Madison Donald Kreul II 180 Milwaukee Kenwood Ziemann K 186 Independence Dennis Maule V 192 Franklin Eugene Price K Robert Hahn V 200 Black River Falls Lee Frederick II Gerald Fox PG 202 Chaseburg Burton Ekern V 204 Ellsworth Chuck Starrett V Francis Lieffring K 205 Janesville Donald Lippert K Eugene Soergel K Lyndahl Slayton K Melvin Zimmerman II 210 Waupun Jon Peterson V Lynn Davis V 214 Darlington Harvey Frye K Arthur Robiolio II James Tuescher V Richard Neuenschwander K 216 Lodi George Buckley II Frank Groves II Lee Emery II 220 Soldiers Grove Frederick Adams K 239 Tigerton Roland Block II 240 Baldwin Bernard Wikkerink V Craig Mohn V 250 Adams Alan Hoff V 262 Luxemburg Hillarion Dubois II Carol Harris V 263 New London Rodney Seefeld V Evan Voss II 269 Cushing David Johnson K 273 Grand Marsh Ervin Fandrey K 288 Cedarburg Walter Huebner K Willard Nieman K 289 Mapleton Gregory Rosandich V 293 Silver Lake Steve Kolas II 306 Green Lake Hermes Genry K 308 Gays Mills Wayne Jerrett K

09/15/17 09/16/17 09/04/17 08/11/17 09/21/17 09/16/17 09/02/17 07/07/17 09/02/17 06/27/17 07/07/17 07/15/17 08/29/17 09/02/17 08/20/17 07/21/17 09/07/17 09/15/17 08/25/17 09/04/17 09/09/17 08/10/17 08/23/17 06/23/17 09/10/17 09/25/17 10/03/17 08/17/17 08/26/17 09/04/17 08/09/17 09/10/17 09/18/17 09/07/17 08/04/17 10/20/16 08/19/17 09/10/17 08/30/17 08/31/17 09/03/17 08/25/17 05/15/17 09/05/17 09/21/17 09/15/17 08/27/17 05/10/17 08/26/17 08/20/17 09/26/17 08/19/17 09/13/17

316 Sheldon Donald Lippert II 329 Briggsville Earl Tetzlaff II Eugene Taylor V John Catlin V 330 Wilson Lawrence White K Gerald Johnson V 336 Onalaska Everett Vinson V 339 Almond Franklin Glodowski K Verlyn Scheider K 343 Hancock Richard Weymouth K 351 Montello Robert Mateske II 363 Denmark Russell Kriwanek II 377 Elcho Glenwood Gilbert II 382 Menomonee Falls Dennis Maeder V Sherwin Steffek K 384 Kewaskum Harlan Gruber K 391 Fremont Robert Brazil K 403 Webb Lake Richard King K Albert Kerr V 415 Milwaukee William Drees V 431 Three Lakes Donald Hencsik K 433 Barneveld George Erickson II 449 Brookfield Charles Bilda II Mary Ann Barrows II 453 Belmont Dwaine Garvey K Joseph Taylor V 455 Westby Alan Solverson V 457 Mequon Niall Laux V Rudolph Bartos II Harold Grothman II 481 Madison Robert Moore II 482 Bagley Roger Helgerson PG 483 Allenton Alfred Bartelt II 486 Jackson Henry Adams V Gust Blank K 488 New Berlin Leo Brelle K 492 Rothschild William Krajewski II 499 Gordon Morris Botten K Charles Zosel V Robert Lawler II Josephine Naeyaert II Elard Tofteland K William Hennekens V Kermit Plucar K David Hojnacki V Raymond Spieler II Reino Kangas K Albert Bosley K Dennis Castonguay K Paul Kending K Donald Thorssen II 501 Madison Kenneth Beck V Hugo Tiedt II Fred Jones II Alfonse DeMaggio II Walter Monticure P

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Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin


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Special Early Bird Drawing – 2018 Members Can Win $500 Renew by November 11th and become eligible to win one of two $500 cash prizes! All members renewed for 2018 (including PUFL’s) by Veterans Day – November 11th will have a chance to win. Log on to www.wilegion.org and renew on-line! Simply have your Legion Membership ID number and a credit card handy. Commander Laurel wants you to “Get One” and win $1,000. To grow at the local level, each post needs to rely on their members being active recruiters. For the individual Legionnaire, membership recruiting can lead to a big reward! Legion members can simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2015) and their name will be entered in a drawing to win $1,000 at the 2018 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new member they recruit. Department will also award them the traditional “I Got 1” pin. Recruiters can show their pride by earning an “I Got 1” pin. The pins are larger and more visible than ever before. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! Individual Membership Awards Legionnaires can earn other individual membership recruiting awards. 1) The Traditional I Got 1: pins are available for everyone who recruits a new member this year. 3) National Commander Denise Rohanʼs Special Award: Recruit three new members and receive National Commander Denise Rohan’s incentive award. 3/5) Clewellʼs Commandos: Department Commander Laurel Clewell’s Special Award. Join “Clewell’s Commandos”! This special incentive award is available to all Legionnaires who take part in the first step in growing our membership - Recruit and Retain Legion members. Everyone is called to sign up our nonrenewed members and add new Legionnaires to the fold. Start by recruiting three new members and then renew two members from 2017 and receive a special pin. Join The Badger Big 10: Receive a $50 Gift Card Sign up ten (10) new members and join the Badger Big 10. Every

Legionnaire that recruits 10 new members (not current since 2015) will become part of this exclusive group of Legionnaires and receive a $50 gift card from American Legion Emblem Sales! Badger Big 10 recruiters will also receive a special edition pin to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. Silver Brigade recruiters will receive a $100 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Gold Brigade recruiters will receive a $250 Gift card for Emblem Sales. County Commanders: Win a Custom American Legion Uniform Shirt! Department Commander Laurel Clewell has developed a powerful incentive for 100% County Commanders. All County Commanders that reach 100% of their membership goal by Veteran’s Day – Saturday, November 11th will also receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and county. If you have any questions contact Chris Schmidt at chris@wilegion.org or call (608) 745-1090.

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The Department is introducing an aggressive strategy to boost Membership recruiting by creating Prospect Lists at the post level. Posts throughout the state continue to do a great job in retention efforts but we continue to face challenges in recruiting new members to step into our ranks to replace those who pass away each year. All Legion Family members are being encouraged to supply the names and contact information of eligible veterans to their post adjutant who will build and maintain a Prospect List. Each local post can build and maintain a list of veterans in their community who are eligible to join The American Legion. While many Legion members may not be comfortable in the role of a “recruiter” most everyone knows other veterans within their circle of acquaintances. Members are encouraged to supply the names and contact information of eligible veterans to their post adjutant who will build and maintain a Prospect List. The Prospect List will also be augmented by the names of Holding Post 2930 and Expired members in the local community. The Prospect List will be made available to those Legionnaires who excel at recruiting new members. Members that simply supply 3 names to their post adjutant will receive a Prospector Pin. Posts that maintain a Prospect List will be entered in a drawing to win $500 at the 2018 Department convention. Posts must submit a copy of their prospect list by April 1, 2018 to be eligible to win. To qualify, Prospects Lists must conform to a Department approved format that includes columns to indicate “how” and “when” individual prospective members have been contacted and reflect the results the post has achieved (renewals/new members). Commander Clewell also knows that there is strength in numbers and is focused on growth for 2018. Every post’s first goal should be last year’s total membership PLUS 1. Each post that achieves growth and becomes eligible for the National Post Excellence Award in 2018 will be recognized for their accomplish-

ment in the official newspaper of the Department of Wisconsin, the Badger Legionnaire.

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Join the Wisconsin Veterans Museum and its partners, Wisconsin World War I Centennial Commission, War in Society and Culture Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Veterans Museum Foundation, and the Wisconsin Historical Society for World War 100: A Centennial Symposium on October 27-28 in Madison, Wisconsin. Marking the centennial observance of World War I, this


conference brings together national and international scholars to examine the Great War and its legacy. Guest scholars include Sir Hew Strachan, John Cooper, David McDonald, Bruno Cabanes, Holly Case, Jennifer Keene, and Michael Neiberg. Tickets available at: http://bit. ly/WWI_SYMPOSIUM_WI_ REGISTRATION Learn more about Wisconsin in World War I at: https://bit. ly/ww 100wi

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