September 2013 pages 1 7

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“For God & Country”



September 19, 2013 Vol. 90, No. 8

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family

The mission of The American Legion, Department Of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.


Virginia Legionnaire Elected National Commander for 2013-14 A U.S. Army veteran from Virginia was elected National Commander of the nation’s largest veteran’s organization on August 29th. Delegates to The American Legion’s 95th National Convention in Houston, Texas chose Dan Dellinger of Vienna, VA, to lead the 2.4 million-member organization of wartime veterans for a one-year term. He became an Army Infantry officer after graduating with a degree in criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He served at Fort Benning, GA, during the Vietnam War and entered the U.S. Army Reserve in 1972, separating from the service in 1984 at the rank of Captain. A member of the Dyer-Gunnell Post No. 180 in Vienna since 1982, he was made a life member in 1990. He has served as post, district and department commander and chaired numerous committees. At the national level, he chaired the Legislative, National Security, and Economics commissions as well as the Aerospace Committee. He served as chairman of the Legislative Council and Membership & Post Activities Committee. He has been a member of the Foreign Relations Council, Policy Coordination, Veterans Planning & Coordinating committees as well as the Legislative Council. Dellinger is a member of the Sons of The American Legion, Past Commanders and Adjutants Club, Past Department Commander’s Club, ANAVICUS and the Citizens Flag Alliance. He has served as a presidential appointee on the Federal Taskforce

In Memoriam John Damman – Department Commander 1972-1973

National Commander Dan Dellinger

on SBA Hiring and as vice mayor of the Town of Vienna, Virginia as well as serving three terms as town councilman. He is a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose and the Loyal Order of the Kentucky Colonels. He owned and operated a construction management and general contracting firm for twenty years specializing in commercial, institutional and industrial construction. Commander Dellinger took the oath of office along with five other national officers. Serving as National Vice Commanders are Douglas Wooddell of Colorado; Robert Newman of Indiana; William Rakestraw of New Jersey; Wayne Satrom of North Dakota; and Paul Dillard of Texas. National Historian Charemon Dunham of South Dakota; National Sergeant-at-Arms Ronald Miluszewski of Virginia; and National Chaplain Dr. Daniel McClure of Iowa, were appointed to their positions by Commander Dellinger following the close of the convention.

John “Jack” Damman was elected Commander of the state organization at its annual convention held in Green Bay in July, 1972. Commander Damman earned the right and privilege to belong to The American Legion by virtue of his service in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. He was a former resident of West Allis and retired from the Wisconsin Telephone Company. Jack was a member of the Bell Telephone Post No. 427 in Milwaukee for 60 consecutive years, having joined The American Legion in March, 1955. Active on all levels, PDC Damman was a past Post Com-

mander, past District Commander and past Department Vice Commander. Through the years Commander Damman was an active participant in all Department of Wisconsin programs with emphasis on his service as a member of the Board of Trustees of Camp American Legion for eight years. He saw active duty in Korea from January 1951 through January 1954, and served as an Infantryman in the 35th Regiment, 25th Division. Commander Damman was active in church and community projects, as well as the Telephone Pioneers of America. He was preceded in death by his wife

MaryAnn and is survived by three children – John, Lynn and David.

Dale Peterson - Department Commander 1996-1997 Dale Peterson of West Salem was elected Commander of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin at the 1996 State Convention held in La Crosse. A 48-year member at the time of his passing, Commander Peterson earned the right and privilege to belong to The American Legion through service in the U.S. Marine Corps. He joined the Marines in December 1951 and, after basic training, was assigned to the 1st Battalion 7th Marines in Korea. He was a lifetime member of Berg-Hemker-Olson Post No. 51 in West Salem. Commander Peterson held numerous chairs at the Post, County, District and Depart-

ment levels and was an appointee to the National Cemetery Committee. In addition to being a Legionnaire, he was a member of the General R.B. McCoy VFW Post No. 2112 in Sparta; AmundsonChristianson Detachment of the Marine Corps League; Military Order of the Purple Heart; and Voiture No. 830 of the La Crosse County 40/8. He retired from the Trane Company in La Crosse in August of 1994, after more than 40 years of service. He held a number of positions during his tenure at Trane and was a senior manufacturing engineer at the time of his retirement. Commander Peterson is sur-

vived by his wife Carol, three sons, a daughter and seven grandchildren. Carol is a member and past officer of Unit No. 51 of the American Legion Auxiliary.

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PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2013-2014 Communications Committee Kendel Feilen, Chairman Harold Rihn, Vice Chairman Dale Oatman, DEC Liaison Butch Van Rossum, Member Bernie Olson, Member Phil Ingwell, Member Barb McDaniel, Member Cecil Groves, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2013-14 Department Officers Commander Ken Rynes Vice Commanders Robert Shappell John Wolfe Dan Rindt Larry Wrycza Adjutant David A. Kurtz Department Chaplain Greg Simonis Assistant Department Chaplain Larry Olson Sergeant-at Arms Charles Roessler Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman David L. Gough Alternate NECman Steve Krueger District Commanders 1st – Dave Brisk 2nd – Dan Seehafer 3rd – Rich Ruland 4th – Claire Goodfellow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Jeff Puddy 7th – John Thurk 8th – Jerry Krofta 9th – Dale Oatman 10th – Ed Cooper 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Jim Chapin Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.

“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Joyce E. Endres, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to


SEPTEMBER 19, 2013

DEPARTMENT COMMANDER With every passing day, we close one chapter and open a new one. For example, another successful baseball seaKen Rynes Department Commander son is behind us. My thanks to all coaches and volunteers who make this program possible. The Department Commander’s pitch at Miller Park wasn’t pretty, but it didn’t hit the ground! Camp American Legion is winding down from another record season. National Convention has come and gone. The Legacy Run once again went beyond expectations in raising over $700,000 for scholarships for the children of fallen warriors since the War on Terrorism began September 11th, 2001.

And the Department lost another great leader in Past Department Commander Jack Damman. Our condolences go out to his family. As we close these chapters, I would like everyone to reflect and learn. Planning for next year is taking place right now. The one thing that I have noticed and must say; we have to always maintain focus on our mission. If we all conduct ourselves with our only focus being on what is best for The American Legion and nothing else, then many of the problems that I have been mediating will disappear. We are an organization of introverts and extroverts, both passive and aggressive personalities. If you find that you absolutely cannot work with someone, then move on to a different program in the organization and

do great things there. Don’t stick around and embarrass yourself or The American Legion. If you find that you are making decisions based upon how it will affect your next office, then you are missing the entire purpose of what we do. I have been amazed at the statements that have come from people’s lips that have nothing to do with what is best for the organization and our programs. Why waste valuable time doing things that are not positive or productive? The past is the past. We only have the future in front of us. Let’s get going and do great things. The district fall conferences are fast approaching. Please attend yours and consider attending those nearby to learn more about how other districts conduct their business. Never stop learning. The greatest

weakness that we have is the lack of communication from the top down and from the bottom up. If you do not participate, the chain is broken and the system totally fails. There are many great incentives in place for membership and other programs. Please use every opportunity to make Wisconsin the greatest Department within The American Legion. Myself, the Department Executive Committee and the Department staff are here to serve your needs in every way possible to help you achieve the goals that you have established. Please utilize us! We are all in this together. We succeed and/or fail as one. For God and Country Commander Ken

CAMP AMERICAN LEGION DIRECTOR The 2013 season at Camp American Legion has been a time of growth and restructuring. Camp conKevin Moshea tinues to strategiCamp Director cally change and reshape itself. We focus on creating a Camp that will meet the needs of Wisconsin veterans, service-members and their families today and in the future. Our “Help to Heal” mission is now positioned to serve all service men and women in any and all ways. Our goal, every day, is to make Camp American Legion “Relevant”! We started the 2013 Camp season with U.S. Coast Guard Morale/ Team Building Week. It was a significant first step in building a mutually supportive relationship with the USCG. Service members attended with their families and positive growth ensued. The following week was another first time program; Operation Home Front – Working Together to

Eliminate Veteran Homelessness. It was such a success that we are having another one this Fall. It will be called “Operation Fall Back”. The American Legion family can feel especially good about this effort. For the third consecutive year Camp hosted Women Veterans Week and the success continues as we filled the Camp with the ladies. It was an action packed week of seminars, workshops, peer support, and camaraderie, This was followed by Wounded Warrior Week for post 9/11 veterans. This program made a significant jump in attendance this year. I think we have finally tapped into this group and many are responding. The ones that attend have proven to be our best salespeople. They spread the good news of their stay to others. As I always say, “all we have to do is get them here”. Once that happens Camp promotes itself by positively impacting and changing lives. The new Army Recruiting Battalion Reintegration/Retreat Program came to Camp for the first time.

Recruiters in Wisconsin who had served overseas in the last 18 months spent a week with us. They are topnotch combat soldiers; the best of the best. One of the soldiers who came to Camp had deployed five (5) times. The Wisconsin National Guard’s Camp Serenity – Families of the Fallen filled the Camp for the third year now. This is always a very special time of personal remembrance and family healing. Blind/Vision Impaired Veterans Week grew in participation for the second year. This was followed by Veterans Recovery Week. Camp helped both of these groups heal and become strong. A VA hospital recovery program coordinator came to Camp during the week and observed the positive impact Camp has on these veterans. She said, “I am seeing my vets like I have never seen them before”. She left Camp with a new understanding of how Camp can help and compliment her VA program. We also hosted Diabetes Camp with increased participation over last year. It is Camp teaching veter-

ans how to take control of and better manage their diabetes. All season long we continued to serve VA hospital clinics; PTS, Long Term Care, Mental Health Intensive Care Management, Spinal Cord Injury, Community Support programs and more. In addition to current programs, we are discussing and developing programs in resiliency & suicide prevention, reintegration, survivor outreach, military youth & kids, transition assistance, military family life and more. Camp as a facility continues to grow and improve as well. Working with Wisconsin National Guard Engineers a new boat landing was built. Future projects include construction of a new Chapel and water fountain. We’re also looking at larger scale projects that have the potential to redefine Camp on every level. Camp’s growth plans never end. It is continuous and we need your continued support. We are all stakeholders in Camp American Legion. Thank you and God Bless

DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN My name is Dallas Loesel. I was appointed Department Membership Chairman by Department Dallas Loesel Membership Chairman C o m m a n d e r Ken Rynes. I’m a Vietnam era veteran, a Past Department Vice Commander and a 36 year member of Post No. 264 in Gilmanton. I want to thank and congratulate some of the 100% posts. The first 100% Post in the Department is Post No. 411 of Milwaukee. The second is Post No. 25 of Odanah in the 11th District. Other 100% posts so far include Post No. 540 of Haugen in the 10th District, Post No. 473 of Potosi in the 3rd District, Post No. 103 of Galesville of the 10th District.

Membership is vitally important to The American Legion. Membership dues provide critical funds needed to operate Legion programs, all the way from your Post to the National level. Let’s see how our membership goals work. In Wisconsin there are 512 posts, 70 County Councils and 12 Districts. Every Post, County and District has a number of members they need to renew or recruit to reach 100%. The Post membership goal is determined by the highest number of members in the post over the last two years. The County goal is based on the total annual membership goals of all the Posts within that County, while the District goal is the total of their respective County membership goals. Each year the Department Commander negotiates with the National Commander to establish

the statewide goal. Our Department goal for 2014 is 59,500 and currently we are at 38,986 or 66% of our goal. Sounds like a lot of Legionnaires for Wisconsin? Not at all. According to estimates there are 417,654 veterans in the state which means that approximately 14.25% of them are in The American Legion. This leaves us plenty of opportunity to grow. Remember, your American Legion Benefits more than pay your dues every year! This last summer my wife and I took a trip and in just three days received motel discounts that saved us $55.00 because of my Legion membership. Find out about more membership benefits at You can also renew your membership on-line. See the notice in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire right next to your mailing address.

As a member, you can help sign up new members in The American Legion. Each of us knows veterans in their community. The only way to get those veterans to join The American Legion is to ask them. Yes! I mean you. Who has a better chance signing up someone you know, than you? Just like you, they earned the right to belong to the world’s largest Veterans Service Organization by serving during time of armed conflict. When you sign up a new member, you will have a chance to win $1,000.00 for each and every new member you sign up. Look for information on the Membership Recruiting bounty in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire. Get a chance to win the $1,000.00 bounty by signing up a new member. Feel free to contact me at

SEPTEMBER 19, 2013



New State Budget Contains Extensive Improvements to Veterans Benefits By WDVA Secretary John A. Scocos On June 30, Governor Walker signed the 2013–2015 biennial budget into law. His budget reflects his understanding of the needs of Wisconsin’s veterans and the ever-changing nature of how we as an agency provide for veterans. Below you will find a summary of the Governor’s budget initiatives as they relate to veterans. As the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, I am pleased at the passage and signing of the new biennial budget into law. Our department’s mission is to serve veterans and their families, providing them the very best programs, benefits and services possible – this budget is a tremendous aid to us in that mission. The following is a summary of veterans items from the budget: 1. Veterans Trust Fund and Mortgage Loan Repayment Fund Solvency – Permit the Department of Veterans Affairs to transfer any unencumbered program revenue balance from the appropriations associated with the operations of the veterans homes to the veterans trust fund or the mortgage loan repayment fund. In addition, transfer $5.3 million from the general fund to the veterans trust

fund in fiscal year 2013-14. 2. Veterans Home at King – Provide 110.6 FTE PR positions and associated expenditure authority to increase staffing levels at the home in order to meet the demand for care. In addition, provide $283,400 PR in fiscal year 2013-14 and $320,200 PR in fiscal year 2014-15 to fund the costs of replacing 100 patient lifts and to fully fund master lease payments for prior equipment purchases. 3. Veterans Home at Union Grove – Provide 40.0 FTE PR positions and associated expenditure authority to provide additional staff to operate the newly renovated Gates Hall skilled nursing facility and to add 1.0 FTE security supervisor position and two half-time security officers to improve after hours and weekend security. 4. Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls – Provide $1,180,000 PR in fiscal year 2013-14 and $1,170,000 PR in fiscal year 2014-15 to reflect the costs of operating the home during the biennium. In addition, transfer 2.0 FTE positions from the Veterans Home at Union Grove to the Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls. 5. Task Force on the Future of the Veterans Homes – Create a task force chaired by the Department of Veter-

ans Affairs secretary and comprised of representatives from the Departments of Health Services, Corrections, Military Affairs, Administration and Veterans Affairs to provide recommendations to the Governor and Legislature on the future operations of the state veterans homes and opportunities to improve the costeffectiveness of operations and the coordination of interagency services. 6. Long-Term Care Bed Assessment – Permanently exempt the state veterans homes from the long-term care bed assessment collected by the Department of Health Services. 7. Veterans Home Collections Specialist – Provide 1.0 FTE PR position and associated expenditure authority to increase collection efforts at the veterans homes and reduce bad debt. 8. Residency Requirements for Veterans Homes and Cemeteries – Permit qualifying veterans and spouses who do not meet the one-year state residency requirement to be admitted to state veterans homes, but specify that state residents have admissions priority if there is a waiting list for the home. In addition, specify that all members of the state veterans homes qualify for burial in a state veterans cemetery.

WDVA SECRETARY Since September 11, 2001, our nation has been at war. For 12 years American soldiers have had their boots on John A. Scocos WDVA Secretary the ground in Afghanistan – from the units that first struck the Taliban in the fall of 2001 to the many units that came after them for combat and rebuilding missions. Wisconsin troops have answered the call and served and are among our nation’s newest veterans. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 have certainly changed the way America thinks and acts. We are more vigilant and alert. We are also more aware of the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform. As an agency, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs is also more aware of the needs of our veterans and

what we can do to help them. Since 2001, more than 30,000 men and women from Wisconsin stepped up to serve in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places in support of the Global War on Terror; more than 100 hundred of these brave men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice. To these men and women, and their families, we owe a debt of gratitude. Whether it is a simple thank you, a standing ovation, or access to benefits like free tuition at one of our state’s great colleges or universities, we must do all we can to support our veterans and military personnel. As we remember the horror of September 11, 2001, we should remember those who stood afterward in support of their country, whether it was at home or abroad – in uniform or not – providing essential support to see America through a dark time.

As we recognize the challenges of the present, we also need to remember the sacrifices of the past and those who came before us. 60 years ago, America was fighting a different war, in Korea. As part of honoring our state’s Korea veterans, on September 24 the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs is hosting a ceremony at the Milwaukee War Memorial. Veterans from all eras, as well as others who wish to recognize Korea veterans, are welcome to attend. With over 40,000 Korean War veterans alive in Wisconsin today, we honor their service and sacrifice and ensure no soldier from any war is ever forgotten or left behind. Please join us at 12 p.m. on September 24 at the War Memorial to honor our Korean veterans. (John A. Scocos is the Secretary of the WI Department of Veterans Affairs. He is an Iraq War veteran.)

New State Budget Expands Eligibility for WI GI Bill Veterans with 5 years of residency prior to the semester they want to attend a Wisconsin college or technical school are now eligible. Prior to this new provision a veteran had to have a home of record in Wisconsin to be eligible. Note; dependents of these “newly” eligible veterans are not eligible for the benefit. FEE REMISSION FOR VETERANS • “Veteran” means a person who

is verified by the Department of Veterans Affairs as being a resident of this State for purposes of receiving benefits under chapter 45; as being a resident of this State at the time of his or her entry into the U.S. armed forces or forces incorporated in the U.S. armed forces; or as being a resident of this State for at least 5 consecutive years immediately preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which the person registers at an institution;

and as meeting any of the following conditions: • In determining a person’s residency at the time of entry into service under the State from which the person entered service is irrelevant (Note; the home of record is the relevant item) • Student Veteran must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 grade point average to be eligible for the fee remission.

9. Veterans Memorial Cemeteries – Provide 5.0 FTE FED positions and associated expenditure authority at the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery and provide expenditure authority to support additional LTE staffing at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery. 10. Wisconsin G.I. Bill – Expand eligibility for tuition remission at a University of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Technical College program to veterans who have resided in Wisconsin for at least five consecutive years prior to the date of application. In addition, require recipients of benefits under the Wisconsin G.I. Bill to maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0, beginning January 1, 2014, and delete a 10-year time limit on the eligibility of spouses of disabled or deceased veterans to claim education benefits under the Wisconsin G.I. Bill. 11.Tribal College Veterans Education Program – Permit qualifying veterans attending either the College of the Menominee Nation or Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College to receive tuition reimbursement and provide $405,000 annually from tribal gaming revenues. 12. Veterans Service Organization Grants – Provide $238,000 SEG annually to increase grants to veterans services organizations that provide assistance to veterans in applying for and obtaining benefits and that offer transportation services to veterans, and to Camp American Legion, which provides recreation and rehabilitation services to veterans and their families. Permit, rather than require, the department to distribute the grants based on the statutory funding formulas. 13. Tribal Veterans Service Officer Grants – Provide $48,800 SEG annually to increase the maximum amount of grants to tribal veterans service officers from $8,500 to $10,000. 14. VETransfer – Provide $500,000 SEG on a one-time basis in fiscal year 2013-14 to provide a grant to the VETransfer organization to support entrepreneurial training and start-up grants to veterans. The organization’s reporting requirement related to this grant is listed in Section IV below. 15. Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) Program – Transfer 37.0 FTE FED positions and $3,106,000 FED annually to reflect the transfer of DVOP and LVER operations from the Department of Workforce Development to the Department of Veterans Affairs, contingent on the approval of the U.S. Department of Labor. 16. Disabled Veteran Employment Program – Repeal the disabled veteran employment tax credit effective tax year 2013 and instead provide $500,000 SEG from the veterans trust fund annually to create a grant program administered by the Department of Workforce Development to provide grants to employers who hire disabled veterans. 17. Income Tax Exclusion for Armed Forces Members who Die on Active Duty – Create an individual income tax exclusion for income re-

ceived by an armed forces member who dies while on active duty while serving in a combat zone or as a result of wounds, disease or injury incurred while serving in a combat zone, effective for taxable years beginning January 1, 2013. 18. Veterans and Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit – Expand the property tax credit to include unremarried spouses of qualifying veterans who died as a result of a serviceconnected disability. 19. Returning Veteran Hunting, Fishing and State Park Access – Provide a voucher to certain qualified veterans returning from service that can be redeemed at a Department of Natural Resources office for a resident small game, deer or archer hunting license, or annual fishing license. In addition, provide a one-time exemption from the annual state trail pass fee for qualified resident veterans, and provide free access to state parks and trails to resident veterans and active duty service members during Veterans Day and Memorial Day weekends. 20. Military Funeral Honors – Create a sum sufficient SEG appropriation in the veterans trust fund to support stipend payments to veterans service organizations that provide services at the funerals of qualified veterans. 21. State Veterans Museum – Provide 1.0 FTE SEG position and $294,600 SEG in fiscal year 201314 and $331,000 SEG in fiscal year 2014-15 to increase staffing and support outreach and maintenance improvements at the Veterans Museum. 22.Classified and Unclassified Positions – Transfer 2.0 FTE positions representing the chief legal officer and public information officer from classified to unclassified service, to be consistent with other cabinet agencies, and require incumbent employees in these positions to be appointed to comparable classified positions in the department. Transfer 2.0 FTE positions representing the commandants of the Veterans Homes at King and Union Grove from unclassified to classified service. Finally, delete the authority of the department to hire 1.0 FTE additional unclassified division administrator position since the authority has not been used. 23. Technical Statutory Changes – Make several technical changes to state statutes including deleting a reference to chronic alcoholism, drug addition, psychosis and active tuberculosis related to admission to the veterans homes; requiring approval of the Board of Veterans Affairs to modifications to veterans memorials with costs exceeding $25,000; and revising provisions related to the Veterans Assistance Program to be compliant with federal requirements and current practices. If you have any questions regarding the budget please contact the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs – Office of Public Affairs at 608-261-5418.



SEPTEMBER 19, 2013

Riders Help WWII Flyers Tomahawk Legionnaires Get in Gear Samsung Five Legionnaires from the ramp in order to return home. This Complete a Historic Mission Bronsted-Searl Scholarship Post No. 93 of project was completed on SaturTomahawk sprang into action day, August 31st by 10:30AM. Earlier this summer the Collings The 1st District American LeWinner These members epitomize what gion Riders were recently honored Foundation’s “Wings of Freedom” when they learned one of their to present the Colors, including an Army Air Forces flag and a WW II Victory flag for several 8th Air Force veterans of World War II. These Army airmen were given the opportunity to once again fly in the planes they served in during “The Big One”.

tour stopped at the John H. Batten Airport in Racine, WI with aircraft including a B-17, a B-24 and a P-51 Mustang. The planes carried a number of 8th Air Force veterans from Racine to an airfield outside of Chicago on this special mission.

comrades was in need. Gordy Lovsletten, Ron Jensen, Bill Jelinek, Gary Randall and Gerry Johnson learned that a local veteran had lost part of his right leg due to a fungal infection and needed a ramp in order to get in and out of his home. Led by Gordy, the team engineered and built the ramp in short order. The project started on Wednesday, August 28th, when the temperatures and humidity were running quite high. Despite the weather they charged forward because the veteran needed the

The American Legion is about; Veterans helping Veterans. When Legionnaires recite the Preamble to The American Legion Constitution we say “For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes”… the tenth point is “to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.” These five Legionnaires have honored this point of The American Legion’s Constitution. They have set the standard for the rest of us to emulate.

Pictured here are 1st District Legion Riders (L-R); Jimmie “JR” Rosko, Richard “Irish” Whalen, Kim “Milkman” Dary, Don “Alamo” Stone, and Dave “Timex” Hart in front of a B-24 painted in the configuration of the original “Witchcraft” which flew more missions than any other B-24 during the war.


VETERAN MORTGAGES Take advantage of a Benefit that you have Earned! ☛ Zero Down Payment ☛ Purchase or Refinance ☛ Flexible Terms Do you or do you know of anyone that would like to purchase or refinance a home? If you do, have them contact a fellow veteran: JOHN A. TREPTOW (NMLS# 280858) (920) 540-0017

The annual meeting and dinner of the Past Commanders Club will be held on Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 at the Bintzler-Waehler Lomira Post No. 347, located at 412 Pleasant Avenue, Lomira. The meeting will be at 3:00 pm and the dinner at 5:00 pm. Spouses and/or guests are also welcome. The meal will consist of Baked Chicken and Swiss Steak in Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Tossed Salad and 3 dressings, Pistachio Fruit Fluff Salad, dinner rolls, dessert, coffee, milk and water.

I (We) will attend _________________________________

Unable to attend this year___________________________

Please include your check for $20.00 per person payable to the Past Commanders Club to Ronald Kaun, Adjutant, at 7901 S. Scepter Dr., Unit #4, Franklin, WI 53132-2244. If interested, a group of rooms has been reserved at the Country Hearth Inn, 645 East Avenue, Lomira. Deadline for room reservations is Oct.19, 2012. When making reservations mention the PAST COMMANDERS CLUB. The price per room of $79.99 plus tax includes a complimentary breakfast. Call (920) 269-7477 for reservations.

Taylor Forman

Taylor Forman of Belleville has been selected as the Wisconsin 2013 Samsung American Legion Scholarship National Finalist by the Director of Badger Boys State. Each year, delegates that attend Badger Boys State are eligible to apply for the Samsung Scholarship if they are a direct descendant of a military war veteran. Academic success, community involvement and other criteria are used in the selection process. Taylor will receive a $1,100 scholarship for his college costs. As a National Finalist, he will compete against approximately 97 other students for one of nine $20,000 Samsung American Legion Scholarships. Taylor’s college goals are to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Biology or Pharmacology. Once he gains some field experience he plans to work on obtaining a Master’s degree in Biology. We wish Taylor the best in his endeavors and good luck as he competes for this prestigious National Scholarship.

REQUEST FROM PAST COMMANDERS CLUB The Past Commanders Club is looking for a Legion Post anywhere in the state to host our annual meeting and dinner for 2015 (or any year thereafter). The annual meeting and dinner are held on the first Saturday in November. The meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. with the dinner at 5:00 p.m. Suggested menus are determined by the host post subject to approval by the PCC Board. If your Post is interested in submitting a bid or if you have any questions, please contact Ronald Kaun, Adjutant 7901 S. Scepter Dr. Unit #4 Franklin, WI 53132-2244 e-mail or (414) 525-1025 All must be submitted in writing no later than October 25, 2013.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2013



Farmer’s Insurance and Waukesha Body Shop Walworth County Legion to Donating Car to OEF/OIF Veteran Display Veteran’s Memoribilia Working with American Legion to Identify Deserving Veteran in SE WI Working in conjunction with the Department of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation, Marshall Auto Body of Waukesha is gearing up to donate a 2004 Buick Rendezvous to an OEF/OIF veteran living in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington or Waukesha County of Southeastern Wisconsin. Farmers Insurance has donated the vehicle and is seeking assistance to find a worthy recipient for the Rendezvous. The goal is to help a veteran in our local community because reliable transportation is important and can provide a family with a new lease on life The American Legion will qualify a deserving OEF/OIF veteran or family living in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington or Waukesha County

of Southeastern Wisconsin for this vehicle. An application is required and must be submitted to be considered to receive this vehicle. Applications can be found by visiting the Department website at http://, by contacting Department Adjutant David Kurtz at (608) 745-1090 or Any OEF/OIF veterans and their families living in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington or Waukesha County of Southeastern Wisconsin can apply beginning August 26, 2013. The application deadline is October 11, 2013. The target delivery date of the Rendezvous is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, 2013. Marshall Auto Body is located

in Waukesha and is an industry leading collision repair company serving car owners and their insurance providers by managing the time, quality and cost of auto body collision repair since 1978!


Wisconsin T-Shirt

Stocking Cap Red or Black

Wisconsin Pin

WI Honor Guard Patch

Badger Cap Patch



Old Badger Polo (Blk)

Old Badger T-Shirt (Blk)

ITEM PRICE QTY WI Honor Guard Patches $5.00 Wisconsin Pins $5 or 3/$10 New Badger Cap Patch $5.00 EMBROIDERED ITEMS SM MD LG XL 2X New Badger Polo ~ S-L $20.00 New Badger Polo ~ XL $22.00 New Badger Polo ~ 2X-3X $24.00 Old Badger Polo ~ S-L $20.00 Old Badger Polo ~ XL $22.00 Old Badger Polo ~ 2X-3X $24.00 Old Badger T-Shirt ~ S-XL $10.00 Old Badger T-Shirt ~ 2X-4X $14.00 Stocking Cap (W/New Badger) $12.00 Stocking Cap (W/Old Badger) $12.00 Fleece Jacket-Women’s~S-XL $35.00 Fleece Jacket-Women’s~2-4X $38.00 Fleece Jacket-Men’s ~ S-XL $35.00 Fleece Jacket-Men’s ~ 2-4X $38.00 Unisex Sweatshirts ~ M-XL $30.00 Unisex Sweatshirts ~ 2X & 3X $35.00 Wisconsin T-Shirt ~ Youth S/M $10.00 Wisconsin T-Shirt ~ M-XL $13.00 Wisconsin T-Shirt ~ 2X-3X $15.00

Send To: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Credit Card Type: Card Number: Exp. Date/Security Code: Personalization Line 1: Personalization Line 2:

Merchandise Total Personalization Shipping/Handling Shipping/Add. Item Total Due

played in the “Webster House”, the former home of famous 1800’s Civil War era composer, Joseph Philbrick Webster. Webster was best known for the Civil War song “Lorena” and the popular hymn “The Sweet By and By.” The facility is filled with pieces that belonged to Webster and his family. The Music Room showcases Webster’s brilliant composition, as well as his beloved rosewood piano and many more priceless period instruments. The new Veteran’s Room features many rare items dating back to the Civil War era. Persons with questions or items to be donated can contact Walworth County Commander Bob Miller at (262) 279-6429 or Legionnaire Bob Webster at (262) 275-6587. Items accepted will be stored pending completion of the display area. Obviously some items (such as uniforms) are so common that there is a limit as to which can be accepted for display. Pictures, letters, firearms, medals, flags, maps, captured items and citations are among the most welcomed. Those items that can be identified and tied to past or present Walworth County residents are most preferred. Official opening date for the display has not been determined but the hope is to be open and available for viewing by Veteran’s Day on Monday, November 11, 2013.

New Badger Polo (Red)



The Walworth County Legion is seeking military memorabilia from World War I through the current wars to display in Elkhorn. The Walworth County Historical Society purchased a facility two years ago and is now making space available for a military display. A new Veteran’s Room with approximately 600 square feet of space will contain items of memorabilia from World War I to date. For years the Society has displayed items dating back to the Civil War. Civil War items will continue to be featured. The Walworth County Council of American Legion Posts has volunteered to assist in setting up the expanded display. Bob Miller of Lake Geneva Post No. 24, Commander of the Walworth County Council, stated that over the years many veterans and their families have approached their local Legion post offering military items they wished to donate to be displayed and preserved. Until now there has been no ideal location to do this. After much searching and with the cooperation of Walworth County Administrator David Bretl and the Walworth County Board, the Historical Society made the space available for this purpose. The Legion has embraced the project and will be actively involved. The military items will be dis-


$3 $6 $1

Send Order Form & Payment to: Wisconsin American Legion P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

WIN FREE LEGIONWEAR FASHION APPAREL! Legionnaires across the state can receive the latest Legion news and win free Legionwear simply by using the Online Subscription Sign-up for the Badger Legionnaire. Simply go to our website at: www.wilegion. org. On the home page under ‘Department News’ click ‘Get Your Legion News Online’. Fill out the online subscription form and you will receive e-mail alerts, Adjutant’s Notes, messages from the Department Commander, and, of course the Badger Legionnaire at your email address. Each month, two e-subscrip-

tion members will be randomly drawn to receive free items of Legionwear fashion apparel. Making the switch to the e-subscription service will also help the Department to save printing and postage costs! Money saved will help strengthen our muchneeded Veteran’s and youth programs. Be a Winner! Go on-line and visit: Click ‘Get Your Legion News Online’ under ‘Department News’. Enjoy the latest Legion news, save money and show your pride by wearing some new Legionwear fashion apparel!



The Last Bugle

1 Germantown Anthony J Pietrangelo Sr II Cecil E Crice V 3 Antigo Daniel Kosinski II 4 Athens Lawrence Hiebl K 10 Wausau Richard Dudley II Robert Wichman V Alvin DeBauche II Armand Vanderheiden II 20 Waterford Walter H Gasser K 27 Milwaukee Richard W Kenyon II 36 West Bend Clifford A Hale K William G Oelhafen II Robert M Vogt K 38 Appleton Mary E Ohm II Kenneth B Haen V Marvin F Braeger II Russell Beck II 39 Marinete Robert W Combes II 41 Kaukauna Harold D Glinski II 46 Merrill Sterling O Newby II 47 Portage Merwyn E Jenkins V Jerry F Raught II 48 Beloit Robert Scoviak K 51 West Salem Dale M Peterson K 53 Eau Claire Frederick R Steffen II John H Smith II 54 Marshfield Douglas T O’Donnell II 62 Columbus Fredric W Shepard V 66 Athelstane-Silverclifff Adrian H Wiegers K Wymar Boettcher K 70 Oshkosh Robert E Stauffer II 77 Chippewa Falls Francis Schemenauer K Gerlad A Kendzior Sr K 79 Burlington Tom C McDowell V 80 New Richmond Herbert Rebhan K 82 Port Washington Paul Galles II 83 Sheboygan Frederick W Kuehlmann K 84 Monroe Jack Hauser K Antone Grawehr 88 Manitowoc Harold Kamke K Vernon Jorgensen II 91 Oconomowoc Philip Braatz K Frederick Wirts II James Yuen K 93 Tomahawk Willard F Hupfer II

01/12/13 01/01/13 07/25/13 04/25/13 08/27/13 11/08/12 08/31/13 04/15/13 08/28/13 09/01/13 05/26/13 04/07/13 01/31/13 08/07/13 08/10/13 08/13/13 09/04/13 08/28/13 07/25/13 08/09/13 07/13/13 08/21/13 08/01/13 07/22/13 05/18/13 08/13/13 07/23/13 09/07/13 07/10/13 08/13/13 08/06/13 08/27/13 08/27/13 08/26/13 08/08/13 08/27/13 07/28/13 08/02/13 08/10/13 06/17/13 08/08/13 07/15/13 07/31/13 07/11/13 08/11/13

94 Crandon Douglas Kincaid Sr 95 Delavan William R Thorne 103 Galesville Robert C Longwell 106 Seymour Robert W Wilken 111 Somerset Harold A Baillargeon 120 West Allis Robert W Price Robert J Williams 121 River Falls Ralph Ducklow 125 Chilton James Kleinhans 133 Camp Douglas Robert J Whereatt 138 Viroqua LeMont H Pederson Howard A Olson 143 St Croix Falls Glenn Akenson 146 Beaver Dam Harold A Hoch Elwood J Garvin Paul A Jung 148 Bloomington Oscar Wegman 158 Maiden Rock Robert A Linse 165 Two Rivers Jerome G Nelson Frank Vogel Don Belz 169 Amery Walter Anderson 170 Mineral Point Winford C Moseley 174 Hawkins Walter Kubicz 175 Loyal Donald Jakobi 180 Milwaukee Raymond J Doberstein 183 Genoa City John Habrel 185 Grantsburg Rodney Hanson 188 East Troy Elmer H Recknagel 189 Watertown Arnold C Grosenick 202 Chaseburg Myland Stafslien 205 Janesville Jack Rittenhouse John J Dooley 206 Wonewoc Mary E Handy 209 Orfordville Douglas E Ames George E Stewart 210 Waupun David A Lyon Clayton W Solbert 224 Alma John F Miller Gene Becker Bergie A Ritscher 225 Shell Lake Harry L Langland 233 Waterloo Robert Duckert Benno Abel 243 Plymouth William Phelan 246 Genoa Giuseppi P Fanello 251 Argyle Kenneth Denure Donald Rossing 258 Little Chute Richard W Tousey 262 Luxemburg James V Tlachac 263 New London Raymond H Hughson








08/12/13 08/13/13 02/04/13 07/11/13 03/09/13






07/23/13 08/14/13




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06/28/13 08/22/13 09/03/13 08/10/13 07/30/13 08/16/13 08/27/13




08/05/13 08/20/13




09/06/13 07/27/13

Rosemary Zuege 267 New Auburn Russ Jones 280 Coleman Loddie C Koutsky 284 Holmen Kenneth A Thompson Harry Bourdo Gordon Vandunk 293 Silver Lake William R Jones 295 Bloomer M Peter McMillan Curtis Leavens 306 Green Lake Joseph Drexler Robert L Henning 310 Racine Richard E Swenson 319 Casco Gary H Gilson 324 Osseo Herbert Brasda 326 Boyd Leo Plass 332 Black Creek Roger R Heidke 337 Pulaski Frank Schroeder 339 Almond John G Fritz Jr Donald B Bartkowiak 340 Berlin Doris Deering 355 Grafton Gerald Herbst 359 Gilman Lawrence Krak Lorum E Morris 365 Plum City Earl Inabnit Jerry Waldvogel Eugene Kannel Merle Setterlund 367 Milton Terry Hawkins 377 Elcho Ervin C Bessa 385 Verona Ronald Norder 399 Okauchee Jack Follmann 401 Cambria Bruce B Witthun 410 Fredonia Roman Schommer 413 Crivitz Charles R Wyman 414 Bowler Delmar Schenk Harold E Rekow Royal Kielman Lee W Krueger 415 Milwaukee John Vollbrecht Leon Tischer 427 Milwaukee John H Damman Francis J Schuster George Georgoulis James J Kohlmann Norman Norris Cy Mescher 432 Hammond Emmett O’Connell 433 Barneveld Joe Wood 437 Mazomanie Frank C Schlough 438 Norwalk Norman Neumann 439 Melrose Aubrey E Casto 440 Clinton Donald L Jensen Howard Palmer 448 Milwaukee Helen Juszczak








07/31/13 08/15/12 05/28/13




01/01/13 08/31/13


03/22/12 08/22/13











SEPTEMBER 19, 2013

449 Brookfield Herman J Peters II William J Gordon V Carl C Ziefle II Joseph A Scheinkoenig V Charles E Nelson II Mary E Riehle II 457 Mequon Edward W Herbst II 464 Land O Lakes Walter E Hausaman II 476 Loomis Albert W Wilke K 480 Presque Isle Don Jenkinson K 482 Bagley Lawrence E Tyler II 484 Glenbeulah Melvin G Christel II 485 Rudolph Dennis Molepske V 494 Caledonia Thomas H Mielcarek Sr V Donald A Nelson K

07/14/13 07/25/13 07/10/13 07/26/13 02/24/13 03/10/13 12/17/11 06/24/13 08/28/13 07/31/13 07/29/13 07/27/13 09/08/13



03/18/13 11/02/12




05/12/13 06/20/13 10/30/12














07/01/13 10/22/12 08/30/13



07/29/13 08/08/13

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Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin


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04/30/13 06/19/13

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David Kurtz, Po Box 388, Portage, WI 53901-0388


06/05/13 06/30/13 06/05/13 04/07/13













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SEPTEMBER 19, 2013



GRAND PRIZE WINNER! Exciting New Membership Incentives for 2013-14 Commander Rynes wants you to “Get One� and win $1,000

Tom Strey of Oconomowoc Post No. 91 was the Grand Prize winner of the Convention Sweepstakes. Watch your mailbox for the 2014 Midwinter Sweepstakes and your chance to win! Our programs which assist veterans in Wisconsin are dependent on your donations. Your donation will support our Rehabilitation Fund which provides funding for Camp American Legion, the State Service Office and our hospital programs. Grand prize is your choice of $20,000 cash or a 2014 Ford Focus from Boucher Automotive Group.

Simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2011) and your name will be entered in a drawing to win $1,000 at the 2014 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times you can qualify – you get one chance for every new member you recruit. You’ll also qualify for a traditional “I Got 1� pin. This year the new “I Got 1� pins are larger and more visible than ever before. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! National Commander Dan Dellinger is raising the ante and offering any Legion family member who recruits 5 new members a special Building for Tomorrow Today Pin. A new member is de-

fined as any eligible person joining for the 2014 membership year who was not a member of The American Legion during the 2013 membership year. Commander Ken Rynes is offering the opportunity to join the elite “Badger Big Ten� team. Sign up ten (10) new members and be a part of this exclusive group of Legionnaires. You’ll receive a pin and a patch to wear with pride. For any Legion family member who obtains 15 new members for 2014, National Commander Dan Dellinger will award his National Commander Coin. To maintain the integrity of the National Commander’s pin and coin incentive programs, only one of each will be awarded per individual. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment

with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. ATTENTION: Post Commanders - Win a custom American Legion Jacket and Baseball cap! Reach 100% of your 2014 membership goal by Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th and you’ll qualify for a drawing to determine the winner. A customized jacket with the winner’s name and post along with a baseball cap featuring branch of service will be awarded. If you have any questions you can contact Chris at chris@ or Steve at steve@ You may also call headquarters at (608) 745-1090.

70th Anniversary The Biggest Celebration Ever!


Two Departures: June 6 & Aug. 19, 2014

Vi Ranney, Tour Manager, 605-665-3596

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Vietnam Departs March 25, 2014

Vietnam has changed so drastically in the last 30 years. Stay in beautiful KRWHOV DQG GLQH RQ JUHDW FXLVLQH YLVLW EDWWOHĂ€ HOG VLWHV DQG PLOLWDU\ EDVHV the Cu Chi tunnels, the Mekong Delta, Former DMZ, famous cities like Saigon, Hanoi, DaNang, Hoi An, Hue, Quang Tri and so much more. Get a group together from your VFW or American Legion Post. Everyone welcome on this tour.

For a brochure call toll free: 888-414-4177

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Commander Rynes briefed the Wisconsin National Guard Senior Leadership Conference at Volk Field on September 6th.

Let a retired active duty veteran you can trust show you how you may benefit from a Reverse Mortgage.

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The Governor joined a contingent of American Legion Riders during the 110th Harley-Davidson Anniversary August 28th.

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